--- {'layout': 'default', 'title': 'Ideas!', 'tagline': 'Projects you could possibly work on.'} --- # Overview TimVideos.us is a group of exciting projects which together create a system for doing both recording and live event streaming for conferences, meetings, user groups and other presentations. Whether you want to work hands-on with hardware or code in a variety of languages, we have a project for you. Join the team! Check out the [Getting Started!](/Home.html) page. Students should also read the [[Summer Of Code]] page. The following information and flow diagram should help you explore current TimVideos projects and learn how to start contributing. [Edit Image](https://docs.google.com/a/mithis.com/drawings/d/1zYlT69xQqbAjzuJgKj-UhO1vRF5JNLpic8xmPrfNtXM/edit) Getting Started Flow Diagram
# Ideas List * This ideas list is dynamically generated from the [Ideas tracker](https://github.com/timvideos/getting-started/issues?state=open). You can view, filter, and comment on ideas there. * Feel free to suggest your own ideas! New ideas should be added using the [Markdown Ideas Template](/Ideas.html#Markdown_Ideas_Template). * There are many bugs within individual components which are not yet listed as potential starter projects. Check out the bug trackers!

Loading ideas from GitHub ideas tracker...
# Markdown Ideas Template There is the Markdown required to make a new ideas. FIXME: Add a "create" link to automatically create a new idea prefilled with the following template. {% raw %} #### Title ~~~ markdown [{{reference.repo}} #{{reference.number}}] {{title}} ~~~ #### Labels *
(fluro green)
Language *
(fluro light blue)
Project *
(dark yellow)
Type *
(dark blue)
Difficulty #### Description ~~~ markdown More technical details at [Link to bug in the ](http://github.com/timvideos/{{reference.repo}}/issues/{{reference.number}}) # Brief explanation A short description of what the thing you want to do. ## Expected results # Detailed Explanation A much longer description of what the thing you want to do. ## Further reading * [Link to a PDF document](http://abc/abc.pdf) * [Link to a some HTML page](http://abc/abc.html) # Knowledge Prerequisites * # Contacts * **Potential Mentors:** @{{github mentor username}} * **Mailing list:** [timvideos@groups.google.com](http://https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/timvideos/) ~~~ {% endraw %}
* [Tasks in the gst-switch project](https://github.com/timvideos/getting-started/issues?labels=Project+-+gst-switch&page=1&state=open). * [Tasks in the gst-switch project dealing with **speaker tracking**]().
[(Code)](http://github.com/timvideos/streaming-system) | [(IRC Channel)](irc://irc.freenode.org/#timvideos) | [(Bug Tracker)](http://github.com/timvideos/streaming-system/issues) * [Tasks in the **Streaming System Website** project](https://github.com/timvideos/getting-started/issues?labels=Project+-+Streaming+System+%28Website%29&page=1&state=open) Streaming-system is a comprehensive video conferencing package that allows users to set up and deploy a live streaming system. It includes a website, setup scripts and watchdog code. #### The streaming system including a django-based website, shell script setup scripts and Python watchdog code.
HDMI2USB is a core hardware project in the Tim Videos suite. There are two types of projects to work on with the HDMI2USB system; * Firmware Projects - As the device uses a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA, developing much of the hardware is actually a process of developing software!
[More information on current HDMI2USB firmware](https://github.com/timvideos/HDMI2USB/wiki/Firmware). * Extension Boards - The Digilent ATLYS can be extended via the [VHDCI connector](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very-high-density_cable_interconnect).
[More information on existing HDMI2USB extension boards](https://github.com/timvideos/HDMI2USB/wiki/Getting-Started-with-an-Atlys-Board)

!!! All hardware projects will require you to have a Digilent ATLYS prototype board !!!

If you can show that you are committed to developing hardware (such as being accepted into a program like Google Summer of Code), **you can apply for a grant to have a board provided to you for development.**
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