var L = require('leaflet') var chroma = require('chroma-js') var _ = require('lodash/object') L.choropleth = module.exports = function (geojson, opts) { opts = opts || {} // Set default options in case any weren't passed _.defaults(opts, { valueProperty: 'value', scale: ['white', 'red'], steps: 5, mode: 'q' }) // Save what the user passed as the style property for later use (since we're overriding it) var userStyle = // Calculate limits var values = typeof opts.valueProperty === 'function' ? opts.valueProperty : function (item) { return[opts.valueProperty] }) var limits = chroma.limits(values, opts.mode, opts.steps - 1) // Create color buckets var colors = (opts.colors && opts.colors.length === limits.length ? opts.colors : chroma.scale(opts.scale).colors(limits.length)) return L.geoJson(geojson, _.extend(opts, { limits: limits, colors: colors, style: function (feature) { var style = {} var featureValue if (typeof opts.valueProperty === 'function') { featureValue = opts.valueProperty(feature) } else { featureValue =[opts.valueProperty] } if (!isNaN(featureValue)) { // Find the bucket/step/limit that this value is less than and give it that color for (var i = 0; i < limits.length; i++) { if (featureValue <= limits[i]) { style.fillColor = colors[i] break } } } // Return this style, but include the user-defined style if it was passed switch (typeof userStyle) { case 'function': return _.defaults(style, userStyle(feature)) case 'object': return _.defaults(style, userStyle) default: return style } } })) }