#!/bin/busybox ash . /etc/init.d/tc-functions useBusybox VERSION="Version 0.3 Nov 25, 2024" # ***** # Environmental variable PROVIDESUPDATE can override MMIN. # Add export PROVIDESUPDATE=+N to .profile file. # log out, log in. # N must be an integer. # Set to -0 to block updates. # Set to +0 for frequent updates. # Set to +N where N is the update interval in minutes. # Ex. PROVIDESUPDATE=+1440 for 24 hours. MMINoverride="$PROVIDESUPDATE" # Overide busybox awk with GNU awk. [ -e /usr/local/bin/awk ] && alias awk='/usr/local/bin/awk' TCEDIR="/etc/sysconfig/tcedir" DB="provides.db" LIST="$TCEDIR"/"$DB" # Search for exact match. 0=No 1=Yes. Exact=0 # Run zsync on provides.db file. 0=No 1=Yes. NZ=1 # Maximum age of provides.db in minutes before checking for update. MMIN=+15 # This will contain the search term. TARGET="" # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Checks first char is + or -. # Checks remaining chars are digits. IsSignedInteger() { local __NUM=$1 # Must be at least 2 chars long. + or - followed by a digit. [ ${#__NUM} -lt 2 ] && echo "" && return # Test to make sure first char is a + or -. [ ${__NUM:0:1} != "-" ] && [ ${__NUM:0:1} != "+" ] && echo "" && return # We know the first char. So deleting all digits should leave that char. [ ${__NUM//[0-9]/} != "-" ] && [ ${__NUM//[0-9]/} != "+" ] && echo "" && return # Valid signed integer. echo "$__NUM" } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Parse search term to escape troublesome chars. SanitizeTarget() { # Remove all backslashes. TARGET="${TARGET//\\}" # Add \ to any of the found chars. for Char in '/' '+' '$' '[' ']' '(' ')' '^' do TARGET="${TARGET//$Char/\\$Char}" done } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Remove command line switch __SW from TARGET. StripTarget() { local __SW=$1 # Strip out __SW parameter if present. # Mingled with other switches (leading and trailing spaces). TARGET="${TARGET// $__SW / }" # From beginning of parameters (trailing space only). TARGET="${TARGET#$__SW }" # From end of parameters (leading space only). TARGET="${TARGET% $__SW}" # No search term specified (no leading or trailing spacea). [ "$TARGET" == "$__SW" ] && TARGET="" } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------- # UpdateProvidesDB() { # Check if MMINoverride is set and a signed integer. MMINoverride=$(IsSignedInteger $MMINoverride) # If it's valid, set MMIN. [ -n "$MMINoverride" ] && MMIN="$MMINoverride" # Check if the provides.db is old enough to warrant a zsync. [ -f "$LIST" ] && [ -z "$(find $LIST -mmin $MMIN)" ] && return 0 # No point in going further if no network connectivity. /bin/ping -A -W 1 -c 2 2>&1 > /dev/null || return getMirror cd "$TCEDIR" if zsync -i "$LIST" -q "$MIRROR"/"$DB".zsync then rm -f "$DB".zs-old else if [ ! -f "$LIST" ] then wget -O "$LIST".gz "$MIRROR"/"$DB".gz gunzip "$LIST".gz fi fi chmod g+rw "$DB" touch "$DB" cd - > /dev/null } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Usage() { # Suppress help message if stdout is redirected. [ ! -t 1 ] && exit 1 echo " $VERSION Find extension(s) that provide a filename. Filenames in list being searched include full paths, for example: usr/local/bin/grep Usage: ${0##*/} [ -nz ] FileName -nz Skip updating (zsync) the provides.db file. This speeds up the search, but might miss items if provides.db is outdated. Examples: ${0##*/} cal Finds cal anywhere in FileName ${0##*/} bin/cal Finds bin/cal anywhere in FileName ${0##*/} bin/cal$ Finds FileName that ends in bin/cal ${0##*/} Black Gnome Finds FileName with embedded spaces Searches are case sensitive. The $ sign can only be used at the end of your search term. " exit } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # TARGET=$@ SanitizeTarget # Read parameters. for ARG in $TARGET do case "$ARG" in -h|-help|--help) Usage;; -nz) NZ=0;; *) continue;; esac done # Remove all command line switches from search term. for OPT in "-nz" do StripTarget "$OPT" StripTarget "$OPT" done # Strip any remaining leading and trailing spaces. TARGET="$(echo $TARGET)" # Run zsync on the provides.db file if NZ equals 1. [ $NZ -eq 1 ] && UpdateProvidesDB # Save string length of TARGET. Length=${#TARGET} # Remove trailing \$ (exact match request) if present. TARGET="${TARGET%\\\$}" # If TARGET is shorter, exact match was requested. [ ${#TARGET} -lt $Length ] && Exact=1 # Test if search term is missing. [ -z "$TARGET" ] && Usage if [ $Exact -eq 0 ] then awk 'BEGIN {FS="\n";RS=""} /'"${TARGET}"'/{print $1}' "$LIST" else awk 'BEGIN {FS="\n";RS=""} /'"${TARGET}"'\n/||/'"${TARGET}"'$/{print $1}' "$LIST" fi