# Usage *How to configure the project.*
## API Token *The access token to GitHubs API.*
### Without If no api token is set, you only get `~50 requests / hour`.
### With To run the app with an api-token, first **[Generate A Token]**. Provide the token in the following way: ```shell java \ -Dapi-tokens=your-token \ -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar ``` *You can use a comma-separated list*
*of tokens to increase your rate-limit.*

## Parameters *Command line options you can set.*
### Unrestricted You can allow the building of any GitHub
profile by passing `-Dunrestricted=true` : ```shell java \ -Dunrestricted=true \ -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar ```
### Free Threshold You can set when the app should require
the user to star the GitHub repository. *Pass the number of remaining requests at which the*
*cutoff should kick in, as seen in the following example:* ```shell java \ -Dfree-requests-cutoff=1000 \ -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar ```
### Google Tag Manager You can enable this feature by passing the `gtm-id`. ```shell java \ -Dgtm-id=GTM-XXXXXX \ -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar ```
[Generate A Token]: https://github.com/settings/tokens