7.2.0 / 2024-04-21 ================== * refactor: test utils and simplify the case code (#1136) * Add --proceed flag to git-delete-squashed-branches (#1134) (#1135) * test(browse-ci): add unit tests (#1130) * test(git-browse): add unit tests (#1127) * feat: add reverse option to git-brv (#1123) * fix(utimes): change /dev/stdin to - * fix(utimes): Support filenames with backspaces, etc. (#1122) * chore: add poetry to handle the tests of the git extras (#1121) * Fix typo in ci.yml (#1120) * Fix: harden utimes, use single quotes (#1109) * Fix: patch git-utimes (fixes #1118) (#1119) * add pull request manner (#1113) * maintenance: Add my name as maintainer in AUTHORS (#1117) * test(git-authors): add unit test (#1098) * Add more comprensive dependencies (#1111) * fix: git-standup find error (tj#1106) (#1110) * Improve defaults for testing suite (#1104) * feat: Speed up utimes (#1108) * Overhaul CONTRIBUTING document (#1103) * Bump version to 7.2.0-dev (#1099) 7.1.0 / 2023-10-28 ================== * git-cp: don't stop execution when merge.ff is not set (#1096) * Allow `git cp` to create destination folder automatically (#1091) * fix: Use `-iname` and expressions instead of `-iregex` (#1094) * change installation source from master to main (#1092) * test(git-archive-file): add unit test (#1084) * ci: Use Go v1.20 for running `editorconfig-checker` (#1086) * test(git-alias): add its unit test (#1077) * makefile: Allow bypassing conflict check (#1080) * fix: Restore zsh completions to working completion (#1079) * fix: add missing quote in git-extras-completion.zsh (#1078) * feat: Implement completion for `git coauthor` (#1074) * fix: Move improvements via ShellCheck (#1075) * feat(auto-test): CI with pytest (#1066) * git-feature: add configurable branch separator (#1072) * git-psykorebase: determine branch names with bash pattern substitution (#1073) * git-cp: continue to merge when merge.ff is only (#1070) * git archive-file: change base ARCHIVE_NAME (#1071) * readme: Add secondary location of screencast (#1065) * fix: Improve Bash hygiene (#1056) * feat: Implement `git-get` command (#1045) * Corrected grammar in bin/git-cp (#1061) * Improve `git-ignore` command (#1047) * I have made two improvements to the git-bulk: (#1054) * Type properly `__gitex_command_successful` calls and capitalizate github to GitHub (#1049) * Add typo checker * Fix comment typo in git-authors (#1050) * tweak: Fix typos (#1046) * Makefile: init SYSCONFDIR before using it (#1044) * Makefile: tune MANPREFIX configuration for FreeBSD (#1043) * Makefile: set bash COMPL_DIR to FreeBSD expected defaults (#1042) * Bump version to 7.1.0-dev (#1041) 7.0.0 / 2023-04-20 ================== * git-delete-tag: should not be quoted * Add the current branch git summary (#1034) * chore: Improve Bash variously (#1032) * Change the oneline option to a tebular version in the git summary (#1031) * chore: Remove `X`-style equality comparisons (#1028) * chore: Various Bash improvements (#1029) * fix: No longer pollute env with `GREP_OPTIONS` * tweak editor config (#1027) * revert the completion dir change on MacOS (#1026) * Update gitignore.io urls to Toptal urls (#1025) * Add EditorConfig file (#1022) * Make the bulk output slimmer (#1020) * chore: Fix more Bash inconsistencies (#1021) * Repo status overview (#1017) * Replace egrep with grep -E (#1019) * chore: More Bash improvements and removing deprecations (#1016) * chore: Improve quoting and builtin usage (#1015) * Add summary fields (#1013) * Fix quiet mode of the bulk command (#1014) * git-summary: remove stray \ in grep call (#1010) * Allow to run git-extras within git-bulk (#1008) * Make git-summary accept multiple paths for the --lines argument (#1005) * Makefile: ensure bash is used instead of /bin/sh (#1004) * fix base branch in the pull-request command (#1003) * Update docs for git abort change (#1000) * Bump version to 6.6.0-dev (#997) 6.5.0 / 2022-10-06 ================== * git root: show '.' when using with -r in the root dir (#995) * git standup: work as expected when no configured (#996) * rephrase question depending on switch (#984) * Include revert conflicts in git abort (#992) * fix(git-effort):fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable #979 (#990) * git-sync --force will sync without interaction (#989) * fix(git-cp): keep the history of the files * git-bulk: previous refactor redirected $PWD to stderr by mistake * Fix lazy loading bash_completion from XDG_DATA_DIRS * Minor changes to man/git-standup.md * Replaced -g and -A with -F gpg|authordate * fix(bin/git-browse): fix commit hash * fix(bin/git-browse): fix bitbucket url * feat: open website at file & line number or range * #970 standup added -A flag for author date * update docs due to formatting error in git-utimes man page * update per shellcheck advice * update git-utimes.{1,html} to add --newer flag * Don't read git-extras.standup.implicit-week twice in git standup * quote mod_s and git_s integer vars * updates per request of spacewander * Update Commands.md * allow modification date updates for symbolic links * add --newer flag and ignore files in the working tree or index * Documented config git-extras.standup.implicit-week * Minor change to git standup -w documentation * Improved check if -w or -d was given to git standup * Renamed config git-extras.standup.implicit-week from git-extras.standup-implicit-week * Documented weekend behaviour of git standup -w * docs(instllation): replace `git.io` * Bump version to 6.5.0-dev * Added config git-extras.standup-implicit-week for git standup * Document git standup -w option 6.4.0 / 2022-04-22 ================== * Merge pull request #964 from spacewander/bro * git-browse/browse-ci: use powershell.exe only when it is available * Merge pull request #944 from SimonTate/feature/sem-ver-prefix * Merge pull request #957 from jackwasey/quiet-or-stderr * git-release: Add prefix to semver * Merge pull request #959 from pbnj/feat/git-browse-ci * fix: fix stderr & stdout redirect * Merge pull request #962 from spacewander/gicc * git-ignore-io: make sure .gi_list is created before access * git-ignore: the directory of target file may not exist * fix(git-browse-ci): set pipefail * docs: fix docs * chore: update docs & completions * feat: implement git-browse-ci * quiet option, errors to stderr * Merge pull request #956 from tfendin/xargs-conflicting-args * Removed xargs from git-effort * Merge pull request #955 from katrinleinweber/summary-highlight-path-opt * Highlight path option more * Merge pull request #951 from tfendin/local-commits-all-remotes * Updated manual for git local-commits, must track a branch * Merge pull request #946 from tfendin/default_branch_logic * Made local-commits work with all remotes * Updated Readme.md after review * Merge pull request #949 from tfendin/git-ignore-ensure-newline * Added section about main branch to the Readme file * Merge pull request #947 from tfendin/git-unlock-synopsis-fix * Merge pull request #948 from tfendin/git-ignore-core-excludesFile * Clarified comment of when newline should be added * Updated git-extras manual after review. * git-ignore: ensure new patterns comes after a newline * Fixed bug in git-ignore which ignored config core.excludeFiles * Spell corr in git-unlock synopsis * Consider init.defaultBranch in git_extra_default_branch, changed default branch to main. * Merge pull request #885 from spacewander/add_pkg * doc: add packaging status * Merge pull request #940 from overengineer/feature/magic * Ignored error when git restore --staged fails when there is no commit * Merge branch 'master' into merge/magic * Added git-magic command * Bump version to 6.4.0-dev 6.3.0 / 2021-10-02 ================== * Merge pull request #942 from spacewander/ffgd * git-delete-squashed-branches: fail fast if can't checkout * Merge pull request #939 from SimonTate/feature/force-clear * git-clear: add force option * Merge pull request #936 from tfendin/multiline_synopsis_fix * Merge pull request #937 from tfendin/dedup_email_case_insensitive * Merge pull request #934 from tfendin/no-merge-summary * Adopted git --dedup-by-email to the project coding style * summary --dedup-by-email now compares email adresses case insensitive. * Updated lines under Synopsis in the manuals so they are commonly formatted * Add incompability check for git summary --line --no-merges, split synopsis in its manual. * Merge pull request #935 from ax1036/git-un-lock * fix git (un)lock with spaced filenames * Updated completion for git summary * Updated documentation for git-summary --no-merges * Added option --no-merges to git summary * Merge pull request #932 from spacewander/git-su * git-summary: support filtering `--line` with path * Merge pull request #865 from pkitszel/pkitszel-git-abort * Add git-abort * Merge pull request #928 from duckunix/master * Update point to github docs for forks from API * update working * git-fork | Update man/md/html pages to talk about need of the github personal access token * Updated documentation (AUTHORS) * bin/git-fork | updating for feedback from PR #928 * git-fork | update to match REST-API auth standards as of 2021-06 * Merge pull request #926 from nicokosi/patch-1 * Update install doc: Homebrew is not just for macOS * Merge pull request #924 from allejo/feature/delete-squashed-branches * delete-squashed-branches: Make side-effect clear in docs * delete-squashed-branches: Make branch checkout side effect clear * Add delete-squashed-branches command * Merge pull request #923 from CleanMachine1/patch-1 * Picture is broken * Merge pull request #920 from matan129/patch-1 * Ignore checked-out branches on different worktrees * Merge pull request #917 from heirecka/remove-git-line-summary-man-page * Bump version to 6.3.0-dev * doc: Remove man page for git-line-summary 6.2.0 / 2021-03-26 ================== * Merge pull request #915 from spacewander/typo * Merge pull request #914 from spacewander/xch * Merge pull request #916 from spacewander/utimes * fix(git-utimes): make sure it work under OS X. * chore: fix typo * fix(git-ignore): use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME only when it is defined * Merge pull request #910 from 0xflotus/patch-1 * fixed small error * Merge pull request #908 from nodeg/fix_installation * Fix grammer * Correct macOS spelling * Correct openSUSE spelling and update Version * Merge pull request #907 from bbenzikry/zinit-docs * Update zinit docs * Merge pull request #906 from prestontim/master * Remove bug|refactor|chore from documentation * Merge pull request #899 from spacewander/git-summary * git-summary: reject invalid option * ci: use checkout@v2 * Merge pull request #897 from spacewander/ga * ci: move to GitHub Action * Merge pull request #882 from vt-alt/git-utimes * Merge pull request #896 from Aloxaf/fix_completion * fix: zsh completion of git-coauthor command * Merge pull request #895 from vanpipy/feature/optional-start-point-when-creeate-branch * doc: add the usage of the parameter `--from` for create-branch and feature * feat(feature): checkout from start point if exists * feat(create-branch): add optional --from to set the start point * Merge pull request #894 from alessandro308/merge-into-stashed * Merge-into: add stash before to checkout * Merge pull request #892 from equt/#891 * Merge pull request #888 from equt/master * Merge pull request #889 from vanpipy/feature/delete-tag * [ fix #891 ] Cast branch output if HEAD not exists * [ feat ] Quote the default_path var * [ fix ] Quote env var * [ fix ] Quote the XDG_CACHE_HOME * [ feat ] Use default global ignore file * [ refactor ] Optimize var not existing check * [ fix ] Fix hardcode ignore list file path * [ feat ] Add XDG_CACHE_HOME check * Merge pull request #890 from zhujian0805/master * adding a format for git-contrib * git-utimes: Change files modification time to their last commit date * feat(delete-tag): get default remote from git config if exists * Merge pull request #884 from elonderin/fix-squash-help * squash help: re-ran make for extras and squash * squash help: ran make man/git-extras.{html,1} * squash help: ran make man/git-squash.{html,1} * squash help: corrects option name in PR * Merge remote-tracking branch 'u/master' into HEAD * Merge pull request #886 from TheTechOddBug/master * Fixing summary for --squash-msg option. * Updates git-squash.md: fixes help which was unclear and had remnants from copied template it appears * Bump version to 6.2.0-dev 6.1.0 / 2020-09-26 ================== * Merge pull request #878 from spacewander/default_br * Merge pull request #880 from spacewander/fix_bsd_sed_regex * git-info: fix regex for bsd sed * Merge pull request #879 from spacewander/pass_arg * feat: pass origin argument down to git execution * change: migrate default branch * Merge pull request #872 from yuravg/pr_typo * doc: fix typo * Merge pull request #869 from spacewander/typo * git-back: removed * fix typo * Merge pull request #868 from spacewander/zsh_completion * sort completion in alphabetical order * remove incorrect completion * git-info: add zsh completion * Merge pull request #867 from yuravg/pr2source * doc: fix argument description * git-info: moved argument checking * git-info: fix namespace * doc: update derived git-info files * doc: add description for git-info * Add bash completion for git-info * git-info: colorized headers * git-info: extend configuration and commit information * git-info: remove notes about git-log, git-show * git-info: add info about submodules * git-info: fix indentation, remove comment * Merge pull request #864 from v-y-a-s/pr * Grammar correction * Remove $user * corrections * Update doc * fix config message name * Remove comments * PR test * Merge pull request #860 from soraxas/implement-fish-completions * implement fish completions file * Merge pull request #853 from bethesque/feat/git-browse-with-multiple-remotes * feat(browse): automatically select origin remote if one exists, fallback to first otherwise * Merge pull request #854 from bethesque/fix/git-browse-sed-on-mac * fix(browse): update sed pattern to work on mac * Bump version to 6.1.0-dev 6.0.0 / 2020-06-22 ================== * doc: remove gitter * git-cp: remove trailing space * Merge pull request #849 from vr8hub/undodoc * Merge pull request #850 from vr8hub/newundo * Tighten numeric regex * Cleanup code * Modify to work when only a single commit, add parameter checks * Correct undo documentation to match code order of parameters * Merge pull request #847 from Amorymeltzer/patch-1 * docs: Note flag for git extra --version * Merge pull request #846 from spacewander/note * doc: add a note about the package maintainer. * Merge pull request #844 from ihoro/installation-via-freebsd-pkg * Merge pull request #843 from spacewander/remove_git_feature * break change: remove docs and other stuff of git-feature's alias * Merge pull request #845 from alerque/remove-feature-aliases * Remove scripts that are mere alias wrappers for git-feature * docs: mention installation via FreeBSD pkg * Merge pull request #840 from spacewander/archive-invalid * Merge pull request #841 from sgleizes/bugfix/git-release-zsh-completion * Fix missing newline escapes in git-release zsh completion * git-archive-file: rename invalid chars in the output filename * Merge pull request #837 from jldugger/jldugger/pr-remote-default * Merge pull request #836 from jldugger/jldugger/feature-config * add a default for the remote to fetch a pr from * add a config setting for prefix * Merge pull request #829 from cpradog/master * update zsh completion for bug and refactor commands * updated zsh completion script * updated git-feature documentation * add squash option to git-feature * add squash option to git-feature * Merge pull request #826 from Natim/feature/825/add-git-cp * Simplify the code. * Signal if the destination already exists. * @spacewander review. * Merge pull request #827 from Natim/fix-man-page-for-git-psykorebase * Fix checks. * Update man page export for git-psykorebase with ronn-ng 0.9.0 * @mschneiderwind review. * Add documentation. * Add first version of git-cp * Merge pull request #824 from mapitman/master * Fix documentation for git-browse * Merge pull request #823 from mapitman/master * Implement suggested changes from code review * Add git-browse command * Merge pull request #820 from spacewander/deprecate_git_back * change: deprecate git-back * Merge pull request #817 from bric3/adds-git-brv * Fixes #770: Adds git-brv * Merge pull request #816 from spacewander/git-sed-pathspec * git-sed: limit paths via pathspec * Bump version to 5.2.0-dev. 5.1.0 / 2019-12-21 ================== * git-bulk: support cloning from a relative path * git-standuo: clarify the -a option * git-paste: check pastebinit before running it * git-coauthor: quote variable in the comparison * git-bulk: don't disappoint shellcheck * Merge pull request #812 from spacewander/git-sed-escape * git-sed: escape special characters for tr * Merge pull request #811 from eli-schwartz/portability * build: do not require the nonstandard and unpredictable 'which' utility * add repositories to workspace from source (#804) * Merge pull request #810 from roxchgt/read-not-need-repo * read COMMANDS_WIHOUT_REPO from not_need_git_repo file * Merge pull request #806 from spacewander/retire_make_with_msys * Merge pull request #808 from drasill/master * git-ignore: support non-default .git directory * retire the msysgit installation script * Merge pull request #802 from spacewander/fix-git-bulk-arg-count * git-bulk: line break is need in the SYNOPSIS doc section * fix bug in allowedargcount() to not execute command if wrong args count * Merge pull request #801 from spacewander/fix-delete-submodule * git-delete-submodule: don't remove the history of deleted submodule * Merge pull request #798 from wolviecb/signed_release * Add flags -s and -u for signed tags * Merge pull request #795 from spacewander/git-squash-commit-msg * Merge pull request #793 from spacewander/git-standup-group-by-branch * git-squash: miss completion script change * git-squash: clean up shellcheck warnings * git-squash: add --squash-messages to concat commit messages into one. * git-standup: add option to limit the number of commit * Merge pull request #789 from go2null/delete-empty-gitmodules * git-delete-submodule: comment the DUMMY prefix and ignore the output of grep -v. * git-standup: add separate newline between the output * add PR changes * add --force option to continue on error * improve readability * display git submodule status output before exiting * check git submodule status before declaring success * reorganize flow * delete empty .gitmodules * git-standup: add option '-B' to group the commits by branch * Merge pull request #792 from spacewander/git-summary-cleanup * git-summary: clean up other shellcheck warnings * git-summary: fix incorrect active days when commits range is given * git-summary: remove useless result function. * Merge pull request #790 from spacewander/git-summary-merge-email * git-summary: add --dedup-by-email to remove duplicate users * Merge pull request #788 from spacewander/doc_git_summary_line * git-summary: add missing example of --line option * Merge pull request #787 from rvbuelow/patch-1 * Merge pull request #786 from mbologna/patch-1 * Use GIT_DIR environment variable to to set .git directory * Docs: add OpenSUSE distribution information * Merge pull request #784 from spacewander/git-effort-col-len * git-effort: adjust column limit according to the paths * Merge pull request #708 from pabs3/git-paste * Regenerate docs * Add git-paste for sending patches to pastebin * Merge pull request #778 from pabs3/cleanups * Switch from using /tmp to using mktemp * Switch http URLs to https where possible * Fix typos * Fix an indefinite article in the documentation * Merge pull request #776 from spacewander/update_git_pr_doc * Merge pull request #777 from fengkx/zplugin-install-completion * docs(Installation): :memo: add src in zplugin ice modifier to source the completion file * git-pr: mention the limitation of -m option * Merge pull request #772 from jacobherrington/add-git-coauthor * Add conditional logic for linebreaks * Ensure arguments exist * Add git coauthor command * improve the quality of the integrity check. * Merge pull request #774 from jacobherrington/patch-2 * Bump version to 5.1.0-dev. * Link to the contributing document 5.0.0 / 2019-08-16 ================== * Merge pull request #769 from spacewander/no_line_summary * git-line-summary: should be the history * Merge pull request #768 from bric3/fix-more-character-encoding-issues * git-guilt: protect against encoding issues with LC_ALL=C * Merge pull request #767 from spacewander/rename_branch_order * git-rename-branch: change branch argument order * Merge pull request #765 from spacewander/column_dependency * Makefile: check dependencies before installation. * Installation.md: add dependencies section. * man/Readme.md: we don't need to update git-extras docs separately * Merge pull request #763 from spacewander/strict_check_integrity * check_integrity.sh: check more strickly. * Merge pull request #762 from spacewander/pr_merge * Merge pull request #761 from btmurrell/preference-for-create-branch * implements remote pref for create-branch * git-pr: add -m|--merge option to check out a merge commit * impl for checking remote pref * Merge pull request #754 from spacewander/prompt_passwd_before_2fa * git-fork: prompt for password before 2FA code. * check_integrity.sh: improve readability. * Merge pull request #753 from tiemonl/GH-752_update_reauthor_documentation * GH-752 updated documentation to show rename workaround * Merge pull request #751 from timfeirg/master * git-mv-remote: rename a remote regardless of any existing remotes * Installation instructions added for CRUX (#746) * Merge pull request #723 from bittner/feature/git-undo-soft-leave-changes-staged * Merge pull request #744 from spacewander/git-guilt-identation * git-guilt: avoid exceeding 80 columns. * Bump version to 4.8.0-dev. * Make `git undo -s` restore the staging area 4.7.0 / 2019-02-09 ================== * git-pr: emphasized that the remote is required when pulling multiple PRs. * Merge pull request #743 from spacewander/allow_multiple_pr * git-pr: accepted multiple GitHub URL or ID with remote. * git-pr: added <[remote]:pr number> option. * Merge pull request #740 from spacewander/tweak_man_readme * doc: clarify the current working directory when building the docs. * Merge pull request #739 from sleagon/master * feat: Add -s(--soft) for git sync * Merge pull request #738 from StuartFeldt/add-symlinks-to-bulk-command * Adding support for symlink directories in bulk command * Merge pull request #737 from smancill/standup-ensure-colors * git-standup: ensure color usage * Merge pull request #736 from spacewander/git_force_clone_not_need_git_repo * misc: sort command list in alphabetical order * git-force-clone: should not need git repo * Merge pull request #734 from zentarul/master * Fix missing double quotes after %DEBUG% * install.cmd: tweak comments * Merge pull request #732 from sachin-gupta/sg-mods * Fix: Dev: `/E` option required with MORE for working on higher version of Windows 10 (**_Build 17134_**) * Merge pull request #729 from orestisf1993/patch-1 * git-rename-branch: Don't fail if remote doesn't exist * Bump version to 4.7.0-dev. 4.6.0 / 2018-08-11 ================== * Merge pull request #727 from spacewander/strip_caret * Makefile: change the installed manpage destination in FreeBSD (#725) * git-changelog: should remove ^0 suffix from the commit description. * Merge pull request #722 from spacewander/git_changelog_start_commit * git-changelog: add --start-commit option, like --start-tag but for commit * Merge pull request #721 from spacewander/git_changelog_list_newline * git-changelog: add missing newline to the plain output * Merge pull request #713 from pabs3/docs * Merge pull request #717 from flatcap/ignore-private * optimisation of mkdir * Ensure info dir exists * add: git-ignore -p (private to repo) * Merge pull request #716 from francoism90/patch-1 * Added Arch Linux * Merge pull request #714 from spacewander/fix_detect_sed_i_support * Documentation rebuild: git-sed.* flags argument * Documentation rebuild: git-clear.html whitespace removal * Documentation rebuild: git-extras.* updates * Documentation rebuild: index.txt updates * Documentation rebuild: dates and headers * Remove one of the documentation building tools * Remove some trailing whitespace * Merge pull request #715 from tjaartvdwalt/master * Major/Minor release should reset minor/patch versions to 0 * Fix greedy match of version number * git-sed: fix previous bsd sed workaround * Merge pull request #712 from spacewander/detect_sed_i_support * git-sed: detect sed -i support and work around for the BSD sed * Merge pull request #709 from pabs3/git-sed * git-sed: discover a separator when the / character is used in arguments * git-sed: pass the -r option to the xargs command * git-sed: Allow the flags to be passed as a third argument * Merge pull request #706 from MontakOleg/delete-branch * Fix deleting branches without upstream * Merge pull request #704 from ramlev/master * Remove double path delimiters in zsh description * Merge pull request #703 from psprint/master * Installation.md: Zsh-plugin method which doesn't require root access * Bump version to 4.6.0-dev. 4.5.0 / 2018-02-18 ================== * git-release: show message if nothing given after --semver * doc: update git-extras index * Merge pull request #639 from spacewander/avoid_deleting_local_upstream * Merge pull request #693 from xakraz/fix-mktemp-pattern * git-release: add --no-empty-commit for empty commit hater * git-release: create an empty release commit if there is nothing to commit * git-summary: unescape tab for linux column utility * git-undo: add confirmation when `-h` is specified * Fixed mktemp template to support busybox (and Alpine linux) * Merge pull request #691 from koppor/patch-1 * Remove trailing dot of German Windows * Merge pull request #690 from dominicbarnes/release-push-tags-first * feat(git-release): push tags first to help ci tools not miss them * Merge pull request #687 from spacewander/add_semver * git-release: handle extra non-numeric prefix in tag with --semver * Merge pull request #686 from spacewander/add_semver * git-release: add --semver option * Merge pull request #684 from spacewander/ignore_unknown_arg * git-release: function usage doesn't exist, ignore unknown argument instead * Merge pull request #681 from EdwardBetts/master * Fix so 'git rebase-patch' is described once. * Merge pull request #680 from lhernanz/master * Preserve the existing user_commands in the git completion system * Merge pull request #679 from spacewander/update_git_changelog_doc * Merge pull request #678 from timhwang21/devs/thwang/docs-update * Mention how to control changelog format in docs of git-changelog * Docs> Add -- in front of cmd for git log * Merge pull request #676 from gormac/master * Fix 'Invalid code page' error when resetting code page at end of script * Merge pull request #675 from quite/effort-cursor * git-effort: restore normal (visible) cursor properly * Merge pull request #674 from tj/pull-request-two-factor-auth * Add GitHub two-factor auth support to git-pull-request * Merge pull request #672 from mehandes/patch-1 * Added Nix/NixOS method of installation * Merge pull request #671 from sambostock/improve-ignore-io * Use local variables & format strings * Fix omission when alphabetically printing ignores * Remove arbitrary column limit on ignore-io * Merge pull request #670 from zeeshanu/patch-1 * Fix typo * Merge pull request #668 from isaacm/patch-1 * Fix typos, remove trailing whitespace * install: submit brew patch to upstream * Bump version to 4.5.0-dev. * git-delete-branch: avoid deleting local upstream 4.4.0 / 2017-07-15 ================== * install: display absolute path of zsh completion script * zsh: update completion of git bug|chore|feature|refactor|create-branch * git summary: use more common way to cd to top level directory * Merge pull request #664 from mapitman/master * Update man page for `create-branch` * Update man pages * Update docs for new behavior * Use "$@" instead of $@ * Consolidate feature/bug/chore/refactor logic * Allow -r parameter to be in any order in command line * Add ability to specify a remote * Fix Issue #186 * fix a wrong name in installation message * Merge pull request #662 from nschlimm/master * Added git-bulk to not_need_git_repo * fix various typos * Merge pull request #659 from bersace/mr * Add git-mr to checkout GitLab merge requests * Merge pull request #656 from dueringa/patch-1 * Fix typo in git-extras * Merge pull request #654 from spacewander/replace-xargs-r * git-delete-merged-branches: replace xargs -r option * Bump version to 4.4.0-dev. 4.3.0 / 2017-05-05 ================== * git-authors: remove trailing spaces * Merge pull request #649 from adriaanzon/patch-1 * Merge pull request #651 from spacewander/pass-arguments-to-hooks * git-release: add pre-release failure message * git release: stop if pre-release hook fails * git-release: update docs * pass release arguments to pre/post-release scripts * git-fork: Let curl exit with error code on fail * Merge pull request #647 from SMillerDev/patch-1 * Add BSD cat support * Merge pull request #646 from spacewander/upgrade-git-standup * git-standup: update zsh completion * git-standup: also update the docs * git-standup: add sanity check to -d option and overwrite -w option * git-standup: upgrade interface to catch up with kamranahmedse/git-standup * Merge pull request #642 from nschlimm/git-bulk-command * Typos again * Corrected repository location print out and docs ws-root-directory absolute path * Codereview Spacewander - whitespaces in workspace locations * Merge pull request #643 from jonyamo/git-pr_clean-git-config * Review from spacewander * Remove slashes from git-config command * Merge branch 'master' into git-bulk-command * Merge pull request #636 from spacewander/fix_rename_branch * Merge pull request #641 from tj/fix_pull_request_upstream * git-rename-branch: use detected upstream remote * git-pull-request: use detected upstream remote * Better behaviour in non workspace directories * Current workspace is default target of bulk operations * Even shorter * Code refactor * bug fix in single ws mode * code formatting * Fix in git-bulk head * New Command git-bulk initial commit * Merge pull request #635 from spacewander/fix_rename_branch * fix syntax & name variables better in rename-branch * Merge pull request #633 from nschlimm/columnsflex * taken out duplicate columns setting * Optimized file length calculation * Columns in git-effort adopt to file length * Merge pull request #630 from jjlin/rhel/centos * Add RHEL/CentOS installation * Merge pull request #629 from dankilman/fix-git-effort * Fix git-effort for paths starting with dash * Merge pull request #626 from jldugger/jldugger/email-fallback * fall back to EMAIL when user.email is not configured * Merge pull request #619 from spacewander/git-summary-separator * Merge pull request #624 from spacewander/has_git_commit * Check commit existed before running some commands * Merge pull request #615 from techjacker/master * Adds SSH prompt to git fork * use U+266A instead of comma as separator * Merge pull request #610 from nicolaiskogheim/fix-spelling * spelling: {a,an} archive. Fix #609 * Merge pull request #606 from spacewander/fix-git-extras-update * fix git-extras update and tweak Windows detection * Merge pull request #585 from tardypad/stamp * Merge pull request #578 from tardypad/count_fix_extra_arguments * stamp: show real looking results in Commands.md doc * stamp: add warning in documentation about corner case * stamp: add zsh autocompletion * stamp: remove non used multiple lines error messages * stamp: the message consists in all terms after the identifier * stamp: identifier is case insensitive for the replacement * stamp: add to Commands doc * stamp: add manual * stamp: add bash autocompletion * stamp: add replace option * stamp: display new full message as result * stamp: add extra optional message parameter * stamp: add basic script * Merge pull request #601 from richardfearn/git-sed-spaces-in-filenames * Merge pull request #603 from richardfearn/git-clear-consistent-defaults * Merge pull request #602 from richardfearn/git-delete-merged-branches-fix * git-clear-soft: change default yes/no option to "no" (as with git-clear) * git-delete-merged-branches: use "xargs -r" to prevent error when there are no branches to delete * git-sed: use "git grep -z" and "xargs -0" to cope with spaces in filenames * Merge pull request #600 from richardfearn/git-fresh-branch-fix * Merge pull request #599 from richardfearn/improve-yes-no-prompts * git-fresh-branch: fix handling of 'yes' response when there are changes * git-{clear,clear-soft,sync}: improve yes/no prompts * Merge pull request #598 from richardfearn/fix-git-sed-typo * Merge pull request #597 from richardfearn/commands-md-improvements * git-sed: fix 'unkonwn' typo * Commands.md: add link to 'git summary' in 'git line-summary' documentation * Commands.md: add links to "git bug", etc. to index * Commands.md: add 'git rscp' link to 'git scp' documentation * Commands.md: put commands in alphabetical order * Merge pull request #596 from richardfearn/archive-file-typo-fix * Fix typo in archive-file documentation * Merge pull request #595 from aaguilera/master * fix: git-squash docs. Replaced 'actual' with 'current' * Merge pull request #592 from spacewander/fix_integrity * Add travis ci * Merge pull request #594 from spacewander/fix_release * show all commit messages if no tag found * strip out branches like trap-effort-signals * Add git-reauthor to completion script * Relax #! format check * Merge pull request #591 from nottrobin/force-clone * Be explicit about only resetting git directories * Fix branch option parsing * Fix usage * Use LC_ALL=C for locale consistency * Remove unnecessary check * git-force-clone * Merge pull request #590 from bbbco/changelog-tmp-file-fix * Need to remove the temp file regardless * Merge pull request #589 from yelinaung/yla/typo-fixes * Spelling fixes for the roon file and html files * Spelling fixes * Merge pull request #588 from spacewander/no-email * Add --no-email to git-author * Bump version to 4.3.0-dev. * count: remove usage of extra arguments for detailed display 4.2.0 / 2016-10-08 ================== * remove contributors' email addresses to avoid #544 * promote two maintainers * Merge pull request #584 from grindhold/fix-583 * fixes #583 * update docs to clarify rename-branch (#581) * Make git-pr set up branch for pulling (#570) * add link to ronn git repo (#575) * add rename-branch command (#576) * Merge pull request #569 from nicolaiskogheim/docs/repl-cleanup * git-repl: improve and clean up docs * Merge pull request #568 from wcmonty/master * Add 'exit' to git-repl command documentation * Add built in 'exit' command to git-repl * Merge pull request #567 from nicolaiskogheim/git-pull-request-fix#546 * pull-request: should read local config if present * Merge pull request #566 from nfischer/fix-man-page-typo * git-release: fix typo in documentation * Merge pull request #565 from nicolaiskogheim/git-missing-argument-parsing * git-missing: do proper argument parsing. Fix #562 * Merge pull request #563 from lukechilds/improve-fork * Update git-fork man page * Merge pull request #564 from sorbits/patch-3 * Remove a non-contributor from AUTHORS * Update docs to reflect new git-fork behaviour * Set fork remotes using ssh if available * Add git reauthor (#548) * Merge pull request #555 from spacewander/contributing * modify CONTRIBUTING.md again * Merge pull request #557 from spacewander/check_integrity * Merge pull request #561 from lukechilds/improve-json-encoding * Clean up git-pull-request * Improve JSON encoding * Merge pull request #560 from lukechilds/patch-2 * Merge pull request #559 from lukechilds/patch-1 * Fix incorrect comment in git-fork * Fix typo in Installation.md * Merge pull request #558 from spacewander/fix_legacy_problem * add doc for git-pull-request and others * modify CONTRIBUTING.md * update check_integrity with nicolaiskogheim's patch * add git-release-patch to Commands.md * add git-back to Commands.md * regenerate git-obliterate doc * follow common shebang * add git-show-(un)merged-branches to Commands.md * Add check integrity script * Add contributing guideline * Merge pull request #554 from npcode/fork-origin * fork: Fetch `origin` after forking * fork: Quote refs by backtick rather than single quote * fork: Add git-fork.html removed by accident * Merge pull request #553 from npcode/fork-origin * fork: Describe the behavior if current dir is repo * fork: Rename 'origin' to 'upstream' after forking * Merge pull request #552 from npcode/fork-origin * fork: Fork 'origin' remote repo if repo is not given * Merge pull request #551 from spacewander/zsh-completion * submit zsh completion script to upstream * update the title of git-clear-soft * Merge pull request #550 from phuu/patch-1 * Add note about overwriting git aliases * Merge pull request #547 from svanburen/patch-1 * Fix typo * Merge pull request #545 from spacewander/via_ssh * fix git-fork by removing '.git' * Merge pull request #543 from spacewander/via_ssh * fix the support for forking via ssh * Merge pull request #412 from spacewander/git-obliterate * Merge pull request #536 from spacewander/delete_submodule * Merge pull request #537 from vigilancer/master * update documentation. fix "git ignore-io" flags * Update the way to delete submodule * Merge pull request #533 from Addvilz/add-git-clear-soft-modify-git-clear * Edit description of git clear-soft to indicate hard reset * Add git-clear-soft command Modify git-clear to indicate default behavior of removing git ignored files * Merge pull request #513 from lgastako/master * Merge pull request #525 from spacewander/git-standup * Merge pull request #526 from carrodher/patch-1 * Add Ubuntu installation * add docs for git standup * add git-standup * Merge pull request #519 from ifdattic/patch-1 * Fix typo: typess => types * Merge pull request #515 from ammarnajjar/fedora-install * Add Fedora package-manager installation instruction * Add -m flag to git-setup to set the initial commit message. * Merge pull request #512 from Lee-W/master * Merge pull request #1 from tj/master * Fix ignore-io searching bug * Merge pull request #508 from pra85/patch-1 * Mention initial copyright year and add contributors to copyright * Merge pull request #509 from supercrabtree/master * Fix typo in git-clear documentation * Bump version to 4.2.0-dev. * add missing git-obliterate documentation * now we can specify a commit range for git-obliterate 4.1.0 / 2016-01-25 ================== * Merge pull request #503 from spacewander/fix_502 * Merge pull request #507 from rstacruz/git-pr-manual * Regerenate git-pr.html * Merge pull request #506 from rstacruz/git-pr-manual * Update git PR manual to mention URLs * handle GIT_EDITOR which contains space * use ps -f and awk to emulate pgrep * Merge pull request #500 from kumon/master * add upstream check & bugfix * add example of git-sync * upstream is used by default * Merge pull request #497 from JanSchulz/win_inst2 * add git-sync * Merge pull request #499 from tj/add-bsd-installation * Add BSD installation instructions. * installation.md: Update information about column.exe * install.cmd: add a check for write rights to the install folder * install.cmd: properly escape the ! in the shebang line * Merge pull request #496 from JanSchulz/win_inst * Make the win installer more robust * Merge pull request #494 from apjanke/fix-git-repo-inclusion * Merge pull request #495 from JanSchulz/patch-1 * Update Installation.md * Makefile: fix inverted list of commands that use is_git_repo * Add Gitter badge. * Bump version to 4.1.0-dev. 4.0.0 / 2015-12-28 ================== * Add David Rogers to AUTHORS. * Merge pull request #481 from al-the-x/multi-file-touch * Better USAGE message * Touch multiple files supplied * Use `$@` instead of `$*` re #467 * Update AUTHORS. * Merge pull request #490 from apjanke/etc-under-prefix * installation: put $SYSCONFDIR (/etc) under $PREFIX by default * Merge pull request #489 from apjanke/customize-etcdir * Makefile: allow customizing of SYSCONFDIR (/etc) location * Merge pull request #488 from apjanke/git-clear-shebang * Fix missing shebang in git-clear and missing +x on others * Update all man pages. * Merge pull request #479 from JanSchulz/global_gitignore * Merge pull request #448 from Lee-W/master * Add more info how to set global gitignore * Regenerate git-changelog man pages (.html and .1) for #471. * Merge pull request #471 from JanSchulz/merge-changelog * git-changelog: option to only use merges * Merge pull request #469 from JanSchulz/windows-install * Merge pull request #468 from spacewander/use-real-purplish * Use the default installation path in install.cmd * use real purplish * Merge pull request #466 from anarcat/master * Merge pull request #465 from spacewander/fix-color * add simple sed command * disable color if the output is not printed to tty * replace wildcard '?' to literal '?' * git-scp: use portable terminal escape sequences * Merge pull request #460 from apjanke/summary-defensive-locale * Merge pull request #458 from apjanke/makefile-refactor-libs * Merge pull request #459 from apjanke/effort-portable-colors * git-summary: protect against character encoding issues with LC_ALL=C * git-effort: use portable terminal escape sequences * Makefile: refactor is-git-repo inclusion logic * Merge pull request #454 from apjanke/makefile-escape-mktemp * Makefile: escape $ used inside eval as shell variable * Merge pull request #453 from jhnns/pr-url * Add possibility to also checkout pull requests based on GitHub urls * Merge pull request #452 from akimd/summary-locale * summary: beware of locale issues, and pass options to line-summary * Merge pull request #443 from Natim/patch-1 * Merge pull request #444 from spacewander/install_without_alias * Merge pull request #446 from ssssam/fix-active-days * Merge pull request #447 from RichardLitt/patch-1 * Update git-ignore-io mannual * Replace "export" option with "replace" in git-ignore-io * Remove exclamation mark * Remove warning when search without word. * Fix typo * Add warning when there is not argument after search, append and export * Fix ~/.gi_list not exist problem * Alphabetized list * effort, summary: Correctly estimate the number of active days * Merge pull request #445 from nicolaiskogheim/straighten-up-effort * effort: change order of arguments to function * effort: add usage message * effort: More robust argument parsing * add alias conflict prompt * Merge pull request #440 from spacewander/features/feature-alias * Add full name for list option * Fix usage error * Make sure git-authors doesn't return twice the same one. * update git-feature docs * add alias to git-feature * Modify print_last_modified_time to make it Linux compatible * Merge pull request #441 from spacewander/features/remove-checkout * Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Lee-W/git-extras * Fix doc error for git-ignore-io * Fix doc error for git-ignore-io * Remove redundant \n in tr * Not to update list each time git-ignore-io is executed * Refactor git-ignore-io and remove .gitignore * Update manual and description in Commands * remove duplicate checkout * Generate manual using ronn for git-ignore-io * Finish manual for git-ignore-io * Fix typo * Add description to Commands.md for git-ignore-io * Implement search function or git-ignore-io * Remove help from git-ignore-io * Init gitignore and ignore vim osx temp files * Merge gi_extension project into git extras as git-ignore-io * Merge pull request #436 from nwinkler/patch-1 * Merge pull request #437 from nwinkler/patch-2 * Fixed typo in install.sh * Updated documentation for git-ignore * Merge pull request #435 from nwinkler/patch-1 * Added details to git-pr documentation * Merge pull request #433 from grindhold/git-clear * made more precise security-question. * more concise implementation of git-clear * Fix typo in variable name * added git-clear to Commands.md * added manpage for git-clear * implemented git-clear * Merge pull request #432 from stevemao/patch-1 * fix link of `git feature|refactor|bug|chore` * Merge pull request #425 from nicolaiskogheim/makefile-fix * Mark default task as .PHONY * Merge pull request #430 from spacewander/git-extras * make it possible to update via `git extras` * Merge pull request #428 from spacewander/update-commands * Merge pull request #429 from nicolaiskogheim/merge-into-ff-only * merge-into: change --ff option to --ff-only. fix #421 * update Commands.md * Merge pull request #411 from Natim/add-psykorebase-command * Improve man page presentation. * Add documentation. * Merge pull request #426 from spacewander/update-for-new-version * change 'search-term' to 'search-pattern' * abort git-alias when too many arguments given. * Merge pull request #423 from nicolaiskogheim/effort-paths * Merge pull request #424 from nicolaiskogheim/fork-docs * Merge pull request #422 from nicolaiskogheim/effort-bugfix * effort docs: add note about omitting unsorted results * effort docs: add example with directories * effort docs: filename -> path * effort docs: Adjust numbers in example * effort: rename 'file' to 'path' to be more accurate * Set default make task to be install * fork docs: change SSH to HTTPS in example * effort: fix active days always 1 * Merge pull request #419 from nicolaiskogheim/git-guilt * Merge pull request #420 from nicolaiskogheim/git-summary * line-summary: 'function f{...' -> 'f() {...' * line-summary: add missing quotation marks * line-summary: tighten regex * summary docs: Remove --line example * summary docs: explain relation to git-line-summary * summary docs: use correct order of arguments * guilt: remove --help option * guilt: document call without arguments * guilt docs: Capitalize letters * guilt: Adds simplified example * Merge pull request #418 from nicolaiskogheim/fork-bugfix * fork: http-urls had colon instead of slash * Merge pull request #416 from nicolaiskogheim/fork-docs * Merge pull request #415 from nicolaiskogheim/contrib-docs * fork: original->upstream in docs * contrib: update docs * Merge pull request #414 from nicolaiskogheim/alias-docs * alias: docs * Add completion for git-psykorebase. * Create a bash version of git-psykorebase — Fixes #411 * Merge pull request #409 from nicolaiskogheim/refactor-alias * alias: polish the docs * alias: bugfix * Merge pull request #408 from nicolaiskogheim/refactor-contrib * contrib: refactor, and conform to git * Merge pull request #405 from nicolaiskogheim/fix-filenames-with-spaces * Merge pull request #404 from nicolaiskogheim/freebsd-fix * Merge pull request #406 from nicolaiskogheim/portable-msysgit * git-alias: use sed insted of colrm * git-changelog: use cp instead of mv * git-extras: use git-help instead of man * add install script for PortableGit(msysgit) * Quote variables bc of filenames with spaces * Guard against 'seq 0' * Fix error on FreeBSD with process substitution * Pass --import-functions if required * Merge pull request #403 from andreicristianpetcu/master * effort: documentation for git effort --since #326 * Merge pull request #401 from nicolaiskogheim/effort-above-error-on-NaN * effort: error on bad value to --above * Merge pull request #400 from nicolaiskogheim/fix-off-by-one * Merge pull request #391 from nicolaiskogheim/effort-limit-commits * Merge pull request #388 from chernjie/release * Merge pull request #398 from nicolaiskogheim/git-graft * Merge pull request #399 from nicolaiskogheim/git-archive-file * archive-file: cleaner way to get current branch * graft: Require destination branch. Fix #23 * effort: don't count untouched files * Add info about new options to man pages * Add completion for more options to effort * Do proper argument parsing * effort: allow sending options to log. Fix #326 * Merge pull request #396 from tocker/bug/changelog-catch-head * Catch "HEAD -> master" when creating the changelog * Merge pull request #394 from markeissler/changelog-signal-trap * Remove unused var. * Merge pull request #390 from nicolaiskogheim/effort-color-relative-to-above * Handle signals in git-changelog. * Meke coloring respect --above. Fix 74 * Merge pull request #392 from nicolaiskogheim/WIP-effort-parallelize * Avoid spawning subshell * Remove unnecessary call to cat * perf: reduce calls to git log * Parallelize git-effort with xargs * Alter options to git log. Remove pipe * cd man && ./manning-up.sh && git diff --stat | grep ' 2 ' | awk '{print }' | xargs git checkout -- * Merge pull request #386 from rstacruz/patch-2 * Use https for git-fork * Merge pull request #385 from gisphm/master * added windows installation section in the Installation.md * format install.cmd * add install.cmd for installation on windows * Merge pull request #383 from Somasis/master * Makefile: Use a more portable mktemp invocation * Using shorter URL * Merge pull request #381 from spacewander/master * installation with curl and bash * Merge pull request #380 from spacewander/master * keep installation silent * Merge pull request #378 from spacewander/master * update installation in `git-extras update` * Merge pull request #377 from go2null/master * FIXes location of `--` for `grep` * FIXes 'mktemp' to work again on Linux * Merge pull request #373 from zlx/feature/document_line_summary * Document for git-line-summary * Merge pull request #372 from spacewander/patch-1 * install the latest release version of git-extras * Merge pull request #370 from phigoro/master * git-effort: replace "wc | cut" with "wc | awk" * Merge pull request #369 from phigoro/master * align hashbang of git-guilt & git-merge-into * Merge pull request #368 from zlx/feature/strong_line_summary * Fix Fatal for git-line-summary * Merge pull request #365 from rkennedy/bug-ignore-regex2 * Don't treat ignored patterns as regexps 3.0.0 / 2015-04-27 ================== * Merge pull request #363 from chernjie/pre-release-docs * run pre-release ./manning-up.sh * Merge pull request #362 from chernjie/git-scp * Updated documentation for git-scp and slight feature change * Merge pull request #359 from chernjie/docs * Merge pull request #361 from markeissler/better-changelog-fixes * Fix git tag substring extraction for bash 3.2. * Merge pull request #360 from spacewander/master * Merge pull request #355 from markeissler/better-changelog-fixes * Merge branch 'better-changelog-fixes' of github.com:markeissler/git-extras into better-changelog-fixes * add support for git version below 2.2.0 * Fix git-changelog for compatibility for bash<4. Fixes #337, #338 * Merge pull request #1 from spacewander/better-changelog-fixes * correct the broken regex * Rearrange documentation links, see #358 * Merge branch 'https://github.com/tj/git-extras.wiki/master' into docs, see #358 * Merge pull request #357 from imsky/merge-repo * git-merge-repo * git merge-repo * add wiki for git-guilt * add support for git version below 2.2.0 * Fix git-changelog for compatibility for bash<4. Fixes #337, #338 * Merge pull request #349 from spacewander/git-guilt * fix indentation errors in git guilt * Merge pull request #345 from spacewander/git-guilt * Hope to fix #341 * Merge pull request #344 from Somasis/master * use argument separator for usages of `grep` which can choke on weird input * helper/reset-env: helper to prevent GREP_OPTIONS from causing issues * Merge pull request #342 from spacewander/git-guilt * add docs for git guilt * add git-guilt * Merge pull request #340 from spacewander/git-effort * sort unless there is only one item * Merge pull request #333 from paulschreiber/merged-branches * add show-merged-branches and show-unmerged-branches * Merge pull request #334 from paulschreiber/dont-delete-svn-branch * when deleting merged branches, preserve "svn" branch for git-svn Fixed #328 * Merge pull request #324 from chernjie/git-ignore * Merge pull request #331 from markeissler/better-changelog-fixes * Fix tag trapping when HEAD and tag point to same commit. * Fix gitflow commit history output. * Merge pull request #327 from markeissler/better-changelog-completion * Updated bash completions for better-changelog. * Update docs for revised git-changelog. * Merge pull request #325 from markeissler/better-changelog * Complete rewrite to support commit ranges for pretty and list output. * Support ~ in add_patterns for git-ignore * Support ~ in show git-ignore * add wiki for git-merge-into * Merge pull request #323 from spacewander/master * add docs for git-merge-into * add merge-into to merge two branches quickly * Merge pull request #322 from andrewsomething/master * git-fresh-branch: Check for changes and prompt for input before nuking. (Issue: #142) * Merge pull request #308 from spacewander/git-utility * Merge pull request #312 from RichardLitt/feature/concat-extra-feature-names * Merge pull request #320 from cironunes/gh-pages-fix * fix gh-pages to stash and don't delete files * Merge pull request #319 from pfctgeorge/allow-empty-when-setup * Allow empty initial commit when setup repo. * Merge pull request #317 from jykntr/master * git-summary correctly displays project name * git scp #300 * Merge pull request #316 from code42day/changelog-config * changelog: add git-config support for format and log options * Merge pull request #315 from code42day/consistent-editor * use standard git editor in git-authors & git-changelog * Merge pull request #314 from snowyu/feature/custom-commit-message * + custom commit message options supports * Merge pull request #300 from chernjie/git-scp * Merge pull request #313 from wooorm/bug/fix-missing-closing-brace * Fix missing closing curly brance in `bash_completion.sh` * Added in option to concat extra feature names * link to git delta * git delta usage * Merge pull request #310 from imsky/git-delta * git-delta * Add git-authors * Merge pull request #309 from wooorm/feature/add-git-authors * Add git-authors * Updated Commands (markdown) * Updated Commands (markdown) * Updated Commands (markdown) * Updated Commands (markdown) * Updated Commands (markdown) * tj#300 Added bash completion * extra mktemp into git_extra_mktemp * Merge pull request #307 from ckhall/feature/add_git_chore_workflow * adding git-chore * Merge pull request #306 from spacewander/master * add enough X to fix #303. GNU mktemp requires at least three X in the last part of template. * Merge pull request #304 from wooorm/git-ignore-typo * Fix typo in in `git ignore` message * symlink git-rscp to git-scp * Avoid duplicating asterisk. * Updated License. * Fix link to git feature command * path argument can not be optional in `rscp`; add more docs * OMG a spelling mistake\! * Merge pull request #301 from raeffs/master * updated documentation because git-squash does no longer delete source-branch * Updated man page for git-scp * First RFC documentation * Merge pull request #299 from jonanp/git-delete-branch * When deleting a branch check if git has config. * Added a footer. * Merge pull request #298 from timfeirg/master * remove stuff from readme & form a list * add a few keywords * some remaining dashes * roughly finished * Updated Commands (markdown) * Updated Commands (markdown) * Updated Commands (markdown) * gonna use the clean sub command for each command explanation * adding links turn out to be a pain, go to sleep * add commands page link * add commands page, all copy & paste * add screencasts * copy from readme * Updated Install (markdown) * Created Install (markdown) * adapted a more generic, customizable and friendly script * Copy from git-goth https://github.com/chernjie/git-goth * Initial Home page * Merge pull request #296 from spacewander/add-completion * add more bash completion functions * Merge pull request #294 from GuillaumeSeren/feature/git-missing-add-ref-completion * Add ref completion to git-missing. * Merge pull request #293 from tj/revert-291-ignore-man-generated-files * Revert "Ignore *.html and *.1 auto-generated files in man/" * Merge pull request #292 from RasmusWL/make-handle-missing-man * make will not assume man pages already exists * Merge pull request #291 from jguenther/ignore-man-generated-files * Ignore man/git-*.html and man/git-*.1 * Remove auto-generated files man/git-*.html and man/git-*.1 * Merge pull request #226 from tsldh/master * added changelog to release as optional flag * Merge pull request #289 from mavant/feature/mktemp * Use mktemp for temporary file creation. * Merge pull request #288 from dead-horse/release-hook * make release hook more flexible * Merge pull request #287 from benjaminparnell/master * added --no-color to git-delete-merged-branches * More portable she-bangs. * Merge pull request #283 from e28eta/patch-1 * Use process-specific tmp file and clean up on exit * Merge pull request #281 from emilkje/patch-1 * Merge pull request #280 from valeriangalliat/feature/git-info-posix * Update Readme.md * git-info: POSIX compliance * Merge pull request #278 from tj/delete-submodule-fix * Fixes #277 * Merge pull request #276 from spacewander/master * modify the behavior of git-ignore, now it will cd root to find .gitignore 2.2.0 / 2014-11-18 ================== * Update `mktemp` command to work on Mac OS X * Merged pull request #273 from spacewander/master * New command 'git root' to show the path to root of repo * Merged pull request #271 from bohnman/git-rename-tag-fix * Merged pull request #272 from spacewander/master * Correct the format of git-rebase-patch.md. * Replaced visionmedia/git-extras to tj/git-extras * Merged pull request #270 from kevinawoo/hotfix/git-locked * Added git-locked to check what files have been locked. * Merged pull request #268 from GuillaumeSeren/bug/git-missing * Fixed #267, git-missing did not catch branch name. 2.1.0 / 2014-10-13 ================== * Fixes #266 * Merge pull request #264 from jamesmanning/patch-1 * fixed descriptions: match required/optional params * Merge pull request #263 from Yitsushi/bug/180-does-not-check-out-branch-if-it-already-exists * fix #180 and #232 feature|bug|refactor checkout * Merge pull request #262 from rstacruz/gh-259-git-pr * Implement git-pr * Merge pull request #261 from sanusart/master * FIX: representation of git-info * Merge pull request #260 from brandondrew/patch-1 * import changes *from* a branch * Merge pull request #258 from spacewander/master * use mixin to add 'is git repo' check for some commands * Merge pull request #255 from sanusart/master * Bump version in `bin/git-extras` * Changelogs for version 2.0.0 2.0.0 / 2014-09-20 ================== * Merge pull request #254 from spacewander/master * add welcome in git-repl * Merge pull request #253 from tailored-tunes/master * Added option to specify base * Merge pull request #252 from sorbits/patch-1 * Update homebrew URL and remove ‘buggy’ label * Merge pull request #250 from sanusart/master * ADD: git-reset-file * Merge pull request #248 from rstacruz/patch-1 * Readme: document git-delete-merged-branches * Merge pull request #247 from visionmedia/perm_fix * File perms fix. * Merge pull request #242 from sanusart/fix_feature_refactor_bug * Merge pull request #244 from toksea/patch-1 * Merge pull request #243 from sanusart/issue234 * Fix wrong git-info heading level in Readme.md * Revert 2 commits to `git-changelog` * Fix feature|refactor|bug testing argument for string length * Merge pull request #240 from egrim/bug/delete-merged-branches-clobbers-master * Update docs to match `git-delete-merged-branches` behavior * Exempt `master` from deleted branches * Merge pull request #239 from bruno-/refactor_git_squash * Refactor and improve `git squash` * Merge pull request #238 from techjacker/feature/git-fork * add git-fork * Merge pull request #236 from jbnicolai/align-authors-git-summary * Uses column -t to align summary output in a table. * Merge pull request #221 from zlx/feature/git-summary-doc * Merge pull request #224 from StewartJarod/patch-1 * Merge pull request #189 from rhacker/patch-1 * Merge pull request #235 from sanusart/patch-1 * FIX: check if un-pushed commits * Merge pull request #202 from julionc/protecting-files * Update Readme.md with lock and unlock commands * git-unlock Unlock local files in git repository * git-lock Lock files in git repository * Merge pull request #100 from niklasf/rebase-patch * Add git-rebase-patch * Merge pull request #200 from emkay/patch-1 * Merge pull request #195 from carlcasbolt/patch-1 * Merge pull request #181 from zeroDivisible/feature/handle-misspellings * Merge pull request #193 from pzelnip/git-setup-no-overwrite * Merge pull request #183 from chernjie/master * Merge pull request #220 from sanusart/master * Merge pull request #63 from justone/git_missing * Merge pull request #173 from accerqueira/master * Merge pull request #194 from makeusabrew/patch-1 * Merge pull request #216 from stephenmathieson/fix/changelog-large-versions * Merge pull request #188 from twolfson/dev/add.multi.delete.squashed * Merge pull request #219 from jhoffmann/patch-1 * Merge pull request #222 from jsipprell/pull/filenames-containing-spaces * Merge pull request #223 from mwoc/master * Merge pull request #229 from yggdr/master * Merge pull request #231 from petersohn/master * Make git-obliterate work if there are whitespaces in filename * invoke bash via /usr/bin/env for portability * improved Makefile with BINPREFIX * fixed Makefile uninstall target for man files * Letter spacing in author list * Use two-space indents for log entry output, so it again is debian changelog compatible (as before commit 1235e4a5) * git effort: handle filenames containing whitespace cleanly * Add line-summary as an options --line & doc * Add check for no changes in the tree (no sub-modules) * Update Readme.md * Fix changelog formatting for large version numbers * removing `git promote` * Update Readme.md * Fix git-squash typo * Address issue #190, git-setup should test for existing .git in target directory * Add comment for the code * Added multi-delete for git-delete-branch and git-delete-tag Correcting typos Compiled latest documentation Applying changes from delete-tag to delete-branch for consistency Removed unnecessary string quotes (thanks `git` ref design) and everything works Tags are not being found with string concatenation Updated delete-tag to accept multiple tags Corrections for delete-branch Updating docs for delete-tag Added 'Todd Wolfson' to AUTHORS Updated documentation for delete-branch Moved deletions to concatenate strings and delete in one fell swoop Reworking delete-branch to delete multiple branches in series * git-create-branch: bug fix for branch creation use HEAD instead of origin * changed the code for git bug|feature|refactor to only accept single argument when not finishing a bug|feature|refactor. This is an easy solution to avoid misspelings of the word 'finish' * allow options to be passed through to git log * adding git-missing command 1.9.1 / 2014-06-21 ================== * add --no-merges option to changelog * fix git-changelog errors when multiple files match change|history * fix git-changelog errors on first usage * update git-changelog docs for --no-merges option 1.9.0 / 2013-06-18 ================== * git-squash: add --me flag to flatten the current branch * Make repository_age() "history rewrite safe" * add git-line-summary 1.8.0 / 2013-05-15 ================== * add `git-archive-file(1)` * add --tag support to git-changelog(1) to reduce manual editing * add !cmd support to git-repl * change: git-delete-merged-branches: use -D instead of delete-branch 1.7.0 / 2012-06-11 ================== * Added repo age to `git-summary` [muhtasib] 1.6.0 / 2012-06-04 ================== * Added `git-rename-tag` * Added current branch to `git-repl` * Fixed: use dirname for `git extras update` [wilmoore] 1.5.1 / 2012-03-15 ================== * Reverted 1.5.0 changes, breaks git-changelog 1.4.0 / 2012-02-08 ================== * Added: allow files to be passed to `git-effort(1)`. Closes #71 * Added: hide/show cursor for `git-effort(1)` * Changed: color `git-effort(1)` commits / active days independently 1.3.0 / 2012-02-08 ================== * Added active days to `git-effort(1)` output 1.2.0 / 2012-02-08 ================== * Added a greater color range to `git-effort(1)` * Added `--above ` to `git-effort(1)` 1.1.0 / 2012-02-07 ================== * Added `git-effort(1)` (not yet complete) 1.0.0 / 2012-02-04 ================== * Added `git-squash BRANCH [MSG]` to merge as a single commit 0.9.0 / 2012-01-15 ================== * Added bash completion support [jweslley] 0.8.1 / 2011-12-30 ================== * Removed `git-promote` 0.8.0 / 2011-12-08 ================== * Added `pre-release` and `post-release `hooks to git-release * Added `git-promote` * Fixed: "git extra update" errors when pwd includes whitespace 0.7.0 / 2011-08-24 ================== * Added percentages to `git-summary` 0.6.0 / 2011-06-24 ================== * Added `git-back` command for soft undos [Kenneth Reitz] 0.5.1 / 2011-05-20 ================== * revert `git-ignore` but retain argc == 0 as showing .gitignore contents * revert broken `git-release` 0.5.0 / 2011-05-19 ================== * Added `git-alias` [jweslley] * Added `git-create-branch` [jweslley] * Fixed one-liner due to `git extras update` change * Fixed; `git-setup` creates a directory if the provided one does not exist [jweslley] * Fixed; `git-setup` support for directories with spaces [jweslley] * Fixed; `git-ignore` with no args no longer fails if `.gitignore` does not exist [jweslley] 0.4.1 / 2011-04-05 ================== * Changed; `git-graft` now defaults to current branch instead of master [Kenneth Reitz] 0.4.0 / 2011-04-05 ================== * Added `git-refactor` * Added `git-bug` * Added `git-feature` 0.3.0 / 2011-03-29 ================== * Added `git-pull-request` 0.2.0 / 2011-03-27 ================== * Added `git-extras` * Added __LICENSE__ * Removed `git-extras-version`, use `git extras --version` * Removed `git-extras-update`, use `git extras update` * Changed; make sure to get the last chronological tag, instead of relying on the bogus `git tag` sorting. [guillermo] 0.1.0 / 2011-02-10 ================== * Added `gh-pages` command 0.0.7 / 2010-10-31 ================== * Added man pages. * Added `make clean`. * Added `make docs`. * Added -d -> -D. Closes #15. * Added git-delete-submodule for delete submodules easily. * Added; `git-ignore` now shows the contents of _./.git-ignore_ if no args are present. 0.0.6 / 2010-10-22 ================== * Added command `git-touch`. * Use a shallow clone in `git-update-extras`. * Create History.md if git-changelog can't find a target. Fixes #14. 0.0.5 / 2010-10-08 ================== * Added `git-delete-submodule`. * Added; `git-ignore` without pattern shows .gitignore contents. * Added; `git-setup` argument is now optional, defaulting to the CWD. * Added REPL alias "ls" as ls-files. 0.0.4 / 2010-09-10 ================== * Added: `git-delete-branch`: Also delete the remote branch. * Added `git-summary` commitish support. * Added `git-graft` dest branch default of _master_. * Added `git-setup`. * Added `git-graft`. * Added `git-undo` for removing recent commits. * Fixed `git-delete-branch`: Don't fail if the local branch doesn't exist. * Fixed __PREFIX__ to respect env vars. * Fixed shift in `git-count`. 0.0.3 / 2010-08-27 ================== * Added `git-extras-version`. * Added `git-update-extras`. * Fixed `git-contrib` issue when the username is in a commit msg. * Fixed: delete remote tag only if local was deleted. * Fixed: delete remote branch only if local was deleted. * Fixed printing of authors for git-summary's on Ubuntu. * Fixed: read doesn't have the -e option in SH on my machine at least. 0.0.2 / 2010-08-24 ================== * Added `git-summary`. * Added `git-commits-since`. * Added `git-repl`. * Added `git-delete-tag`. * Added `git-delete-branch`. * Added `git-contrib`. * Fixed handling off spaces in contributor's name for `git-contrib`. * Fixed spaces in `git-release` names/numbers. * Fixed readme. 0.0.1 / 2010-08-05 ================== * Docs for `git-ignore`. Closes #3. * Merge branch 'ignore'. * Added `git-ignore`. * Readme typo. * Fixed in docs. * Install docs. * Merge branch 'release'. * Added `git-release`. * Fixed readme. * Readme. * Passing args to git shortlog. * Added --all support to git-count. * Initial commit.