require('plenary.reload').reload_module("nlua") require('plenary.reload').reload_module("snippets") -- TODO: We should check out the UX stuff here. Norcalli made something sweet. -- require'snippets'.set_ux(require'snippets.inserters.vim_input') local snip_plug = require('snippets') local snips = {} snips._global = { ["todo"] = "TODO(tjdevries): ", ["date"] = [[${"%Y-%m-%d")}]], ["rs"] = [[${=RandomString(25)}]], } snips.lua = vim.tbl_deep_extend( "error", require('nlua.snippets').get_lua_snippets(), { -- Custom parsed item, for a plugin I use a lot. get_parsed = [[local parsed = get_parsed($1)]], reload = [[require('plenary.reload').reload_module('$1')$0]], } ) snips.json = { testEntry = [[, {"text": "$1"}]], i = [["$1": "$2"]], e = [[, {"text": "$1: ${=RandomString(25)}", "score": $1}]], } snip_plug.snippets = snips snip_plug.use_suggested_mappings() -- TODO: Investigate this again. require'snippets'.set_ux(require'snippets.inserters.floaty') -- Shortcuts for me to edit the snippet files -- Could possibly use fzf or something for this, but this seemds good for now. vim.cmd [[nnoremap ,se :e ~/.config/nvim/lua/tj/snippets.lua]] vim.cmd [[nnoremap ,sn :e ~/plugins/nlua.nvim/lua/nlua/snippets.lua]] local charset = {} do -- [0-9a-zA-Z] -- for c = 48, 57 do table.insert(charset, string.char(c)) end for c = 65, 90 do table.insert(charset, string.char(c)) end for c = 97, 122 do table.insert(charset, string.char(c)) end table.insert(charset, " ") table.insert(charset, " ") table.insert(charset, " ") table.insert(charset, " ") table.insert(charset, " ") table.insert(charset, " ") end function RandomString(length) if not length or length <= 0 then return '' end math.randomseed(os.clock()^5) return RandomString(length - 1) .. charset[math.random(1, #charset)] end --[[ -- Leftover from stream -- function ExampleForMccannch() -- vim.fn.complete(vim.fn.col('.'), { "hello", "world", "Tj is a nice streamer", "TJ is a helpful streamer" }) -- return '' -- end -- vim.cmd [[inoremap =v:lua.ExampleForMccannch()]] -- vim.cmd [[inoremap =luaeval('require("my.plugin").thing()')]] --]]