Changelog ------------ ##### 2.0.0 * Action creators now receive ONE arguement, `store`. This expands what is possible in an action handler * Renamed `addReducer` to `handleActions` (inspired by redux-actions) The name no longer made sense. Returning a _new_ state from the handler is no longer required. * Added `createActions` (inspired by redux-actions) Allows developer to create actions and have them available directly from the store ```js store.createActions({ startMediaStream: (constraints) => async store => { try { const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints) store.actions.mediaStreamSuccess(stream) } catch (err) { store.actions.mediaStreamError(err) } }, addImage: 'camera/ADD_IMAGE' }) // ...later store.actions.startMediaStream({ audio: true, video: true }) store.actions.addImage(image) ``` If the property of the action creator is a plain string like `addImage: 'camera/ADD_IMAGE'` you can use the name in your reducer. ```js store.handleActions({ [store.actions.addImage]: (state, image) => { } }) ``` * Reserved event types with the prefix `$$store:` `$$store:state:change` is fired after an action handler is called