#!/usr/bin/env bash image=() subject=$(date +%Y%m%d\ %H:%M:%S) sendmail=(sendmail) exe=${0##*/} usage="$exe dst [image...] [--cc=''] [--bcc=''] [--subject='$subject'] [--body=''] [--dry] -- [sendmail-option] # send text/html to one or more residents, with Cc and Bcc $exe bilabila@qq.com --body='Hi bilabila' --subject='Hi bilabila' $exe bilabila@qq.com --body='
Hi bilabila
' $exe 'qq bilabila@qq.com, google bilabila@gmail.com' --cc='163 bilabila@163.com' --bcc='ms bilabila@live.com' # send one or more images $exe bilabila@qq.com a.jpg $exe bilabila@qq.com --body='
' a.jpg b.png c.gif # send with non-default account $exe bilabila@qq.com a.jpg -- -a google $exe bilabila@qq.com a.jpg -- --from=bilabila@qq.com --host=smtp.qq.com --user=bilabila --passwordeval='echo TOKEN' --port 587 --auth --tls $exe bilabila@qq.com a.jpg -- --from=bilabila@163.com --host=smtp.163.com --user=bilabila@163.com --passwordeval='echo TOKEN' --port 25 --auth --tls $exe bilabila@qq.com a.jpg -- --from=bilabila@gmail.com --host=smtp.gmail.com --user=bilabila@gmail.com --passwordeval='echo TOKEN' --port 587 --auth --tls # show what would be sent $exe bilabila@qq.com a.jpg --dry" for ((i = 1; i <= $#; ++i)); do arg=${!i} case $arg in -h | --help) echo "$usage" exit 1 ;; --subject=*) subject=${arg#*=} ;; --body=*) body=${arg#*=} ;; --cc=*) cc=${arg#*=} ;; --bcc=*) bcc=${arg#*=} ;; --dry) dry=y ;; --) sendmail+=("${@:$((i + 1))}") break ;; *) image+=("$arg") ;; esac done dst=${image[0]} image=("${image[@]:1}") sendmail+=(-t) if [[ -z $dst ]]; then echo "$usage" exit 1 fi boundary=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 $body$(for ((i = 0; i < ${#image[@]}; ++i)); do echo \ done) $(for ((i = 0; i < ${#image[@]}; ++i)); do img=${image[$i]} mime=$(file -b -i $img) code=$(base64 "$img") code=$code echo "--$boundary Content-Type: $mime; name=\"$img\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$img\" $code" done) --$boundary-- EOF