# imagePullSecret is configuration to create a k8s Secret that Helm chart's pods # can get credentials from to pull their images. imagePullSecret: create: true automaticReferenceInjection: true registry: username: '' ## <> email: '' ## <> password: '' ## <> hub: service: type: ClusterIP uid: 1000 fsGid: 1000 deploymentStrategy: type: Recreate db: type: sqlite-pvc upgrade: pvc: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storage: 3Gi storageClassName: standard ## singleuser: image: name: jupyter/scipy-notebook tag: latest memory: limit: 5G guarantee: 2.5G defaultUrl: "/lab" storage: type: dynamic dynamic: storageClass: standard ## proxy: service: type: ClusterIP secretToken: "c86a373144e4e8b1341fa5661cdc70f165856ba48eb54028eb844d41f1f2aeb4d4a0cca29b9548d52cb9b4c2fb901aa00537a9d37451a6f77953add34039ca56" ## <>