# Enforce expectation (missing-expect) A test which doesn't make any expectations doesn't really test anything. ## Rule details This rule triggers a warning if no expectations are made. This rule is disabled by default. An array of expect function names may be passed to the configuration of this rule. By default only `expect` is used. ### Default configuration The following patterns are considered warnings: ```js it('should do something', function() {}); ``` The following patterns are not warnings: ```js it('should do something', function() { expect(something).toBeDone(); }); ``` ### AngularJS `$httpBackend` example #### configuration ```yaml rules: missing-expect: - 2 - expect() - $httpBackend.expect() - $httpBackend.expectDELETE() - $httpBackend.expectGET() - $httpBackend.expectJSONP() - $httpBackend.expectHEAD() - $httpBackend.expectPATCH() - $httpBackend.expectPOST() - $httpBackend.expectPUT() ```