from ctypes import windll from PIL import Image, ImageGrab from numpy import array from pycaw.pycaw import AudioUtilities import win32gui, win32ui, win32api, win32process, win32con import pywintypes import time import cv2 from tesseract3 import TesseractPool, AUTOMATIC_PAGE_SEGMENTATION from string import ascii_letters PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT = 2 # Properly capture DirectComposition window contents. Available from Windows 8.1 tesseract = TesseractPool(language="eng", processes=1) def set_low_cpu_priority(): """Set low CPU priority for current process.""" pid = win32api.GetCurrentProcessId() handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, True, pid) win32process.SetPriorityClass(handle, win32process.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) def get_text_from_image(image_gray, whitelist): """Get text from image using Tesseract OCR. :param image_gray: numpy.array of image. :param whitelist: available character in image's text. :return: text from image. """ return tesseract.image_to_string(image_gray, whitelist=whitelist, page_segmentation=AUTOMATIC_PAGE_SEGMENTATION) def is_strings_similar(original, compare, overlap=0.4): """Check if strings are similar. :param original: original string. :param compare: string to compare. :param overlap: overlap parameter. If string's similarity >= overlap then strings are similar. :return: True or False. """ def levenshtein_distance(a, b): """Return the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings.""" if a == b: return 0 if len(a) < len(b): a, b = b, a prev_row = range(len(b) + 1) for i, column1 in enumerate(a): cur_row = [i + 1] for j, column2 in enumerate(b): insertions = prev_row[j + 1] + 1 deletions = cur_row[j] + 1 substitutions = prev_row[j] + (column1 != column2) cur_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions)) prev_row = cur_row return prev_row[-1] distance = levenshtein_distance(original.upper(), compare.upper()) non_similarity = distance / len(original) if len(original) > 0 else 1 return non_similarity <= overlap class GenshinImpact: """Class for working with Genshin Impact.""" GENSHIN_IMPACT_EXE = "GenshinImpact.exe" PAIMON_NAME_COLOR_RANGE = ((235, 185, 0), (255, 205, 10)) PAIMON_DEFAULT_DIALOGUE = (0.4631496915663028, 0.7872131016037641, 0.536658108769003, 0.8286028539255994) PAIMON_NAME = "Paimon" PAIMON_NAME_CHARACTERS = "".join(set(ascii_letters)) def __init__(self, window_name="Genshin Impact", window_class="UnityWndClass"): self.window_name = window_name self.window_class = window_class self.window = None self.screen_locked = False self.last_frame = None self.window_active = False self.position_box = None self._find_window_if_necessary() self.full_width = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(0) self.full_height = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(1) @property def is_full_screen(self): if self.window and self.window_active: return win32gui.GetForegroundWindow() == self.window def _find_window(self, hwnd, wildcard): """Enumerates over windows to find Genshin Impact process and store info about it.""" try: if "Genshin Impact" == win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd) and "UnityWndClass" == win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd): self.window = hwnd _, _, _, _, self.position_box = win32gui.GetWindowPlacement(hwnd) self.width = self.position_box[2] - self.position_box[0] self.height = self.position_box[3] - self.position_box[1] except pywintypes.error: pass def _find_window_if_necessary(self): if not self.window or (not win32gui.GetWindowText(self.window) == self.window_name): win32gui.EnumWindows(self._find_window, None) if win32gui.GetWindowText(self.window) == self.window_name: if not self.window_active: self.window_active = True print("Ready for Paimon!") else: if self.window_active: print("Game was closed.") self.window_active = False self.window = None def _get_window_image(self, width, height): """Gets Genshin Impact window's image. :param width: frame's width. :param height: frame's height. :return: PIL.Image image. """ while self.screen_locked: if self.last_frame: return self.last_frame time.sleep(0.01) self.screen_locked = True hwnd_dc = win32gui.GetWindowDC(self.window) mfc_dc = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(hwnd_dc) save_dc = mfc_dc.CreateCompatibleDC() bit_map = win32ui.CreateBitmap() bit_map.CreateCompatibleBitmap(mfc_dc, width, height) save_dc.SelectObject(bit_map) windll.user32.PrintWindow(self.window, save_dc.GetSafeHdc(), PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT) bmp_info = bit_map.GetInfo() bmp_arr = bit_map.GetBitmapBits(True) win32gui.DeleteObject(bit_map.GetHandle()) save_dc.DeleteDC() mfc_dc.DeleteDC() win32gui.ReleaseDC(self.window, hwnd_dc) self.screen_locked = False img = Image.frombuffer('RGB', (bmp_info['bmWidth'], bmp_info['bmHeight']), bmp_arr, 'raw', 'BGRX', 0, 1) self.last_frame = img return img def _get_all_screen(self): """Gets fullscreen image. :return: PIL.Image image. """ while self.screen_locked: if self.last_frame: return self.last_frame time.sleep(0.01) self.screen_locked = True _, _, _, _, self.position_box = win32gui.GetWindowPlacement(self.window) img = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=self.position_box, all_screens=True) self.screen_locked = False self.last_frame = img return img def _get_frame(self, rect): if self.is_full_screen: frame = self._get_all_screen() box = (rect[0] * frame.width, rect[1] * frame.height, rect[2] * frame.width, rect[3] * frame.height) return frame.crop(box) else: frame = self._get_window_image(self.width, self.height) box = (rect[0] * frame.width, rect[1] * frame.height, rect[2] * frame.width, rect[3] * frame.height) return frame.crop(box) def _get_text_from_rect(self, rect): """Gets text from frame by the rectangle (to support any available resolution). :param rect: rectangle. :return: text from tesseract. """ try: frame = self._get_frame(rect=rect) color_low, color_high = array(self.PAIMON_NAME_COLOR_RANGE[0]), array(self.PAIMON_NAME_COLOR_RANGE[1]) array_image = cv2.inRange(array(frame), color_low, color_high) text = get_text_from_image(image_gray=array_image, whitelist=self.PAIMON_NAME_CHARACTERS) return text except BaseException as err: print(err) return "" def _set_mute(self, mute=False): """Set mute for Genshin Impact process.""" sessions = AudioUtilities.GetAllSessions() for session in sessions: if session.Process and == self.GENSHIN_IMPACT_EXE: volume = session.SimpleAudioVolume volume.SetMute(mute, None) def _is_paimon_speaking(self): """Returns when Paimon's name on the screen of dialogue.""" return is_strings_similar(self._get_text_from_rect(rect=self.PAIMON_DEFAULT_DIALOGUE), self.PAIMON_NAME) def paimon_shut_up(self): """Check for Paimon's dialogue and shut her up.""" paimon_was_here = False try: while True: self._find_window_if_necessary() if not self.window_active: continue is_paimon_speaking = self._is_paimon_speaking() if is_paimon_speaking and not paimon_was_here: paimon_was_here = True print("Paimon, shut up!") self._set_mute(is_paimon_speaking) if not is_paimon_speaking and paimon_was_here: paimon_was_here = False print("Unmuting the game.") self._set_mute(is_paimon_speaking) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._set_mute(False) if __name__ == '__main__': set_low_cpu_priority() print("Waiting for GenshinImpact.exe process") game = GenshinImpact() game.paimon_shut_up()