# Examples of code and session blocks This file (project.md) has some example code and session blocks including a doctest directive example. ## An example with a blank line in the output Note no directive in the output block of a Python code block output block pair. ```python def greeting(name: str) -> str: return 'Hello' + '\n\n' + name print(greeting('World!')) ``` Here is the output it produces. ``` Hello World! ``` ## Interactive Python session requires `` in the expected output Blank lines in the expected output must be replaced with ``. To see the `` navigate to [project.md unrendered][1]. ```py >>> print('Hello\n\nWorld!') Hello World! ``` ## Interactive Python session with doctest directive Here is an interactive Python session showing an expected exception and use of the doctest directive `IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL`. To see the doctest directive navigate to [project.md unrendered][1]. ```py >>> int('def') #doctest:+IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ``` ## Session with `py` as the fenced code block info_string ```py >>> coffee = 5 >>> coding = 5 >>> enjoyment = 10 >>> print(coffee + coding) 10 >>> coffee + coding == enjoyment True ``` [1]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tmarktaylor/phmdoctest/master/project.md