--- swagger: "2.0" info: description: "## TMF API Reference : TMF 641 - Service Ordering Management\n\n##\ \ Release : 18.5 - Dec 2018\n\nThe Service Order API provides a standardized mechanism\ \ for managing Service Order, a type of order which can be used to place an order\ \ between a customer and a service provider or between a service provider and\ \ a partner and vice versa.\n\n### Service Order resource\nA service order will\ \ describe a list of service order items. A service order item references an\ \ action on an existing or future service. By service we designed Customer\ \ Facing Service (CFS) as well as Resource Facing Service (RFS).\nFrom a\ \ component perspective, a service order should be available\n- from a Service\ \ Orchestration Component (and it could mix CFS and RFS)\n- from an Infrastructure\ \ Control & Management component (and it would have only RFS)\n\n### Service Order\ \ API performs the following operations on service order :\n- Retrieval of a service\ \ order or a collection of service orders depending on filter criteria\n- Partial\ \ update of a service order (including updating rules)\n- Creation of a service\ \ order (including default values and creation rules)\n- Deletion of service order\ \ (for administration purposes)\n- Notification of events on Service order\n\n\ Copyright © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved" version: "4.0.0" title: "API ServiceOrdering" host: "localhost:8080" basePath: "/tmf-api" tags: - name: "serviceOrder" - name: "notification listeners (client side)" - name: "events subscription" schemes: - "http" consumes: - "application/json;charset=utf-8" produces: - "application/json;charset=utf-8" paths: /serviceOrder: get: tags: - "serviceOrder" summary: "List or find ServiceOrder objects" description: "This operation list or find ServiceOrder entities" operationId: "listServiceOrder" parameters: - name: "fields" in: "query" description: "Comma-separated properties to be provided in response" required: false type: "string" - name: "offset" in: "query" description: "Requested index for start of resources to be provided in response" required: false type: "integer" - name: "limit" in: "query" description: "Requested number of resources to be provided in response" required: false type: "integer" responses: 200: description: "Success" headers: X-Total-Count: type: "integer" description: "Total number of items matching criteria" X-Result-Count: type: "integer" description: "Actual number of items returned in the response body" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrder" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "ServiceOrder" post: tags: - "serviceOrder" summary: "Creates a ServiceOrder" description: "This operation creates a ServiceOrder entity." operationId: "createServiceOrder" parameters: - in: "body" name: "serviceOrder" description: "The ServiceOrder to be created" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrder_Create" responses: 201: description: "Created" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrder" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "ServiceOrder" /serviceOrder/{id}: get: tags: - "serviceOrder" summary: "Retrieves a ServiceOrder by ID" description: "This operation retrieves a ServiceOrder entity. Attribute selection\ \ is enabled for all first level attributes." operationId: "retrieveServiceOrder" parameters: - name: "id" in: "path" description: "Identifier of the ServiceOrder" required: true type: "string" - name: "fields" in: "query" description: "Comma-separated properties to provide in response" required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "Success" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrder" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "ServiceOrder" delete: tags: - "serviceOrder" summary: "Deletes a ServiceOrder" description: "This operation deletes a ServiceOrder entity." operationId: "deleteServiceOrder" parameters: - name: "id" in: "path" description: "Identifier of the ServiceOrder" required: true type: "string" responses: 204: description: "Deleted" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "ServiceOrder" patch: tags: - "serviceOrder" summary: "Updates partially a ServiceOrder" description: "This operation updates partially a ServiceOrder entity." operationId: "patchServiceOrder" parameters: - name: "id" in: "path" description: "Identifier of the ServiceOrder" required: true type: "string" - in: "body" name: "serviceOrder" description: "The ServiceOrder to be updated" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrder_Update" responses: 200: description: "Updated" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrder" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "ServiceOrder" /hub: post: tags: - "events subscription" summary: "Register a listener" description: "Sets the communication endpoint address the service instance must\ \ use to deliver information about its health state, execution state, failures\ \ and metrics." operationId: "registerListener" parameters: - in: "body" name: "data" description: "Data containing the callback endpoint to deliver the information" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/EventSubscriptionInput" responses: 201: description: "Subscribed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/EventSubscription" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "EventsSubscription" /hub/{id}: delete: tags: - "events subscription" summary: "Unregister a listener" description: "Resets the communication endpoint address the service instance\ \ must use to deliver information about its health state, execution state,\ \ failures and metrics." operationId: "unregisterListener" parameters: - name: "id" in: "path" description: "The id of the registered listener" required: true type: "string" responses: 204: description: "Deleted" 400: description: "Bad request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "EventsSubscription" /listener/serviceOrderCreateNotification: post: tags: - "notification listeners (client side)" summary: "Client listener for entity ServiceOrderCreateNotification" description: "Example of a client listener for receiving the notification ServiceOrderCreateNotification" operationId: "listenToServiceOrderCreateNotification" parameters: - in: "body" name: "data" description: "The event data" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderCreateNotification" responses: 201: description: "Notified" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/EventSubscription" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "NotificationListenersClientSide" /listener/serviceOrderAttributeValueChangeNotification: post: tags: - "notification listeners (client side)" summary: "Client listener for entity ServiceOrderAttributeValueChangeNotification" description: "Example of a client listener for receiving the notification ServiceOrderAttributeValueChangeNotification" operationId: "listenToServiceOrderAttributeValueChangeNotification" parameters: - in: "body" name: "data" description: "The event data" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderAttributeValueChangeNotification" responses: 201: description: "Notified" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/EventSubscription" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "NotificationListenersClientSide" /listener/serviceOrderStateChangeNotification: post: tags: - "notification listeners (client side)" summary: "Client listener for entity ServiceOrderStateChangeNotification" description: "Example of a client listener for receiving the notification ServiceOrderStateChangeNotification" operationId: "listenToServiceOrderStateChangeNotification" parameters: - in: "body" name: "data" description: "The event data" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderStateChangeNotification" responses: 201: description: "Notified" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/EventSubscription" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "NotificationListenersClientSide" /listener/serviceOrderDeleteNotification: post: tags: - "notification listeners (client side)" summary: "Client listener for entity ServiceOrderDeleteNotification" description: "Example of a client listener for receiving the notification ServiceOrderDeleteNotification" operationId: "listenToServiceOrderDeleteNotification" parameters: - in: "body" name: "data" description: "The event data" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderDeleteNotification" responses: 201: description: "Notified" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/EventSubscription" 400: description: "Bad Request" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 401: description: "Unauthorized" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 403: description: "Forbidden" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 404: description: "Not Found" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 405: description: "Method Not allowed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 409: description: "Conflict" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" 500: description: "Internal Server Error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" x-swagger-router-controller: "NotificationListenersClientSide" definitions: Any: {} AppointmentRef: type: "object" required: - "href" - "id" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The identifier of the referred appointment" href: type: "string" description: "The reference of the appointment" description: type: "string" description: "An explanatory text regarding the appointment made with a party" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" '@referredType': type: "string" description: "The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation" description: "Refers an appointment, such as a Customer presentation or internal\ \ meeting or site visit" example: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" description: "description" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" Characteristic: type: "object" required: - "name" - "value" properties: name: type: "string" description: "Name of the characteristic" valueType: type: "string" description: "Data type of the value of the characteristic" value: description: "The value of the characteristic" $ref: "#/definitions/Any" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" description: "Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through\ \ a name/value pair." example: '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} Note: type: "object" properties: author: type: "string" description: "Author of the note" date: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Date of the note" system: type: "string" description: "Describes the system from which the action related to this note\ \ was done" text: type: "string" description: "Text of the note" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" description: "Extra information about a given entity" example: date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" system: "system" '@baseType': "@baseType" author: "author" '@type': "@type" text: "text" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" Place: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Unique identifier of the place" href: type: "string" description: "Unique reference of the place" name: type: "string" description: "A user-friendly name for the place, such as [Paris Store], [London\ \ Store], [Main Home]" role: type: "string" description: "Role of the place, such as: [home delivery], [shop retrieval])" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" description: "Place reference. Place defines the places where the products are\ \ sold or delivered." example: role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" RelatedParty: type: "object" required: - "name" - "role" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Unique identifier of a related party" href: type: "string" description: "Reference of the related party, could be a party reference or\ \ a party role reference" name: type: "string" description: "Name of the related party" role: type: "string" description: "Role of the related party." '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" '@referredType': type: "string" description: "The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation." description: "RelatedParty reference. A related party defines party or party role\ \ linked to a specific entity." example: '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" ResourceRef: type: "object" required: - "href" - "id" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Unique identifier of the supporting resource" href: type: "string" description: "Reference of the supporting resource" name: type: "string" description: "Name of the resource supporting the service" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" '@referredType': type: "string" description: "The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation." example: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" ServiceOrder: type: "object" required: - "orderItem" properties: id: type: "string" description: "ID created on repository side" href: type: "string" description: "Hyperlink to access the order" category: type: "string" description: "Used to categorize the order, useful for the OM system, such\ \ as: Broadband, TVOption" completionDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Effective delivery date amended by the provider" description: type: "string" description: "A free-text description of the service order" expectedCompletionDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Expected delivery date amended by the provider" externalId: type: "string" description: "ID given by the consumer to facilitate searches" notificationContact: type: "string" description: "Contact attached to the order to send back information regarding\ \ this order" orderDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" priority: type: "string" description: "Can be used by consumers to prioritize orders in a Service Order\ \ Management system" requestedCompletionDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Requested delivery date from the requestors perspective" requestedStartDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Order start date wished by the requestor" startDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Date when the order was started for processing" note: type: "array" description: "Extra-information about the order; e.g. useful to add extra\ \ delivery information that could be useful for a human process" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Note" orderItem: type: "array" description: "A list of service order items to be processed by this order" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderItem" minItems: 1 orderRelationship: type: "array" description: "A list of service orders related to this order (e.g. prerequisite,\ \ dependent on)" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderRelationship" relatedParty: type: "array" description: "A list of parties which are involved in this order and the role\ \ they are playing" items: $ref: "#/definitions/RelatedParty" state: description: "State of the order: described in the state-machine diagram" $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderStateType" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" example: note: - date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" system: "system" '@baseType': "@baseType" author: "author" '@type': "@type" text: "text" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" system: "system" '@baseType': "@baseType" author: "author" '@type': "@type" text: "text" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" orderItem: - '@baseType': "@baseType" service: serviceType: "serviceType" supportingResource: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" serviceSpecification: targetServiceSchema: '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" version: "version" supportingService: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" relatedParty: - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" serviceRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@baseType': "@baseType" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" place: - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" state: {} category: "category" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" serviceCharacteristic: - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} '@type': "@type" action: {} appointment: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" description: "description" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" orderItemRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" id: "id" state: {} '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@baseType': "@baseType" service: serviceType: "serviceType" supportingResource: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" serviceSpecification: targetServiceSchema: '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" version: "version" supportingService: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" relatedParty: - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" serviceRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@baseType': "@baseType" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" place: - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" state: {} category: "category" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" serviceCharacteristic: - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} '@type': "@type" action: {} appointment: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" description: "description" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" orderItemRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - 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date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" system: "system" '@baseType': "@baseType" author: "author" '@type': "@type" text: "text" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" system: "system" '@baseType': "@baseType" author: "author" '@type': "@type" text: "text" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" orderItem: - '@baseType': "@baseType" service: serviceType: "serviceType" supportingResource: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" serviceSpecification: targetServiceSchema: '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" version: "version" supportingService: - 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role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" state: {} category: "category" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" serviceCharacteristic: - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} '@type': "@type" action: {} appointment: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" description: "description" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" orderItemRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - 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role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" state: {} category: "category" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" serviceCharacteristic: - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} '@type': "@type" action: {} appointment: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" description: "description" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" orderItemRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" id: "id" state: {} '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" description: "description" externalId: "externalId" priority: "priority" relatedParty: - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" requestedStartDate: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" '@baseType': "@baseType" notificationContact: "notificationContact" category: "category" orderRelationship: - '@referredType': "@referredType" relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" requestedCompletionDate: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" ServiceOrder_Update: type: "object" properties: category: type: "string" description: "Used to categorize the order, useful for the OM system, such\ \ as: Broadband, TVOption" description: type: "string" description: "A free-text description of the service order" expectedCompletionDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Expected delivery date amended by the provider" notificationContact: type: "string" description: "Contact attached to the order to send back information regarding\ \ this order" requestedCompletionDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Requested delivery date from the requestors perspective" requestedStartDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Order start date wished by the requestor" startDate: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Date when the order was started for processing" note: type: "array" description: "Extra-information about the order; e.g. useful to add extra\ \ delivery information that could be useful for a human process" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Note" orderRelationship: type: "array" description: "A list of service orders related to this order (e.g. prerequisite,\ \ dependent on)" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderRelationship" relatedParty: type: "array" description: "A list of parties which are involved in this order and the role\ \ they are playing" items: $ref: "#/definitions/RelatedParty" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" description: "\nSkipped properties: id,href,externalId,priority,state,orderDate,completionDate,orderItem" example: note: - date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" system: "system" '@baseType': "@baseType" author: "author" '@type': "@type" text: "text" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - date: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" system: "system" '@baseType': "@baseType" author: "author" '@type': "@type" text: "text" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" description: "description" relatedParty: - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" requestedStartDate: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" '@baseType': "@baseType" notificationContact: "notificationContact" expectedCompletionDate: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" category: "category" orderRelationship: - '@referredType': "@referredType" relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" startDate: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" requestedCompletionDate: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" ServiceOrderActionType: type: "string" description: "string" enum: - "add" - "modify" - "delete" - "noChange" ServiceOrderItem: type: "object" required: - "action" - "id" - "service" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Identifier of the individual line item" action: description: "The action to be carried out on the Service. Can be: add, modify,\ \ delete, noChange" $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderActionType" appointment: description: "An appointment that was set up with a related party for this\ \ order item" $ref: "#/definitions/AppointmentRef" orderItemRelationship: type: "array" description: "A list of order items related to this order item" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderItemRelationship" service: description: "The Service to be acted on by the order item" $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceRestriction" state: description: "State of the order item: described in the state machine diagram.\ \ This is the requested state." $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderStateType" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" example: '@baseType': "@baseType" service: serviceType: "serviceType" supportingResource: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" serviceSpecification: targetServiceSchema: '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" version: "version" supportingService: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" relatedParty: - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" serviceRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@baseType': "@baseType" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" place: - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" state: {} category: "category" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" serviceCharacteristic: - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} '@type': "@type" action: {} appointment: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" description: "description" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" orderItemRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" id: "id" state: {} '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" ServiceOrderItemRelationship: type: "object" required: - "id" - "relationshipType" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Unique identifier of a service order item" relationshipType: type: "string" description: "The type of related order item, can be: dependency if the order\ \ item needs to be not started until another order item is complete" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" description: "Linked service order item to the one containing this attribute" example: relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" ServiceOrderRelationship: type: "object" required: - "id" properties: id: type: "string" description: "The id of the related order" href: type: "string" description: "A hyperlink to the related order" relationshipType: type: "string" description: "The type of related order, such as: [dependency] if the order\ \ needs to be [not started] until another order item is complete (a service\ \ order in this case) or [cross-ref] to keep track of the source order (a\ \ productOrder)" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" '@referredType': type: "string" description: "The entity type of the related order" description: "Linked service order to the one containing this attribute" example: '@referredType': "@referredType" relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" ServiceOrderStateType: type: "string" description: "Possible values for the state of the order" enum: - "acknowledged" - "rejected" - "pending" - "held" - "inProgress" - "cancelled" - "completed" - "failed" - "partial" ServiceRef: type: "object" required: - "href" - "id" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the service" href: type: "string" description: "reference of the service" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" '@referredType': type: "string" description: "The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation." description: "Service reference, for when Service is used by other entities" example: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" ServiceRelationship: type: "object" required: - "relationshipType" - "service" properties: relationshipType: type: "string" description: "The type of relationship (e.g. depends on, enables)" service: description: "The service being referred to" $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceRef" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" description: "Describes links with services of the same category (useful for bundled\ \ services)" example: relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" ServiceRestriction: type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Unique identifier of the service" href: type: "string" description: "Reference of the service" category: type: "string" description: "Is it a customer facing or resource facing service" name: type: "string" description: "Name of the service" serviceType: type: "string" description: "Business type of the service" place: type: "array" description: "A list of places (Place [*]). Used to define a place useful\ \ for the service (for example a delivery geographical place)" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Place" relatedParty: type: "array" description: "A list of related party references (RelatedParty [*]). A related\ \ party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity" items: $ref: "#/definitions/RelatedParty" serviceCharacteristic: type: "array" description: "A list of characteristics that characterize this service (ServiceCharacteristic\ \ [*]) " items: $ref: "#/definitions/Characteristic" serviceRelationship: type: "array" description: "A list of service relationships (ServiceRelationship [*]). Describes\ \ links with other service(s) in the inventory (useful for describing relies-on,\ \ relies-from between CFS for example)." items: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceRelationship" serviceSpecification: description: "The specification from which this service was instantiated" $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceSpecificationRef" state: description: "The life cycle state of the service, such as: [feasibilityChecked],\ \ [designed]" $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceStateType" supportingResource: type: "array" description: "A list of supporting resources (SupportingResource [*]).Note:\ \ only Service of type RFS can be associated with Resources" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ResourceRef" supportingService: type: "array" description: "A list of supporting services (SupportingService [*]). A collection\ \ of services that support this service (bundling, link CFS to RFS)" items: $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceRef" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" description: "In the context of a service order, and depending of the action requested\ \ (add/modify/delete/noChange) this data structure captures the configuration\ \ to apply to an existing subscribed service or to a new one" example: serviceType: "serviceType" supportingResource: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" serviceSpecification: targetServiceSchema: '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" version: "version" supportingService: - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" relatedParty: - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" - '@referredType': "@referredType" role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" serviceRelationship: - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - relationshipType: "relationshipType" '@baseType': "@baseType" service: '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" '@baseType': "@baseType" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" place: - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" - role: "role" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" state: {} category: "category" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" serviceCharacteristic: - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} - '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" valueType: "valueType" name: "name" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" value: {} ServiceSpecificationRef: type: "object" required: - "href" - "id" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Unique identifier of the service specification" href: type: "string" description: "Reference of the serviceSpecification" name: type: "string" description: "Name of the requiredServiceSpecification" version: type: "string" description: "Service specification version" targetServiceSchema: description: "A target service schema reference (TargetServiceSchemaRef).\ \ The reference object to the schema and type of target service which is\ \ described by service specification." $ref: "#/definitions/TargetServiceSchema" '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" format: "uri" description: "A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes\ \ and relationships" '@type': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name" '@referredType': type: "string" description: "The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation." description: "Service specification reference: ServiceSpecification(s) required\ \ to realize a ProductSpecification." example: targetServiceSchema: '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" '@referredType': "@referredType" '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" name: "name" id: "id" href: "href" '@schemaLocation': "http://example.com/aeiou" version: "version" ServiceStateType: type: "string" description: "Valid values for the lifecycle state of the service" enum: - "feasibilityChecked" - "designed" - "reserved" - "inactive" - "active" - "terminated" TargetServiceSchema: type: "object" required: - "@schemaLocation" - "@type" properties: '@baseType': type: "string" description: "When sub-classing, this defines the super-class" '@schemaLocation': type: "string" description: "This field provides a link to the schema describing the target\ \ service" '@type': type: "string" description: "Class type of the target service" description: "The reference object to the schema and type of target service which\ \ is described by service specification" example: '@baseType': "@baseType" '@type': "@type" '@schemaLocation': "@schemaLocation" EventSubscription: type: "object" required: - "callback" - "id" properties: id: type: "string" description: "Id of the listener" callback: type: "string" description: "The callback being registered." query: type: "string" description: "additional data to be passed" description: "Sets the communication endpoint address the service instance must\ \ use to deliver notification information" example: query: "query" callback: "callback" id: "id" EventSubscriptionInput: type: "object" required: - "callback" properties: callback: type: "string" description: "The callback being registered." query: type: "string" description: "additional data to be passed" description: "Sets the communication endpoint address the service instance must\ \ use to deliver notification information" example: query: "query" callback: "callback" ServiceOrderCreateNotification: type: "object" properties: eventId: type: "string" description: "The identifier of the notification" eventTime: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "Time of the event occurrence" eventType: type: "string" description: "The type of the notification" fieldPath: type: "string" description: "The path identifying the object field concerned by this notification" resourcePath: type: "string" description: "The path identifying the resource object concerned by this notification" event: description: "The event linked to the involved resource object" $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceOrderCreateEvent" description: "The notification data structure" example: eventId: "eventId" resourcePath: "resourcePath" eventTime: "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" fieldPath: "fieldPath" eventType: "eventType" event: serviceOrder: note: - 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"code" - "reason" properties: code: type: "integer" description: "Application relevant detail, defined in the API or a common\ \ list." reason: type: "string" description: "Explanation of the reason for the error which can be shown to\ \ a client user." message: type: "string" description: "More details and corrective actions related to the error which\ \ can be shown to a client user." status: type: "integer" description: "HTTP Error code extension" referenceError: type: "string" format: "uri" description: "URI of documentation describing the error." 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