## Unreleased ## 3.2.0 ### Third-party Dependencies - Replace erubis with erubi - Upgrade rubocop to 0.61 for Ruby > 3.0 support ### Enhancements - Add configuration options for pane titles ### Fixes - Shell escape pane titles to fix multi word and special character titles - Replace exists? with exist? for Ruby >= 3.2 ### Misc - Remove `mux` alias from Fish and Bash completions - Add Ruby 3.2, 3.1 to the test matrix; rm ruby < 3> ## 3.1.2 ### Fixes - Fix tmux 3.4 version in the supported versions list ## 3.1.1 ### Enhancements - add support for stop command without project name - add support for optional `--project-config` flag to `tmuxinator stop` command ### Misc - Fix typos and remove extra whitespace - Set pane title if provided in config file ### tmux - Add tmux 3.4 to test matrix - Add tmux 3.4 to supported tmux versions list ## 3.1.0 - add a FAQ entry about how long commands may be lost/corrupted by TTY typeahead - increment thor minor version in tmuxinator.gemspec ## 3.0.5 ### tmux - add tmux 3.3a to (currently defunct) Travis test matrix; add 3.3a to supported tmux versions list ### CI - replace Travis CI config with GH Actions ## 3.0.4 ### tmux - fix tmux 3.3 version detection ## 3.0.3 ### Misc - use stable tmux links in README.md ### tmux - add tmux 3.3 to (currently defunct) Travis test matrix; add 3.3 to supported tmux versions list ## 3.0.2 ### Third-party Dependencies - Bump Thor version to handle DidYouMean deprecation warning ## 3.0.1 ### tmux - add tmux 3.2a to Travis test matrix; add 3.2a to supported tmux versions list ### Misc - add support for local project configs using the .yaml extension ## 3.0.0 ### Misc - Deprecate Ruby 2.5; bump min Ruby version in gemspec; bump Ruby versions in Travis test matrix - Fix config file parsing error: wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 1) (#819) ## 2.0.3 ### Misc - Add Ruby 3 to the Travis test matrix - add support for tmux 3.2 ## 2.0.2 ### Misc - add tmux 3.1c to Travis CI test matrix - add Ruby support link and RVM/rbenv links to README (#707) - add tmux 3.1b to Travis CI test matrix - document support for unnamed windows in README (#773) ## 2.0.1 ### Misc - add support for tmux 3.1b ## 2.0.0 ### Security - bump rake development dependency version to address CVE-2020-8130 ### Misc - add support for tmux 3.1a - document removal of Zsh mux alias; suggest users migrate to RC based aliases - synchronize project configs in README and sample.yml - remove support for Ruby 2.4 - bump patch versions of supported Rubies in gemspec and Travis config ## 1.1.5 ### Misc - add support for tmux 3.1 (#754) - bump copyright year in README ## 1.1.4 ### Misc - bump Thor version to ~> 1.0 in order to accommodate Arch package and ecosystem (#739) - add Ruby 2.7.0 to Travis test matrix ### Bugfixes - fix various completion script issues (#705/#737) ## 1.1.3 ### Bugfixes - correct edge tmux version detection (#728) ### Misc - document local project creation (#439) - add support for tmux 3.0 and 3.0a (#734) ## 1.1.2 ### Bugfixes - prevent commands from being re-run when re-attaching to session using custom socket (#719) ### Misc - add zshell completions for command aliases - add note to README which covers temporary workaround for layout issues (#651) ## 1.1.1 ### Bugfixes - increase min XDG version in gemspec in order to exclude broken release (#708) ## 1.1.0 ### Misc - add support for tmux 2.9a ## 1.0.0 ### Misc - add support for tmux 2.9 ## 0.16.0 ### Bugfixes - fix wemux class_eval error (#590) ### Misc - drop support for ruby 2.3 - bump required_ruby_version - bump test matrix patch versions - Add `-n, [--newline], [--no-newline]` flag for list command Force output to be one entry per line - make pre/post deprecation warnings more descriptive - remove pre/post from project configuration template - remove support for Ruby 2.2 - bundler version constraint now supports bundler >= 2 (required by TravisCI) ## 0.15.0 ### Misc - add support for Ruby 2.6 to the TravisCI test matrix - add support for project config files using .yaml extension (#663) - allow test suite to pass when $TMUXINATOR_CONFIG is set (#665) ## 0.14.0 ### Misc - Add `--suppress-tmux-version-warning` flag to prevent tmux version warning (#583) - Separate version warning from deprecation messages - Add unsupported version warnings for `stop` and `local` as well - quiet deprecation warnings in test output (#619) - reword "Project Configuration Location" section of README to reflect current behavior (#621) - correct some type on readme about aliases (#660) ## 0.13.0 ### Bugfixes - prevent optargs from being lost when using the project-config flag (#639) - Add support for tmux 2.8 (#653) ## 0.12.0 ### Bugfixes - Fix zsh completion when there are no projects - Run stop hook before killing the session ### Misc - Allow YAML Anchors & Aliases as per [spec](http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2765878) - Remove confusing README section about the pane-base-index and window-base-index options. These options can be set independently of one another now that #542 and #543 are merged. ## 0.11.3 ### Misc - replace j3rn's email with ethagnawl's in COC - use correct paths in generated config file comment (#440) ### Bugfixes - fix "wrong namespace" RuboCop warnings (#620) - fix [#431](https://github.com/tmuxinator/tmuxinator/issues/431), where Thor-based commands (e.g. "-v", "help") were failing ## 0.11.2 ### Bugfixes - Fix [#555](https://github.com/tmuxinator/tmuxinator/issues/555), restoring `on_project_exit` hook behaviour (same as deprecated `post`) ## 0.11.1 ### Misc - Add support for tmux 2.7 (#611) - Fix load order when multiple versions of tmuxinator are installed (#603) ## 0.11.0 ### Misc - Make Config#xdg comment reference correct XDG variable and include example of degenerate case (#597) - Introduce factory_bot, to replace factory_girl, which was renamed recently. - Add Ruby 2.5 to the TravisCI test matrix and bump patch level of existing Rubies (2.2, 2.3, 2.4) ### New Features - Add optional `--project-config=...` parameter to `tmuxinator start` (#595) ## 0.10.1 - Handle emojis in project names (#564) - Fix remaining sites where the base-index option (for windows) was incorrectly used in place of the pane-base-index option. - Treat 'tmux master' as an arbitrarily high version and display a deprecation warning for unsupported tmux versions (#524, #570) - Add tmux 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 to the TravisCI test matrix - Updates `rubocop` to resolve security vulnerability ## 0.10.0 - Fix a bug causing the user's global pane-base-index setting not to be respected - Remove Object#blank? monkey patch (#458) - Add _Project Configuration Location_ entry to README (#360, #534) - Attach original exception message to exception re-raised by Project::load - Remove unused attr_readers from Tmuxinator::Window - Add ability for pre_window commands to parse yaml arrays - Refactor Tmuxinator::Config by extracting a Tmuxinator::Doctor class (#457) - Fix a bug where startup_window and startup_pane were not respected if running tmuxinator from within an existing tmux session (#537) - Fix a bug causing the pane-base-index option to override base-index ### Misc - Removed support for Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0, & 2.1 - Move gem dependencies from Gemfile to tmuxinator.gemspec - Add tmux 2.2 and 2.3 the TravisCI test matrix - Fix typos - Support user-specified and XDG Base Dirs configuration directories ### New Features - add on_project_start, on_project_first_start, on_project_restart, on_project_exit and on_project_stop hooks for project ## 0.9.0 ### Misc - Temporarily hiding Shorthand entry in README.md to prevent new bug reports about the mux symlink being broken - Use `alias` (bash, zsh) and `abbr` (fish) instead of a symlink to hash `mux`. #401 - replace instances of `File.exists?` (deprecated) with `File.exist?` - Refactor Config.root ### New Features - Allow multiple panes to be defined using yaml hash or array #266, #406 - Add `startup_pane` #380 - Add synchronizations panes support #97 - Add `before` and `after` options to synchronization functionality - Add deprecation warning if `synchronize: true` or `before` is used ### Bugfixes - Suppress `tmux ls` non-zero exit status/message when no sessions exist (#414) - Will no longer crash when no panes are specified in a window - Locking activesupport at < 5.0.0 to prevent broken builds on Ruby < 2.2.3 - Fixed whitespace issues in help ## 0.8.1 ### Bugfixes - Fixed broken shell completions ## 0.8.0 ### New features - Add support for deleting multiple projects at once, using `mux delete ...` - Add stop command to kill tmux sessions ### Bugfixes - Bugfix for issue with using numbers as window names - Bugfix for zsh-completion loading throwing an error if tmuxinator is not yet available. - Bugfix for using `mux delete` to delete local projects ## 0.7.2 - Bugfix for attaching to sessions by prefix when running `start` - Bugfix for "pane could not be created" error ## 0.7.1 - Bugfix where `mux open` or similar would delete the contents of the file ## 0.7.0 ### New features - Add support for starting in detached mode #307 - Support windows without names #292, #323 - Add per project `.tmuxinator.yml` support #335 :sparkles: - Support passing args on the command line #343 :tada: ### Bug fixes and Misc - Fix some RSpec deprecations - Explain what ERB is in the readme #319 - Prevent project names containing only numbers from raising a NoMethodError #324 - Fix YAML syntax highlighting in readme #325 - Add `asset_path` helper #326 - Switch to just plain Rubocop instead of hound #339 - Fix typo in readme #346 - Fix thor not returning correct exit status #192 - Add gitter badge ## 0.6.11 - Add aliasing of projects to create multiple sessions for a single project #143, #273 - ERB support for projects #267 - Post and attach options #293 - Fix typo in gemspec #294 - Fix completions not searching subdirectory #295 - Remove duplicate attribute #298 - Fix support for tmux 1.8 and below - Project cleanup #311 - Fix error when no project name is provided #303 ## 0.6.10 - Interpret config file as ERB template #255 - Fix zsh completions #262 - Alias `e` to edit and `o` to open #275 - Fix fish completions #280 - Add `startup_window` #282 - Add per window root option #283 - Fix project path detection #274 - Include completions in gemspec #270 ## 0.6.9 - Update to RSpec 3.x - Allow for earlier versions of thor #234, #235 - Remove dependency on git and fix warnings in gemspec #232, #233, #239 - Switch from `which` to `type` to stop errors in OSX 10.10 #236, #237 - Optional project root #185, #144 - Clear rbenv environment variables before starting tmux #208 - Update readme with correct fish completions path #247 - Escape path to deal with special characters #251, #256, #257 - Fix `copy` overwriting files #254, #258 ## 0.6.8 - Remove some duplication #212 - Add wemux support #88 - Thanks to Andrew Thal (@athal7) - Fix typos in readme #217, #216 - Fix encoding bug #229 - Fix specs not running due to changes in thor ## 0.6.7 - Remove use of grep for base-index #171 - Fix bugs in `Tmuxinator::Config.default?` #169 - Fix path for Rails log in directory sample #177 - Add completions for fish shell #179 - Fix grammar in readme #184 - Make commands take precedence over project names #182 - Improve error messages when $EDITOR isn't set #186, #194 - Add confirmation to deletion prompt #197 - Fix broken badge references after organisation move - Remove dependency on ActiveSupport #199 - Fix compatibility with tmux 1.9 ## 0.6.6 - Fix a bug caused by not escaping the root path #145 - Fix bash completion with a single argument #148 - Fix regression where an array of commands for a window wasn't working #149 - Add an option to call tmux wrappers or derivatives #154 - Refactor build\_panes to always return an array #157 - Clean up some branching code using `.presence` #163 - Setup TravisCI test matrix for different tmux versions #164 - Fix some grammar and spelling in readme #166 - Make multiple commands use tmux's `send-keys` rather than just using `&&` for both panes and windows #100 ## 0.6.5 - Change deprecation continue message from any key to just the enter key - Dramatically clean up the readme to be clearer for new users - Update the contributing guide with references to the GitHub styleguide and add examples of how to leave good commit messages - Use Erubis to render the project sample and fix a bad binding reference - Update the sample project to be much simpler - Fix not working delete command #142 - Fix an error in the bash completion script - Fix an issue where the wrong project path was being returned - Fix an issue where command aliases were being ignored ## 0.6.4 - Fixes broken backwards compatibility of multiple pre commands #129 - Fixes tmuxinator ignoring project root when started from within a tmux session #132 - Add gem version badge ## 0.6.3 - Remove stray pry #128 - Allow starting a tmuxinator project while inside a tmux session #130 - Set the tmux layout after pane creation to avoid pane too small errors #131 - Check for both pane-base-index and base-index #126 ## 0.6.2 - Also pass command line options to the `base_index` lookup. - Fixed bug #116. ## 0.6.1 - Remove stray binding.pry - Fix nil error when creating a new project. ## 0.6.0 - Rewrote core functionality with proper abstractions and unit tests - Fixed outstanding bugs #72 #89 #90 #93 #101 #102 #103 #104 #109 - Switched to thor for command line argument parsing - Switched to Erubis for more Rails like ERB - Added simplecov for test coverage - Added debug command line option to view generated shell commands - Added commands and completion options for completion scripts - Added `pre_window` option for running commands before all panes and windows - Deprecated `rbenv` in favour of `pre_window` - Deprecated `rvm` in favour of `pre_window` - Deprecated `cli_args` in favour of `tmux_options` - Deprecated `tabs` in favour of `windows` - Dropped support for Ruby 1.9.2 ## 0.5.0 - Added optional socket name support (Thanks to Adam Walters) - Added auto completion (Thanks to Jose Pablo Barrantes) ## 0.4.0 - Does not crash if given an invalid yaml file format. report it and exit gracefully. - Removed clunky scripts & shell aliases (Thanks to Dane O'Connor) - Config files are now rendered JIT (Thanks to Dane O'Connor) - Can now start sessions from cli (Thanks to Dane O'Connor) ## 0.3.0 - Added pre command (Thanks to Ian Yang) - Added multiple pre command (Thanks to Bjørn Arild Mæland) - Using tmux set default-path for project root - New aliases ## 0.2.0 - Added pane support (Thanks to Aaron Spiegel) - RVM support (Thanks to Jay Adkisoon)