description = [[ This performs a host discovery on the network and tries to obtain the hostname using various means such as NETBIOS, SMB etc., ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script hostinfo-discover.nse -p T:139,445,U:137 -- -- @output -- Post-scan script results: -- | HOST LOOKUP NETBIOS_NAME SMB_NAME -- | Name query failed: TIMEOUT nil -- | NAS.cromulon NAS NAS -- | xkgt-arch.cromulon Name query failed: ERROR nil -- | Name query failed: ERROR nil -- | xkgt-Swanky.cromulon Name query failed: ERROR nil -- | DESKTOP-23HUSOR.cromulon DESKTOP-23HUSOR nil -- |_ wall.cromulon Name query failed: TIMEOUT nil -- Version 0.1 -- Created 05/11/2017 - v0.1 - created by Tamizh -- -- TODO: Add other discovery methods such as SNMP, LLMNR, MDNS -- TODO: Return best guestimate for hostname or a list of hostname if the -- value reported by each protocol differs author = "Tamizh" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"discovery", "safe"} local shortport = require "shortport" local http = require "http" local smb = require "smb" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local netbios = require "netbios" local tab = require "tab" local table = require "table" local snmp = require "snmp" -- The Rule Section -- postrule = function() return true end hostrule = function() return true end local output = -- The Action Section -- local function sort_ip_ascending(a, b) return ipOps.compare_ip(a, "lt", b) end local function get_smb_name(host) local smb_name = nil local smb_status, smb_result = smb.get_os(host) if smb_status then if smb_result then smb_name = smb_result.server end end return smb_name end local function get_netbios_name(host) local nbt_status, netbios_name = netbios.get_server_name(host) if nbt_status then return netbios_name else return nil end end hostaction = function(host) nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] = nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] or {} local smb_status, smb_result = smb.get_os(host) local ip = host.ip local name = local smb_name, netbios_name = nil local smb_name = get_smb_name(host) local netbios_name = get_netbios_name(host) local db = nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] db[ip] = db[ip] or {} table.insert(db[ip], { rlookup = name,nbt = netbios_name, smb = smb_name }) end postaction = function() local db = nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] local order = stdnse.keys(db) table.sort(order, sort_ip_ascending ) tab.addrow(output, 'HOST' , 'LOOKUP', 'NETBIOS_NAME', 'SMB_NAME') for _, ip in ipairs(order) do for _, entry in ipairs(db[ip]) do tab.addrow(output, ip, entry['rlookup'], entry['nbt'], entry['smb']) end end output = tab.dump(output) return stdnse.format_output(true, output) end local Actions = { hostrule = hostaction, postrule = postaction } -- execute the action function corresponding to the current rule action = function(...) return Actions[SCRIPT_TYPE](...) end