fileTypes lts fsp name FSP patterns comment matches a keyword match \b(when|const|forall|range|property|progress) name keyword.reserved.fsp comment matches and operator match (->|&&|\|\||%|\+|<<|>>) name keyword.operator.fsp captures 1 name punctuation.definition.comment.fsp comment match comments starting with a double-slash match (//).*$\n? name comment.line.fsp begin /\* captures 0 name punctuation.definition.comment.fsp comment match comment blocks starting with /* end \*/ name comment.block.fsp begin /\*\*(?!/) captures 0 name punctuation.definition.comment.fsp comment match comment blocks starting with /** with 2 or more * end \*/ name comment.block.documentation.fsp match \b(STOP|START|ERROR) name constant.language.fsp comment matches process names match \b([a-zA-Z][A-Z|_|0-9]+) name constant.other.fsp comment matches action names match \b([a-z][a-za-zA-Z|_|0-9]+) name comment matches square braces [ or ] match \[|\] name meta.brace.square.fsp comment matches curly braces match \{|\} name meta.brace.curly.fsp scopeName source.fsp uuid 3c1def7a-05ff-48e2-b1cf-f1d3f150908f