Highlights & Device Specific Changes: Build type: Monthly Device: Xiaomi Mi 11 (venus) Device maintainer: Ralph Chen (Tofu) ===== 2022-11-28 ===== - venus: Add default alarm and media vibration intensity settings - venus: Clean up README.md - venus: Remove duplicated blobs - venus: Don't sign Wifi RROs with platform cert - venus: Set default hotspot ssid - venus: Set bluetooth.device.default_name to 'Mi 11' - venus: overlay: Remove dsp. prefix from audio and video power profiles - venus: Bump to cheetah November fingerprint - venus: Update hotword enrollment blobs from V13.0.5.0.SKBMIXM - venus: overlay: Add device specific doze package - Revert "venus: drop window level flag" - venus: Track my own android_vendor_xiaomi_venus repo - venus: Add missing libion lib - venus: Bump to cheetah August fingerprint - venus: Build vanilla by default - venus: Add support for next generation assistant - venus: Don't build GrapheneOS camera - sm8350-common: AOSP WFD doesn't support protected Wi-Fi Display buffers - sm8350-common: Enable avrcp controller bluetooth profile - sm8350-common: Remove duplicated blobs - Revert "Update README.md" - sm8350-common: Enable smooth motion in surfaceflinger - sm8350-common: Remove odex/oat files from pinner list. - sm8350-common: Compile the kernel without GCC - sm8350-common: rootdir: Import cgroup tuning from gs101 - sm8350-common: rootdir: Update init.qti.kernel.rc from haydn V13.0.3.0.SKKMIXM - sm8350-common: Revert Xiaomi cpuset changes - sm8350-common: rootdir: Update kernel post boot scripts from haydn V13.0.3.0.SKKMIXM - sm8350-common: rootdir: Setup foreground CPU Sets for LAHAINA. - sm8350-common: Remove core control tunings - sm8350-common: rootdir: Move background cpuset to CPU0-1 - sm8350-common: rootdir: Lower down rate limit for prime CPU - sm8350-common: rootdir: Improve scheduler tuning - sm8350-common: rootdir: Bump little cluster input boost freq - sm8350-common: rootdir: Move foreground cpuset to common - sm8350-common: rootdir: Disable Scheduler Core Control - sm8350-common: rootdir: Kang schedutil ratelimits from gs101 - sm8350-common: rootdir: Move audio-app cpuset to 1-2 - sm8350-common: rootdir: Enable CPU input boost for prime cluster - sm8350-common: rootdir: Enable uclamp latency_sensitive for top-app - sm8350-common: rootdir: Setup scheduler group_downmigrate value - sm8350-common: rootdir: Setup schedutil up/down_rate_limit values - sm8350-common: rootdir: Initial performance tuning - sm8350-common: overlay: allow seamless Doze state transitions - sm8350-common: Update device that aptX blobs are pulled from - sm8350-common: Do not block binder thread on incoming calls - sm8350-common: parts: Disable startup provider - sm8350-common: Drop custom APM flag - sm8350-common: Remove bdroid_buildcfg.h - sm8350-common: rootdir: Remove discard command tuning - sm8350-common: Allow overriding content detection refresh rate props - sm8350-common: Enable WFD property "persist.debug.wfd.enable". - sm8350-common: overlay: Update multiple vibration strength levels overlay for 13 - sm8350-common: Migrate vendor.camera.aux.packagelist to overlay - sm8350-common: sepolicy: Fix faceunlock denial - sm8350-common: Add faceunlock package to aux cam list - sm8350-common: Expose aux cams to Aperture - sm8350-common: overlay: Support smart pixels - sm8350-common: Add overlay with fps path - sm8350-common: rootdir: Allow all filesystems for USB-OTG - Revert "lahaina: Move Xiaomi Doze inside stock ambient display preference" - sm8350-common: Remove references to a2dp module - sm8350-common: Pull appropriate USB props from vendor_product.mk - fixup! sm8350-common: Move Bluetooth power overlays to sysprops - sm8350-common: Move BT profiles props to vendor - sm8350-common: Fix disabling A2DP offload - sm8350-common: overlay: Enable battery health - sm8350-common: Switch to Google Camera - sm8350-common: Add a system property for System UI compiler filter. - sm8350-common: Preopt SystemUI for AOSP builds. - sm8350-common: Enable zygote critical window - sm8350-common: Move Bluetooth power overlays to sysprops - sm8350-common: Modify Vulkan and OpenGL version to 2020-03-01 - sm8350-common: Add OpenGL ES and update Vulkan dEQP feature flags - sm8350-common: gps: Revert oem changes - sm8350-common: Migrate to AIDL ClearKey DRM HAL - sm8350-common: manifest: Drop wfdhdcp - sm8350-common: Set BOARD_EROFS_COMPRESSOR - sm8350-common: Drop media target variant property from system_ext.prop - Revert "sm8350-common: sepolicy: allow spodaemon to access spuari status prop" - sm8350-common: sepolicy: allow vendor_init to change watermark_scale_factor - sm8350-common: Nuke qcom wfd for now - sm8350-common: Drop androidboot.memcg=1 kernel CMDLINE - Revert "[TMP] sm8350-common: Ignore sepolicy neverallows" - sm8350-common: Switch to legacy sepolicy_vndr ===== 2022-10-08 ===== - venus: Commonize Display calibration configs - [TMP] sm8350-common: Ignore sepolicy neverallows - sm8350-common: rootdir: Prefer s2idle over deep for lahaina - sm8350-common: Set manufacturer soc property - sm8350-common: Commonize Display calibration configs - sm8350-common: rootdir: Remove IO read_ahead_kb tune - sm8350-common: sepolicy: Allow camera hal to read mnt_vendor_file - sm8350-common: Add xiaomi cit sensor service - sm8350-common: overlay: Import CarrierConfig changes from oneplus LE2125_11.C.48 - sm8350-common: overlay: Use CarrierConfig DTMF & CSP booleans - sm8350-common: overlay: Clean up DOS CR characters - fixup! sm8350-common: Use the ?= operator so BT properties can be overridden - sm8350-common: vibrator: Update effect names - sm8350-common: overlay: Set preferred refresh rate on keyguard to 60 - sm8350-common: overlay: Add support for doze auto brightness - sm8350-common: sepolicy: Let tee setting mlipay props - sm8350-common: Remove deprecated biometrics soong conditionals - sm8350-common: sepolicy: Label camera props - sm8350-common: sepolicy: Allow apps and camera HAL access to secure ADSP domain - sm8350-common: sepolicy: Allow neural networks HAL to read ADSP properties - sm8350-common: Make fastrpc_shell_3 publicly available - sm8350-common: gpt-utils: Do fsync after writing partition entries - sm8350-common: gpt-utils: Drop unused sparse_crc32 - sm8350-common: Set max_retry_alloc_output_timeout to 0 - sm8350-common: audio: Don't advertise vorbis offloading support - Partially revert "sm8350-common: audio: remove unsupported configuration options - sm8350-common: Drop audio_configs.xml - sm8350-common: Copy snapdragon color libs config from display HAL - sm8350-common: Copy powerhint.xml from power HAL - sm8350-common: hal: audio: Update gain to 84 for WSA MCS devices - sm8350-common: hal: set valid and supported channel mask for earpiece - sm8350-common: configs: Add Stereo config channel support to usb surround sound - fixup! sm8350-common: sepolicy: Label more wakeup nodes - sm8350-common: Drop QTI camera device usage - sm8350-common: overlay: Switch to vendor-defined color modes - sm8350-common: Use randomly generated camera config [1/2] - sm8350-common: replace libavservices_minijail_vendor with libavservices_minijail