--[[ L_DelayLight.lua - Core module for DelayLight Copyright 2016,2017,2018,2020 Patrick H. Rigney, All Rights Reserved. This file is part of DelayLight. For license information, see LICENSE at https://github.com/toggledbits/DelayLight --]] --luacheck: std lua51,module,read globals luup,ignore 542 611 612 614 111/_,no max line length module("L_DelayLight", package.seeall) local debugMode = false local bypassVersionCheck = true local _PLUGIN_ID = 9036 local _PLUGIN_NAME = "DelayLight" local _PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.13develop-20353" local _PLUGIN_URL = "https://www.toggledbits.com/delaylight" local _CONFIGVERSION = 20184 local MYSID = "urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:DelayLight" local MYTYPE = "urn:schemas-toggledbits-com:device:DelayLight:1" local TIMERSID = "urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:DelayLightTimer" local TIMERTYPE = "urn:schemas-toggledbits-com:device:DelayLightTimer:1" local SENSOR_SID = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1" local SWITCH_SID = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1" local DIMMER_SID = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1" --luacheck: globals STATE_IDLE STATE_MANUAL STATE_AUTO -- Public STATE_IDLE = "idle" STATE_MANUAL = "man" STATE_AUTO = "auto" STATE_NONE = nil local runStamp = 0 local pluginDevice = false local timerState = {} local sceneData = {} local tickTasks = {} local zeroticks = 0 local pollList = {} local sceneWaiting = {} local watchData = {} local isALTUI = false local isOpenLuup = false local maxEvents = 50 local json = require("dkjson") if json == nil then json = require("json") end if json == nil then luup.log(_PLUGIN_NAME .. " cannot load JSON library, exiting.", 1) return end local function dump(t) if t == nil then return "nil" end local sep = "" local str = "{ " for k,v in pairs(t) do local val if type(v) == "table" then val = dump(v) elseif type(v) == "function" then val = "(function)" elseif type(v) == "string" then val = string.format("%q", v) elseif type(v) == "number" and (math.abs(v-os.time()) <= 86400) then val = tostring(v) .. "(" .. os.date("%x.%X", v) .. ")" else val = tostring(v) end str = str .. sep .. k .. "=" .. val sep = ", " end str = str .. " }" return str end local function L(msg, ...) local str local level = 50 if type(msg) == "table" then str = tostring(msg.prefix or _PLUGIN_NAME) .. ": " .. tostring(msg.msg) level = msg.level or level else str = _PLUGIN_NAME .. ": " .. tostring(msg) end str = string.gsub(str, "%%(%d+)", function( n ) n = tonumber(n, 10) if n < 1 or n > #arg then return "nil" end local val = arg[n] if type(val) == "table" then return dump(val) elseif type(val) == "string" then return string.format("%q", val) elseif type(val) == "number" and math.abs(val-os.time()) <= 86400 then return tostring(val) .. "(" .. os.date("%x.%X", val) .. ")" end return tostring(val) end ) luup.log(str, level) end local function D(msg, ...) if debugMode then L( { msg=msg,prefix=(_PLUGIN_NAME .. "(debug)::") }, ... ) end end local function checkVersion(dev) if bypassVersionCheck then return true end local ui7Check = luup.variable_get(MYSID, "UI7Check", dev) or "" if isOpenLuup then local s = luup.variable_get( "openLuup", "Version", 2 ) -- hardcoded device? local y,m,d = string.match( s or "0.0.0", "^v(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)" ) y = tonumber(y) * 10000 + tonumber(m)*100 + tonumber(d) D("checkVersion() checking openLuup version=%1 (numeric %2)", s, y) if y < 180400 or y >= 180611 then return true end -- See Github issue #5 L({level=1,msg="openLuup version %1 is not supported. Please upgrade openLuup. See Github issue #5."}, y); return true end if (luup.version_branch == 1 and luup.version_major >= 7) then if ui7Check == "" then -- One-time init for UI7 or better luup.variable_set(MYSID, "UI7Check", "true", dev) end return true end return false end local function formatTime(delay) local hh = math.floor(delay / 3600) delay = delay % 3600 local mm = math.floor(delay / 60) if hh > 0 then return string.format("%dh:%02dm", hh, mm) elseif delay >= 60 then return string.format("%dm", mm) else return string.format("%ds", delay) end end local function split( str, sep ) if sep == nil then sep = "," end local arr = {} if #str == 0 then return arr, 0 end local rest = string.gsub( str or "", "([^" .. sep .. "]*)" .. sep, function( m ) table.insert( arr, m ) return "" end ) table.insert( arr, rest ) return arr, #arr end -- Create a map from an array a. Iterate over a and call function f, which must return a key and a value pair. -- This key/value pair is added to the result map. If a value is not returned, true is assumed. If a key is -- not returned, the array element is skipped (nothing is placed in the map for it). If overwrite is false, -- existing entries are not overwritten upon duplicate key. local function map( a, f, r, overwrite ) if r == nil then r = {} end if overwrite == nil then overwrite = true end local k,v for ix,val in ipairs(a) do if f ~= nil then -- Map function returns new key and value to be inserted. k=nil means don't insert. k,v = f( ix, val ) if k ~= nil then if v == nil then v = true end if r[k] == nil or overwrite then r[k] = v end end else if r[val] == nil or overwrite then r[val] = ix -- no map function provided, so just map value as key back to array index end end end return r end -- Shallow copy local function shallowCopy( t ) local r = {} for k,v in pairs(t) do r[k] = v end return r end -- Create empty context for new timer device local function clearTimerState( tdev ) D("clearTimerState(%1)", tdev) if timerState == nil then timerState = {} end timerState[tostring(tdev)] = { trigger={}, on={}, off={}, inhibit={}, eventList={}, changed={} } end -- Get numeric variable, or return default value if not set or blank local function getVarNumeric( name, dflt, dev, sid ) assert( dev ~= nil ) assert( name ~= nil ) if sid == nil then sid = TIMERSID end local s = luup.variable_get( sid, name, dev ) if (s == nil or s == "") then return dflt end s = tonumber(s, 10) if (s == nil) then return dflt end return s end -- A ternary operator (easy works correctly when trueVal is boolean false) local function iif( cond, trueVal, falseVal ) if cond then return trueVal else return falseVal end end -- Add an event to the event list. Prune the list for size. local function addEvent( t ) local p = shallowCopy(t) if p.dev == nil then L({level=2,msg="addEvent(%1) missing 'dev'"},t) end p.when = os.time() p.time = os.date("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") local dev = p.dev or pluginDevice table.insert( timerState[tostring(dev)].eventList, p ) while #timerState[tostring(dev)].eventList > 0 and #timerState[tostring(dev)].eventList > maxEvents do table.remove(timerState[tostring(dev)].eventList, 1) end end -- Enabled? local function isEnabled( dev ) return getVarNumeric( "Enabled", 1, dev, TIMERSID ) ~= 0 end -- Delete a variable (if we can... read on...) local function deleteVar( sid, name, devid ) -- Interestingly, setting a variable to nil with luup.variable_set does nothing interesting; too bad, it -- could have been used to delete variables, since a later get would yield nil anyway. But it turns out -- that using the variableset Luup request with no value WILL delete the variable. local sue = sid:gsub("([^%w])", function( c ) return string.format("%%%02x", string.byte(c)) end) local req = "" .. tostring(devid) .. "&serviceId=" .. sue .. "&Variable=" .. name .. "&Value=" local status, result = luup.inet.wget(req) D("deleteVar(%1,%2) status=%3, result=%4", name, devid, status, result) end -- Load scene data from Luup local function getSceneData( sceneId, pdev ) D("getSceneData(%1,%2)", sceneId, pdev ) if sceneData[tostring(sceneId)] ~= nil then return sceneData[tostring(sceneId)] end -- Figure out the parent device (if we're not the parent) if luup.devices[pdev].device_type == TIMERTYPE then pdev = luup.devices[pdev].device_num_parent end local req = "http://localhost/port_3480/data_request?id=scene&action=list&output_format=json&scene=" .. tostring(sceneId) if isOpenLuup then req = "http://localhost:3480/data_request?id=scene&action=list&output_format=json&scene=" .. tostring(sceneId) end local success, body, httpStatus = luup.inet.wget(req) local data, pos, err if success then data, pos, err = json.decode(body) if err then L("Can't decode JSON response for scene %1: %2 at %3 in %4", sceneId, err, pos, body) success = false end else L("HTTP data request for scene %1 failed: %2", sceneId, httpStatus) end if not success then -- Can't fetch scene data (commonn during reload, system still initializing) D("getSceneData() queue later scene load for scene %1 and checking static cache", sceneId) sceneWaiting[tostring(sceneId)] = true -- See if we can return data from static cache. local st = luup.variable_get( MYSID, "SceneData", pdev ) or "" if st ~= "" then local scenes = json.decode(st) if scenes then if scenes[tostring(sceneId)] ~= nil then D("getSceneData() returning static cache entry for %1", sceneId) return scenes[tostring(sceneId)] end end end D("getSceneData() no static cached for %1", sceneId) return nil end D("getSceneData() returning scene data") sceneData[tostring(sceneId)] = data sceneWaiting[tostring(sceneId)] = nil -- remove fetch queue entry -- Update static cache local st = luup.variable_get( MYSID, "SceneData", pdev ) or "" local statc = {} if st ~= "" then statc = json.decode( st ) if not statc then statc = {} end end statc[tostring(sceneId)] = data luup.variable_set( MYSID, "SceneData", json.encode(statc), pdev ) return data end -- Return true if this device is or implements the behavior of a security sensor local function isSensorType( dev, obj, vtDev ) assert(type(dev) == "number") obj = obj or luup.devices[dev] if obj == nil then return false end -- If by category, treat as true security sensor if obj.category_num == 4 then return true end -- Otherwise may be something else that implements sensor behavior (like Virtual Sensor, Site Sensor, etc.) return luup.device_supports_service(SENSOR_SID, dev) end -- Return true if device is dimmable local function isDimmerType( dev, obj, vtDev ) assert(type(dev) == "number") obj = obj or luup.devices[dev] if obj == nil then return false end -- Can be recognized by category, implying the device is an actual switch or dimmer if obj.category_num == 2 then return true end -- Devices that implement dimmer behavior may be considered dimmers return luup.device_supports_service(DIMMER_SID, dev) end -- Return true if we can treat the device as a switch local function isSwitchType( dev, obj, vtDev ) D("isSwitchType(%1,%2,%3)", dev, obj, vtDev) assert(type(dev) == "number") obj = obj or luup.devices[dev] D("isSwitchType() obj=%1", obj) if obj == nil then return false end -- Can be recognized by category, implying the device is an actual switch or dimmer if obj.category_num == 2 or obj.category_num == 3 then return true end -- VirtualSwitch is special if obj.device_type == "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:VSwitch:1" then return true end -- Devices that implement dimmer behavior may be considered switches D("isSwitchType() device supports %1=%2", DIMMER_SID, luup.device_supports_service(DIMMER_SID,dev)) if luup.device_supports_service(DIMMER_SID, dev) then return true end -- Finally, if it implements switch behavior, treat as switch D("isSwitchType() device supports %1=%2", SWITCH_SID, luup.device_supports_service(SWITCH_SID,dev)) return luup.device_supports_service(SWITCH_SID, dev) end -- Interpret a trigger device spec to number and invert flag local function toDevnum( val ) local invert = false local v = string.match( val, "(%d+)=") if v ~= nil then val = v end local devnum = tonumber(val, 10) if devnum == nil then return nil end if devnum < 0 then devnum = -devnum invert = true end if luup.devices[devnum] == nil then return nil end return devnum, invert end -- Forward declaration local timerTick -- Schedule a timer tick for a future (absolute) time. local function scheduleTick( timeTick, tid, tdev, func, ... ) D("scheduleTick(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", timeTick, tid, tdev, func ) local tkey = tostring(tid) if (timeTick or 0) == 0 then tickTasks[tkey] = nil return elseif tickTasks[tkey] then -- timer already set, see if new is sooner if tickTasks[tkey].when == nil or timeTick < tickTasks[tkey].when then tickTasks[tkey].when = timeTick end tickTasks[tkey].func = func or tickTasks[tkey].func or timerTick tickTasks[tkey].args = arg or tickTasks[tkey].args else tickTasks[tkey] = { id=tkey, dev=tdev, args=arg, when=timeTick, func=func or timerTick } end -- If new tick is earlier than next master tick, reschedule master if tickTasks.master.when == 0 then return end -- executive is currently running. if tickTasks.master.when == nil or timeTick < tickTasks.master.when then tickTasks.master.when = timeTick local delay = timeTick - os.time() if delay < 0 then delay = 0 end runStamp = runStamp + 1 luup.call_delay( "delayLightTick", delay, runStamp ) end end -- Schedule a timer tick for after a delay (seconds) local function scheduleDelay( delay, tid, ... ) D("scheduleDelay(%1,%2,...)", delay, tid) scheduleTick( delay and (delay + os.time()) or false, tid, ... ) end local function isBatteryDevice( dev ) if luup.devices[dev] == nil then return false elseif ( luup.variable_get( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1", "WakeupInterval", dev ) or "" ) ~= "" then return true elseif luup.devices[dev].device_num_parent <= 1 and ( luup.variable_get( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1", "WakeupInterval", luup.devices[dev].device_num_parent ) or "" ) ~= "" then return true end return false end -- Add device to poll list local function addPollDevice( dev, tdev ) D("addPollDevice(%1,%2)", dev, tdev) if luup.devices[dev] == nil then D("addPollDevice() skipping %1, doesn't exist", dev) elseif not luup.device_supports_service("urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1", dev) then D("addPollDevice() skipping %1 (#%2), not a Z-Wave device", luup.devices[dev].description, dev) elseif isBatteryDevice( dev ) then D("addPollDevice() skipping %1 (#%2), no force-polling of battery-operated devices", luup.devices[dev].description, dev) else local adev = luup.devices[dev].device_num_parent <= 1 and dev or luup.devices[dev].device_num_parent if pollList[tostring(adev)] == nil then D("addPollDevice() adding %1 (#%2) to poll list for %3 (#%4)", luup.devices[adev].description, adev, luup.devices[dev].description, dev) local pp = getVarNumeric( "PollSettings", 0, adev, "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1" ) if pp < 60 then pp = 60 end local dp = getVarNumeric( "LastPollSuccess", 0, adev, "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1" ) pollList[tostring(adev)] = { dev=adev, due=0, interval=pp, last=dp } end end end -- Check polling time for all devices local function checkPoll( pdev ) D("checkPoll(%1)", pdev) local now = os.time() local due = {} for _,ds in pairs( pollList ) do if ds.due <= now and luup.devices[ds.dev] ~= nil and luup.is_ready(ds.dev) then table.insert( due, ds ) end end -- Poll one device per check D("checkPoll() poll list contains %1 devices", #due ) table.sort( due, function( a, b ) return a.due < b.due end ) if #due > 0 then local ds = table.remove( due, 1 ) L("Poll list contains %1 devices, oldest is %2 (#%3); polling it.", #due+1, luup.devices[ds.dev].description, ds.dev) luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1", "Poll", {}, ds.dev) ds.last = now ds.due = now + ds.interval end return #due > 0 -- true if there are still items on pollList end -- Watch a device/service/variable. We keep track of all the watches, and dispatch -- them to the interested devices, because watch callbacks always get the plugin -- device in luup.device--there is no connection between a child that calls -- variable_watch and the later callback, so we have to create it. local function watchVariable( sid, var, target, tdev ) D("watchVariable(%1,%2,%3,%4)", sid, var, target, tdev) local key = string.format("%d/%s/%s", target, sid, var or "*") if watchData[key] == nil then watchData[key] = {} luup.variable_watch( "delayLightWatch", sid, var, target ) end if watchData[key][tostring(tdev)] == nil then watchData[key][tostring(tdev)] = true end if getVarNumeric( "ForcePoll", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) > 0 then addPollDevice( target, tdev ) end end -- Set up watches for triggers (if they aren't already watched) local function watchMap( m, tdev ) D("watchTriggers(%1,%2)", m, tdev) for _,ix in pairs( m ) do local nn = ix.device if luup.devices[nn] == nil then L({level=2,msg="%3 (#%4) %2 list device %1 not found... it may have been deleted!"}, nn, ix.list, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) elseif not (ix.watched or false) then ix.devicename = luup.devices[nn].description -- The device type tests here look redundant, but are specifically crafted -- to work around numerous inconsistencies seen in the wild. local dtype local pd = luup.devices[nn].device_type local xd = luup.attr_get( 'delaylight_handler', nn ) if (xd or "") ~= "" then -- Attribute value will override the tests. dtype = xd elseif pd == "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:DoorLock:1" or luup.devices[nn].category_num == 7 then dtype = "lock" elseif pd == "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1" or luup.devices[nn].category_num == 3 then dtype = "switch" elseif pd == "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:DimmableLight:1" or pd:match("^urn%:schemas-upnp-org%:device%:DimmableRGBLight%:") or luup.devices[nn].category_num == 2 then dtype = "dimmer" elseif pd == TIMERTYPE then dtype = "dlt" elseif luup.devices[nn].category_num == 4 then dtype = "sensor" elseif luup.device_supports_service( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:DoorLock1", nn ) then dtype = "lock" elseif isSensorType( nn, nil, tdev ) then -- Security/binary sensor (has tripped/non-tripped) dtype = "sensor" elseif isDimmerType( nn, nil, tdev ) then -- dimmer/light dtype = "dimmer" elseif isSwitchType( nn, nil, tdev ) then -- light or switch dtype = "switch" end L("%1 (#%2) handling device %3 (#%4) as %5", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, ix.devicename, nn, dtype) if dtype == "lock" then -- The early test here is important. See https://community.getvera.com/t/door-locks-have-misplaced-switchpower1-state-variables/208828 D("watchTriggers(): watching %1 (%2) as Lock", nn, ix.devicename) watchVariable( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:DoorLock1", "Status", nn, tdev ) ix.service = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:DoorLock1" ix.variable = "Status" ix.valueOn = "1" ix.watched = true elseif dtype == "dlt" then D("watchTriggers(): watching %1 (%2) as DelayLight", nn, ix.devicename) watchVariable( TIMERSID, "Timing", nn, tdev ) ix.service = TIMERSID ix.variable = "Timing" ix.valueOn = { { comparison=">", value=0 } } ix.watched = true elseif dtype == "sensor" then D("watchTriggers(): watching %1 (%2) as sensor", nn, ix.devicename) watchVariable( SENSOR_SID, "Tripped", nn, tdev) ix.service = SENSOR_SID ix.variable = "Tripped" ix.valueOn = "1" ix.watched = true elseif dtype == "dimmer" then -- Dimmer, watch switch and level status, but on/off is by switch status alone. -- ref: http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Luup_Variables#Dimmable_Light ( modulo inconsistencies ) D("watchTriggers(): watching %1 (%2) as dimmer", nn, ix.devicename) watchVariable( DIMMER_SID, "LoadLevelStatus", nn, tdev ) watchVariable( SWITCH_SID, "Status", nn, tdev ) ix.service = SWITCH_SID ix.variable = "Status" ix.valueOn = "1" ix.watched = true elseif dtype == "switch" then D("watchTriggers(): watching %1 (%2) as switch", nn, ix.devicename) watchVariable( SWITCH_SID, "Status", nn, tdev ) ix.service = SWITCH_SID ix.variable = "Status" ix.valueOn = "1" ix.watched = true else L({level=2,msg="%4 (#%5) %3 device #%1 (%2) doesn't seem to be a sensor or controllable load. Ignoring."}, nn, ix.devicename, ix.list, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) end else D("watchTriggers() device %1 (%2) already on watch", nn, (luup.devices[nn] or {}).description) end end end local function watchTriggers( tdev ) watchMap( timerState[tostring(tdev)].trigger, tdev ) watchMap( timerState[tostring(tdev)].inhibit, tdev ) watchMap( timerState[tostring(tdev)].on, tdev ) watchMap( timerState[tostring(tdev)].off, tdev ) end -- Load a scene into the trigger map. local function loadTriggerMapFromScene( scene, m, list, tdev ) D("loadTriggerMapFromScene(%1,%2,%3,%4)", scene, m, list, tdev) local scd = getSceneData( scene, tdev ) if scd == nil then return end -- can't load (retry later) -- Anything on in first scene group? if scd.groups == nil or scd.groups[1] == nil or scd.groups[1].actions == nil then L({level=2,msg="%3 (#%4) scene %1 (%2) has no group 1 actions, can't determine state."}, scd.id, scd.name, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) return false end D("loadTriggerMapFromScene() examining devices in first scene group") for _,ac in pairs(scd.groups[1].actions) do local deviceNum = tonumber(ac.device,10) if not luup.devices[deviceNum] then L({level=2,msg="%4 (#%5) device %1 used in scene %2 (%3) not found in luup.devices. Maybe it got deleted? Skipping."}, deviceNum, scd.id, scd.description, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) elseif isSwitchType( deviceNum, nil, tdev ) or luup.devices[deviceNum].device_type == MYTYPE then -- Something we can handle natively. m[deviceNum] = { device=deviceNum, invert=false, list=list } else -- Not a configured/able device, so we can't watch it. local ld = luup.devices[deviceNum] L({level=2,msg="%8 (#%9) don't know how to handle scene %6 (%7) device %1 (%2) category %3.%4 type %5. Ignoring."}, deviceNum, ld.description, ld.category_num, ld.subcategory_num, ld.device_type, scd.id, scd.name, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) end end watchTriggers( tdev ) end -- Set the status message local function setMessage(s, dev) assert( dev ~= nil ) luup.variable_set(TIMERSID, "Message", s or "", dev) end -- Turn the targetDevice on or off, according to state (boolean, true=on). local function deviceOnOff( targetDevice, state, vtDev ) D("deviceOnOff(%1,%2,%3)", targetDevice, state, vtDev) assert(type(state) == "boolean") if string.find(targetDevice, "^S") then -- Scene reference starts with S local sceneId = tonumber(string.sub(targetDevice, 2),10) D("deviceOnOff() running scene %1", sceneId) local rc,rs = luup.call_action("urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "RunScene", {SceneNum = sceneId}, 0) if rc ~= 0 then L({level=2,msg="%3 (#%4) scene %5 run failed, result %1, %2"}, rc, rs, luup.devices[vtDev].description, vtDev, targetDevice:sub(2)) end else -- Controlled load (hopefully). local targetId, lvl, i i, _, targetId, lvl = targetDevice:find("(%w+)=(%d+)") if i == nil then targetId = tonumber(targetDevice, 10) lvl = nil else targetId = tonumber(targetId, 10) lvl = tonumber(lvl, 10) D("deviceOnOff() handling dimming spec %3 as device=%1, level=%2", targetId, lvl, targetDevice) end if targetId ~= nil and luup.devices[targetId] ~= nil then local desc = luup.devices[targetId].description -- ??? need to resolve the real utility of this (does it have any?) local oldState = tonumber(luup.variable_get( SWITCH_SID, "Status", targetId ) or "0", 10) local targetVal = tostring( state and 1 or 0 ) if lvl ~= nil and isDimmerType( targetId, nil, vtDev) then D("deviceOnOff() handling %1 (%2) as Dimming1, setting target level=%3", targetId, desc, lvl) local rc, rs = luup.call_action(DIMMER_SID, "SetLoadLevelTarget", { newLoadlevelTarget=tostring(lvl) }, targetId) -- note case inconsistency in argument name D("deviceOnOff() action SetLoadLevelTarget for device %1 returned %2 %3", targetId, rc, rs) elseif luup.devices[targetId].device_type == "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:VSwitch:1" then -- VirtualSwitch plugin has its own, seems to work more consistently than its attempt at SwitchPower1 D("deviceOnOff() handling %1 (%2) as VSwitch1 exception, setting target=%3", targetId, desc, state) local rc, rs = luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:VSwitch1", "SetTarget", { newTargetValue=targetVal }, targetId) D("deviceOnOff() action SetTarget for device %1 returned %2 %3", targetId, rc, rs) elseif isSwitchType( targetId, nil, vtDev ) then D("deviceOnOff() handling %1 (%2) as SwitchPower1, setting target=%3", targetId, desc, state) local rc, rs = luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1", "SetTarget", { newTargetValue=targetVal }, targetId) D("deviceOnOff() action SetTarget for device %1 returned %2 %3", targetId, rc, rs) elseif luup.devices[targetId].device_type == MYTYPE then -- Yes, we can control another DelayLightTimer! local action = state and "Trigger" or "Reset" D("deviceOnOff() handling %1 (%2) as DelayLight, action %3", targetId, desc, action) local rc, rs = luup.call_action( TIMERSID, action, {}, targetId ) D("deviceOnOff() action %4 for device %1 returned %2 %3", targetId, rc, rs, action) else -- Actor code removed for now (size reduction) L("Timer %1 (%2) don't know how to control device %3 (%4) %5", vtDev, luup.devices[vtDev].description, targetId, luup.devices[targetId].description, luup.devices[targetId].device_type) return false end D("deviceOnOff() %1 (%4) changed from %2 to %3", targetDevice, oldState, targetVal, desc) return state ~= oldState else D("deviceOnOff(): no target for %1", targetDevice) return false end end return true end -- Turn "off" loads off. local function doLoadsOff( tdev ) assert( tdev ~= nil ) L("Timer %1 (%2) turning off loads.", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) local devList = split( luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "OffList", tdev ) or "" ) for _, devSpec in ipairs(devList) do deviceOnOff( devSpec, false, tdev ) end end -- Turn "on" loads on. local function doLoadsOn( tdev ) assert( tdev ~= nil ) L("Timer %1 (%2) turning loads on.", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) local devList = split( luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "OnList", tdev ) or "" ) for _, devSpec in ipairs(devList) do deviceOnOff( devSpec, true, tdev ) end end -- Figure out if a device is on, our way. local function isDeviceOn( devnum, dinfo, newVal, tdev ) D("isDeviceOn(%1,%2,%3,%4)", devnum, dinfo, newVal, tdev) assert(type(devnum)=="number") assert(dinfo ~= nil) assert(type(tdev)=="number") if newVal == nil then newVal = luup.variable_get( dinfo.service, dinfo.variable, devnum ) end -- dinfo, which contains the trigger map data for this device, as enough information that we can use -- it exclusively to see what our device state is. local testValues = dinfo.valueOn or { { comparison="!=", value=0 } } if type(testValues) ~= "table" then testValues = { testValues } end -- Get inversion state local inv = dinfo.invert or false local nVal = tonumber( newVal ) or 0 D("isDeviceOn() testing %1 val %2 against %3 (invert=%4)", devnum, newVal, testValues, inv) for _,tv in ipairs( testValues ) do local op, val if type( tv ) == "table" then val = tv.value or 1 op = tv.comparison or "=" else val = tv op = "=" end D("isDeviceOn() dev %1 checking %2 %3 %4", devnum, newVal, op, val) if op == "" or op == "=" then if iif( inv, newVal ~= tostring( val ), newVal == tostring( val ) ) then return true end elseif op == "!=" then if iif( inv, newVal == tostring( val ), newVal ~= tostring( val ) ) then return true end elseif op == ">" then if iif( inv, nVal <= tonumber( val ), nVal > tonumber( val ) ) then return true end elseif op == "<" then if iif( inv, nVal >= tonumber( val ), nVal < tonumber( val ) ) then return true end elseif op == "in" then for _,v in pairs( split( val, "," ) or {} ) do if v == newVal then return true end end else L({level=2,msg="%1 (%2) device 'on' condition %3 invalid, skipping (bug, please report)."}, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, tv) end end return false end -- Given a device map, return true if any device is "on" local function isMapDeviceOn( m, tdev ) D("isMapDeviceOn(%1,%2)", m, tdev ) for _,dinfo in pairs(m) do local devnum = dinfo.device if luup.devices[devnum] ~= nil and luup.is_ready(devnum) then --[[ local pp = getVarNumeric( "PollSettings", 60, devnum, "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1" ) if pp ~= 0 then local dp = getVarNumeric( "LastPollSuccess", 0, devnum, "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1" ) if (os.time()-dp) > (2*pp) then L({level=2,prefix=_PLUGIN_NAME.."(PP): ",msg="device %1 (%2) overdue for poll; interval %3, last successful %4 ago"}, devnum, luup.devices[devnum].description, pp, os.time()-dp) end end --]] local isOn = isDeviceOn( devnum, dinfo, nil, tdev ) if isOn ~= nil and isOn then D("isMapDeviceOn() device ON %1", devnum) return true, devnum -- nothing more to do end else L("%3 (#%4) %2 device %1 not found in luup.devices or not ready, skipping.", devnum, dinfo.list, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) end end return false end -- Return true if any device in a selected list is on (loads, sensors) local function isAnyTriggerOn( includeSensors, includeLoads, tdev ) assert( type(includeSensors) == "boolean" ) assert( type(includeLoads) == "boolean" ) assert( tdev ~= nil ) if includeSensors then -- Check triggers local res, devnum = isMapDeviceOn( timerState[tostring(tdev)].trigger, tdev ) if res then return true, devnum end end if includeLoads then -- Check "on" list loads local res, devnum = isMapDeviceOn( timerState[tostring(tdev)].on, tdev ) if res then return true, devnum end -- Check "off" list loads res, devnum = isMapDeviceOn( timerState[tostring(tdev)].off, tdev ) if res then return true, devnum end end return false end -- Check to see if any inhibitor device is tripped local function isInhibited( tdev ) D("isInhibited(%1)", tdev) assert( tdev ~= nil ) for _,dinfo in pairs(timerState[tostring(tdev)].inhibit) do local devnum = dinfo.device if luup.devices[devnum] ~= nil and luup.is_ready(devnum) then if isDeviceOn( devnum, dinfo, nil, tdev ) then D("isInhibited() device %1 (%2) is ON, inhibiting trigger", devnum, luup.devices[devnum].description) return true, dinfo end else D("isInhibited() device %1 (%2) does not exist or is not ready; ignoring.", devnum, luup.devices[devnum]) end end return false -- None tripped/on end --[[ -- Return whether item is on list (table as array) local function isOnList( l, e ) if l == nil or e == nil then return false end for n,v in ipairs(l) do if v == e then return true, n end end return false end -- Get current schedule period local function getCurrentSchedule( tdev ) local s = "" -- getVar( "Schedule", "", tdev, TIMERSID ) local sched = false if s ~= "" then sched = json.decode( s ) end if not sched then sched = { default={ start=0, ['end']=1440, level=100, autodelay=nil, manualdelay=nil }, user={} } end local ndt = os.date("*t") local tnow = tonumber( ndt['hour'] ) * 60 + tonumber( ndt['min'] ) for _,sc in ipairs(sched.user or {}) do if tnow >= sc.start and tnow < sc['end'] then return sc end end return sched.default end --]] -- Active time period? local function isActivePeriod( tdev ) local tList = split( luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "ActivePeriods", tdev ) or "" ) if #tList > 0 then local now = os.date( "*t" ) now = now.hour * 60 + now.min for _,ix in pairs(tList) do local hs,ms,he,me = string.match( ix, "^(%d%d)(%d%d)-(%d%d)(%d%d)" ) -- HHMM-HHMM if hs ~= nil then hs = tonumber(hs)*60 + tonumber(ms) he = tonumber(he)*60 + tonumber(me) if he < hs and (now >= hs or now < he) then -- wraps midnight return true elseif now >= hs and now < he then return true end end end return false -- none of the time periods matched end return true -- empty list means always active end -- Active house mode? local function isActiveHouseMode( tdev ) assert(type(tdev) == "number") local mode = tostring( luup.attr_get( "Mode", 0 ) or 1 ) local activeList,n = split( luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "HouseModes", tdev ) or "", "," ) D("isActiveHouseMode() checking current mode %1 against active modes %2", mode, activeList ) if n == 0 then return true end -- no modes is all modes for _,t in ipairs( activeList ) do if t == mode then return true end end D("isActiveHouseMode() not an active house mode") return false end -- Return array of keys for a map (table). Pass array or new is created. local function getKeys( m, r ) local seen = {} if r == nil then r = {} else -- Set up "seen" for existing in array passed in for _,k in ipairs(r) do seen[k] = true end end for k,_ in pairs(m) do if seen[k] == nil then table.insert( r, k ) seen[k] = true end end return r end -- Return the plugin version string function getPluginVersion() return _PLUGIN_VERSION, _CONFIGVERSION end -- runOnce() looks to see if a core state variable exists; if not, a one-time initialization -- takes place. local function timer_runOnce( tdev ) D("timer_runOnce(%1)", tdev) local s = getVarNumeric("Version", 0, tdev, TIMERSID) if s == _CONFIGVERSION then -- Up to date. return elseif s == 0 then -- See if this child is upgrading from old plugin instance local old = getVarNumeric( "OldDevice", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) if old > 0 then L("Timer %1 (%2) first run, copying from old instance %3...", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, old) local v = {'Enabled','Status','Timing','Triggers','OnList','OffList', 'AutoDelay','ManualDelay','OnDelay','HoldOn','OffTime','OnTime','ForcePoll', 'LastTrigger','HouseModes'} for _,varname in ipairs(v) do luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, varname, luup.variable_get( MYSID, varname, old ) or "", tdev ) end luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Message", "", tdev ) -- force blank start luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Enabled", 0, old ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OldDevice", "", tdev ) -- deleteVar( TIMERSID, "OldDevice", tdev ) luup.attr_set( "room", luup.attr_get( "room", old ) or 0, tdev ) else L("Timer %1 (%2) first run, setting up new instance...", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Enabled", "1", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Status", STATE_IDLE, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Timing", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Message", "Idle", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Triggers", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnList", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OffList", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "AutoDelay", "60", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ManualDelay", "3600", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnDelay", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "HoldOn", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OffTime", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnTime", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ForcePoll", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "LastTrigger", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "HouseModes", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "InhibitDevices", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ActivePeriods", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ManualOnScene", "1", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ResettableOnDelay", "1", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "TriggerQuieting", "0", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "IgnoreTriggersUntil", "0", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ApplyInhibitorsManual", "0", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ApplyScheduleManual", "0", tdev ) end luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Version", _CONFIGVERSION, tdev ) return end -- Consider per-version changes. L("%2 (%1) applying changes to config up to rev %3", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, _CONFIGVERSION) if s < 00106 then luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "InhibitDevices", "", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ActivePeriods", "", tdev ) end -- Nothing for timers in 00107, master device only. if s < 00108 then luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ManualOnScene", "1", tdev ) end if s < 00109 then luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ResettableOnDelay", "1", tdev ) end if s < 19144 then luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "TriggerQuieting", "0", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "IgnoreTriggersUntil", "0", tdev ) end if s < 19233 then luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ApplyInhibitorsManual", "0", tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "ApplyScheduleManual", "0", tdev ) end -- Update version last. if (s ~= _CONFIGVERSION) then luup.variable_set(TIMERSID, "Version", _CONFIGVERSION, tdev) end end -- plugin_runOnce() looks to see if a core state variable exists; if not, a one-time initialization -- takes place. local function plugin_runOnce( pdev ) D("plugin_runOnce(%1)", pdev) local s = getVarNumeric("Version", 0, pdev, MYSID) if s == _CONFIGVERSION then -- Up to date. return elseif s == 0 then L("First run, setting up new plugin instance...") luup.variable_set(MYSID, "NumChildren", 0, pdev) luup.variable_set(MYSID, "NumRunning", 0, pdev) luup.variable_set(MYSID, "Message", "", pdev) luup.variable_set(MYSID, "DebugMode", 0, pdev) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "MaxEvents", "50", pdev ) luup.variable_set(MYSID, "Version", _CONFIGVERSION, pdev) return end -- Consider per-version changes. L("Applying config upgrades to plugin to version %1", _CONFIGVERSION) if s < 00103 then -- Conversion to 00103. Find all DLs incl this one and create a child -- of this one for it. Link it via the OldDevice state variable, which -- we'll detect separately. local ptr = luup.chdev.start( pdev ) local count = 0 for k,v in pairs(luup.devices) do if v.device_type == MYTYPE then luup.variable_set(MYSID, "Version", 00103, k) -- do now, so no repeat if k ~= pdev then luup.variable_set(MYSID, "Converted", 1, k) luup.attr_set( "name", "X"..v.description, k ) else luup.attr_set( "name", "DelayLight Plugin", k ) end D("plugin_runOnce() creating child for %1 (%2)", k, luup.devices[k].description) luup.chdev.append( pdev, ptr, "t"..k, v.description, TIMERTYPE, "D_DelayLightTimer.xml", "", string.format("%s,%s=%d", TIMERSID, "OldDevice", k), false ) count = count + 1 end end D("plugin_runOnce() created %1 child devices", count) luup.chdev.sync( pdev, ptr ) L("RELOADING LUUP!") luup.reload() end if s < 00105 then luup.variable_set(MYSID, "NumChildren", 0, pdev) luup.variable_set(MYSID, "NumRunning", 0, pdev) luup.variable_set(MYSID, "Message", "", pdev) end if s < 00107 then luup.variable_set(MYSID, "DebugMode", 0, pdev) end if s < 19104 then luup.variable_set( MYSID, "MaxEvents", "50", pdev ) end -- Update version last. if (s ~= _CONFIGVERSION) then luup.variable_set(MYSID, "Version", _CONFIGVERSION, pdev) end end -- Add a child (used as both action and local function) function addTimer( pdev ) D("addTimer(%1)", pdev) local ptr = luup.chdev.start( pdev ) local highd = 0 luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Adding timer. Please hard-refresh your browser.", pdev ) for _,v in pairs(luup.devices) do if v.device_type == TIMERTYPE and v.device_num_parent == pdev then D("addTimer() appending existing device %1 (%2)", v.id, v.description) local dd = tonumber( string.match( v.id, "t(%d+)" ) ) if dd == nil then highd = highd + 1 elseif dd > highd then highd = dd end luup.chdev.append( pdev, ptr, v.id, v.description, "", "D_DelayLightTimer.xml", "", "", false ) end end highd = highd + 1 D("addTimer() creating child d%1t%2", pdev, highd) luup.chdev.append( pdev, ptr, string.format("d%dt%d", pdev, highd), "DelayLight Timer " .. highd, "", "D_DelayLightTimer.xml", "", "", false ) luup.chdev.sync( pdev, ptr ) -- Should cause reload immediately. end -- Find a good tick delay for next update local function scaleNextTick( delay ) local nextTick = delay or 60 if nextTick > 60 then nextTick = 60 elseif nextTick > 10 then nextTick = 5 else nextTick = 1 end local remain = delay % nextTick if remain > 0 then nextTick = remain end return nextTick end local function trigger( state, tdev ) D("trigger(%1,%2)", state, tdev) assert(type(tdev)=="number") assert(luup.devices[tdev] and luup.devices[tdev].device_type == TIMERTYPE) -- If we're disabled, this function has no effect. if not isEnabled( tdev ) then D("trigger() disabled, no triggering.") setMessage("Disabled", tdev) return end -- If we're not in active period, no effect. local isActive = isActivePeriod( tdev ) if not isActive and getVarNumeric( "ApplyScheduleManual", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) ~= 0 then D("trigger() inactive period, not triggering.") setMessage("Inactive period (all modes)", tdev) return end -- If inhibited by device, no effect. local isInhibit = isInhibited( tdev ) if isInhibit and getVarNumeric( "ApplyInhibitorsManual", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) ~= 0 then D("trigger() inhibited, not triggering.") setMessage("Inhibited (all modes)", tdev) return end addEvent{ event="trigger", dev=tdev, state=state } local offDelay local status = luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "Status", tdev ) local onDelay = 0 if status == STATE_IDLE then -- Trigger from idle state local timing = 1 if state == STATE_AUTO then if not isActive then setMessage("Inactive period (no auto)", tdev) return end if isInhibit then setMessage("Inhibited (no auto)", tdev) return end if not isActiveHouseMode( tdev ) then D("trigger() not in an active house mode, not triggering") -- Not an active house mode; do nothing. return end offDelay = getVarNumeric( "AutoDelay", 60, tdev, TIMERSID ) if offDelay == 0 then return end -- 0 delay means no auto-on function onDelay = getVarNumeric( "OnDelay", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) if onDelay == 0 then luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnTime", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) else luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnTime", os.time() + onDelay, tdev ) timing = 2 D("trigger() configuring on delay %1 seconds", onDelay) end addEvent{dev=tdev,event="trigger",mode="auto",ondelay=onDelay,offDelay=offDelay} else -- Trigger manual offDelay = getVarNumeric( "ManualDelay", 3600, tdev, TIMERSID ) if offDelay == 0 then return end -- 0 delay means no manual delay function luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnTime", 0, tdev ) addEvent{dev=tdev,event="trigger",mode="man",offDelay=offDelay} end luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Status", state, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Timing", timing, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OffTime", os.time() + onDelay + offDelay, tdev ) scheduleDelay( scaleNextTick( onDelay + offDelay ), tdev, tdev ) -- Finally, if there's no onDelay, turn loads on. Do this last, -- so Status is properly set so when watches start coming for devices, -- the watch knows it's a reaction to auto mode, not a manual start. -- Prior to 1.5, a manual trigger would force all "on" devices to their -- configured conditions (so switching one light on turns on all). As -- of 1.5, this remains the default, but can be changed to leave devices -- alone (for manual only) by setting ManualOnScene=0. if onDelay == 0 and ( state == STATE_AUTO or getVarNumeric( "ManualOnScene", 1, tdev, TIMERSID) ~= 0 ) then addEvent{dev=tdev,event="loadson",mode=state} doLoadsOn( tdev ) end else -- Trigger in man or auto is REtrigger; extend timing by current mode's delay local delay if status == STATE_AUTO then if isInhibit or not isActive then D("trigger() retrigger by auto muted, inactive period or inhibited (%1,%2)", not isActive, isInhibit) return end if not isActiveHouseMode( tdev ) then D("trigger() not in active house mode, not re-triggering/extending") return end delay = getVarNumeric( "AutoDelay", 60, tdev, TIMERSID ) if delay == 0 then return end -- 0 delay means no auto-on function else delay = getVarNumeric( "ManualDelay", 3600, tdev, TIMERSID ) if delay == 0 then return end -- 0 delay means no manual timing end local newTime = os.time() + delay local offTime = getVarNumeric( "OffTime", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) if newTime > offTime then luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OffTime", newTime, tdev ) offTime = newTime end delay = offTime - os.time() addEvent{dev=tdev,event="retrigger",mode=status,delay=delay,offTime=offTime} scheduleDelay( delay, tdev, tdev ) end end local function resetTimer( tdev ) D("resetTimer(%1)", tdev) addEvent{ event="resettimer", dev=tdev } luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Status", STATE_IDLE, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Timing", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OffTime", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnTime", 0, tdev ) -- don't do this here... polling may need to happen. tick loop will stop itself if not -- scheduleTick( 0, tdev ) end local function reset( force, tdev ) D("reset(%1,%2)", force, tdev) addEvent{ event="reset", dev=tdev, force=force } resetTimer( tdev ) doLoadsOff( tdev ) return true end function setEnabled( enabled, tdev ) D("setEnabled(%1,%2)", enabled, tdev) if type(enabled) == "string" then if enabled:lower() == "false" or enabled:lower() == "disabled" or enabled == "0" then enabled = false else enabled = true end elseif type(enabled) == "number" then enabled = enabled ~= 0 elseif type(enabled) ~= "boolean" then return end addEvent{ event="enableaction", dev=tdev, enabled=enabled } luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Enabled", enabled and "1" or "0", tdev ) -- If disabling, do nothing else, so current actions complete/expire. if enabled then -- start new timer thread scheduleDelay( 1, tdev, tdev ) setMessage( "Idle", tdev ) end end function actionTrigger( state, dev ) L("Timer %1 (%2) trigger action!", dev, luup.devices[dev].description) trigger( state, dev ) end function actionReset( force, dev ) L("Timer %1 (%2) reset action!", dev, luup.devices[dev].description) reset( force, dev ) end function actionCancel( dev ) L("Timer %1 (%2) cancel action!", dev, luup.devices[dev].description) resetTimer( dev ) setMessage( isEnabled( dev ) and "Cancelled" or "Disabled", dev ) if not isEnabled( dev ) then -- Cancel after disable, no need for more timing. scheduleTick( 0, dev ) end return true end function setDebug( state, tdev ) debugMode = state or false addEvent{ event="debugaction", dev=tdev, debugMode=debugMode } if debugMode then D("Debug enabled") end end -- Start an instance local function startTimer( tdev, pdev ) D("startTimer(%1,%2)", tdev, pdev) -- Instance initialization clearTimerState( tdev ) timer_runOnce( tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "LastPoll", 0, tdev ) watchVariable( TIMERSID, "OffTime", tdev, tdev ) -- Set up our lists of Triggers and Onlist devices. local triggers = split( luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "Triggers", tdev ) or "" ) timerState[tostring(tdev)].trigger = map( triggers, function( _, v ) local dev,inv = toDevnum(v) return tostring(dev), { device=dev, invert=inv, list="trigger" } end ) -- "On" list local l = split( luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "OnList", tdev ) or "" ) if #l > 0 and l[1]:sub(1,1) == "S" then loadTriggerMapFromScene( tonumber(l[1]:sub(2)), timerState[tostring(tdev)].on, "on", tdev ) else timerState[tostring(tdev)].on = map( l, function( _, v ) local dev = toDevnum(v) return tostring(dev), { device=dev, invert=false, list="on" } end ) end -- "Off" list l = split( luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "OffList", tdev ) or "" ) if #l > 0 and l[1]:sub(1,1) == "S" then loadTriggerMapFromScene( tonumber(l[1]:sub(2)), timerState[tostring(tdev)].off, "off", tdev ) else timerState[tostring(tdev)].off = map( l, function( _, v ) local dev = toDevnum(v) return tostring(dev), { device=dev, invert=false, list="off" } end ) end -- Inhibits l = split( luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "InhibitDevices", tdev ) or "" ) timerState[tostring(tdev)].inhibit = map( l, function( _, v ) local dev,inv = toDevnum(v) return tostring(dev), { device=dev, invert=inv, list="inhibit" } end ) D("startTimer() init of timerState = %1", timerState[tostring(tdev)]) -- Watch 'em. watchTriggers( tdev ) -- Log initial event local status = luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "Status", tdev ) or STATE_IDLE addEvent{ event="startup", dev=tdev, status=status, offTime=getVarNumeric( "OffTime", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ), enabled=isEnabled(tdev) } -- Pick up where we left off before restart... if status ~= STATE_IDLE then L("Timer %2 (%3) Continuing %1 timing across restart...", status, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) setMessage("Recovering from reload", tdev) elseif isEnabled( tdev ) then -- We think we're idle/off, but check to see if we missed events during reboot/reload D("start() checking devices in idle startup") if isAnyTriggerOn( true, false, tdev ) then -- A sensor is tripped... must have tripped during restart... L("Timer %1 (%2) self-triggering for possible missed auto start", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) trigger( STATE_AUTO, tdev ) elseif isAnyTriggerOn( false, true, tdev ) then -- A load is on... must have been turned on during restart... L("Timer %1 (%2) self-triggering for possible missed manual start", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) trigger( STATE_MANUAL, tdev ) else D("startTimer() quiet startup") luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnTime", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OffTime", 0, tdev ) L("Timer %1 (%2) ready/idle", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) setMessage( "Idle", tdev ) end else setMessage( "Disabled", tdev ) end -- Always start the timer tick. The timer loop will stop itself if no timer -- tasks are needed, but some things, like polling, may be needed even on -- idle timers. scheduleDelay( getVarNumeric( "StartupDelay", 10, tdev, TIMERSID ), tdev, tdev ) end local function startChildTimers( pdev ) D("startChildTimers(%1)", pdev) local sysReady = true for n,d in pairs(luup.devices) do if d.device_type == "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:ZWaveNetwork:1" then local sysStatus = luup.variable_get( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1", "NetStatusID", n ) if sysStatus ~= nil and sysStatus ~= "1" then sysReady = false end break end end if not sysReady then D("startChildTimers() system not ready, delaying...") luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Waiting for Z-Wave ready...", pdev ) scheduleDelay( 15, pdev, pdev, startChildTimers ) return end -- Ready to go. Start our children. D("startChildTimers() Z-wave ready, starting children") scheduleTick( 0, pdev ) -- remove this task local count = 0 local started = 0 for k,v in pairs(luup.devices) do if v.device_type == TIMERTYPE and v.device_num_parent == pdev then count = count + 1 L("Starting timer %1 (%2)", k, luup.devices[k].description) local success, err = pcall( startTimer, k, pdev ) if not success then L({level=2,msg="Failed to start %1 (%2): %3"}, k, luup.devices[k].description, err) else started = started + 1 end end end if count == 0 then luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Open control panel!", pdev ) else luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", string.format("Started %d/%d at %s", started, count, os.date("%x %X")), pdev ) end end -- Start plugin running. function startPlugin( pdev ) L("Plugin version %2, device %1 (%3)", pdev, _PLUGIN_VERSION, luup.devices[pdev].description) assert( ( luup.devices[pdev].device_num_parent or 0 ) == 0 ) if luup.variable_get( MYSID, "Converted", pdev ) == "1" then L("This instance %1 (%2) has been converted to child; stopping.", pdev, luup.devices[pdev].description) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Device upgraded. Delete this one!", pdev) return true, "Upgraded", _PLUGIN_NAME else luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Starting...", pdev ) end -- Early inits pluginDevice = pdev isALTUI = false isOpenLuup = false timerState = {} watchData = {} if getVarNumeric( "Enabled", 1, pdev, MYSID ) == 0 then L{level=2,msg="DelayLight has been disabled by configuration; startup aborting."} return true, "Disabled", _PLUGIN_NAME end -- Check for ALTUI and OpenLuup for k,v in pairs(luup.devices) do if v.device_type == "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:altui:1" and v.device_num_parent == 0 then D("start() detected ALTUI at %1", k) isALTUI = true local rc,rs,jj,ra = luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:altui1", "RegisterPlugin", { newDeviceType=TIMERTYPE, newScriptFile="J_DelayLightTimer_ALTUI.js", newDeviceDrawFunc="DelayLightTimer_ALTUI.deviceDraw", -- newControlPanelFunc="DelayLightTimer_ALTUI.controlPanelDraw", newStyleFunc="DelayLightTimer_ALTUI.getStyle" }, k ) D("startTimer() ALTUI's RegisterPlugin action for %5 returned resultCode=%1, resultString=%2, job=%3, returnArguments=%4", rc,rs,jj,ra, TIMERTYPE) rc,rs,jj,ra = luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:altui1", "RegisterPlugin", { newDeviceType=MYTYPE, newScriptFile="J_DelayLight_ALTUI.js", newDeviceDrawFunc="DelayLight_ALTUI.deviceDraw", newStyleFunc="DelayLight_ALTUI.getStyle" }, k ) D("startTimer() ALTUI's RegisterPlugin action for %5 returned resultCode=%1, resultString=%2, job=%3, returnArguments=%4", rc,rs,jj,ra, MYTYPE) elseif v.device_type == "openLuup" then D("start() detected openLuup") isOpenLuup = true end end -- Check UI version if not checkVersion( pdev ) then L({level=1,msg="This plugin does not run on this firmware."}) luup.set_failure( 1, pdev ) return false, "Incompatible firmware", _PLUGIN_NAME end -- One-time stuff plugin_runOnce( pdev ) -- Debug? if getVarNumeric( "DebugMode", 0, pdev, MYSID ) ~= 0 then debugMode = true L("Debug mode enabled by state variable") end maxEvents = getVarNumeric( "MaxEvents", 50, pdev, MYSID ) -- Initialize timer and master tick runStamp = 1 tickTasks = { master={ dev=pdev } } -- Launch startup task (waits for Z-Wave ready) scheduleDelay( 5, pdev, pdev, startChildTimers ) -- Return success luup.set_failure( 0, pdev ) return true, "Ready", _PLUGIN_NAME end timerTick = function (tdev) -- forward-declared D("timerTick(%1) name %2", tdev, (luup.devices[tdev] or {}).description) local now = os.time() local status = luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "Status", tdev ) or STATE_IDLE local offTime = getVarNumeric( "OffTime", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) local onTime = getVarNumeric( "OnTime", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) D("timerTick(%1) Status %2 OffTime %3", tdev, status, offTime) local nextTick = 60 -- luacheck: ignore 311 if status ~= STATE_IDLE then local holdOn = getVarNumeric( "HoldOn", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) local sensorTripped, which = isAnyTriggerOn( true, false, tdev ) if onTime ~= 0 then if onTime > now then local delay = onTime - now D("timerTick() onTime %1, still %2 to go...", onTime, delay) nextTick = scaleNextTick(delay) setMessage( "Delay On " .. formatTime(delay), tdev ) else L("Timer %1 (%2) end of on delay, turning loads on.", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "OnTime", 0, tdev ) luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "Timing", 1, tdev ) -- N.B.: Since OnDelay/OnTime only applies to AUTO, no concern about forcing load states here. doLoadsOn( tdev ) local delay = offTime - now setMessage( "Delay Off " .. formatTime(delay), tdev ) nextTick = scaleNextTick(delay) end elseif holdOn == 2 and sensorTripped then D("timerTick() hold-on mode 2 and sensor %1 (%2) still tripped", which, luup.devices[which].description) trigger( status, tdev ) -- retrigger (extend timing) setMessage( "Waiting for " .. luup.devices[which].description, tdev ) nextTick = 60 -- trigger() sets, so this is a max elseif offTime > now then -- Not our time yet... local delay = offTime - now D("timerTick() offTime %1, still %2 to go...", offTime, delay) setMessage( "Delay Off " .. formatTime(delay), tdev ) nextTick = scaleNextTick(delay) elseif holdOn == 1 and sensorTripped then D("timerTick() hold-on mode 1 and sensor %1 (%2) still tripped", which, luup.devices[which].description) setMessage( "Holding for " .. luup.devices[which].description, tdev ) nextTick = 60 else -- Expired. L("Timer %1 (%2) expired, resetting.", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) reset( true, tdev ) nextTick = nil end else -- idle or disabled nextTick = nil setMessage( isEnabled( tdev ) and "Idle" or "Disabled", tdev ) end if nextTick == nil or nextTick >= 5 then -- Attempt to load any unloaded scenes. for scene in pairs( sceneWaiting ) do nextTick = 5 local n = tonumber(scene) if n ~= nil then L("Retrying load of scene %1", n) -- Yes, this does not load the trigger map. That's a detail to be -- sorted later. We don't know which list to put the scene on at -- this point. ??? TO-DO getSceneData( n, tdev ) break -- one at a time end end end if nextTick == nil then D("timerTick() timer %1 (%2) nothing more to do, not rescheduling.", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) else D("timerTick() timer %1 (%2) scheduling next tick for %3", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, nextTick) scheduleDelay( nextTick, tdev, tdev ) end end -- Master (plugin) timer tick. Using the tickTasks table, we keep track of -- tasks that need to be run and when, and try to stay on schedule. This -- keeps us light on resources: typically one system timer only for any -- number of devices. function tick(p) D("tick(%1)", p) local now = os.time() local stepStamp = tonumber(p,10) assert(stepStamp ~= nil) if stepStamp ~= runStamp then D( "tick() stamp mismatch (got %1, expecting %2), newer thread running. Bye!", stepStamp, runStamp ) return end -- Since the tasks can manipulate the tickTasks table, the iterator -- is likely to be disrupted, so make a separate list of tasks that -- need service, and service them using that list. tickTasks.master.when = 0 local todo = {} for t,v in pairs(tickTasks) do if t ~= "master" and v.when and v.when <= now then -- Task is due or past due table.insert( todo, v ) end end D("tick() %1 tasks ready to run", #todo) for _,v in ipairs(todo) do v.when = nil -- clear time; timerTick() will need to reschedule local success, err = pcall( v.func or timerTick, v.dev, v.id, unpack(v.args or {}) ) if not success then L("Timer %1 (%2) tick failed: %3", v.dev, luup.devices[v.dev].description, err) else D("tick() successful return from tick func(%1)", v.dev) end end -- Things change while we work. Take another pass to find next task. local nextTick = nil for t,v in pairs(tickTasks) do if v.when and t ~= "master" then if not nextTick or v.when < nextTick then nextTick = v.when end end end -- Check polling -- ??? WTF? if nextTick == nil or ( nextTick - now ) >= 5 then local success, p2 = pcall( checkPoll, pluginDevice ) if success then if p2 then nextTick = now + 5 end else L({level=2,msg="Poll failed: %1"}, p2) end end -- Figure out next master tick: soonest timer task tick, or 60 seconds local delay = 60 if nextTick ~= nil then delay = nextTick - now if delay < 0 then delay = 0 elseif delay > 60 then delay = 60 end end if delay == 0 then zeroticks = zeroticks + 1 if zeroticks > 100 then error("More than 100 consecutive zero-ticks; something is wrong!") end else zeroticks = 0 end tickTasks.master.when = now + delay D("tick(%1) scheduling next master tick for %2 delay %3", pluginDevice, tickTasks.master.when, delay) luup.call_delay( "delayLightTick", delay, p ) end local function processDeviceChange( tdev, dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal ) D("processDeviceChange(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6)", tdev, dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal) local status = luup.variable_get( TIMERSID, "Status", tdev ) local myname = luup.devices[tdev].description or tdev local now = os.time() local ts = timerState[tostring(tdev)] if oldVal == newVal then return end local dinfo = ts.trigger[tostring(dev)] if dinfo ~= nil then -- Trigger device (specifically) is changing state. -- Make sure it's our status trigger service/variable if sid ~= dinfo.service or var ~= dinfo.variable then return end -- not something we handle -- We're good. Interpret status. D("processDeviceChange() triggers[%1]=%2, newVal=%3 (%4)", dev, dinfo, newVal, luup.devices[dev].description) local trig = isDeviceOn( dev, dinfo, newVal, tdev ) D("processDeviceChange() device %1 trigger state is %2", dev, trig) addEvent{ event="watch", dev=tdev, device=dev, service=sid, variable=var, old=oldVal, new=newVal, triggered=trig } -- Now... if trig then -- Check trigger hold-off. local tho = getVarNumeric( "IgnoreTriggersUntil", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) if tho > 0 and tho > now then -- Not ready yet. D("processDeviceChange() trigger hold-off not yet met (%1 < %2)", now, tho ) setMessage( "Quieting" , tdev ) local delay = tho - now scheduleDelay( delay, tdev, tdev ) return end --[[ if not isActiveHouseMode( tdev ) then D("processDeviceChange() ignoring trigger device, inactive house mode") if status == STATE_IDLE then setMessage("Ignored trigger (house mode)", tdev) end return end if not isActivePeriod( tdev ) then D("processDeviceChange() ignoring trigger device, inactive period") if status == STATE_IDLE then setMessage("Ignored trigger (schedule)", tdev) end return end if isInhibited( tdev ) then D("processDeviceChange() ignoring trigger device, inhibit active") if status == STATE_IDLE then setMessage("Ignored trigger (inhibited)", tdev) end return end --]] -- Save trigger info luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "LastTrigger", table.concat({ dev, now, newVal, sid, var}, ","), tdev) -- Trigger for type L("Timer %1 (%2) AUTO triggering by list %3 dev %4 (%5)", tdev, myname, dinfo.list, dev, luup.devices[dev].description) trigger( STATE_AUTO, tdev ) elseif status ~= STATE_IDLE then -- Tripped trigger device is resetting in active state local holdOn = getVarNumeric( "HoldOn", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) D("processDeviceChange() trigger reset in %1, HoldOn=%2", status, holdOn) local left, ldev = isAnyTriggerOn( true, false, tdev ) local onTime = getVarNumeric( "OnTime", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) if not left and onTime > 0 and getVarNumeric("ResettableOnDelay", 1, tdev, TIMERSID) ~= 0 then -- All triggers reset during on-delay. Reset timer. L("Timer %1 (%2) all triggers reset during on-delay; resetting.", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) resetTimer( tdev ) elseif holdOn ~= 0 then if not left then -- Now no more trigger devices on in hold-over (mode 1 or 2) local offTime = getVarNumeric( "OffTime", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) L("Timer %1 (%2) end of hold (%3); offTime=%4", tdev, myname, holdOn, offTime) if holdOn == 2 then -- When HoldOn = 2, extend off time beyond untrip. trigger( status, tdev ) elseif offTime <= now then -- HoldOn == 1, time expired, immediate reset reset( false, tdev ) end else setMessage( ( holdOn == 1 and "Hold-over" or "Waiting" ) .. " for " .. luup.devices[ldev or tdev].description, tdev ) end end end else -- It wasn't a trigger device. See if it's on the "on" or "off" lists. dinfo = ts.on[tostring(dev)] or ts.off[tostring(dev)] if dinfo then -- Make sure it's our service/variable if sid ~= dinfo.service or var ~= dinfo.variable then return end -- not something we handle -- We're good. Interpret status. D("processDeviceChange() device %1 %5 map=%2, newVal=%3 (%4)", dev, dinfo, newVal, luup.devices[dev].description, dinfo.list) local trig = isDeviceOn( dev, dinfo, newVal, tdev ) D("processDeviceChange() device %1 trigger state is %2", dev, trig) addEvent{ event="watch", dev=tdev, device=dev, service=sid, variable=var, old=oldVal, new=newVal, triggered=trig } if trig then -- Turning on. if status == STATE_AUTO then return end -- "on" list device turning on in AUTO, probably us doing it -- Save trigger info luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "LastTrigger", table.concat({ dev, now, newVal, sid, var}, ","), tdev) -- Trigger manual L("Timer %1 (%2) MANUAL triggering by list %3 dev %4 (%5)", tdev, myname, dinfo.list, dev, luup.devices[dev].description) trigger( STATE_MANUAL, tdev ) else -- Something is turning off. if not isAnyTriggerOn( false, true, tdev ) then -- All loads are now off. D("processDeviceChange() all loads now off in state %1.", status) if status ~= STATE_IDLE then L("Timer %1 (%2) all loads off, timer resetting from %3.", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, status) -- Set up hold-off of triggers, to prevent retriggering my movement when exiting the room -- after manually turning lights off, for example. local holdOff = getVarNumeric( "TriggerQuieting", 0, tdev, TIMERSID ) if holdOff > 0 then luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "IgnoreTriggersUntil", now+holdOff, tdev ) else luup.variable_set( TIMERSID, "IgnoreTriggersUntil", 0, tdev ) end -- We use resetTimer() here rather than reset(), because reset() sends all -- loads off. That's a problem for polled/non-instant loads, because -- we can get an "off" watch call for a polled load but the next polled -- load in the same config might be "on", but that isn't seen until a -- later poll (the human in the room sees two loads on, and one -- was turned off, and then the other goes off mysteriously before timer -- expires) resetTimer( tdev ) end -- else -- Something is still on. Just go with it. end end else D("processDeviceChange() ignoring device change, must be inhibit list") end end end local function processChangeQueue( tdev, taskid ) D("deviceChanged(%1)", tdev) local ts = timerState[tostring(tdev)] if #ts.changed > 0 then local changed = table.remove( ts.changed, 1 ) -- Schedule next, or not. Up front. if #ts.changed > 0 then scheduleDelay( 0, taskid ) else scheduleTick( nil, taskid ) -- clears task; necessary??? end -- We respond to edges. The value has to change for us to actually care... if changed.oldVal ~= changed.newVal then processDeviceChange( tdev, changed.device, changed.service, changed.variable, changed.oldVal, changed.newVal ) end end end -- Handle the timer-specific device watches (dispatched from the watch callback) local function timerWatch( dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal, tdev ) D("timerWatch(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6)", dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal, tdev) local now = os.time() if sid == TIMERSID and var == "OffTime" and dev == tdev then -- Watching myself... local newv = tonumber( newVal, 10 ) if newv == 0 then setMessage( isEnabled( tdev ) and "Idle" or "Disabled", tdev ) else local delay = newv - now if delay < 0 then delay = 0 end setMessage( formatTime(delay), tdev ) end else -- We respond to edges. The value has to change for us to actually care... if oldVal == newVal then return end table.insert( timerState[tostring(tdev)].changed, { device=dev, service=sid, variable=var, oldVal=oldVal, newVal=newVal } ) scheduleDelay( 0, "change"..tdev, tdev, processChangeQueue ) return end end -- Watch callback. Dispatches to timer-specific handling. function watch( dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal ) D("watch(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5) luup.device(tdev)=%6", dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal, luup.device) assert(var ~= nil) -- nil if service or device watch (can happen on openLuup) local key = string.format("%d/%s/%s", dev, sid, var) if watchData[key] then for t in pairs(watchData[key]) do local tdev = tonumber(t) if tdev ~= nil then D("watch() dispatching to %1 (%2)", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) -- addEvent{dev=tdev,event="watch",watchdev=dev,service=sid,variable=var,old=oldVal,new=newVal} local success,err = pcall( timerWatch, dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal, tdev, pluginDevice ) if not success then L({level=1,msg="watch() dispatch error: %1"}, err) end end end else L("Callback for unregistered key %1", key) end end local function getDevice( dev, pdev, v ) if v == nil then v = luup.devices[dev] end if json == nil then json = require("dkjson") end local devinfo = { devNum=dev , ['type']=v.device_type , description=v.description or "" , room=v.room_num or 0 , udn=v.udn or "" , id=v.id , parent=v.device_num_parent , ['device_json'] = luup.attr_get( "device_json", dev ) , ['impl_file'] = luup.attr_get( "impl_file", dev ) , ['device_file'] = luup.attr_get( "device_file", dev ) , manufacturer = luup.attr_get( "manufacturer", dev ) or "" , model = luup.attr_get( "model", dev ) or "" , plugin = luup.attr_get( "plugin", dev ) } local rc,t,httpStatus,uri if isOpenLuup then uri = "http://localhost:3480/data_request?id=status&DeviceNum=" .. dev .. "&output_format=json" else uri = "http://localhost/port_3480/data_request?id=status&DeviceNum=" .. dev .. "&output_format=json" end rc,t,httpStatus = luup.inet.wget(uri, 15) if httpStatus ~= 200 or rc ~= 0 then devinfo['_comment'] = string.format( 'State info could not be retrieved, rc=%s, http=%s', tostring(rc), tostring(httpStatus) ) return devinfo end local d = json.decode(t) local key = "Device_Num_" .. dev if d ~= nil and d[key] ~= nil and d[key].states ~= nil then d = d[key].states else d = nil end devinfo.states = d or {} return devinfo end local EOL = "\r\n" function request( lul_request, lul_parameters, lul_outputformat ) D("request(%1,%2,%3) luup.device=%4", lul_request, lul_parameters, lul_outputformat, luup.device) local action = lul_parameters['action'] or lul_parameters['command'] or "" --local deviceNum = tonumber( lul_parameters['device'], 10 ) or luup.device if action == "debug" then debugMode = not debugMode D("debug mode is now %1", debugMode) return "Debug mode is now " .. ( debugMode and "on" or "off" ), "text/plain" end if action == "capabilities" then return "{actors={}}", "application/json" elseif action == "status" then local st = { name=_PLUGIN_NAME, plugin=_PLUGIN_ID, version=_PLUGIN_VERSION, configversion=_CONFIGVERSION, author="Patrick H. Rigney (rigpapa)", url=_PLUGIN_URL, ['type']=MYTYPE, responder=luup.device, timestamp=os.time(), system = { version=luup.version, isOpenLuup=isOpenLuup, isALTUI=isALTUI, units=luup.attr_get( "TemperatureFormat", 0 ), }, devices={} } for k,v in pairs( luup.devices ) do if v.device_type == MYTYPE or v.device_type == TIMERTYPE then local devinfo = getDevice( k, pluginDevice, v ) or {} if v.device_type == TIMERTYPE then devinfo.timerState = timerState[tostring(k)] end table.insert( st.devices, devinfo ) end end return "PLEASE COPY THIS ENTIRE OUTPUT WITHOUT CHANGES"..EOL.."```"..EOL..json.encode( st )..EOL.."```", "text/plain" else return "Not implemented: " .. action, "text/plain" end end