--[[ L_Reactor.lua - Core module for Reactor Copyright 2018-2022 Patrick H. Rigney, All Rights Reserved. This file is part of Reactor. RESTRICTED USE LICENSE Reactor is not open source or public domain, and its author reserves all rights, including copyright. That said, you are granted a royalty-free license to use Reactor on any Vera or openLuup system you own for the purpose of creating automations. Except with express prior permission of its author, you may not distribute it in whole or in part. You may not reverse engineer it, or produce derivative works from its source code and original files and data, but any automations and configuration data you create for use with Reactor are, of course, yours to do with as you please (these are not considered derivative works here). The public storage and display of Reactor's source code on Github or any other medium is a requirement for its distribution and use in the environments in which it is designed to operate, and Reactor shall not be construed as having been "published" into the public domain or "Open Source" or for any other purpose or use that is inconsistent with this license. Reactor is offered "AS-IS" and "AS-AVAILABLE" together with any and all defects; all warranties, including but not limited to all express or implied warranties of fitness, are hereby disclaimed, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the author from any cause arising, of whatever nature, that may result for your use or inability to use Reactor. Your sole remedy for any defect or non-conformity is to stop using Reactor. Your use of Reactor (as evidenced by its presence, in whole or part, on any storage or media of any type in your posession) constitutes your express agreement to all terms of this license without reservation, limitation, or exclusion. If you do not agree to all of the foregoing, or if the laws of your jurisdiction exclude or limit any of the foregoing terms or conditions, you may not use Reactor and all rights granted you hereunder are withdrawn, null, and void. Your violation of any of the terms hereof contemporaneously and summarily terminates your license and any and all rights granted you hereunder. --]] --luacheck: std lua51,module,read globals luup,ignore 542 611 612 614 111/_,no max line length module("L_Reactor", package.seeall) local debugMode = false local _PLUGIN_ID = 9086 local _PLUGIN_NAME = "Reactor" local _PLUGIN_VERSION = "3.12 (22321)" local _PLUGIN_URL = "https://www.toggledbits.com/reactor" local _DOC_URL = "https://www.toggledbits.com/static/reactor/docs/3.9/" local _FORUM_URL = "https://community.getvera.com/c/plugins-and-plugin-development/reactor/178" local _CONFIGVERSION = 22316 local _CDATAVERSION = 20045 -- must coincide with JS local _UIVERSION = 22314 -- must coincide with JS _SVCVERSION = 20185 -- must coincide with impl file (not local) local MYSID = "urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:Reactor" local MYTYPE = "urn:schemas-toggledbits-com:device:Reactor:1" local RSSID = "urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorSensor" local RSTYPE = "urn:schemas-toggledbits-com:device:ReactorSensor:1" local VARSID = "urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorValues" local GRPSID = "urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorGroup" local SENSOR_SID = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1" local SWITCH_SID = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1" local systemReady = false local sensorState = {} local tickTasks = {} local watchData = {} local luaFunc = {} local devicesByName = {} local sceneData = {} local sceneWaiting = {} local sceneState = {} local hasBattery = true local usesHouseMode = false local geofenceMode = 0 local geofenceEvent = 0 local maxEvents = 100 local dateFormat = false local timeFormat = false local lastMasterTick local clockStable = true local clockValid = true local lastNetCheckTime = 0 local lastNetCheckState = false local lastInetDaemonUpdate = 0 local netFailCount = 0 local lastProbeSite local luaEnv -- global state for all runLua actions local runStamp = 0 local pluginDevice = false local isALTUI = false local isOpenLuup = false local unsafeLua = true local devVeraAlerts = false local devVeraTelegram = false local installPath local TICKOFFS = 5 -- cond tasks try to run TICKOFFS seconds after top of minute local TRUESTRINGS = ":y:yes:t:true:on:1:" -- strings that mean true (also numeric ~= 0) local ARRAYMAX = 100 -- maximum size of an unbounded (luaxp) array (override by providing boundary/size) local defaultLogLevel = false -- or a number, which is (uh...) the default log level for messages local _,json = pcall( require, "dkjson" ) local _,socket = pcall( require, "socket" ) local _,mime = pcall( require, "mime" ) local luaxp -- will only be loaded if needed local luaxp_extfunc = false local function dump(t, seen) if t == nil then return "nil" end seen = seen or {} local sep = "" local str = "{ " for k,v in pairs(t) do local val if type(v) == "table" then if seen[v] then val = "(recursion)" else seen[v] = true val = dump(v, seen) end elseif type(v) == "string" then val = string.format("%q", v) elseif type(v) == "number" and (math.abs(v-os.time()) <= 86400) then val = tostring(v) .. "(" .. os.date("%Y-%m-%d.%X", v) .. ")" else val = tostring(v) end str = str .. sep .. k .. "=" .. val sep = ", " end str = str .. " }" return str end local function L(msg, ...) -- luacheck: ignore 212 local str local level = defaultLogLevel or 50 if type(msg) == "table" then str = tostring(msg.prefix or _PLUGIN_NAME) .. ": " .. tostring(msg.msg or msg[1]) level = msg.level or level else str = _PLUGIN_NAME .. ": " .. tostring(msg) end str = string.gsub(str, "%%(%d+)", function( n ) n = tonumber(n, 10) if n < 1 or n > #arg then return "nil" end local val = arg[n] if type(val) == "table" then return dump(val) elseif type(val) == "string" then return string.format("%q", val) elseif type(val) == "number" and math.abs(val-os.time()) <= 86400 then return tostring(val) .. "(" .. os.date("%Y-%m-%d.%X", val) .. ")" end return tostring(val) end ) luup.log(str, math.max(1,level)) --[[ ???dev if level <= 2 then local f = io.open( "/etc/cmh-ludl/Reactor.log", "a" ) if f then f:write( str .. "\n" ) f:close() end end --]] if level == 0 then if debug and debug.traceback then luup.log( debug.traceback(), 1 ) end error(str, 2) end end local function D(msg, ...) if debugMode then local inf = debug and debug.getinfo(2, "Snl") or {} L( { msg=msg, prefix=(_PLUGIN_NAME .. "(" .. (inf.name or string.format("", tostring(inf.linedefined or "?"))) .. ":" .. tostring(inf.currentline or "?") .. ")") }, ... ) end end -- An assert() that only functions in debug mode local function DA(cond, m, ...) if cond or not debugMode then return end L({level=0,msg=m or "Assertion failed!"}, ...) error("assertion failed") -- should be unreachable end local function E(msg, ...) L({level=1,msg=msg}, ...) end local function W(msg, ...) L({level=2,msg=msg}, ...) end local function T(msg, ...) L(msg, ...) if debug and debug.traceback then luup.log((debug.traceback())) end end local function timems() return math.floor( socket.gettime() * 1000 + 0.5 ) / 1000 end local function getInstallPath() if not installPath then installPath = "/etc/cmh-ludl/" -- until we know otherwise if isOpenLuup then local loader = require "openLuup.loader" if loader.find_file then installPath = loader.find_file( "L_Reactor.lua" ):gsub( "L_Reactor.lua$", "" ) else installPath = "./" -- punt end end end return installPath end local function file_exists( filepath, leaveOpen ) local fd = io.open( filepath, "r" ) if fd then if not leaveOpen then fd:close() return true end return true, fd end return false end local function split( str, sep ) sep = sep or "," local arr = {} if str == nil or #str == 0 then return arr, 0 end local rest = string.gsub( str or "", "([^" .. sep .. "]*)" .. sep, function( m ) table.insert( arr, m ) return "" end ) table.insert( arr, rest ) return arr, #arr end local function urlencode( s ) -- Could add dot per RFC3986; note space becomes %20 -- Take care to only return 1 value (gsub returns 2) return ( s:gsub( "([^A-Za-z0-9_-])", function( m ) return string.format( "%%%02x", string.byte( m ) ) end ) ) end -- Shallow copy local function shallowCopy( t ) local r = {} for k,v in pairs(t or {}) do r[k] = v end return r end -- Find device by number, name or UDN local function finddevice( dev, tdev ) local vn if type(dev) == "number" then vn = ( dev == -1 ) and tdev or dev elseif type(dev) == "string" then if dev == "" then return tdev end dev = string.lower( dev ) if devicesByName[ dev ] ~= nil then return devicesByName[ dev ] end if dev:sub(1,5) == "uuid:" then for n,d in pairs( luup.devices ) do if string.lower( d.udn ) == dev then devicesByName[ dev ] = n return n end end else for n,d in pairs( luup.devices ) do if string.lower( d.description ) == dev then devicesByName[ dev ] = n return n end end end vn = tonumber( dev ) else return nil end return vn end local function fdate( t ) if not dateFormat then dateFormat = luup.attr_get( "date_format", 0 ) or "yy-mm-dd" dateFormat = dateFormat:gsub( "yy", "%%Y" ):gsub( "mm", "%%m" ):gsub( "dd", "%%d" ); end return os.date( dateFormat, t ) end local function ftime( t ) if not timeFormat then timeFormat = ( "12hr" == luup.attr_get( "timeFormat", 0 ) ) and "%I:%M:%S%p" or "%H:%M:%S" end return os.date( timeFormat, t ) end local function fdatetime( t ) return fdate(t) .. " " .. ftime(t) end -- Get iterator for child devices matching passed table of attributes -- (e.g. { device_type="urn:...", category_num=4 }) local function childDevices( prnt, attr ) prnt = prnt or pluginDevice attr = attr or {} local prev = nil return function() while true do local n, d = next( luup.devices, prev ) prev = n if n == nil then return nil end local matched = d.device_num_parent == prnt if matched then for a,v in pairs( attr ) do if d[a] ~= v then matched = false break end end end if matched then return n,d end end end end -- Initialize a variable if it does not already exist. local function initVar( name, dflt, dev, sid ) assert( dev ~= nil and sid ~= nil) local currVal = luup.variable_get( sid, name, dev ) if currVal == nil then luup.variable_set( sid, name, tostring(dflt), dev ) return tostring(dflt) end return currVal end -- Set variable, only if value has changed. local function setVar( sid, name, val, dev ) val = (val == nil) and "" or tostring(val) local s = luup.variable_get( sid, name, dev ) if s ~= val then luup.variable_set( sid, name, val, dev ) end return s end -- Delete a state variable. Newer versions of firmware do this by setting nil; -- older versions require a request. local function deleteVar( sid, name, dev ) if luup.variable_get( sid, name, dev ) then luup.variable_set( sid, name, "", dev ) -- For firmware > 1036/3917/3918/3919 http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Luup_Lua_extensions#function:_variable_set luup.variable_set( sid, name, nil, dev ) end end -- Get variable with possible default local function getVar( name, dflt, dev, sid ) assert ( name ~= nil and dev ~= nil ) local s,t = luup.variable_get( sid or RSSID, name, dev ) -- if debugMode and s == nil then T({level=2,msg="Undefined state variable %1/%2 on #%3"}, sid or RSSID, name, dev) end if s == nil or s == "" then return dflt,0 end return s,t end -- Get variable on Reactor parent local function getReactorVar( name, dflt, dev ) return getVar( name, dflt, dev or pluginDevice, MYSID ) end -- Get numeric variable, or return default value if not set or blank local function getVarNumeric( name, dflt, dev, sid ) assert ( name ~= nil and dev ~= nil ) DA( dflt==nil or type(dflt)=="number", "Supplied default is not numeric or nil" ) local s = getVar( name, dflt, dev, sid ) return type(s)=="number" and s or tonumber(s) or dflt end local function getVarBool( name, dflt, dev, sid ) DA(type(dflt)=="boolean", "Supplied default is not boolean") return getVarNumeric( name, dflt and 1 or 0, dev, sid ) ~= 0 end -- Get var that stores JSON data. Returns data, error flag. local function getVarJSON( name, dflt, dev, sid ) assert( dev ~= nil and name ~= nil ) local s = getVar( name, "", dev, sid ) -- blank default if s == "" then return dflt,false end local data,pos,err = json.decode( s ) if data == nil then return dflt,err,pos,s end return data,false end -- SSL param can be string or CSV; return string or array local function getSSLListParam( s ) if s:match(",") then return split(s) end return s ~= "" and s or nil end -- Build SSL params table from settings local function getSSLParams( prefix, pdev, sid ) pdev = pdev or pluginDevice sid = sid or MYSID -- Max flexibility: SSLParams may contain a JSON string for the entire params table local params = getVarJSON( prefix.."SSLParams", false, pdev, sid ) if params ~= false then D("getSSLParams() %1", params) return params end -- Old school: individual config vars for various settings params = {} -- Repititious, but expeditous. If more in future, go table-driven. local sslLib = require "ssl" sslLib = sslLib or {} for _,v in ipairs{ "SSLProtocol", "SSLMode", "SSLVerify", "SSLOptions" } do initVar( prefix..v, "", pdev, sid ) end local s = getVar( prefix.."SSLProtocol", ( ( sslLib._VERSION or "0.5" ):match( "^0%.5" ) ) and "tlsv1" or "any", pdev, sid ) params.protocol = s ~= "" and s or nil s = getVar( prefix.."SSLMode", "client", pdev, sid ) params.mode = s ~= "" and s or nil s = getVar( prefix.."SSLVerify", "none", pdev, sid ) params.verify = getSSLListParam(s) s = getVar( prefix.."SSLOptions", "", pdev, sid ) params.options = getSSLListParam(s) D("getSSLParams() %1", params) return params end local function requireLoadable( module, ... ) D("requireLoadable(%1)") if package.loaded[module] then return package.loaded[module] end D("requireLoadable() attempting load") local st, md = pcall( require, module ) if st and type(md) == "table" then if not ( md.MODULE_API and md.MODULE_API >= 20223 ) then E("Loadable module %1 does not have a compatible API (%2) with this version of Reactor (requires %3 or higher)." , module, md.MODULE_API, 20223) package.loaded[module] = nil return nil, "Invalid module API" end L("Loaded module %1 version %2 api %3", module, md.VERSION, md.MODULE_API) if type(md.reactor_module_init) == "function" then local se,er = pcall( md.reactor_module_init, pluginDevice, { ['log']=L, ['debug']=D, ['trace']=T }, ... ) if not se then W("Loadable module %1 init failed: %2", module, er) end end return md end D("requireLoadable() package NOT loaded") return nil, md end -- Check system battery (VeraSecure) local function checkSystemBattery( pdev ) if isOpenLuup then return end local level, source = "", nil local f, s --[[ -- Command line check; see /etc/init.d/platform_init.sh case "MiOS v1" f = io.open( "/proc/cmdline", "r" ) if f then s = (f:read("*a") or ""):lower() s = s:match( "power_source=(%S+)" ) if s == "adaptor" then source = "utility" elseif s == "batteries" then source = "battery" end end -- File check. if not source then f = io.open("/tmp/.running_on_batteries", "r") if f then f:close() source = "battery" else f = io.open("/tmp/.running_on_adaptor", "r") if f then f:close() source = "utility" end end D("checkSystemBattery() power state via files yields %1", source) end --]] if not source then f = io.popen("battery get powersource 2>&1") -- powersource=DC mode/Battery mode if f then local l = f:read("*a") or "" f:close() D("checkSystemBattery() source query returned %1", l) setVar( MYSID, "ps", table.concat( { l, os.time() }, "|" ), pdev ) if l ~= "" then s = l:lower():match("powersource=(.*)") if s then if s:match( "^batt" ) then source = "battery" elseif s:match( "^dc mode" ) then source = "utility" else W("Battery check returned unrecognized source %1; assuming utility", s) source = "utility" end else W("Attempt to get power source unexpected result (%1); assuming non-battery system", l) end if source then f = io.popen("battery get level") -- level=%%% if f then s = f:read("*a") or "" D("checkSystemBattery() level query returned %1", s) level = s:lower():match( "level=(%d+)" ) or "" f:close() end end else L("Power source query failed; assuming non-battery system") -- similar but different end else L("Power state query failed; assuming non-battery system") -- similar but different end end if not source then if hasBattery then L("Turning off battery checks") end hasBattery = false end setVar( MYSID, "SystemPowerSource", source or "", pdev ) setVar( MYSID, "SystemBatteryLevel", level, pdev ) end local function rateFill( rh, tt ) if tt == nil then tt = os.time() end local id = math.floor(tt / rh.divid) local minid = math.floor(( tt-rh.period ) / rh.divid) + 1 for i=minid,id do if rh.buckets[tostring(i)] == nil then rh.buckets[tostring(i)] = 0 end end local del = {} for i in pairs(rh.buckets) do if tonumber(i) < minid then table.insert( del, i ) end end for i in ipairs(del) do rh.buckets[del[i]] = nil end end -- Initialize a rate-limiting pool and return in. rateTime is the period for -- rate limiting (default 60 seconds), and rateDiv is the number of buckets -- in the pool (granularity, default 15 seconds). local function initRate( rateTime, rateDiv ) if rateTime == nil then rateTime = 60 end if rateDiv == nil then rateDiv = 15 end local rateTab = { buckets = { }, period = rateTime, divid = rateDiv } rateFill( rateTab ) return rateTab end -- Bump rate-limit bucket (default 1 count) local function rateBump( rh, count ) local tt = os.time() local id = math.floor(tt / rh.divid) if count == nil then count = 1 end rateFill( rh, tt ) rh.buckets[tostring(id)] = rh.buckets[tostring(id)] + count end -- Check rate limit. Return true if rate for period (set in init) -- exceeds rateMax, rate over period, and 60-second average. local function rateLimit( rh, rateMax, bump) if bump == nil then bump = false end if bump then rateBump( rh, 1 ) -- bump fills for us else rateFill( rh ) end -- Get rate local nb, t = 0, 0 for i in pairs(rh.buckets) do t = t + rh.buckets[i] nb = nb + 1 end local r60 = ( nb < 1 ) and 0 or ( ( t / ( rh.divid * nb ) ) * 60.0 ) -- 60-sec average return t > rateMax, t, r60 end -- Set HMT ModeSetting local function setHMTModeSetting( hmtdev ) local chm = luup.attr_get( 'Mode', 0 ) or "1" local armed = getVarBool( "Armed", false, hmtdev, SENSOR_SID ) if ( not isOpenLuup ) and ( luup.version_minor <= 1040 ) then -- Ancient Luup does not disarm correctly per ModeSetting, so on each cycle, reset armed state and -- set/force ModeSettings accordingly. luup.call_action( SENSOR_SID, "SetArmed", { newArmedValue="0" }, hmtdev ) armed = false end local s = {} for ix=1,4 do table.insert( s, string.format( "%d:%s", ix, ( tostring(ix) == chm ) and ( armed and "A" or "" ) or ( armed and "" or "A" ) ) ) end s = table.concat( s, ";" ) D("setHMTModeSetting(%4) HM=%1 armed=%2; new ModeSetting=%3", chm, armed, s, hmtdev) luup.variable_set( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1", "ModeSetting", s, hmtdev ) end --[[ Compute sunrise/set for given date (t, a timestamp), lat/lon (degrees), elevation (elev in meters). Apply optional twilight adjustment (degrees, civil=6.0, nautical=12.0, astronomical=18.0). Returns four values: times (as *nix timestamps) of sunrise, sunset, and solar noon; and the length of the period in hours (length of day). Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunrise_equation Ref: https://www.aa.quae.nl/en/reken/zonpositie.html --]] function sun( lon, lat, elev, t ) if t == nil then t = os.time() end -- t defaults to now if elev == nil then elev = 0.0 end -- elev defaults to 0 local tau = 6.283185307179586 -- tau > pi local pi = tau / 2.0 local rlat = lat * pi / 180.0 local rlon = lon * pi / 180.0 -- Apply TZ offset for JD in local TZ not UTC; truncate time and force noon. local gmtnow = os.date("!*t", t) -- get GMT as table local nownow = os.date("*t", t) -- get local as table gmtnow.isdst = nownow.isdst -- make sure dst agrees local locale_offset = os.difftime( t, os.time( gmtnow ) ) local n = math.floor( ( t + locale_offset ) / 86400 + 0.5 + 2440587.5 ) - 2451545.0 local N = n - rlon / tau local M = ( 6.24006 + 0.017202 * N ) % tau local C = 0.0334196 * math.sin( M ) + 0.000349066 * math.sin( 2 * M ) + 0.00000523599 * math.sin( 3 * M ) local lam = ( M + C + pi + 1.796593 ) % tau local Jt = 2451545.0 + N + 0.0053 * math.sin( M ) - 0.0069 * math.sin( 2 * lam ) local decl = math.asin( math.sin( lam ) * math.sin( 0.409105 ) ) function w0( rl, elvm, dang, wid ) wid = wid or 0.0144862 return math.acos( ( math.sin( (-wid) + ( -0.0362330 * math.sqrt( elvm ) / 1.0472 ) ) - math.sin( rl ) * math.sin( dang ) ) / ( math.cos( rl ) * math.cos( dang ) ) ) end local tw = 0.104719755 -- 6 deg in rad; each twilight step is 6 deg local function JE(j) return math.floor( ( j - 2440587.5 ) * 86400 ) end return { sunrise=JE(Jt-w0(rlat,elev,decl)/tau), sunset=JE(Jt+w0(rlat,elev,decl)/tau), civdawn=JE(Jt-w0(rlat,elev,decl,tw)/tau), civdusk=JE(Jt+w0(rlat,elev,decl,tw)/tau), nautdawn=JE(Jt-w0(rlat,elev,decl,2*tw)/tau), nautdusk=JE(Jt+w0(rlat,elev,decl,2*tw)/tau), astrodawn=JE(Jt-w0(rlat,elev,decl,3*tw)/tau), astrodusk=JE(Jt+w0(rlat,elev,decl,3*tw)/tau) }, JE(Jt), 24*w0(rlat,elev,decl)/pi -- solar noon and day length end -- Add, if not already set, a watch on a device and service. local function addServiceWatch( dev, svc, var, target ) -- Don't watch our own variables--we update them in sequence anyway dev = tonumber( dev ) or 0 if dev < 1 then return end if dev == target and svc == VARSID then return end target = tostring(target) local watchkey = string.format("%d/%s/%s", dev, svc or "X", var or "X") if not watchData[watchkey] then D("addServiceWatch() adding system variable watch for %1", syskey) luup.variable_watch( "reactorWatch", svc or "X", var or "X", dev ) watchData[watchkey] = {} end if not watchData[watchkey][target] then D("addServiceWatch() subscribing %1 to %2", target, watchkey) watchData[watchkey][target] = true -- else D("addServiceWatch() %1 is already subscribed to %2", target, watchkey) end end -- Get sensor state; create empty if it doesn't exist. local function getSensorState( tdev ) local ts = tostring(tdev) if not sensorState[ts] then sensorState[ts] = {} end return sensorState[ts] end -- Open event log file local function openEventLogFile( tdev ) local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) if sst.eventLog then pcall( function() sst.eventLog:close() end ) sst.eventLog = nil end local path = getVar( "EventLogPath", getInstallPath(), tdev, RSSID ) .. "ReactorSensor" .. tostring(tdev) .. "-events.log" sst.eventLogName = nil if getVarBool( "LogEventsToFile", false, tdev, RSSID ) then local err,errno D("openEventLogFile() opening event log file %1", path) sst.eventLog,err,errno = io.open( path, "a" ) if not sst.eventLog then L("Failed to open event log for %1 (%2): %4 (%5) %3", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, path, err, errno) sst.eventLog = false -- stop trying else sst.eventLogName = path sst.eventLog:write(string.format("%s ***: Event log opened for %s (#%s)\n", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X"), luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev)) end else D("openEventLogFile() event log file disabled for this RS %1", tdev) sst.eventLog = false sst.eventLogName = nil os.remove( path ) end end -- Add an event to the event list. Prune the list for size. local function addEvent( t ) local p = t.msg if p then p = p:gsub( "%%%(([^%)]+)%)(.)", function( name, spec ) if spec == "q" then if type(t[name]) == "string" then return string.format("%q", t[name]) end return tostring(t[name]==nil and "(nil)" or t[name]) elseif spec ~= "s" then luup.log("addEvent warning: bad format spec in "..t.msg, 2) end return tostring(t[name]) or "(nil)" end) else p = dump(t) end p = string.format( "%s.%03d: %s", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), math.floor( socket.gettime() * 1000.0 + 0.5 ) % 1000, p) local dev = t.dev or pluginDevice local sst = getSensorState( dev ) sst.eventList = sst.eventList or {} table.insert( sst.eventList, p ) while #sst.eventList > 0 and #sst.eventList > maxEvents do table.remove( sst.eventList, 1 ) end if sst.eventLog == nil then openEventLogFile( dev ) end if sst.eventLog then pcall( function() sst.eventLog:write( p ) sst.eventLog:write( "\n" ) sst.eventLog:flush() if sst.eventLog:seek() >= ( 1024*getVarNumeric( "EventLogMaxKB", 256, dev, RSSID ) ) then sst.eventLog:close() if isOpenLuup then os.execute("mv '" .. sst.eventLogName .. "' '" .. sst.eventLogName .. ".old'") else os.execute("pluto-lzo c '" .. sst.eventLogName .. "' '" .. sst.eventLogName .. ".lzo'") os.remove( sst.eventLogName ) end sst.eventLog = nil sst.eventLogName = nil end end) end end -- Enabled? local function isEnabled( dev ) if not getVarBool( "Enabled", true, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then return false end return getVarBool( "Enabled", true, dev, RSSID ) end -- Clear a scheduled timer task local function clearTask( taskid ) D("clearTask(%1)", taskid) tickTasks[tostring(taskid)] = nil end -- Clear all tasks for specific device local function clearOwnerTasks( owner ) D("clearOwnerTasks(%1)", owner) local del = {} for tid,t in pairs( tickTasks ) do if t.owner == owner then table.insert( del, tid ) t.when = 0 end end for _,tid in ipairs( del ) do D("clearOwnerTasks() clearing task %1", tickTasks[tid]) clearTask( tid ) end end -- Schedule a timer tick for a future (absolute) time. If the time is sooner than -- any currently scheduled time, the task tick is advanced; otherwise, it is -- ignored (as the existing task will come sooner), unless repl=true, in which -- case the existing task will be deferred until the provided time. local function scheduleTick( tinfo, timeTick, flags ) D("scheduleTick(%1,%2,%3)", tinfo, timeTick, flags) flags = flags or {} if type(tinfo) ~= "table" then tinfo = { id=tinfo } end local tkey = tostring( tinfo.id or error("task ID or obj required") ) assert( not tinfo.args or type(tinfo.args)=="table" ) assert( not tinfo.func or type(tinfo.func)=="function" ) if tickTasks[tkey] then -- timer already set, update tickTasks[tkey].func = tinfo.func or tickTasks[tkey].func tickTasks[tkey].args = tinfo.args or tickTasks[tkey].args tickTasks[tkey].info = tinfo.info or tickTasks[tkey].info tickTasks[tkey].autoclose = flags.autoclose or false tickTasks[tkey].onerr = tinfo.onerr or tickTasks[tkey].onerr if timeTick == nil or tickTasks[tkey].when == nil or timeTick < tickTasks[tkey].when or flags.replace then -- Not scheduled, requested sooner than currently scheduled, or forced replacement tickTasks[tkey].when = timeTick end else -- New task assert(tinfo.owner ~= nil) -- required for new task assert(tinfo.func ~= nil) -- required for new task tickTasks[tkey] = { id=tostring(tinfo.id), owner=tinfo.owner, when=timeTick, func=tinfo.func, args=tinfo.args or {}, info=tinfo.info or "", autoclose=flags.autoclose or false, onerr=flags.onerr or false } D("scheduleTick() new task %1 at %2", tinfo, timeTick) end if timeTick == nil then return end -- no next tick for task -- If new tick is earlier than next plugin tick, reschedule tickTasks._plugin = tickTasks._plugin or {} if tickTasks._plugin.when == nil or timeTick < tickTasks._plugin.when then tickTasks._plugin.when = timeTick local delay = timeTick - os.time() if delay < 0 then delay = 0 end D("scheduleTick() rescheduling plugin tick for %1s to %2", delay, timeTick) runStamp = runStamp + 1 luup.call_delay( "reactorTick", delay, runStamp ) end return tkey end -- Schedule a timer tick for after a delay (seconds). See scheduleTick above -- for additional info. local function scheduleDelay( tinfo, delay, flags ) D("scheduleDelay(%1,%2,%3)", tinfo, delay, flags ) return scheduleTick( tinfo, os.time()+delay, flags ) end -- Set the status message local function setMessage(s, dev) DA( dev ~= nil ) luup.variable_set(RSSID, "Message", s or "", dev) end -- Array to map, where f(elem) returns key[,value] local function map( arr, f, res ) res = res or {} for ix,x in ipairs( arr ) do if f then local k,v = f( x, ix ) res[k] = (v == nil) and x or v else res[x] = x end end return res end -- Return array of keys for a map (table). Pass array or new is created. local function getKeys( m, r ) local seen = {} if r ~= nil then for k,_ in pairs( r ) do seen[k] = true end else r = {} end for k,_ in pairs( m ) do if seen[k] == nil then table.insert( r, k ) seen[k] = true end end return r end -- Return whether item is on list (table as array) local function isOnList( l, e ) if l == nil or e == nil then return false end for n,v in ipairs(l) do if v == e then return true, n end end return false end -- We could get really fancy here and track which keys we've seen, etc., but -- the most common use cases will be small arrays where the overhead of preparing -- for that kind of efficiency exceeds the benefit it might provide. local function compareTables( a, b ) for k in pairs( b ) do if b[k] ~= a[k] then return false end end for k in pairs( a ) do if a[k] ~= b[k] then return false end end return true end -- Iterator that returns depth-first traversal of condition groups local function conditionGroups( root ) local d = {} local k = 0 local function t( g ) for _,c in ipairs( g.conditions or {}) do if ( c.type or "group" ) == "group" then t( c ) end end table.insert( d, g ) end t( root ) return function() k = k + 1 return ( k <= #d ) and d[k] or nil end end -- Traverse all conditions from c down (assuming c is a group) local function traverse( c, func ) func( c ) if ( "group" == ( c.type or "group" ) ) then for _,ch in ipairs( c.conditions or {} ) do traverse( ch, func ) end end end -- Return iterator for variables in eval order local function variables( cdata ) local ar = {} for _,v in pairs( cdata.variables or {} ) do table.insert( ar, v ) end table.sort( ar, function( a, b ) local i1 = a.index or -1 local i2 = b.index or -1 if i1 == i2 then return (a.name or ""):lower() < (b.name or ""):lower() end return i1 < i2 end ) local ix = 0 return function() ix = ix + 1 if ix > #ar then return nil end return ix, ar[ix] end end local function checkVersion(dev) -- In debug mode, any version is fine. if debugMode then return true end local ui7Check = getReactorVar( "UI7Check", "", dev ) if isOpenLuup then return true end if luup.version_branch == 1 and luup.version_major == 7 then if ui7Check == "" then -- One-time init for UI7 or better luup.variable_set( MYSID, "UI7Check", "true", dev ) end return true end E("firmware %1 (%2.%3.%4) not compatible", luup.version, luup.version_branch, luup.version_major, luup.version_minor) return false end -- runOnce() looks to see if a core state variable exists; if not, a one-time initialization -- takes place. local function sensor_runOnce( tdev ) local s = getVarNumeric("Version", 0, tdev, RSSID) if s == 0 then L("Sensor %1 (%2) first run, setting up new instance...", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) -- Force this value. luup.variable_set( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1", "ModeSetting", "1:;2:;3:;4:", tdev ) -- Fix up category and subcategory luup.attr_set('category_num', 4, tdev) luup.attr_set('subcategory_num', 0, tdev) end initVar( "Enabled", "1", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "Retrigger", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "Message", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "Trouble", "0", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "cdata", "###", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "cstate", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "Runtime", 0, tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "TripCount", 0, tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RuntimeSince", os.time(), tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "lastacc", os.time(), tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "ContinuousTimer", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "MaxUpdateRate", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "MaxChangeRate", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "UseReactorScenes", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "FailOnTrouble", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RunBackgroundActivities", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "WatchResponseHoldOff", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "LogEventsToFile", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "EventLogMaxKB", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "TestTime", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "TestHouseMode", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestActionUseCurl", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestActionCurlOptions", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestActionResponseLimit", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestActionTimeout", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestActionFollowRedirects", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestActionAcceptStatus", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestSSLParams", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestSSLProtocol", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestSSLMode", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestSSLVerify", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "RequestSSLOptions", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "SMTPSSLParams", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "SMTPSSLProtocol", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "SMTPSSLMode", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "SMTPSSLVerify", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "SMTPSSLOptions", "", tdev, RSSID ) initVar( "Armed", 0, tdev, SENSOR_SID ) initVar( "Tripped", 0, tdev, SENSOR_SID ) initVar( "ArmedTripped", 0, tdev, SENSOR_SID ) initVar( "LastTrip", 0, tdev, SENSOR_SID ) initVar( "AutoUntrip", 0, tdev, SENSOR_SID ) local currState = getVarNumeric( "Tripped", 0, tdev, SENSOR_SID ) initVar( "Target", currState, tdev, SWITCH_SID ) initVar( "Status", currState, tdev, SWITCH_SID ) -- Consider per-version changes. if s < 00206 then deleteVar( RSSID, "sundata", tdev ) -- moved to master end -- Remove old and deprecated values deleteVar( RSSID, "Invert", tdev ) deleteVar( RSSID, "ValueChangeHoldTime", tdev ) deleteVar( RSSID, "ReloadConditionHoldTime", tdev ) if s < 22145 then setVar( RSSID, "WatchResponseHoldOff", "", tdev ) end -- Update version last. if s < _CONFIGVERSION then luup.variable_set(RSSID, "Version", _CONFIGVERSION, tdev) end end -- plugin_runOnce() looks to see if a core state variable exists; if not, a one-time initialization -- takes place. local function plugin_runOnce( pdev ) local s = getVarNumeric("Version", 0, pdev, MYSID) if s == 0 then L("First run, setting up new plugin instance...") luup.attr_set('category_num', 1, pdev) end initVar( "Enabled", 1, pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "DebugMode", 0, pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "Message", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "MaxEvents", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "MaxLogSnippet", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "StateCacheExpiry", 600, pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "UseACE", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "ACEURL", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "NumChildren", 0, pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "NumRunning", 0, pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "HouseMode", luup.attr_get( "Mode", 0 ) or "1", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "LastDST", "0", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "ClockValid", "1", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "NetworkStatus", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "InternetCheckInterval", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "IsHome", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "MaxRestartCount", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "MaxRestartPeriod", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "ActivityCheckpoint", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "ActivityMaxExecTime", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "RescanDelay", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "SMTPServer", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "SMTPSender", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "SMTPDefaultRecipient", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "SMTPDefaultSubject", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "SMTPUsername", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "SMTPPassword", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "SMTPPort", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "ProwlAPIKey", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "ProwlProvider", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "PushoverToken", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "PushoverUser", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "PushoverDefaultDevice", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "RequireValidClock", "0", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "DefaultCollapseConditions", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "grelease", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "rs", "", pdev, MYSID ) initVar( "ns", "", pdev, MYSID ) -- Consider per-version changes. if s < 00206 then deleteVar( RSSID, "runscene", pdev ) -- correct SID/device mismatch end if s < 20057 and getReactorVar( "UseACE", "", pdev ) == "1" then setVar( MYSID, "UseACE", "", pdev ) end -- Remove old/deprecated values deleteVar( RSSID, "Scenes", pdev ) deleteVar( MYSID, "isHome", pdev ) deleteVar( RSSID, "cstate", pdev ) deleteVar( RSSID, "cdata", pdev ) deleteVar( RSSID, "NotifyQueue", pdev ) -- On version change or file missing... if not isOpenLuup and ( s < _CONFIGVERSION or not file_exists( "/etc/cmh-ludl/reactor_internet_check.sh" ) or not file_exists( "/etc/init.d/reactor_internet_check" ) ) then -- Install reactor_internet_check daemon L("Updating reactor_internet_check daemon...") os.execute( "pluto-lzo d /etc/cmh-ludl/reactor_internet_check.sh.lzo /etc/cmh-ludl/reactor_internet_check.sh" ) os.execute( "chmod +rx /etc/cmh-ludl/reactor_internet_check.sh" ) os.execute( "/etc/cmh-ludl/reactor_internet_check.sh -I" ) end -- Update version last. if s < _CONFIGVERSION then os.remove( "/etc/cmh-ludl/Reactor.log" ) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Version", _CONFIGVERSION, pdev ) end end -- Return current house mode, or test house mode if set local function getHouseMode( tdev ) local mode = getVarNumeric( "TestHouseMode", 0, tdev, RSSID ) if mode ~= 0 then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Test house mode is %(mode)s", mode=mode } return tostring(mode) end return getReactorVar( "HouseMode", "1" ) end -- Load sensor config local function loadSensorConfig( tdev ) D("loadSensorConfig(%1)", tdev) local upgraded = false local s = getVar( "cdata", nil, tdev ) local cdata, pos, err if s == "###" then -- typ for new RS L"Initializing new configuration" cdata = { serial=0, version=_CDATAVERSION, conditions={ root={ id="root", name=luup.devices[tdev].description, ['type']="group", operator="and", conditions={ { id="cond0", ['type']="comment", comment="Welcome to your new ReactorSensor!" } } } }, variables={}, activities={} } upgraded = true elseif s == nil or s == "" then setVar( RSSID, "Message", "Lost configuration!", tdev ) E"Lost configuration! Luup's user_data may be corrupt, or disk space may be low on /etc/cmh." return error("Lost configuration") else -- Unparseable config is a hard error, so we have a chance to go in and correct. cdata, pos, err = json.decode( s ) if cdata == nil or type(cdata) ~= "table" then setVar( RSSID, "Message", "Invalid configuration!", tdev ) E("Unable to parse JSON data at %2, %1 in %3", pos, err, s) return error("Unable to load configuration") end D("loadSensorConfig() loaded configuration version %1", cdata.version) end -- Check config version; backup if upgrading. if ( cdata.version or 0 ) < _CDATAVERSION then local fn = string.format( "%sreactor-dev%d-config-v%s-backup.json", getInstallPath(), tdev, tostring( cdata.version or 0 ) ) local f = io.open( fn, "r" ) if f == nil then L("Backing up %1 (#%2) pre-upgrade configuration to %3", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, fn ) f = io.open( fn, "w" ) if f then -- Write in backup container format local d = {} d[tostring(tdev)] = { devnum=tdev, name=luup.devices[tdev].description, config=cdata } local mt = { __jsontype="object" } -- empty tables render as object setmetatable( d, mt ) f:write( json.encode(d) ) f:close() end else f:close() end end if not (cdata.conditions or {}).root then L("Upgrading conditions in configuration") setVar( RSSID, "oldcdata", json.encode( cdata ), tdev ) local root = { id="root", name=luup.devices[tdev].description, ['type']="group", conditions={}, operator="and" } local od = cdata.conditions or {} if #od == 0 or ( #od == 1 and #(od[1].groupconditions or {}) == 0 ) then -- No group or first/only group has no conditions. Leave empty root. elseif #od == 1 then -- Exactly one group. Put all of its conditions into root. root.name = od[1].name or od[1].groupid or root.name root.conditions = od[1].groupconditions or {} else -- Multiple groups. Add them all. root.operator = "or" for ix,grp in ipairs( od ) do local sub = { id=grp.groupid or grp.id or ix, name=grp.name or grp.id, ['type']="group", operator="and" } sub.conditions = grp.groupconditions or {} table.insert( root.conditions, sub ) end end cdata.conditions = { root=root } -- Do variables index upgrade cdata.variables = cdata.variables or {} local ix = 0 for _,vv in pairs( cdata.variables ) do vv.index = ix ix = ix + 1 end upgraded = true end cdata.variables = cdata.variables or {} cdata.activities = cdata.activities or {} if cdata.tripactions then L("Upgrading activities in configuration") cdata.activities['root.true'] = cdata.tripactions cdata.activities['root.true'].id = 'root.true' cdata.tripactions = nil upgraded = true end if cdata.untripactions then L("Upgrading activities in configuration") cdata.activities['root.false'] = cdata.untripactions cdata.activities['root.false'].id = 'root.false' cdata.untripactions = nil upgraded = true end if ( cdata.version or 0 ) < 19080 then -- Upgrade condition options local function scanconds( grp ) for _,cond in ipairs( grp.conditions or {} ) do if "group" == ( cond.type or "group" ) then scanconds( cond ) else for _,k in pairs( { 'duration','duration_op','after','aftertime','repeatcount','repeatwithin','latch' } ) do if cond[k] then cond.options = cond.options or {} cond.options[k] = cond[k] cond[k] = nil upgraded = true end end end end end scanconds( cdata.conditions.root or {} ) end -- Backport/downgrade attempt from future version? if ( cdata.version or 0 ) > _CDATAVERSION then E("Configuration loaded is format v%1, max compatible with this version of Reactor is %2; upgrade Reactor or restore older config from backup.", cdata.version, _CDATAVERSION) error("Incompatible config format version. Upgrade Reactor or restore older config from backup.") end -- Special meta to control encode rendering when needed. local mt = { __jsontype="object" } -- dkjson (later revs) empty tables render as object if debugMode then mt.__index = function(t, n) if debugMode then T({level=2,msg="access to %1 in cdata, which is undefined!"}, n) end return rawget(t,n) end mt.__newindex = function(t, n, v) rawset(t,n,v) if debugMode then T({level=2,msg="setting %1=%2 in cdata"}, n, v) end end end setmetatable( cdata, mt ) -- Rewrite if we upgraded. if upgraded then D("loadSensorConfig() writing updated sensor config") cdata.version = _CDATAVERSION -- MUST COINCIDE WITH J_ReactorSensor_UI7.js cdata.timestamp = os.time() cdata.serial = 1 + ( tonumber(cdata.serial or 0) or 0 ) -- NOTA BENE: startup=true passed here! Don't fire watch for this rewrite. rawConfig,err = json.encode( cdata ) if rawConfig and #rawConfig > 0 then luup.variable_set( RSSID, "cdata", json.encode( cdata ), tdev, false ) else E("Can't save! The JSON library (%1) can't encode updated config: %2", json.version, err) L("%1", cdata) error("Unable to encode updated config; not saved.") end end -- Save to cache. getSensorState( tdev ).configData = cdata -- When loading sensor config, dump luaFunc so that any changes to code -- in actions or scenes are honored immediately. This empties without -- changing metatable (which defines mode). local t = next( luaFunc ) while t do luaFunc[t] = nil t = next( luaFunc ) end return cdata end -- Get sensor configuration; may be cached. local function getSensorConfig( tdev, force ) D("getSensorConfig(%1,%2)", tdev, force) local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) if sst.configData and not force then return sst.configData end return loadSensorConfig( tdev ) end -- Clean cstate local function loadCleanState( tdev ) D("loadCleanState(%1)", tdev) -- If we have state in memory, it's assumed to be clean. local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) if sst.condState then -- Bump time to avoid expiration (cache hit) and return sst.condState.lastUsed = os.time() D("loadCleanState() returning cached cstate") return sst.condState end -- Fetch cstate. If it's empty, there's nothing to do here. local modified = false local cstate,err = getVarJSON( "cstate", {}, tdev ) if err then L({level=2,msg="ReactorSensor %1 (%2) corrupted cstate, clearing!"}, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) modified = true end cstate.lastUsed = nil -- remove while working local cdata = getSensorConfig( tdev ) if not cdata then L({level=0,msg="ReactorSensor %1 (%2) has corrupt configuration data!"}, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) -- no return end -- Find all conditions in cdata local conds = {} traverse( cdata.conditions.root or { id="root" }, function( c ) conds[c.id] = c end ) -- Make array of conditions in cstate that aren't in cdata local dels = {} local now = os.time() local timewarned = false for k,v in pairs( cstate ) do if k ~= "vars" and conds[k] == nil then table.insert( dels, k ) -- cond state no for cond not in cdata, mark for deletion else -- "Real" state... check timestamp if ( v.evalstamp and v.evalstamp > now ) or ( v.statestamp and v.statestamp > now ) then L({level=2,msg="Last state timestamp(s) for %1 are future! System time may have recently changed dramatically, or Test Time was recently used. %2"}, k, v) timewarned = true end end end if timewarned then L({level=2,msg="The broken timestamps mentioned above can have serious effects on delay timing options, if used. Restarting %1 (#%2) is recommended."}, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE! Some condition state timestamps are in the future. System clock may have changed dramatically, or Test Time used." } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end -- Delete them modified = modified or #dels > 0 for _,k in ipairs( dels ) do D("loadCleanState() deleting saved state %1", k) cstate[k] = nil deleteVar( GRPSID, "GroupStatus_"..k, tdev ) end -- Clean variables no longer in use dels = {} for n in pairs( cstate.vars or {} ) do if (cdata.variables or {})[n] == nil then table.insert( dels, n ) end end modified = modified or #dels > 0 for _,k in ipairs( dels ) do D("loadCleanState() deleting variable %1, not in cdata.variables", k) cstate.vars[k] = nil deleteVar( VARSID, k, tdev ) deleteVar( VARSID, k .. "_Error", tdev ) end -- Save (possibly) updated state cstate.lastUsed = os.time() sst.condState = cstate if modified then D("loadCleanState() saving updated cstate") luup.variable_set( RSSID, "cstate", json.encode( cstate ), tdev ) end D("loadCleanState() returning restored cstate") return cstate end local notifyQueue = {} local function resetSensorNotify( tdev, taskid ) setVar( RSSID, "_notify", "0", tdev ) clearTask( taskid ) end local function runNotifyTask( pdev, taskid ) D("runNotifyTask(%1,%2)", pdev, taskid) local notice = table.remove( notifyQueue, 1 ) if notice then -- Owner still exists and right type? if (luup.devices[ notice.owner ] or {}).device_type == RSTYPE then if debugMode then local ni = ((getSensorConfig( notice.owner ) or {}).notifications or {})[notice.id] D("runNotifyTask() sending notice from %1 to %2: %3", notice.owner, ni.users, ni.message) end setVar( RSSID, "_notify", notice.id, notice.owner ) scheduleDelay( { id="notifyreset"..notice.owner, owner=notice.owner, func=resetSensorNotify, replace=true }, 4 ) else L({level=2,msg="Abandoning notification %1 for #%2, device no longer exists"}, notice.id, notice.owner) end scheduleDelay( taskid, 5 ) else -- Nothing to do; don't reschedule (leave suspended). D("runNotifyTask() empty queue") end -- Persist queue. setVar( MYSID, "NotifyQueue", json.encode( notifyQueue ), pluginDevice ) end local function queueNotification( nid, tdev ) D("queueNotification(%1,%2)", nid, tdev) table.insert( notifyQueue, { id=nid, owner=tdev, timestamp=os.time() } ) local maxqueue = getVarNumeric( "NoticeQueueLimit", 20, pluginDevice, MYSID ) while #notifyQueue > 0 and #notifyQueue > maxqueue do table.remove( notifyQueue, 1 ) end setVar( MYSID, "NotifyQueue", json.encode( notifyQueue ), pluginDevice ) scheduleDelay( 'notifier', 5 ) end -- Clear condition state entirely; returns empty cstate local function clearConditionState( tdev ) D("clearConditionState(%1)", tdev) luup.variable_set( RSSID, "cstate", "", tdev ) local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) sst.condState = nil sst.ctx = nil sst.trouble = nil setVar( SENSOR_SID, "Tripped", "0", tdev ) setVar( SENSOR_SID, "Trouble", "0", tdev ) setVar( SWITCH_SID, "Target", "0", tdev ) setVar( SWITCH_SID, "Status", "0", tdev ) return loadCleanState( tdev ) end -- Find a condition (or group) by ID. Type may also be included (so to find a -- group, pass findType="group"). local function findCondition( findId, cdata, findType ) local function tr( grp, condid, typ ) if grp.id == condid and ( typ==nil or (grp.type or "group") == typ ) then return grp end for _,cond in ipairs( grp.conditions or {} ) do if ( cond.type or "group" ) == "group" then local r = tr( cond, condid, typ ) if r then return r end elseif cond.id == condid and ( typ==nil or (cond.type or "group") == typ ) then return cond end end return false end return tr( cdata.conditions.root or {}, findId, findType ) end -- Return true if scene has no actions (takes sceneData table). Works on scenes -- and activities (former is subset of latter, similar structure). local function isSceneEmpty( scd ) D("isSceneEmpty(%1)", scd) local e = scd == nil or -- empty next(scd.groups or {}) == nil or -- no groups ( #scd.groups == 1 and -- exactly one group and... ( next(scd.groups[1].actions or {}) == nil -- no actions -- Even a lone Comment action does not count as an empty scene (intentionally) ) ) D("isSceneEmpty() %1", e) return e end -- Load scene data from Luup. local function loadScene( sceneId, pdev ) D("loadScene(%1,%2)", sceneId, pdev) assert(luup.devices[pdev].device_type == MYTYPE) -- Fetch from Luup. Horrid that we can't get this structure directly (have to make HTTP request) local req = "http://localhost/port_3480/data_request?id=scene&action=list&output_format=json&scene=" .. tostring(sceneId) if isOpenLuup then req = "http://localhost:3480/data_request?id=scene&action=list&output_format=json&scene=" .. tostring(sceneId) end local success, body, httpStatus = luup.inet.wget(req) if not success then D("loadScene() failed scene request %2: %1", httpStatus, req) return false end local data, pos, err = json.decode(body) if not data then L("Can't decode JSON response for scene %1: %2 at %3 in %4", sceneId, err, pos, body) return false end data.loadtime = getVarNumeric( "LoadTime", 0, pluginDevice, MYSID ) if data.groups then table.sort( data.groups, function( a, b ) return (a.delay or 0) < (b.delay or 0) end ) end D("loadScene() loaded scene %1: %2", sceneId, data) -- Clear the startup Lua for this scene from the Lua chunk cache local starter = string.format("scene%s_start", tostring(data.id or "")) if luaFunc[starter] then luaFunc[starter] = nil end -- Force-encode the scene lua. This is an openLuup issue, as it does not do this by default. Doing so prevents potential JSON issues. if (data.lua or "") ~= "" and (data.encoded_lua or 0) == 0 and getVarBool("ForceEncodedLua", true, pluginDevice, MYSID) then D("loadScene() force-encoding unencoded lua") data.lua = mime.b64( data.lua ) data.encoded_lua = true end -- Keep cached if next(sceneData) == nil then sceneData = getVarJSON( "scenedata", {}, pluginDevice, MYSID ) end sceneData[tostring(data.id)] = data luup.variable_set( MYSID, "scenedata", json.encode(sceneData), pdev ) return data end -- Process deferred scene load queue local function loadWaitingScenes( pdev, ptask ) D("loadWaitingScenes(%1)", pdev) local done = {} local maxtries = getVarNumeric( "MaxSceneLoadRetries", 10, pluginDevice, MYSID ) for sk,sw in pairs(sceneWaiting) do if luup.scenes[sw.id] then sw.tries = (sw.tries or 0) + 1 local scd = loadScene( sw.id, pdev ) D("loadWaitingScenes() load #%1 attempt %2 returned %3", sw.id, sw.tries, tostring(scd)) if scd then -- Got it! loadScene() puts it in cache for us. table.insert( done, sk ) elseif sw.tries >= maxtries then -- Too many retries, but we know scene exists. Remove from refresh -- queue and leave any cached entry intact. L({level=2,msg="Failed to load scene %1 in %2 attempts"}, sw.id, sw.tries) table.insert( done, sk ) -- else -- will retry, so don't mark done end else -- Scene no longer exists. Remove from refresh queue and cache. L({level=2,msg="Load scene #%1 failed, scene no longer exists."}, sw.id) sceneData[sk] = nil luup.variable_set( MYSID, "scenedata", json.encode(sceneData), pdev ) table.insert( done, sk ) end end for _,sk in ipairs( done ) do sceneWaiting[sk] = nil end if next(sceneWaiting) ~= nil then -- More to do, schedule it. scheduleDelay( ptask, 5 ) else clearTask( ptask ) end end local function refreshScene( sceneId ) sceneWaiting[tostring(sceneId)] = { id= sceneId, since=os.time(), tries=0 } scheduleDelay( { id="sceneloader", owner=pluginDevice, func=loadWaitingScenes }, 1 ) end -- Get scene data from cache or Luup. Queue fetch/refetch if needed. local function getSceneData( sceneId, tdev ) D("getSceneData(%1,%2)", sceneId, tdev ) -- Check for activity (ReactorScene) local skey = tostring(sceneId) local cd = getSensorConfig( tdev ) if ( cd.activities or {} )[skey] then return cd.activities[skey] end -- This is the "old" way of finding trip and untrip actions for the ReactorSensor. -- Keep it around for unchanged configs. if skey == "root.true" or skey == "root.false" then local pt = skey:match("%.true") and "tripactions" or "untripactions" local r = cd[pt] if r then r.id = skey r.name = skey end return r end -- Vera scene, or just Reactor Activity that doesn't exist? local scid = tonumber( sceneId ) if scid == nil then return nil end -- silent fail non-numeric (Activity) -- At this point, we're looking for a Vera scene, so make sure it's valid. if luup.scenes[scid] == nil then -- Nope. W("Scene %1 in configuration for %3 (%2) is no longer available!", sceneId, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Attempt to run scene %(scene)s, %(error)s", event="runscene", scene=tostring(sceneId), sceneName="", ['error']="scene not found" } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true sceneData[skey] = nil return nil end -- Load persistent (Vera) scene data to cache if cache empty if next(sceneData) == nil then sceneData = getVarJSON( "scenedata", {}, pluginDevice, MYSID ) end -- See if we can return from cache local scd = sceneData[skey] if scd ~= nil then local llt = getVarNumeric( "LoadTime", 0, pluginDevice, MYSID ) if (scd.loadtime or 0) ~= llt then -- Reload since cached, queue for refresh. D("getSceneData() reload since scene last cached, queueing update") refreshScene( scid ) end D("getSceneData() returning cached: %1", scd) return scd -- return cached end -- We've got nothing. We have to fetch it. local data = loadScene( scid, pluginDevice ) if not data then -- Couldn't get it. Try again later. D("getSceneData() queueing later scene load for scene %1", scid) refreshScene( scid ) return nil end sceneWaiting[skey] = nil -- remove any fetch queue entry return data end -- Stop running scene(s). local function stopScene( ctx, taskid, tdev, scene ) D("stopScene(%1,%2,%3,%4)", ctx or false, taskid or false, tdev or false, scene or false) -- avoid nil shortcut assert(luup.devices[tdev].device_type == MYTYPE or luup.devices[tdev].device_type == RSTYPE) for tid,d in pairs(sceneState) do if ( ctx == nil or ctx == d.context ) and ( taskid == nil or taskid == tid ) and ( scene == nil or d.scene == scene) then D("stopScene() stopping scene task %1", tid) if d.context ~= tdev then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Stopping running activity %(scname)q on %(ctxdev)s", scname=d.scene, d.context } addEvent{ dev=d.context, msg="Stopping running activity %(scname)q from %(tdev)s", scname=d.scene, tdev=tdev } else addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Stopping running activity %(scname)q at %(group)s/%(step)s", scname=d.scene, group=d.currgroup, step=d.currstep } end clearTask( tid ) sceneState[tid] = nil end end luup.variable_set( MYSID, "runscene", json.encode(sceneState), pluginDevice ) end -- Reset latches on group (all groups if group is false/nil) local function resetLatched( group, tdev ) D("resetLatched(%1,%2)", group, tdev) local changed = false local cf = getSensorConfig( tdev ) local cs = loadCleanState( tdev ) local function _resetcond( c ) D("resetLatched() cond %1 latched %2", c.id, (cs[c.id] or {}).latched) if ( cs[c.id] or {} ).latched then if cs[c.id].evalstate ~= cs[c.id].latchstate then addEvent{dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s latch reset, state changes from %(oldState)q to %(newState)q", cname=(c.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(c.name or c.id)) or ("Condition "..c.id), event='evalchange',cond=c.id,oldState=cs[c.id].evalstate,newState=cs[c.id].latchstate,reason="latchreset"} cs[c.id].evalstate = cs[c.id].latchstate cs[c.id].evalstamp = os.time() cs[c.id].evaledge[ cs[c.id].latchstate and "t" or "f" ] = cs[c.id].evalstamp end cs[c.id].latched = nil cs[c.id].latchstate = nil cs[c.id].changed = true changed = true end D("resetLatched() AFTER cond %1 latched %2", c.id, (cs[c.id] or {}).latched) end if not group then traverse( cf.conditions.root, _resetcond ) else local g = findCondition( group, cf, "group" ) if g then -- Traverse down from g, resetting all latched conditions for _,c in ipairs( g.conditions or {} ) do _resetcond( c ) end end end return changed end local function evaluateVariable( vname, ctx, cdata, tdev ) D("evaluateVariable(%1,cdata,%2)", vname, tdev) local vdef = (cdata.variables or {})[vname] if vdef == nil then W("%2 (%1) Invalid variable reference to %3, not configured", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, vname) return end -- If expression is not empty, evaluate it and save new value. local result, err, errmsg if not tostring( vdef.expression or "" ):match( "^%s*$" ) then -- Evaluate expression. -- if debugMode then luaxp._DEBUG = D end result, err = luaxp.evaluate( vdef.expression, ctx ) D("evaluateVariable() %2 (%1) %3 evaluates to %4(%5)", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, vdef.expression, result, type(result)) if err then -- Error. Null context value, and build error message for multiple uses. result = luaxp.NULL if type( err ) == "string" then errmsg = "Runtime error: " .. err else errmsg = tostring( err ) -- newer LuaXP has metamethod end L({level=2,msg="%2 (#%1) failed evaluation of %3: %4"}, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, vdef.expression, errmsg) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Evaluation error in variable %(variable)s: %(error)s", event="expression", variable=vname, ['error']=errmsg } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true elseif result == nil then result = luaxp.NULL -- map nil to null end ctx.__lvars[vname] = result -- update context for future evals else D("evaluateVariable() luaxp.NULL is %1, tostring %2", luaxp.NULL, tostring(luaxp.NULL)) if ctx.__lvars[vname] == nil then result = luaxp.NULL else result = ctx.__lvars[vname] end err = nil D("evaluateVariable() expressionless %1 = %2", vname, result) end -- Store in cstate. This will make them persistent (with some help). local cstate = loadCleanState( tdev ) cstate.vars = cstate.vars or {} local vs = cstate.vars[vname] if not vs then D("evaluateVariable() creating new state for expr/var %1", vname) vs = { name=vname, lastvalue=result, valuestamp=getSensorState( tdev ).timebase, changed=1 } cstate.vars[vname] = vs addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Variable %(variable)s value set to %(newval)q", event="variable", variable=vname, newval=result } else local changed -- Make sure lastvalue luaxp.NULL is the true current luaxp.NULL if vs.lastvalue == nil or luaxp.isNull( vs.lastvalue ) then vs.lastvalue = luaxp.NULL end if luaxp.isNull( result ) and not luaxp.isNull( vs.lastvalue ) then changed = true elseif type(vs.lastvalue) == "table" and type(result) == "table" then changed = not compareTables( vs.lastvalue, result ) -- Store shallow copy, so later changes don't interfere with comparison, -- as tables are stored by reference and not by value (this vs.lastvalue and result -- are likely to be references to the same table). ctx.__lvars[vname] = shallowCopy( result ) else changed = vs.lastvalue ~= result end D("evaluateVariable() %4 result=%1; vs.lastvalue=%2; changed=%3", result, vs.lastvalue, changed, vname) D("evaluateVariable() %1 result %2 %3 meta %4", vname, tostring(result), result, type(result)=="table" and dump(getmetatable(result)) or "n/a") if changed then D("evaluateVariable() updating value for %1 from %2 to %3", vname, vs.lastvalue, result) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Variable %(variable)s value changed from %(oldval)q to %(newval)q", event="variable", variable=vname, oldval=tostring(vs.lastvalue), newval=tostring(result) } vs.lastvalue = result vs.valuestamp = getSensorState( tdev ).timebase vs.changed = 1 else vs.changed = nil end end cstate.vars[vname].err = errmsg -- Store on state variable if exported if ( cdata.variables[vname].export or 1 ) ~= 0 then if not ( err or luaxp.isNull(result) ) then -- Canonify for storage as state variable local sv if type(result) == "boolean" then sv = result and "1" or "0" elseif type(result) == "table" then sv = json.encode( result ) else sv = tostring( result ) end setVar( VARSID, vname, sv, tdev ) -- sets (and triggers watches) only if changed setVar( VARSID, vname .. "_Error", "", tdev ) else -- Null or error setVar( VARSID, vname, "", tdev ) setVar( VARSID, vname .. "_Error", errmsg or "", tdev ) end else -- Delete variables deleteVar( VARSID, vname, tdev ) deleteVar( VARSID, vname .. "_Error", tdev ) end return result, err ~= nil end local function getExpressionContext( cdata, tdev ) local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) if sst.ctx then return sst.ctx end -- Create evaluation context ctx = { __functions={}, __lvars={} } sst.ctx = ctx -- This should be the ONLY place that LuaXP is loaded. It additionally -- defines metadata that must exist in all use. luaxp = require "L_LuaXP_Reactor" D("getExpressionContext(): loaded LuaXP version %1", (luaxp or {})._VERSION) -- Make sure LuaXP null renders as "null" in JSON local mt = getmetatable( luaxp.NULL ) or {} mt.__tojson = function() return "null" end mt.__tostring = function() return "null" end setmetatable( luaxp.NULL, mt ) -- Options ctx.__options = { undefinedvarnull = true, subscriptmissnull = true } -- Define all-caps NULL as synonym for null ctx.__lvars.NULL = luaxp.NULL ctx.__functions.finddevice = function( args ) local selector, trouble = unpack( args ) D("findDevice(%1) selector=%2", args, selector) local n if luaxp.isNull( selector ) or selector == -1 then n = tdev else n = finddevice( selector, tdev ) if n == nil then -- default behavior for finddevice is return NULL (legacy, diff from getstate) if trouble == true then luaxp.evalerror( "Device not found" ) end return luaxp.NULL end end return n end ctx.__functions.getstate = function( args ) local dev, svc, var, trouble, watch = unpack( args ) local vn if luaxp.isNull( dev ) or dev == -1 then vn = tdev else vn = finddevice( dev, tdev ) D("getstate(%1), dev=%2, svc=%3, var=%4, vn(dev)=%5", args, dev, svc, var, vn) if luaxp.isNull( vn ) or vn == nil or luup.devices[vn] == nil then -- default behavior for getstate() is error (legacy, diff from finddevice) if trouble == false then return luaxp.NULL end return luaxp.evalerror( "Device not found" ) end end -- Create a watch if we don't have one. Don't watch our own, unless forced. if watch ~= false and ( watch==true or vn ~= tdev ) then addServiceWatch( vn, svc, var, tdev ) end -- Get and return value return getVar( var, luaxp.NULL, vn, svc ) end ctx.__functions.getstatetime = function( args ) local dev, svc, var, trouble, watch = unpack( args ) local vn if luaxp.isNull( dev ) or dev == -1 then vn = tdev else vn = finddevice( dev, tdev ) D("getstate(%1), dev=%2, svc=%3, var=%4, vn(dev)=%5", args, dev, svc, var, vn) if luaxp.isNull( vn ) or vn == nil or luup.devices[vn] == nil then -- default behavior for getstate() is error (legacy, diff from finddevice) if trouble == false then return luaxp.NULL end return luaxp.evalerror( "Device not found" ) end end -- Create a watch if we don't have one. Don't watch our own, unless forced. if watch ~= false and ( watch==true or vn ~= tdev ) then addServiceWatch( vn, svc, var, tdev ) end -- Get and return timestamp local _,ts = luup.variable_get( svc, var, vn ) return ts or luaxp.NULL end ctx.__functions.setstate = function( args ) local dev, svc, var, val = unpack( args ) local vn if luaxp.isNull( dev ) or dev == -1 then vn = tdev else vn = finddevice( dev, tdev ) D("setstate(%1), dev=%2, svc=%3, var=%4, val=%5, vn(dev)=%6", args, dev, svc, var, val, vn) if vn == luaxp.NULL or vn == nil or luup.devices[vn] == nil then return luaxp.evalerror( "Device not found" ) end end if svc == nil or var == nil then return luaxp.evalerror("Invalid service or variable name") end -- Set value. local vv = val if vv == nil or luaxp.isNull(vv) then vv = "" elseif type(vv) == "table" then vv = table.concat( vv, "," ) else vv = tostring(vv) end luup.variable_set( svc, var, vv, vn ) if val == nil then return luaxp.NULL end return val end ctx.__functions.getattribute = function( args ) local dev, attr, trouble = unpack( args ) local vn if luaxp.isNull( dev ) or dev == -1 then vn = tdev else vn = finddevice( dev, tdev ) D("getattribute(%1), dev=%2, attr=%3, vn(dev)=%4", args, dev, attr, vn) if vn == luaxp.NULL or vn == nil or ( vn ~= 0 and luup.devices[vn] == nil ) then return trouble == false and luaxp.evalerror( "Device not found" ) or luaxp.NULL end end if attr == nil then return luaxp.evalerror("Invalid attribute name") end -- Get and return value. return luup.attr_get( attr, vn ) or luaxp.NULL end ctx.__functions.getdevices = function( args ) local filters = unpack( args ) filters = split( filters or "", "," ) local attrs = {} for _,x in ipairs( filters ) do local attr,val = x:match( "^([^=]+)=(.*)" ) attr = ({ room="room_num", name="description" })[attr] or attr -- map common names if attr then attrs[attr] = val:gsub( "^%s+", "" ):gsub( "%s+$", "" ) end end if attrs.room_num and not tonumber( attrs.room_num ) then local name = tostring(attrs.room_num):lower() for k,v in pairs( luup.rooms ) do if name == v:lower() then attrs.room_num = tostring(k) break end end end local x = {} for k,d in pairs( luup.devices ) do local found = true for attr,v in pairs( attrs ) do local dd if attr:match( "/" ) then local sid,var = attr:match( "^([^/]+)/(.*)$" ) dd = luup.variable_get( sid, var, k ) else dd = d[attr] or luup.attr_get( attr, k ) end if type(v)=="string" and v:match( "^/[^/]+/$" ) then -- /pattern/ found = tostring( dd ):match( v:sub(2,-2) ) else found = dd ~= nil and tostring(dd) == v end if not found then break end end if found then table.insert( x, k ) end end table.sort( x ) return x end ctx.__functions.getluup = function( args ) local key = unpack( args ) if key == nil then return luaxp.evalerror("Invalid key") end if luup[key] == nil then return luaxp.NULL end local t = type(luup[key]) if t == "string" or t == "number" or t == "table" then return luup[key] end return luaxp.NULL end ctx.__functions.stringify = function( args ) local val = unpack( args ) if val == nil or luaxp.isNull( val ) then return "null" end return json.encode( val ) end ctx.__functions.unstringify = function( args ) local str = unpack( args ) -- Decode, converting "null" to LuaXP null. if type(str) ~= "string" then luaxp.evalerror("Invalid argument") end local val,pos,err = json.decode( str, nil, luaxp.NULL ) if val == nil then luaxp.evalerror("Failed to unstringify at " .. pos .. ": " .. err) end return val end ctx.__functions.urlencode = function( args ) return urlencode( args[1] or "" ) end ctx.__functions.urldecode = function( args ) local str = string.lower( args[1] or "" ):gsub( "%+", " " ) -- only return one value (gsub returns 2) return ( str:gsub( "%%([a-f0-9][a-f0-9])", function( m ) return string.char( tonumber( m, 16 ) or 49 ) end ) ) end ctx.__functions.b64 = function( args ) local str = unpack( args ) local mime = require "mime" return ( mime.b64(str or "") ) end ctx.__functions.unb64 = function( args ) local str = unpack( args ) local mime = require "mime" return ( mime.unb64(str or "") ) end -- Append an element to an array, returns the array. ctx.__functions.arraypush = function( args ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="WARNING: Expression function arraypush() is deprecated; please use push()" } local arr, newel, nmax = unpack( args ) if ( arr == nil ) or luaxp.isNull( arr ) then arr = {} end if newel and not luaxp.isNull( newel ) then if not nmax and #arr > ARRAYMAX then luaxp.evalerror("Unbounded array growing too large") end table.insert( arr, newel ) end if nmax then while #arr > math.max(0,(tonumber(nmax) or 0)) do table.remove( arr, 1 ) end end return arr end -- Remove the last element in the array, returns the modified array. ctx.__functions.arraypop = function( args ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="WARNING: Expression function arraypop() is deprecated; please use pop()" } local arr = unpack( args ) arr = ( arr == nil or luaxp.isNull( arr ) ) and {} or arr ctx.__lvars.__element = table.remove( arr ) or luaxp.NULL return arr end -- Push an element to position 1 in the array, returns the modified array. ctx.__functions.arrayunshift = function( args ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="WARNING: Expression function arrayunshift() is deprecated; please use unshift()" } local arr, newel, nmax = unpack( args ) arr = ( arr == nil or luaxp.isNull( arr ) ) and {} or arr if newel and not luaxp.isNull( newel ) then if not nmax and #arr > ARRAYMAX then luaxp.evalerror("Unbounded array growing too large") end table.insert( arr, newel, 1 ) end if nmax then while #arr > math.max(0,(tonumber(nmax) or 0)) do table.remove( arr ) end end return arr end -- Remove the first element from an array, return the array. ctx.__functions.arrayshift = function( args ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="WARNING: Expression function arrayshift() is deprecated; please use shift()" } local arr = unpack( args ) arr = ( arr == nil or luaxp.isNull( arr ) ) and {} or arr ctx.__lvars.__element = table.remove( arr, 1 ) or luaxp.NULL return arr end ctx.__functions.trouble = function( args ) local msg, title = unpack( args ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Expression called trouble(): %(message)s", event="evaluate", trouble=title or "trouble()", message=msg or "" } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end -- Get loadable functions if luaxp_extfunc == false then -- N.B. global will become nil if module not loadable luaxp_extfunc = requireLoadable("L_Reactor_LuaXP_ExtFunc", luaxp, ctx) end if luaxp_extfunc then -- nil or false intentional D("getExpressionContext() loading custom functions") for n,f in pairs(luaxp_extfunc) do if n:match("^luaxp_") and type(f) == "function" then local fn = n:sub(7) D("getExpressionContext() %1 %2", n, fn) if ctx.__functions[fn] then W("L_Reactor_LuaXP_ExtFunc redefines %1", fn) end ctx.__functions[fn] = f end end end -- Add previous values to Luaxp context. We use the cstate versions rather -- than the state variables to preserve original data type. Every defined -- variable must have an entry in ctx. local cstate = loadCleanState( tdev ) D("getExpressionContext() luaxp.NULL is %1 string %2", luaxp.NULL, tostring(luaxp.NULL)) for n in pairs( cdata.variables or {} ) do local lastval = ((cstate.vars or {})[n] or {}).lastvalue if lastval == nil or luaxp.isNull( lastval ) then ctx.__lvars[n] = luaxp.NULL else ctx.__lvars[n] = lastval end D("getExpressionContext() set starting value for %1 to %2 (%3)", n, ctx.__lvars[n], tostring(ctx.__lvars[n])) end return ctx end -- Get a value (works as constant or expression (including simple variable ref). -- Returns result as string, number, raw (unmodified), error message (when non-nil) local function getValue( val, ctx, tdev ) D("getValue(%1,%2,%3)", val, ctx, tdev) local err if type(val) == "number" then return tostring(val), val, val end local result = val val = tostring(val or ""):gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "") if #val >= 2 and val:byte(1) == 34 and val:byte(-1) == 34 then -- Dequote quoted string and return result = val:sub( 2, -2 ) return result, tonumber(result), result end if #val >= 2 and val:byte(1) == 123 and val:byte(-1) == 125 then -- Expression wrapped in {} local mp = val:sub( 2, -2 ) if mp:match("^%w+:%w+$") then D("getValue() fetch condition/subtype %1", mp) local cond,subtype = mp:match("%w+:%w+") local cs = (getSensorState( tdev ).condState or {})[cond] if not cs then getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Evaluation of reference %{expression}q failed, no state data for condition ${cond}s", expression=val, cond=cond } return "", nil, nil, "no state for condition" elseif subtype == "n" then val = cs.matchcount or 0 elseif subtype == "t" then val = cs.evalstamp elseif subtype == "v" then val = cs.lastvalue else L({level=2,msg="%1 (#%2) unsupported subtype ref in %3; returning last value"}, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, mp) return "", nil, nil, "invalid subtype ref" end return tostring(val), val, val end D("getValue() evaluating %1", mp) ctx = ctx or getSensorState( tdev ).ctx or getExpressionContext( getSensorConfig( tdev ), tdev ) result,err = luaxp.evaluate( mp, ctx ) D("getValue() result is %1, %2", result, err) if err then L({level=2,msg="%1 (%2) Error evaluating %3: %4"}, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, mp, err) err = tostring( err ) -- newer LuaXP has metamethod; convert AFTER logging addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Evaluation error in %(expression)q: %(error)s", event="evaluate", expression=mp, ['error']=err } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true val = "" elseif result == nil or luaxp.isNull( result ) then val = "" elseif type(result) == "table" then val = json.encode( result ) or "" else val = tostring(result) end end val = val:gsub( "^%.(%d+)$", "0.%1" ) -- Vera tonumber() brokenness: ".5" => nil return val, tonumber(val), result, err end local stringify -- fwd decl for execLua -- Run Lua fragment for scene. Returns result,error local function execLua( fname, luafragment, extarg, tdev ) D("execLua(%1,,%2,%3)", fname, extarg, tdev) -- See if we've "compiled" it already... local fnc = luaFunc[fname] if luaFunc[fname] == nil then -- "Compile" it local err fnc,err = loadstring( luafragment, fname ) if fnc == nil or err then W("%1 %(2) [%3] Lua load failed", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, fname) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Failed to load Lua (%(name)q): %(error)s", event="runlua", name=fname, ['error']=tostring(err) } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true luup.log( "Reactor: " .. err .. "\n" .. luafragment, 1 ) return false, err -- flag error end if not getVarBool( "SuppressLuaCaching", false, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then luaFunc[fname] = fnc end end -- We use a single sandbox for all Lua scripts, which allows modules loaded -- to be shared among them. This, of course, has some inherent dangers, and -- people's bad habits with globals may be exposed. Issue warnings to assist. if luaEnv == nil then D("execLua() creating new Lua environment") luaEnv = shallowCopy(_G) luaEnv._RG = _G -- The unsandboxed plugin environment. Shhh! Secret! luaEnv._G = luaEnv -- Clear what we don't want to expose. luaEnv.json = nil luaEnv.ltn12 = nil luaEnv.http = nil luaEnv.https = nil -- Pre-declare these to keep metamethods from griping later; these are replaced per-run. luaEnv.Reactor = {} luaEnv.__reactor_getdevice = function() end luaEnv.__reactor_getscript = function() end luaEnv.dump = stringify luaEnv.print = function( ... ) -- luacheck: ignore 212 local dev = luaEnv.__reactor_getdevice() or 0 local msg = "" for _,v in ipairs( arg or {} ) do msg = msg .. ( v == nil and "nil" or tostring( v ) ) .. " " end msg = msg:gsub( "/r/n?", "/n" ):gsub( "%s+$", "" ) luup.log( ((luup.devices[dev] or {}).description or "?") .. " (" .. tostring(dev) .. ") [" .. tostring(luaEnv.__reactor_getscript() or "?") .. "] " .. msg) addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="<%(script)s> %(message)s", event="lua", script=luaEnv.__reactor_getscript(), message=msg } end -- Override next and pairs specifically so that variables proxy table can iterate. -- This version checks for a meta __next function and uses in preference if found. -- This is a 5.1-ism. See http://lua-users.org/wiki/GeneralizedPairsAndIpairs luaEnv.rawnxt = luaEnv.next luaEnv.next = function( t, k ) if type(t) ~= "table" then error("Table expected, got " + type(t)) end local m = getmetatable(t) local n = m and m.__next or luaEnv.rawnxt return n( t, k ) end -- Redefining pairs() this way allows metamethod override for iteration. luaEnv.pairs = function( t ) return luaEnv.next, t, nil end local mt = { } mt.__newindex = function(t, n, v) local what = debug.getinfo(2, "S") D("luaEnv.mt.__newindex(%1,%2,%3) new index; luaEnv=%4; debuginfo=%5", tostring(t), n, tostring(v), tostring(luaEnv), what) local dev = t.__reactor_getdevice() local fn = t.__reactor_getscript() or tostring(what.source) if type(v) == "function" then --[[ This special handling for functions allows luup callbacks to work. The callbacks have to be defined in the plugin environment (outside the sandbox) for Luup to find them by name later. --]] if t._RG[n] and t._RG[n] ~= v then addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="WARNING: Declaraction of non-local function %(name)s in %(script)s overwrites previous definition.", event="lua", script=fn, name=n, warning="Redefinition of non-local function" } end return rawset(t._RG, n, v) end if what.what ~= "C" and not getVarBool( "SuppressLuaGlobalWarnings", false, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then L({level=2,msg="%1 (%2) runLua action: %3 makes assignment to global %4 (missing 'local' declaration?) at %5"}, ( luup.devices[dev] or {}).description, dev, fn, n, what) addEvent{ event="lua", msg="WARNING: Assignment to global %(name)q (missing 'local' declaration?)", dev=dev, script=fn, name=n, warning="Assignment to global" } end rawset(t, n, v) -- save in sandbox table end mt.__index = function(t, n) -- luacheck: ignore 212 local v = t._RG[n]; if v then return v end -- quickly return something known to parent table. local what = debug.getinfo(2, "S") D("luaEnv.mt.__index(%1,%2) key miss; luaEnv=%3; debuginfo=%4", tostring(t), n, tostring(luaEnv), what) if ( ( ( t.package or {} ).loaded or {} )[n] ) then return t.package.loaded[n] end -- hmmm, Vera Luup if what.what ~= "C" and not getVarBool( "SuppressLuaGlobalWarnings", false, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then local dev = t.__reactor_getdevice() local fn = t.__reactor_getscript() or tostring(what.source) W("%1 (%2) runLua action: %3 accesses undeclared/uninitialized global %4", ( luup.devices[dev] or {} ).description, dev, fn, n) addEvent{ event="lua", msg="ERROR: Using uninitialized global variable %(name)q", dev=dev, script=fn, name=n, message="Undefined global" } end return rawget(t, n) -- uhhh... isn't this always nil??? end setmetatable( luaEnv, mt ) end -- Set up Reactor context. This creates three important maps: groups, trip -- and untrip. The groups map contains the state and time of each group. -- The trip and untrip maps contain those groups that most-recently changed -- (i.e. those that would cause an overall state change of the ReactorSensor). -- They are maps, rather than just arrays, for quicker access. local _R = { id=tdev, groups={}, trip={}, untrip={}, variables={}, conditions={}, script=fname, version=_PLUGIN_VERSION } _R.dump = stringify -- handy local condState = loadCleanState( tdev ) or {} local cf = getSensorConfig( tdev ) function _merge( dest, src ) dest = dest or {} for k,v in pairs( src or {} ) do dest[k] = v end return dest end traverse( cf.conditions.root or { id="root" } , function( cond ) local gs = condState[cond.id] or {} -- Every type of condition gets a conditions table entry, including groups. That means there -- is some redundancy between Reactor.groups and Reactor.conditions, but they are useful as -- separate tables. _R.conditions[cond.id] = _merge( _R.conditions[cond.id], { id=cond.id, type=cond.type, state=gs.evalstate, since=gs.evalstamp, changed=gs.changed } ) if ( cond.type or "group" ) == "group" then local O = _R.conditions[cond.id] _R.groups[cond.id] = O -- Legacy if cond.name then -- index by name as well _R.conditions[cond.name] = O _R.groups[cond.name] = O end O.name = cond.name or cond.id O.op = (cond.invert and "not " or "") .. (cond.operator or "and") O.disabled = cond.disabled or false -- Add group's conditions as array of conditions table references O.conditions = {} for _,v in ipairs( cond.conditions or {} ) do -- If condition hasn't been seen yet, pre-create a stub. _R.conditions[v.id] = _merge( _R.conditions[v.id], { id=v.id, parent=O } ) table.insert( O.conditions, _R.conditions[v.id] ) end if gs.changed then if gs.evalstate then _R.trip[cond.id] = O else _R.untrip[cond.id] = O end end else _R.conditions[cond.id] = _merge( _R.conditions[cond.id], { currentvalue=gs.lastvalue, priorvalue=gs.priorvalue } ); end end) -- Special metatable for Reactor.variables table. Uses a proxy table to that -- all access pass through __index/__newindex, but in 5.1 this makes the table -- "un-iterable" without additional work. That's why next() and pairs() are -- overriden above--they provide a way for this metatable to create its own -- iterator. local rmt = {} rmt.__newindex = function(t, n, v) -- luacheck: ignore 212 addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="WARNING: Reactor.variables is read-only; attempt to modify %(name)s will be ignored", event="lua", script=fname, name=n, message="Can't modify Reactor.variables" } end rmt.__index = function(t, n) -- Always fetch, because it could be changing dynamically local v = rawget(getmetatable(t).__vars, n) if v == nil then W("%1 (%2) Run Lua action: your code attempts to access undefined Reactor variable "..tostring(n), luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, n) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="WARNING: Attempt to access undefined value in Reactor.variables: %(name)s", event="lua", script=fname, message="Undefined in Reactor.variables" } return nil end return v.lastvalue end -- Define __next meta so env-standard next() accesses proxy table. rmt.__next = function(t, k) local k2,vs = luaEnv.rawnxt( getmetatable(t).__vars, k ) if vs then return k2, vs.lastvalue else return nil end end rmt.__vars = condState.vars or {} setmetatable( _R.variables, rmt ) D("execLua() Reactor.variables = %1", rmt.__vars) -- Finally. post our device environment and run the code. luaEnv.Reactor = _R luaEnv.__reactor_getdevice = function() return tdev end luaEnv.__reactor_getscript = function() return fname end local oldenv = getfenv(fnc) setfenv(fnc, luaEnv) local success, ret = pcall( fnc ) -- protect from runtime errors within setfenv(fnc, oldenv) luaEnv.Reactor = {} -- dispose of device context D("execLua() lua success=%3 return=(%2)%1", ret, type(ret), success) -- Scene return value must be exactly boolean false to stop scene. return ret, (not success) and ret or false end local runScene -- forward declaration -- Set variable action (use by scene action and device action) local function doSetVar( varname, value, tdev, reparse, savestate ) local cdata = getSensorConfig( tdev ) if ( cdata.variables or {} )[varname] == nil then return false, "variable not defined" end if not tostring( cdata.variables[ varname ].expression or ""):match( "^%s*$" ) then -- Non-empty expression--can't set these variables return false, "can't set value on expression-driven variable" end local cstate = loadCleanState( tdev ) cstate.vars = cstate.vars or {} local vs = cstate.vars[ varname ] if vs == nil then vs = {} cstate.vars[ varname ] = vs end local ctx = getSensorState( tdev ).ctx or getExpressionContext( getSensorConfig( tdev ), tdev ) local sv, vv, err if reparse == nil or reparse then -- default true sv, _, vv, err = getValue( value, ctx, tdev ) else sv = tostring( value ) vv = tonumber( value ) or sv end local oldVal = vs.lastvalue if oldVal ~= vv then vs.lastvalue = vv vs.valuestamp = os.time() vs.changed = 1 -- Update LuaXP evaluation context. ctx.__lvars[ varname ] = vv -- Update state variable if it's exported. if ( cdata.variables[ varname ].export or 1 ) ~= 0 then setVar( VARSID, varname, sv or "", tdev ) setVar( VARSID, varname .. "_Error", err or "", tdev ) end -- Save updated state. cstate.lastUsed = os.time() -- mark to defer pruning if savestate == nil or savestate then -- default true luup.variable_set( RSSID, "cstate", json.encode( cstate ), tdev ) end end return true, oldVal, vv end -- Send Syslog datagram local function doSyslogDatagram( pack, tdev ) D("doSyslogDatagram(%1,%2)", pack, tdev) local pri = 8 * (tonumber(pack.facility) or 23) + (tonumber(pack.severity) or 5) local datagram = string.format( "<%s>1 %s %s %s %s - - %s", pri, -- priority os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), -- timestamp (pack.hostname or string.format("Vera-%s", luup.pk_accesspoint)):gsub("%s+", "_"), -- hostname (pack.application or luup.devices[tdev].description):gsub( "%s+", "_" ), -- application (pack.procid or "0"):gsub( "%s+", "_" ), -- process id pack.message or "" ):sub( 1, 1023 ) -- local socket = require "socket" local udp = socket.udp() if udp then D("doSyslogDatagram() sending SysLog UDP datagram to %1", pack.hostip) udp:setsockname("*", 0) local stat,err = udp:sendto( datagram, pack.hostip, 514 ) udp:close() if stat == nil then L({level=2,msg="Failed to send SYSLOG message to %1: %2"}, pack.hostip, err) error( "Syslog notification to " .. tostring(pack.hostip) .. " failed, " .. tostring(err) ) end return end E"Failed to get UDP socket for Syslog datagram" error("Syslog notification to " .. tostring(pack.hostip) .. " failed, can't get UDP socket") end -- Send SMTP message local function doSMTPSend( from, to, subject, body, cc, bcc ) D("doSMTPSend(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6)", from, to, subject, body, cc, bcc) local ok,smtp = pcall( require, "socket.smtp" ) if not ok or type(smtp) ~= "table" then error "socket.smtp is not installed" end local server = getReactorVar( "SMTPServer", "localhost" ) local port = getVarNumeric( "SMTPPort", 0, pluginDevice, MYSID ) local authuser = getReactorVar( "SMTPUsername", "" ) local authpass = getReactorVar( "SMTPPassword", "" ) local sendt = { from = "<"..from:gsub( "^[^<]+<([^>]+)>.*$", "%1" )..">", rcpt = {}, server = server } local msgt = { headers = { From=from, To={}, Subject=subject or "" }, body=body or "(no message)" } to = split( to ) if #to == 0 then to = { from } end for _,rr in ipairs( to ) do local rc = rr:gsub( "^[^<]+<([^>]+)>.*$", "%1" ):gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "") -- remove human readables, if present table.insert( sendt.rcpt, "<" .. rc .. ">" ) table.insert( msgt.headers.To, rr ) end msgt.headers.To = table.concat( msgt.headers.To, ", " ) cc = split( cc or "" ) if #cc > 0 then msgt.headers.Cc = {} for _,rr in ipairs( cc ) do local rc = rr:gsub( "^[^<]+<([^>]+)>.*$", "%1" ):gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "") -- remove human readables, if present table.insert( sendt.rcpt, "<" .. rc .. ">" ) table.insert( msgt.headers.Cc, rr ) end msgt.headers.Cc = table.concat( msgt.headers.Cc, ", " ) end bcc = split( bcc or "" ) if #bcc > 0 then -- Note: no header! don't expose recipient on bcc for _,rr in ipairs( bcc ) do local rc = rr:gsub( "^[^<]+<([^>]+)>.*$", "%1" ):gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "") -- remove human readables, if present table.insert( sendt.rcpt, "<" .. rc .. ">" ) end end D("doSMTPSend() msgt=%1", msgt) if port > 0 then sendt.port = port if port == 465 or getVarBool( "SMTPConnectSSLTLS", false, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then sendt.create = function() -- local socket = require "socket" local sock = socket.tcp() return setmetatable({ connect = function(_, hh, pp) local r, e = sock:connect( hh, pp ) if not r then return r, e end local ssl = require "ssl" D("doSMTPSend() SMTP send wrapping %1 using SSL version %2", sock, ssl._VERSION) local params = getSSLParams( "SMTP" ) sock = ssl.wrap( sock, params ) D("doSMTPSend() SMTP after wrapping with %2, sock is %1", sock, params) if not sock then L({level=2,msg="Failed to wrap socket on %1:%2 for SMTP+SSL; check SSL param configuration %3"}, server, port, params) error "Failed SSL wrap" end local ret = sock:dohandshake() if not ret then L({level=2,msg="SSL handshake (for SMTP notification) with %1:%2 failed; check server config and parameters %3"}, server, port, params) error "Failed SSL handshake" end return ret end }, { __index = function( t, n ) -- luacheck: ignore 212 return function( _, ... ) return sock[n](sock, ...) end end }) end end end if authuser ~= "" then sendt.user = authuser end if authpass ~= "" then sendt.password = authpass end sendt.source = smtp.message( msgt ) D("doSMTPSend() sendt=%1", sendt) local r,e = smtp.send( sendt ) D("doSMTPSend() SMTP send returned %1, %2", r, e) if r == nil then if sendt.user then sendt.user = "****" end if sendt.password then sendt.password = "****" end L({level=2,msg="SMTP Send failed, %1; package %2; message %3"}, e, sendt, msgt) error("SMTP send failed, " .. tostring(e)) end return end -- Shell quote string local function SQ( str ) return '"' .. (str:gsub('[$`\\"]', '\\%1')) .. '"' end -- Perform notify action local function doActionNotify( action, scid, tdev ) local nid = action.notifyid local cf = getSensorConfig( tdev ) if ( cf.notifications or {} )[nid] then local host = "Vera-" .. (luup.pk_accesspoint or "?") local msg = getValue( cf.notifications[nid].message or "", nil, tdev ) if action.method == "VA" then -- VeraAlerts if devVeraAlerts then luup.call_action( "urn:richardgreen:serviceId:VeraAlert1", "SendAlert", { Message=msg, Recipients=cf.notifications[nid].usernames or "" }, devVeraAlerts ) else error "VeraAlerts is not available" end elseif action.method == "SM" then -- SMTP Mail local from = getReactorVar( "SMTPSender", "unconfigured@localhost" ) local to = getValue( action.recipient or getReactorVar( "SMTPDefaultRecipient", "unconfigured@localhost" ), nil, tdev ) local subj = getValue( action.subject or getReactorVar( "SMTPDefaultSubject", luup.devices[tdev].description .. " Notification" ), nil, tdev ) doSMTPSend( from, to, subj, msg ) elseif action.method == "PR" then -- Prowl local apikey = getReactorVar( "ProwlAPIKey", "" ) if apikey == "" or apikey == "X" then error "Prowl API Key not set" else local provider = getReactorVar( "ProwlProvider", "" ) local subject = getReactorVar( "ProwlSubject", luup.devices[tdev].description ) local baseurl = getReactorVar( "ProwlURL", "https://api.prowlapp.com/publicapi/add" ) local st,ht -- Prefer request because we need POST, but some firmware doesn't support it, -- and prowl servers don't really seem to care. if not luup.inet.request then baseurl = baseurl .. urlencode( apikey ) if provider ~= "" then baseurl = baseurl .. urlencode( provider ) end baseurl = baseurl .. "&application=" .. urlencode( host ) if action.priority then baseurl = baseurl .. "&priority=" .. urlencode( action.priority ) end baseurl = baseurl .. "&event=" .. urlencode( subject ) baseurl = baseurl .. "&description=" .. urlencode( msg ) st,_,ht = luup.inet.wget( baseurl ) D("doActionNotify() Prowl wget returned %1,%2 [%3]", st, ht, baseurl) else local data = { apikey=apikey, application=host, event=subject, description=msg } if provider ~= "" then data.provider = provider end if action.priority then data.priority = action.priority end st,_,ht = luup.inet.request{ url=baseurl, data=data, follow=false, timeout=5 } D("doActionNotify() Prowl request returned %1,%2", st, ht) end if st ~= 0 or ht ~= 200 then L({level=2,msg="Prowl send returned %1 httpStatus=%2 [%3]"}, st, ht, baseurl) error( "Prowl send request failed (" .. tostring(st) .. ", " .. tostring(ht) .. ")" ) end end elseif action.method == "PO" then -- Pushover local ptoken = ( "" ~= ( action.token or "" ) ) and action.token or getReactorVar( "PushoverToken", "" ) local puser = getReactorVar( "PushoverUser", "" ) if ptoken == "" or puser == "" then error "Pushover token or user not set" else local pdevice = getReactorVar( "PushoverDefaultDevice", "" ) local baseurl = getReactorVar( "PushoverURL", "https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json" ) local cmd = 'curl -s -m 15 -X POST -o /tmp/reactor-pushover-resp.txt' cmd = cmd .. string.format(" --form-string token=%s", ptoken) cmd = cmd .. string.format(" --form-string user=%s", puser) cmd = cmd .. string.format(" --form-string message=%s", SQ(msg)) if ( action.title or "" ) ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" --form-string title=%s", SQ(action.title)) else cmd = cmd .. string.format(" --form-string title=%s", SQ(luup.devices[tdev].description)) end pdevice = action.podevice or pdevice if pdevice ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" --form-string device=%s", SQ(pdevice)) end if ( action.priority or "" ) ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" --form-string priority=%s", SQ(action.priority)) end if ( action.sound or "" ) ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" --form-string sound=%s", SQ(action.sound)) end cmd = cmd .. " '" .. baseurl .. "'" D("doActionNotify() pushover notify exec: %1", cmd) local st = os.execute( cmd ) -- N.B. return value cannot be relied upon under Luup if st ~= 0 then W("Pushover: %2 returned %1", st, cmd) end end elseif action.method == "VT" then -- VeraTelegram if devVeraTelegram then luup.call_action( "urn:bochicchio-com:serviceId:VeraTelegram1", "Send", { Text=msg, ImageUrl=action.imageurl, VideoUrl=action.videourl, ChatID=action.chatid, DisableNotification=action.disablenotification }, devVeraTelegram ) else W("Attempt to use VeraTelegram notification method, but the plugin is not installed/started.") error("Can't send VeraTelegram notification; plugin is not installed/started") end elseif action.method == "SD" then -- Syslog Datagram -- See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5424#page-9 local pack = shallowCopy( action ) pack.hostname = host pack.procid = scid pack.message = msg doSyslogDatagram( pack, tdev ) elseif action.method == "AA" then -- AddAlert (Vera action) (undocumented) local baseurl = "http://localhost/port_3480/data_request?id=add_alert&device=0&type=3&source=3" baseurl = baseurl .. "&users=" .. urlencode( cf.notifications[nid].users ) baseurl = baseurl .. "&description=" .. urlencode( msg ) --[[ local st,_,ht = --]] local st,_,ht = luup.inet.wget( baseurl ) D("doActionNotify() AddAlert request returned %1,%2 [%3]", st, ht, baseurl) elseif action.method == "UU" then -- User URL local baseurl = action.url or "" baseurl = baseurl:gsub( "%{message%}", ( urlencode( msg ):gsub("%%", "%%%%") ) ) -- special baseurl = baseurl:gsub( "%{[^}]+%}", function( ref ) local vv = getValue( ref, nil, tdev ) return ( vv ~= nil ) and vv or ref end ) local st,_,ht = luup.inet.wget( baseurl ) D("doActionNotify() User URL notification returned %1,%2 [%3]", st, ht, baseurl) if st ~= 0 or ht ~= 200 then L({level=2,msg="User URL notification returned %1 httpStatus=%2 [%3]"}, st, ht, baseurl) error("User HTTP notification failed (" .. tostring(st) .. ", " .. tostring(ht) .. ")") end else -- The "standard" Vera way, via hidden scene. queueNotification( nid, tdev ) end else error( "Unable to find notification config #" .. tostring(nid) ) end return false end -- Returns LTN12 filter that stops passing data after limit bytes local function getCountFilter( rp ) rp = rp or {} rp.limit = rp.limit or 2048 rp.actual = 0 local count = 0 return function( chunk ) if chunk == nil then return nil elseif chunk == "" then return "" else rp.actual = rp.actual + #chunk local accept = rp.limit - count if accept <= 0 then -- can't accept any return "" elseif accept >= #chunk then -- accept more than chunk count = count + #chunk return chunk end -- accept partial chunk count = count + accept return chunk:sub(1, accept) end end end local function doActionRequest( action, scid, tdev ) local http = require "socket.http" local ltn12 = require "ltn12" local method = action.method or "GET" local timeout = action.timeout or getVarNumeric( "RequestActionTimeout", 15, tdev, RSSID ) local maxResp = getVarNumeric( "RequestActionResponseLimit", 2048, tdev, RSSID ) -- Perform on-the-fly substitution of request values local url = tostring( action.url or "" ):gsub( "%{[^}]+%}", function( ref ) local vv = getValue( ref, nil, tdev ) return ( vv ~= nil ) and vv or ref end ) -- Headers local tHeaders = {} for _,line in ipairs( action.headers or {} ) do local key,val = line:match( "^([^:]+):%s*(.*)" ) if key and val then val = (val or ""):gsub( "%{[^}]+%}", function( ref ) local vv = getValue( ref, nil, tdev ) return ( vv ~= nil ) and vv or ref end ) tHeaders[string.lower(key)] = val end end local src local body = tostring( action.data or "" ) if "GET" ~= method then if "application/json" == tHeaders['content-type'] then -- Looks like a JSON string, which unfortunately has a similar pattern to our -- substitutions, so just take it as JSON with no substitutions. L( "Detected JSON data in request body; not performing inline substitutions" ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Detected JSON data in request body; not performing inline substitutions." } else body = body:gsub( "%{[^}]+%}", function( ref ) local vv = getValue( ref, nil, tdev ) return ( vv ~= nil ) and vv or ref end ) end src = ltn12.source.string( body ) tHeaders["content-length"] = string.len( body ) D("doActionRequest() body is %1", body) else src = nil end local respBody local r = {} if action.usecurl or getVarBool( "RequestActionUseCurl", false, tdev, RSSID ) then local req = string.format( "curl -s -m %d -o -", timeout ) if "GET" ~= method then req = req .. " -X " .. method end if action.ignorecerts then req = req .. " -k" end if action.followredirects or getVarBool( "RequestActionFollowRedirects", false, tdev, RSSID ) then req = req .. " -L" end for k,v in pairs( tHeaders or {} ) do if ( "content-length" ~= k ) then req = req .. " -H '" .. k .. ": " .. string.gsub( v, "'", "''" ) .. "'" end end local s = action.curlopts or luup.variable_get( RSSID, "RequestCurlOptions", tdev ) or "" if s ~= "" then req = req .. " " .. s end if "" ~= body then -- To avoid quoting and length issues, write the body to temp file local tf = os.tmpname() local f = io.open( tf, "w" ) f:write( body ) f:close() req = req .. " -d '@" .. tf .. "'" D("doActionRequest() body written to temporary file %1", tf) end req = req .. " '" .. url .. "'" L("%1 (#%2) request action: %3", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, req) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Request via curl: %(req)s", req=req } local count = 0 local f = io.popen( req ) if f then repeat local chunk = f:read(1024) if chunk then count = count + #chunk table.insert( r, chunk ) else break end until count >= maxResp f:close() respBody = table.concat( r, "" ):sub(1, maxResp) L("%1 (#%2) request completed, response body %3 bytes", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, #respBody) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Request completed, response body %(bodylen)s bytes", bodylen=#respBody } else respBody = "ERROR 599" L{level=2,msg="%1 (#%2) request failed!"} addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Request failed (curl)" } if ( action.trouble or 1 ) ~= 0 then getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end end else local httpStatus -- Set up the request table local tsink = ltn12.sink.table( r ) local countParam = { limit=maxResp } local req = { url = url, source = src, sink = ltn12.sink.chain( getCountFilter( countParam ), tsink ), method = method, headers = tHeaders, redirect = action.followredirects or getVarBool( "RequestActionFollowRedirects", false, tdev, RSSID ) } -- HTTP or HTTPS? local requestor if url:lower():find("^https:") then local https = require "ssl.https" requestor = https local rp = getSSLParams( "Request" ) if action.ignorecerts ~= nil then -- don't change if undefined rp.verify = action.ignorecerts and "none" or "peer" end for k,v in pairs( rp ) do req[k] = v end else requestor = http end -- Make the request. http.TIMEOUT = timeout -- N.B. http not https, regardless L("%1 (#%2) request action: %3 %4", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, method, url) if next(tHeaders) then L("Request headers: %1", tHeaders) end if body and #body then L("Request body: "..body) end addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Request action: %(method)s %(url)s", url=url, method=method } D("doRequest() request %1", req) local rh, st respBody, httpStatus, rh, st = requestor.request(req) local hs = tonumber( httpStatus ) if httpStatus and ( getVar( "RequestActionAcceptStatus", "200", tdev, RSSID ):match( httpStatus ) or ( hs and hs >= 200 and hs <= 299 ) ) then D("doRequest() request returned httpStatus=%1, respBody=%2, respHeaders=%3, status=%4", httpStatus, respBody, rh, st) -- Since we're using the table sink, concatenate chunks to single string. respBody = table.concat(r, "") L("Request succeeded, response body %1 bytes", #respBody) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Request response status %(status)s body %(bodylen)s bytes sent", status=httpStatus, bodylen=countParam.actual } if countParam.actual > maxResp then L({level=2,msg="Response was %2 bytes, exceeded the limit of %1 bytes and was truncated"}, maxResp, countParam.actual) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Response was too long and has been truncated to %(limit)s bytes!", limit=maxResp } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end else L({level=2,msg="Request %1 %2 returned [%3, %4, %5, %6]"}, respBody, httpStatus, rh, st) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Request failed, response status %(status)s", status=httpStatus } if ( action.trouble or 1 ) ~= 0 then getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end respBody = "ERROR "..tostring(httpStatus) -- Canonical body for errors end end r = nil -- luacheck: ignore 311 -- Store response, maybe if ( action.target or "" ) ~= "" then local st,err = doSetVar( action.target, respBody, tdev, false ) -- no reparse (raw data) if not st then L({level=2,msg="Can't store request response on %1: %2"}, action.target, err) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg='TROUBLE: Request succeeded but failed to store response on %(variable)q: %(err)s', variable=action.target, err=err } if ( action.trouble or 1 ) ~= 0 then getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end else scheduleDelay( tdev, 1 ) end end return true end function logActivityStep( desc, scd, group, index, action, tdev ) -- luacheck: ignore 212 L("%1 (#%2) Performing %3 (%4 group %5 step %6)", ( luup.devices[tdev] or {} ).description or "?", tdev, desc, scd.name or scd.id, group or "n/a", index or "n/a" ) end -- Run the next scene group(s), until we run out of groups or a group delay -- restriction hasn't been met. Across reloads, scenes will "catch up," running -- groups that are now past-due (native Luup scenes don't do this). -- Return taskid if groups remain to run (delayed), or nil if scene is finished. local function execSceneGroups( tdev, taskid, scd ) D("execSceneGroups(%1,%2,%3)", tdev, taskid, type(scd) ) assert(luup.devices[tdev].device_type == MYTYPE or luup.devices[tdev].device_type == RSTYPE) -- Get sceneState, make sure it's consistent with request. local sst = sceneState[taskid] D("execSceneGroups() scene state %1", sst) if sst == nil then clearTask( taskid ) return nil end -- Sanity-check owner and context. if luup.devices[sst.owner] == nil then L({level=2,msg="Unable to resume scene %1 because the owner device #%2 no longer exists"}, sst.scene, sst.owner) return stopScene( nil, taskid, tdev ) elseif not isEnabled( tdev ) then L({level=2,msg="Unable to resume scene %1 because the owner %2 (#%3) is disabled"}, sst.scene, luup.devices[sst.owner].description, sst.owner) return stopScene( nil, taskid, tdev ) elseif sst.context ~= 0 and luup.devices[sst.context] == nil then L({level=2,msg="Unable to resume scene %1 because the context device #%2 no longer exists"}, sst.scene, sst.context) return stopScene( nil, taskid, tdev ) end -- If system is not ready, wait. We don't want to run actions until devices -- are well and truly ready to respond. if not systemReady then L("%1 (#%2) attempting to run actions %3 (%4) but system is not yet ready; deferring 5 seconds.", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, (scd or {}).name or sst.scene, sst.scene) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Deferring scene execution, system not ready (%(sceneName)s:%(group)s:%(step)s)", event="runscene", scene=sst.scene, sceneName=(scd or {}).name or sst.scene, group=sst.currgroup, step=sst.currstep } scheduleDelay( { id=sst.taskid, owner=sst.owner, func=execSceneGroups, args={ scd } }, 5, { onerr=function(owner, tid, err) stopScene(nil, tid, owner) end } ) return taskid end -- Reload the scene if it wasn't passed to us (from cache) if not scd then D("execSceneGroups() reloading scene data for %1", sst.scene) scd = getSceneData(sst.scene, tdev) if scd == nil then W("Previously running scene %1 now not found/loaded. Aborting run.", sst.scene) return stopScene( nil, taskid, tdev ) end end -- Run next scene group (and keep running groups until no more or delay needed) local execBegin = os.time() while sst.currgroup <= #(scd.groups or {}) do local nextGroup = sst.currgroup local sceneGroup = scd.groups[nextGroup] D("execSceneGroups() now at group %1 of scene %2 (%3)", nextGroup, scd.id, scd.name) -- If scene group has a delay, see if we're there yet. if sst.currstep < 1 then local delay = sceneGroup.delay or 0 if type(delay) == "string" then _,delay = getValue( delay, nil, tdev ) end if type(delay) ~= "number" then W("%1 (%2) delay at group %3 did not resolve to number; no delay!", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, nextGroup) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Invalid delay in scene group %(group)s of %(sceneName)q: %(delay)q", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, delay=delay or "nil", ['error']="TROUBLE: invalid delay in scene group" } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true delay = 0 end if delay > 0 then D("execSceneGroups() delay is %1 %2", delay, sceneGroup.delaytype) local delaytype = sceneGroup.delaytype or "inline" local tt -- Vera (7.x.x) scenes are always "start" delay type. if delaytype == "start" or not scd.isReactorScene then tt = math.floor( sst.starttime + 0.5 ) + delay else tt = ( sst.lastgrouptime or math.floor( sst.starttime + 0.5 ) ) + delay end if tt > os.time() then -- It's not time yet. Schedule task to continue. logActivityStep( "Delay until "..fdatetime(tt), scd, nextGroup, nil, nil, tdev ) D("execSceneGroups() scene group %1 must delay to %2", nextGroup, tt) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Delaying scene %(sceneName)q group %(group)s actions until %(when)s", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, when=ftime(tt), notice="Scene delay" } scheduleTick( { id=sst.taskid, owner=sst.owner, func=execSceneGroups, args={ scd } }, tt ) return taskid else D("execSceneGroup() delay target %1 has passed, moving on...", tt) end end sst.currstep = 1 end -- Run this group. addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg=(sst.currstep == 1 and "Starting" or "Continuing").." %(sceneName)q group %(group)s at step %(step)s", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, step=sst.currstep } while sst.currstep <= #(sceneGroup.actions or {}) do local action = sceneGroup.actions[sst.currstep] if not scd.isReactorScene then -- Genuine Vera/Luup scene (just has device actions) local devnum = tonumber( action.device ) if devnum == nil or luup.devices[devnum] == nil then addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, warning="TROUBLE: action skipped, device number invalid or does not exist: " .. tostring( action.device ) } L({level=2,msg="%5 (%6): invalid device number (%4) in scene %1 (%2) group %3; skipping action."}, scd.id, scd.name, nextGroup, action.device, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true else local param = {} for k,p in ipairs( action.arguments or {} ) do param[p.name or tostring(k)] = p.value end D("execSceneGroups() dev %4 (%5) do %1/%2(%3) for %6 (%7)", action.service, action.action, param, devnum, (luup.devices[devnum] or {}).description or "?unknown?", scd.name or scd.id, scd.id ) -- If Lua HomeAutomationGateway RunScene action, run in Reactor if action.service == "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1" and action.action == "RunScene" and devnum == 0 and getVarBool( "UseReactorScenes", true, tdev, RSSID ) then -- Overriding like this runs the scene as a job (so it doesn't start immediately) D("execSceneGroups() overriding Vera RunScene with our own!") action.service = RSSID devnum = tdev param.Options = json.encode( { contextDevice=sst.options.contextDevice, stopPriorScenes=false } ) end logActivityStep( "Vera Scene Action", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) luup.call_action( action.service, action.action, param, devnum ) end else -- ReactorScene D("execSceneGroups() %3 step %1: %2", sst.currstep, action, scd.id) if action.type == "comment" then -- If first char is asterisk, emit comment to log file if ( action.comment or ""):byte(1) == 42 then L("%2 (#%1) %3 [%4:%5:%6]", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, action.comment, scd.name or scd.id, sst.currgroup, sst.currstep) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="<%(sceneName)s:%(group)s:%(step)s> %(message)s", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, step=sst.currstep, message=action.comment or "" } end elseif action.type == "device" then logActivityStep( "Device Action", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) local devnum = tonumber( action.device ) if devnum == -1 then devnum = tdev end if devnum == nil or luup.devices[devnum] == nil then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Device %(xdev)q invalid or does not exist; reference in scene %(sceneName)s group %(group)s step %(step)s", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, step=sst.currstep, xdev=action.device, warning="Invalid device" } W("%5 (%6): invalid device (%4) in scene %1 (%2) group %3; skipping action.", scd.name or "", scd.id, nextGroup, action.device, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true else local param = {} for k,p in ipairs( action.parameters or {} ) do -- Reactor behavior: omit if value not defined if p.value ~= nil then local val = getValue( p.value, nil, tdev ) if val ~= nil then -- Vera action arguments are always strings. Boolean special. if type(val) == "boolean" then val = val and 1 or 0 end param[p.name or tostring(k)] = tostring(val) end end end D("execSceneGroups() dev %4 (%5) do %1/%2(%3) for %6 (%7)", action.service, action.action, param, devnum, (luup.devices[devnum] or {}).description or "?unknown?", scd.name or "", scd.id ) luup.call_action( action.service, action.action, param, devnum ) end elseif action.type == "housemode" then logActivityStep( "Set House Mode", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) D("execSceneGroups() setting house mode to %1", action.housemode) local newMode = tostring(action.housemode or 1) local currMode = luup.attr_get( "Mode", 0 ) or "1" local transMode = luup.attr_get( "mode_change_mode", 0 ) or "" D("execSceneGroups() current mode is %1 trans mode %2", currMode, transMode) if currMode == newMode then L("%1 (#%2) activity %3:%4:%5 skipping set house mode; already in mode %6", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, scd.name or scd.id, nextGroup, sst.currstep, newMode) elseif transMode == newMode then L("%1 (#%2) activity %3:%4:%5 skipping set house mode; timing delay to mode %6 currently in progress.", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, scd.name or scd.id, nextGroup, sst.currstep, transMode) end -- Set house mode if check is off, or currMode <> newMode, or not on our way to newMode already if getVarBool( "DisableHouseModeCheck", false, pluginDevice, MYSID ) or ( currMode ~= newMode and transMode ~= newMode ) then luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "SetHouseMode", { Mode=action.housemode or "1" }, 0 ) end elseif action.type == "runscene" then logActivityStep( "Run Scene", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) -- Run scene in same context as this one. Whoa... recursion... depth??? local scene = getValue( action.scene, nil, tdev ) D("execSceneGroups() launching scene %1 (%2) from scene %3", scene, action.scene, scd.id) if (action.usevera or 0) ~= 0 or not getVarBool( "UseReactorScenes", true, tdev, RSSID ) then luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "RunScene", { SceneNum=scene }, 0 ) else -- In the case of resuming an activity with a Run Scene action, the target scene may already -- by on the list of running scenes. In that case, we want to let it resume from wherever -- *it* was; if we call runscene() here, it will restart it from its beginning, which is not -- desirable (particularly if a scene device is causing crashes). local found = false for _, _sc in pairs(sceneState) do if tostring(_sc.scene) == tostring(scene) and (_sc.options or {}).parentAction and _sc.options.parentAction.sig == sst.sig and _sc.options.parentAction.dev == tdev and _sc.options.parentAction.sc == scd.id and _sc.options.parentAction.gr == nextGroup and _sc.options.parentAction.st == sst.currstep then D("execSceneGroups() skipping (re)start of scene %1; it's already running for %2:%3:%4 (%5)", scene, scd.name or scd.id, nextGroup, sst.currstep, sst.sig) found = true break end end if not found then -- Not running; start it. No job here, we want in-line execution (at least for group 1). local options = { contextDevice=sst.options.contextDevice, stopPriorScenes=false } options.parentAction = { sig=sst.sig, dev=tdev, sc=scd.id, gr=nextGroup, st=sst.currstep } runScene( scene, tdev, options ) end end elseif action.type == "runlua" then logActivityStep( "Run Lua", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) local fname = string.format("rs%s_sc%s_gr%d_ac%d", tostring(tdev), tostring(scd.id), nextGroup, sst.currstep ) D("execSceneGroups() running Lua for %1 (chunk name %2)", scd.id, fname) local lua = action.lua if ( action.encoded_lua or 0 ) ~= 0 then lua = mime.unb64( lua ) if lua == nil then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Can't decode Lua for activity %(sceneName)q group %(group)s step %(step)s", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, step=sst.currstep, ['error']="Can't decode Lua" } W("Aborting scene %1 (%2) run, unable to decode scene Lua", scd.id, scd.name) getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true stopScene( tdev, nil, tdev ) -- stop all scenes in context. return nil end end local more, err = execLua( fname, lua, nil, tdev ) if err then W("%1 (%2) aborting scene %3 Lua execution at group step %4, Lua run failed: %5", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, scd.id, sst.currstep, err) L{level=2,msg="Lua:\n"..lua} -- concat to avoid formatting addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Lua error in activity %(sceneName)q group %(group)s step %(step)s: %(error)s", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, step=sst.currstep, ['error']=err } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true -- Throw on the brakes! (stop all scenes in context) stopScene( tdev, nil, tdev ) return nil elseif more == false then -- N.B. specific test to match exactly boolean type false (but not nil) L("%1 (%2) scene %3 Lua at step %4 returned (%5)%6, stopping actions.", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, scd.id, sst.currstep, type(more), more) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Aborting activity %(sceneName)q; group %(group)s step %(step)s Lua returned %(retval)q", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, step=sst.currstep, retval=more } stopScene( nil, taskid, tdev ) -- stop just this scene. return nil end elseif action.type == "rungsa" then logActivityStep( "Run Group Activity", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) local device = action.device or -1 if device == -1 then device = tdev end local opts = { contextDevice=device } if ( action.stopall or 0 ) ~= 0 then opts.stopPriorScenes = true end luup.call_action( RSSID, "RunScene", { SceneNum=action.activity or "error", Options=json.encode(opts) }, device ) elseif action.type == "stopgsa" then logActivityStep( "Stop Group Activity", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) local device = action.device or -1 if device == -1 then device = tdev end luup.call_action( RSSID, "StopScene", { SceneNum=action.activity or "" }, device ) elseif action.type == "setvar" then logActivityStep( "Set Variable", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) local success, oldval, newval = doSetVar( action.variable, action.value, tdev ) if success then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Variable %(variable)q set to %(newValue)q; was %(oldValue)q", variable=action.variable, newValue=newval, oldValue=oldval } if (action.reeval or 0) ~= 0 then scheduleDelay( tdev, 0 ) -- trigger re-eval end else L({level=2,msg="Set Variable action (%1 group %2 action %3) target %4 failed: "..tostring(oldval)}, scd.id, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action.variable) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(sceneName)q group %(group)s action %(index)s Set Variable %(varname)q failed: %(err)s", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, index=sst.currstep, varname=action.variable, ['err']=oldval } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end elseif action.type == "resetlatch" then logActivityStep( "Reset Latch", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) local device = action.device or -1 local group = action.group or "" if device == -1 or device == tdev then if "" == group then group = scd.id:gsub( '%..+', '' ) end if "*" == group then group = false end local changed = resetLatched( group, tdev ) if changed then scheduleDelay( tostring(tdev), 0 ) -- queue an eval if anything changed end else if "*" == group then group = nil end luup.call_action( RSSID, "ClearLatched", { Group=group }, device ) end elseif action.type == "notify" then logActivityStep( "Notify", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) local success,err = pcall( doActionNotify, action, scd.id, tdev ) if not success then L({level=2,msg="Notify action failed: " .. err .. " (%1 group %2 action %3)"}, scd.id, nextGroup, sst.currstep) local ev = { dev=tdev, event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, index=sst.currstep } ev.warning = err addEvent(ev) getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end elseif action.type == "request" then logActivityStep( "HTTP Request", scd, nextGroup, sst.currstep, action, tdev ) local success,err = pcall( doActionRequest, action, scd.id, tdev ) if not success then L({level=2,msg="Request action failed: " .. err .. " (%1 group %2 action %3)"}, scd.id, nextGroup, sst.currstep) local ev = { dev=tdev, event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, index=sst.currstep } ev.warning = err addEvent(ev) getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end else W("Unhandled action type %1 at %2 in scene %3 for %4 (%5)", action.type, sst.currstep, scd.name or scd.id, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, group=nextGroup, warning="TROUBLE: action #" .. tostring(sst.currstep) .. " unrecognized type: " .. tostring(action.type) .. ", ignored." } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true end end -- Finished this group yet? if sst.currstep >= #sceneGroup.actions then -- yes break end -- Bookmark step sst.currstep = sst.currstep + 1 -- If we've spent too long running this scene/activity, take a break if os.time() >= ( execBegin + getVarNumeric( "ActivityMaxExecTime", 15, pluginDevice, MYSID ) ) then D("execSceneGroups() taking a break from scene %1 group %2 at step %3; last exec %4s >= limit", scd.name or scd.id, sst.currgroup, sst.currstep, os.time()-execBegin) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "runscene", json.encode(sceneState), pluginDevice ) scheduleDelay( { id=sst.taskid, owner=sst.owner, func=execSceneGroups, args={ scd } }, 0, { onerr=function(owner, tid, err) stopScene(nil, tid, owner) end } ) return taskid end -- Checkpoint every 5 steps if 0 == ( sst.currstep % getVarNumeric( "ActivityCheckpoint", 5, pluginDevice, MYSID ) ) then D("execSceneGroups() checkpoint scene %1 group %2 at step %3", scd.name or scd.id, sst.currgroup, sst.currstep) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "runscene", json.encode(sceneState), pluginDevice ) end end -- Finished this group; set up next, checkpoint. sst.currgroup = sst.currgroup + 1 sst.currstep = 0 sst.lastgrouptime = os.time() luup.variable_set( MYSID, "runscene", json.encode(sceneState), pluginDevice ) end -- We've run out of groups! addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Activity %(sceneName)q finished in %(dt)ss", event="endscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, dt=timems()-sst.starttime } D("execSceneGroups(%3) reached end of scene %1 (%2)", scd.id, scd.name, taskid) stopScene( nil, taskid, tdev ) return nil end -- Execute a scene from scene data. local function execScene( scd, tdev, options ) D("execScene(%1(id),%2,%3)", scd.id, tdev, options ) options = options or {} -- Check if scene running. If so, stop it. local ctx = tonumber( options.contextDevice ) or 0 local taskid = string.format("ctx%s.sc%s", tostring(ctx), tostring(scd.id)) if options.stopPriorScenes then stopScene( ctx, nil, tdev ) end if ( not scd.isReactorScene ) and ( scd.paused or 0 ) ~= 0 then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Launch of %(sceneName)q (#%(scene)s) blocked; scene is paused.", event="startscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id} return nil end -- And here ve go... addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Launching scene/activity %(sceneName)q%(opt)s", event="startscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, opt=options.background and " in background" or ""} -- If there's (Luup) scene lua, try to run it. if ( scd.lua or "" ) ~= "" then D("execScene() handling scene (global) Lua") local luafragment if ( scd.encoded_lua or 0 ) ~= 0 then luafragment = mime.unb64( scd.lua ) if luafragment == nil then addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, ['error']="Aborting; unable to decode scene Lua" } W("Aborting scene %1 (%2) run, unable to decode scene Lua", scd.id, scd.name) return end else luafragment = scd.lua or "" end -- Note name is context-free, because all runners of this scene use same -- code. Environment will reflect different context at runtime. Of course, -- this assumes it's a Luup/Vera scene, not a Reactor scene, but Reactor -- scenes don't have startup Lua. -- N.B. Scene loader has to reproduce this name, so be careful making changes here. local fname = string.format("scene%s_start", tostring(scd.id)) local more,err = execLua( fname, luafragment, options.externalArgument, tdev ) if err then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Aborting, error in scene Lua: %(error)s", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, ['error']=err } W("%1 (%2) scene %3 scene Lua run failed: %4", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, scd.id, err) L{level=2,msg="Lua:\n"..luafragment} -- concat to avoid formatting return end if more == false then -- N.B. specific test to match exactly boolean type false (but not nil) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Stopping scene, Lua returned %(return)q", event="runscene", scene=scd.id, sceneName=scd.name or scd.id, ['return']=more } L("%1 (%2) scene %3 Lua returned (%4)%5, scene run aborted.", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev. scd.id, type(more), more) return end end -- We are going to run groups. Set up for it. D("execScene() setting up to run groups for scene") local now = timems() local sig = string.format("%x:%x", math.floor(now), math.floor(now*1000)%1000) sceneState[taskid] = { scene=scd.id, -- scene ID sig=sig, -- run signature starttime=now, -- original start time for scene currgroup=1, -- current (next) group to run currstep=0, -- current (next) step to run lastgrouptime=os.time(), taskid=taskid, -- timer task ID context=ctx, -- context device (device requesting scene run) options=options, -- options owner=tdev -- parent device (always Reactor or ReactorSensor) } luup.variable_set( MYSID, "runscene", json.encode(sceneState), pluginDevice ) -- Start in foreground (default) or background with option. -- execSceneGroups returns the taskid if delayed groups are pending, otherwise nil if options.background then scheduleDelay( { id=taskid, owner=tdev, func=execSceneGroups, args={ scd } }, -- tdev always first arg tonumber(options.background) or 0, { onerr=function(owner, tid, err) stopScene(nil, tid, owner) end } ) return taskid else return execSceneGroups( tdev, taskid, scd ) end end -- Continue running scenes on restart. local function resumeScenes() D("resumeScenes()") local d,err = getVarJSON( "runscene", {}, pluginDevice, MYSID ) if err then E("Can't resume scenes, failed to parse JSON for saved scene state: %1", err) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "runscene", "{}", pluginDevice ) end sceneState = d or {} for _,data in pairs( sceneState ) do if luup.devices[data.owner] then D("resumeScenes() resume %1 from group %2 step %3 for %4 (#%5)", data.scene, data.currgroup, data.currstep, luup.devices[data.owner].description, data.owner) addEvent{ dev=data.owner, msg="Resuming run after reload (%(scene)s:%(group)s:%(step)s)", event="runscene", scene=data.scene, group=data.currgroup, step=data.currstep } scheduleDelay( { id=data.taskid, owner=data.owner, func=execSceneGroups, args={} }, 1, { onerr=function(owner, tid, err) stopScene(nil, tid, owner) end } ) else D("resumeScenes() skipping resume of %1 for %2; RS no longer exists", data.scene, data.owner) end end end -- Start a Vera scene. runScene = function( scene, tdev, options ) D("runScene(%1,%2,%3)", scene, tdev, options ) options = options or {} local scd = getSceneData( scene, tdev ) if scd == nil then W("%1 (#%2) can't run scene %3, not found/loaded.", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, scene) return end -- If using Luup scenes, short-cut if not scd.isReactorScene and not ( options.forceReactorScenes or getVarBool("UseReactorScenes", true, tdev, RSSID) ) then D("runScene() handing-off scene run to Luup") luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "RunScene", { SceneNum=scene }, 0 ) return end execScene( scd, tdev, options ) end -- Set tripped state for a ReactorSensor. Runs scenes, if any. local function trip( state, tdev ) L("%2 (#%1) now %3", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, state and "tripped" or "untripped") -- We go direct (rather than setVar) to enforce retrigger on manual trip or Retrigger=1 luup.variable_set( SENSOR_SID, "Tripped", state and "1" or "0", tdev ) luup.variable_set( SWITCH_SID, "Target", state and "1" or "0", tdev ) luup.variable_set( SWITCH_SID, "Status", state and "1" or "0", tdev ) addEvent{dev=tdev, msg="Changing RS tripped state to %(state)q", event='sensorstate', state=state} -- Make sure condState is loaded/ready (may have been expired by cache) loadCleanState( tdev ) if not state then -- Luup keeps (SecuritySensor1/)LastTrip, but we also keep LastReset luup.variable_set( RSSID, "LastReset", os.time(), tdev ) -- Option, reset latched conditions if getVarBool( "ResetLatchedOnUntrip", false, tdev, RSSID ) then -- Reset latched conditions when group resets if resetLatched( false, tdev ) then scheduleDelay( tostring(tdev), 0 ) end end if getVarBool( "UseLegacyTripBehavior", false, tdev, RSSID ) then -- Run the reset scene, if we have one. local scd = getSceneData( 'root.false', tdev ) if not isSceneEmpty( scd ) then -- Note we only stop trip actions if there are untrip actions. addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Launching root.false activity (legacy mode)" } local st,err = pcall( stopScene, tdev, nil, tdev, 'root.true' ) if not st then addEvent{ dev=tdev,msg="Failed to stop legacy contra-activity root.true: %(err)s", err=err } end st, err = pcall( execScene, scd, tdev, { contextDevice=tdev, stopPriorScenes=false } ) if not st then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Failed to run legacy root.false: %(err)s", err=err } end end end else -- Count a trip. luup.variable_set( RSSID, "TripCount", getVarNumeric( "TripCount", 0, tdev, RSSID ) + 1, tdev ) if getVarBool( "UseLegacyTripBehavior", false, tdev, RSSID ) then -- Run the trip scene, if we have one. local scd = getSceneData( 'root.true', tdev ) if not isSceneEmpty( scd ) then -- Note we only stop untrip actions if there are trip actions. addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Launching root.true activity (legacy mode)" } local st,err = pcall( stopScene, tdev, nil, tdev, 'root.false' ) if not st then addEvent{ dev=tdev,msg="Failed to stop legacy contra-activity root.false: %(err)s", err=err } end st, err = pcall( execScene, scd, tdev, { contextDevice=tdev, stopPriorScenes=false } ) if not st then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Failed to run legacy root.true: %(err)s", err=err } end end end end end -- Perform evaluations of configured variables/expressions local function updateVariables( cdata, tdev ) D("updateVariables(cdata,%1)", tdev) local first = true local ctx local condState = loadCleanState( tdev ) for _,v in variables( cdata ) do if first then ctx = getSensorState( tdev ).ctx or getExpressionContext( cdata, tdev ) first = false end D("updateVariables() evaluate %1", v) if (condState.vars or {})[v.name] then condState.vars[v.name].changed = nil end evaluateVariable( v.name, ctx, cdata, tdev ) end end -- Helper to schedule next condition update. Times are MSM (mins since midnight) local function doNextCondCheck( taskinfo, nowMSM, startMSM, endMSM, testing ) D("doNextCondCheck(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", taskinfo, nowMSM, startMSM, endMSM, testing) -- if testing then return end -- Do nothing when testing at the moment local edge = 1440 if nowMSM < startMSM then edge = startMSM end if endMSM ~= nil and nowMSM < endMSM then edge = math.min( edge, endMSM ) end local delay = (edge - nowMSM) * 60 -- Round the time to the start of a minute (more definitive) local tt = math.floor( ( os.time() + delay ) / 60 ) * 60 D("doNextCondCheck() edge %3, scheduling next check for %1 (delay %2secs)", tt, delay, edge) scheduleTick( taskinfo, tt ) end -- Compute the next interval after lastTrue that's aligned to baseTime local function getNextInterval( lastTrue, interval, baseTime ) D("getNextInterval(%1,%2,%3,%4)", lastTrue, interval, baseTime) if not baseTime then local t = os.date("*t", lastTrue) t.hour = 0 t.min = 0 t.sec = 9 baseTime = os.time(t) end -- Our next true relative to lastTrue considers both interval and baseTime -- For example, if interval is 4 hours, and baseTime is 3:00pm, the condition -- fires at 3am, 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm (interval goes through baseTime). local offs = lastTrue - baseTime local nint = math.floor( offs / interval ) + 1 local nextTrue = baseTime + nint * interval return nextTrue end -- Perform comparison between condition value (whatever it may be) and operand. -- This supports the common/generic operators. Each condition type may separately -- handle its special cases. local function doComparison( cond, op, vv, vn, rv, cv, cn, tdev ) D("doComparison(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8)", cond, op, vv, vn, rv, cv, cn, tdev ) if op == "=" then if vv ~= cv then return vv,false end elseif op == "<>" then if vv == cv then return vv,false end elseif op == ">" then if vn == nil or cn == nil or vn <= cn then return vv,false end elseif op == "<" then if vn == nil or cn == nil or vn >= cn then return vv,false end elseif op == ">=" then if vn == nil or cn == nil or vn < cn then return vv,false end elseif op == "<=" then if vn == nil or cn == nil or vn > cn then return vv,false end elseif op == "bet" or op == "nob" then local vs = split( cv or "", "," ) local lo = tonumber( #vs > 0 and vs[1] or "?" ) local hi = tonumber( #vs > 1 and vs[2] or "?" ) if vn == nil or lo == nil or hi == nil then return vv,false end if lo > hi then lo,hi = hi,lo end local between = vn >= lo and vn <= hi if ( op == "bet" and not between ) or ( op == "nob" and between ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "contains" then if not string.find( vv, cv ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "notcontains" then if string.find( vv, cv ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "starts" then if not string.find( vv, "^" .. cv ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "notstarts" then if string.find( vv, "^" .. cv ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "ends" then if not string.find( vv, cv .. "$" ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "notends" then if string.find( vv, cv .. "$" ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "in" or op == "notin" then local lst = split( cv ) or {} local found = isOnList( lst, vv ) if op == "notin" and found then return vv,false end if op == "in" and not found then return vv,false end elseif op == "istrue" then if (vn or 0) == 0 and not TRUESTRINGS:find( ":" .. vv:lower() .. ":" ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "isfalse" then if (vn or 0) ~= 0 or TRUESTRINGS:find( ":" .. vv:lower() .. ":" ) then return vv,false end elseif op == "isnull" then -- Loading the context ensures that LuaXP is loaded (in case the test is invoked without -- first having created variables) local _ = getSensorState( tdev ).ctx or getExpressionContext( getSensorConfig( tdev ), tdev ) local isnull = luaxp.isNull( rv ) -- the only place we use rv so far return isnull and "null" or vv, isnull elseif op == "change" then local cs = getSensorState( tdev ).condState[ cond.id ] if cv ~= "" and cv ~= "," then local ar = split( cv, "," ) -- With terminal values. If value hasn't changed, consider as -- re-eval, go back further in history for prior value. local prior = ( cs.lastvalue == vv ) and cs.priorvalue or cs.lastvalue D("doComparison() service change op with terms, currval=%1, prior=%2, term=%3", vv, prior, ar) if #ar > 0 and ar[1] ~= "" then cv = getValue( ar[1], nil, tdev ) if prior ~= cv then return vv,false end end if #ar > 1 and ar[2] ~= "" then cv = getValue( ar[2], nil, tdev ) if vv ~= cv then return vv,false end end return vv,true end D("doComparison() service change op without terms, currval=%1, prior=%2, term=%3", vv, cs.lastvalue, cv) if vv == cs.lastvalue then -- No change. return vv,false -- time to reset end -- Changed without terminal values, pulse zero. scheduleDelay( { id=tdev, info="change "..cond.id }, 0 ) else E("doComparison() unknown op %1 in cond %2", op, cv) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, ['error']="TROUBLE: unrecognized operator "..tostring(op or "nil") } getSensorState( tdev ).trouble = true return vv,nil end D("doComparison() default true exit for cond %1, new value=%2", cond.id, vv) return vv,true end local evaluateGroup -- Forward decl local function evaluateCondition( cond, grp, cdata, tdev ) -- luacheck: ignore 212 D("evaluateCondition(%1,%2,cdata,%3)", cond.id, (grp or {}).id, tdev) local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) local now = sst.timebase local ndt = sst.timeparts -- Fetch prior state/value local cs = sst.condState[cond.id] D("evaluateCondition() condstate %1", cs) -- Clock problem? if not clockValid and string.match( ":trange:weekday:sun:", cond.type or "group" ) then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="TROUBLE: Using %(cond)q condition while clock is invalid--result will be inaccurate!", cond=cond.type } sst.trouble = true end if ( cond.type or "group" ) == "group" then return evaluateGroup( cond, grp, cdata, tdev ) elseif cond.type == "service" then -- Can't succeed if referenced device doesn't exist. local devnum = tonumber( cond.device ) if devnum == -1 then devnum = tdev end if devnum == nil or luup.devices[devnum] == nil then L({level=2,msg="%1 (%2) condition %3 refers to device %4 (%5), does not exist, skipped"}, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, cond.id, cond.device or "nil", cond.devicename or "unknown") addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, device=cond.device, devicename=cond.devicename, ['error']='TROUBLE: device used in condition not available' } sst.trouble = true -- flag trouble return nil,nil end -- Add service watch if we don't have one. addServiceWatch( devnum, cond.service, cond.variable, tdev ) -- Get state variable value. local vv = luup.variable_get( cond.service or "", cond.variable or "", devnum ) or "" local vn = tonumber( vv ) -- Get condition value local cv,cn = getValue( cond.value, nil, tdev ) -- If case-insensitive, canonify to lowercase. if ( cond.nocase or 1 ) ~= 0 then vv = string.lower( vv ) cv = string.lower( cv ) end -- Evaluate conditions. Any failure is a bail-out.' local op = cond.operator D("evaluateCondition() %1: %2/%3 %4%5%6?", cond.type, cond.service, cond.variable, vv, op, cv) if op == "update" then -- State variable written, possibly same value, watch has been called. -- Refetch value to get timestamp _,vv = luup.variable_get( cond.service or "", cond.variable or "", devnum ) D("evaluateCondition() service state update op, timestamp=%1, prior=%2, isRestart=%3", vv, cs.lastvalue, sst.isRestart) -- Some vars are rewritten by restart. Attempt to ignore this. if sst.isRestart and getVarBool( "SuppressLuupRestartUpdate", true, tdev, RSSID ) then D("evaluateCondition() ignoring restart-time update") return vv,false end if vv == cs.lastvalue then -- No change. return vv,false end -- Pulse zero. scheduleDelay( { id=tdev, info="update "..cond.id }, 0 ) else return doComparison( cond, op, vv, vn, vv, cv, cn, tdev ) end D("evaluateCondition() default true exit for cond %1, new value=%2", cond.id, vv) return vv,true elseif cond.type == "grpstate" then -- Can't succeed if referenced device doesn't exist. local devnum = tonumber( cond.device ) if devnum == -1 then devnum = tdev end if devnum == nil or luup.devices[devnum] == nil then L({level=2,msg="%1 (%2) condition %3 refers to device %4 (%5), does not exist, skipped"}, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, cond.id, cond.device or "nil", cond.devicename or "unknown") addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, device=cond.device, devicename=cond.devicename, ['error']='TROUBLE: device used in condition not available' } sst.trouble = true -- flag trouble return nil,nil end -- Get group state value; use cstate if local local varname = string.format( "GroupStatus_%s", cond.groupid or "?" ) -- Add service watch if we don't have one. addServiceWatch( devnum, GRPSID, varname, tdev ) local vv if devnum == tdev then local gs = sst.condState[cond.groupid] or {} vv = gs.evalstate or false else vv = getVarNumeric( varname, -1, devnum, GRPSID ) -- Boolean should come back 0 or 1; if -1, group does not exist or is not ready/available if vv < 0 then L({level=2,msg="%1 (%2) condition %3 refers to device %4 (%5) group %6 (%7), not available, skipped"}, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, cond.id, cond.device, cond.devicename or "unknown", cond.groupid, cond.groupname) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, device=cond.device, groupid=cond.groupid, groupname=cond.groupname, ['error']='TROUBLE: group/state not available' } sst.trouble = true -- flag trouble return nil,nil end vv = vv ~= 0 -- boolean! end if cond.operator == "change" then D("evaluateCondition() group state change, curr=%1, prior=%2", vv, cs.lastvalue) if vv == cs.lastvalue then -- No change. return vv,false end -- Changed without terminal values, pulse zero. scheduleDelay( { id=tdev, info="change "..cond.id }, 0 ) else -- istrue or isfalse if cond.operator == "isfalse" then return vv,not vv end return vv,vv end return vv,true -- default exit always true elseif cond.type == "var" then D("evaluationCondition() variable %1", cond.var) local vv,vn,rv = getValue( "{"..tostring(cond.var or "null").."}", nil, tdev ) local cv,cn = getValue( cond.value, nil, tdev ) if ( cond.nocase or 1 ) ~= 0 then vv = tostring(vv or ""):lower() cv = tostring(cv or ""):lower() end return doComparison( cond, cond.operator or "=", vv, vn, rv, cv, cn, tdev ) elseif cond.type == "housemode" then -- Add watch on parent if we don't already have one. usesHouseMode = true addServiceWatch( pluginDevice, MYSID, "HouseMode", tdev ) local val = cond.value or "" local modes = split( val ) local mode = getHouseMode( tdev ) if cond.operator == "change" then if val ~= "" and val ~= "," then -- With terminal values. If value hasn't changed, consider as -- re-eval, go back further in history for prior value. local prior = ( cs.lastvalue == mode ) and cs.priorvalue or cs.lastvalue D("evaluateCondition() housemode change op, currval=%1, prior=%2, term=%3", mode, prior, modes) if #modes > 0 and modes[1] ~= "" and prior ~= modes[1] then return mode,false end if #modes > 1 and modes[2] ~= "" and mode ~= modes[2] then return mode,false end return mode,true end -- Simple change (any to any). D("evaluateCondition() housemode change op, currval=%1, prior=%2 (no term)", mode, cs.lastvalue) if mode == cs.lastvalue then -- No change. If we haven't yet met the hold time, continue delay. return mode,false end -- Changed, pulse zero. scheduleDelay( { id=tdev,info="change "..cond.id }, 0 ) else -- Default "is" operator D("evaluateCondition() housemode %1 among %2?", mode, modes) if not isOnList( modes, mode ) then return mode,false end end return mode,true elseif cond.type == "weekday" then local val = ndt.wday -- Weekday; Lua 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ..., 7=Saturday local nextDay = os.time{year=ndt.year,month=ndt.month,day=ndt.day+1,hour=0,['min']=0,sec=0} D("evaluateCondition() weekday condition, setting next check for %1", nextDay) scheduleDelay( { id=tdev, info="weekday "..cond.id }, nextDay-now ) local wd = split( cond.value ) local op = cond.operator or "" D("evaluateCondition() weekday %1 among %2", val, wd) if not isOnList( wd, tostring( ndt.wday ) ) then return val,false end -- OK, we're on the right day of the week. Which week? if op ~= "" then -- blank means "every" D("evaluateCondition() is today %1 %2-%3 the %4th?", val, ndt.month, ndt.day, op) if op == "last" then -- Must be last of this day of the month. If we add a week -- to current date, the new date should be next month. local nt = os.date( "*t", now + ( 7 * 86400 ) ) D("evaluateCondition() weekday %1 %2? today=%3, nextweek=%4", val, op, ndt, nt) if nt.month == ndt.month then return val,false end -- same else local nth = tonumber( op ) local bd = 1 + ( nth - 1 ) * 7 local ed = bd + 7 D("evaluateCondition() day (%3) range check >= %1 and < %2", bd, ed, ndt.day) return val, ndt.day >= bd and ndt.day < ed end D("evaluateCondition() yes, today %1 %2-%3 IS #%4 in month", val, ndt.month, ndt.day, op) end return val, true elseif cond.type == "sun" then -- Sun condition (sunrise/set) -- Figure out sunrise/sunset. Keep cached to reduce load. local stamp = ndt.year * 1000 + ndt.yday local sundata = getVarJSON( "sundata", {}, pluginDevice, MYSID ) if ( sundata.stamp or 0 ) ~= stamp or sst.timetest then if getVarBool( "UseLuupSunrise", false, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then L({level=2,msg="Reactor is configured to use Luup's sunrise/sunset calculations; twilight times cannot be correctly evaluated and will evaluate as dawn=sunrise, dusk=sunset"}) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, ['warning']="TROUBLE: configured to use Luup sunrise/sunset; twilights not available" } sst.trouble = true sundata = { sunrise=luup.sunrise(), sunset=luup.sunset() } sundata.civdawn = sundata.sunrise sundata.civdusk=sundata.sunset sundata.nautdawn = sundata.sunrise sundata.nautdusk = sundata.sunset sundata.astrodawn = sundata.sunrise sundata.astrodusk = sundata.sunset sundata.source = "luup" else -- Compute sun data sundata = sun( luup.longitude, luup.latitude, getVarNumeric( "Elevation", 0.0, pluginDevice, MYSID ), now ) sundata.source = "int" D("evaluationCondition() location (%1,%2) computed %3", luup.longitude, luup.latitude, sundata) end sundata.longitude = luup.longitude sundata.latitude = luup.latitude if not sst.timetest then -- Only write if not testing. sundata.stamp = stamp luup.variable_set( MYSID, "sundata", json.encode(sundata), pluginDevice ) end end local nowMSM = ndt.hour * 60 + ndt.min local op = cond.operator or "bet" local tparam = split( cond.value or "sunrise+0,sunset+0" ) local cp,boffs = string.match( tparam[1], "^([^%+%-]+)(.*)" ) boffs = tonumber( boffs or "0" ) or 0 local stt = ( sundata[cp or "sunrise"] or sundata.sunrise ) + boffs*60 local sdt = os.date("*t", stt) local startMSM = sdt.hour * 60 + sdt.min if op == "bet" or op == "nob" then local ep,eoffs = string.match( tparam[2] or "sunset+0", "^([^%+%-]+)(.*)" ) eoffs = tonumber( eoffs or 0 ) or 0 local ett = ( sundata[ep or "sunset"] or sundata.sunset ) + eoffs*60 sdt = os.date("*t", ett) local endMSM = sdt.hour * 60 + sdt.min D("evaluateCondition() cond %1 check %2 %3 %4 and %5", cond.id, nowMSM, op, startMSM, endMSM) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="sun "..cond.id }, nowMSM, startMSM, endMSM, sst.timetest ) local between if endMSM <= startMSM then between = nowMSM >= startMSM or nowMSM < endMSM else between = nowMSM >= startMSM and nowMSM < endMSM end if ( op == "bet" and not between ) or ( op == "nob" and between ) then return now,false end elseif cond.operator == "before" then D("evaluateCondition() cond %1 check %2 before %3", cond.id, nowMSM, startMSM) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="sun "..cond.id }, nowMSM, startMSM, nil, sst.timetest ) if nowMSM >= startMSM then return now,false end else D("evaluateCondition() cond %1 check %2 after %3", cond.id, nowMSM, startMSM) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="sun "..cond.id }, nowMSM, startMSM, nil, sst.timetest ) if nowMSM < startMSM then return now,false end -- after end return now,true elseif cond.type == "trange" then -- Time, with various components specified, or not. local op = cond.operator or "bet" -- Split, pad, and complete date. Any missing parts are filled in with the -- current date/time's corresponding part. local tparam = split( cond.value, ',' ) for ix = #tparam+1, 10 do tparam[ix] = "" end -- pad local tpart = {} tpart[1] = ( tparam[1] == "" ) and ndt.year or tonumber( tparam[1] ) tpart[2] = ( tparam[2] == "" ) and ndt.month or tonumber( tparam[2] ) tpart[3] = ( tparam[3] == "" ) and ndt.day or tonumber( tparam[3] ) tpart[4] = ( tparam[4] == "" ) and ndt.hour or tonumber( tparam[4] ) tpart[5] = ( tparam[5] == "" ) and ndt.min or tonumber( tparam[5] ) tpart[6] = ( tparam[6] == "" ) and tpart[1] or tonumber( tparam[6] ) tpart[7] = ( tparam[7] == "" ) and tpart[2] or tonumber( tparam[7] ) tpart[8] = ( tparam[8] == "" ) and tpart[3] or tonumber( tparam[8] ) tpart[9] = ( tparam[9] == "" ) and tpart[4] or tonumber( tparam[9] ) tpart[10] = ( tparam[10] == "" ) and tpart[5] or tonumber( tparam[10] ) -- Sanity check year to avoid nil dates coming from os.time() if tpart[1] < 1970 then tpart[1] = 1970 elseif tpart[1] > 2037 then tpart[1] = 2037 end if tpart[6] < 1970 then tpart[6] = 1970 elseif tpart[6] > 2037 then tpart[6] = 2037 end D("evaluationCondition() clean tpart=%1", tpart) if tparam[3] == "" then -- No date specified, only time components. Magnitude comparison. D("evaluateCondition() time-only comparison, now is %1, ndt is %2", now, ndt) local nowMSM = ndt.hour * 60 + ndt.min local startMSM = tpart[4] * 60 + tpart[5] if op == "after" then D("evaluateCondition() time-only comparison %1 after %2", nowMSM, startMSM) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="trangeHM "..cond.id }, nowMSM, startMSM, nil, sst.timetest ) if nowMSM < startMSM then return now,false end elseif op == "before" then D("evaluateCondition() time-only comparison %1 before %2", nowMSM, startMSM) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="trangeHM "..cond.id }, nowMSM, startMSM, nil, sst.timetest ) if nowMSM >= startMSM then return now,false end else -- Between, or not local endMSM = tpart[9] * 60 + tpart[10] local between if endMSM <= startMSM then between = nowMSM >= startMSM or nowMSM < endMSM else between = nowMSM >= startMSM and nowMSM < endMSM end D("evaluateCondition() time-only comparison %1 %2 %3 %4 (between=%5)", nowMSM, op, startMSM, endMSM, between) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="trangeHM "..cond.id }, nowMSM, startMSM, endMSM, sst.timetest ) if ( op == "nob" and between ) or ( op == "bet" and not between ) then return now,false end end elseif tparam[1] == "" then -- No-year given, just [M/]D H:M. We can do comparison by magnitude, -- which works better for year-spanning ranges. -- N.B. month defaults to current month by setup of tpart. local nowz = ndt.month * 100 + ndt.day local stz = tpart[2] * 100 + tpart[3] nowz = nowz * 1440 + ndt.hour * 60 + ndt.min stz = stz * 1440 + tpart[4] * 60 + tpart[5] if op == "before" then D("evaluateCondition() M/D H:M test %1 %2 %3", nowz, op, stz) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="trangeMDHM " .. cond.id }, nowz % 1440, stz % 1440, nil, sst.timetest ) if nowz >= stz then return now,false end elseif op == "after" then D("evaluateCondition() M/D H:M test %1 %2 %3", nowz, op, stz) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="trangeMDHM " .. cond.id }, nowz % 1440, stz % 1440, nil, sst.timetest ) if nowz < stz then return now,false end else local enz = tpart[7] * 100 + tpart[8] enz = enz * 1440 + tpart[9] * 60 + tpart[10] D("evaluateCondition() M/D H:M test %1 %2 %3 and %4", nowz, op, stz, enz) doNextCondCheck( { id=tdev,info="trangeMDHM " .. cond.id }, nowz % 1440, stz % 1440, enz % 1440, sst.timetest ) local between if stz < enz then -- check for year-spanning between = nowz >= stz and nowz < enz else between = nowz >= stz or nowz < enz end if ( op == "bet" and not between ) or ( op == "nob" and between ) then return now,false end end else -- Full spec (Y-M-D H:M). Compare actual times (minute resolution). local tmnow = math.floor( now / 60 ) * 60 local stt, ett stt = os.time{ year=tpart[1], month=tpart[2], day=tpart[3], hour=tpart[4], min=tpart[5] } stt = math.floor( stt / 60 ) * 60 D("evaluateCondition() time start %1", os.date( "%x.%X", stt )) ett = os.time{ year=tpart[6], month=tpart[7], day=tpart[8], hour=tpart[9], min=tpart[10] } ett = math.floor( ett / 60 ) * 60 D("evaluateCondition() time end %1", os.date( "%x.%X", ett )) if stt == ett then ett = ett + 60 end -- special case D("evaluateCondition() compare tmnow %1 %2 %3 and %4", tmnow, op, stt, ett) -- Before doing condition check, schedule next time for condition check local edge = ( tmnow < stt ) and stt or ( ( tmnow < ett ) and ett or nil ) if edge ~= nil then scheduleDelay( { id=tdev,info="trangeFULL "..cond.id }, edge-now ) else D("evaluateCondition() cond %1 past end time, not scheduling further checks", cond.id) end local cp = op if cp == "bet" then if tmnow < stt or tmnow >= ett then return now,false end elseif cp == "nob" then if tmnow >= stt and tmnow < ett then return now,false end elseif cp == "before" then if tmnow >= stt then return now,false end elseif cp == "after" then if tmnow < stt then return now,false end else E("Unrecognized operator %1 in time spec for cond %2 of %3 (%4)", cp, cond.id, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, operator=cp, ['error']="TROUBLE: unrecognized operator" } sst.trouble = true return now,nil end end return now,true elseif cond.type == "comment" then -- Shortcut. Comments are always null (don't contribute to logic). return 0,nil elseif cond.type == "reload" then -- True when loadtime changes. Self-resetting. local loadtime = getVarNumeric( "LoadTime", 0, pluginDevice, MYSID ) local lastload = getVarNumeric( "LastLoad", 0, tdev, RSSID ) local reloaded = loadtime ~= lastload D("evaluateCondition() loadtime %1 lastload %2 reloaded %3", loadtime, lastload, reloaded) if not reloaded then -- Not reloaded. return false,false end luup.variable_set( RSSID, "LastLoad", loadtime, tdev ) scheduleDelay( { id=tdev, info="reload "..cond.id }, 0 ) return true,true elseif cond.type == "interval" then local _,nmins = getValue( cond.mins, nil, tdev ) local _,nhours = getValue( cond.hours, nil, tdev ) local _,ndays = getValue( cond.days, nil, tdev ) local interval = 60 * ((ndays or 0) * 1440 + (nhours or 0) * 60 + (nmins or 0)) if interval < 60 then interval = 60 end -- "can never happen" (yeah, hold my beer) D("evaluateCondition() interval %1 secs", interval) -- Get our base time and make it a real time. local lastTrue, expected if "condtrue" == ( cond.relto or "" ) then local xs = ( sst.condState or {} )[cond.relcond] if xs == nil then -- Trouble, missing condition or no state. W("Unrecognized condition for %1 in interval cond %2 of %3 (%4)", cond.relcond or "nil", cond.id, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, referencing=cond.relcond, ['error']="TROUBLE: relative condition missing" } sst.trouble = true return now,false end D("evaluateCondition() relcond state %1", xs) -- If condition is not true, interval does not run. lastTrue = cs.lastvalue or 0 if xs.evalstate ~= true then return lastTrue,false end expected = getNextInterval( lastTrue, interval, xs.evalstamp ) else if cs.lastvalue == nil then -- No prior data, immediate interval. scheduleDelay( { id=tdev, info="interval "..cond.id }, 1 ) return now,true end lastTrue = cs.lastvalue or 0 local tpart = os.date("*t", lastTrue) tpart.hour = 0 tpart.min = 0 tpart.sec = 0 local pt = split( ( getValue( cond.basetime, nil, tdev ) ) or "" ) if #pt == 2 then tpart.hour = tonumber(pt[1]) or 0 tpart.min = tonumber(pt[2]) or 0 end pt = split( cond.basedate or "" ) if #pt == 3 then tpart.year = tonumber(pt[1]) tpart.month = tonumber(pt[2]) or 1 tpart.day = tonumber(pt[3]) or 1 end local baseTime = os.time(tpart) expected = getNextInterval( lastTrue, interval, baseTime ) end -- Find next trigger time. if cs.laststate then -- We are currently true (in a pulse); end pulse and schedule next interval. if now >= expected then local d = math.floor( ( now - expected ) / interval ) + 1 expected = expected + d * interval end -- while expected <= now do expected = expected + interval end D("evaluateCondition() resetting, next %1", expected) scheduleDelay( { id=tdev, info="interval "..cond.id }, expected-now ) return lastTrue,false end -- Not in a pulse. Did we fully miss an interval? if ( now - expected ) > 60 then local late = now - expected addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Condition %(cond)s inserting missed interval (late %(late)ss)", event='condition', cond=cond.id, late=late } D("evaluationCondition() hitting missed interval, expected %1 late %2s", expected, late) elseif now < expected then -- Still need to wait... D("evaluateCondition() too early, delaying %1 seconds until %2", expected-now, expected) scheduleDelay( { id=tdev,info="interval "..cond.id }, expected-now ) return lastTrue,false end -- Go true. D("evaluateCondition() triggering interval condition %1", cond.id) -- On time of 1 second (use reset delay to extend) scheduleDelay( { id=tdev,info="interval "..cond.id }, 0 ) return now,true elseif cond.type == "ishome" then -- Geofence, is user home? -- Add watch on parent if we don't already have one. addServiceWatch( pluginDevice, MYSID, "IsHome", tdev ) local op = cond.operator or "is" local ishome = getVarJSON( "IsHome", {}, pluginDevice, MYSID ) if ishome.version ~= 2 then geofenceMode = -1 -- force full update L{level=2,msg="Geofence data needs update; deferring evaluation until master device updates."} return "not-ready",false end local userlist = split( cond.value or "" ) D("evaluateCondition() ishome op=%1 %3; ishome=%2", op, ishome, userlist) if op == "at" or op == "notat" then if geofenceMode ~= -1 then geofenceMode = -1 end local userid,location = unpack(userlist) if (ishome.users[userid] or {}).tags and ishome.users[userid].tags[location] then local val = ishome.users[userid].tags[location].status or "" if val == "" then val = getVar( "GeofenceDefaultStatus", "", tdev ) end if val ~= "" then return val,val==( op=="at" and "in" or "out" ) end end -- Don't have data for this location or user. addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", userid=userid, condition=cond.id, ['type']=cond.type, ['error']="TROUBLE: no geofence status in user data" } sst.trouble = true return "",false else -- We could just traverse IsHome, but we want to show if geofenceMode == 0 then geofenceMode = 1 end -- don't change -1 if #userlist < 1 or (#userlist == 1 and userlist[1] == "") then -- Empty userlist. for k,v in pairs( ishome.users ) do D("evaluateCondition() any op %1, checking %2 ishome=%3", op, k, v.ishome) if v.ishome == 0 and op == "is not" then return k,true end if v.ishome == 1 and op == "is" then return k,true end end else -- Check listed users for _,v in ipairs( userlist ) do -- Note that if we have no data for the user, it counts as "not home". local uh = ( ( ishome.users[v] or {} ).ishome or 0 ) ~= 0 if op == "is not" and not uh then return v,true end if op == "is" and uh then return v,true end end end return "",false end else L({level=2,msg="Sensor %1 (%2) unknown condition type %3 for cond %4 in group %5; fails."}, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, cond.type, cond.id, grp.id) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, ['type']=cond.type, ['error']="TROUBLE: unrecognized condition type" } sst.trouble = true return nil,nil end -- If we fall through, return last value and state. return cs.lastvalue, cs.state -- luacheck: ignore 511 end local function processCondition( cond, grp, cdata, tdev ) D("processCondition(%1,%2,cdata,%3)", cond.id, (grp or {}).id, tdev) local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) local now = sst.timebase local condopt = cond.options or {} -- Fetch prior state/value local cs = sst.condState[cond.id] if cs == nil then -- First time this condition is being evaluated. D("processCondition() new condition state for %1", cond.id) cs = { id=cond.id, statestamp=0, stateedge={}, valuestamp=0, evaledge={} } sst.condState[cond.id] = cs end -- Evaluate for state and value local newvalue, state, condTimer = evaluateCondition( cond, grp, cdata, tdev ) D("processCondition() group %1 cond %2 result %3 timer %4", (grp or {}).id, cond.id, state, condTimer) if condTimer then L({level=2,msg="Condition %1 in %2 returns true condition timer!"}, cond, grp.name or grp.id ) end -- Preserve the result of the condition eval. We are edge-triggered, -- so only save changes, with timestamp. if state ~= cs.laststate then D("processCondition() recording %1 state change", cond.id) -- ??? At certain times, Vera gets a time that is in the future, or so it appears. It looks like the TZ offset isn't applied, randomly. -- Maybe if call is during ntp update, don't know. Investigating... This log message helps detection and analysis. if now < ( cs.statestamp or 0 ) then E("Time moved backwards! Sensor %4 cond %1 last change at %2, but time now %3", cond.id, cs.statestamp, now, tdev) end addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s test state changed from %(oldState)q to %(newState)q", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), event='condchange',cond=cond.id,oldState=cs.laststate,newState=state } cs.laststate = state cs.statestamp = now cs.stateedge = cs.stateedge or {} cs.stateedge[state and "t" or "f"] = now if ( condopt.repeatcount or 0 ) > 1 then if state then -- If condition now true and counting repeats, append time to list and prune cs.repeats = cs.repeats or {} table.insert( cs.repeats, now ) while #cs.repeats > condopt.repeatcount do table.remove( cs.repeats, 1 ) end end else cs.repeats = nil end end -- Save actual current value if changed (for status display), and when it changed. if newvalue ~= cs.lastvalue then cs.priorvalue = cs.lastvalue cs.lastvalue = newvalue cs.valuestamp = now end -- If state is nil (NUL group, for example), force evalstate and don't bother with options. if state == nil then if state ~= cs.evalstate then cs.evalstate = nil cs.evalstamp = now cs.changed = true else cs.changed = nil end return newvalue, state, condTimer end -- Check for predecessor/sequence if state and ( condopt.after or "" ) ~= "" then -- Sequence; this condition must become true after named sequence becomes true local predCond = findCondition( condopt.after, cdata ) if predCond == nil then W("%1 (#%2) group %3 condition %4 uses sequence, but predecessor condition %5 not found (deleted?)", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, grp.id, cond.id, condopt.after) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, predecessor=condopt.after, ['error']="TROUBLE: predecessor condition not found" } sst.trouble = true return newvalue,nil else local predState = sst.condState[ predCond.id ] D("evaluateCondition() testing predecessor %1 state %2", predCond, predState) if predState == nil then L({level=2,msg="Condition %1 can't meet sequence requirement, condition %2 missing!"}, cond.id, condopt.after) addEvent{ dev=tdev, event="condition", condition=cond.id, ['error']="TROUBLE: predecessor condition state not be found" } sst.trouble = true return newvalue,nil else local age = cs.statestamp - predState.statestamp local window = condopt.aftertime or 0 local predstate = ( condopt.aftermode or 0 ) ~= 0 or predState.evalstate -- To clear, pred must be true, pred's true precedes our true, and if window, age within window D("evaluateCondition() pred %1, window %2, age %3", predCond.id, window, age) if not ( predstate and age >= 0 and ( window == 0 or age <= window ) ) then D("evaluateCondition() didn't meet sequence requirement %1 after %2(=%3) mode %6 within %4 (%5 ago)", cond.id, predCond.id, predState.evalstate, condopt.aftertime or "any", age, condopt.aftermode or 0) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s predecessor condition restriction not met", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id } state = false end end end end if state and ( condopt.repeatcount or 0 ) > 1 then -- Repeat count over duration (don't need hasTimer, it's leading-edge-driven) -- The repeats array contains the most recent repeatcount (or fewer) timestamps -- of when the condition was met. If (a) the array has the required number of -- events, and (b) the delta from the first to now is <= the repeat window, we're -- true. D("processCondition() cond %1 repeat check %2x in %3s from %4", cond.id, condopt.repeatcount, condopt.repeatwithin, cs.repeats) cs.repeats = cs.repeats or {} addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s repeat restriction %(count)s in %(dur)s; so far %(n)s in %(age)s", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id, count=condopt.repeatcount, dur=condopt.repeatwithin, n=#cs.repeats, age=#cs.repeats > 0 and now-cs.repeats[1] or "n/a" } if #( cs.repeats or {} ) < condopt.repeatcount then -- Not enough samples yet state = false elseif ( now - cs.repeats[1] ) > ( condopt.repeatwithin or 60 ) then -- Gap between first sample and now too long D("processCondition() cond %1 repeated %2x in %3s--too long!", cond.id, #cs.repeats, now - cs.repeats[1]) state = false else D("processCondition() cond %1 repeated %2x in %3s (seeking %4 within %5, good!)", cond.id, #cs.repeats, now-cs.repeats[1], condopt.repeatcount, condopt.repeatwithin) end elseif ( condopt.duration or 0 ) > 0 then -- Duration (sustained for) restriction? -- Age is seconds since last state change. D("processCondition() sustain state %1 opt %2", state, condopt) local op = condopt.duration_op or "ge" if op == "lt" then -- If duration < X, then eval is true only if last true interval -- lasted less than X seconds, meaning, we act when the condition goes -- false, checking the "back interval". if not state then local age = (cs.stateedge.f or now) - (cs.stateedge.t or 0) state = age < condopt.duration addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s was true for %(age)s seconds, did%(not)s meet < %(dur)s second restriction", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id, age=age, dur=condopt.duration, ['not']=state and "" or " not" } D("processCondition() cond %1 was true for %2, limit is %3, state now %4", cond.id, age, condopt.duration, state) else -- Not ready yet. addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="$(cname)s holding evaluation state for check that duration < %(dur)s", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id, dur=condopt.duration } D("processCondition() cond %1 duration < %2, not ready yet", cond.id, condopt.duration) state = false end cs.waituntil = nil elseif state then -- Handle "at least" duration. Eval true only when sustained for period local age = now - cs.statestamp if age < condopt.duration then D("processCondition() cond %1 suppressed, age %2, has not yet met duration %3", cond.id, age, condopt.duration) state = false cs.waituntil = cs.statestamp + condopt.duration local rem = math.max( 1, condopt.duration - age ) scheduleDelay( tostring(tdev), rem ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s holding evaluation state for check that duration >= %(dur)s (%(rem)s to go)", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id, dur=condopt.duration, rem=rem } else addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s successfully sustained for at least %(dur)s seconds (actual %(age)s)", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id, dur=condopt.duration, age=age } D("processCondition() cond %1 age %2 (>=%3) success", cond.id, age, condopt.duration) cs.waituntil = nil end else cs.waituntil = nil end else cs.waituntil = nil end -- Output control below this comment; restrictions above. -- Pulsed output (timed reset). Pulse is held even if underlying test drops false. if ( condopt.pulsetime or 0 ) > 0 then D("processCondition() pulse time %1 state %2 evalstate %3", condopt.pulsetime, state, cs.evalstate) if state and not cs.pulseuntil then -- No pulse train running, but there should be... D("processCondition() starting new pulse") cs.pulseuntil = now + condopt.pulsetime cs.pulsecount = 1 end if not cs.pulseuntil then -- Not pulsing D("processCondition() not pulsing") cs.pulsecount = nil else -- Pulsing D("processCondition() cs.pulseuntil is %1 (pulsing %2)", cs.pulseuntil, now < cs.pulseuntil ) if now < cs.pulseuntil then D("processCondition() continue pulse until %1", cs.pulseuntil) state = true -- hold up unconditionally scheduleDelay( tostring(tdev), cs.pulseuntil - now ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s timing output pulse, %(delay)s seconds remain", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id, delay=cs.pulseuntil-now } elseif not state then -- Pulse high timer has expired and underlying test now false, end. D("processCondition() end of pulse train after %1 pulses", cs.pulsecount) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s end of pulse with reset", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id } cs.pulseuntil = nil cs.pulsecount = nil else -- Pulse high timer expired, test still true. If repeat in effect, delay through off period D("processCondition() pulse off phase (%1)", state) if (condopt.pulsebreak or 0) > 0 then local holdoff = cs.pulseuntil + condopt.pulsebreak D("processCondition() pulse repeat, break until %1", holdoff) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s end of pulse (repeat mode); break %(dly)s more", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id, delay=holdoff-now } if now >= holdoff then local pulselim = condopt.pulsecount or 0 if pulselim == 0 or ( cs.pulsecount or 1 ) < pulselim then -- Start another pulse cycle cs.pulsecount = ( cs.pulsecount or 1 ) + 1 D("processCondition() pulse repeat starting new on cycle (%1/%2)", cs.pulsecount, pulselim) cs.pulseuntil = now + condopt.pulsetime scheduleDelay( tostring(tdev), condopt.pulsetime ) state = true -- override else D("processCondition() pulse count limit reached (%1/%2)", cs.pulsecount, pulselim) state = false -- override end else D("processCondition() pulse repeat holding in break") -- leave pulseuntil alone scheduleDelay( tostring(tdev), holdoff - now ) state = false -- override end else -- One-shot pulse (no repeat). addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s end of pulse (one-shot mode)", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id } cs.pulseuntil = state and cs.pulseuntil or nil cs.pulsecount = nil state = false -- override end end D("processCondition() pulse state is %1, until %2", state, cs.pulseuntil) end else cs.pulseuntil = nil cs.pulsecount = nil end -- Hold time (delay reset) if ( condopt.holdtime or 0 ) > 0 then -- If trying to go false, make sure hold time is honored. D("processCondition() hold time %1, going %2 to %3", condopt.holdtime, cs.evalstate, state) if cs.evalstate and not state then -- Hold time extends from false edge, so repeated true-false-true-false extends time local lastFalse = cs.stateedge.f or now D("processCondition() reset edge last %1 (from %2)", lastFalse, cs.stateedge) local holdend = lastFalse + condopt.holdtime if holdend > now then D("processCondition() continue reset delay until %1", holdend) state = true cs.holduntil = holdend scheduleDelay( tostring(tdev), holdend - now ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s evaluation state reset delayed %(delay)s more seconds", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id, delay=holdend-now } else -- OK to reset D("processCondition() OK to reset, after %1", cs.holduntil) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s reset delay has now expired", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id } cs.holduntil = nil end else cs.holduntil = nil end else cs.holduntil = nil end -- Latching option. When latched, a condition that goes true remains true until the -- ReactorSensor untrips (another non-latched condition goes false), even if its -- other test conditions are no longer met. if ( condopt.latch or 0 ) ~= 0 then D("processCondition() latching option, evalstate %1, state %2, latched %3", cs.evalstate, state, cs.latched) cs.latchstate = state -- save actual last state if not state then if cs.latched then -- Attempting to transition from true to false while latched. Override. addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s latched true; no change to evalstate", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), cond=cond.id } state = true else cs.latched = nil -- false wipes cs.latchstate = nil end else cs.latched = true end else cs.latched = nil -- remove flag end -- Save the final determination of state for this condition. cs.evaledge = cs.evaledge or {} if state ~= cs.evalstate then addEvent{dev=tdev, msg="%(cname)s evaluation state changed from %(oldState)q to %(newState)q", cname=(cond.type or "group")=="group" and ("Group "..(cond.name or cond.id)) or ("Condition "..cond.id), event='evalchange',cond=cond.id,oldState=cs.evalstate,newState=state} cs.evalstate = state cs.evalstamp = now cs.evaledge[ state and "t" or "f" ] = now cs.changed = true if state then cs.matchcount = (cs.matchcount or 0) + 1 end else cs.evaledge[ state and "t" or "f" ] = cs.evalstamp -- force cs.changed = nil end return cs.lastvalue, state, condTimer end -- Evaluate a condition (which may be a group). evaluateGroup = function( grp, parentGroup, cdata, tdev ) D("evaluateGroup(%1,%2,cdata,%3)", grp.id, (parentGroup or {}).id, tdev) if (grp.disabled or 0) ~= 0 then return false, nil end -- nil state means no data local passed = nil local latched = {} local hasTimer = false local nTrue = 0 for ix,cond in ipairs( grp.conditions or {} ) do D("evaluateGroup() process %3 #%1/%2: %4 %5", ix, #grp.conditions, grp.id, cond.type, cond.id ) local _, state, condTimer = processCondition( cond, grp, cdata, tdev ) if condTimer then L({level=2,msg="Condition %1 in %2 returns true condition timer!"}, cond, grp.name or grp.id ) end if state ~= nil then hasTimer = condTimer or hasTimer -- Accumulate latched conditions for this group. if ( ( cond.options or {} ).latch or 0 ) ~= 0 then table.insert( latched, cond.id ) end -- And apply to ongoing group state if grp.operator == "nul" then -- ignore elseif passed == nil then passed = state elseif grp.operator == "xor" then passed = passed -- irrelevant, see below elseif grp.operator == "or" then passed = passed or state else -- default "and" passed = passed and state end if state then nTrue = nTrue + 1 end end D("evaluateGroup() result %3 #%1/%2: %4 %5 = %6; passed %7", ix, #grp.conditions, grp.id, cond.type, cond.id, state, passed ) end -- Special handling for XOR, which in our context means "1 and only 1 true" if grp.operator == "xor" and passed ~= nil then passed = nTrue == 1 end -- Save group state. if grp.invert and passed ~= nil then passed = not passed end if passed == false and #latched > 0 then -- but not nil -- Reset latched conditions when group resets resetLatched( grp.id, tdev ) end D("processGroup() %1 returning %2,%2,%3", grp.id, passed, hasTimer) return passed, passed, hasTimer -- allow pass of nil state for no data end -- Clear errors and show disabled state for disabled sensor. local function showDisabled( tdev ) assert( tdev ~= nil ) setVar( RSSID, "Message", "Disabled", tdev ) setVar( RSSID, "Trouble", "0", tdev ) luup.set_failure( 0, tdev ) end local function processSensorUpdate( tdev, sst ) D("processSensorUpdate(%1)", tdev) local t1 = socket.gettime() addEvent{dev=tdev,event='update',msg="Sensor update starting"} if not clockValid then addEvent{dev=tdev,event='warning',msg="***** SYSTEM CLOCK IS BOGUS *****"} sst.trouble = true end -- Check throttling for update rate local hasTimer = false -- luacheck: ignore 311/hasTimer local maxUpdate = getVarNumeric( "MaxUpdateRate", 30, tdev, RSSID ) local _, _, rate60 = rateLimit( sst.updateRate, maxUpdate, false ) if maxUpdate == 0 or rate60 <= maxUpdate then rateBump( sst.updateRate ) sst.updateThrottled = false -- Fetch the condition data. local cdata = getSensorConfig( tdev ) -- if debugMode then luup.log( json.encode( cdata ), 2 ) end -- Reload sensor state if cache purged loadCleanState( tdev ) local currTrip = (sst.condState.root or {}).evalstate local retrig = getVarBool( "Retrigger", false, tdev, RSSID ) -- Mark a stable base of time. local tt = getVarNumeric( "TestTime", 0, tdev, RSSID ) if tt > 0 then sst.timeoffset = os.time() - getVarNumeric( "tref", os.time(), tdev, RSSID ) sst.timebase = tt + sst.timeoffset sst.trouble = true addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Test time base %(tt)s, current offset %(offs)ss, now %(ft)s", tt=fdatetime(tt), offs=sst.timeoffset, ft=fdatetime(tt+sst.timeoffset) } else sst.timebase = os.time() sst.timeoffset = nil end sst.timeparts = os.date("*t", sst.timebase) sst.timetest = tt > 0 D("processSensorUpdate() base time is %1 (%2) testing=%3", sst.timebase, sst.timeparts, sst.timetest) -- Update state (if changed) updateVariables( cdata, tdev ) local newTrip _,newTrip,hasTimer = processCondition( cdata.conditions.root, nil, cdata, tdev ) D("processSensorUpdate() root was %1 now %2, retrig %3", currTrip, newTrip, retrig) -- Save the condition state immediately. This helps the status UI show more -- crisply. sst.condState.lastUsed = os.time() luup.variable_set( RSSID, "cstate", json.encode(sst.condState), tdev ) -- Update runtime based on last status local now = os.time() if currTrip then -- Update accumulated trip time local delta = math.max( 0, now - getVarNumeric( "lastacc", now, tdev, RSSID ) ) -- If not changing state, require >5s delta before update, to dampen -- update cycles for RSs that watch their own Runtime. Always update -- when newTrip false and currTrip true (changing tripped state). if delta > 5 or newTrip == false then -- explicit boolean, nil possible local rt = delta + getVarNumeric( "Runtime", 0, tdev, RSSID ) D("processSensorUpdate() currently tripped, adding %1 seconds to runtime, now total %2", delta, rt) setVar( RSSID, "Runtime", rt, tdev ) setVar( RSSID, "lastacc", now, tdev ) end elseif currTrip == false then -- Update on each false/untrip result, too. setVar( RSSID, "lastacc", now, tdev ) end -- Pass through groups again, and run activities for any changed groups. -- "root" group is handled as any other group now, unless UseLegacyTripBehavior is true, -- in which case it's handled by trip() below. D("processSensorUpdate() checking groups for state changes") local gs local bg = getVarBool( "RunBackgroundActivities", true, tdev, RSSID ) for grp in conditionGroups( cdata.conditions.root ) do D("processSensorUpdate() checking group %1 for state change", grp.id) gs = sst.condState[ grp.id ] or {} if gs.changed and 0 == (grp.disabled or 0) and not ( grp.id == "root" and getVarBool( "UseLegacyTripBehavior", false, tdev, RSSID ) ) then local activity = grp.id .. ( gs.evalstate and ".true" or ".false" ) D("processSensorUpdate() group %1 <%2> state changed to %3, looking for activity %4", grp.name or grp.id, grp.id, gs.evalstate, activity) local scd = getSceneData( activity, tdev ) if not scd then E("%1 (%2) failed to find scene data for %3", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, activity ) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Failed to find scene data for %(activity)q", activity=activity } elseif not isSceneEmpty( scd ) then -- Note we only stop contra-actions if we have actions to perform. D("processSensorUpdate() running %1 activities", activity) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Preparing " .. tostring(grp.name or grp.id) .. ( gs.evalstate and ".true" or ".false" ) .. " (%(scid)s) activity", activity=activity, scid=grp.id..(gs.evalstate and ".true" or ".false") } local contra = grp.id .. ( gs.evalstate and ".false" or ".true" ) local st, err = pcall( stopScene, tdev, nil, tdev, contra ) if not st then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Failed to stop %(scene)q: %(err)s", scene=contra, err=err } E("%1 (%2) failed to stop/preempt %3: %4", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, contra, err) end st, err = pcall( execScene, scd, tdev, { contextDevice=tdev, stopPriorScenes=false, background=bg } ) if not st then E("%1 (%2) failed to run %3: %4", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, activity, err) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Failed to run %(scene)q: %(err)s", scene=activity, err=err } end end end -- Update GroupState state variables here, after cstate is written. setVar( GRPSID, "GroupStatus_" .. tostring( grp.id ), gs.evalstate and "1" or "0", tdev ) end -- Set tripped state based on change in status. D("processSensorUpdate() evaluating tripped state") gs = sst.condState.root or {} if gs.changed or currTrip ~= newTrip or ( newTrip and retrig ) then -- Changed, or retriggerable. local maxTrip = getVarNumeric( "MaxChangeRate", 10, tdev, RSSID ) _, _, rate60 = rateLimit( sst.changeRate, maxTrip, false ) if maxTrip == 0 or rate60 <= maxTrip then D("processSensorUpdate() new trippped state %1", newTrip) rateBump( sst.changeRate ) sst.changeThrottled = false if newTrip ~= nil then trip( newTrip, tdev ) end else if not sst.changeThrottled then L({level=2,msg="%2 (#%1) trip state changing too fast (%4 > %3/min)! Throttling..."}, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, maxTrip, rate60) sst.changeThrottled = true sst.trouble = true addEvent{dev=tdev,event='throttle',['type']='change',rate=rate60,limit=maxTrip} setMessage( "Throttled! (high change rate)", tdev ) end hasTimer = true -- force, so sensor gets checked later end end if not sst.changeThrottled then setMessage( newTrip == nil and "" or ( newTrip and "Tripped" or "Not tripped" ), tdev ) end else if not sst.updateThrottled then L({level=2,msg="%2 (#%1) updating too fast (%4 > %3/min)! Throttling..."}, tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description, maxUpdate, rate60) setMessage( "Throttled! (high update rate)", tdev ) sst.updateThrottled = true sst.trouble = true addEvent{dev=tdev,event='throttle',['type']='update',rate=rate60,limit=maxUpdate} end hasTimer = true -- force, so sensor gets checked later. end -- Trouble? D("processSensorUpdate() trouble %1", sst.trouble) setVar( RSSID, "Trouble", sst.trouble and "1" or "0", tdev ) if getVarBool( "FailOnTrouble", false, tdev, RSSID ) then luup.set_failure( sst.trouble and 1 or 0, tdev ) end -- No need to reschedule timer if no demand. Condition may have rescheduled -- itself (no need to set hasTimer), so at the moment, hasTimer is only used -- for throttle recovery. if hasTimer or getVarBool( "ContinuousTimer", false, tdev, RSSID ) then D("processSensorUpdate() hasTimer or ContinuousTimer, scheduling update") local v = ( 60 - ( os.time() % 60 ) ) + TICKOFFS scheduleDelay( tdev, v ) end sst.isRestart = nil -- not false, remove it local t2 = socket.gettime() addEvent{dev=tdev,event='update',msg="Sensor update completed; %(dtime)ss", dtime=string.format( "%.3f", t2-t1 )} D("processSensorUpdate() finished") end -- Perform update tasks local function updateSensor( tdev ) D("updateSensor(%1) %2", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) -- If not enabled, no work to do. if not isEnabled( tdev ) then D("updateSensor() disabled; no action") return showDisabled( tdev ) end local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) if sst.updating then -- If already updating, schedule deferred update; each attempt extends. D("updateSensor() update in progress; queueing deferred update") scheduleDelay( tdev, getVarNumeric( "RescanDelay", 0, pluginDevice, MYSID ), { replace=true } ) return end sst.updating = true sst.trouble = false -- presumption of innocence local success,err = pcall( processSensorUpdate, tdev, sst ) sst.updating = false if not success then E("Sensor update failed: %1", err) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="FAILED: %(err)s", err=err } end end local function sensorTick( tdev) D("sensorTick(%1)", tdev) -- updateSensor will schedule next tick if needed if isEnabled( tdev ) then updateSensor( tdev ) else showDisabled( tdev ) end end -- Get the house mode tracker. If it doesn't exist, create it (child device). -- No HMT on openLuup because it doesn't have native device file to support it, -- but we can watch the HouseMode state variable on the openLuup device there, -- which is what Vera should have done in the first place. local function getHouseModeTracker( createit, pdev ) if not isOpenLuup then for k,v in childDevices( pdev ) do if v.id == "hmt" then -- Force custom for ModeSetting in Luup root, otherwise arming is funky. luup.attr_set( "ModeSetting", "1:C*;2:C*;3:C*;4:C*", 0 ) return k, v -- got it end end -- Didn't find it. At this point, we have a list of children. if createit then -- Didn't find it. Need to create a new child device for it. Sigh. L{level=2,msg="Did not find house mode tracker; creating. This will cause a Luup reload."} local ptr = luup.chdev.start( pdev ) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Adding house mode tracker, please wait...", pdev ) for k,v in childDevices( pdev ) do D("getHouseModeTracker() appending existing device %1 (%2)", v.id, v.description) luup.chdev.append( pdev, ptr, v.id, v.description, v.device_type, luup.attr_get( 'device_file', k ) or "", luup.attr_get( 'impl_file', k ) or "", "", false ) end D("getHouseModeTracker() creating hmt child; final step before reload.") luup.chdev.append( pdev, ptr, "hmt", "Reactor Internal HMT", "", "D_DoorSensor1.xml", "", "", false ) luup.chdev.sync( pdev, ptr ) -- Should cause reload immediately. Drop through. end end return false end -- Update geofence data. This is long-running, so runs as a job from the master tick. local function updateGeofences( pdev ) D("updateGeofences(%1)", pdev) local now = os.time() -- Geofencing. If flag on, at least one sensor is using geofencing. Fetch -- userdata, which can be very large. Shame that it comes back as JSON- -- formatted text that we need to decode; I'm sure the action had to encode -- it that way, and all we're going to do is decode back. local forcedMode = getVarNumeric( "ForceGeofenceMode", 0, pdev, MYSID ) -- N.B. NOT BOOL! if forcedMode ~= 0 then geofenceMode = forcedMode end -- Get data. local ishome = getVarJSON( "IsHome", {}, pdev, MYSID ) if type(ishome) ~= "table" then D("actionUpdateGeofences() IsHome data type invalid (%1)", type(ishome)) L{level=2,msg="IsHome data invalid/corrupt; resetting."} ishome = { version=2, users={} } end if ishome.version ~= 2 then L({level=2,msg="resetting IsHome data, old version %1"}, ishome.version) ishome = { version=2, users={} } end local rc,rs,ra if unsafeLua and getVarBool( "UserDataWget", true, pdev, MYSID ) then -- As of 3.4, we wget() with ns=1 to shorten response, faster. -- URL with port sub is OK here because geofencing is not on openLuup rc,ra,rs = luup.inet.wget( '' ) if rc ~= 0 or ra == nil then L({level=2,msg="Unable to fetch userdata for geofence check! wget rc=%1, rs=%2"}, rc, rs) return false end D("updateGeofences() user_data request (wget) returned %1 bytes", #ra) else rc,rs,_,ra = luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "GetUserData", { DataFormat="json" }, 0 ) -- luacheck: ignore 311 -- D("actionUpdateGeofences() GetUserData action returned rc=%1, rs=%2, ra=%3", rc, rs, ra) if rc ~= 0 or (ra or {}).UserData == nil then L({level=2,msg="Unable to fetch userdata for geofence check! action rc=%1, ra=%2"}, rc, ra) return false end ra = tostring( ra.UserData ) D("updateGeofences() action GetUserData returned %1 bytes", #ra) end local ud -- If mode > 0, we're only using home condition, so only need short -- decode of that we need, rather than all of user_data, which is -- massive even on small installations. if geofenceMode >= 0 then local mm = ra:match( '("users_settings": *%[[^]]*%])' ) if mm then D("updateGeofences() found element in UserData (%1 bytes); using short decode", #ra) ud = json.decode( '{' .. mm .. '}' ) end end if ud == nil then D("updateGeofences() doing full decode on UserData, %1 bytes", #ra) ud = json.decode( ra ) end ra = nil -- luacheck: ignore 311 if ud then -- Save the source data so we have it to look at in Logic Summary. local dd = { mode=geofenceMode, ['updated']=now, ['users_settings']=ud.users_settings, ['users']=ud.users, ['usergeofences']=ud.usergeofences } setVar( MYSID, 'raw_udgeo', json.encode( dd ), pluginDevice ) -- ud.users is array of usergeofence, which is { id, Name, Level, IsGuest } -- ud.usergeofences is array of { iduser, geotags } and geotags is -- { PK_User (same as id), id (of geotag), accuracy, ishome, notify, radius, address, color (hex6), latitude, longitude, name (of geotag), status, and poss others? } -- ud.users_settings contains the "ishome" we care about, though. local changed = false if geofenceMode < 0 then -- Long form geofence check. D("updateGeofences() doing long form geofence check with %1", ud.usergeofences) for _,v in ipairs( ud.usergeofences or {} ) do if not ishome.users[tostring(v.iduser)] then -- New user listed L("Detected geofence change: new user %1", v.iduser) ishome.users[tostring(v.iduser)] = { ishome=0, tags={} } changed = true end local urec = ishome.users[tostring(v.iduser)] local inlist = {} if urec.tags == nil then urec.tags = {} end local oldtags = shallowCopy( urec.tags ) local newhome, newhomestate for _,g in ipairs( v.geotags or {} ) do local st = ( { ['enter']='in',['exit']='out' } )[tostring( g.status ):lower()] or g.status or "" local tag = urec.tags[tostring(g.id)] if tag then -- Update known geotag if st ~= tag.status then L("Detected geofence change: user %1 status %2 for %3 (%4) %5", v.iduser, st, g.name, g.id, g.ishome) tag.status = st tag.since = now changed = true end -- Update remaining fields, but don't mark changed. changed = changed or ( tag.name ~= g.name ) tag.name = g.name changed = changed or ( tag.homeloc ~= ( g.ishome or 0 ) ) tag.homeloc = g.ishome or 0 oldtags[tostring(g.id)] = nil -- remove from old else -- New geotag urec.tags[tostring(g.id)] = { id=g.id, name=g.name, homeloc=g.ishome or 0, status=st, since=now } L("Detected geofence change: user %1 has added %2 (%3) %4 %5", v.iduser, g.name, g.id, g.ishome, st) changed = true end if ( g.ishome or 0 ) ~= 0 then newhome = g.id if st == "in" then newhomestate = 1 elseif st == "out" then newhomestate = 0 end end if st == "in" then table.insert( inlist, g.id ) end end urec.inlist = inlist if newhome ~= urec.homeid then urec.homeid = newhome changed = true end if newhomestate ~= urec.ishome then urec.ishome = newhomestate changed = true end -- Handle geotags that have been removed for k,g in pairs( oldtags ) do L("Detected geofence change: user %1 deleted %2 (%3) %4", v.iduser, g.name, g.id, g.ishome) urec.tags[k] = nil changed = true end if changed then urec.since = now end end else -- If not in long mode, clear minimal data, in case mode switches -- back. This can happen if groups temporarily disabled, etc. -- This preserves timestamps and data. for _,v in pairs( ishome.users or {} ) do if v.inlist then v.inlist = nil -- not relevant in short mode, safe to clear. changed = true end end -- Now do short-form check. D("actionUpdateGeofences() user home status=%1", ud.users_settings) -- Short form check stands alone or amends long form for home status. local ulist = map( getKeys( ishome.users ) ) for _,v in ipairs( ud.users_settings or {} ) do local urec = ishome.users[tostring(v.id)] if urec then local newhome = v.ishome if urec.ishome ~= newhome then L("Detected geofence change: user %1 now " .. ( ( newhome ~= 0 ) and "home" or "not home"), v.id) urec.since = now changed = true end urec.ishome = newhome ulist[tostring(v.id)] = nil if changed then urec.since = now end else L("Detected geofence change: new user %1 ishome %2", v.id, v.ishome) urec = { ishome=v.ishome, tags={}, since=now } ishome.users[tostring(v.id)] = urec changed = true end end -- Handle users that weren't listed (treat as not home) for v,_ in pairs( ulist ) do if ishome.users[v].ishome then D("actionUpdateGeofences() user %1 not in users_settings, marking not home", v) ishome.users[v].ishome = nil ishome.users[v].since = now changed = true end end end -- Force update if geofenceMode has changed since last update. changed = changed or ishome.lastmode ~= geofenceMode ishome.lastmode = geofenceMode ishome.version = 2 ishome.since = now D("updateGeofences() geofence data changed=%1, data=%2", changed, ishome) if changed then setVar( MYSID, "IsHome", json.encode( ishome ), pdev ) end else L{level=2,msg="Failed to decode userdata for geofence check!"} return false end D"updateGeofences() done" return true end local function checkInternetState( pdev ) D("checkInternetState(%1)", pdev) local sites = split ( ( getReactorVar( "InternetCheckSites", ",,,www.facebook.com,www.amazon.com,www.google.com", pdev ) ) ) if not sites or #sites < 3 then error("Misconfiguration: at least three sites are required in InternetCheckSites") end for _=1,3 do -- try three sites each attempt lastProbeSite = ( lastProbeSite or 0 ) + 1 if lastProbeSite > #sites then lastProbeSite = 1 end local s = sites[lastProbeSite] --[[ ping with lowercase -w emits status <> 0 for any failure. With capital -W it emits 0 for any successful packet, 1 for all failure, which is what we want. The first packet often fails, and we don't want false pos as a result. --]] local st = os.execute( "ping -q -c 3 -W 3 '" .. s .. "' >/dev/null" ) D("checkInternetState() probe of %1 returned %2 (lastProbeSite=%3)", s, st, lastProbeSite) if st == 0 then -- round-robin; lastProbeSite = 0 -- start from the beginning return true else L({level=2,msg="Internet health probe (ping) of %1 failed (%2)"}, s, st) end end return false end local function updateNetworkStatusHistory( flag, pdev ) D("updateNetworkStateHistory(%1)", flag) local nstates = getReactorVar( "ns", "0:X" , pdev, MYSID ) nstates = split( nstates, "," ) local t,s = nstates[#nstates]:match( "^(%d+):(.*)" ) if s ~= flag then L("Detected network state change (%1) last %2 at %3", flag, s, fdatetime(t)) table.insert( nstates, os.time() .. ":" .. flag ) while #nstates > 10 do table.remove( nstates, 1 ) end setVar( MYSID, "ns", table.concat( nstates, "," ), pdev ) end end -- Tick handler for master device local function masterTick(pdev) D("masterTick(%1)", pdev) assert(pdev == pluginDevice) local now = os.time() local nextTick = math.floor( now / 60 ) * 60 + 60 scheduleTick( tostring(pdev), nextTick ) -- Sanity-check the system clock if lastMasterTick then local dtime = now - lastMasterTick if dtime <= 0 then E("***** SYSTEM CLOCK HAS MOVED BACKWARDS! Last master tick %1, now %2???", lastMasterTick, now) clockStable = false elseif dtime > 120 then E("***** SYSTEM CLOCK HAS LEAPT FORWARDS! Last master tick %1, now %2???", lastMasterTick, now) clockStable = false end end lastMasterTick = now -- Check and update house mode (by polling, always). setVar( MYSID, "HouseMode", luup.attr_get( "Mode", 0 ) or "1", pdev ) if usesHouseMode and not isOpenLuup then -- Find housemode tracking child for Vera. Create it if it doesn't exist. local hmt = getHouseModeTracker( true, pdev ) if hmt then addServiceWatch( hmt, SENSOR_SID, "Armed", pdev ) end end -- Vera Secure has battery, check it. if hasBattery then local st,err = pcall( checkSystemBattery, pdev ) if not st then E("Battery check failed: %1", err) end else setVar( MYSID, "SystemPowerSource", "", pdev ) setVar( MYSID, "SystemBatteryLevel", "", pdev ) end local netState = getVarBool( "NetworkStatus", true, pdev, MYSID ) local checkInterval = getVarNumeric( "InternetCheckInterval", 5, pdev, MYSID ) if checkInterval > 0 then if isOpenLuup and lastInetDaemonUpdate == 0 then -- Brute-force check on openLuup when script check isn't implemented/running D("masterTick() before probe, stored network state is %1, last check %2 at %3", netState, lastNetCheckState, lastNetCheckTime) -- Check periodically or more frequently when known down if not lastNetCheckState or now >= ( lastNetCheckTime + 60 * checkInterval - 5 ) then lastNetCheckTime = now local st st, lastNetCheckState = pcall( checkInternetState, pdev ) if not st then W("Failed to complete Internet check probes: %1", lastNetCheckState) lastNetCheckState = true -- keep from doing too many probes while there's a problem setVar( MYSID, "NetworkStatus", "", pdev ) else if not lastNetCheckState then netFailCount = netFailCount + 1 L({level=2,"All Internet probes have failed %1 times"}, netFailCount) if netFailCount >= 3 then netState = false end else netState = true netFailCount = 0 end updateNetworkStatusHistory( netState and "U" or "D" ) end end else -- Script/daemon check running, we hope -- check it. D("masterTick() network status by daemon, last update %1", lastInetDaemonUpdate) if lastInetDaemonUpdate > 0 and os.time() >= ( lastInetDaemonUpdate + 3 * 60 * checkInterval ) then -- We've missed at least three check intervals W("Internet check daemon may have stalled/stopped; no update since %1 (%2m ago)", fdatetime(lastInetDaemonUpdate), math.floor( ( os.time() - lastInetDaemonUpdate ) / 60 ) ) if isOpenLuup then W("Falling back to internal Internet check until script resumes.") lastInetDaemonUpdate = 0 else setVar( MYSID, "NetworkStatus", "", pdev ) netState = true if not getVarBool( "SuppressInetDaemonRestart", false, pdev, MYSID ) then os.execute( "/etc/init.d/reactor_internet_check restart" ) end end end end end -- Check DST change. Re-eval all conditions if changed, just to be safe. if not netState then W("No Internet access; skipping DST check") else local dstflag = os.date("*t", now).isdst local dot = dstflag and "1" or "0" local lastdst = getReactorVar( "LastDST", "", pdev ) D("masterTick() current DST %1 (isdst=%3), last %2", dot, lastdst, dstflag) if dot ~= lastdst then luup.variable_set( MYSID, "LastDST", dot, pdev ) if not getVarBool( "SuppressDSTCheck", false, pdev, MYSID ) then L({level=2,msg="DST change detected (was %1 now %2 (%4) stable %3)! Re-evaluating children."}, lastdst, dot, clockStable, dstflag) for k,v in pairs(luup.devices) do if v.device_type == RSTYPE and v.device_num_parent == pdev then if isEnabled( k ) then -- Use tick rather than Restart action to preserve state. It's just a re-eval. scheduleDelay( { id=tostring(k), info="DST_Change" } , 0, { replace=true } ) end end end end end -- Geofencing. If flag on, at least one sensor is using geofencing. -- N.B. ForceGeofenceMode is NOT BOOL! if geofenceMode ~= 0 or getVarNumeric( "ForceGeofenceMode", 0, pdev, MYSID ) ~= 0 then -- Getting geofence data can be a long-running task because of handling -- userdata, so run as a job, unless using LPeg. LPeg considerably speeds up parsing so -- we can do the task inline. if json and json.using_lpeg and not getVarBool( "ForceGeofenceJob", false, pdev, MYSID ) then pcall( updateGeofences, pdev ) else D("masterTick() geofence mode %1, launching geofence update as job", geofenceMode) geofenceEvent = geofenceEvent + 1 local rc,rs,rj,ra = luup.call_action( MYSID, "UpdateGeofences", { event=geofenceEvent }, pdev ) -- luacheck: ignore 211 end end end -- See if any cached state has expired local expiry = getVarNumeric( "StateCacheExpiry", 600, pdev, MYSID ) if expiry > 0 then for td,cx in pairs( sensorState or {} ) do local exover = getVarNumeric( "StateCacheExpiry", -1, tonumber(td) or -1, RSSID ) if exover ~= 0 then local exp = ( ( cx.condState or {} ).lastUsed or now ) + ( ( exover > 0 ) and exover or expiry ) -- If save time not there, the cache entry never expires. if exp <= now then D("masterTick() expiring state cache for %1", td) cx.condState = nil cx.ctx = nil end end end end end -- Clean up sensor variables local function cleanSensorState( tdev, taskid ) D("cleanSensorState(%1,%2)", tdev, taskid) local content if isOpenLuup then -- openLuup doesn't implement GetStatus (yet, maybe) local sc, httpStatus sc,content,httpStatus = luup.inet.wget( ''..tdev..'&output_format=json' ) if sc ~= 0 then L({level=2,msg="Failed to complete status request for #%1 (%2, %3)"}, tdev, sc, httpStatus) content = nil end end if not content then local rc,rs,_,ra = luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "GetStatus", { DeviceNum=tdev, DataFormat="json" }, 0 ) -- luacheck: ignore 211 -- D("cleanSensorState() Status action returned rc=%1, rs=%2, ra=%3", rc, rs, ra) if rc ~= 0 or (ra or {}).Status == nil then L({level=2,msg="GetStatus action failed for #%1; rc=%2, ra=%3"}, tdev, rc, ra) end content = (ra or {}).Status or "" end local data = json.decode( content ) if data and data['Device_Num_'..tdev] then data = data['Device_Num_'..tdev] local cf = getSensorConfig( tdev ) or error "Configuration not available" cf.variables = cf.variables or {} local groups = {} for grp in conditionGroups( cf.conditions.root or {} ) do groups[grp.id] = grp end for _,st in pairs( data.states ) do if st.service == VARSID then -- Expression default is *export* if ((cf.variables[st.variable] or {}).export or 1) == 0 then D("cleanSensorState() removing orphan expression export %1 from #%2", st.variable, tdev) deleteVar( st.service, st.variable, tdev ) deleteVar( st.service, st.variable .. "_Error", tdev ) end elseif st.service == GRPSID then local gid = st.variable:gsub( "^GroupStatus_", "" ) if not groups[gid] then D("cleanSensorState() removing orphan group state %1 from #%2", st.variable, tdev) deleteVar( st.service, st.variable, tdev ) end end end else L({level=2,msg="cleanSensorState() return data unusable: %1"}, data or content) end clearTask( taskid ) end -- Start an instance local function startSensor( tdev, pdev, isReload ) D("startSensor(%1,%2) <9c6c9aa0-1060-11ea-b3de-9303e5fab7a5>", tdev, pdev) -- DO NOT modify string--used for log snippet -- Open event log if needed local sst = getSensorState( tdev ) local path = getInstallPath() .. "ReactorSensor" .. tostring(tdev) .. "-events.log" if getVarBool( "LogEventsToFile", false, tdev, RSSID ) then if not sst.eventLog then local err,errno D("startSensor() opening event log file %1", path) sst.eventLog,err,errno = io.open( path, "a" ) if not sst.eventLog then L("Failed to open event log for %1 (%2): %4 (%5) %3", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, path, err, errno) else if sst.eventLog:seek("end") > ( 1024*getVarNumeric( "EventLogMaxKB", 256, tdev, RSSID ) ) then L("Rotating event log...") sst.eventLog:close() os.execute( "pluto-lzo c '" .. path .. "' '" .. path .. ".lzo'" ) sst.eventLog = io.open( path, "w" ) end if sst.eventLog:seek() == 0 then sst.eventLog:write( os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .. ": New log file started\n" ) else sst.eventLog:write( os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .. ": Log reopened\n" ) end end end else os.remove( path ) D("startSensor() event log file disabled for this RS") end -- Device one-time initialization sensor_runOnce( tdev ) -- Save required UI version for collision detection. setVar( RSSID, "_UIV", _UIVERSION, tdev ) -- Initialize instance data; take care not to scrub eventList sst.eventList = sst.eventList or {} sst.configData = nil sst.condState = nil sst.ctx = nil sst.updateRate = initRate( 60, 15 ) sst.updateThrottled = false sst.changeRate = initRate( 60, 15 ) sst.changeThrottled = false sst.isRestart = true -- cleared by processSensorUpdate -- Load the config data (enabled or not; we'll toss is not needed). -- This helps ensure we don't throw errors on the UI for new RSs. getSensorConfig( tdev, true ) if isEnabled( tdev ) then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg=isReload and "Starting (Luup Startup/Reload)" or "Restarting", event='start' } setMessage("Starting...", tdev) -- Clean and restore our condition state. loadCleanState( tdev ) -- Watch our own cdata; when it changes, re-evaluate. -- NOTE: MUST BE *AFTER* INITIAL LOAD OF CDATA addServiceWatch( tdev, RSSID, "cdata", tdev ) addServiceWatch( tdev, RSSID, "TestTime", tdev ) addServiceWatch( tdev, RSSID, "TestHouseMode", tdev ) -- Start tick scheduleDelay( { id=tostring(tdev), owner=tdev, func=sensorTick }, 1, { replace=true } ) else L({level=2,"%1 (#%2) is disabled"}, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Aborting; disabled", event='disabled at start-up' } sst.configData = nil showDisabled( tdev ) end return true end local function startSensors( pdev ) L("Starting ReactorSensors") luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Starting ReactorSensors...", pdev ) -- Start the master tick local tt = math.floor( os.time() / 60 + 1 ) * 60 -- next minute scheduleTick( { id=tostring(pdev), func=masterTick, owner=pdev }, tt, { replace=true } ) -- Resume any scenes that were running prior to restart resumeScenes() local isRecovery = getVarBool( "recoverymode", false, pdev, MYSID ) -- Ready to go. Start our children. local count = 0 local started = 0 for k,v in childDevices( pdev ) do if v.device_type == RSTYPE then count = count + 1 L("Starting %1 (#%2)", luup.devices[k].description, k) setVar( MYSID, "Message", "Starting " .. luup.devices[k].description, pdev ) if isRecovery then -- Recovery mode cleanups. setVar( RSSID, "cstate", "{}", k ) end -- Clear notification flag setVar( RSSID, "_notify", "0", k ) -- N.B. start sensor whether enabled or not, as key inits happen regardless. local status, err = pcall( startSensor, k, pdev, true ) if not status then E("%1 (#%2) failed to start: %3", luup.devices[k].description, k, err) addEvent{ dev=k, event="error", message="Start-up failed", reason=err } setMessage( "Failed (see log)", k ) luup.set_failure( 1, k ) -- error on child device else luup.set_failure( 0, k ) started = started + 1 -- Start a cleanup job on this sensor if isEnabled( k ) then scheduleDelay( { id="clean"..k, owner=k, func=cleanSensorState }, 25 + 5*started ) end end elseif v.id == "hmt" then D("startSensors() adding watch for hmt device #%1", k) luup.attr_set( "invisible", debugMode and 0 or 1, k ) luup.attr_set( "hidden", debugMode and 0 or 1, k ) luup.attr_set( "room", luup.attr_get( "room", pdev ) or "0", k ) setVar( SENSOR_SID, "Tripped", "0", k ) setVar( SENSOR_SID, "ArmedTripped", "0", k ) setHMTModeSetting( k ) addServiceWatch( k, SENSOR_SID, "Armed", pdev ) else L({level=2,msg="Child device #%1 (%2) is unrecognized type; ignoring! %3"}, k, v.description or "nil", v) end end luup.variable_set( MYSID, "NumChildren", count, pdev ) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "NumRunning", started, pdev ) if count == 0 then luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Open control panel!", pdev ) else luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", string.format("Started %d of %d at %s", started, count, fdatetime()), pdev ) end end local function waitSystemReady( pdev, taskid, callback ) D("waitSystemReady(%1,%2,%3)", pdev, taskid, callback) if not ( isOpenLuup or getVarBool( "SuppressSystemReadyCheck", false, pdev, MYSID ) ) then for n,d in pairs(luup.devices) do if d.device_type == "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:ZWaveNetwork:1" then local sysStatus = luup.variable_get( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1", "NetStatusID", n ) if sysStatus ~= nil and sysStatus ~= "1" then -- Z-Wave not yet ready L("Waiting for Z-Wave ready, status %1", sysStatus) scheduleDelay( taskid, 5 ) return end break end end L("Z-Wave ready detected!") end systemReady = os.time() -- save when, more useful than just "true" if callback then pcall( callback, pdev ) end clearTask( taskid ) end local function markChildrenDown( msg, pdev ) pdev = pdev or pluginDevice for k,v in childDevices( pdev ) do if v.device_type == RSTYPE then luup.variable_set( RSSID, "Message", msg or "Stopped", k ) luup.variable_set( RSSID, "Trouble", "1", k ) end end end -- Start plugin running. function startPlugin( pdev, ptask ) -- N.B. can be run as task D("startPlugin(%1,%2)", pdev, ptask) --[[ local uilang = luup.attr_get('ui_lang', 0) or "en" local plang = getReactorVar( "lang", "" ) if plang ~= "" then uilang = plang end i18n.loadFile("T_Reactor_i18n.json") -- Load default language package if uilang ~= "en" then local f = io.open("T_Reactor_i18n-" .. uilang .. ".json", "r") if not f then os.execute("curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/toggledbits/Reactor/master/{T_Reactor_i18n-"..uilang..".json} -o '#1'") else f:close() end local success, err = pcall( i18n.loadFile, "T_Reactor_i18n-" .. uilang .. ".json" ) if success then i18n.setLocale( uilang ) end end --]] L("Plugin version %1 starting on #%2 (%3)", _PLUGIN_VERSION, pdev, luup.devices[pdev].description) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "NumRunning", "0", pdev ) -- Early inits pluginDevice = pdev systemReady = false isALTUI = false isOpenLuup = luup.openLuup ~= nil -- a starting point unsafeLua = true devVeraAlerts = false devVeraTelegram = false sensorState = {} watchData = {} sceneData = {} luaFunc = {} if not getVarBool( "SuppressWeakLuaFunc", false, pdev, MYSID ) then setmetatable( luaFunc, { __mode="v" } ) -- weak values end sceneWaiting = {} sceneState = {} luaEnv = nil runStamp = 1 geofenceMode = getVarNumeric( "ForceGeofenceMode", 0, pdev, MYSID ) geofenceEvent = 0 usesHouseMode = false maxEvents = getVarNumeric( "MaxEvents", debugMode and 250 or 100, pdev, MYSID ) clockValid = true clockStable = true math.randomseed( os.time() ) -- Enabled? if not getVarBool( "Enabled", true, pdev, MYSID ) then luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "DISABLED", pdev ) markChildrenDown( "Reactor disabled", pdev ) setVar( MYSID, "rs", "", pdev ) -- clear restart tracking setVar( MYSID, "recoverymode", 1, pdev ) L{level=2,msg="Reactor has been disabled by configuration; startup aborted."} return false, "Disabled by config", _PLUGIN_NAME end -- Debug? if getVarNumeric( "DebugMode", 0, pdev, MYSID ) ~= 0 then debugMode = true D("startPlugin() debug enabled by state variable DebugMode") end -- One-time stuff plugin_runOnce( pdev ) markChildrenDown( "Waiting for startup", pdev ) -- System clock check if os.time() <= 1586092920 then E"***** SYSTEM CLOCK IS INVALID *****" if getVarBool( "RequireValidClock", false, pdev, MYSID ) then L{level=2, msg="RequireValidClock is set; deferring startup. Next check in 120 seconds."} setVar( MYSID, "Message", "START DELAYED: INVALID CLOCK", pdev ) scheduleDelay( { id="startPlugin", func=startPlugin, owner=pdev }, 120 ) return true, "", _PLUGIN_NAME end -- Start now in recovery mode. Flag invalid clock for run. clockValid = false setVar( MYSID, "recoverymode", 1, pdev ) elseif not getVarBool( "ClockValid", true, pdev, MYSID ) then L{level=2, msg="Forcing recovery restart -- system clock was invalid on previous run!"} setVar( MYSID, "recoverymode", 1, pdev ) clockStable = false -- for first run after being bogus end -- Only set ClockValid at this point, no earlier. If RequireValidClock is set, we will end up -- not having forced recovery mode, which is a Very Good Thing if we can do it. setVar( MYSID, "ClockValid", clockValid and "1" or "0", pdev ) -- Check required packages if isOpenLuup then L"Checking required packages for openLuup" for _,v in ipairs{ "dkjson", "socket", "mime" } do if not package.loaded[v] then E("Required system module %1 cannot be loaded; see ".._DOC_URL.."Installation", v) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Required package missing (see log)", pdev ) markChildrenDown( "Required package missing (see log)", pdev ) return false, "Required package missing", _PLUGIN_NAME end end -- These are needed for notifications other actions for _,v in ipairs{ "socket.http", "socket.smtp", "ssl", "ssl.https", "ltn12" } do local st,p = pcall( require, v ) if not st or type(p) ~= "table" then L({level=2,"Warning: the %1 module cannot be loaded, but is required for some action types."}) elseif v == "ssl" and tostring( package.loaded.ssl._VERSION or "" ):match( "^0%.[12345]" ) then L({level=2,'Warning: the "ssl" module (LuaSec) is out of date and should be upgraded.'}) end package.loaded[v] = nil end else -- On Vera systems, disconnect this version from App Marketplace. luup.attr_set( "plugin", "", pluginDevice ) end -- Check for hard system restart loop; stand off if it's happening. Not -- because we've ever caused problems, but because plugins are always the -- first to be blamed. local nr = getVarNumeric( "MaxRestartCount", 10, pdev, MYSID ) local p = getVarNumeric( "MaxRestartPeriod", 900, pdev, MYSID ) if clockValid and nr > 1 and p > 0 then local s = getReactorVar( "rs", "", pdev ) s = split( s, ',' ) while #s > 0 and #s >= nr do table.remove(s, 1) end D("startPlugin() restart check (limit %1 in %2); previous restarts: %3", nr, p, s) table.insert(s, os.time()) setVar( MYSID, "rs", table.concat( s, "," ), pdev ) if #s > 1 and #s == nr then local d = s[nr] - s[1] if d <= p then -- Too many restarts! Abort. No soup for you! E("Reactor has detected that this system has restarted %1 times in %2 seconds; disabling Reactor just in case.", nr, d) setVar( MYSID, "recoverymode", 1, pdev ) setVar( MYSID, "Message", "Safety Lockout!", pdev ) markChildrenDown( "Safety lockout!", pdev ) luup.set_failure( 1, pdev ) return false, "Safety lockout", _PLUGIN_NAME end end else D("startPlugin() restart loop check disabled (%1/%2)", nr, p) setVar( MYSID, "rs", "", pdev ) -- clear restart tracking end luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Initializing...", pdev ) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "LoadTime", os.time(), pdev ) -- Save required UI version for collision detection. setVar( MYSID, "_UIV", _UIVERSION, pdev ) -- System type (id 35=Edge, 36=Plus, 37=Secure) hasBattery = luup.modelID == nil or luup.modelID == 37 -- Check for ALTUI and OpenLuup local failmsg = false for k,v in pairs(luup.devices) do if not isALTUI and v.device_type == "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:altui:1" and v.device_num_parent == 0 then L("Detected ALTUI (%1)", k) isALTUI = k local rc,rs,jj,ra = luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:altui1", "RegisterPlugin", { newDeviceType=RSTYPE, newScriptFile="J_ReactorSensor_ALTUI.js", newDeviceDrawFunc="ReactorSensor_ALTUI.deviceDraw", -- newControlPanelFunc="ReactorSensor_ALTUI.controlPanelDraw", newStyleFunc="ReactorSensor_ALTUI.getStyle" }, k ) D("startPlugin() ALTUI's RegisterPlugin action for %5 returned resultCode=%1, resultString=%2, job=%3, returnArguments=%4", rc,rs,jj,ra, RSTYPE) rc,rs,jj,ra = luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:altui1", "RegisterPlugin", { newDeviceType=MYTYPE, newScriptFile="J_Reactor_ALTUI.js", newDeviceDrawFunc="Reactor_ALTUI.deviceDraw", newStyleFunc="Reactor_ALTUI.getStyle" }, k ) D("startPlugin() ALTUI's RegisterPlugin action for %5 returned resultCode=%1, resultString=%2, job=%3, returnArguments=%4", rc,rs,jj,ra, MYTYPE) elseif v.device_type == "openLuup" and v.device_num_parent == 0 then L("Detected openLuup (%1)", k) isOpenLuup = k local vv = getVarNumeric( "Vnumber", 0, k, v.device_type ) if vv < 200414 then E("OpenLuup version must be at least 200414; you have %1. Can't continue.", vv) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Unsupported firmware " .. tostring(vv), pdev ) luup.set_failure( 1, pdev ) failmsg = "Incompatible openLuup ver " .. tostring(vv) end vv = (_G or {})._VERSION or "" D("startPlugin() Lua interpreter is %1", vv) local n = vv:match( "^Lua +(.*)$") if type(n) == "string" and not n:match( "^5.1" ) then E("Invalid Lua version: %1", vv) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Unsupported Lua interpreter " .. tostring(vv), pdev ) luup.set_failure( 1, pdev ) failmsg = "Incompatible Lua interpreter " .. tostring(vv) else L({level=2,msg="Can't check Lua interpreter version, returned version string is %1"}, vv) end elseif v.device_type == "urn:richardgreen:device:VeraAlert:1" and v.device_num_parent == 0 then devVeraAlerts = k L("Detected VeraAlerts (#%1)", k) elseif v.device_type == "urn:bochicchio-com:device:VeraTelegram:1" and v.device_num_parent == 0 then devVeraTelegram = k L("Detected VeraTelegram (#%1)", k) elseif v.device_num_parent == pdev and v.device_type == RSTYPE then addEvent{ dev=k, msg="Reactor startup (Luup reload)" } elseif v.device_type == MYTYPE and k < pdev then -- Found another master device w/lower dev# than me, no go. luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Duplicate master device", pdev ) luup.set_failure( 1, pdev ) return false, "Duplicate master device", _PLUGIN_NAME end end if failmsg then return false, failmsg, _PLUGIN_NAME end unsafeLua = isOpenLuup or ( tonumber( luup.attr_get( "UnsafeLua", 0 ) or 1 ) ~= 0 ) -- Check UI version if not checkVersion( pdev ) then E"This plugin does not run on this firmware." luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Unsupported firmware "..tostring(luup.version), pdev ) luup.set_failure( 1, pdev ) return false, "Incompatible firmware " .. luup.version, _PLUGIN_NAME end -- Check for recovery mode. if getVarBool( "recoverymode", false, pdev, MYSID ) then -- Recovery mode. Wipe state data. setVar( MYSID, "runscene", "{}", pdev ) setVar( MYSID, "scenedata", "{}", pdev ) setVar( MYSID, "NotifyQueue", "[]", pdev ) -- Don't reset "recoverymode" yet -- we need it in startSensor() end -- For openLuup, we watch the openLuup device's HouseMode variable. if isOpenLuup then addServiceWatch( isOpenLuup, "openLuup", "HouseMode", pdev ) end -- Update Internet check configuration if not isOpenLuup then local ci = getVarNumeric( "InternetCheckInterval", 5, pdev, MYSID ) D("startPlugin() writing reactor_internet_check.conf") local sl = getReactorVar( "InternetCheckSites", "", pdev ) local fd = io.open( "/tmp/reactor_internet_check.conf", "w" ) fd:write("# This file is automatically generated -- DO NOT EDIT.\n# To change configuration, see https://www.toggledbits.com/static/reactor/docs/Network-Status/\n") fd:write("INTERVAL="..(ci*60).."\n") if sl ~= "" then L("Internet check servers: %1", sl) fd:write('SERVERS="'..sl..'"\n') end fd:close() end -- Queue all scenes cached for refresh local sd = getReactorVar( "scenedata", "{}", pdev ) sceneData = json.decode( sd ) or {} for _,scd in pairs( sceneData ) do refreshScene( scd.id ) end -- Launch the system (Z-Wave) ready check. scheduleDelay( { id="sysready", func=waitSystemReady, owner=pdev }, 5 ) -- Reset and launch the notifier. notifyQueue = getVarJSON( "NotifyQueue", {}, pluginDevice, MYSID ) scheduleDelay( { id="notifier", owner=pluginDevice, func=runNotifyTask }, 60 ) -- Start sensors startSensors( pdev ) -- Remove recovery mode flag if we can if clockValid and luup.variable_get( MYSID, "recoverymode", pdev ) ~= nil then -- Variable exists setVar( MYSID, "recoverymode", 0, pdev ) -- older Luup can't delete deleteVar( MYSID, "recoverymode", pdev ) end if not clockValid then setVar( MYSID, "Message", "INVALID SYSTEM CLOCK!", pdev ) setVar( MYSID, "recoverymode", 1, pdev ) -- next startup in recovery mode end -- Return success luup.set_failure( 0, pdev ) return true, "Ready", _PLUGIN_NAME end -- Check enabled state for actions function assertEnabled( dev ) return isEnabled( dev ) or error "Cannot perform this action on a disabled ReactorSensor" end -- Add a child (used as both action and local function) function actionAddSensor( pdev, count ) D("addSensor(%1)", pdev) if not getVarBool( "Enabled", true, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then error "Cannot perform this operation when Reactor is disabled" end count = tonumber( count ) or 1 if count < 1 then count = 1 elseif count > 16 then count = 16 end luup.variable_set( MYSID, "Message", "Adding sensor, please hard-refresh your browser.", pdev ) local ptr = luup.chdev.start( pdev ) local highd = 0 for k,v in childDevices( pdev ) do D("addSensor() appending existing device %1 (%2)", v.id, v.description) if v.device_type == RSTYPE then local dd = tonumber( string.match( v.id, "s(%d+)" ) ) if dd == nil then highd = highd + 1 elseif dd > highd then highd = dd end end luup.chdev.append( pdev, ptr, v.id, v.description, v.device_type, luup.attr_get( 'device_file', k ) or "", luup.attr_get( 'impl_file', k ) or "", "", false ) end local vv = string.format( "%s,Enabled=1\n,room=%s", RSSID, luup.attr_get( "room", pdev ) or "0" ) for k = 1,count do highd = highd + 1 D("addSensor() creating child %3/%4 as r%1s%2 with %5", pdev, highd, k, count, vv) luup.chdev.append( pdev, ptr, string.format("r%ds%d", pdev, highd), "Reactor Sensor " .. highd, "", "D_ReactorSensor.xml", "", vv, false ) end luup.chdev.sync( pdev, ptr ) -- Should cause reload immediately. return true end -- Remove all child devices. function actionMasterClear( dev ) local ptr = luup.chdev.start( dev ) luup.chdev.sync( dev, ptr ) -- Should cause reload immediately. end -- luup.call_action("urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:Reactor", "RepairDevice", { RepairTarget=86 }, 70 ) function actionRepairDevice( dev, settings ) D("actionRepairDevice(%1,%2)", dev, settings) if isOpenLuup then return true end -- does nothing on openLuup local target = tonumber( settings.RepairTarget ) or error "Invalid RepairTarget parameter" if not luup.devices[target] then error "Target device does not exist" end L("Repairing device %1 (#%2)", luup.devices[target].description, target) local rc,_,_,ra = luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "GetUserData", { DataFormat="json" }, 0 ) -- luacheck: ignore 311 if rc ~= 0 or (ra or {}).UserData == nil then L({level=2,msg="Unable to fetch userdata for repair! action rc=%1, ra=%2"}, rc, ra) return false end local content = tostring( ra.UserData ) local data = json.decode( content ) or "Unable to parse GetUserData response" local ssort = { [MYSID]=1, [RSSID]=2, [VARSID]=3, [GRPSID]=4 } -- sid sort order -- Find the target device for _,d in ipairs( data.devices ) do if tonumber(d.id) == target then local newst = {} table.sort( d.states or {}, function(a,b) local as = ssort[tostring(a.service)] or 99 local bs = ssort[tostring(b.service)] or 99 if as == bs then return a.variable < b.variable end return as < bs end ) local nstart = #(d.states or {}) for _,s in ipairs(d.states or {}) do s.id = #newst if ( s.service == MYSID or s.service == RSSID ) and s.value == "X" then s.value = "" end table.insert( newst, s ) end d.states = newst -- replace states d.ControlURLs = nil local newdata = { devices={} } newdata.devices["devices_" .. d.id] = d D("actionRepairDevice() repaired data %1", newdata) L("Finished; writing repaired device data to user_data; %1 states before, %2 after; this will cause a Luup reload.", nstart, #newst) luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1", "ModifyUserData", { inUserData=json.encode(newdata), DataFormat="json", Reload="1" }, 0 ) return true end d.states = nil end return false end -- Update geofence data. This is long-running, so runs as a job from the master tick. function actionUpdateGeofences( pdev, event ) assertEnabled( pdev ) if isOpenLuup then return 4,0 end -- quietly do nothing L("Starting geofence %1 check job (event %2)", geofenceMode >= 0 and "quick" or "long", event) if tonumber( event ) ~= geofenceEvent then D("actionUpdateGeofences() got event %1 expecting %2, skipping update", event, geofenceEvent) L("...overlapping geofence update requests; this request skipped.") return end if updateGeofences( pdev ) then return 4,0 end return 2,0 end -- Enable or disable debug function actionSetDebug( state, tdev ) D("actionSetDebug(%1,%2)", state, tdev) debugMode = state or false if debugMode then D("Debug enabled") end end -- Job wrapper for action function actionWrapAction( dev, params ) D("actionWrapAction(%1,%2)", dev, params) local s = json.decode( params.actiondata or "" ) if s then L("Job running for %1/%2 on %3 (#%4) from RS #%5 %6 group %7 step %8", s.service, s.action, (luup.devices[s.device] or {}).description, s.device, s.source, s.scene, s.group, s.step) luup.call_action( s.service, s.action, s.parameters, s.device ) return 4,0 end E("Invalid action request on #%1: %2", dev, params) return 2,0 end -- Set enabled state of ReactorSensor function actionSetEnabled( enabled, tdev ) D("setEnabled(%1,%2)", enabled, tdev) if not getVarBool( "Enabled", true, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then setMessage( "Reactor plugin is disabled.", tdev ) error "Cannot perform this operation when Reactor is disabled" end if type(enabled) == "string" then if enabled:lower() == "false" or enabled:lower() == "disabled" or enabled == "0" then enabled = false else enabled = true end elseif type(enabled) == "number" then enabled = enabled ~= 0 elseif type(enabled) ~= "boolean" then return end local wasEnabled = getVarBool( "Enabled", true, tdev, RSSID ) if wasEnabled ~= enabled then -- changing addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="SetEnabled action invoked, new enabled state is %(state)q", event="action", action="SetEnabled", state=enabled } luup.variable_set( RSSID, "Enabled", enabled and "1" or "0", tdev ) -- If disabling, do nothing else, so current actions complete/expire. if enabled then L("Enabling %1 (#%2)", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) setMessage( "Enabling...", tdev ) luup.call_action( RSSID, "Restart", {}, tdev ) else L("Disabling %1 (#%2)", luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev) setVar( RSSID, "Trouble", "0", tdev ) luup.set_failure( 0, tdev ) showDisabled( tdev ) end end end -- Force trip a ReactorSensor function actionTrip( dev ) assertEnabled( dev ) L("Sensor %1 (%2) trip action!", dev, luup.devices[dev].description) addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="Trip action invoked", event="action", action="Trip" } trip( true, dev ) setMessage("Tripped", dev) end -- Force reset (untrip) a ReactorSensor function actionReset( dev ) assertEnabled( dev ) L("Sensor %1 (%2) reset action!", dev, luup.devices[dev].description) addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="Reset action invoked", event="action", action="Reset" } trip( false, dev ) setMessage("Not tripped", dev) end -- Set arming state of ReactorSensor function actionSetArmed( armedVal, dev ) L("Sensor %1 (%2) set armed to %3", dev, luup.devices[dev].description, armedVal) local armed = ( tonumber( armedVal ) or 0 ) ~= 0 luup.variable_set( SENSOR_SID, "Armed", armed and "1" or "0", dev ) addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="SetArmed action invoked, new arming state=%(state)s", event="action", action="SetArmed", state=armed } end -- Restart a ReactorSensor (clear saved state, reload config and force re-evals) function actionRestart( dev ) if (luup.devices[ dev ] or {}).device_type ~= RSTYPE then error("Invalid device type") end assertEnabled( dev ) L("Restarting %2 (#%1)", dev, luup.devices[dev].description) addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="Restart action invoked; clearing state and restarting ReactorSensor", event="action", action="Restart" } stopScene( dev, nil, dev ) -- stop all scenes in device context clearOwnerTasks( dev ) clearConditionState( dev ) -- clear state getSensorConfig( dev, true ) -- force reload config local success, err = pcall( startSensor, dev, luup.devices[dev].device_num_parent ) if not success then L({level=2,msg="Failed to start %1 (%2): %3"}, dev, luup.devices[dev].description, err) setMessage( "Failed (see log)", dev ) luup.set_failure( 1, dev ) -- error on timer device else luup.set_failure( 0, dev ) end end -- Clear latched conditions on a ReactorSensor function actionClearLatched( dev, group ) assertEnabled( dev ) if "" == ( group or "" ) then group = false end L("Clearing latched conditions on %1 (#%2) in " .. ( group and group or "all groups" ), luup.devices[dev].description, dev) local grpid = group if group then local cd = getSensorConfig( dev ) if not findCondition( group, cd, "group" ) then -- Not found. See if group param matches group name D("actionClearLatched() no group with id %1, searching by name", group) grpid = false for d in conditionGroups( (cd.conditions or {}).root or {} ) do if ( "group" == ( d.type or "group" ) ) and group:lower() == d.name:lower() then grpid = d.id break end end if not grpid then W("Can't ClearLatched, group not found: %1 on %2 (#%3)", group, luup.devices[dev].description, dev) return false end D("actionClearLatched() found group id %1 for name %2", grpid, group) end end addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="ResetLatched action invoked for group %(group)s", event="action", action="ClearLatched", group=group and group or "any", groupid=grpid and grpid or "any" } if resetLatched( grpid, dev ) then scheduleDelay( { id=tostring(dev), owner=dev, func=sensorTick }, 0 ) end return true end function actionSendSMTP( lul_device, lul_settings ) D("actionSendSMTP(%1,%2)", lul_device, lul_settings) local from = lul_settings.From or "" local to = lul_settings.To or error("Missing 'To' parameter") local subject = lul_settings.Subject or "" local body = lul_settings.Body or error("Missing 'Body' parameter") local success, err = pcall( doSMTPSend, from, to, subject, body, lul_settings.Cc, lul_settings.Bcc ) if success then L("SendSMTP action succeeded to %1 subject %2", to, subject) return 4,0 else E("%1", err) end return 2,0 end function actionSendSyslog( lul_device, lul_settings ) D("actionSendSyslog(%1,%2)", lul_device, lul_settings) if not ( lul_settings.ServerIP and lul_settings.Application and lul_settings.Message ) then E"Action SendSyslog parameters ServerIP, Application and Message are required" return false end local pack = { facility = lul_settings.Facility or 23, severity = lul_settings.Severity or 5, message = lul_settings.Message, application = lul_settings.Application, procid = string.format( "Reactor%d", lul_device ), hostip = lul_settings.ServerIP } local success, err = pcall( doSyslogDatagram, pack, lul_device ) if success then return true end E("%1", err) return false end local function findSceneOrActivity( scene, dev ) D("findSceneOrActivity(%1,%2)", scene, dev) if type(scene) == "string" then -- See if string contains a number. If so, that's just a Vera scene ID. local tn = tonumber( scene ) if tn then scene = tn else -- Non-numeric. May be RS activity or Vera scene name local ln = scene:lower() if ln:match( "%.true$" ) or ln:match( "%.false$" ) then -- Activity reference. if luup.devices[dev].device_type ~= RSTYPE then return false, false, "Device must be ReactorSensor to use activity reference: " .. scene end -- Find it directly? local cd = getSensorConfig( dev ) if not ( cd.activities or {} )[scene] then -- No, maybe it uses a group name rather than ID. Find it. local name = ln:gsub( ".true$", "" ):gsub( ".false$", "" ) local state = ln:gsub( name, "" ) ln = nil for grp in conditionGroups( cd.conditions.root or {} ) do if (grp.name or ""):lower() == name or (grp.id or ""):lower() == name then ln = grp.id .. state; break end end if not ln then -- Nothing found. return false, "error", "Activity not found: " .. scene elseif not ( cd.activities or {})[ln] then -- Found a group that matches, but it has no activity. return true end D("findSceneOrActivity() remapping scene parameter (activity) %1 to canonical %2", scene, ln) scene = ln end else -- Assume Vera scene by name for k,v in pairs( luup.scenes ) do if v.name:lower() == ln then tn = k break end end if not tn then return false, "error", "Scene name not found: " .. scene end -- Replace scene passed with number D("findSceneOrActivity() remapping scene parameter (name) %1 to Vera scene #%2", scene, tn) scene = tn end end end D("findSceneOrActivity() returning %1", scene) return scene end -- Run a Vera scene or ReactorSensor group activity in the context of the -- passed device. function actionRunScene( scene, options, dev ) D("actionRunScene(%1,%2,%3)", scene, options, dev) assertEnabled( dev ) L("RunScene action invoked, scene %1", scene) local scid, event, message = findSceneOrActivity( scene, dev ) if not scid then if event then addEvent{ dev=dev, event="action", action="RunScene", scene=scene, options=options, [event]=message } end L({level=2,msg=message}) return false elseif scid == true then -- findSceneOrActivity telling us it's an empty activity, nothing to do. -- So, we're done! addEvent{ dev=dev, event="action", action="RunScene", scene=scene, options=options, warning="Activity contains no actions" } L({level=2,msg="Activity %1 contains no actions"}, scene) return true end -- Default our options if ( options or "" ) ~= "" then local opts,err,pos = json.decode( options ) if not opts then E("Invalid JSON in Options parameter to RunScene action: %1 at %2 in "..options, err, pos) return false end options = opts else options = { contextDevice=dev } D("actionRunScene() supplying default options %1", options) end options.forceReactorScenes = true -- If we use this action, this is how we do it if options.stopPriorScenes == nil then options.stopPriorScenes = false end if options.contextDevice == nil then options.contextDevice = dev end addEvent{ dev=dev, event="action", action="RunScene", scene=scene, sceneId=scid, options=options } runScene( scid, dev, options ) return true end -- Stop running scene. function actionStopScene( ctx, scene, dev ) L("StopScene action, scene %1", scene) -- Treat blank/empty as nil if (ctx or "") ~= "" then ctx = tonumber( ctx ) or nil else ctx = dev end local scid = nil if (scene or "") ~= "" then local event, message scid, event, message = findSceneOrActivity( scene, dev ) if not scid then if event then addEvent{ dev=dev, event="action", action="StopScene", scene=scene, [event]=message } end L({level=2,msg=message}) return false end end addEvent{ dev=dev, event="action", action="StopScene", contextDevice=ctx or "(all)", scene=scene or "", sceneId=tostring(scid) } stopScene( ctx, nil, dev, scid ) return true end -- Set group enabled state (job). function actionSetGroupEnabled( grpid, enab, dev ) D("actionSetGroupEnabled(%1,%2,%3)", grpid, enab, dev) assertEnabled( dev ) -- Load a clean copy of the configuration. local cdata = getSensorConfig( dev ) local grp = findCondition( grpid, cdata, "group" ) if grp then if type(enab) == "string" then -- Lean towards enabled; only small set of strings disables. enab = string.find( ":no:n:false:f:0:", ":" .. enab:lower() .. ":" ) == nil else enab = ( tonumber(enab) or 1 ) ~= 0 end grp.disabled = (not enab) and 1 or nil grp.enabled = nil L("%1 (%2) SetGroupEnabled %3 now %4", luup.devices[dev].description, dev, grp.id, grp.disabled and "disabled" or "enabled") addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="SetGroupEnabled action invoked, %(name)s now %(enabled)sabled", event="action", action="SetGroupEnabled", group=grpid, name=grp.name or grp.id, enabled=enab and "en" or "dis" } -- No need to call updateSensor here, modifying cdata does it cdata.timestamp = os.time() cdata.serial = 1 + ( tonumber( cdata.serial or 0 ) or 0 ) local rawConfig,err = json.encode( cdata ) if rawConfig and #rawConfig > 0 then luup.variable_set( RSSID, "cdata", rawConfig, dev ) else E("Can't save configuration! The JSON library (%1) can't encode it: %2", json.version, err) L("%1", cdata) return 2,0 end end W("%1 (%2) action SetGroupEnabled %3 failed, group not found in config", luup.devices[dev].description, dev, grpid) return 2,0,"Invalid group" end function actionSetVariable( opt, tdev ) assertEnabled( tdev ) local success, oldval, newval = doSetVar( opt.VariableName, opt.NewValue, tdev ) if success then addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="Variable %(variable)q set to %(newValue)q; was %(newValue)q", variable=opt.VariableName, newValue=newval, oldValue=oldval } scheduleDelay( tdev, 1 ) return true end L({level=2,msg="%1 (#%2) SetVariable device action on %3 failed: "..tostring(oldval)}, luup.devices[tdev].description, tdev, opt.VariableName) addEvent{ dev=tdev, msg="SetVariable device action on %(varname)q failed: %(err)s", varname=opt.VariableName, ['err']=oldval } return false end -- Return the plugin version string function getPluginVersion() return _PLUGIN_VERSION, _CONFIGVERSION end -- Plugin timer tick. Using the tickTasks table, we keep track of -- tasks that need to be run and when, and try to stay on schedule. This -- keeps us light on resources: typically one system timer only for any -- number of devices. local functions = { [tostring(masterTick)]="masterTick", [tostring(sensorTick)]="sensorTick", [tostring(loadWaitingScenes)]="loadWaitingScenes", [tostring(execSceneGroups)]="execSceneGroups" } function tick(p) D("tick(%1) pluginDevice=%2", p, pluginDevice) if tonumber(p) ~= runStamp then D("tick() stamp mismatch (got %1, expecting %2), newer thread running. Bye!", p, runStamp) return end local now = os.time() tickTasks._plugin.when = 0 -- mark executive running -- Since the tasks can manipulate the tickTasks table (via calls to -- scheduleTick()), the iterator is likely to be disrupted, so make a -- separate list of tasks that need service (to-do list). local todo = {} for t,v in pairs(tickTasks) do if t ~= "_plugin" and v.when ~= nil and v.when <= now then table.insert( todo, v ) end end table.sort( todo, function( a, b ) return (a.when or now) < (b.when or now) end ) -- Run the to-do list tasks. D("tick() to-do list is %1", todo) for _,v in ipairs(todo) do v.when = nil -- task needs to reschedule itself (also marks running) v.lasterr = nil D("tick() running eligible task %1", v.id) local success, err = xpcall( function() return v.func( v.owner, v.id, unpack(v.args or {}) ) end, function( er ) v.lasterr = er T({level=1,msg="%1 (#%2) tick failed: %3"}, (luup.devices[v.owner] or {}).description, v.owner, er) return er end ) v.lastrun = now D("tick() return %2 from task %1, err=%3", v.id, success, err) if not success then addEvent{ dev=v.owner, event="error", message="tick failed", reason=err } if v.onerr then D("tick() calling error handler for task %1", v.id ) pcall( v.onerr, v.owner, v.id, err ) end else D("tick() task %1 next run %2", v.id, v.when) end end -- Things change while we work. Take another pass to find next task. local nextTick = nil local del = {} for t,v in pairs(tickTasks) do if t ~= "_plugin" then if v.when then if not nextTick or v.when < nextTick then nextTick = v.when end elseif v.autoclose then -- If task is not rescheduled and autoclose, mark for removal. table.insert( del, t ) end end end for k,t in ipairs(del) do tickTasks[t] = nil -- or call clearTask()? D("tick() auto-closed task %1", t ) addEvent{ dev=v.owner, msg="auto-closed task %(taskid)s", taskid=t } end -- Figure out next master tick, or don't resched if no tasks waiting. D("tick() finished, next eligible task at %1", nextTick) if nextTick then now = os.time() -- Get the actual time now; above tasks can take a while. local delay = math.max( 0, nextTick - now ) tickTasks._plugin.when = now + delay D("tick() scheduling next tick(%3) for %1 (%2)", delay, tickTasks._plugin.when, p) luup.call_delay( "reactorTick", delay, p ) else D("tick() finished, not rescheduling, nextTick=%1, stepStamp=%2, runStamp=%3", nextTick, p, runStamp) tickTasks._plugin = nil end end -- Handle the sensor-specific watch (dispatched from the watch callback) local function sensorWatch( dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal, tdev, pdev ) D("sensorWatch(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7)", dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal, tdev, pdev) local enabled = isEnabled( tdev ) -- Watched variable has changed. Re-evaluate conditons. if dev == pdev then addEvent{ dev=tdev, event='devicewatch', device=dev, name=(luup.devices[dev] or {}).description, var=var } elseif sid == RSSID and var == "cdata" then addEvent{ dev=dev, msg="Configuration changed!", event="configchange" } if enabled then L("%1 (#%2) configuration change, updating!", dev, luup.devices[dev].description) stopScene( dev, nil, dev ) -- Stop all scenes in this device context. getSensorConfig( dev, true ) else return -- no update while disabled end elseif sid == RSSID and var == "TestTime" then if newVal == "" then setVar( RSSID, "tref", "", dev ) else -- Set reference time. If test time has no seconds, sync reference time to 0sec as well. local tr = os.time() local tt = tonumber(newVal) or tr if ( tt % 60 ) == 0 then tr = math.floor( tr / 60 ) * 60 end setVar( RSSID, "tref", tr, dev ) end else addEvent{ dev=tdev, event='devicewatch', device=dev, msg="Device %(name)s (#%(device)s) %(var)s changed from %(old)s to %(new)s%(act)s", name=(luup.devices[dev] or {}).description, var=sid .. "/" .. var, old=string.format("%q", tostring(oldVal):sub(1,64)), new=string.format("%q", tostring(newVal):sub(1,64)), act=enabled and "" or " (ignored/disabled)" } end if enabled then local holdOff = getVarNumeric( "WatchResponseHoldOff", 0, tdev, RSSID ) if holdOff < 0 then -- Immediate update. updateSensor( tdev ) D("sensorWatch() update #%1 finished", tdev) return end D("sensorWatch() scheduling update of #%1 for +%2", tdev, holdOff) scheduleDelay( { id=tostring(tdev), owner=tdev, func=sensorTick }, holdOff ) end end -- Watch callback. Dispatches to sensor-specific handling. function watch( dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal ) D("watch(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal) assert(var ~= nil) -- nil if service or device watch (can happen on openLuup) -- openLuup: as of 191210, openLuup's variable_watch is a little different, in that it places -- a service watch when a variable watch is placed for a variable that is NOT declared in the -- service file. So filter a bit more here (reduces re-eval chatter that I was hunting for). if luup.devices[dev].device_num_parent == pluginDevice and luup.devices[dev].id == "hmt" and sid == SENSOR_SID and var == "Armed" then -- Arming state changed on HMT, update house mode. D("watch() HMT device %1 arming state changed", dev) if geofenceMode ~= 0 and not getVarBool( "SuppressGeofenceHMTUpdate", false, pluginDevice, MYSID ) then D("watch() forcing geofence update job for house mode change") geofenceEvent = geofenceEvent + 1 luup.call_action( MYSID, "UpdateGeofences", { event=geofenceEvent }, pluginDevice ) -- luacheck: ignore 211 end local mode = luup.attr_get( "Mode", 0 ) or "1" D("watch() updating HouseMode to %1", mode) setVar( MYSID, "HouseMode", mode, pluginDevice ) setHMTModeSetting( dev ) elseif dev == isOpenLuup and sid == "openLuup" and var == "HouseMode" then D("watch() openLuup house mode changed to %1", newVal) -- No geofencing on openLuup, so we don't need to worry about that here. setVar( MYSID, "HouseMode", newVal, pluginDevice ) else -- Dispatch watches for ReactorSensors local key = string.format("%d/%s/%s", dev or 0, sid or "X", var or "X") if watchData[key] then for t in pairs( watchData[key] ) do local tdev = tonumber(t) or 0 if (luup.devices[tdev] or {}).device_type == RSTYPE then D("watch() dispatching to %1 (%2)", tdev, luup.devices[tdev].description) local success,err = pcall( sensorWatch, dev, sid, var, oldVal, newVal, tdev, pluginDevice ) if not success then E("watch() device %2 dispatch error: %1", err, tdev) end end end elseif not isOpenLuup then -- We don't issue this warning for openLuup because we use device watches (for now). D("watch() callback for unregistered/unwatched dev/service/state %1", key) end end end local EOL = "\r\n" local summaryDevices local function getDevice( dev, pdev, v ) if v == nil then v = luup.devices[dev] end local devinfo = { devNum=dev , ['type']=v.device_type , description=v.description or "" , room=v.room_num or 0 , udn=v.udn or "" , id=v.id , parent=v.device_num_parent or pdev , ['device_json'] = luup.attr_get( "device_json", dev ) , ['impl_file'] = luup.attr_get( "impl_file", dev ) , ['device_file'] = luup.attr_get( "device_file", dev ) , manufacturer = luup.attr_get( "manufacturer", dev ) or "" , model = luup.attr_get( "model", dev ) or "" , plugin = luup.attr_get( "plugin", dev ) } local rc,t,httpStatus,uri if isOpenLuup then uri = "http://localhost:3480/data_request?id=status&DeviceNum=" .. dev .. "&output_format=json" else uri = "http://localhost/port_3480/data_request?id=status&DeviceNum=" .. dev .. "&output_format=json" end rc,t,httpStatus = luup.inet.wget(uri, 15) if httpStatus ~= 200 or rc ~= 0 then devinfo['_comment'] = string.format( 'State info could not be retrieved, rc=%s, http=%s, UnsafeLua=%s', tostring(rc), tostring(httpStatus), tostring(unsafeLua) ) return devinfo end local d = json.decode(t) local key = "Device_Num_" .. dev if d ~= nil and d[key] ~= nil and d[key].states ~= nil then d = d[key].states else d = nil end devinfo.states = d or {} return devinfo end local function getLuaSummary( lua, encoded, fmt ) if ( encoded or 0 ) ~= 0 then lua = mime.unb64( lua ) if lua == nil then return string.format( fmt, 0, "Can't unb64 lua block" ) .. EOL end end local r = "" lua = lua:gsub( "\r\n", "\n" ):gsub( "\r", "\n" ) local lines = split( lua, "\n" ) for ix=1,#lines do r = r .. string.format( fmt, ix, lines[ix] ) .. EOL end return r end local function getReactorScene( t, s, tdev, runscenes, cf ) D("getReactorScene(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", t, s, tdev, runscenes, tostring(cf)) local resp = " Activity " .. t .. ( s and "" or " (none)" ) .. EOL local pfx = " " if s then for _,gr in ipairs( s.groups or {}) do if (gr.delay or "0") ~= "0" then resp = resp .. pfx .. "Delay " .. gr.delay .. " " .. (gr.delaytype or "inline") .. EOL end for _,act in ipairs( gr.actions or {} ) do D("getReactorScene() action %1", act) if act.type == "comment" then resp = resp .. pfx .. "Comment: " .. tostring(act.comment) .. EOL elseif act.type == "runlua" then resp = resp .. pfx .. "Run Lua:" .. EOL resp = resp .. getLuaSummary( act.lua, act.encoded_lua, pfx .. "%6d: %s" ) elseif act.type == "runscene" then resp = resp .. pfx .. "Run scene " .. tostring(act.scene) .. " " .. ((luup.scenes[act.scene] or {}).description or ((act.sceneName or "").."?")) resp = resp .. ( ( ( act.usevera or 0 ) ~= 0 ) and " (via luup)" or " (via int exec)" ) resp = resp .. EOL if not runscenes[tostring(act.scene)] then runscenes[tostring(act.scene)] = getSceneData( act.scene, tdev ) end elseif act.type == "device" then local p = {} for pn,pp in ipairs( act.parameters or {} ) do local z = pp.value == nil and "(no value)" or string.format("%q", tostring(pp.value)) table.insert( p, tostring(pp.name or pn) .. "=" .. z ) end p = table.concat( p, ", " ) resp = resp .. pfx .. "Device " resp = resp .. ( ( act.device or -1 ) == -1 and "(self)" or ( ( (luup.devices[act.device or -1] or {}).description or ( (act.devicename or act.deviceName or "unknown") .. "?" ) ) .. " (" .. tostring(act.device) .. ")" ) ) resp = resp .. " action " .. (act.service or "?") .. "/" .. (act.action or "?") .. "( " .. p .. " )" resp = resp .. EOL if act.device ~= -1 then summaryDevices[tostring(act.device)] = true if ( ( luup.devices[act.device] or {} ).device_num_parent or 0 ) ~= 0 then summaryDevices[tostring(luup.devices[act.device].device_num_parent)] = true end end elseif act.type == "housemode" then resp = resp .. pfx .. "Change house mode to " .. tostring(act.housemode) .. EOL elseif act.type == "rungsa" or act.type == "stopgsa" then resp = resp .. pfx .. ( act.type == "stopgsa" and "Stop" or "Run" ) resp = resp .. " " .. tostring( act.activity or "all activities" ) if ( act.device or -1 ) ~= -1 then resp = resp .. " on " .. ( (luup.devices[act.device or -1] or {}).description or ( (act.devicename or act.deviceName or "unknown") .. "?" ) ) .. " (" .. tostring(act.device) .. ")" end if ( act.stopall or 0 ) ~= 0 then resp = resp .. " (after stopping all others)" end resp = resp .. EOL elseif act.type == "resetlatch" then resp = resp .. pfx .. "Reset latched conditions in " if act.group == "*" then resp = resp .. "all groups" elseif ( act.group or "" ) == "" then resp = resp .. "this group" else resp = resp .. tostring(act.group) end if ( act.device or -1 ) ~= -1 then resp = resp .. " on " .. ( (luup.devices[act.device or -1] or {}).description or ( (act.devicename or act.deviceName or "unknown") .. "?" ) ) .. " (" .. tostring(act.device) .. ")" end resp = resp .. EOL elseif act.type == "notify" then resp = resp .. pfx .. "Notify method " .. tostring(act.method) .. " nid " .. tostring(act.notifyid) .. ":" if cf.notifications and cf.notifications[tostring(act.notifyid)] then local nn = cf.notifications[tostring(act.notifyid)] if nn.scene then resp = resp .. " sid " .. nn.scene end if ( nn.users or "") ~= "" then resp = resp .. " users " .. tostring(nn.users) end resp = resp .. " message " .. string.format("%q", tostring(nn.message)) end for k,v in pairs(act) do if not string.match(":type:method:notifyid:", k) then resp = resp .. string.format("; %s=%q", k, tostring(v)) end end local mv = { SM={"SMTPServer","SMTPPort","SMTPSender","SMTPDefaultRecipient","SMTPDefaultSubject","SMTPUsername","*SMTPPassword"}, PR={"ProwlProvider","ProwlSubject","ProwlURL","*ProwlAPIKey"}, PO={"PushoverUser","PushoverDefaultDevice","*PushoverToken"} } for _,v in ipairs( mv[tostring(act.method)] or {} ) do local m,n = v:match("^(%*)(.*)") n = n or v local vv = getVar( n, "", pluginDevice, MYSID ) if m and vv ~= "" then vv = "*" end resp = resp .. string.format("; %s=%q", n, tostring(vv)) end if act.method == "SM" then resp = resp .. "; SSL opt " .. json.encode( getSSLParams( "SMTP" ) ) end resp = resp .. EOL elseif act.type == "setvar" then resp = resp .. pfx .. string.format("Set Variable %s=%q", tostring(act.variable), tostring(act.value)) if act.reeval then resp = resp .. " (force re-eval)" end resp = resp .. EOL else resp = resp .. pfx .. "Action type " .. tostring(act.type) .. "?" local arr = {} for k,v in pairs(act) do if k ~= "type" then table.insert( arr, k .. "=" .. tostring(v) ) end end if #arr then resp = resp .. " " .. table.concat( arr, ", " ) end resp = resp .. EOL end end end end return resp end local function getEvents( deviceNum ) D("getEvents(%1)", deviceNum) if deviceNum == nil or luup.devices[deviceNum] == nil or luup.devices[deviceNum].device_type ~= RSTYPE then return "no events: device does not exist or is not ReactorSensor" end local resp = " Events" .. EOL local sst = getSensorState( deviceNum ) for _,e in ipairs( sst.eventList or {} ) do if type(e) == "string" then resp = resp .. " " .. e .. EOL else resp = resp .. string.format(" %s ", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", e.when or 0) ) resp = resp .. ( e.event or "event?" ) .. ": " local d = {} for k,v in pairs(e) do if not ( k == "time" or k == "when" or k == "event" or ( k == "dev" and tostring(v)==tostring(deviceNum) ) ) then table.insert( d, string.format("%s=%s", tostring(k), tostring(v)) ) end end resp = resp .. table.concat( d, ", " ) .. EOL end end return resp end -- A "safer" JSON encode for Lua structures that may contain recursive references. -- This output is intended for display ONLY, it is not to be used for data transfer. local function alt_json_encode( st, seen ) seen = seen or {} str = "{" local comma = false for k,v in pairs(st) do str = str .. ( comma and "," or "" ) comma = true str = str .. '"' .. k .. '":' if type(v) == "table" then if seen[v] then str = str .. '"(recursion)"' else seen[v] = k str = str .. alt_json_encode( v, seen ) end else str = str .. stringify( v, seen ) end end str = str .. "}" return str end -- Stringify a primitive type stringify = function( v, seen ) if v == nil then return "(nil)" elseif type(v) == "number" or type(v) == "boolean" then return tostring(v) elseif type(v) == "table" then return alt_json_encode( v, seen ) end return string.format( "%q", tostring(v) ) end local function shortDate( d ) d = tonumber(d) or 0 if d == 0 then return "n/a" end local delta = math.abs( os.time() - d ) if delta < 86400 then return os.date("%X", d) elseif delta < (86400*364) then return os.date("%m-%d.%X", d) end return os.date("%Y-%m-%d.%X", d) end local function getLuupSceneSummary( scd ) local r = EOL local pfx = " " if ( scd.lua or "" ) ~= "" then r = r .. pfx .. "Scene Lua:" .. EOL r = r .. getLuaSummary( scd.lua, scd.encoded_lua, pfx .. " %6d: %s" ) end for ix,gr in ipairs( scd.groups or {} ) do r = r .. string.format( "%sGroup %d", pfx, ix ) if ( gr.delay or 0 ) > 0 then r = r .. string.format( " delay %d", gr.delay ) end r = r .. EOL for _,ac in ipairs( gr.actions or {} ) do r = r .. string.format( "%s Device %s (%s) %s/%s ", pfx, ac.device, (luup.devices[tonumber(ac.device or -1) or -1] or {}).description or "?missing?", ac.service, ac.action ) local pp = {} for iz,p in ipairs( ac.arguments or {} ) do table.insert( pp, string.format( "%s=%q", p.name or tostring(iz), tostring(p.value) ) ) end if #pp then r = r .. "( " .. table.concat( pp, ", " ) .. " )" .. EOL end end end return r end local function showGeofenceData( r ) r = r or "" local data = getVarJSON( "IsHome", {}, pluginDevice, MYSID ) r = r .. " Geofence: running in " .. (geofenceMode < 0 and "long" or "quick") .. " mode" .. ", last update " .. shortDate( data.since ) .. ", data version " .. tostring(data.version) .. EOL for user,udata in pairs( data.users or {} ) do r = r .. " User " .. tostring(user) .. " ishome=" .. tostring(udata.ishome) .. " inlist=" .. table.concat( udata.inlist or {} ) .. " since=" .. shortDate( udata.since ) .. EOL for _,tdata in pairs( udata.tags or {} ) do r = r .. " " .. string.format("|%5d %q type=%q status=%q since=%s", tdata.id, tdata.name or "", (tdata.homeloc or 0)~=0 and "home" or "other", tdata.status or "", tdata.since ~= nil and shortDate( tdata.since ) or "n/a") .. EOL end end r = r .. " Raw: " .. getReactorVar( "raw_udgeo", "" ) .. EOL return r end function getCondOpt( cond ) local condopt = cond.options or {} local r = "" if condopt.after then if ( condopt.aftertime or 0 ) > 0 then r = r .. " within " .. tostring(condopt.aftertime) .. "s" end r = r .. " after " .. condopt.after end if condopt.duration then r = r .. " for " .. ( condopt.duration_op or "ge" ) .. " " .. condopt.duration .. "s" end if condopt.repeatcount then r = r .. " repeats " .. condopt.repeatcount .. " within " .. ( condopt.repeatwithin or 60 ).. "s" end if (condopt.latch or 0) ~= 0 then r = r .. "; output latching" elseif (condopt.pulsetime or 0) > 0 then r = r .. "; output pulse " .. condopt.pulsetime .. "s on" if ( condopt.pulsebreak or 0 ) > 0 then r = r .. " " .. condopt.pulsebreak .. "s off and repeat" if ( condopt.pulsecount or 0 ) > 0 then r = r .. " max " .. condopt.pulsecount .. " times" end end elseif (condopt.holdtime or 0) > 0 then r = r .. "; output follow, delay reset for " .. condopt.holdtime .. "s" end return r end function RG( grp, condState, level, r ) r = r or "" level = level or 1 local gs = condState[ grp.id ] or {} r = r .. "\"" .. (grp.name or grp.id) .. "\" (" .. ( grp.invert and "NOT " or "" ) .. (grp.operator or "and"):upper() .. ") " .. getCondOpt( grp ) .. ( gs.evalstate and " TRUE" or " false" ) .. " as of " .. shortDate( gs.evalstamp ) .. ( grp.disabled and " DISABLED" or "" ) .. ( gs.pulsecount and ( " pulses " .. gs.pulsecount ) or "" ) .. ' <' .. tostring(grp.id) .. '>' .. EOL local opch = ({ ['and']="&", ['or']="|", xor="^", ['nul']="Z" })[grp.operator or "and"] or "+" for _,cond in ipairs( grp.conditions or {} ) do local condtype = cond.type or "group" local cs = condState[cond.id] or {} r = r .. " " .. string.rep( " | ", level-1 ) .. " " .. opch .. "-" .. ( cond.disabled and "X" or ( (cs.evalstate == nil) and "?" or ( cs.evalstate and "T" or "F" ) ) ) .. "-" .. condtype .. " " if condtype == "group" then r = r .. RG( cond, condState, level+1 ) elseif condtype == "service" then r = r .. string.format("%s (%d) ", cond.device == -1 and "(self)" or ( ( luup.devices[cond.device]==nil ) and ( "*** missing " .. ( cond.devicename or "unknown" ) ) or luup.devices[cond.device].description ), cond.device ) r = r .. string.format("%s/%s %s %s", cond.service or "?", cond.variable or "?", cond.operator or "?", cond.value or "") if cond.nocase == 0 then r = r .. " (match case)" end if cond.device ~= -1 then summaryDevices[tostring(cond.device)] = true if ( ( luup.devices[cond.device] or {} ).device_num_parent or 0 ) ~= 0 then summaryDevices[tostring(luup.devices[cond.device].device_num_parent)] = true end end elseif condtype == "grpstate" then r = r .. string.format("%s (%d) ", cond.device == -1 and "(self)" or ( ( luup.devices[cond.device]==nil ) and ( "*** missing " .. ( cond.devicename or "unknown" ) ) or luup.devices[cond.device].description ), cond.device ) r = r .. ( cond.groupname or cond.groupid or "?" ) .. " (" .. ( cond.groupid or "?" ) .. ")" r = r .. ' ' .. ( cond.operator or "op?" ) elseif condtype == "comment" then r = r .. string.format("%q", cond.comment) elseif condtype == "housemode" then r = r .. "in " .. ( cond.value or "" ) elseif condtype == "sun" then r = r .. ( cond.operator or "?" ) .. " " .. ( cond.value or "" ) elseif condtype == "trange" then r = r .. ( cond.operator or "?" ) .. " " .. ( cond.value or "" ) elseif condtype == "ishome" then r = r .. ( cond.operator or "is" ) .. " " .. ( cond.value or "" ) elseif condtype == "reload" then elseif condtype == "interval" then if (cond.days or 0) > 0 then r = r .. cond.days .. "d" end r = r .. string.format("%02dh:%02dm", tonumber(cond.hours) or 0, tonumber(cond.mins) or 0) if cond.relto == "condtrue" then r = r .. " relative to <" .. (cond.relcond or "?") .. "> true" else r = r .. " relative to " .. (cond.basedate or "") .. "," .. (cond.basetime or "-,-") end elseif condtype == "var" then r = r .. string.format("%s %s %s", tostring(cond.var), tostring(cond.operator), tostring(cond.value)) else r = r .. json.encode(cond) end if condtype ~= "group" then r = r .. getCondOpt( cond ) end if not (":comment:group:"):match( condtype ) then r = r .. " [" if cs.priorvalue then r = r .. tostring(cs.priorvalue) .. " => " end r = r .. tostring(cs.lastvalue) .. " at " .. shortDate( cs.valuestamp ) r = r .. ( cs.laststate and "; T" or "; F" ) .. "/" .. (cs.evalstate and "T" or "F" ) r = r .. " as of " .. shortDate( cs.statestamp ) .. "/" .. shortDate( cs.evalstamp ) if cs.pulsecount then r = r .. "; pulses " .. cs.pulsecount end r = r .. "]" end if condtype ~= "group" then r = r .. " <" .. cond.id .. ">" r = r .. EOL end end return r end function requestSummary( lul_request, lul_parameters, lul_outputformat, deviceNum ) -- luacheck: ignore 212 local r = ([[ INSTRUCTIONS FOR POSTING TO VERA COMMUNITY FORUMS: * COPY/PASTE ALL lines AFTER the ===== separator below, INCLUDING the ``` lines. * DO NOT omit the ``` lines! They must be included to preserve report formatting! * DO NOT edit or redact this report. If you have privacy concerns about posting it to the forums, send via email, below. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EMAILING (BETTER PRIVACY): > Use this method if you have concerns about posting the report contents publicly. * Right-click in this pane and choose "Save as..." to save this entire report to a file. * ATTACH the file in an email to: reactor@toggledbits.com * DO NOT copy/paste the report text into the email body! Attachments only please. * Include your forum name in the body of the email, so I know who you are. * Please let me know via the community forums that you've emailed a report. * Please DO NOT use this email address for any other communication. It's for report attachments only. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR READING AND FOLLOWING THESE INSTRUCTIONS! ALTHOUGH MY TIME IS FREE, I DON'T ALWAYS HAVE A LOT OF IT, SO YOUR DILIGENCE REALLY HELPS ME WORK AS QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE. ===== ]]):gsub("\t"," ") r = r .. "```" .. EOL r = r .. string.rep("*", 51) .. " REACTOR LOGIC SUMMARY REPORT " .. string.rep("*", 51) .. EOL r = r .. " Version: " .. tostring(_PLUGIN_VERSION) .. " config " .. tostring(_CONFIGVERSION) .. " cdata " .. tostring(_CDATAVERSION) .. " ui " .. tostring(_UIVERSION) .. " pluginDevice " .. pluginDevice .. " LuaXP " .. tostring(luaxp and luaxp._VERSION or "not loaded") .. EOL r = r .. " System: " if isOpenLuup then local v = getVarNumeric( "Vnumber", 0, isOpenLuup, "openLuup" ) r = r .. "openLuup version " .. tostring(v) local p = io.popen( "uname -a" ) if p then v = p:read("*l") p:close() r = r .. " on " .. tostring(v) r = r .. "; in " .. getInstallPath() end else r = r .. "Vera version " .. tostring(luup.version) .. " (" .. (luup.short_version or "pre-7.30") .. ") on ".. tostring(luup.attr_get("model",0) or "") .. " ID " .. tostring(luup.modelID) .. " (" .. ( ({["35"]="Vera Edge", ["36"]="Vera Plus", ["37"]="Vera Secure"})[tostring(luup.modelID or "X")] or "unknown" ) .. ")" end r = r .. "; loadtime " .. tostring( luup.attr_get('LoadTime',0) or "" ) .. "/" .. getVar( "LoadTime", 0, pluginDevice, MYSID ) r = r .. "; systemReady " .. tostring( systemReady ) if isALTUI then r = r .. "; ALTUI" local v = luup.variable_get( "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:altui1", "Version", isALTUI ) r = r .. " " .. tostring(v) end r = r .. EOL r = r .. " Env: " .. tostring((_G or {})._VERSION) pcall( function() if json then r = r .. "; JSON " .. (json.version or "unknown") .. (json.using_lpeg and "+LPeg" or "" ) end end ) r = r .. "; UnsafeLua=" .. tostring(luup.attr_get( "UnsafeLua", 0 ) or "nil") .. "/" .. tostring(unsafeLua) r = r .. EOL r = r .. "Local time: " .. os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") .. ( clockValid and ( clockStable and "" or " ***UNSTABLE***" ) or " ***BOGUS***" ) .. "; DST=" .. getReactorVar( "LastDST", "?" ) .. "; " .. tostring(luup.attr_get("City_description",0) or "") .. ", " .. tostring(luup.attr_get("Region_description",0) or "") .. " " .. tostring(luup.attr_get("Country_description",0) or "") .. "; formats " .. tostring(dateFormat) .. " " .. tostring(timeFormat) .. EOL r = r .. "House mode: plugin " .. getReactorVar( "HouseMode", "?") .. "; system " .. tostring( luup.attr_get('Mode',0) or "" ) .. "; tracking " .. ( usesHouseMode and "on" or "off" ) .. EOL r = r .. " Sun data: " .. getReactorVar( "sundata", "" ) .. EOL if geofenceMode ~= 0 then local status, p = pcall( showGeofenceData ) if status then r = r .. p else r = r .. " Geofence: parse error, " .. tostring(p) .. EOL end else r = r .. " Geofence: not running" .. EOL end if hasBattery then r = r .. " Power: " .. getReactorVar( "SystemPowerSource", "?") r = r .. ", battery level " .. getReactorVar( "SystemBatteryLevel", "?") .. EOL end r = r .. " RS: " .. getReactorVar( "rs", "" ) .. EOL r = r .. " NS: " .. getReactorVar( "ns", "" ) .. EOL for n,d in pairs( luup.devices ) do local scenesUsed = {} summaryDevices = {} if d.device_type == RSTYPE and ( deviceNum==nil or n==deviceNum ) then D("requestSummary() handling device %1 %2", n, d.description) local status = ( ( getVarNumeric( "Armed", 0, n, SENSOR_SID ) ~= 0 ) and " armed" or "" ) status = status .. ( ( getVarNumeric("Tripped", 0, n, SENSOR_SID ) ~= 0 ) and " tripped" or "" ) status = status .. ( ( getVarNumeric("Enabled", 1, n, RSSID ) ~= 0 ) and "" or " DISABLED" ) status = status .. ( ( getVarNumeric("Trouble", 0, n, RSSID ) ~= 0 ) and " TROUBLE" or "" ) r = r .. string.rep( "*", 132 ) .. EOL r = r .. string.format("%s (#%d)%s", tostring(d.description), n, status) .. EOL local xok, cdata = pcall( getSensorConfig, n ) if not xok or type(cdata) ~= "table" then r = r .. " **** UNPARSEABLE CONFIGURATION ****" .. EOL .. tostring(cdata) .. EOL else r = r .. string.format(" Version %s.%s %s", cdata.version or 0, cdata.serial or 0, os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X", cdata.timestamp or 0)) .. EOL r = r .. string.format(" Message/status: %s", getVar( "Message", "", n ) ) .. EOL local s = getVarNumeric( "TestTime", 0, n, RSSID ) if s > 0 then local tref = getVarNumeric( "tref", os.time(), n, RSSID ) local offs = os.time() - tref r = r .. string.format("** Test Time Set: %s; offset now %ss, test clock %s", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X", s), offs, os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X", s + offs)) .. EOL end s = getVarNumeric( "TestHouseMode", 0, n, RSSID ) if s ~= 0 then r = r .. string.format(" Test house mode set: %d", s) .. EOL end local condState = loadCleanState( n ) local first = true for _,vv in variables( cdata ) do if first then r = r .. " Variable/expressions" .. EOL first = false end local vs = (condState.vars or {})[vv.name] or {} local lv = vs.lastvalue local vt = type(lv) if vt == "table" and lv.__type == "null" then lv = "null" vt = "luaxp.null" elseif vt == "string" or vt == "table" then lv = json.encode( lv ) elseif lv == nil then lv = "(no value)" else lv = tostring( lv ) end r = r .. string.format(" %3d: %-24s %s [last %s(%s)]", vv.index or 0, vv.name or "?", vv.expression or "?", lv, vt) .. ( (vv.export or 1) ~= 0 and " (exported)" or "" ) .. EOL if vs.err then r = r .. " *** Error: " .. tostring(vs.err) .. EOL end end r = r .. " Condition group " .. RG( cdata.conditions.root or {}, condState ) for k,v in pairs( cdata.activities or {} ) do r = r .. getReactorScene( k, v, n, scenesUsed, cdata ) end r = r .. getEvents( n ) end D("requestSummary() summaryDevices") if next( summaryDevices ) then r = r .. " Devices" .. EOL for kd in pairs( summaryDevices ) do local nd = tonumber( kd ) or -1 local sd = luup.devices[nd] if sd == nil then r = r .. string.format( " *** UNKNOWN DEVICE #%s%s", kd, EOL ) else local pn = luup.attr_get( 'plugin', nd ) or "" r = r .. string.format( " %s (%d) %s (%s/%s); parent %d; plugin %s; mfg %s model %s; dev %s impl %s%s", sd.description or "?", nd, sd.device_type or "?", sd.category_num or "?", sd.subcategory_num or "?", sd.device_num_parent or -1, (pn == "") and "-" or pn, luup.attr_get( 'manufacturer', nd ) or "-", luup.attr_get( 'model', nd ) or "-", luup.attr_get( 'device_file', nd ) or "-", luup.attr_get( 'impl_file', nd ) or "-", EOL ) end end end summaryDevices = nil D("requestSummary() watchData") if next(watchData) then r = r .. " Watches" .. EOL for key,devs in pairs( watchData or {} ) do for dev in pairs( devs or {} ) do if tonumber(dev) == n then if not pcall( function( kk ) local dd = split( kk, '/' ) r = r .. string.format(" Device #%s %s service %s variable %s%s", dd[1] or "nil", ( luup.devices[tonumber(dd[1]) or -1] or {} ).description or "(deleted/unknown)", dd[2] or "nil", dd[3] or nil, EOL ) end, key ) then r = r .. " Error formatting " .. tostring(key) .. "=" .. tostring(dev) .. EOL end break end end end end local first = true for t,s in pairs( sceneState or {} ) do if s.owner == n or s.context == n then if first then r = r .. " Activities in Progress" .. EOL first = false end r = r .. string.format( " %s: %s", t, dump( s ) ) .. EOL end end D("requestSummary() special config") first = true for _,v in ipairs( { "UseReactorScenes", "LogEventsToFile", "EventLogMaxKB", "Retrigger", "AutoUntrip", "MaxUpdateRate", "MaxChangeRate", "FailOnTrouble", "ContinuousTimer", "ForceGeofenceMode", "StateCacheExpiry", "SuppressLuupRestartUpdate", "ActivityCheckpoint", "ActivityMaxExecTime", "RunBackgroundActivities", "WatchResponseHoldOff", "UseLegacyTripBehavior", "SSLProtocol", "SSLVerify", "SSLOptions", "RequestActionResponseLimit", "RequestActionTimeout", "RequestActionUseCurl", "RequestActionCurlOptions", "RequestActionFollowRedirects", "RequestActionAcceptStatus", "SMTPSSLParams", "SMTPSSLProtocol", "SMTPSSLMode", "SMTPSSLVerify", "SMTPSSLOptions" } ) do local val = luup.variable_get( RSSID, v, deviceNum ) or "" if val ~= "" then if first then first=false r = r .. " Special Configuration" .. EOL end r = r .. " " .. v .. " = " .. val .. EOL end end D("requestSummary() scenesUsed") if next( scenesUsed ) then r = r .. " Scenes" .. EOL for scid, scd in pairs( scenesUsed ) do r = r .. ' Scene #' .. scid .. " " .. tostring(scd.name) local success, t = pcall( getLuupSceneSummary, scd ) if success and t then r = r .. t else r = r .. " - summary not available: " .. tostring(t) .. EOL end end end end end r = r .. "```" .. EOL D("requestSummary() done") return r end local MIMETYPE_JSON = "application/json" function request( lul_request, lul_parameters, lul_outputformat ) D("request(%1,%2,%3) luup.device=%4", lul_request, lul_parameters, lul_outputformat, luup.device) local action = lul_parameters['action'] or lul_parameters['command'] or "" local deviceNum = tonumber( lul_parameters['device'] ) if action == "debug" then if lul_parameters.debug ~= nil then debugMode = TRUESTRINGS:match( lul_parameters.debug ) else debugMode = not debugMode end D("debug set %1 by request", debugMode) if debugMode then maxEvents = math.max( 250, maxEvents ) end return "Debug is now " .. ( debugMode and "on" or "off" ) .. ", maxEvents=" .. maxEvents, "text/plain" elseif action == "preloadscene" then -- Preload scene used by a ReactorSensor. Call by UI during edit. if ( lul_parameters.flush or 0 ) ~= 0 then -- On demand, flush all scene data. sceneData = {} luup.variable_set( MYSID, "scenedata", "{}", pluginDevice ) end local status, msg = pcall( loadScene, tonumber(lul_parameters.scene or 0), pluginDevice ) return json.encode( { status=status,message=msg } ), MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "purge" then -- Purge scene data luup.variable_set( MYSID, "scenedata", "{}", pluginDevice ) scheduleDelay( { id="reload", func=luup.reload, owner=pluginDevice }, 2 ) return "Purged; reloading Luup.", "text/plain" elseif action == "clearconditionstate" then if luup.devices[deviceNum] and luup.devices[deviceNum].device_type == RSTYPE then clearConditionState( deviceNum ) return json.encode( { status=true } ), MIMETYPE_JSON end L({level=2,msg="Invalid clearconditionstate action device %1"}, deviceNum) return "ERROR\nInvalid device in request", "text/plain" elseif action == "clearpluginstate" then L({level=2,msg="Request to clear plugin state... here we go..."}) local children = {} for n,d in pairs( luup.devices ) do if d.device_num_parent == pluginDevice and d.device_type == RSTYPE then table.insert( children, n ) setVar( RSSID, "Message", "Stopped", n ) stopScene( nil, nil, n ) -- stop all scenes for this device clearOwnerTasks( n ) clearConditionState( n ) end end sceneState = {} luup.variable_set( MYSID, "runscene", "{}", pluginDevice ) sceneData = {} luup.variable_set( MYSID, "scenedata", "{}", pluginDevice ) luup.variable_set( MYSID, "IsHome", "{}", pluginDevice ) luaFunc = {} L"Plugin state cleared; restarting sensors." for _,n in ipairs( children ) do pcall( actionRestart, n ) end return '{"status":true,"message":"Plugin state cleared"}', MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "summary" then D("request() generating summary for %1", deviceNum ) local ok, r = pcall( requestSummary, lul_request, lul_parameters, lul_outputformat, deviceNum ) if not ok then return "ERROR\nHandler error: "..tostring(r), "text/plain" end return r, "text/plain" elseif action == "tryexpression" then if luup.devices[deviceNum] == nil or luup.devices[deviceNum].device_type ~= RSTYPE then return json.encode{ status=false, message="Invalid device number" }, MIMETYPE_JSON end local expr = lul_parameters['expr'] or "" local sst = getSensorState( deviceNum ) local cdata = getSensorConfig( deviceNum ) local ctx = sst.ctx or getExpressionContext( cdata, deviceNum ) -- if debugMode then luaxp._DEBUG = D end D("request() tryexpression expr=%1", expr) if expr:match( "^%s*$" ) then return json.encode( { status=true, resultValue="", err={ message="no expression" }, expression=expr } ), MIMETYPE_JSON end local result, err = luaxp.evaluate( expr, ctx ) return json.encode( { status=true, resultValue=result, err=err or false, expression=expr } ), MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "testlua" then local _,err = loadstring( lul_parameters.lua or "" ) if err then return json.encode{ status=false, message=err }, MIMETYPE_JSON end return json.encode{ status=true, message="Lua OK" }, MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "infoupdate" then -- Fetch and install updated deviceinfo file; these will change more frequently than the plugin. -- Updates are user-driven from the UI, and the user is advised that the version of firmware is -- sent to my server to ensure that the correct file is received (if per-version exceptions are -- needed). The version info and any other data collected by the process are not stored except -- in temporary logs that are periodically purged, and not for any analytical purpose. local targetPath = getInstallPath() .. "D_ReactorDeviceInfo.json" local tmpPath = "/tmp/D_ReactorDeviceInfo.tmp" if isOpenLuup then tmpPath = targetPath:gsub( "%.json.*$", ".tmp" ) end local http = require("socket.http") local ssl = require "ssl" local https = require("ssl.https") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local f = io.open( tmpPath , "w" ) if not f then return json.encode{ status=false, message="A temporary file could not be opened", path=tmpPath }, MIMETYPE_JSON end local body = "action=fetch&fv=" .. luup.version .. "&pv=" .. _PLUGIN_VERSION local req = { method = "POST", url = "https://www.toggledbits.com/deviceinfo/latest.php", redirect = false, headers = { ['Content-Length']=string.len( body ), ['Content-Type']="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, source = ltn12.source.string( body ), sink = ltn12.sink.file( f ), verify = getReactorVar( "SSLVerify", "none" ), protocol = getReactorVar( "SSLProtocol", (ssl._VERSION or "0.5"):match( "^0%.[45]") and "tlsv1" or "any" ), options = getReactorVar( "SSLOptions", "all" ) } http.TIMEOUT = 30 https.TIMEOUT = 30 local cond, httpStatus, httpHeaders = https.request( req ) D("request() returned from request(), cond=%1, httpStatus=%2, httpHeaders=%3", cond, httpStatus, httpHeaders) -- No need to close f, the sink does it for us. -- Handle special errors from socket library if tonumber(httpStatus) == nil then respBody = httpStatus httpStatus = 500 end if httpStatus == 200 then if isOpenLuup then -- openLuup just copies file, no compression. os.execute( "mv -f '" .. tmpPath .. "' '" .. targetPath .. "'" ) else -- Save to compressed (LZO) file on Vera Luup. os.remove( targetPath ) -- remove uncompressed if present targetPath = targetPath .. ".lzo" os.remove( targetPath ) os.execute( string.format( "pluto-lzo c '%s' '%s'", tmpPath, targetPath ) ) end if not file_exists( targetPath ) then return json.encode{ status=false, message="The download was successful but the updated file could not be installed;" .. " please move " .. tmpPath .. " to " .. targetPath }, MIMETYPE_JSON end os.remove( tmpPath ) return json.encode{ status=true, message="Device info updated" }, MIMETYPE_JSON end os.remove( tmpPath ) return json.encode{ status=false, message="Download failed (" .. tostring(httpStatus) .. ")" }, MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "submitdevice" then D("request() submitdevice with data %1", lul_parameters.data) local http = require("socket.http") local https = require("ssl.https") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local body = lul_parameters.data local resp = {} local req = { method = "POST", url = "https://www.toggledbits.com/deviceinfo/submitdevice.php", redirect = false, headers = { ['Content-Length']=string.len( body ), ['Content-Type']=MIMETYPE_JSON }, source = ltn12.source.string( body ), sink = ltn12.sink.table(resp), verify = getReactorVar( "SSLVerify", "none" ), protocol = getReactorVar( "SSLProtocol", "tlsv1_2" ), options = getReactorVar( "SSLOptions", "all" ) } http.TIMEOUT = 30 https.TIMEOUT = 30 local cond, httpStatus, httpHeaders = https.request( req ) D("request() returned from request(), cond=%1, httpStatus=%2, httpHeaders=%3", cond, httpStatus, httpHeaders) -- Handle special errors from socket library if tonumber(httpStatus) == nil then respBody = httpStatus httpStatus = 500 end if httpStatus == 200 then return json.encode( { status=true, message="OK" } ), MIMETYPE_JSON end return json.encode( { status=false, message="Can't send device info, status " .. httpStatus } ), MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "config" or action == "backup" then local st = { _comment="Reactor configuration " .. os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X"), timestamp=os.time(), version=_PLUGIN_VERSION, sensors={} } for k,v in pairs( luup.devices ) do if v.device_type == RSTYPE then local key = tostring(k) st.sensors[key] = { name=v.description, devnum=k, udn=v.udn, room_num=v.room_num or 0, room_name=luup.rooms[v.room_num or 0] } local c,err = getVarJSON( "cdata", {}, k, RSSID ) if not c or err then st.sensors[key]._comment = "Unable to parse configuration: " .. tostring(err) else st.sensors[key].config = c end end end local bdata = json.encode( st ) if action == "backup" then local bfile = getInstallPath() .. "reactor-config-backup.tmp" local f,ferr = io.open( bfile, "w" ) if f then f:write( bdata ) f:close() if not isOpenLuup then os.execute( "pluto-lzo c '" .. bfile .."' '" .. getInstallPath() .. "reactor-config-backup.json.lzo'" ) -- Remove uncompressed file, which would now rot and interfere with download of new os.remove( bfile ) bfile = getInstallPath() .. "reactor-config-backup.json.lzo" else os.execute( "mv -f '" .. bfile .. "' '" .. getInstallPath() .. "reactor-config-backup.json'" ) bfile = getInstallPath() .. "reactor-config-backup.json" end else return json.encode( { status=false, message=string.format( "Can't write %s: %s", bfile, tostring(ferr) ) } ), MIMETYPE_JSON end return json.encode( { status=true, message="Done!", file=bfile } ), MIMETYPE_JSON end return bdata, MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "getcurrentbackup" then local bfile = getInstallPath() .. "reactor-config-backup.json" local tfile = getInstallPath() .. "reactor-config-backup.tmp" local f = io.open( bfile .. ".lzo", "r" ) if f then f:close() os.execute( "pluto-lzo d '" .. bfile .. ".lzo' '" .. tfile .. "'" ) bfile = tfile f = false end if not f then f = io.open( bfile, "r" ) end if not f then return '{"backupstatus":false}', MIMETYPE_JSON else local r = f:read( "*a" ) f:close() os.remove( tfile ) return r, MIMETYPE_JSON end elseif action == "status" then local st = { name=_PLUGIN_NAME, plugin=_PLUGIN_ID, version=_PLUGIN_VERSION, configversion=_CONFIGVERSION, cdataversion=_CDATAVERSION, uiversion=_UIVERSION, svcversion=_SVCVERSION, author="Patrick H. Rigney (rigpapa)", url=_PLUGIN_URL, ['type']=MYTYPE, responder=luup.device, timestamp=os.time(), system = { version=luup.version, isOpenLuup=isOpenLuup, isALTUI=isALTUI, hardware=luup.attr_get("model",0), lua=tostring((_G or {})._VERSION) }, devices={} } for k,v in pairs( luup.devices ) do if v.device_type == MYTYPE or v.device_type == RSTYPE then local devinfo = getDevice( k, pluginDevice, v ) or {} if v.device_type == RSTYPE then devinfo.sensorState = sensorState[tostring(k)] elseif k == pluginDevice then devinfo.watchData = watchData devinfo.tickTasks = tickTasks devinfo.sceneData = sceneData devinfo.sceneState = sceneState devinfo.sceneWaiting = sceneWaiting end table.insert( st.devices, devinfo ) end end return alt_json_encode( st ), MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "allevents" then local allEvents = {} for k,v in pairs( luup.devices ) do if v.device_type == RSTYPE and v.device_num_parent == pluginDevice then local sst = getSensorState( k ) local tag = string.format( " [#%04d]", k ) table.insert( allEvents, "0000-00-00 00:00:00.000: " .. v.description .. tag ) for _,e in ipairs( sst.eventList or {} ) do table.insert( allEvents, e .. tag ) end end end table.sort( allEvents ) return alt_json_encode( allEvents ), MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "files" then local path = getInstallPath() local inf = { timestamp=os.time(), sys=luup.modelID or luup.attr_get('model',0), files={}, pluginVersion=_PLUGIN_VERSION, serviceVersion=_SVCVERSION, installpath=path } for _,fn in ipairs( { "D_ReactorDeviceInfo.json", "D_ReactorSensor_UI7.json", "D_ReactorSensor.xml", "D_Reactor_UI7.json", "D_Reactor.xml", "I_Reactor.xml", "J_Reactor_ALTUI.js", "J_ReactorSensor_ALTUI.js", "J_ReactorSensor_UI7.js", "J_Reactor_UI7.js", "L_LuaXP_Reactor.lua", "L_Reactor.lua", "S_ReactorSensor.xml", "S_Reactor.xml" } ) do local ff = path .. fn local f = io.open( ff, "r" ) local usesCompressed = f == nil and not isOpenLuup if f then f:close() end local p if usesCompressed then p = io.popen( "pluto-lzo d '"..ff..".lzo' /proc/self/fd/1 | md5sum" ) else p = io.popen( "md5sum '"..ff.."'" ) end if p then local sum = p:read("*a") if sum then sum = tostring(sum or ""):gsub( "%s+.*$", "" ) else sum = "[failed to compute hash]" end p:close() inf.files[fn] = { compressed=usesCompressed or nil, check=sum.."" } else inf.files[fn] = { notice="No data" } end end local p = io.popen("df -kh "..path) if p then inf.df = p:read("*a") p:close() end return alt_json_encode( inf ), MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "alive" then local loadtime = getVarNumeric( "LoadTime", 0, pluginDevice, MYSID ) return alt_json_encode( { status=true, loadtime=loadtime } ), MIMETYPE_JSON elseif action == "internet" then if lul_parameters.state == nil then return "OK:"..getVar( "NetworkStatus", "", pluginDevice, MYSID )..":", "text/plain" end lastInetDaemonUpdate = os.time() local newstate = tonumber(lul_parameters.state) or "" if tostring(newstate) ~= setVar( MYSID, "NetworkStatus", newstate, pluginDevice ) then L("Internet state change notification to %1", newstate) end local flag = "X" if newstate ~= "" then flag = (newstate == 0) and "D" or "U" end updateNetworkStatusHistory( flag, pluginDevice ) return "OK:"..newstate..":", "text/plain" elseif action == "updateinfo" then local apibase = "https://api.github.com/repos/toggledbits/Reactor" if lul_parameters.branch then local f = io.popen( "curl -s -L -o - -m 15 '" .. apibase .. "/branches/" .. lul_parameters.branch .. "'" ) local p = f:read("*a") f:close() local data, dpos, derr = json.decode( p ) if not derr then return json.encode{ status=true, ['type']='branch', branch=lul_parameters.branch, sha=data.commit.sha, timestamp=data.commit.commit.author.date }, MIMETYPE_JSON else return json.encode{ status=false, message="Can't parse Github response: " .. derr }, MIMETYPE_JSON end elseif lul_parameters.release then local f = io.popen( "curl -s -L -o - -m 15 '" .. apibase .. "/releases'" ) local p = f:read("*a") f:close() local data, dpos, derr = json.decode( p ) local res = {}; if not derr then for _,v in ipairs( data ) do if v.target_commitish == "master" and "" ~= ( v.tag_name or "" ) and not ( v.prerelease or v.draft ) then table.insert( res, { id=v.id, tag=v.tag_name, name=v.name, url=v.zipball_url, timestamp=v.published_at, body=v.body } ) end end return json.encode{ status=true, message="OK", releases=res }, MIMETYPE_JSON else return json.encode{ status=false, message="Can't parse Github response: " .. derr }, MIMETYPE_JSON end else return json.encode{ status=false, message="Invalid request parameters" }, MIMETYPE_JSON end elseif action == "updateplugin" then D("request() update %1", lul_parameters) local apibase = "https://api.github.com/repos/toggledbits/Reactor" assert(not isOpenLuup, "Use AltAppStore to update Reactor on openLuup") local grelease = "" local tmpd = "/tmp/reactor-update" os.execute( 'rm -rf ' .. tmpd ) os.execute( 'mkdir -p ' .. tmpd ) if lul_parameters.branch then os.execute( "curl -s -L -o '" .. tmpd .. "/reactor.zip' -m 30 'https://github.com/toggledbits/Reactor/archive/refs/heads/" .. lul_parameters.branch .. ".zip'" ) grelease = table.concat( { "branch", lul_parameters.branch, os.time() } ) elseif lul_parameters.release then os.execute( "curl -s -L -o '" .. tmpd .. "/reactor.zip' -m 30 '" .. lul_parameters.url .. "'" ) grelease = table.concat( { "release", lul_parameters.release } ) else return json.encode( { status=false, message="Invalid request parameters" } ), MIMETYPE_JSON end if file_exists( tmpd .. "/reactor.zip" ) then local lfs = require "lfs" os.execute( "unzip -q -o '" .. tmpd .. "/reactor.zip' -d '" .. tmpd .. "'" ) -- Copy/LZO the files local ufiles = {} local postscript = false local function uscan( path ) D("request() scanning %1", path) for fn in lfs.dir( path ) do D("request() evaluating %1", fn) if not fn:match( "^%." ) then local s = lfs.attributes( path .. fn ) if s.mode == "directory" then uscan( path .. fn .. "/" ) elseif s.mode == "file" then if fn:match( "^[DIJLS]_" ) or "reactor_internet_check.sh" == fn then os.execute( "pluto-lzo c '" .. path .. fn .. "' '" .. path .. fn .. ".lzo'" ) if file_exists( path .. fn .. '.lzo' ) then table.insert( ufiles, { target=fn .. ".lzo", source=path .. fn .. ".lzo" } ) else table.insert( ufiles, { target=fn, sourcepath=path .. fn } ) end elseif "post_install.sh" == fn then postscript = path .. fn end end end end end uscan( tmpd .. '/' ) -- fills ufiles for _,ff in ipairs( ufiles ) do -- Update each file. If updating a compressed file, force remove any uncompressed version. L("Updating %1", ff.target) os.execute( "mv -f '" .. ff.source .. "' '/etc/cmh-ludl/" .. ff.target .. "'" ) if ff.target:match( "%.lzo$" ) then os.remove( "/etc/cmh-ludl/" .. ff.target:gsub( "%.lzo$", "" ) ) end end if postscript then f = io.popen( "sh " .. postscript .. " 2>&1" ) while true do l = f:read("*l") if not l then break end L("Post-install script output: %1", l ) end f:close() end setVar( MYSID, "grelease", grelease, pluginDevice ) luup.attr_set( "plugin", "", pluginDevice ) -- disconnect from App Marketplace L"Update completed; Luup needs to be reloaded for changes to take effect." -- os.execute( "rm -rf " .. tmpd ) scheduleDelay( { id="reload", func=luup.reload, owner=pluginDevice }, 5 ) return json.encode( { status=true, updated=true, message="OK" } ), MIMETYPE_JSON else return json.encode( { status=false, message="Unable to download update package" } ), MIMETYPE_JSON end else return "%REACTOR-REQUEST-F-NOTIMPL, requested action is not implemented", "text/plain" end end