------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- LuaXP is a simple expression evaluator for Lua, based on lexp.js, a -- lightweight (math) expression evaluator for JavaScript by the same -- author. -- -- Author: Copyright (c) 2016,2018 Patrick Rigney -- License: MIT License -- Github: https://github.com/toggledbits/luaxp ------------------------------------------------------------------------ module("L_LuaXP_Reactor", package.seeall) _VERSION = "1.0.2enh" _VNUMBER = 10002 _DEBUG = false -- Caller may set boolean true or function(msg) -- Binary operators and precedence (lower prec is higher precedence) binops = { { op='.', prec=-1 } , { op='*', prec= 3 } , { op='/', prec= 3 } , { op='%', prec= 3 } , { op='+', prec= 4 } , { op='-', prec= 4 } , { op='..', prec= 5 } , { op='<<', prec= 5 } , { op='>>', prec= 5 } , { op='<', prec= 6 } , { op='<=', prec= 6 } , { op='>', prec= 6 } , { op='>=', prec= 6 } , { op='==', prec= 7 } , { op='<>', prec= 7 } , { op='!=', prec= 7 } , { op='~=', prec= 7 } , { op='&', prec= 8 } , { op='^', prec= 9 } , { op='|', prec=10 } , { op='&&', prec=11 } , { op='and', prec=11 } , { op='||', prec=12 } , { op='or', prec=12 } , { op='=', prec=14 } } local ARRAYMAX = 1000 -- max length of unbounded array local ARRAYNULL = false -- default false = cannot insert NULL as array element (push, unshift) local MAXPREC = 99 -- value doesn't matter as long as it's >= any used in binops local base = _G local string = require("string") local math = require("math") local CONST = 'const' local VREF = 'vref' local FREF = 'fref' local UNOP = 'unop' local BINOP = 'binop' local TNUL = 'null' local NULLATOM = { __type=TNUL } setmetatable( NULLATOM, { __tostring=function() return "null" end } ) local charmap = { t = "\t", r = "\r", n = "\n" } local reservedWords = { ['false']=false, ['true']=true , pi=math.pi, PI=math.pi , ['null']=NULLATOM, ['NULL']=NULLATOM, ['nil']=NULLATOM } local function dump(t, seen) if seen == nil then seen = {} end local typ = base.type(t) if typ == "table" and seen[t]==nil then seen[t] = 1 local st = "{ " local first = true for n,v in base.pairs(t) do if not first then st = st .. ", " end st = st .. n .. "=" .. dump(v, seen) first = false end st = st .. " }" return st elseif typ == "string" then return string.format("%q", t) elseif typ == "boolean" or typ == "number" then return base.tostring(t) end return string.format("(%s)%s", typ, base.tostring(t)) end -- Debug output function. If _DEBUG is false or nil, no output. -- If function, uses that, otherwise print() local function D(s, ...) -- luacheck: ignore 212 if not _DEBUG then return end local str = string.gsub(s, "%%(%d+)", function( n ) n = base.tonumber(n, 10) if n < 1 or n > #arg then return "nil" end local val = arg[n] if base.type(val) == "table" then return dump(val) elseif base.type(val) == "string" then return string.format("%q", val) end return base.tostring(val) end ) if base.type(_DEBUG) == "function" then _DEBUG(str) else print(str) end end -- Forward declarations local _comp, _run, runfetch, scan_token -- Utility functions local function deepcopy( t ) if base.type(t) ~= "table" then return t end local r = {} for k,v in base.pairs( t ) do if base.type(v) == "table" then r[k] = deepcopy(v) else r[k] = v end end return r end -- Value is atom if it matches our atom pattern, and specific atom type if passed local function isAtom( v, typ ) return base.type(v) == "table" and v.__type ~= nil and ( typ == nil or v.__type == typ ) end -- Special case null atom function isNull( v ) return isAtom( v, TNUL ) end local function is_non( v ) return v == nil or isNull( v ) end local function _newerr(r) r.__source = r.__source or "luaxp" local m = getmetatable( r ) or {} m.__tostring = function(t) return string.format("[%s]%s%s", t.__source, t.message or "unspecified error", t.location and ( " at " .. tostring(t.location) ) or "" ) end setmetatable( r, m ) return r end local function comperror(msg, loc) D("throwing comperror at %1: %2", loc, msg) return base.error( _newerr{ ['type']='compile', location=loc, message=msg } ) end function evalerror(msg, loc) D("throwing evalerror at %1: %2", loc, msg) return base.error( _newerr{ ['type']='evaluation', location=loc, message=msg } ) end local function xp_pow( argv ) local b,x = base.unpack( argv or {} ) return b^x end local function xp_select( argv ) local obj,keyname,keyval = base.unpack( argv or {} ) if is_non(obj) then return NULLATOM end if base.type(obj) ~= "table" then evalerror("select() requires table/object arg 1") end keyname = base.tostring(keyname) keyval = base.tostring(keyval) for _,v in base.pairs(obj) do if base.tostring(v[keyname]) == keyval then return v end end return NULLATOM end local monthNameMap = {} local function mapLocaleMonth( m ) if m == nil then error("nil month name") end local ml = string.lower(base.tostring(m)) if ml:match("^%d+$") then -- All numeric. Simply return numeric form if valid range. local k = base.tonumber(ml) or 0 if k >=1 and k <= 12 then return k end end if monthNameMap[ml] ~= nil then -- cached result? D("mapLocaleMonth(%1) cached result=%2", ml, monthNameMap[ml]) return monthNameMap[ml] end -- Since we can't get locale information directly in a platform-independent way, -- deduce it from live results... local d = os.date("*t") -- current time and date d.day = 1 -- pinned for k = 1,12 do d.month = k local tt = os.time(d) local s = os.date("#%b#%B#", tt):lower() if s:find("#"..ml.."#") then monthNameMap[ml] = k return k end end return evalerror("Cannot parse month name '" .. m .. "'") end local YMD=0 local DMY=1 local MDY=2 local function guessMDDM() local d = os.date( "%x", os.time( { year=2001, month=8, day=22, hour=0 } ) ) local p = { d:match("(%d+)([/-])(%d+)[/-](%d+)") } if p[1] == "2001" then return YMD,p[2] elseif base.tonumber(p[1]) == 22 then return DMY,p[2] else return MDY,p[2] end end -- Somewhat simple time parsing. Handles the most common forms of ISO 8601, plus many less regular forms. -- If mm/dd vs dd/mm is ambiguous, it tries to discern using current locale's rule. local function xp_parse_time( t ) if base.type(t) == "number" then return t end -- if already numeric, assume it's already timestamp if is_non( t ) or base.tostring(t):lower() == "now" then return os.time() end t = base.tostring(t) -- force string local now = os.time() local nd = os.date("*t", now) -- consistent local tt = { year=nd.year, month=nd.month, day=nd.day, hour=0, ['min']=0, sec=0 } local offset = 0 -- Try to match a date. Start with two components. local order = nil local p = { t:match("^%s*(%d+)([/-])(%d+)(.*)") } -- entirely numeric w/sep if p[3] == nil then D("match 2") p = { t:match("^%s*(%d+)([/-])(%a+)(.*)") } order=DMY end -- number-word (4-Jul) if p[3] == nil then D("match 3") p = { t:match("^%s*(%a+)([/-])(%d+)(.*)") } order=MDY end -- word-number (Jul-4) if p[3] ~= nil then -- Look ahead for third component behind same separator D("Found p1=%1, p2=%2, sep=%3, rem=%4", p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]) local sep = p[2] t = p[4] or "" D("Scanning for 3rd part from: '%1'", t) p[4],p[5] = t:match("^%" .. sep .. "(%d+)(.*)") if p[4] == nil then p[4] = tt.year else t = p[5] or "" -- advance token end -- We now have three components. Figure out their order. p[5]=t p[6]=p[6]or"" D("p=%1,%2,%3,%4,%5", base.unpack(p)) local first = base.tonumber(p[1]) or 0 if order == nil and first > 31 then -- First is year (can't be month or day), assume y/m/d tt.year = first tt.month = mapLocaleMonth(p[3]) tt.day = p[4] elseif order == nil and first > 12 then -- First is day, assume d/m/y tt.day = first tt.month = mapLocaleMonth(p[3]) tt.year = p[4] else -- Guess using locale formatting if order == nil then D("Guessing MDY order") order = guessMDDM() end D("MDY order is %1", order) if order == 0 then tt.year = p[1] tt.month = mapLocaleMonth(p[3]) tt.day = p[4] elseif order == 1 then tt.day = p[1] tt.month = mapLocaleMonth(p[3]) tt.year = p[4] else tt.month = mapLocaleMonth(p[1]) tt.day = p[3] tt.year = p[4] end end tt.year = base.tonumber(tt.year) if tt.year < 100 then tt.year = tt.year + 2000 end D("Parsed date year=%1, month=%2, day=%3", tt.year, tt.month, tt.day) else -- YYYYMMDD? D("No match to delimited") p = { t:match("^%s*(%d%d%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)(.*)") } if p[3] ~= nil then tt.year = p[1] tt.month = p[2] tt.day = p[3] t = p[4] or "" else D("check %%c format") -- Fri Aug 4 16:18:22 2017 p = { t:match("^%s*%a+%s+(%a+)%s+(%d+)(.*)") } -- with dow if p[2] == nil then p = { t:match("^%s*(%a+)%s+(%d+)(.*)") } end -- without dow if p[2] ~= nil then D("Matches %%c format, 1=%1,2=%2,3=%3", p[1], p[2], p[3]) tt.day = p[2] tt.month = mapLocaleMonth(p[1]) t = p[3] or "" -- Following time and year? p = { t:match("^%s*([%d:]+)%s+(%d%d%d%d)(.*)") } if p[1] ~= nil then tt.year = p[2] t = (p[1] or "") .. " " .. (p[3] or "") else -- Maybe just year? p = { t:match("^%s*(%d%d%d%d)(.*)") } if p[1] ~= nil then tt.year = p[1] t = p[2] or "" end end else D("No luck with any known date format.") end end D("Parsed date year=%1, month=%2, day=%3", tt.year, tt.month, tt.day) end -- Time? Note: does not support decimal fractions except on seconds component, which is ignored (ISO 8601 allows on any, but must be last component) D("Scanning for time from: '%1'", t) local hasTZ = false p = { t:match("^%s*T?(%d%d)(%d%d)(.*)") } -- ISO 8601 (Thhmm) without delimiters if p[1] == nil then p = { t:match("^%s*T?(%d+):(%d+)(.*)") } end -- with delimiters if p[1] ~= nil then -- Hour and minute tt.hour = p[1] tt['min'] = p[2] t = p[3] or "" -- Seconds? p = { t:match("^:?(%d+)(.*)") } if p[1] ~= nil then tt.sec = p[1] t = p[2] or "" end -- Swallow decimal on last component? p = { t:match("^(%.%d+)(.*)") } if p[1] ~= nil then t = p[2] or "" end -- AM or PM? p = { t:match("^%s*([AaPp])[Mm]?(.*)") } if p[1] ~= nil then D("AM/PM is %1", p[1]) if p[1]:lower() == "p" then tt.hour = tt.hour + 12 end t = p[2] or "" end D("Parsed time is %1:%2:%3", tt.hour, tt['min'], tt.sec) -- Timezone Zulu? p = { t:match("^([zZ])(.*)") } -- no whitespace, see comment below. if p[1] ~= nil then -- Zulu offset = 0 hasTZ = true t = p[2] or "" end -- Handling for zones? UTC, GMT, minimally... what about others... EDT, JST, ...? -- Offset +/-HH[mm] (e.g. +02, -0500). Not that the pattern requires the TZ spec -- to follow the time without spaces between, to distinguish TZ from offsets (below). p = { t:match("^([+-]%d%d)(.*)") } if p[1] ~= nil then hasTZ = true offset = 60 * base.tonumber(p[1]) t = p[2]; p = { t:match("^:?(%d%d)(.*)") } if p[1] ~= nil then if offset < 0 then offset = offset - base.tonumber(p[1]) else offset = offset + base.tonumber(p[1]) end t = p[2] or "" end end end -- Is there an offset? Form is (+/-)DDD:HH:MM:SS. If parts are omitted, the offset -- is parsed from smallest to largest, so +05:00 is +5 minutes, -35 is minus 35 seconds. local delta = 0 D("Checking for offset from '%1'", t) p = { t:match("%s*([+-])(%d+)(.*)") } if p[2] ~= nil then D("Parsing offset from %1, first part is %2", t, p[2]) local sign = p[1] delta = base.tonumber(p[2]) if delta == nil then evalerror("Invalid delta spec: " .. t) end t = p[3] or "" for k = 1,3 do D("Parsing offset from %1", t) p = { t:match("%:(%d+)(.*)") } if p[1] == nil then break end if k == 3 then delta = delta * 24 else delta = delta * 60 end delta = delta + base.tonumber(p[1]) t = p[2] or "" end if sign == "-" then delta = -delta end D("Final delta is %1", delta) end -- There should not be anything left at this point if t:match("([^%s])") then return evalerror("Unparseable data: " .. t) end local tm = os.time( tt ) if hasTZ then -- If there's a timezone spec, apply it. Otherwise we assume time was in current (system) TZ -- and leave it unmodified. local loctime = os.date( "*t", tm ) -- get new local time's DST flag local epoch = { year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=0 } epoch.isdst = loctime.isdst -- 19084 fix, maybe need Reactor approach? local locale_offset = os.time( epoch ) tm = tm - locale_offset -- back to UTC, because conversion assumes current TZ, so undo that. tm = tm - ( offset * 60 ) -- apply specified offset end tm = tm + delta return tm -- returns time in UTC end -- Date add. First arg is timestamp, then secs, mins, hours, days, months, years local function xp_date_add( a ) local tm = xp_parse_time( a[1] ) if a[2] ~= nil then tm = tm + (base.tonumber(a[2]) or evalerror("Invalid seconds (argument 2) to dateadd()")) end if a[3] ~= nil then tm = tm + 60 * (base.tonumber(a[3]) or evalerror("Invalid minutes (argument 3) to dateadd()")) end if a[4] ~= nil then tm = tm + 3600 * (base.tonumber(a[4]) or evalerror("Invalid hours (argument 4) to dateadd()")) end if a[5] ~= nil then tm = tm + 86400 * (base.tonumber(a[5]) or evalerror("Invalid days (argument 5) to dateadd()")) end if a[6] ~= nil or a[7] ~= nil then D("Applying delta months and years to %1", tm) local d = os.date("*t", tm) d.month = d.month + ( base.tonumber( a[6] ) or 0 ) d.year = d.year + ( base.tonumber( a[7] ) or 0 ) D("Normalizing month,year=%1,%2", d.month, d.year) while d.month < 1 do d.month = d.month + 12 d.year = d.year - 1 end while d.month > 12 do d.month = d.month - 12 d.year = d.year + 1 end tm = os.time(d) end return tm end -- Delta between two times. Returns value in seconds. local function xp_date_diff( d1, d2 ) return xp_parse_time( d1 ) - xp_parse_time( d2 or os.time() ) end -- Create a timestamp for date/time in the current timezone or UTC by parts local function xp_mktime( yy, mm, dd, hours, mins, secs ) local pt = os.date("*t") pt.year = is_non(yy) and pt.year or base.tonumber(yy) or pt.year pt.month = is_non(mm) and pt.month or base.tonumber(mm) or pt.month pt.day = is_non(dd) and pt.day or base.tonumber(dd) or pt.day pt.hour = is_non(hours) and pt.hour or base.tonumber(hours) or pt.hour pt.min = is_non(mins) and pt.min or base.tonumber(mins) or pt.min pt.sec = is_non(secs) and pt.sec or base.tonumber(secs) or pt.sec pt.isdst = nil pt.yday = nil pt.wday = nil return os.time(pt) end local function xp_rtrim(s) if base.type(s) ~= "string" then evalerror("String required") end return s:gsub("%s+$", "") end local function xp_ltrim(s) if base.type(s) ~= "string" then evalerror("String required") end return s:gsub("^%s+", "") end local function xp_trim( s ) if base.type(s) ~= "string" then evalerror("String required") end return xp_ltrim( xp_rtrim( s ) ) end local function xp_keys( argv ) local arr = base.unpack( argv or {} ) if base.type( arr ) ~= "table" then evalerror("Array/table required") end local r = {} for k in base.pairs( arr ) do if k ~= "__context" then table.insert( r, k ) end end return r end local function xp_tlen( t ) local n = 0 for _ in base.pairs(t) do n = n + 1 end return n end local function xp_split( argv ) local str = base.tostring( argv[1] or "" ) local sep = argv[2] or "," local arr = {} if #str == 0 then return arr, 0 end local rest = string.gsub( str or "", "([^" .. sep .. "]*)" .. sep, function( m ) table.insert( arr, m ) return "" end ) table.insert( arr, rest ) return arr, #arr end local function xp_join( argv ) local a = argv[1] or {} if base.type(a) ~= "table" then evalerror("Argument 1 to join() is not an array") end local d = argv[2] or "," return table.concat( a, d ) end local function xp_indexof( args ) local arr, item, start = base.unpack( args ) start = start or 1 if is_non( arr ) then return 0 end if base.type(arr) ~= "table" then evalerror("Array/table required") end for k,v in base.ipairs( arr ) do if k >= start then if isNull( v ) and is_non( item ) then return k end if v == item then return k end end end return 0 end local function xp_replace( args ) local str, fpat, rpat = base.unpack( args ) return string.gsub( tostring(str), tostring(fpat), tostring(rpat or "") ) end local function xp_min( argv ) local res = NULLATOM for _,v in base.ipairs( argv ) do local bv = v if base.type(v) == "table" then bv = xp_min( v ) elseif base.type(v) == "string" then bv = tonumber( v ) end if base.type(bv)=="number" and ( isNull(res) or bv < res ) then res = bv end end return res end local function xp_max( argv ) local res = NULLATOM for _,v in base.ipairs( argv ) do local bv = v if base.type(v) == "table" then bv = xp_max( v ) elseif base.type(v) == "string" then bv = tonumber( v ) end if base.type(bv)=="number" and ( isNull(res) or bv > res ) then res = bv end end return res end -- sum( arg[, ...] ) returns the sum of its arguments. If any argument is -- an array, the array contents are summed. Nulls do not count to the sum, -- thus if no valid values are found, the result may be null. Strings are -- coerced to numbers if possible. local function xp_sum( args ) local function tsum( v ) local t = NULLATOM if is_non( v ) then -- nada elseif type(v) == "table" then for _,n in base.ipairs( v ) do local d = tsum( n ) if not is_non( d ) then t = ( is_non(t) and 0 or t ) + d end end elseif type(v) == "string" or type(v) == "number" then t = tonumber( v ) or NULLATOM end return t end return tsum( args ) end -- count( arg[, ...] ) returns the number of non-null elements in the arguments. -- Handling of arguments is identical to sum(), so average/mean is easily computed -- via sum( args ) / count( args ). local function xp_count( args ) local function tcount( v ) if is_non( v ) then return 0 elseif type( v ) == "table" then local t = 0 for _,n in base.ipairs( v ) do t = t + tcount( n ) end return t else return 1 end end return tcount( args ) end local msgNNA1 = "Non-numeric argument 1" -- ??? All these tostrings() need to be coerce() local nativeFuncs = { ['abs'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return (n<0) and -n or n end } , ['sgn'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return (n<0) and -1 or ((n==0) and 0 or 1) end } , ['floor'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.floor(n) end } , ['ceil'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.ceil(n) end } , ['round'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) local p = base.tonumber( argv[2] ) or 0 return math.floor( n * (10^p) + 0.5 ) / (10^p) end } , ['cos'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.cos(n) end } , ['sin'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.sin(n) end } , ['tan'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.tan(n) end } , ['asin'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.asin(n) end } , ['acos'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.acos(n) end } , ['atan'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.atan(n) end } , ['rad'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return n * math.pi / 180 end } , ['deg'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return n * 180 / math.pi end } , ['log'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.log(n) end } , ['exp'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.exp(n) end } , ['pow'] = { nargs = 2, impl = xp_pow } , ['sqrt'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local n = base.tonumber( argv[1] ) or evalerror(msgNNA1) return math.sqrt(n) end } , ['min'] = { nargs = 1, impl = xp_min } , ['max'] = { nargs = 1, impl = xp_max } , ['push'] = { nargs = 2, impl = true } , ['pop'] = { nargs = 1, impl = true } , ['unshift'] = { nargs = 2, impl = true } , ['shift' ] = { nargs = 1, impl = true } , ['sum' ] = { nargs = 1, impl = xp_sum } , ['count'] = { nargs = 1, impl = xp_count } , ['randomseed'] = { nargs = 0, impl = function( argv ) local s = argv[1] or os.time() math.randomseed(s) return s end } , ['random'] = { nargs = 0, impl = function( argv ) return math.random( base.unpack(argv) ) end } , ['len'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) if isNull(argv[1]) then return 0 elseif base.type(argv[1]) == "table" then return xp_tlen(argv[1]) else return string.len(base.tostring(argv[1])) end end } , ['sub'] = { nargs = 2, impl = function( argv ) local st = base.tostring(argv[1]) local p = argv[2] local l = (argv[3] or -1) return string.sub(st, p, l) end } , ['find'] = { nargs = 2, impl = function( argv ) local st = base.tostring(argv[1]) local p = base.tostring(argv[2]) local i = argv[3] or 1 return (string.find(st, p, i) or 0) end } , ['replace'] = { nargs = 3, impl = xp_replace } , ['upper'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) return string.upper(base.tostring(argv[1])) end } , ['lower'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) return string.lower(base.tostring(argv[1])) end } , ['trim'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) return xp_trim(base.tostring(argv[1])) end } , ['ltrim'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) return xp_ltrim(base.tostring(argv[1])) end } , ['rtrim'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) return xp_rtrim(base.tostring(argv[1])) end } , ['tostring'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) if isNull(argv[1]) then return "" else return base.tostring(argv[1]) end end } , ['tonumber'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) if base.type(argv[1]) == "boolean" then if argv[1] then return 1 else return 0 end end return base.tonumber(argv[1], argv[2] or 10) or evalerror('Argument could not be converted to number') end } , ['format'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) return string.format( base.unpack(argv) ) end } , ['split'] = { nargs = 1, impl = xp_split } , ['join'] = { nargs = 1, impl = xp_join } , ['indexof'] = { nargs = 2, impl = xp_indexof } , ['time'] = { nargs = 0, impl = function( argv ) return xp_parse_time( argv[1] ) end } , ['timepart'] = { nargs = 0, impl = function( argv ) return os.date( argv[2] and "!*t" or "*t", (not isNull( argv[1] ) ) and argv[1] or nil ) end } , ['date'] = { nargs = 0, impl = function( argv ) return xp_mktime(base.unpack(argv)) end } , ['strftime'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) return os.date(base.unpack(argv)) end } , ['dateadd'] = { nargs = 2, impl = function( argv ) return xp_date_add( argv ) end } , ['datediff'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) return xp_date_diff( argv[1], isNull( argv[2] ) and os.time or argv[2] ) end } , ['choose'] = { nargs = 2, impl = function( argv ) local ix = argv[1] if ix < 1 or ix > (#argv-2) then return argv[2] else return argv[ix+2] end end } , ['select'] = { nargs = 3, impl = xp_select } , ['keys'] = { nargs = 1, impl = xp_keys } , ['iterate'] = { nargs = 2, impl = true } , ['map'] = { nargs = 2, impl = true } , ['if'] = { nargs = 2, impl = true } , ['void'] = { nargs = 0, impl = function( _ ) return NULLATOM end } , ['list'] = { nargs = 0, impl = function( argv ) local b = deepcopy( argv ) b.__context=nil return b end } , ['first'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local arr = argv[1] if base.type(arr) ~= "table" or #arr == 0 then return NULLATOM else return arr[1] end end } , ['last'] = { nargs = 1, impl = function( argv ) local arr = argv[1] if base.type(arr) ~= "table" or #arr == 0 then return NULLATOM else return arr[#arr] end end } } -- Try to load bit module; fake it if we don't find it or not right. local _, bit = pcall( require, "bit" ) if not ( base.type(bit) == "table" and bit.band and bit.bor and bit.bnot and bit.bxor ) then bit = nil end if not bit then -- Adapted from "BitUtils", Lua-users wiki at http://lua-users.org/wiki/BitUtils; thank you kind stranger(s)... bit = {} bit['nand'] = function(x,y,z) z=z or 2^16 if z<2 then return 1-x*y else return bit.nand((x-x%z)/z,(y-y%z)/z,math.sqrt(z))*z+bit.nand(x%z,y%z,math.sqrt(z)) end end bit["bnot"]=function(y,z) return bit.nand(bit.nand(0,0,z),y,z) end bit["band"]=function(x,y,z) return bit.nand(bit["bnot"](0,z),bit.nand(x,y,z),z) end bit["bor"]=function(x,y,z) return bit.nand(bit["bnot"](x,z),bit["bnot"](y,z),z) end bit["bxor"]=function(x,y,z) return bit["band"](bit.nand(x,y,z),bit["bor"](x,y,z),z) end end -- Let's get to work -- Skips white space, returns index of non-space character or nil local function skip_white( expr, index ) D("skip_white from %1 in %2", index, expr) local _,e = string.find( expr, "^%s+", index ) if e then index = e + 1 end -- whitespace(s) found, return pos after return index end -- Scan a numeric token. Supports fractional and exponent specs in -- decimal numbers, and binary, octal, and hexadecimal integers. local function scan_numeric( expr, index ) D("scan_numeric from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr) local ch, i local val = 0 local radix = 0 -- Try to guess the radix first ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) if ch == '0' and index < len then -- Look to next character index = index + 1 ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) if ch == 'b' or ch == 'B' then radix = 2 index = index + 1 elseif ch == 'x' or ch == 'X' then radix = 16 index = index + 1 elseif ch == '.' then radix = 10 -- going to be a decimal number else radix = 8 end end if radix <= 0 then radix = 10 end -- Now parse the whole part of the number while (index <= len) do ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) if ch == '.' then break end i = string.find("0123456789ABCDEF", string.upper(ch), 1, true) if i == nil or ( radix==10 and i==15 ) then break end if i > radix then comperror("Invalid digit for radix "..radix, index) end val = radix * val + (i-1) index = index + 1 end -- Parse fractional part, if any if ch == '.' and radix==10 then local ndec = 0 index = index + 1 -- get past decimal point while (index <= len) do ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) i = string.byte(ch) - 48 if i<0 or i>9 then break end ndec = ndec + 1 val = val + ( i * 10 ^ -ndec ) index = index + 1 end end -- Parse exponent, if any if (ch == 'e' or ch == 'E') and radix == 10 then local npow = 0 local neg = nil index = index + 1 -- get base exponent marker local st = index while (index <= len) do ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) if neg == nil and ch == "-" then neg = true elseif neg == nil and ch == "+" then neg = false else i = string.byte(ch) - 48 if i<0 or i>9 then break end npow = npow * 10 + i if neg == nil then neg = false end end index = index + 1 end if index == st then comperror("Missing exponent", index) end if neg then npow = -npow end val = val * ( 10 ^ npow ) end -- Return result D("scan_numeric returning index=%1, val=%2", index, val) return index, { __type=CONST, value=val } end -- Parse a string. Trivial at the moment and needs escaping of some kind local function scan_string( expr, index ) D("scan_string from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr) local st = "" local i local qchar = string.sub(expr, index, index) index = index + 1 while index <= len do i = string.sub(expr, index, index) if i == '\\' and index < len then index = index + 1 i = string.sub(expr, index, index) if charmap[i] then i = charmap[i] end elseif i == qchar then -- PHR??? Should we do the double char style of quoting? don''t won''t ?? index = index + 1 return index, { __type=CONST, value=st } end st = st .. i index = index + 1 end return comperror("Unterminated string", index) end -- Parse a function reference. It is treated as a degenerate case of -- variable reference, i.e. an alphanumeric string followed immediately -- by an opening parenthesis. local function scan_fref( expr, index, name ) D("scan_fref from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr) local args = {} local parenLevel = 1 local ch local subexp = "" index = skip_white( expr, index ) + 1 while ( true ) do if index > len then return comperror("Unexpected end of argument list", index) end -- unexpected end of argument list ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) if ch == ')' then D("scan_fref: Found a closing paren while at level %1", parenLevel) parenLevel = parenLevel - 1 if parenLevel == 0 then subexp = xp_trim( subexp ) D("scan_fref: handling end of argument list with subexp=%1", subexp) if string.len(subexp) > 0 then -- PHR??? Need to test out all whitespace strings from the likes of "func( )" table.insert(args, _comp( subexp ) ) -- compile the subexp and put it on the list elseif #args > 0 then comperror("Invalid subexpression", index) end index = index + 1 D("scan_fref returning, function is %1 with %2 args", name, #args, dump(args)) return index, { __type=FREF, args=args, name=name, pos=index } else -- It's part of our argument, so just add it to the subexpress string subexp = subexp .. ch index = index + 1 end elseif ch == "'" or ch == '"' then -- Start of string? local qq = ch index, ch = scan_string( expr, index ) subexp = subexp .. qq .. ch.value .. qq elseif ch == ',' and parenLevel == 1 then -- completed subexpression subexp = xp_trim( subexp ) D("scan_fref: handling argument=%1", subexp) if string.len(subexp) > 0 then local r = _comp(subexp) if r == nil then return comperror("Subexpression failed to compile", index) end table.insert( args, r ) D("scan_fref: inserted argument %1 as %2", subexp, r) else comperror("Invalid subexpression", index) end index = skip_white( expr, index+1 ) subexp = "" D("scan_fref: continuing argument scan in %1 from %2", expr, index) else subexp = subexp .. ch if ch == '(' then parenLevel = parenLevel + 1 end index = index + 1 end end end -- Parse an array reference local function scan_aref( expr, index, name ) D("scan_aref from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr) local ch local subexp = "" local depth = 0 index = skip_white( expr, index ) + 1 while ( true ) do if index > len then return comperror("Unexpected end of array subscript expression", index) end ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) if ch == ']' then if depth == 0 then D("scan_aref: Found a closing bracket, subexp=%1", subexp) local args = _comp(subexp) D("scan_aref returning, array is %1", name) return index+1, { __type=VREF, name=name, index=args, pos=index } end depth = depth - 1 elseif ch == "[" then depth = depth + 1 end subexp = subexp .. ch index = index + 1 end end -- Scan a variable reference; could turn into a function reference local function scan_vref( expr, index ) D("scan_vref from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr); local ch, k local name = "" while index <= len do ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) if string.find( expr, "^%s*%(", index ) then if name == "" then comperror("Invalid operator", index) end return scan_fref(expr, index, name) elseif string.find( expr, "^%s*%[", index ) then -- Possible that name is blank. We allow/endorse, for ['identifier'] form of vref (see runtime) return scan_aref(expr, index, name) end k = string.find("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_", string.upper(ch), 1, true) if k == nil then break elseif name == "" and k <= 10 then return comperror("Invalid identifier", index) end name = name .. ch index = index + 1 end return index, { __type=VREF, name=name, pos=index } end -- Scan nested expression (called when ( seen while scanning for token) local function scan_expr( expr, index ) D("scan_expr from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr) local st = "" local parenLevel = 0 index = index + 1 while index <= len do local ch = string.sub(expr,index,index) if ch == ')' then if parenLevel == 0 then D("scan_expr parsing subexpression=%1", st) local r = _comp( st ) if r == nil then return comperror("Subexpression failed to parse", index) end return index+1, r -- pass as single-element sub-expression end parenLevel = parenLevel - 1 elseif ch == '(' then parenLevel = parenLevel + 1 end -- Add character to subexpression string (note drop-throughs from above conditionals) st = st .. ch index = index + 1 end return index, nil -- Unexpected end of expression/unmatched paren group end local function scan_unop( expr, index ) D("scan_unop from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr) if index > len then return index, nil end local ch = string.sub(expr, index, index) if ch == '-' or ch == '+' or ch == '!' or ch == '#' then -- We have a UNOP index = index + 1 local k, r = scan_token( expr, index ) if r == nil then return k, r end return k, { __type=UNOP, op=ch, pos=index, operand=r } end return index, nil -- Not a UNOP end local function scan_binop( expr, index ) D("scan_binop from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr) index = skip_white(expr, index) if index > len then return index, nil end local op = "" local k = 0 local prec while index <= len do local ch = string.sub(expr,index,index) local st = op .. ch local matched = false k = k + 1 for _,f in base.ipairs(binops) do if string.sub(f.op,1,k) == st then -- matches something matched = true prec = f.prec break; end end if not matched then -- Didn't match anything. If we matched nothing on the first character, that's an error. -- Otherwise, op now contains the name of the longest-matching binop in the catalog. if k == 1 then return comperror("Invalid operator", index) end break end -- Keep going to find longest match op = st index = index + 1 end D("scan_binop succeeds with op=%1", op) return index, { __type=BINOP, op=op, prec=prec, pos=index } end -- Scan our next token (forward-declared) scan_token = function( expr, index ) D("scan_token from %1 in %2", index, expr) local len = string.len(expr) index = skip_white(expr, index) if index > len then return index, nil end local ch = string.sub(expr,index,index) D("scan_token guessing from %1 at %2", ch, index) if ch == '"' or ch=="'" then -- String literal return scan_string( expr, index ) elseif ch == '(' then -- Nested expression return scan_expr( expr, index ) elseif string.find("0123456789", ch, 1, true) ~= nil then -- Numeric token return scan_numeric( expr, index ) elseif ch == "." then -- Look ahead, could be number without leading 0 or subref if index < len and string.find("0123456789", string.sub(expr,index+1,index+1), 1, true) ~= nil then return scan_numeric( expr, index ) end end -- Check for unary operator local k, r k, r = scan_unop( expr, index ) if r ~= nil then return k, r end -- Variable or function reference? k, r = scan_vref( expr, index ) if r ~= nil then return k, r end --We've got no idea what we're looking at... return comperror("Invalid token",index) end local function parse_rpn( lexpr, expr, index, lprec ) D("parse_rpn: parsing %1 from %2 prec %3 lhs %4", expr, index, lprec, lexpr) local binop, rexpr, lop, ilast ilast = index index,lop = scan_binop( expr, index ) D("parse_rpn: outside lookahead is %1" ,lop) while (lop ~= nil and lop.prec <= lprec) do -- We're keeping this one binop = lop D("parse_rpn: mid at %1 handling ", index, binop) -- Fetch right side of expression index,rexpr = scan_token( expr, index ) D("parse_rpn: mid rexpr is %1", rexpr) if rexpr == nil then return comperror("Expected operand", ilast) end -- Peek at next operator ilast = index -- remember where we were index,lop = scan_binop( expr, index ) D("parse_rpn: mid lookahead is %1", lop) while (lop ~= nil and lop.prec < binop.prec) do index, rexpr = parse_rpn( rexpr, expr, ilast, lop.prec ) D("parse_rpn: inside rexpr is %1", rexpr) ilast = index index, lop = scan_binop( expr, index ) D("parse_rpn: inside lookahead is %1", lop) end binop.lexpr = lexpr binop.rexpr = rexpr lexpr = binop end D("parse_rpn: returning index %1 lhs %2", ilast, lexpr) return ilast, lexpr end -- Completion of forward declaration _comp = function( expr ) local index = 1 local lhs expr = expr or "" expr = base.tostring(expr) D("_comp: parse %1", expr) index,lhs = scan_token( expr, index ) _,lhs = parse_rpn( lhs, expr, index, MAXPREC ) return lhs end -- Better version, checks one or two operands (AND logic result) local function check_operand( v1, allow1, v2, allow2 ) local vt = base.type(v1) local res = true if v2 ~= nil then res = check_operand( v2, allow2 or allow1 ) end if res then if base.type(allow1) == "string" then res = (vt == allow1) elseif base.type(allow1) ~= "table" then error("invalid allow1") -- bug, only string and array allowed else res = false for _,t in base.ipairs(allow1) do if vt == t then res = true break end end end end return res end function coerce(val, typ) local vt = base.type(val) D("coerce: attempt (%1)%2 to %3", vt, val, typ) if vt == typ then return val end -- already there? if typ == "boolean" then -- Coerce to boolean if vt == "number" then return val ~= 0 elseif vt == "string" then if string.lower(val) == "true" or val == "yes" or val == "1" then return true elseif string.lower(val) == "false" or val == "no" or val == "0" then return false else return #val ~= 0 -- empty string is false, all else is true end elseif isNull(val) then return false -- null coerces to boolean false end return true -- anything else non-null coerces to true elseif typ == "string" then if vt == "number" then return base.tostring(val) elseif vt == "boolean" then return val and "true" or "false" elseif isNull(val) then return "" -- null coerces to empty string within expressions end elseif typ == "number" then if vt == "boolean" then return val and 1 or 0 elseif vt == "string" then local n = base.tonumber(val,10) -- TODO ??? needs more complete parser (hex/octal/bin) if n ~= nil then return n else evalerror("Coersion from string to number failed ("..val..")") end end -- null coerces to NaN? We don't have NaN. Yet... end if isNull(val) then evalerror("Can't coerce null to " .. typ) end evalerror("Can't coerce " .. vt .. " to " .. typ) end local function isNumeric(val) if isNull(val) then return false end local s = base.tonumber(val, 10) if s == nil then return false else return true, s end end local function getOption( ctx, name ) return ((ctx or {}).__options or {})[name] and true or false end local function pop( stack ) if #stack == 0 then return nil end return table.remove( stack ) end -- Pop an item off the stack. If it's a variable reference, resolve it now. local function fetch( stack, ctx ) local v local e = pop( stack ) if e == nil then evalerror("Missing expected operand") end D("fetch() popped %1", e) if isAtom( e, VREF ) then D("fetch: evaluating VREF %1 to its value", e.name) -- A bit of a kludge. If name is empty but index is defined, we have a quoted reference -- such as ['response'], which allows access to identifiers with special characters. if ( e.name or "" ) == "" and e.index ~= nil then e.name = runfetch(e.index, ctx, stack) e.index = nil end if reservedWords[e.name:lower()] ~= nil then D("fetch: found reserved word %1 for VREF", e.name) v = reservedWords[e.name:lower()] elseif (ctx.__lvars or {})[e.name] ~= nil then v = ctx.__lvars[e.name] else v = ctx[e.name] end -- If no value so far, check if external resolver is available; use if available. if v == nil and (ctx.__functions or {}).__resolve ~= nil then D("fetch: calling external resolver for %1", e.name) v = ctx.__functions.__resolve( e.name, ctx ) end if v == nil then if getOption( ctx, "undefinedvarnull" ) then v = NULLATOM else evalerror("Undefined variable: " .. e.name, e.pos) end end -- Apply array index if present if e.index ~= nil then if base.type(v) ~= "table" then evalerror(e.name .. " is not an array", e.pos) end local ix = runfetch(e.index, ctx, stack) D("fetch: applying subscript: %1[%2]", e.name, ix) if ix ~= nil then v = v[ix] if v == nil then if base.type(ix) == "number" then if getOption( ctx, "subscriptmissnull" ) then v = NULLATOM else evalerror("Subscript " .. ix .. " out of range for " .. e.name, e.pos) end else v = NULLATOM end end else evalerror("Subscript evaluation failed", e.pos) end end return v end return e end runfetch = function( atom, ctx, stack ) _run( atom, ctx, stack ) return fetch( stack, ctx ) end _run = function( atom, ctx, stack ) if not isAtom( atom ) then D("Invalid atom: %1", atom) evalerror("Invalid atom") end stack = stack or {} local v = nil local e = atom D("_run: next element is %1", e) if base.type(e) == "number" or base.type(e) == "string" then D("_run: direct value assignment for (%1)%2", base.type(e), e) v = e elseif isAtom( e, CONST ) then D("_run: handling const %1", e.value) v = e.value elseif isAtom( e, BINOP ) then D("_run: handling BINOP %1", e.op) local v2 if e.op == 'and' or e.op == '&&' or e.op == 'or' or e.op == '||' then v2 = e.rexpr D("_run: logical lookahead is %1", v2) elseif e.op == '.' then v2 = e.rexpr D("_run: subref lookahead is %1", v2) else v2 = runfetch( e.rexpr, ctx, stack ) -- something else, evaluate it now end local v1 if e.op == '=' then -- Must be vref (can't assign to anything else). Special pop il lieu of fetch(). v1 = e.lexpr D("_run: assignment lookahead is %1", v1) if not isAtom( v1, VREF ) then evalerror("Invalid assignment", e.pos) end else v1 = runfetch( e.lexpr, ctx, stack ) end D("_run: operands are %1, %2", v1, v2) if e.op == '.' then D("_run: descend to %1", v2) if isNull(v1) then if getOption( ctx, "nullderefnull" ) then v = NULLATOM else evalerror("Can't dereference through null", e.pos) end else if isAtom(v1) then evalerror("Invalid type in reference") end if not check_operand(v1, "table") then evalerror("Cannot subreference a " .. base.type(v1), e.pos) end if not isAtom( v2, VREF ) then evalerror("Invalid subreference", e.pos) end if (v2.name or "") == "" and v2.index ~= nil then -- Handle ['reference'] form of vref... name is in index v2.name = runfetch( v2.index, ctx, stack ) v2.index = nil end v = v1[v2.name] if v2.index ~= nil then -- Handle subscript in tree descent if v == nil then evalerror("Can't index null", v2.pos) end local ix = runfetch(v2.index, ctx, stack) if ix == nil then evalerror("Subscript evaluation failed for " .. v2.name, v2.pos) end v = v[ix] if v == nil then if getOption( ctx, "subscriptmissnull" ) then v = NULLATOM else evalerror("Subscript out of range: " .. base.tostring(v2.name) .. "[" .. ix .. "]", v2.pos) end end end if v == nil then -- Convert nil to NULL (not error, yet--depends on what expression does with it) v = NULLATOM end end elseif e.op == 'and' or e.op == '&&' then if v1 == nil or not coerce(v1, "boolean") then D("_run: shortcut and/&& op1 is false") v = v1 -- shortcut lead expression if false (in "a and b", no need to eval b if a is false) else D("_run: op1 for and/&& is true, evaluate op2=%1", v2) v = runfetch( v2, ctx, stack ) end elseif e.op == 'or' or e.op == '||' then if v1 == nil or not coerce(v1, "boolean") then D("_run: op1 for or/|| false, evaluate op2=%1", v2) v = runfetch( v2, ctx, stack ) else D("_run: shortcut or/|| op1 is true") v = v1 -- shortcut lead exp is true (in "a or b", no need to eval b if a is true) end elseif e.op == '..' then -- String concatenation, explicit coercion to string for operands. v = coerce(v1, "string") .. coerce(v2, "string") elseif e.op == '+' then -- Special case for +, which *can* concatenate strings. If both -- operands can be coerced to number, add; otherwise concat as strings. local cannum1 = base.type( v1 ) == "number" or base.type( v1 ) == "boolean" or base.tonumber( v1 ) ~= nil local cannum2 = base.type( v2 ) == "number" or base.type( v2 ) == "boolean" or base.tonumber( v2 ) ~= nil if cannum1 and cannum2 then v = coerce(v1, "number") + coerce(v2, "number") else v = coerce(v1, "string") .. coerce(v2, "string") end elseif e.op == '-' then v = coerce(v1, "number") - coerce(v2, "number") elseif e.op == '*' then v = coerce(v1, "number") * coerce(v2, "number") elseif e.op == '/' then v = coerce(v1, "number") / coerce(v2, "number") elseif e.op == '%' then v = coerce(v1, "number") % coerce(v2, "number") elseif e.op == '&' then -- If both operands are numbers, bitwise; otherwise boolean if base.type(v1) ~= "number" or base.type(v2) ~= "number" then v = coerce(v1, "boolean") and coerce(v2, "boolean") else v = bit.band( coerce(v1, "number"), coerce(v2, "number") ) end elseif e.op == '|' then -- If both operands are numbers, bitwise; otherwise boolean if base.type(v1) ~= "number" or base.type(v2) ~= "number" then v = coerce(v1, "boolean") or coerce(v2, "boolean") else v = bit.bor( coerce(v1, "number"), coerce(v2, "number") ) end elseif e.op == '^' then -- If both operands are numbers, bitwise; otherwise boolean if base.type(v1) ~= "number" or base.type(v2) ~= "number" then v = coerce(v1, "boolean") ~= coerce(v2, "boolean") else v = bit.bxor( coerce(v1, "number"), coerce(v2, "number") ) end elseif e.op == '<<' or e.op == '>>' then local f = coerce( v2, "number" ) if f < 0 then evalerror( "Invalid shift count "..tostring(f)) end v = ( e.op == '<<' ) and ( coerce( v1, "number" ) * ( 2 ^ f ) ) or math.floor( coerce( v1, "number" ) / ( 2 ^ f ) ) elseif e.op == '<' then if not check_operand(v1, {"number","string"}, v2) then evalerror("Invalid comparison (" .. base.type(v1) .. e.op .. base.type(v2) .. ")", e.pos) end v = v1 < v2 elseif e.op == '<=' then if not check_operand(v1, {"number","string"}, v2) then evalerror("Invalid comparison (" .. base.type(v1) .. e.op .. base.type(v2) .. ")", e.pos) end v = v1 <= v2 elseif e.op == '>' then if not check_operand(v1, {"number","string"}, v2) then evalerror("Invalid comparison (" .. base.type(v1) .. e.op .. base.type(v2) .. ")", e.pos) end v = v1 > v2 elseif e.op == '>=' then if not check_operand(v1, {"number","string"}, v2) then evalerror("Invalid comparison (" .. base.type(v1) .. e.op .. base.type(v2) .. ")", e.pos) end v = v1 >= v2 elseif e.op == '==' then if isNull(v1) or isNull(v2) then v = isNull(v1) and isNull(v2) elseif base.type(v1) == "boolean" or base.type(v2) == "boolean" then v = coerce(v1, "boolean") == coerce(v2, "boolean") elseif (base.type(v1) == "number" or base.type(v2) == "number") and isNumeric(v1) and isNumeric(v2) then -- Either is number and both have valid numeric representation, treat both as numbers -- That is 123 > "45" returns true v = coerce(v1, "number") == coerce(v2, "number") else v = coerce(v1, "string") == coerce(v2, "string") end elseif e.op == '<>' or e.op == '!=' or e.op == '~=' then if isNull(v1) or isNull(v2) then v = not ( isNull(v1) and isNull(v2) ) elseif base.type(v1) == "boolean" or base.type(v2) == "boolean" then v = coerce(v1, "boolean") == coerce(v2, "boolean") elseif (base.type(v1) == "number" or base.type(v2) == "number") and isNumeric(v1) and isNumeric(v2) then v = coerce(v1, "number") ~= coerce(v2, "number") else v = coerce(v1, "string") ~= coerce(v2, "string") end elseif e.op == '=' then D("_run: making assignment to %1", v1) -- Can't make assignment to reserved words for j in base.pairs(reservedWords) do if j == v1.name:lower() then evalerror("Can't assign to reserved word " .. j, e.pos) end end ctx.__lvars = ctx.__lvars or {} if v1.index ~= nil then -- Array/index assignment if base.type(ctx.__lvars[v1.name]) ~= "table" then evalerror("Target is not an array ("..v1.name..")", e.pos) end local ix = runfetch( v1.index, ctx, stack ) D("_run: assignment to %1 with computed index %2", v1.name, ix) if ix < 1 or base.type(ix) ~= "number" then evalerror("Invalid index ("..base.tostring(ix)..")", e.pos) end ctx.__lvars[v1.name][ix] = v2 else ctx.__lvars[v1.name] = v2 end v = v2 else error("Bug: binop parsed but not implemented by evaluator, binop=" .. e.op, 0) end elseif isAtom( e, UNOP ) then -- Get the operand D("_run: handling unop, stack has %1", stack) v = runfetch( e.operand, ctx, stack ) if v == nil then v = NULLATOM end if e.op == '-' then v = -coerce(v, "number") elseif e.op == '+' then -- luacheck: ignore 542 -- noop elseif e.op == '!' then if base.type(v) == "number" then v = bit.bnot(v) else v = not coerce(v, "boolean") end elseif e.op == '#' then D("_run: # unop on %1", v) local vt = base.type(v) if vt == "string" then v = #v elseif vt == "table" then v = xp_tlen( v ) elseif isNull(v) then v = 0 else v = 1 end else error("Bug: unop parsed but not implemented by evaluator, unop=" .. e.op, 0) end elseif isAtom( e, FREF ) then -- Function reference D("_run: Handling function %1 with %2 args passed", e.name, #e.args) if e.name == "if" then -- Special-case the if() function, which evaluates only the sub-expression needed based on the result of the first argument. -- This allows, for example, test for null before attempting to reference through it, as in if( x, x.name, "no name" ), -- because arguments are normally evaluated prior to calling the function implementation, but this would cause "x.name" to -- be attempted, which would fail and throw an error if x is null. if #e.args < 2 then evalerror("if() requires two or three arguments", e.pos) end local v1 = runfetch( e.args[1], ctx, stack ) if v1 == nil or not coerce( v1, "boolean" ) then -- False if #e.args > 2 then v = runfetch( e.args[3], ctx, stack ) else v = NULLATOM end else -- True v = runfetch( e.args[2], ctx, stack ) end elseif e.name == "iterate" then if #e.args < 2 then evalerror("iterate() requires two or more arguments", e.pos) end local v1 = runfetch( e.args[1], ctx, stack ) v = {} if v1 ~= nil and not isNull( v1 ) then if base.type(v1) ~= "table" then evalerror("iterate() argument 1 is not array", e.pos) end local v3 = '_' if #e.args > 2 then v3 = runfetch( e.args[3], ctx, stack ) end local iexp = isAtom( e.args[2], CONST ) and _comp( e.args[2].value, ctx ) or e.args[2] -- handle string as expression -- if not isAtom( iexp ) then evalerror("iterate() arg 2 must be expression or string containing expression", e.pos) end ctx.__lvars = ctx.__lvars or {} for _,xa in base.ipairs( v1 ) do ctx.__lvars[v3] = xa local xv = runfetch( iexp, ctx, stack ) if xv ~= nil and not isNull( xv ) then table.insert( v, xv ) end end end elseif e.name == "map" then if #e.args < 1 then evalerror("map() requires one or more arguments", e.pos) end local v1 = runfetch( e.args[1], ctx, stack ) v = {} if v1 ~= nil and not isNull( v1 ) then if base.type(v1) ~= "table" then evalerror("map() argument 1 is not array", e.pos) end local v3 = '_' if #e.args > 2 then v3 = runfetch( e.args[3], ctx, stack ) end local iexp if #e.args > 1 then iexp = isAtom( e.args[2], CONST ) and _comp( e.args[2].value, ctx ) or e.args[2] -- handle string as expression -- if not isAtom( iexp ) then evalerror("iterate() arg 2 must be expression or string containing expression", e.pos) end else iexp = _comp( "__", ctx ) -- default index to pivot array end ctx.__lvars = ctx.__lvars or {} for k,xa in base.ipairs( v1 ) do if not isNull( xa ) then ctx.__lvars[v3] = xa ctx.__lvars['__'] = k local xv = runfetch( iexp, ctx, stack ) if xv ~= nil and not isNull( xv ) then v[tostring(xa)] = xv end end end end elseif e.name == "push" then if #e.args < 2 then evalerror("push() at least two arguments are required ", e.pos) end if e.args[1].__type ~= "vref" then evalerror("push() argument 1 must be array name", e.pos) end local nv = e.args[1].name local xv = runfetch( e.args[2], ctx, stack ) local nmax = false if #e.args > 2 then nmax = runfetch( e.args[3], ctx, stack ) if base.type(nmax) ~= "number" or nmax < 1 then evalerror("push() argument 3 must be numeric > 0", e.pos) end end v = NULLATOM if (ctx.__lvars or {})[nv] and not isNull( ctx.__lvars[nv] ) then if base.type(ctx.__lvars[nv]) ~= "table" or ctx.__lvars[nv].__type then -- non-table or atom evalerror("argument 1 is not array", e.pos) end v = ctx.__lvars[nv] end if is_non( v ) then ctx.__lvars = ctx.__lvars or {} v = {} ctx.__lvars[nv] = v end if ARRAYNULL or not isNull( xv ) then while nmax and #v > 0 and #v >= (tonumber(nmax) or 0) do table.remove( v, 1 ) end if not nmax and #v >= ARRAYMAX then evalerror("Max length of unbounded array exceeded") end table.insert( v, xv ) end elseif e.name == "pop" then if #e.args < 1 then evalerror("pop() missing required argument ", e.pos) end if e.args[1].__type ~= "vref" then evalerror("pop() argument 1 must be array name", e.pos) end local nv = e.args[1].name local av if (ctx.__lvars or {})[nv] and not isNull( ctx.__lvars[nv] ) then if base.type(ctx.__lvars[nv]) ~= "table" or ctx.__lvars[nv].__type then evalerror("argument 1 is not array", e.pos) end av = ctx.__lvars[nv] end if is_non( av ) then ctx.__lvars = ctx.__lvars or {} av = {} ctx.__lvars[nv] = av end v = table.remove( av ) or NULLATOM elseif e.name == "unshift" then if #e.args < 2 then evalerror("unshift() at least two arguments are required ", e.pos) end if e.args[1].__type ~= "vref" then evalerror("unshift() argument 1 must be array name", e.pos) end local nv = e.args[1].name local xv = runfetch( e.args[2], ctx, stack ) local nmax = false if #e.args > 2 then nmax = runfetch( e.args[3], ctx, stack ) if base.type(nmax) ~= "number" or nmax < 1 then evalerror("unshift() argument 3 must be numeric > 0", e.pos) end end v = NULLATOM if (ctx.__lvars or {})[nv] and not isNull( ctx.__lvars[nv] ) then if base.type(ctx.__lvars[nv]) ~= "table" or ctx.__lvars[nv].__type then -- non-table or atom evalerror("argument 1 is not array", e.pos) end v = ctx.__lvars[nv] end if is_non( v ) then ctx.__lvars = ctx.__lvars or {} v = {} ctx.__lvars[nv] = v end if ARRAYNULL or not isNull( xv ) then while nmax and #v > 0 and #v >= (tonumber(nmax) or 0) do table.remove( v ) end if not nmax and #v >= ARRAYMAX then evalerror("Max length of unbounded array exceeded") end table.insert( v, 1, xv ) end elseif e.name == "shift" then if #e.args < 1 then evalerror("shift() missing required argument", e.pos) end if e.args[1].__type ~= "vref" then evalerror("shift() argument 1 must be array name", e.pos) end local nv = e.args[1].name local av if (ctx.__lvars or {})[nv] and not isNull( ctx.__lvars[nv] ) then if base.type(ctx.__lvars[nv]) ~= "table" or ctx.__lvars[nv].__type then evalerror("argument 1 is not array", e.pos) end av = ctx.__lvars[nv] end if is_non( av ) then ctx.__lvars = ctx.__lvars or {} av = {} ctx.__lvars[nv] = av end v = table.remove( av, 1 ) or NULLATOM else -- Parse our arguments and put each on the stack; push them in reverse so they pop correctly (first to pop is first passed) local v1, argv local argc = #e.args argv = {} for n=1,argc do v = e.args[n] D("_run: evaluate function argument %1: %2", n, v) v1 = runfetch( v, ctx, stack) if v1 == nil then v1 = NULLATOM end D("_run: adding argument result %1", v1) argv[n] = v1 end -- Locate the implementation local impl = nil if nativeFuncs[e.name] then D("_run: found native func %1", nativeFuncs[e.name]) impl = nativeFuncs[e.name].impl if (argc < nativeFuncs[e.name].nargs) then evalerror("Insufficient arguments to " .. e.name .. "(), need " .. nativeFuncs[e.name].nargs .. ", got " .. argc, e.pos) end end if impl == nil and ctx['__functions'] then impl = ctx['__functions'][e.name] D("_run: context __functions provides implementation") end if impl == nil then D("_run: context provides DEPRECATED-STYLE implementation") impl = ctx[e.name] end if impl == nil then evalerror("Unrecognized function: " .. e.name, e.pos) end if base.type(impl) ~= "function" then evalerror("Reference is not a function: " .. e.name, e.pos) end -- Run the implementation local status D("_run: calling %1 with args=%2", e.name, argv) argv.__context = ctx -- trickery status, v = pcall(impl, argv) D("_run: finished %1() call, status=%2, result=%3", e.name, status, v) if not status then if base.type(v) == "table" and v.__source == "luaxp" then v.location = e.pos error(v) -- that one of our errors, just pass along end error("Execution of function " .. e.name .. "() threw an error: " .. base.tostring(v)) end end elseif isAtom( e, VREF ) then D("_run: handling vref, name=%1, push to stack for later eval", e.name) v = deepcopy(e) -- we're going to push the VREF directly (e.g. pushing atom to stack!) else error("Bug: invalid atom type in parse tree: " .. base.tostring(e.__type), 0) end -- Push result to stack D("_run: pushing result to stack: %1", v) if v == 0 then v = 0 end -- Huh? Well... long story. Resolve the inconsistency of -0 in Lua. See issue #4. table.insert(stack, v) D("_run: finished, stack has %1: %2", #stack, stack) return true end -- PUBLIC METHODS -- Compile the expression (public method) function compile( expressionString ) local s,v,n -- n??? s,v,_ = pcall(_comp, expressionString) if s then return { rpn = v, source = expressionString } else return nil, v end end -- Public method to execute compiled expression. Accepts a context (ctx) function run( compiledExpression, executionContext ) executionContext = executionContext or {} if (compiledExpression == nil or compiledExpression.rpn == nil or base.type(compiledExpression.rpn) ~= "table") then return nil end local stack = {} local status, val = pcall(_run, compiledExpression.rpn, executionContext, stack) if #stack==0 or not status then return nil, val end -- Put through fetch() because we may leave VREF atoms on the stack for last status, val = pcall( fetch, stack, executionContext ) -- return first element. Maybe return multiple some day??? if not status then return nil, val end return val end -- Public convenience method to compile and run and expression. function evaluate( expressionString, executionContext ) local r,m = compile( expressionString ) if r == nil then return r,m end -- return error as we got it return run( r, executionContext ) -- and directly return whatever run() wants to return end -- Special exports NULL = NULLATOM null = NULLATOM