--[[ L_SonosTTS.lua - Implementation module for text-to-speech for the Sonos plugin for Luup Current maintainer: rigpapa https://community.getvera.com/u/rigpapa/summary For license information, see https://github.com/toggledbits/Sonos-Vera --]] module("L_SonosTTS", package.seeall) VERSION = 20314 DEBUG_MODE = true local urllib = require("socket.url") local http = require("socket.http") local ssl = require "ssl" local https = require "ssl.https" local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local base = _G local log = print local warning = log local error = log --luacheck: ignore 231 local defaultEngine = "MARY" local engines = {} local function debug(m, ...) if DEBUG_MODE then log('(tts debug) '..m, ...) end end -- cut_text: split long text to smaller than cutSize. Some engines have limits on the length -- of the text to be converted. This function facilities a multi-request approach -- to creating a combined single audio file. local function cut_text( text, cutSize ) -- Canonicalize whitespace: trim ends, multis remaining are converted to single space local remaining = tostring(text):gsub( "^%s+", "" ):gsub( "%s+$", "" ):gsub( "%s+", " " ) if cutSize <= 0 or #remaining <= cutSize then return { remaining } end local tableTextFragments = {} while #remaining > 0 do if #remaining <= cutSize then table.insert( tableTextFragments, remaining ) return tableTextFragments end local pos = string.find(string.reverse(string.sub(remaining, 1, cutSize+1)), " ") or cutSize local chunk = string.sub( remaining, 1, cutSize-pos+1 ) table.insert( tableTextFragments, chunk ) remaining = string.sub( remaining, cutSize+3-pos ) end end local function xmlescape( t ) return ( t:gsub( '"', """ ):gsub( "'", "'" ):gsub( "%&", "&" ):gsub( "%<", "<" ):gsub( "%>", ">" ) ) end -- Abstract base class for TTS engine for this module. Although its abstract-ness is not strictly -- enforced and this class can be instantiated directly to use for any HTTP-GET-method engine, the -- intent is that the derived class provide any and all specifics, including parameters. TTSEngine = {} function TTSEngine:new(o) o = o or {} -- create object if user does not provide one setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self self.lang = "en-US" -- default language for engine self.optionMeta = {} return o end function TTSEngine:getOptionMeta() return self.optionMeta end -- say: retrieve audio file for text function TTSEngine:say(text, destFile, engineOptions) end -- luacheck: ignore 212 -- HTTPGetTTSEngine - base class for HTTP GET-based TTS (extends TTSEngine). HTTPGetTTSEngine = TTSEngine:new() function HTTPGetTTSEngine:new(o) o = o or TTSEngine:new(o) setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function HTTPGetTTSEngine:say(text, destFile, engineOptions) debug("say_http_get: engine " .. self.title .. " destFile " .. destFile .. " text " .. text) local param = { file=destFile, text=text } local txlist = cut_text( text:gsub("%s+", " "), engineOptions.maxchunk or 0 ) if #txlist == 0 or (#txlist == 1 and txlist[1]:match("^%s*$")) then return nil, "Empty text" end -- empty text local fw, size = 0 if #txlist > 1 then -- Open combined output file for cut text fw = io.open(destFile, "w") if fw == nil then return nil, "Can't open output file" end end -- Do request parts for _,chunk in ipairs(txlist) do if #txlist > 1 then -- For cut text, set up this chunk param.text = chunk param.file = destFile .. ".part" end os.remove(param.file) local cmd = self.shellCmd:gsub("%%%{([^%}]+)%}", function( p ) local n,d = string.match(p, "^([^|]+)|?(.*)$") local m,f = string.match(n or "", "^([^:]+):(.*)$") if m then n = m else f = "u" end local s = param[n] or engineOptions[n] or self.optionMeta[n].default or d or "" return f == "u" and urllib.escape(tostring(s)) or tostring(s) end) debug("say_http_get: requesting " .. tostring(cmd)) local returnCode = os.execute(cmd) debug("say_http_get: returned " .. tostring(returnCode)) if returnCode == 0 then if #txlist > 1 then -- Add chunk to combined output local fh = io.open(param.destFile, "rb") while true do local s = fh:read(2048) if not s then break end fw:write(s) end fh:close() end else warning(tostring(self.title).." fetch command failed ("..tostring(returnCode).."); "..tostring(cmd)) os.remove(destFile) os.remove(destFile .. ".part") return nil, "Failed to retrieve audio file from remote API" end os.remove(destFile .. ".part") end if #txlist == 1 then -- Single chunk, open output file for size fw = io.open(destFile, "rb") end if not fw then return nil, "No output file" end size = fw:seek("end") fw:close() if size > 0 then -- Convert bitrate in Kbps to Bps, and from that compute clip duration (aggressive rounding up) return math.ceil( size / ( self.bitrate * 128 ) ) + 1 end debug("_say_http: received zero-length file") return nil, "Received zero-length file" end -- ResponsiveVoice subclass of TTSEngine ResponsiveVoiceTTSEngine = HTTPGetTTSEngine:new{ title="ResponsiveVoice", fileType="mp3", bitrate=32, protocol="http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*", shellCmd=[[curl -s -k -o '%{file:s}' \ --connect-timeout %{timeout:s|15} \ --header "Accept-Charset: utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3" \ --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" \ --header "User-Agent: %{useragent:s}" \ '%{url:s}/getvoice.php?t=%{text}&tl=%{lang|en_US}&sv=&vn=&pitch=%{pitch|0.5}&rate=%{rate|0.5}']], lang="en_US", -- default language for engine optionMeta={ url={ index=1, title="Server URL", default="https://code.responsivevoice.org" }, lang={ index=2, title="Language", default="en_US", unrestricted=true, values={ ['en_AU']="English (Australian)", ['en_CA']="English (Canadian)", ['en_GB']="English (British)", ['en_US']="English (American)", ['el_GR']="Greek", ['nl_NL']="Dutch", ['fi_FI']="Finnish", ['fr_CA']="French (Canadian)", ['fr_FR']="French (French)", ['de_DE']="German", ['hu_HU']="Hungarian", ['it_IT']="Italian", ['nb_NO']="Norwegian", ['pt_BR']="Portugese (Brazilian)", ['pt_PT']="Portugese (Portugese)", ['ru_RU']='Russian', ['es_mx']="Spanish (Mexican)", ['es_es']="Spanish (Spanish)", ['sv_SE']="Swedish", ['tr_TR']="Turkish" } }, timeout={ title="Timeout (secs)", default=15 }, maxchunk={ title="Max Text Chunk", default=100 }, rate={ index=2, title="Rate (0-1)", default=0.5 }, pitch={ index=3, title="Pitch (0-2)", default=0.5 }, useragent={ title="User-Agent Header", default=[[Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11]] } } } -- MaryTTS subclass MaryTTSEngine = HTTPGetTTSEngine:new{ title="MaryTTS", fileType="wav", bitrate=768, -- ??? was 256, but my Mary seems to produce higher rate; configurable? protocol="http-get:*:audio/wav:*", shellCmd=[[curl -s -k -o '%{file:s}' \ --connect-timeout %{timeout:s|15} \ --header "Accept-Charset: utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3" \ --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" \ '%{url:s}?INPUT_TYPE=TEXT&AUDIO=WAVE_FILE&OUTPUT_TYPE=AUDIO&LOCALE=%{lang|en-US}&INPUT_TEXT=%{text}&{extraopts:s}']], optionMeta={ url={ index=1, title="Server URL", default="" }, lang={ index=2, title="Language", default="en-US", unrestricted=true, values={ ['en']="English", ['en-GB']="English (British)", ['en-US']="English (American)", ['en-CA']="English (Canadian)", ['en-AU']="English (Australian)", ['nl']="Dutch", ['fr']="French", ['fr-CA']="French (Canadian)", ['fr-FR']="French (French)", ['de']="German", ['it']="Italian", ['pt']="Portugese", ['pt-BR']="Portugese (Brazilian)", ['pt-PT']="Portugese (Portugese)", ['ru']='Russian', ['es']="Spanish", ['es-mx']="Spanish (Mexican)", ['es-es']="Spanish (Spanish)" } }, maxchunk={ index=3, title="Max Text Chunk", default=100 }, timeout={ index=4, title="Timeout (secs)", default=15 }, extraopts={ index=5, title="Extra Params", default="" } } } GoogleTTSEngine = HTTPGetTTSEngine:new{ title="Google TTS", fileType="mp3", bitrate=32, protocol="http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*", shellCmd=[[wget --quiet --timeout=%{timeout:s|15} --output-document '%{file:s}' \ --header "Accept-Charset: utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3" \ --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" \ --user-agent "%{useragent:s}" \ "%{url:s}?tl=%{lang|en}&q=%{text}&client=Vera"]], optionMeta={ url={ index=1, title="Server URL", default="https://translate.google.com/translate_tts" }, lang={ index=2, title="Language", default="en-US", unrestricted=true, values={ ['en']="English", ['en-GB']="English (British)", ['en-US']="English (American)", ['en-CA']="English (Canadian)", ['en-AU']="English (Australian)", ['nl']="Dutch", ['fr']="French", ['fr-CA']="French (Canadian)", ['fr-FR']="French (French)", ['de']="German", ['it']="Italian", ['pt']="Portugese", ['pt-BR']="Portugese (Brazilian)", ['pt-PT']="Portugese (Portugese)", ['ru']='Russian', ['es']="Spanish", ['es-mx']="Spanish (Mexican)", ['es-es']="Spanish (Spanish)" } }, timeout={ title="Timeout (secs)", default=15 }, maxchunk={ title="Max Text Chunk", default=100 }, useragent={ title="User-Agent Header", default=[[Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11]] } } } OSXTTSEngine = HTTPGetTTSEngine:new{ title="OSX TTS Server", fileType="mp3", bitrate=64, protocol="http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*", serverURL="", shellCmd=[[wget --quiet --timeout=%{timeout:s|15} --output-document '%{destFile:s}' \ --header "Accept-Charset: utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3" \ --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" \ --user-agent "%{useragent:s}" \ "%{url:s}/tts?text=%{text}"]], optionMeta={ url={ index=1, title="Server URL", default="" }, lang={ index=2, title="Language", default="en-US", unrestricted=true, values={ ['en']="English", ['en-GB']="English (British)", ['en-US']="English (American)", ['en-CA']="English (Canadian)", ['en-AU']="English (Australian)", ['nl']="Dutch", ['fr']="French", ['fr-CA']="French (Canadian)", ['fr-FR']="French (French)", ['de']="German", ['it']="Italian", ['pt']="Portugese", ['pt-BR']="Portugese (Brazilian)", ['pt-PT']="Portugese (Portugese)", ['ru']='Russian', ['es']="Spanish", ['es-mx']="Spanish (Mexican)", ['es-es']="Spanish (Spanish)" } }, timeout={ title="Timeout (secs)", default=15 }, maxchunk={ title="Max Text Chunk", default=100 }, useragent={ title="User-Agent Header", default=[[Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11]] } } } -- Microsoft Azure TTS Engine -- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/rest-text-to-speech AzureTTSEngine = TTSEngine:new() function AzureTTSEngine:new(o) o = o or TTSEngine:new(o) setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self self.title = "Azure Speech Service" self.lastToken = 0 self.maxTokenLife = 570 self.token = "" self.format = "audio-16khz-64kbitrate-mono-mp3" self.filetype = "mp3" self.bitrate = 64 self.protocol = "http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*" -- ??? Need to use: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/get-started-text-to-speech?tabs=script%2Cwindowsinstall&pivots=programming-language-curl self.optionMeta = { subkey={ index=1, title="Subscription Key", required=true, infourl="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/cognitive-services-apis-create-account?tabs=multiservice%2Cwindows" }, region={ index=2, title="Region", values={"australiaeast","canadacentral","centralus","eastasia","eastus","eastus2","francecentral","centralindia","japaneast","koreacentral","northcentralus","northeurope","southcentralus","southeastasia","uksouth","westeurope","westus","westus2"}, default="eastus", unrestricted=true }, endpoint={ index=3, title="Endpoint", default="", instructions="If left blank, https://.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/ will be used" }, voice={ index=4, title="Voice", instructions="Availability subject to change. Not all voices available in all regions. Click 'info' above for more.", default="en-US-JessaRUS", values={ ["ar-EG-Hoda"]="Arabic (Egypt), female", ["ar-SA-Naayf"]="Arabic (Saudi Arabia), male", ["bg-BG-Ivan"]="Bulgarian", ["ca-ES-HerenaRUS"]="Catalan (Spain), female", ["cs-CZ-Jakub"]="Czech, male", ["da-DK-HelleRUS"]="Danish, female", ["de-AT-Michael"]="German (Austria), male", ["de-CH-Karsten"]="German (Switzerland), male", ["de-DE-Hedda"]="German (Germany), female", ["de-DE-HeddaRUS"]="German (Germany), female, alternate", ["de-DE-Stefan-Apollo"]="German (Germany), male", ["de-DE-KatjaNeural"]="German (Germany), female, neural", ["el-GR-Stefanos"]="Greek, male", ["en-AU-Catherine"]="English (Australia), female", ["en-AU-CatherineRUS"]="English (Australia), female, alternate", ["en-CA-Linda"]="English (Canada), female (Linda)", ["en-CA-HeatherRUS"]="English (Canada), female (Heather)", ["en-GB-Susan-Apollo"]="English (UK), female (Susan)", ["en-GB-HazelRUS"]="English (UK), female (Hazel)", ["en-GB-George-Apollo"]="English (UK), male (George)", ["en-IE-Sean"]="English (Ireland), male", ["en-IN-Heera-Apollo"]="English (India), female (Heera)", ["en-IN-PriyaRUS"]="English (India), female (Priya)", ["en-IN-Ravi-Apollo"]="English (India), male (Ravi)", ["en-US-JessaRUS"]="English (US), female (Jessa, standard)", ["en-US-ZiraRUS"]="English (US), female (Zira)", ["en-US-BenjaminRUS"]="English (US), male (Benjamin)", ["es-ES-HelenaRUS"]="Spanish (Spain), female (Helena)", ["en-US-AriaNeural"]="English (US), female (Aria, neural)", ["en-US-GuyNeural"]="English (US), male (Guy, neural)", ["en-US-JennyNeural"]="English (US), female (Jenny, neural)", ["es-ES-Laura-Apollo"]="Spanish (Spain), female (Laura)", ["es-ES-Pablo-Apollo"]="Spanish (Spain), male (Pablo)", ["es-MX-HildaRUS"]="Spanish (Mexico), female (Hilda)", ["es-MX-Raul-Apollo"]="Spanish (Mexico), male (Raul)", ["fi-FI-HeidiRUS"]="Finnish, female", ["fr-CA-HarmonieRUS"]="French (Canada), female (Harmonie)", ["fr-CA-Caroline"]="French (Canada), female (Caroline)", ["fr-CH-Guillaume"]="French (Switzerland), male", ["fr-FR-HortenseRUS"]="French (France), female (Hortense)", ["fr-FR-Julie-Apollo"]="French (France), female (Julie)", ["fr-FR-Paul-Apollo"]="French (France), male (Paul)", ["he-IL-Asaf"]="Hebrew (Israel), male", ["hi-IN-Kalpana"]="Hindi (India), female", ["hi-IN-Kalpana-Apollo"]="Hindi (India), female alternate", ["hi-IN-Hemant"]="Hindi (India), male", ["hr-HR-Matej"]="Croatian, male", ["hu-HU-Szabolcs"]="Hungarian, male", ["id-ID-Andika"]="Indonesian, male", ["it-IT-Cosimo-Apollo"]="Italian (Italy), male", ["it-IT-LuciaRUS"]="Italian (Italy), female", ["it-IT-ElsaNeural"]="Italian (Italy), female, neural", ["ja-JP-Ayumi-Apollo"]="Japanese, female (Ayumi)", ["ja-JP-Ichiro-Apollo"]="Japanese, male (Ichiro)", ["ja-JP-HarukaRUS"]="Japanese, female (Haruka)", ["ko-KR-HeamiRUS"]="Korean, female", ["ms-MY-Rizwan"]="Malay, male", ["nb-NO-HuldaRUS"]="Norwegian, female", ["nl-NL-HannaRUS"]="Dutch, female", ["pl-PL-PaulinaRUS"]="Polish, female", ["pt-BR-HeloisaRUS"]="Portugese (Brazil), female", ["pt-BR-Daniel-Apollo"]="Portugese (Brazil), male", ["pt-PT-HeliaRUS"]="Portugese (Portugal), female", ["ro-RO-Andrei"]="Romanian, male", ["ru-RU-Irina-Apollo"]="Russian, female (Irina)", ["ru-RU-Pavel-Apollo"]="Russian, male (Pavel)", ["ru-RU-EkaterinaRUS"]="Russian, female (Ekaterina)", ["sk-SK-Filip"]="Slovak, male", ["sl-SI-Lado"]="Slovenian, male", ["sv-SE-HedvigRUS"]="Swedish, female", ["ta-IN-Valluvar"]="Tamil (India), male", ["te-IN-Chitra"]="Telugu (India), female", ["th-TH-Pattara"]="Thai, male", ["tr-TR-SedaRUS"]="Turkish, female", ["vi-VN-An"]="Vietnamese, male", ["zh-CN-HuihuiRUS"]="Chinese (Mainland), female (Huihui)", ["zh-CN-Yaoyao-Apollo"]="Chinese (Mainland), female (Yaoyao)", ["zh-CN-Kangkang-Apollo"]="Chinese (Mainland), male (Kangkang)", ["zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural"]="Chinese (Mainland), female, neural", ["zh-HK-Tracy-Apollo"]="Chinese (Hong Kong), female (Tracy)", ["zh-HK-TracyRUS"]="Chinese (Hong Kong), female (Tracy, alternate)", ["zh-HK-Danny-Apollo"]="Chinese (Hong Kong), male (Danny)", ["zh-TW-Yating-Apollo"]="Chinese (Taiwan), female (Yating)", ["zh-TW-HanhanRUS"]="Chinese (Taiwan), female (Hanhan)", ["zh-TW-Zhiwei-Apollo"]="Chinese (Taiwan), male (Zhiwei)" }, unrestricted=true, infourl="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/language-support#text-to-speech" }, requestor={ index=5, title="Requestor", default="", values={ [""]="automatic (recommended)", L="LuaSocket/LuaSec", C="curl" } }, timeout={ title="Timeout (secs)", default="15" } } return o end function AzureTTSEngine:say(text, destFile, engineOptions) assert( engineOptions.subkey, "Subscription key is required" ) local tries = 0 while tries < 3 do tries = tries + 1 if ( os.time() - self.lastToken ) >= self.maxTokenLife then debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() token is expired, fetching new (engine %1)", VERSION) local url if ( engineOptions.endpoint or "" ) ~= "" then debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() using provided endpoint %1", engineOptions.endpoint) url = engineOptions.endpoint if not url:match( "^https?://" ) then url = "https://" .. url end if not url:match( "/$" ) then url = url .. "/" end else debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() creating default endpoint from region") url = string.format("https://%s.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/", engineOptions.region or self.optionMeta.region.default) end url = url .. "sts/v1.0/issueToken" local cmd = string.format([[curl -s -k -o - -m 15 -X POST -H 'Content-length: 0' \ -H 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: %s' '%s']], ((engineOptions.subkey or "undefined"):gsub( "'", "\\'" )), url) debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() %1", cmd) local fp = io.popen( cmd ) local s = fp:read("*a") or "" fp:close() debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() response %1", s) if s:match("error") then warning("AzureTTSEngine:say() failed to fetch token: "..s) local json = require "dkjson" local data = json.decode( s ) if not data then debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() invalid response JSON: %1", s) error("Invalid response JSON") break elseif data.error and data.error.code ~= 200 then error("Can't get token, error %1 response, %2", data.error.code, data.error.message) break end error("Unparseable token response: %1", s) elseif s == "" then error("Empty response, likely failed to negotiate SSL or invalid URL (%s)", url) end self.token = s self.lastToken = os.time() debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() acquired new token %1", self.token) else debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() current token assumed valid") end local host = string.format( "%s.tts.speech.microsoft.com", engineOptions.region or self.optionMeta.region.default ) local url = string.format( "https://%s/cognitiveservices/v1", host ) local voice = engineOptions.voice or self.optionMeta.voice.default local lang = voice:gsub( "^(%w+%-%w+)%-.*", "%1" ) local payload = string.format('', lang, voice, text:gsub("'", "\\'")) debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() host %1 url %3 payload %2", host, payload, url) debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() system LuaSec version is %1, engine is %2", ssl._VERSION, VERSION) os.remove( destFile ) if engineOptions.requestor == "C" or ( engineOptions.requestor == "" and (ssl._VERSION or ""):match( "^0%.[654]" ) ) then -- Ancient LuaSec, or curl specified local fp = io.open(destFile .. "-curl.sh", "w") fp:write( "#!/bin/sh\n# This file is automatically generated; DO NOT EDIT\n\n" ) fp:write( string.format("rm -f -- '%s'\n", destFile) ) fp:write( string.format("curl -s -k -m %s -X POST -o '%s' \\\n", engineOptions.timeout or self.optionMeta.timeout.default or 15, destFile) ) fp:write( string.format(" -H 'Host: %s' \\\n", host) ) fp:write( string.format(" -H 'Authorization: Bearer %s' \\\n", self.token) ) fp:write( string.format(" -H 'X-Microsoft-OutputFormat: %s' \\\n", self.format) ) fp:write( " -H 'Content-Type: application/ssml+xml' \\\n" ) -- fp:write( string.format(" -H 'Content-Length: %d'", #payload) -- curl does it correctly fp:write( string.format(" -d '%s' \\\n", payload ) ) fp:write( string.format(" '%s'\n", url) ) fp:close() local rst = os.execute( "sh " .. destFile .. "-curl.sh" ) if rst ~= 0 then fp = io.open(destFile .. "-curl.sh", "r") local req = fp:read("*a") fp:close() error("curl request failed (exit status %2): %1", req, rst) if tries == 1 then -- Fail on first attempt will retry with a new token debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() arming for new token and retry") self.lastToken = 0 else return nil, "curl request failed" end else fp = io.open( destFile, "rb" ) if fp then local size = fp:seek("end") or 0 fp:close() if not DEBUG_MODE then os.remove(destFile .. "-curl.sh") end debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() received %1 byte response via curl", size) if size > 0 then -- Convert bitrate in Kbps to Bps, and from that compute clip duration (aggressive rounding up) return math.ceil( size / ( self.bitrate * 128 ) ) + 1, nil, size end end return nil, "received zero-length file" end else local fp,ferr = io.open(destFile, "wb") if not fp then error("Unable to open "..tostring(destFile)..": "..tostring(ferr)) end http.TIMEOUT = engineOptions.timeout or self.optionMeta.timeout.default or 15 local req = { url = url, TIMEOUT = http.TIMEOUT, sink = ltn12.sink.file(fp, ferr), method = "POST", headers = { ["X-Microsoft-OutputFormat"] = self.format, ["Host"] = host, ["Content-Type"] = "application/ssml+xml", ["Content-Length"] = #payload, ["Authorization"] = "Bearer " .. tostring(self.token) }, source = ltn12.source.string(payload), protocol = "any" } local r, statusMsg, h, e = https.request( req ) debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() response %1, %2, %3, %4", r, statusMsg, h, e) if io.type(fp) == "file" then fp:close() end if statusMsg == 200 then fp = io.open( destFile, "rb" ) local size = fp:seek("end") or 0 fp:close() debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() received %1 byte response via socket.http", size) if size > 0 then -- Convert bitrate in Kbps to Bps, and from that compute clip duration (aggressive rounding up) return math.ceil( size / ( self.bitrate * 128 ) ) + 1, nil, size end return nil, "received zero-length file" elseif statusMsg == 401 then -- Authorization error; assume token has expired. Arm to re-request. debug("AzureTTSEngine:say() auth fail, arming for retry") self.lastToken = 0 else warning("AzureTTSEngine:say() conversion request failed, "..tostring(statusMsg)) warning("AzureTTSEngine:say() r="..tostring(r)) warning("AzureTTSEngine:say() h="..tostring(h)) warning("AzureTTSEngine:say() h=%1", h) warning("AzureTTSEngine:say() e="..tostring(e)) warning("AzureTTSEngine:say() payload=%1", payload) fp = io.open( destFile, "r" ) while fp do local s = fp:read("*l") if s then warning(s) else fp:close() break end end self.lastToken = 0 return nil, "request failed "..tostring(statusMsg) end end end warning("AzureTTSEngine:say() authorization failed with Azure service") return nil, "authorization failed" end -- Register an engine. The ident is a unique key for the engine passed in settings.engine to alert(). -- The engineInstance should be a fully-initialized, ready-to-use instance of a subclass of TTSEngine. function registerEngine( ident, engineInstance ) if engines[ident] then error("Engine already registered: " .. ident) end engines[ident] = engineInstance end function getEngines() return engines end function getEngine( ident ) ident = ident or defaultEngine return (not (engines[ident] or {}).legacy) and engines[ident] or nil end function setDefaultEngine( ident ) ident = ident or "MARY" if not engines[ident] then base.error("Invalid/unregistered engine "..ident) end defaultEngine = ident end function getDefaultEngineId() return defaultEngine end function getDefaultLanguage( engineid ) return engines[engineid or defaultEngine].lang end function initialize(logger, warningLogger, errorLogger) log = logger warning = warningLogger error = errorLogger -- ??? FIXME Eventually, only register engines at first use. registerEngine( "GOOGLE", GoogleTTSEngine:new() ) registerEngine( "MARY", MaryTTSEngine:new() ) registerEngine( "RV", ResponsiveVoiceTTSEngine:new() ) registerEngine( "OSX_TTS_SERVER", OSXTTSEngine:new() ) registerEngine( "AZURE", AzureTTSEngine:new() ) setup() end -- Convert text to speech audio in named file. function generate(engine, text, destFile, engineOptions) -- Convert text to speech using specified engine engine = engine or engines[defaultEngine] engineOptions = engineOptions or {} if not (engine and engine.say) then return nil, "Invalid engine" else debug("generate() engine "..tostring(engine.title).." text "..tostring(text).." file "..tostring(destFile)) local duration,err = engine:say( text, destFile, engineOptions ) if not duration then warning("(tts) engine " .. (engine.title or "title?") .. " error: " .. tostring(err)) return nil, err end return duration end end --[[ ************************ LEGACY/DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS ********************** ]] function ConvertTTS(text, destFile, language, engineId, engineOptions) engineId = engineId or defaultEngine local engine = engines[engineId] engineOptions.lang = language or engineOptions.language or (engine.optionMeta.lang or {}).default or engine.lang return generate(engines[engineId or defaultEngine], text, destFile, engineOptions) end function setup(language, engine, googleUrl, osxUrl, maryUrl, rvURL, clientId, clientSecret, option) -- luacheck: ignore 212 defaultEngine = engine or "MARY" end