import argparse try: import maya.standalone maya.standalone.initialize() except RuntimeError: pass from maya import cmds def cli(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Alembic Exporter") parser.add_argument( "-prs", "-preRollStartFrame", type=float, action="store", dest="preRollStartFrame", default=0, help="The frame to start scene evaluation at. This is used to set the" "starting frame for time dependent translations and can be used to " "evaluate run-up that isn't actually translated." ) parser.add_argument( "-duf", "-dontSkipUnwrittenFrames", action="store_true", default=False, dest="dontSkipUnwrittenFrames", help="When evaluating multiple translate jobs, the presence of this " "flag decides whether to evaluate frames between jobs when there is a " "gap in their frame ranges." ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "-verbose", action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbose", help="Prints the current frame that is being evaluated." ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "-attr", type=str, action="append", dest="attr", default=[], help="A specific geometric attribute to write out. This flag may occur" " more than once." ) parser.add_argument( "-df", "-dataFormat", type=str, action="store", default="Ogawa", dest="dataFormat", choices=["Ogawa", "HDF"], help="The data format to use to write the file. Can be either HDF or " "Ogawa. The default is Ogawa." ) parser.add_argument( "-atp", "-attrPrefix", type=str, action="append", default=["ABC_"], dest="attrPrefix", help="Prefix filter for determining which geometric attributes to " "write out. This flag may occur more than once." ) parser.add_argument( "-ef", "-eulerFilter", action="store_true", default=False, dest="eulerFilter", help="If this flag is present, apply Euler filter while sampling " "rotations." ) parser.add_argument( "-fr", "-frameRange", type=float, action="append", dest="frameRange", default=[], nargs=2, help="The frame range to write. Multiple occurrences of -frameRange " "are supported within a job. Each -frameRange defines a new frame " "range. -step or -frs will affect the current frame range only." ) parser.add_argument( "-frs", "-frameRelativeSample", type=float, action="append", dest="frameRelativeSample", default=[], help="frame relative sample that will be written out along the frame " "range. This flag may occur more than once." ) parser.add_argument( "-nn", "-noNormals", action="store_true", default=False, dest="noNormals", help="If this flag is present normal data for Alembic poly meshes will" " not be written." ) parser.add_argument( "-pr", "-preRoll", action="store_true", default=False, dest="preRoll", help="If this flag is present, this frame range will not be sampled." ) parser.add_argument( "-ro", "-renderableOnly", action="store_true", default=False, dest="renderableOnly", help="If this flag is present non-renderable hierarchy (invisible, or " "templated) will not be written out." ) parser.add_argument( "-rt", "-root", action="append", default=[], dest="root", help="Maya dag path which will be parented to the root of the Alembic " "file. This flag may occur more than once. If unspecified, it " "defaults to '|' which means the entire scene will be written out." ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "-step", type=float, default=1.0, action="store", dest="step", help="The time interval (expressed in frames) at which the frame range" " is sampled. Additional samples around each frame can be specified " "with -frs." ) parser.add_argument( "-sl", "-selection", action="store_true", default=False, dest="selection", help="If this flag is present, write out all all selected nodes from " "the active selection list that are descendents of the roots specified" " with -root." ) parser.add_argument( "-sn", "-stripNamespaces", action="store", type=int, default=-1, dest="stripNamespaces", help="If this flag is present namespaces will be stripped off of the " "node before being written to Alembic. The int after the flag " "specifies how many namespaces will be stripped off of the node" " name. Be careful that the new stripped name does not collide with " "other sibling node names.\n\nExamples:\n taco:foo:bar would be " "written as just bar with -sn 0\ntaco:foo:bar would be written as " "foo:bar with -sn 1" ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "-userAttr", type=str, action="append", dest="userAttr", default=[], help="A specific user attribute to write out. This flag may occur " "more than once." ) parser.add_argument( "-uatp", "-userAttrPrefix", type=str, action="append", default=[], dest="userAttrPrefix", help="Prefix filter for determining which user attributes to write " "out. This flag may occur more than once." ) parser.add_argument( "-uv", "-uvWrite", action="store_true", default=False, dest="uvWrite", help="If this flag is present, uv data for PolyMesh and SubD shapes " "will be written to the Alembic file. Only the current uv map is " "used." ) parser.add_argument( "-wcs", "-writeColorSets", action="store_true", default=False, dest="writeColorSets", help="Write all color sets on MFnMeshes as color 3 or color 4 indexed " "geometry parameters with face varying scope." ) parser.add_argument( "-wfs", "-writeFaceSets", action="store_true", default=False, dest="writeFaceSets", help="Write all Face sets on MFnMeshes." ) parser.add_argument( "-wfg", "-wholeFrameGeo", action="store_true", default=False, dest="wholeFrameGeo", help="If this flag is present data for geometry will only be written " "out on whole frames." ) parser.add_argument( "-ws", "-worldSpace", action="store_true", default=False, dest="worldSpace", help="If this flag is present, any root nodes will be stored in world " "space." ) parser.add_argument( "-wv", "-writeVisibility", action="store_true", default=False, dest="writeVisibility", help="If this flag is present, visibility state will be stored in the " "Alembic file. Otherwise everything written out is treated as visible." ) parser.add_argument( "-wuvs", "-writeUVSets", action="store_true", default=False, dest="writeUVSets", help="Write all uv sets on MFnMeshes as vector 2 indexed geometry" "parameters with face varying scope." ) parser.add_argument( "-wc", "-writeCreases", action="store_true", default=False, dest="writeCreases", help="If this flag is present and the mesh has crease edges or crease " "vertices, the mesh (OPolyMesh) would now be written out as an OSubD " "and crease info will be stored in the Alembic file. Otherwise, " "creases info won't be preserved in Alembic file unless a custom " "Boolean attribute SubDivisionMesh has been added to mesh node and " "its value is true." ) callback_help = """Special callback information: On the callbacks, special tokens are replaced with other data, these tokens and what they are replaced with are as follows: #FRAME# replaced with the frame number being evaluated. #FRAME# is ignored in the post callbacks. #BOUNDS# replaced with a string holding bounding box values in minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ space seperated order. #BOUNDSARRAY# replaced with the bounding box values as above, but in array form. In Mel: {minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ} In Python: [minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ]""" parser.add_argument( "-mfc", "-melPerFrameCallback", type=str, action="store", dest="melPerFrameCallback", help="When each frame (and the static frame) is evaluated the string " "specified is evaluated as a Mel command." + callback_help ) parser.add_argument( "-mpc", "-melPostJobCallback", type=str, action="store", dest="melPostJobCallback", help="When the translation has finished the string specified is " "evaluated as a Mel command." + callback_help ) parser.add_argument( "-pfc", "-pythonPerFrameCallback", type=str, action="store", dest="pythonPerFrameCallback", help="When each frame (and the static frame) is evaluated the string " "specified is evaluated as a python command." + callback_help ) parser.add_argument( "-ppc", "-pythonPostJobCallback", type=str, action="store", dest="pythonPostJobCallback", help="When the translation has finished the string specified is " "evaluated as a python command." + callback_help ) # This deviates from the direct mapping from this script to the AbcExport, # because we want both a Maya scene input and an Alembic file output. parser.add_argument( "-af", "-alembicFile", type=str, action="store", dest="alembicFile", required=True, help="File location to write the Alembic data." ) parser.add_argument( "-mf", "-mayaFile", type=str, action="store", dest="mayaFile", required=True, help="File location of the Maya scene to open." ) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) mayaFile = args["mayaFile"] del args["mayaFile"] alembicFile = args["alembicFile"] del args["alembicFile"] # Opening Maya file cmds.file(mayaFile, open=True) export(alembicFile, **args) def export(alembicFile, eulerFilter=False, noNormals=False, preRoll=False, renderableOnly=False, selection=False, uvWrite=False, writeColorSets=False, writeFaceSets=False, wholeFrameGeo=False, worldSpace=False, writeVisibility=False, writeUVSets=False, writeCreases=False, dataFormat="Ogawa", step=1.0, melPerFrameCallback="", melPostJobCallback="", pythonPerFrameCallback="", pythonPostJobCallback="", userAttr=[], userAttrPrefix=["ABC_"], attr=[], attrPrefix=[], root=[], frameRelativeSample=[], frameRange=[], stripNamespaces=-1, dontSkipUnwrittenFrames=False, verbose=False, preRollStartFrame=0 ): """ Export Alembic. Args: alembicFile (str): File location to write the Alembic data. eulerFilter (bool, optional): Apply Euler filter while sampling rotations. Defaults to False. noNormals (bool, optional): Present normal data for Alembic poly meshes will not be written. Defaults to False. preRoll (bool, optional): This frame range will not be sampled. Defaults to False. renderableOnly (bool, optional): Non-renderable hierarchy (invisible, or templated) will not be written out. Defaults to False. selection (bool, optional): Write out all all selected nodes from the active selection list that are descendents of the roots specified with -root. Defaults to False. uvWrite (bool, optional): Uv data for PolyMesh and SubD shapes will be written to the Alembic file. Only the current uv map is used. Defaults to False. writeColorSets (bool, optional): Write all color sets on MFnMeshes as color 3 or color 4 indexed geometry parameters with face varying scope. Defaults to False. writeFaceSets (bool, optional): Write all Face sets on MFnMeshes. Defaults to False. wholeFrameGeo (bool, optional): Data for geometry will only be written out on whole frames. Defaults to False. worldSpace (bool, optional): Any root nodes will be stored in world space. Defaults to False. writeVisibility (bool, optional): Visibility state will be stored in the Alembic file. Otherwise everything written out is treated as visible. Defaults to False. writeUVSets (bool, optional): Write all uv sets on MFnMeshes as vector 2 indexed geometry parameters with face varying scope. Defaults to False. writeCreases (bool, optional): If the mesh has crease edges or crease vertices, the mesh (OPolyMesh) would now be written out as an OSubD and crease info will be stored in the Alembic file. Otherwise, creases info won't be preserved in Alembic file unless a custom Boolean attribute SubDivisionMesh has been added to mesh node and its value is true. Defaults to False. dataFormat (str, optional): The data format to use to write the file. Can be either "HDF" or "Ogawa". Defaults to "Ogawa". step (float, optional): The time interval (expressed in frames) at which the frame range is sampled. Additional samples around each frame can be specified with -frs. Defaults to 1.0. melPerFrameCallback (str, optional): When each frame (and the static frame) is evaluated the string specified is evaluated as a Mel command. See below for special processing rules. Defaults to "". melPostJobCallback (str, optional): When the translation has finished the string specified is evaluated as a Mel command. See below for special processing rules. Defaults to "". pythonPerFrameCallback (str, optional): When each frame (and the static frame) is evaluated the string specified is evaluated as a python command. See below for special processing rules. Defaults to "". pythonPostJobCallback (str, optional): When the translation has finished the string specified is evaluated as a python command. See below for special processing rules. Defaults to "". userAttrPrefix (list of str, optional): Prefix filter for determining which user attributes to write out. Defaults to []. userAttr (list of str, optional): Specific user attributes to write out. Defaults to []. attr (list of str, optional): A specific geometric attribute to write out. Defaults to []. attrPrefix (list of str, optional): Prefix filter for determining which geometric attributes to write out. Defaults to ["ABC_"]. root (list of str, optional): Maya dag path which will be parented to the root of the Alembic file. Defaults to [], which means the entire scene will be written out. frameRelativeSample (list of float, optional): Frame relative sample that will be written out along the frame range. Defaults to []. frameRange (list of list of two floats, optional): The frame range to write. Each list of two floats defines a new frame range. step or frameRelativeSample will affect the current frame range only. stripNamespaces (int, optional): Namespaces will be stripped off of the node before being written to Alembic. The int specifies how many namespaces will be stripped off of the node name. Be careful that the new stripped name does not collide with other sibling node names. Examples: taco:foo:bar would be written as just bar with stripNamespaces=0 taco:foo:bar would be written as foo:bar with stripNamespaces=1 Defaults to -1, which means namespaces will be preserved. dontSkipUnwrittenFrames (bool, optional): When evaluating multiple translate jobs, this decides whether to evaluate frames between jobs when there is a gap in their frame ranges. Defaults to False. verbose (bool, optional): Prints the current frame that is being evaluated. Defaults to False. preRollStartFrame (float, optional): The frame to start scene evaluation at. This is used to set the starting frame for time dependent translations and can be used to evaluate run-up that isn't actually translated. Defaults to 0. Special callback information: On the callbacks, special tokens are replaced with other data, these tokens and what they are replaced with are as follows: #FRAME# replaced with the frame number being evaluated. #FRAME# is ignored in the post callbacks. #BOUNDS# replaced with a string holding bounding box values in minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ space seperated order. #BOUNDSARRAY# replaced with the bounding box values as above, but in array form. In Mel: {minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ} In Python: [minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ] """ # Generate job add_argument jobArg = "" # Boolean flags booleans = { "eulerFilter": eulerFilter, "noNormals": noNormals, "preRoll": preRoll, "renderableOnly": renderableOnly, "selection": selection, "uvWrite": uvWrite, "writeColorSets": writeColorSets, "writeFaceSets": writeFaceSets, "wholeFrameGeo": wholeFrameGeo, "worldSpace": worldSpace, "writeVisibility": writeVisibility, "writeUVSets": writeUVSets, "writeCreases": writeCreases } for key, value in booleans.iteritems(): if value: jobArg += " -{0}".format(key) # Single argument flags single_arguments = { "dataFormat": dataFormat, "step": step, "melPerFrameCallback": melPerFrameCallback, "melPostJobCallback": melPostJobCallback, "pythonPerFrameCallback": pythonPerFrameCallback, "pythonPostJobCallback": pythonPostJobCallback } for key, value in single_arguments.iteritems(): if value: jobArg += " -{0} \"{1}\"".format(key, value) # Multiple arguments flags multiple_arguments = { "attr": attr, "attrPrefix": attrPrefix, "root": root, "userAttrPrefix": userAttrPrefix, "userAttr": userAttr, "frameRelativeSample": frameRelativeSample } for key, value in multiple_arguments.iteritems(): for item in value: jobArg += " -{0} \"{1}\"".format(key, item) # frame range flag for start, end in frameRange: jobArg += " -frameRange {0} {1}".format(start, end) # strip namespaces flag if stripNamespaces == 0: jobArg += " -stripNamespaces" if stripNamespaces > 0: jobArg += " -stripNamespaces {0}".format(stripNamespaces) # file flag # Alembic exporter does not like back slashes jobArg += " -file {0}".format(alembicFile.replace("\\", "/")) # Execute export cmds.loadPlugin("AbcExport.mll", quiet=True) export_args = { "dontSkipUnwrittenFrames": dontSkipUnwrittenFrames, "verbose": verbose, "preRollStartFrame": preRollStartFrame, "jobArg": jobArg } print("Exporting with: {0}".format(export_args)) cmds.AbcExport(**export_args) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()