# How to contribute translations We are using Transifex to manage the resources that are used by internationalized content. ## For contributors of translations Please go to our project page on the Transifex. https://www.transifex.com/stopcovid19-tokyo/stopcovid19tokyo Please join our team from `Help Translate "StopCovid19Tokyo"` button. You will need to make/login account before joining our team. ![](./.github/img/2020-03-16-16-05-37.png) After joining, please go to the dashboard page. https://www.transifex.com/stopcovid19-tokyo/stopcovid19tokyo/dashboard/ Press `Translate` button on the language resource that you want to contribute. ![](./.github/img/2020-03-16-16-09-47.png) You will see the translation editor. Search the text you want to translate from the left pane, then enter the translated text in the text area on the right pane. ![](./.github/img/2020-03-16-16-11-14.png) After editing, please press `Save Translation` button. After the translation completed, the dev team will update the language resources with latest texts. Transifex has some useful features like a dictionary feature. Feel free to use it if it is useful. Any suggestions are welcome! ## Adding new language If you want to add new language. Please request new language via Transifex system. However, due to reviewing capacity, we can provide only English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean in the website. ## For developers If you have something new texts which needs translation, please add the strings to `../assets/locales/ja.json` and make a pull request to `development`branch. You can use same string for key and value. We are using [nuxt-i18n](https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxt-i18n) as a translation system. Please refer [their document](https://nuxtjs.org/examples/i18n/) to know how to use the library. When you need to get translated text immediately, please ask to push the latest changes from Transifex in the #covid19 channel in Code for Japan Slack (see [our respos](https://github.com/tokyo-metropolitan-gov/covid19/blob/development/docs/en/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-participate-in-communications)). After the text was translated, an organizer will apply new resources on the `development` branch.