GENERAL find the dorito BLUE SPAWN n/a RSPAWN 1 n/a RSPAWN 2 n/a A Added textures to the tops of out of bound buildings B Added textures to the tops of out of bound buildings Plugged a hole Realigned the wall near highground Replaced the chickenwire floor near redspawn with wood Removed collsion on decorative supports Removed weird clipping near the speakers C Added textures to the tops of out of bound buildings D The rockets in the ceiling and the tape shelf no longer fade Removed solidity on the lamp in D+E connector (replaced this hiding spot with a ledge) E Clipped ceilings to prevent getting caught The lightswitch in heaven no longer fades WISHBONE Removed collsion on decorative supports WHITEROOM adjusted metal beams to help movement readded the pipes above the devider towards D DEATH CORRIDOR Removed solidity on a lamp adjusted metal beams to help movement