#!/usr/bin/python3 """ This script generates gcode for one of three patterns to tune input shaping. Each pattern performs a number of frequency scans, starting from 0Hz and going up to some maximum (default 60Hz). A frequency scan is a zig-zag line which is drawn at steadily increasing speed. Horizontal lines are oscillating in the Y direction. e.g. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ And vertical lines are oscillating in the X direction. e.g. > > > > > > > > Don't get them confused! You read X frequencies off the vertical lines and Y frequencies off the horizontal line. At the resonant frequency, the oscillations become noticeably larger and there may even be layer shifts. If this is a problem, reduce the value of the amplitude variable. The "freq" pattern draws one frequency scan for Y and then one for X. Measure from the start of the line to where the oscillations are worst. Divide distance in mm by wavelength (default 2) to get the frequency. The "zeta_x" and "zeta_y" patterns draw a series of frequency scans all in one direction. The zeta value increases by 0.05 for every frequency scan drawn, starting with a value of 0.05. Find the line which has the most uniform amplitude of oscillation across the whole line. This gives you the X or Y zeta value. """ ### Parameters for generating the gcode layer_height = 0.3 # (mm) line_width = 0.5 # (mm) filament_dia = 1.75 # (mm) nozzle_temp = 220 # °C bed_temp = 50 # °C z_speed = 10.0 # (mm/s) Z movement speed travel_speed = 100.0 # (mm/s) speed for travel moves anchor_line_speed = 40.0 # (mm/s) speed for start line wavelength = 2.0 # (mm) the width of one ful zig-zag amplitude = 0.5 # (mm) the peak to peak size of the zig-zag pattern top_freq = 60 # (Hz) the frequency scans from 0Hz to this value decel = 1000 # (mm/s^2) rate of deceleration at the end of the pattern pattern_type = "freq_z" # choose one of "freq_x", "freq_y", "freq_z", "zeta_x", "zeta_y" or "zeta_z" ### Start of the script proper from math import pi from math import sin filament_flow_ratio = layer_height * line_width / (pi * filament_dia*filament_dia / 4) x = 0.0 y = 0.0 z = 0.0 e = 0.0 def go_to(new_x, new_y, new_z, f = None): global x, y, z, e x = new_x y = new_y z = new_z line = "G0 X%.2f Y%.2f Z%.2f E%.2f" % (x, y, z, e) if f is not None: line += " F%.1f" % (f * 60) print(line) def line_to(new_x, new_y, new_z, f = None): global x, y, z, e e += filament_flow_ratio * ((new_x - x)**2 + (new_y - y)**2 + (new_z - z)**2)**0.5 x = new_x y = new_y z = new_z line = "G1 X%.2f Y%.2f Z%.2f E%.2f" % (x, y, z, e) if f is not None: line += " F%.1f" % (f * 60) print(line) # default settings print("M501") print() # settings for the print print("M205 S0 T0 ; minimum extruding and travel feed rate") if pattern_type[:4] == "freq": print("M593 F0 ; input shaping off") print("M900 K0 ; linear advance off") print("G90 ; absolute positioning") print() # heating and cooling print("M107 ; fan off") print("M140 S%d ; bed temperature" % bed_temp) print("M104 S%d ; head temperature" % nozzle_temp) print() # home and reset extruder pos print("G28 ; home") print("G92 E0") print() # wait for temperatures print("M190 S%d ; bed temperature" % bed_temp) print("M109 S%d ; head temperature" % nozzle_temp) print() # level bed print("G29 ; level bed") print() # draw anchor lines go_to(150.0, 150.0, 2.0, travel_speed) go_to(x, y, layer_height, z_speed) line_to(20.0, 150.0, z, anchor_line_speed) line_to(20.0, 20.0, z, anchor_line_speed) # remove lots of limits print("M203 X500 Y500 Z500 ; maximum feedrates") print("M204 P10000 ; print acceleration") print("M205 X500 Y500 Z500 ; jerk limits very high") print("M205 J0.3 ; junction deviation maximum") print() # generate accelerating zigzag and end coast patterns zigzags = [] seg_length = (amplitude**2 + wavelength**2 / 4.0)**0.5 f = 0 for i in range(top_freq): zigzags.append((wavelength * (i + 0.5), amplitude, seg_length * 2 * (i + 0.5))) zigzags.append((wavelength * (i + 1.0), 0, seg_length * 2 * (i + 1.0))) max_x_speed = wavelength * top_freq coast_dist = max_x_speed**2 / 2 / decel def draw_z_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist): print("M201 X10000 Z10000") start_x = x start_z = z for x_offs, z_offs, f in zigzags: line_to(start_x + x_offs, y, start_z + z_offs, f) # go back to resonable acceleration limits print("M201 X%d Z%d" % (decel, decel)) # coast down to stop line_to(x + coast_dist, y, z) print() def draw_z_zigzags_rev(zigzags, coast_dist): # ramp up to speed line_to(x - coast_dist, y, z, zigzags[-1][2]) print("M201 X10000 Z10000") start_x = x - zigzags[-1][0] start_z = z - zigzags[-1][1] x_offsets, z_offsets, fs = zip(*zigzags) x_offsets = ((0,) + x_offsets)[:-1] z_offsets = ((0,) + z_offsets)[:-1] zigzags = reversed(list(zip(x_offsets, z_offsets, fs))) for x_offs, z_offs, f in zigzags: line_to(start_x + x_offs, y, start_z + z_offs, f) # go back to resonable acceleration limits print("M201 X%d Z%d" % (decel, decel)) print() def draw_y_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist): print("M201 X10000 Y10000") start_x = x start_y = y for x_offs, y_offs, f in zigzags: line_to(start_x + x_offs, start_y + y_offs, z, f) # go back to resonable acceleration limits print("M201 X%d Y%d" % (decel, decel)) # coast down to stop line_to(x + coast_dist, y, z) print() def draw_y_zigzags_rev(zigzags, coast_dist): # ramp up to speed line_to(x - coast_dist, y, z, zigzags[-1][2]) print("M201 X10000 Y10000") start_x = x - zigzags[-1][0] start_y = y - zigzags[-1][1] x_offsets, y_offsets, fs = zip(*zigzags) x_offsets = ((0,) + x_offsets)[:-1] y_offsets = ((0,) + y_offsets)[:-1] zigzags = reversed(list(zip(x_offsets, y_offsets, fs))) for x_offs, y_offs, f in zigzags: line_to(start_x + x_offs, start_y + y_offs, z, f) # go back to resonable acceleration limits print("M201 X%d Y%d" % (decel, decel)) print() def draw_x_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist): print("M201 X10000 Y10000") start_x = x start_y = y for y_offs, x_offs, f in zigzags: line_to(start_x + x_offs, start_y + y_offs, z, f) # go back to resonable acceleration limits print("M201 X%d Y%d" % (decel, decel)) # coast down to stop line_to(x, y + coast_dist, z) print() def draw_x_zigzags_rev(zigzags, coast_dist): # ramp up to speed line_to(x, y - coast_dist, z, zigzags[-1][2]) print("M201 X10000 Y10000") start_x = x - zigzags[-1][1] start_y = y - zigzags[-1][0] y_offsets, x_offsets, fs = zip(*zigzags) x_offsets = ((0,) + x_offsets)[:-1] y_offsets = ((0,) + y_offsets)[:-1] zigzags = reversed(list(zip(y_offsets, x_offsets, fs))) for y_offs, x_offs, f in zigzags: line_to(start_x + x_offs, start_y + y_offs, z, f) # go back to resonable acceleration limits print("M201 X%d Y%d" % (decel, decel)) print() if pattern_type == "freq_z": # draw Z zigzags at constant X acceleration draw_z_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist) if pattern_type == "freq_y": # draw Y zigzags at constant X acceleration draw_y_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist) if pattern_type == "freq_x": # move a little away from the anchor line line_to(x + 5, y, z) # draw X zigzags at constant Y acceleration draw_x_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist) if pattern_type == "zeta_z": # move a little away from the anchor line line_to(x + 5, y, z) # draw alternating Z zigzags at constant X acceleration zeta = 0.0 for i in range(10): zeta += 0.05 print("M593 Z D%.2f" % zeta) draw_z_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist) go_to(x, y + 5, z, travel_speed) zeta += 0.05 print("M593 Z D%.2f" % zeta) draw_z_zigzags_rev(zigzags, coast_dist) go_to(x, y + 5, z, travel_speed) if pattern_type == "zeta_y": # move a little away from the anchor line line_to(x + 5, y, z) # draw alternating Y zigzags at constant X acceleration zeta = 0.0 for i in range(10): zeta += 0.05 print("M593 Y D%.2f" % zeta) draw_y_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist) go_to(x, y + 5, z, travel_speed) zeta += 0.05 print("M593 Y D%.2f" % zeta) draw_y_zigzags_rev(zigzags, coast_dist) go_to(x, y + 5, z, travel_speed) if pattern_type == "zeta_x": # move a little away from the anchor line line_to(x + 5, y, z) # draw alternating X zigzags at constant Y acceleration zeta = 0.0 for i in range(10): zeta += 0.05 print("M593 X D%.2f" % zeta) draw_x_zigzags(zigzags, coast_dist) go_to(x + 5, y, z, travel_speed) zeta += 0.05 print("M593 X D%.2f" % zeta) draw_x_zigzags_rev(zigzags, coast_dist) go_to(x + 5, y, z, travel_speed) # lift head go_to(x, y, 2.0, z_speed) print() # heaters off and clean up print("M140 S 0 ; bed temperature") print("M104 S0 ; head temperature") print("G92 E0") print() # default settings print("M501")