--- title: What's new permalink: docapis_whats_new.html sidebar: docapis path1: docapis_introtoapis.html weight: 1.02 last-modified: 2022-10-30 --- If you're looking to see what's new in the API doc site/course, you can browse new content in several ways. * TOC {:toc}

Most recent updates

The following are the most recent updates to the API documentation course. ## June 2023 * Converted the PDF download into separate PDFs of individual chapters rather than a full-length PDF (which was more than 900 pages long). Downloads to the individual chapters are available with each section overview and in the [Download PDFs](docapis_formats.html) page. * Removed the Kindle and ePUB download options, as they weren't popular and the process created more complexity than it was worth. {% include random_ad4.html %} ## October 2022 * Updated the Stoplight tutorial: [Getting started tutorial: Using Stoplight Studio to create an OpenAPI specification document](pubapis_openapis_quickstart_stoplight.html). With many UI and other changes, this tutorial needed a lot of updates. It should now be aligned with the latest Stoplight UI and functionality. {% include random_ad1.html %} ## Seeing what content has been updated To see what's been updated on the page, click the GitHub button next to the timestamp on the page: GitHub button This takes you to the file in GitHub. In GitHub, click the History link: GitHub History Then click the commit IDs to browse file diffs for the commits that include the file: GitHub commit IDs You can see the [stream of commits in GitHub here](https://github.com/tomjoht/learnapidoc/commits/main). {% include ads.html %} ## Recent blog posts about API doc site updates On my blog, I often write announcement-style posts after adding new content on my API course. I tag these with "api-doc" — you can browse these [API doc site updates here](https://idratherbewriting.com/category-apidoc-site-updates/). {% include random_ad2.html %} {% include random_ad3.html %}