type: object title: domainSet description: 'The domainSet describes the *direct positions* of the coverage, i.e., the locations for which values are available.' oneOf: - required: - type - generalGrid properties: type: enum: - DomainSetType generalGrid: title: General Grid description: 'A general n-D grid is defined through a sequence of axes, each of which can be of a particular axis type.' type: object required: - type additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - GeneralGridCoverageType id: type: string srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string axis: type: array items: type: object oneOf: - title: Index Axis description: An Index Axis is an axis with only integer positions allowed. required: - type - axisLabel - lowerBound - upperBound additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - IndexAxisType id: type: string axisLabel: type: string lowerBound: type: number upperBound: type: number - title: Regular Axis description: A Regular Axis is an axis where all direct coordinates are at a common distance from its immediate neighbors. required: - type - axisLabel - lowerBound - upperBound - resolution - uomLabel additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - RegularAxisType id: type: string axisLabel: type: string lowerBound: type: string upperBound: type: string uomLabel: type: string resolution: type: number - title: Irregular Axis description: An irregular axis enumerates all possible direct position coordinates. required: - type - axisLabel - uomLabel - coordinate additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - IrregularAxisType id: type: string axisLabel: type: string uomLabel: type: string coordinate: type: array items: type: string displacement: title: Displacement description: A Displacement is a warped axis nest where points on the grid all have their individual direct position coordinates. The sequenceRule element describes linearization order. type: object oneOf: - required: - type - axisLabels - uomLabels - coordinates properties: type: enum: - DisplacementAxisNestType id: type: string axisLabel: type: string srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string uomLabels: type: array items: type: string coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: type: string - required: - type - axisLabels - uomLabels - coordinatesRef properties: type: enum: - DisplacementAxisNestTypeRef id: type: string axisLabel: type: string srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string uomLabels: type: array items: type: string coordinatesRef: type: string format: uri model: title: Sensor model description: A Transformation By Sensor Model is a transformation definition which is given by a SensorML 2.0 transformation specification. type: object required: - type - sensorModelRef properties: type: enum: - TransformationBySensorModelType id: type: string axisLabels: type: array items: type: string uomLabels: type: array items: type: string sensorModelRef: type: string format: uri sensorInstanceRef: type: string format: uri gridLimits: title: Grid limits description: 'This is the boundary of the array underlying the grid, given by its diagonal corner points in integer _60_3D. The grid limits can be omitted in case all axes are of type index axis, because then it repeats the grid information in a redundant way. The purpose of the axisLabels attribute, which lists the axis labels of all axisExtent elements in proper sequence, is to enforce axis sequence also in XML systems which do not preserve document order.' type: object required: - type properties: indexAxis: title: Index Axis description: An Index Axis is an axis with only integer positions allowed. type: object required: - type - lowerBound - upperBound additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - IndexAxisType id: type: string axisLabel: type: string lowerBound: type: number upperBound: type: number srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string - required: - type - directMultiPoint properties: type: enum: - DomainSetType directMultiPoint: oneOf: - required: - type - coordinates properties: type: enum: - DirectMultiPointType coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: type: string - required: - type - coordinatesRef properties: type: enum: - DirectMultiPointTypeRef coordinatesRef: type: string format: uri - required: - type - fileReference properties: type: enum: - DomainSetRefType id: type: string format: uri fileReference: type: string format: uri