Usage: php sss.php [-q | -v] [-c config] [-i ] [-o html] php sss.php [-q | -v] [-c config] [-e target] php sss.php [-q | -v] [-c config] [-m source] Options: -c Read settings from . By default "sss.conf" is read. -e Export all user relations in the database to . -i Parse a single logfile or all logfiles in . Gzipped logfiles with the ".gz" extension will be processed by the parser. After the last logfile has been parsed, database maintenance will commence to ensure a usable dataset. -m Import user relations from into the database. Existing relations will be unset prior to any updates made. It is highly recommended to keep an export as backup. Nicks contained in are treated as case insensitive and nicks which don't exist in the database will be ignored. -o Generate statistics and output to . -q Quiet mode. Output only errors. -v Verbose mode. Useful to see parser issues if any. Examples: Parse all logfiles found in "~/irclogs/foobar/" and create a stats page named "/var/www/foobar.html": $ php sss.php -i ~/irclogs/foobar/ -o /var/www/foobar.html