/* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, MethodCount, MethodSize, UnnecessaryGetter */ /** * Echo Speaks Actions (Hubitat) * * Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Anthony Santilli * Code Contributions by @nh.schottfam * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * --------------------------------------------- TODO: Custom Reports for multiple builtin in routine items. Reports for home status like temp, contact, alarm status. */ //file:noinspection GroovyUnusedAssignment //file:noinspection GroovySillyAssignment //file:noinspection GroovyDoubleNegation //file:noinspection GrMethodMayBeStatic //file:noinspection unused import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.transform.Field import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore //************************************************ //* STATIC VARIABLES * //************************************************ @Field static final String appVersionFLD = '' @Field static final String appModifiedFLD = '2024-03-07' @Field static final Boolean devModeFLD = false @Field static final String sNULL = (String)null @Field static final String sBLANK = '' @Field static final String sSPACE = ' ' @Field static final String s2SPACE = ' ' @Field static final String s3SPACE = ' ' @Field static final String s4SPACE = ' ' @Field static final String s5SPACE = ' ' @Field static final String s6SPACE = ' ' @Field static final String sBULLET = '\u2022' @Field static final String sBULLETINV = '\u25E6' //@Field static final String sSQUARE = '\u29C8' @Field static final String sPLUS = '\u002B' //@Field static final String sRIGHTARR = '\u02C3' @Field static final String okSymFLD = "\u2713" @Field static final String notOkSymFLD = "\u2715" @Field static final String sPAUSESymFLD = "\u275A\u275A" @Field static final String sLINEBR = '
' @Field static final String sFALSE = 'false' @Field static final String sTRUE = 'true' @Field static final String sBOOL = 'bool' @Field static final String sENUM = 'enum' @Field static final String sNUMBER = 'number' @Field static final String sRESET = 'reset' @Field static final String sTEXT = 'text' @Field static final String sTIME = 'time' @Field static final String sMODE = 'mode' @Field static final String sCOMPLT = 'complete' @Field static final String sMEDIUM = 'medium' @Field static final String sSMALL = 'small' @Field static final String sCLR4D9 = '#2784D9' @Field static final String sCLRRED = 'red' @Field static final String sCLRRED2 = '#cc2d3b' @Field static final String sCLRGRY = 'gray' //@Field static final String sCLRGRN = 'green' @Field static final String sCLRGRN2 = '#43d843' @Field static final String sCLRORG = 'orange' @Field static final String sTTM = 'Tap to modify...' @Field static final String sTTC = 'Tap to configure...' @Field static final String sTTCR = 'Tap to configure (Required)' @Field static final String sTTP = 'Tap to proceed...' @Field static final String sEXTNRL = 'external' @Field static final String sDEBUG = 'debug' @Field static final String sCHKBOX = 'checkbox' @Field static final String sCOMMAND = 'command' @Field static final String sANY = 'any' @Field static final String sARE = 'are' @Field static final String sBETWEEN = 'between' @Field static final String sNBETWEEN = 'not_between' @Field static final String sBELOW = 'below' @Field static final String sABOVE = 'above' @Field static final String sEQUALS = 'equals' @Field static final String sANN = 'announcement' @Field static final String sANNI = 'announcement_ignDND' @Field static final String sANNIT = 'announcement_ignDND_tiered' @Field static final String sANNT = 'announcement_tiered' @Field static final String sSPEAK = 'speak' @Field static final String sSPEAKP = 'speak_parallel' @Field static final String sSPEAKI = 'speak_ignDND' @Field static final String sSPEAKT = 'speak_tiered' @Field static final String sSPEAKPT = 'speak_parallel_tiered' @Field static final String sSPEAKIP = 'speak_ignDND_parallel' @Field static final String sSPEAKIT = 'speak_ignDND_tiered' @Field static final String sSPEAKIPT = 'speak_ignDND_parallel_tiered' @Field static final String sWEATH = 'weather' @Field static final String sCSUNRISE = 'Sunrise' @Field static final String sCSUNSET = 'Sunset' @Field static final String sSTTIME = 'start_time' @Field static final String sSPDKNB = 'speed_knob' @Field static final String sSWITCH = 'switch' @Field static final String sTEMP = 'temperature' @Field static final String sTHERMTEMP = 'thermostatTemperature' @Field static final String sCOOLSP = 'coolingSetpoint' @Field static final String sHEATSP = 'heatingSetpoint' @Field static final String sMOTION = 'motion' @Field static final String sLEVEL = 'level' @Field static final String sBATT = 'battery' @Field static final String sTHERM = 'thermostat' @Field static final String sTHERMMODE = 'thermostatMode' @Field static final String sTHERMOS = 'thermostatOperatingState' @Field static final String sTHERMFM = 'thermostatFanMode' @Field static final String sSCHED = 'scheduled' @Field static final String sHUMID = 'humidity' @Field static final String sKEYPAD = 'keypad' @Field static final String sLOCK = 'lock' @Field static final String sCONTACT = 'contact' @Field static final String sWATER = 'water' @Field static final String sSMOKE = 'smoke' @Field static final String sPOWER = 'power' @Field static final String sVALVE = 'valve' @Field static final String sCHGTO = 'changes to' @Field static final String sTTS = 'TTS' @Field static final String sQUES = 'question' @Field static final String sDELAYT = 'delay_time' @Field static final String sEQ = 'equal' @Field static final String sPUSHED = 'pushed' @Field static final String sRELEASED = 'released' @Field static final String sHELD = 'held' @Field static final String sDBLTAP = 'doubleTapped' @Field static final String sALRMSYSST = 'alarmSystemStatus' @Field static final String sPISTNEXEC = 'pistonExecuted' @Field static final String sLRM = "light_restore_map" @Field static final String sTRIG = "trig_" @Field static final String sACT = 'act_' @Field static final String sACT_START = 'act_tier_start_' @Field static final String sACT_STOP = 'act_tier_stop_' @Field static final String sACT_ITEM = 'act_tier_item_' @Field static final String sRECURRING = 'Recurring' @Field static final String sONETIME = 'One-Time' @Field static final List lONOFF = ['on', 'off'] @Field static final List lANY = ['any'] @Field static final List lOPNCLS = ['open', 'closed'] @Field static final List lACTINACT = ['active', 'inactive'] @Field static final List lSUNRISESET = ['sunrise', 'sunset'] @Field static final List lWETDRY = ['wet', 'dry'] @Field static final List lLOCKUNL = ['locked', 'unlocked'] @Field static final List lDETECTCLR = ['detected', 'clear', 'tested'] @Field static final List lPRES = ['present', 'not present'] @Field static final List lSEC = ['disarmed', 'armed home', 'armed away', 'unknown'] //************************************************ //* IN-MEMORY ONLY VARIABLES * //* (Cleared only on HUB REBOOT or CODE UPDATES) * //************************************************ @Field volatile static Map historyMapFLD = [:] // @Field volatile static String gitBranchFLD = null static String appVersion() { return appVersionFLD } static String appVersionDt() { return appModifiedFLD } definition( name : 'Echo Speaks - Actions', namespace : 'tonesto7', author : 'Anthony Santilli', description : 'DO NOT INSTALL FROM MARKETPLACE\n\nAllows you to create echo device actions based on device/location events in your home.', category : 'My Apps', parent : 'tonesto7:Echo Speaks', iconUrl : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/es_actions.png', iconX2Url : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/es_actions.png', iconX3Url : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/es_actions.png', importUrl : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/apps/echo-speaks-actions.groovy', documentationLink : documentationUrl(), videoLink : videoUrl() ) preferences { page(name: 'startPage') page(name: 'uhOhPage') page(name: 'codeUpdatePage') page(name: 'mainPage') page(name: 'prefsPage') page(name: 'triggersPage') page(name: 'conditionsPage') page(name: 'condTimePage') page(name: 'actionsPage') page(name: 'actionTiersPage') page(name: 'actionTiersConfigPage') page(name: 'actTrigTasksPage') page(name: 'actTierStartTasksPage') page(name: 'actTierStopTasksPage') page(name: 'actNotifPage') page(name: 'actNotifTimePage') page(name: 'actionHistoryPage') page(name: 'searchTuneInResultsPage') page(name: 'uninstallPage') page(name: 'namePage') } def startPage() { if(parent != null) { if(!(Boolean)state.isInstalled && !(Boolean)parent?.childInstallOk()) { return uhOhPage() } else { updDeviceInputs() return (minVersionFailed()) ? codeUpdatePage() : mainPage() } } else { return uhOhPage() } } def codeUpdatePage() { return dynamicPage(name: "codeUpdatePage", title: "Update is Required", install: false, uninstall: false) { section() { paragraph spanSmBld("Looks like your Action App needs an update

Please make sure all app and device code is updated to the most current version

Once updated your actions will resume normal operation.", sCLRRED) } } } def uhOhPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "uhOhPage", title: "This install Method is Not Allowed", install: false, uninstall: true) { section() { paragraph spanBld("HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM!

Echo Speaks - Actions can't be directly installed from the Marketplace.

Please use the Echo Speaks SmartApp to configure them.", sCLRRED) } } } def appInfoSect() { String instDt = state.dateInstalled ? fmtTime((String)state.dateInstalled, "MMM dd '@' h:mm a", true) : sNULL String str = spanBld((String)app.name, "black", "es_groups") str += ( app.label && (String)app.label != (String)app.name) ? spanBldBr(" (${app.label.replace(" (A)", sBLANK)})") : sLINEBR str += spanSmBld("Version: ") + spanSmBr(appVersionFLD) str += instDt ? spanSmBld("Installed: ") + spanSmBr(instDt) : sBLANK section() { paragraph divSm(str, sCLRGRY) } } private Map buildTriggerEnum() { Map> buildItems = [:] buildItems["Date/Time"] = [(sSCHED):"Scheduled Time"].sort{ it?.key } buildItems["Location"] = [(sMODE):"Modes", (sPISTNEXEC):"Pistons"].sort{ it?.key } if(!settings.enableWebCoRE) { buildItems.Location.remove(sPISTNEXEC) } buildItems["Sensor Devices"] = [(sCONTACT):"Contacts | Doors | Windows", (sBATT):"Battery Level", (sMOTION):"Motion", "illuminance": "Illuminance/Lux", "presence":"Presence", (sTEMP):"Temperature", (sHUMID):"Humidity", (sWATER):"Water", (sPOWER):"Power", "acceleration":"Accelerometers"].sort{ it?.value } buildItems["Actionable Devices"] = [(sLOCK):"Locks", "securityKeypad":"Keypads", (sSWITCH):"Switches/Outlets", (sLEVEL):"Dimmers/Level", "door":"Garage Door Openers", (sVALVE):"Valves", "windowShade":"Window Shades"].sort{ it?.value } buildItems["Thermostat Devices"] = [(sCOOLSP):"Thermostat Cooling Setpoint", (sHEATSP):"Thermostat Heating Setpoint", (sTHERMTEMP):"Thermostat Ambient Temp", (sTHERMOS):"Thermostat Operating State", (sTHERMMODE):"Thermostat Mode", (sTHERMFM):"Thermostat Fan Mode"].sort{ it?.value } buildItems["Button Devices"] = [(sPUSHED):"Button (Pushable)", (sRELEASED):"Button (Releasable)", (sHELD):"Button (Holdable)", (sDBLTAP):"Button (Double Tapable)"].sort{ it?.value } // TODO siren (capability.alarm, attr alarm - ENUM ["strobe", "off", "both", "siren"] buildItems["Safety & Security"] = [(sALRMSYSST): getAlarmSystemName(), (sSMOKE):"Fire/Smoke", "carbonMonoxide":"Carbon Monoxide", "guard":"Alexa Guard"].sort{ it?.value } if(!parent?.guardAutoConfigured()) { buildItems["Safety & Security"].remove("guard") } return buildItems.collectEntries { it?.value }?.sort { it?.value } } private static Map buildActTypeEnum() { Map> buildItems = [:] buildItems["Speech"] = [(sSPEAK):"Speak", (sANN):"Announcement", (sSPEAKP):"Speak (Parallel)", (sSPEAKI): "Speak Ignore Dnd", (sSPEAKIP): "Speak Ignore Dnd (Parallel)", (sSPEAKT):"Speak (Tiered)", (sSPEAKPT):"Speak Parallel (Tiered)", (sSPEAKIT): "Speak Ignore Dnd (Tiered)", (sSPEAKIPT): "Speak Parallel Ignore Dnd (Tiered)", (sANNI): "Announcement Ignore DND", (sANNT):"Announcement (Tiered)", (sANNIT): "Announcement Ignore DND (Tiered)" ].sort{ it?.key } buildItems["Built-in Sounds"] = ["sounds":"Play a Sound"].sort{ it?.key } buildItems["Built-in Responses"] = [(sWEATH):"Weather Report", "builtin":"Birthday, Compliments, Facts, Jokes, News, Stories, Traffic, and more...", "calendar":"Read Calendar Events"].sort{ it?.key } buildItems["Media/Playback"] = ["music":"Play Music/Playlists", "playback":"Playback/Volume Control"].sort{ it?.key } buildItems["Alarms/Reminders"] = ["alarm":"Create Alarm", "reminder":"Create Reminder"].sort{ it?.key } buildItems["Devices Settings"] = ["wakeword":"Change Wake Word", "dnd":"Set Do Not Disturb", "bluetooth":"Bluetooth Control"].sort{ it?.key } buildItems["Custom"] = ["voicecmd":"Execute a voice command","sequence":"Execute Sequence", "alexaroutine": "Execute Alexa Routine(s)"].sort{ it?.key } return buildItems.collectEntries { it?.value }?.sort { it?.value } } def mainPage() { Boolean newInstall = !(Boolean)state.isInstalled return dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", nextPage: (!newInstall ? sBLANK : "namePage"), uninstall: newInstall, install: !newInstall) { Boolean dup = ((Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag && (Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup) if(dup) { state.dupOpenedByUser = true section() { paragraph spanBld("This Action was created from an existing action.

Please review the settings and save to activate...
${state.badMode ?: sBLANK}", sCLRORG, "pause_orange") } } if(settings.enableWebCoRE) { if(!webCoREFLD) webCoRE_init() webCoRE_poll() } appInfoSect() Boolean paused = isPaused() Boolean trigConf //Boolean condConf Boolean actConf Boolean allOk if(paused) { section() { paragraph spanSmBld("This Action is currently in a paused state...
To edit the please un-pause", sCLRRED, "pause_orange") } } else { section() { paragraph divSm(getOverallDesc(), sCLRGRY) } if((List)settings.cond_mode && !(String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) { settingUpdate("cond_mode_cmd", sARE, sENUM) } trigConf = triggersConfigured() //condConf = conditionsConfigured() actConf = executionConfigured() allOk = (Boolean) ((String)settings.actionType && trigConf && actConf) section(sectHead("Configuration: Part 1")) { input "actionType", sENUM, title: inTS1("Action Type", "list"), description: sBLANK, options: buildActTypeEnum(), multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true } if (newInstall) { section(sectHead("Configuration: Part 2")) { paragraph spanBld("Further Options will be configured once you save this automation.
Please save and return to complete", sNULL, getAppImg("info")) } } else { section (sectHead("Configuration: Part 2")) { if((String)settings.actionType) { href "triggersPage", title: inTS1("Action Triggers", "trigger"), description: spanSm(getTriggersDesc(), sCLR4D9) } else { paragraph spanBld("These options will be shown once the action type is configured.", sNULL, getAppImg("info")) } } section(sectHead("Configuration: Part 3")) { if((String)settings.actionType && trigConf) { href "conditionsPage", title: inTS1("Conditions/Restrictions", "conditions") + optPrefix(), description: divSm(getConditionsDesc(true), sCLR4D9) } else { paragraph spanBld("These options will be shown once the triggers are configured.", sNULL, getAppImg("info")) } } section(sectHead("Configuration: Part 4")) { if((String)settings.actionType && trigConf) { href "actionsPage", title: inTS1("Execution Config", "es_actions"), description: spanSm(getActionDesc(true), sCLR4D9) } else { paragraph spanBld("These options will be shown once the triggers are configured.", sNULL, getAppImg("info")) } } if(allOk) { section(sectHead("Notifications:")) { String t0 = getAppNotifDesc() href "actNotifPage", title: inTS1("Send Notifications", "notification2"), description: t0 ? divSm(t0 + inputFooter(sTTM), sCLR4D9) : inactFoot(sTTC) } getTierStatusSection() section(sectHead("Action History")) { href "actionHistoryPage", title: inTS1("View Action History", "tasks"), description: sBLANK } } } } section(sectHead("Preferences")) { href "prefsPage", title: inTS1("Debug/Preferences", "settings"), description: sBLANK if(!newInstall) { input "actionPause", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Pause Action?", "pause_orange"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.actionPause) { unsubscribe() } else { input "actTestRun", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Test this action?", "testing"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.actTestRun) { executeActTest() } } } } if(!newInstall) { section(sectHead("Name this Action:")) { input "appLbl", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Action Name", "name_tag"), description: sBLANK, required:true, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Remove Action:")) { href "uninstallPage", title: inTS1("Remove this Action", "uninstall"), description: inputFooter("Tap to Remove...", sCLRGRY, true) } if(allOk) { section(sectHead("Feature Requests/Issue Reporting"), hideable: true, hidden: true) { String issueUrl = "https://github.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/issues/new?assignees=tonesto7&labels=bug&template=bug_report.md&title=%28ACTIONS+BUG%29+&projects=echo-speaks%2F6" String featUrl = "https://github.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/issues/new?assignees=tonesto7&labels=enhancement&template=feature_request.md&title=%5BActions+Feature+Request%5D&projects=echo-speaks%2F6" String ttob = inactFoot("Tap to open browser") href url: featUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("New Feature Request", "www"), description: ttob href url: issueUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Report an Issue", "www"), description: ttob } appFooter() } } } } def prefsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "prefsPage", install: false, uninstall: false) { section(sectHead("Logging:")) { input "logInfo", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Info Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logWarn", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Warning Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logError", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Error Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logDebug", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Debug Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "logTrace", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Detailed Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if((Boolean)state.isInstalled) { if(advLogsActive()) { logsEnabled() } section(sectHead("Other:")) { input "clrEvtHistory", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Clear Device Event History?", "reset"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.clrEvtHistory) { clearEvtHistory() } } } } } def namePage() { return dynamicPage(name: "namePage", install: true, uninstall: false) { section(sectHead("Name this Automation:")) { input "appLbl", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Label this Action", "name_tag"), description: sBLANK, required:true, submitOnChange: true } } } def actionHistoryPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "actionHistoryPage", title: "Action History", install: false, uninstall: false) { section() { getActionHistory() } if( ((List)getMemStoreItem("actionHistory")).size() ) { section(sBLANK) { input "clearActionHistory", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Clear Action History?", sRESET), description: spanSm("Clears Stored Action History.", sCLRGRY), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.clearActionHistory) { settingUpdate("clearActionHistory", sFALSE, sBOOL) clearActHistory() } } } } } /* // TODO: Add flag to check for the old schedule settings and pause the action, and notify the user. private scheduleConvert() { if(settings.trig_scheduled_time || settings.trig_scheduled_sunState && !settings.trig_scheduled_type) { if(settings.trig_scheduled_sunState) { settingUpdate("trig_scheduled_type", "${settings.trig_scheduled_sunState}", sENUM); settingRemove("trig_scheduled_sunState") } else if(settings.trig_scheduled_time && settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence) { if(settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence == "Once") { settingUpdate("trig_scheduled_type", sONETIME, sENUM) } if(settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence in ["Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly"]) { settingUpdate("trig_scheduled_type", sRECURRING, sENUM) } } } } */ @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') def triggersPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "triggersPage", nextPage: "mainPage", title: "Action Triggers", uninstall: false, install: false) { // Boolean isTierAct = isTierAction() String a = getTriggersDesc(false, false) if(a) { section() { paragraph spanSm(a, sCLR4D9) } } section (sectHead("Enable webCoRE Integration:")) { input "enableWebCoRE", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Enable webCoRE Integration", webCore_icon()), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if(settings.enableWebCoRE) { if(!webCoREFLD) webCoRE_init() webCoRE_poll() } Boolean showSpeakEvtVars = false section (sectHead("Select Capabilities")) { input "triggerEvents", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Trigger Event(s)", "trigger"), options: buildTriggerEnum(), multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true } Integer trigEvtCnt = ((List)settings.triggerEvents)?.size() if (trigEvtCnt) { Boolean fnd = false //if( sSCHED in (List)settings.triggerEvents || // sWEATH in (List)settings.triggerEvents) { fnd = true } /*((List)settings.triggerEvents)?.each { String tr -> if(tr in [sSCHED, sWEATH]) { fnd = true } } */ //if(!((List)settings.triggerEvents in [sSCHED, sWEATH])) { showSpeakEvtVars = true } if(!fnd) { showSpeakEvtVars = true } if (valTrigEvt(sSCHED)) { section(sectHead("Time Based Events"), hideable: true) { List schedTypes = [sONETIME, sRECURRING, sCSUNRISE, sCSUNSET] input "trig_scheduled_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Schedule Type?", sCHKBOX), options: schedTypes, multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true String schedType = (String)settings.trig_scheduled_type if(schedType) { switch(schedType) { case sONETIME: case sRECURRING: input "trig_scheduled_time", sTIME, title: inTS1("Trigger Time?", "clock"), required: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.trig_scheduled_time && schedType == sRECURRING) { List recurOpts = ["Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly"] // "Yearly" input "trig_scheduled_recurrence", sENUM, title: inTS1("Recurrence?", "day_calendar"), description: sBLANK, multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true, options: recurOpts, defaultValue: "Once" // TODO: Build out the scheduling some more with quick items like below /* At 6 pm on the last day of every month: (0 0 18 L * ?) At 6 pm on the 3rd to last day of every month: (0 0 18 L-3 * ?) At 10:30 am on the last Thursday of every month: (0 30 10 ? * 5L) At 6 pm on the last Friday of every month during the years 2015, 2016 and 2017: (0 0 18 ? * 6L 2015-2017) At 10 am on the third Monday of every month: (0 0 10 ? * 2#3) At 12 am midnight on every day for five days starting on the 10th day of the month: (0 0 0 10/5 * ?) */ String schedRecur = (String)settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence if(schedRecur) { switch(schedRecur) { case "Daily": input "trig_scheduled_weekdays", sENUM, title: inTS1("Only of these Days of the Week?", "day_calendar") + optPrefix(), description: sBLANK, multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: daysOfWeekMap() break case "Weekly": input "trig_scheduled_weekdays", sENUM, title: inTS1("Days of the Week?", "day_calendar") + optPrefix(), description: sBLANK, multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true, options: daysOfWeekMap() input "trig_scheduled_weeks", sENUM, title: inTS1("Only these Weeks on the Month?", "day_calendar") + optPrefix(), description: sBLANK, multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: weeksOfMonthMap() input "trig_scheduled_months", sENUM, title: inTS1("Only on these Months?", "day_calendar") + optPrefix(), description: sBLANK, multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: monthMap() break case "Monthly": input "trig_scheduled_daynums", sENUM, title: inTS1("Days of the Month?", "day_calendar"), description: (!settings.trig_scheduled_weeks ? optPrefix(): sBLANK), multiple: true, required: (!settings.trig_scheduled_weeks), submitOnChange: true, options: (1..31)?.collect { it as String } if(!settings.trig_scheduled_daynums) { input "trig_scheduled_weeks", sENUM, title: inTS1("Weeks of the Month?", "day_calendar"), description: (!settings.trig_scheduled_daynums ? optPrefix(): sBLANK), multiple: true, required: (!settings.trig_scheduled_daynums), submitOnChange: true, options: weeksOfMonthMap() } input "trig_scheduled_months", sENUM, title: inTS1("Only on these Months?", "day_calendar"), description: optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: monthMap() break } } } break case sCSUNRISE: case sCSUNSET: input "trig_scheduled_sunState_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset ${schedType} this number of minutes (+/-)", schedType?.toLowerCase()), required: false break } triggerMsgInput(sSCHED) } } } if (valTrigEvt(sALRMSYSST)) { section (sectHead("${getAlarmSystemName()} (${getAlarmSystemName(true)}) Events"), hideable: true) { String inT = sALRMSYSST input "trig_${inT}", sENUM, title: inTS1("${getAlarmSystemName()} Modes", "alarm_home"), options: getAlarmTrigOpts(), multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true if("alerts" in (List)settings."trig_${inT}") { input "trig_${inT}_events", sENUM, title: inTS1("${getAlarmSystemName()} Alert Events", "alarm_home"), options: getAlarmSystemAlertOptions(), multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true } if((List)settings."trig_${inT}") { input "trig_${inT}_once", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Only alert once a day? (per type: mode)", sQUES), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "trig_${inT}_wait", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Wait between each report (in seconds)", sDELAYT) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true triggerMsgInput(sALRMSYSST) } } } if (valTrigEvt("guard")) { section (sectHead("Alexa Guard Events"), hideable: true) { input "trig_guard", sENUM, title: inTS1("Alexa Guard Modes", "alarm_home"), options: ["ARMED_STAY", "ARMED_AWAY", sANY], multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true if(settings.trig_guard) { // input "trig_guard_once", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Only alert once a day?\n(per mode)", sQUES), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true // input "trig_guard_wait", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Wait between each report (in seconds)\n(Optional)", sDELAYT), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true triggerMsgInput("guard") } } } if (valTrigEvt(sMODE)) { section (sectHead("Mode Events"), hideable: true) { input "trig_mode", sMODE, title: inTS1("Location Modes", sMODE), multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true if((List)settings.trig_mode) { input "trig_mode_once", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Only alert once a day? (per type: mode)", sQUES), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "trig_mode_wait", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Wait between each report (in seconds)", sDELAYT) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true triggerMsgInput(sMODE) } } } if(valTrigEvt(sPISTNEXEC)) { section(sectHead("webCoRE Piston Executed Events"), hideable: true) { String inT = sPISTNEXEC input "trig_${inT}", sENUM, title: inTS1("Pistons", webCore_icon()), options: webCoRE_list(), multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true if(settings."trig_${inT}") { paragraph pTS("webCoRE settings must be enabled to send events for Piston Execution (not enabled by default in webCoRE)", sNULL, false, sCLRGRY) input "trig_${inT}_once", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Only alert once a day?\n(per type: piston)", sQUES), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "trig_${inT}_wait", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Wait between each report (in seconds)", sDELAYT) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true triggerMsgInput(sPISTNEXEC) } } } if (valTrigEvt(sSWITCH)) { trigNonNumSect(sSWITCH, sSWITCH, "Switches", "Switches", lONOFF+lANY, "are turned", lONOFF, sSWITCH) } if (valTrigEvt(sLEVEL)) { trigNumValSect(sLEVEL, "switchLevel", "Dimmers/Levels", "Dimmers/Levels", "Level is", sSPDKNB) } if (valTrigEvt(sBATT)) { trigNumValSect(sBATT, sBATT, "Battery Level", "Batteries", "Level is", sSPDKNB) } if (valTrigEvt(sMOTION)) { trigNonNumSect(sMOTION, "motionSensor", "Motion Sensors", "Motion Sensors", lACTINACT+lANY, "become", lACTINACT, sMOTION) } if (valTrigEvt("presence")) { trigNonNumSect("presence", "presenceSensor", "Presence Sensors", "Presence Sensors", lPRES +lANY, sCHGTO, lPRES, "presence") } if (valTrigEvt(sCONTACT)) { trigNonNumSect(sCONTACT, "contactSensor", "Contacts, Doors, Windows", "Contacts, Doors, Windows", lOPNCLS+lANY, sCHGTO, lOPNCLS, sCONTACT) } if (valTrigEvt("acceleration")) { trigNonNumSect("acceleration", "accelerationSensor", "Accelerometers", "Accelerometers", lACTINACT+lANY, sCHGTO, lACTINACT, "acceleration") } if (valTrigEvt("door")) { trigNonNumSect("door", "garageDoorControl", "Garage Door Openers", "Garage Doors", lOPNCLS+["opening", "closing", sANY], sCHGTO, lOPNCLS, "garage_door") } if (valTrigEvt(sLOCK)) { trigNonNumSect(sLOCK, sLOCK, "Locks", "Smart Locks", lLOCKUNL + lANY, sCHGTO, lLOCKUNL, sLOCK, (!!(List)settings.trig_lock_Codes), (((String)settings.trig_lock && (String)settings.trig_lock_cmd in ["unlocked", sANY]) ? this.&handleCodeSect : this.&dummy), "Unlocked" ) } if (valTrigEvt("securityKeypad")) { trigNonNumSect("securityKeypad", "securityKeypad", "Security Keypad", "Security Keypad", lSEC + lANY, sCHGTO, lSEC, sKEYPAD, (!!(List)settings.trig_securityKeypad_Codes), (((String)settings.trig_securityKeypad && (String)settings.trig_securityKeypad_cmd in ["disarmed", sANY]) ? this.&handleCodeSect : this.&dummy), "Keypad Disarmed" ) } if (valTrigEvt(sPUSHED)) { trigButtonSect(sPUSHED, "pushableButton", "Button Pushed Events", "Pushable Buttons", "button_push", sPUSHED) } if (valTrigEvt(sRELEASED)) { trigButtonSect(sRELEASED, "releasableButton", "Button Released Events", "Releasable Buttons", "button_released", sRELEASED) } if (valTrigEvt(sHELD)) { trigButtonSect(sHELD, "holdableButton", "Button Held Events", "Holdable Buttons", "button_held", sHELD) } if (valTrigEvt(sDBLTAP)) { trigButtonSect(sDBLTAP, "doubleTapableButton", "Button Double Tap Events", "Double Tap Buttons", "button_double", sDBLTAP) } if (valTrigEvt(sTEMP)) { trigNumValSect(sTEMP, "temperatureMeasurement", "Temperature Sensor", "Temperature Sensors", "Temperature", sTEMP) } if (valTrigEvt(sHUMID)) { trigNumValSect(sHUMID, "relativeHumidityMeasurement", "Humidity Sensors", "Relative Humidity Sensors", "Relative Humidity (%)", sHUMID) } if (valTrigEvt(sWATER)) { trigNonNumSect(sWATER, "waterSensor", "Water Sensors", "Water/Moisture Sensors", lWETDRY + lANY, sCHGTO, lWETDRY, sWATER) } if (valTrigEvt(sPOWER)) { trigNumValSect(sPOWER, "powerMeter", "Power Events", "Power Meters", "Power Level (W)", sPOWER) } if (valTrigEvt("carbonMonoxide")) { trigNonNumSect("carbonMonoxide", "carbonMonoxideDetector", "Carbon Monoxide Events", "Carbon Monoxide Detectors", lDETECTCLR+lANY, sCHGTO, lDETECTCLR, "co") } if (valTrigEvt(sSMOKE)) { trigNonNumSect(sSMOKE, "smokeDetector", "Smoke Detector Events", "Smoke Detectors", lDETECTCLR+lANY, sCHGTO, lDETECTCLR, sSMOKE) } if (valTrigEvt("illuminance")) { trigNumValSect("illuminance", "illuminanceMeasurement", "Illuminance Events", "Illuminance Sensors", "Lux Level (%)", "illuminance") } if (valTrigEvt("windowShade")) { trigNonNumSect("windowShade", "windowShade", "Window Shades", "Window Shades", lOPNCLS+["opening", "closing", sANY], sCHGTO, lOPNCLS, "shade") } if (valTrigEvt(sVALVE)) { trigNonNumSect(sVALVE, sVALVE, "Valves", "Valves", lOPNCLS+lANY, sCHGTO, lOPNCLS, sVALVE) } if (valTrigEvt(sCOOLSP)) { trigNumValSect(sCOOLSP, sTHERM, "Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Events", "Thermostat (Cooling Setpoint)", "Setpoint temp", sTHERM) } if (valTrigEvt(sHEATSP)) { trigNumValSect(sHEATSP, sTHERM, "Thermostat Heating Setpoint Events", "Thermostat (Heating Setpoint)", "Setpoint temp", sTHERM) } if (valTrigEvt(sTHERMTEMP)) { trigNumValSect(sTHERMTEMP, sTHERM, "Thermostat Ambient Temperature Events", "Thermostat (Ambient Temperature)", "Ambient Temp", sTHERM) } if (valTrigEvt(sTHERMOS)) { trigNonNumSect(sTHERMOS, sTHERM, "Thermostat Operating State Events", "Thermostat (Operating State)", getThermOperStOpts()+lANY, sCHGTO, getThermOperStOpts(), sTHERM) } if (valTrigEvt(sTHERMMODE)) { trigNonNumSect(sTHERMMODE, sTHERM, "Thermostat Mode Events", "Thermostat (Mode)", getThermModeOpts()+lANY, sCHGTO, getThermModeOpts(), sTHERM) } if (valTrigEvt(sTHERMFM)) { trigNonNumSect(sTHERMFM, sTHERM, "Thermostat Fan Mode Events", "Thermostat (Fan Mode)", getThermFanOpts()+lANY, sCHGTO, getThermFanOpts(), sTHERM) } if(triggersConfigured()) { section(sBLANK) { paragraph spanMdBldBr("Trigger Configuration Complete", sNULL, getAppImg("done")) + spanSm("Press Next to Return to Main Page") } } } state.showSpeakEvtVars = showSpeakEvtVars } } def handleCodeSect(String typ, String lbl) { Map lockCodes = getCodes((List)settings."trig_${typ}") //log.debug "lockCodes: ${lockCodes}" if(lockCodes) { Map codeOpts = lockCodes.collectEntries { [((String)it.key): it.value?.name ? "Name: "+ (String)it.value.name : "Code Number ${(String)it.key}: (${(String)it.value?.code})"] } input "trig_${typ}_Codes", sENUM, title: inTS1("Filter ${lbl} codes...", sCOMMAND), options: codeOpts, multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } } Map getCodes(List devs, String code=sNULL) { // lockCodes are: // ["":["code":"", "name":""],"":["code":"", "name":""]] Map result = [:] try { String lockCodes = devs && devs.size() == 1 ? devs[0]?.currentValue("lockCodes") : (code ?: sNULL) if (lockCodes) { //decrypt codes if they're encrypted if (lockCodes[0] == "{") result = parseJson(lockCodes) else result = parseJson(decrypt(lockCodes)) if(devModeFLD) log.debug "lockCodes: ${result}" } } catch(ex) { logError("getCodes error", true, ex) } return result } def dummy(a,b) {} def trigNonNumSect(String inType, String capType, String sectStr, String devTitle, cmdOpts, String cmdTitle, cmdAfterOpts, String image, Boolean devReq=true, Closure extraMeth=this.&dummy, String extraStr=sNULL) { section (sectHead(sectStr), hideable: true) { input "trig_${inType}", "capability.${capType}", title: spanSmBld(devTitle, sNULL, image), multiple: true, required: devReq, submitOnChange: true if (settings."trig_${inType}") { input "trig_${inType}_cmd", sENUM, title: spanSmBld("${cmdTitle}...", sNULL, sCOMMAND), options: cmdOpts, multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true if((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd") { if(inType == sLOCK) { String lMsg = "This will prevent duplicate speech events on Zigbee Locks that send two events per lock and unlock." input "trig_${inType}_ign_empty_type", sBOOL, title: spanSmBld("Ignore ${devTitle} Events with No Type?", sNULL, sQUES) + optPrefix() + lineBr() + spanSm(lMsg, sCLRGRY), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if (settings."trig_${inType}"?.size() > 1 && (String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" != sANY) { input "trig_${inType}_all", sBOOL, title: spanSmBld("Require ALL ${devTitle} to be (${settings."trig_${inType}_cmd"})?", sNULL, sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } extraMeth(inType, extraStr) if(!isTierAction() && (String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in cmdAfterOpts) { doAftInput(inType) } input "trig_${inType}_once", sBOOL, title: spanSmBld("Only alert once a day?", sNULL, sQUES) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "trig_${inType}_wait", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld("Wait between each report (in seconds)", sNULL, sDELAYT) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true triggerMsgInput(inType) } } } } def trigButtonSect(String inType, String capType, String sectStr, String devTitle, String image, String cmd){ section (sectHead(sectStr), hideable: true) { input "trig_${inType}", "capability.${capType}", title: spanSmBld(devTitle, sNULL, image), required: true, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true if (settings."trig_${inType}") { settingUpdate("trig_${inType}_cmd", cmd, sENUM) //input "trig_${inType}_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Pushed changes", sCOMMAND), options: [sPUSHED], required: true, multiple: false, defaultValue: sPUSHED, submitOnChange: true input "trig_${inType}_nums", sENUM, title: inTS1("Button numbers?", sCOMMAND), options: 1..8, required: true, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true if(settings."trig_${inType}_nums") { input "trig_${inType}_once", sBOOL, title: spanSmBld("Only alert once a day?", sNULL, sQUES) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "trig_${inType}_wait", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld("Wait between each report (in seconds)", sNULL, sDELAYT) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true triggerMsgInput(cmd) } } } } def trigNumValSect(String inType, String capType, String sectStr, String devTitle, String cmdTitle, String image, Boolean devReq=true) { Boolean done = false section (sectHead(sectStr), hideable: true) { input "trig_${inType}", "capability.${capType}", title: spanSmBld(devTitle, sNULL, image), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: devReq if(settings."trig_${inType}") { input "trig_${inType}_cmd", sENUM, title: spanSmBld("${cmdTitle} is...", sNULL, sCOMMAND), options: numOpts(), required: true, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true if (settings."trig_${inType}_cmd") { if ((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN, sBELOW]) { String snot = (String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in [sNBETWEEN] ? "Not " : sBLANK input "trig_${inType}_low", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld(((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN] ? "${snot}Between a Low" : "a low") + " ${cmdTitle} of...", sNULL, "low"), required: true, submitOnChange: true } if(settings."trig_${inType}_low"!=null && ((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in [sBELOW]) ) done=true if ((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN, sABOVE]) { input "trig_${inType}_high", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld(((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN] ? "and a High of..." : "a High") + " ${cmdTitle} of...", sNULL, "high"), required: true, submitOnChange: true } if(settings."trig_${inType}_high"!=null && ((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in [sABOVE])) done=true if(settings."trig_${inType}_low"!=null && settings."trig_${inType}_high"!=null && ((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN])) done=true if ((String)settings."trig_${inType}_cmd" == sEQUALS) { input "trig_${inType}_equal", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld("a ${cmdTitle} of...", sNULL, sEQ), required: true, submitOnChange: true if(settings."trig_${inType}_equal"!=null) done=true } if(done) { if (settings."trig_${inType}"?.size() > 1) { input "trig_${inType}_all", sBOOL, title: spanSmBld("Require ALL devices to be (${settings."trig_${inType}_cmd"}) values?", sNULL, sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(!(Boolean)settings."trig_${inType}_all") { input "trig_${inType}_avg", sBOOL, title: spanSmBld("Use the average of all selected device values?", sNULL, sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } doAftInput(inType) input "trig_${inType}_once", sBOOL, title: spanSmBld("Only alert once a day? (per type: ${inType})", sNULL, sQUES) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "trig_${inType}_wait", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld("Wait between each report (in seconds)?", sNULL, sQUES) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true triggerMsgInput(inType) } } } } } def doAftInput(String inType) { input "trig_${inType}_after", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld("Only after (${settings."trig_${inType}_cmd"}) for (xx) (0..7200) seconds?", sNULL, sDELAYT), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true Integer aft = (Integer)settings."trig_${inType}_after" if(aft != null) { if(aft < 0 || aft > 7200) { settingUpdate("trig_${inType}_after", 10) } input "trig_${inType}_after_repeat", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld("Repeat every (xx) (10..7200) seconds until it's not ${settings."trig_${inType}_cmd"}?", sNULL, sDELAYT), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true Integer aftR = (Integer)settings."trig_${inType}_after_repeat" if(aftR != null) { input "trig_${inType}_after_repeat_cnt", sNUMBER, title: spanSmBld("Only repeat this many times (2..20000)?", sNULL, sQUES) + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true if(aftR < 10 || aftR > 7200) { settingUpdate("trig_${inType}_after_repeat", 10) } // triggerMsgInput(inType) } Integer aftRC = (Integer)settings."trig_${inType}_after_repeat_cnt" if(aftRC != null) { if(aftRC < 2 || aftRC > 20000) { settingUpdate("trig_${inType}_after_repeat_cnt", 120) } // settingRemove("trig_${inType}_once") // settingRemove("trig_${inType}_wait") } } else { settingRemove("trig_${inType}_after_repeat") settingRemove("trig_${inType}_after_repeat_cnt") settingRemove("trig_${inType}_after_repeat_txt") } } def triggerMsgInput(String inType /*, Boolean showRepInputs=false, Integer itemCnt=0 */) { if((String)settings.actionType in [sSPEAK, sSPEAKI, sSPEAKP, sSPEAKIP, sANN, sANNI]) { String str = spanSmBldBr("Response Options", sCLR4D9) String a=s3SPACE+sBULLET+sSPACE str += spanSmBr("Available Options:") str += spanSmBr("${a}${strUnder("1")}: Leave the text empty below and text will be generated for each ${inType} trigger event.") str += spanSmBr("${a}${strUnder("2")}: Wait till the Execution config step and define a single global response for all triggers selected.") str += spanSmBr("${a}${strUnder("3")}: Use the response builder below and create custom responses for each individual trigger type. (Supports randomization when multiple responses are configured)") paragraph divSm(str, sCLRGRY, "info") //Custom Text Options Integer resp1cnt = 1 String desc1 = sBLANK String[] resps1 = ((String)settings."trig_${inType}_txt")?.split(";") ?: [] if(resps1.size() > 1) { resps1.each { String i-> desc1 += spanSmBld("(${resp1cnt})") + sSPACE + spanSmBr(i, sCLR4D9); resp1cnt++ } } else { desc1 += spanSmBr((String)settings."trig_${inType}_txt" ?: sBLANK, sCLR4D9) } desc1 += (String)settings."trig_${inType}_txt" ? lineBr() + spanSmBld("Edit in Response Designer...", sCLRGRY) : spanSm("Open Response Designer...", sCLRGRY) href url: parent?.getTextEditorPath(app?.id as String, "trig_${inType}_txt"), style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Custom ${inType?.capitalize()} Responses", sTEXT) + optPrefix(), description: desc1//, submitOnChange: true if((Integer)settings."trig_${inType}_after_repeat") { //Custom Repeat Text Options paragraph divSm(spanSmBldBr("Repeat Response Options", sCLR4D9) + spanSm("Add custom responses for the ${inType} events that are repeated.", sCLRGRY), sNULL, getAppImg("info")) Integer resp2cnt = 1 String desc2 = sBLANK String[] resps2 = ((String)settings."trig_${inType}_after_repeat_txt")?.split(";") ?: [] if(resps2.size() > 1) { resps2.each { String i-> desc2 += spanSmBld("(${resp2cnt})") + sSPACE + spanSmBr(i, sCLR4D9); resp2cnt++ } } else { desc2 += spanSmBr((String)settings."trig_${inType}_after_repeat_txt" ?: sBLANK, sCLR4D9) } desc2 += (String)settings."trig_${inType}_after_repeat_txt" ? lineBr() + spanSmBld("Edit in Response Designer...", sCLRGRY) : spanSm("Open Response Designer...", sCLRGRY) href url: parent?.getTextEditorPath(app?.id as String, "trig_${inType}_after_repeat_txt"), style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("Custom ${inType?.capitalize()} Repeat Responses", sTEXT) + optPrefix(), description: desc2//, submitOnChange: true } } } Boolean locationTriggers() { return (valTrigEvt(sMODE) && (List)settings.trig_mode) || (valTrigEvt(sALRMSYSST) && (List)settings.trig_alarmSystemStatus) || (valTrigEvt(sPISTNEXEC) && settings.trig_pistonExecuted) || (valTrigEvt("guard") && settings.trig_guard) } Boolean deviceTriggers() { return (settings.trig_windowShade && settings.trig_windowShade_cmd) || (settings.trig_door && settings.trig_door_cmd) || (settings.trig_valve && settings.trig_valve_cmd) || (settings.trig_switch && settings.trig_switch_cmd) || (settings.trig_level && settings.trig_level_cmd) || (settings.trig_lock && settings.trig_lock_cmd) || (settings.trig_securityKeypad && settings.trig_securityKeypad_cmd) || // (settings.trig_button && settings.trig_button_cmd) || (settings.trig_pushed && settings.trig_pushed_cmd && settings.trig_pushed_nums) || (settings.trig_released && settings.trig_released_cmd && settings.trig_released_nums) || (settings.trig_held && settings.trig_held_cmd && settings.trig_held_nums) || (settings.trig_doubleTapped && settings.trig_doubleTapped_cmd && settings.trig_doubleTapped_nums) || (thermostatTriggers()) } Boolean thermostatTriggers() { List okList = [] [sCOOLSP, sHEATSP, sTHERMTEMP].each { String att-> // Thermostat number value validation if(valTrigEvt(att)) { okList.push((Boolean)(settings."trig_${att}" && settings."trig_${att}_cmd" && (settings."trig_${att}_low"!=null || settings."trig_${att}_high"!=null || settings."trig_${att}_equal"!=null))) } } [sTHERMMODE, sTHERMOS, sTHERMFM].each { String att-> // Thermostat non number validation if(valTrigEvt(att)) { okList.push((Boolean)(settings."trig_${att}" && settings."trig_${att}_cmd")) } } // log.debug "thermostatTriggers | okList: ${okList} | Every: ${(okList.every { it == true })}" return (okList.size()) ? (okList.every { it == true }) : false } Boolean sensorTriggers() { return (settings.trig_temperature && settings.trig_temperature_cmd) || (settings.trig_carbonMonoxide && settings.trig_carbonMonoxide_cmd) || (settings.trig_humidity && settings.trig_humidity_cmd) || (settings.trig_battery && settings.trig_battery_cmd) || (settings.trig_water && settings.trig_water_cmd) || (settings.trig_smoke && settings.trig_smoke_cmd) || (settings.trig_presence && settings.trig_presence_cmd) || (settings.trig_motion && settings.trig_motion_cmd) || (settings.trig_contact && settings.trig_contact_cmd) || (settings.trig_power && settings.trig_power_cmd) || (settings.trig_illuminance && settings.trig_illuminance_low!=null && settings.trig_illuminance_high!=null) || (settings.trig_acceleration && settings.trig_acceleration_cmd) } Boolean triggersConfigured() { Boolean sched = schedulesConfigured() Boolean loc = locationTriggers() Boolean dev = deviceTriggers() Boolean sen = sensorTriggers() // log.debug "sched: $sched | loc: $loc | dev: $dev | sen: $sen" return (sched || loc || dev || sen) } /****************************************************************************** CONDITIONS SELECTION PAGE ******************************************************************************/ def conditionsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "conditionsPage", nextPage: "mainPage", title: "Conditions/Restrictions", install: false, uninstall: false) { Boolean cra = !!(Boolean)settings.cond_require_all Boolean multiConds = multipleConditions() if(!multiConds && cra) { cra=false; settingUpdate("cond_require_all", sFALSE, sBOOL) } String a = getConditionsDesc(false) if(a) { section() { paragraph spanSm(a, sCLR4D9) } } section() { if(multiConds) { input "cond_require_all", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Require All Selected Conditions to Pass Before Action Runs?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true cra = (Boolean)settings.cond_require_all } else { cra=false; settingUpdate("cond_require_all", sFALSE, sBOOL) } Boolean allR = ( multiConds && cra ) // Boolean reqAllCond() paragraph spanSmBldBr("Notice:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm(allR ? "All selected conditions must pass before for this action to operate." : "Any condition will allow this action to operate.", sCLR4D9) } section(sectHead("Time/Date")) { href "condTimePage", title: inTS1("Time Schedule", "clock"), description: spanSm(getTimeCondDesc(false), sCLR4D9) input "cond_days", sENUM, title: inTS1("Days of the week", "day_calendar"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: weekDaysEnum() input "cond_months", sENUM, title: inTS1("Months of the year", "day_calendar"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: monthEnum() } section (sectHead("Mode Conditions")) { input "cond_mode", sMODE, title: inTS1("Location Modes...", sMODE), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if((List)settings.cond_mode) { input "cond_mode_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("are...", sCOMMAND), options: ["not":"Not in these modes", (sARE):"In these Modes"], required: true, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true } } section (sectHead("Alarm Conditions")) { input "cond_alarmSystemStatus", sENUM, title: inTS1("${getAlarmSystemName()} is...", "alarm_home"), options: getAlarmTrigOpts(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } condNonNumSect(sSWITCH, sSWITCH, "Switches/Outlets Conditions", "Switches/Outlets", lONOFF, sARE, sSWITCH) condNonNumSect(sMOTION, "motionSensor", "Motion Conditions", "Motion Sensors", lACTINACT, sARE, sMOTION) condNonNumSect("presence", "presenceSensor", "Presence Conditions", "Presence Sensors", lPRES, sARE, "presence") condNonNumSect(sCONTACT, "contactSensor", "Door, Window, Contact Sensors Conditions", "Contact Sensors", lOPNCLS, sARE, sCONTACT) condNonNumSect("acceleration", "accelerationSensor", "Accelerometer Conditions", "Accelerometer Sensors", lACTINACT, sARE, "acceleration") condNonNumSect(sLOCK, sLOCK, "Lock Conditions", "Smart Locks", lLOCKUNL, sARE, sLOCK) condNonNumSect("securityKeypad", "securityKeypad", "Security Keypad Conditions", "Security Kepads", lSEC, sARE, sKEYPAD) condNonNumSect("door", "garageDoorControl", "Garage Door Conditions", "Garage Doors", lOPNCLS, sARE, "garage_door") condNumValSect(sTEMP, "temperatureMeasurement", "Temperature Conditions", "Temperature Sensors", "Temperature", sTEMP) condNumValSect(sHUMID, "relativeHumidityMeasurement", "Humidity Conditions", "Relative Humidity Sensors", "Relative Humidity (%)", sHUMID) condNumValSect("illuminance", "illuminanceMeasurement", "Illuminance Conditions", "Illuminance Sensors", "Lux Level (%)", "illuminance") condNumValSect(sLEVEL, "switchLevel", "Dimmers/Levels", "Dimmers/Levels", "Level (%)", sSPDKNB) condNonNumSect(sWATER, "waterSensor", "Water Sensors", "Water Sensors", lWETDRY, sARE, sWATER) condNonNumSect(sSMOKE, "smokeDetector", "Smoke Detectors", "Smoke Detectors", lDETECTCLR, sARE, sSMOKE) condNonNumSect("carbonMonoxide", "carbonMonoxideDetector", "Carbon Monoxide Detectors", "Carbon Monoxide Detectors", lDETECTCLR, sARE, "co") condNumValSect(sPOWER, "powerMeter", "Power Events", "Power Meters", "Power Level (W)", sPOWER) condNonNumSect("windowShade", "windowShade", "Window Shades", "Window Shades", lOPNCLS, sARE, "shade") condNonNumSect(sVALVE, sVALVE, "Valves", "Valves", lOPNCLS, sARE, sVALVE) condNumValSect(sBATT, sBATT, "Battery Level Conditions", "Batteries", "Level (%)", sBATT) condNonNumSectM(sTHERMMODE, sTHERM, "Thermostat Modes", "Thermostat Mode", getThermModeOpts(), sTHERM) condNonNumSectM(sTHERMOS, sTHERM, "Thermostat Operating States", "Thermostat Operating State", getThermOperStOpts(), sTHERM) condNonNumSectM(sTHERMFM, sTHERM, "Thermostat Fan Modes", "Thermostat Fan Mode", getThermFanOpts(), sTHERM) condNumValSect(sCOOLSP, sTHERM, "Cooling Setpoint", "Thermostat Cooling SetPoint", "Temperature", sTEMP) condNumValSect(sHEATSP, sTHERM, "Heating Setpoint", "Thermostat Heating SetPoint", "Temperature", sTEMP) } } static List getThermModeOpts() { return ["auto", "cool", " heat", "emergency heat", "off"] } static List getThermOperStOpts() { return ["cooling", "heating", "idle", "fan only"] } static List getThermFanOpts() { return ["on", "circulate", "auto"] } // allows multiple:true for _cmd def condNonNumSectM(String inType, String capType, String sectStr, String devTitle, List cmdOpts, String image) { section (sectHead(sectStr)) { input "cond_${inType}", "capability.${capType}", title: inTS1(devTitle, image), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required:false if (settings."cond_${inType}") { input "cond_${inType}_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("${devTitle} is...", sCOMMAND), options: cmdOpts, multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true if (((List)settings."cond_${inType}")?.size() > 1 && settings."cond_${inType}_cmd"?.size() == 1) { input "cond_${inType}_all", sBOOL, title: inTS1("ALL ${devTitle} must be (${settings."cond_${inType}_cmd"})?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } else settingUpdate("cond_${inType}_all", sFALSE, sBOOL) } } } def condNonNumSect(String inType, String capType, String sectStr, String devTitle, cmdOpts, String cmdTitle, String image) { section (sectHead(sectStr)) { input "cond_${inType}", "capability.${capType}", title: inTS1(devTitle, image), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required:false if (settings."cond_${inType}") { input "cond_${inType}_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("${cmdTitle}...", sCOMMAND), options: cmdOpts, multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true if ((String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd" && settings."cond_${inType}"?.size() > 1) { input "cond_${inType}_all", sBOOL, title: inTS1("ALL ${devTitle} must be (${settings."cond_${inType}_cmd"})?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } static List numOpts() { return [sBETWEEN, sNBETWEEN, sBELOW, sABOVE, sEQUALS] } def condNumValSect(String inType, String capType, String sectStr, String devTitle, String cmdTitle, String image) { section (sectHead(sectStr)) { input "cond_${inType}", "capability.${capType}", title: inTS1(devTitle, image), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false if((List)settings."cond_${inType}") { input "cond_${inType}_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("${cmdTitle} is...", sCOMMAND), options: numOpts(), required: true, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true String c_cmd = (String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd" if (c_cmd) { if (c_cmd in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN, sBELOW]) { input "cond_${inType}_low", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("a ${c_cmd in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN] ? "Low " : sBLANK}${cmdTitle} of...", "low"), required: true, submitOnChange: true } if (c_cmd in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN, sABOVE]) { input "cond_${inType}_high", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("${c_cmd in [sNBETWEEN, sBETWEEN] ? "and a high " : "a "}${cmdTitle} of...", "high"), required: true, submitOnChange: true } if (c_cmd == sEQUALS) { input "cond_${inType}_equal", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("a ${cmdTitle} of...", sEQ), required: true, submitOnChange: true } if (((List)settings."cond_${inType}")?.size() > 1) { input "cond_${inType}_all", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Require ALL devices to be (${c_cmd}) values?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(!(Boolean)settings."cond_${inType}_all") { input "cond_${inType}_avg", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Use the average of all selected device values?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } } } private Map devsSupportVolume(List devs) { // this will never return a zone virtual device List noSupport = [] List supported = [] if(devs?.size()) { devs.each { dev-> if(dev?.hasAttribute("permissions") && dev?.currentPermissions?.toString()?.contains("volumeControl")) { supported.push((String)dev.label) } else { noSupport.push((String)dev.label) } } } return [s:supported, n:noSupport] } def actVariableDesc(String actType, Boolean hideUserTxt=false) { Map> txtItems = customTxtItems() if(!isTierAction()) { if(!txtItems?.size() && state.showSpeakEvtVars && !(String)settings."act_${actType}_txt") { String str = "NOTICE:
You can choose to leave the response field empty and generic text will be generated for each event type, or return to Step 2 and define responses for each trigger." paragraph spanSm(str, sCLR4D9, getAppImg("info")) } if(!hideUserTxt) { if(txtItems?.size()) { String str = spanSmBld("NOTICE: (Custom Text Defined)", sCLRORG) txtItems?.each { i-> i?.value?.each { i2-> str += lineBr() + spanSmBld("${sBULLET} ${i?.key?.capitalize()} ${i2?.key?.capitalize()}: ") + spanSm("(${i2?.value?.size()} Response${pluralizeStr(i2?.value)})") } } paragraph spanSm(str, sCLR4D9) paragraph spanSmBld("WARNING:
Entering text below will override the text you defined for the trigger types under Step 2.", sCLRRED) } } } } @Field static final Map descsFLD = [ speak: "Speak any message on your Echo Devices.", speak_tiered: "Allows you to create tiered responses. Each tier can have a different delay before the next message is spoken.", speak_parallel: "Speak any message in parallel on your Echo Devices.", speak_parallel_tiered: "Allows you to create parallel tiered responses. Each tier can have a different delay before the next message is spoken.", speak_ignDND: "Speak any message on your Echo Devices, ignoring Do Not Disturb.", speak_ignDND_parallel: "Speak any message on your Echo Devices, ignoring Do Not Disturb, in parallel.", speak_ignDND_parallel_tiered:"Allows you to create parallel tiered responses. Each tier can have a different delay before the next message is spoken, while ignoring Do Not Disturb.", speak_ignDND_tiered: "Allows you to create tiered responses. Each tier can have a different delay before the next message is spoken, while ignoring Do Not Disturb.", announcement: "Plays a brief tone and speaks the message you define. If you select multiple devices it will be a synchronized broadcast.", announcement_tiered: "Allows you to create tiered responses. Each tier can have a different delay before the next message is announced. Plays a brief tone and announces the message you define. If you select multiple devices it will be a synchronized broadcast.", announcement_ignDND_tiered: "Allows you to create tiered responses. Each tier can have a different delay before the next message is spoken, while ignoring Do Not Disturb.", announcement_ignDND: "Plays a brief tone and speaks the message you define. If you select multiple devices it will be a synchronized broadcast, ignoring Do Not Disturb.", sequence: "Sequences are a custom command where you can string different alexa actions which are sent to Amazon as a single command. The command is then processed by amazon sequentially or in parallel.", weather: "Plays a very basic weather report.", playback: "Allows you to control the media playback state or volume level of your Echo devices.", builtin: "Builtin items are things like Sing a Song, Tell a Joke, Say Goodnight, etc.", sounds: "Plays a selected amazon sound item.", voicecmd: "Executes a text based command just as if it was spoken to the device", music: "Allows playback of various Songs/Radio using any connected music provider", calendar: "This will read out events in your calendar (Requires accounts to be configured in the alexa app. Must not have PIN.)", alarm: "This will allow you to create Alexa alarm clock notifications.", reminder: "This will allow you to create Alexa reminder notifications.", dnd: "This will allow you to enable/disable Do Not Disturb mode", alexaroutine: "This will allow you to run your configured Alexa Routines", wakeword: "This will allow you to change the Wake Word of your Echo devices.", bluetooth: "This will allow you to connect or disconnect bluetooth devices paired to your echo devices." ] String actionTypeDesc() { String a = (String)settings.actionType return descsFLD.containsKey(a) ? (String)descsFLD[a] : "No Description Found..." } def actionTiersPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "actionTiersPage", title: sBLANK, install: false, uninstall: false) { section() { input "act_tier_cnt", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("How many Tiers?", sEQ), required: true, submitOnChange: true } Integer tierCnt = (Integer)settings.act_tier_cnt if(tierCnt) { (1..tierCnt)?.each { Integer ti-> String tstr = sACT_ITEM+"${ti}" section(sectHead("Tier Item (${ti}) Config:")) { if(ti > 1) { input "${tstr}_delay", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Delay after Tier ${ti-1}\n(seconds)", sEQ), defaultValue: null, required: true, submitOnChange: true } if(ti==1 || settings."${tstr}_delay") { String inTxt = (String)settings."${tstr}_txt" href url: parent?.getTextEditorPath(app?.id as String, "${tstr}_txt"), style: sEXTNRL, required: true, title: inTS1("Tier Item ${ti} Response", sTEXT) + (!inTxt ? spanSm(" (Required)", sCLRRED) : sBLANK), description: inTxt ? spanSm(inTxt, sCLR4D9) : inactFoot("Open Response Designer...") } input "${tstr}_volume_change", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Tier Item Volume", sSPDKNB) + optPrefix(), defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "${tstr}_volume_restore", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Tier Item Volume Restore", sSPDKNB) + optPrefix(), defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true } } if(isTierActConfigured()) { section(sBLANK) { paragraph spanMdBldBr("Tier Configuration Complete", sNULL, getAppImg("done")) + spanSm("Press Next to Return to Main Page") } } } } } String getTierRespDesc() { Map tierMap = getTierMap() ?: [:] String str = sBLANK str += tierMap?.size() ? spanSmBr("Tiered Responses: (${tierMap?.size()})") : sBLANK tierMap?.each { k,v-> String tstr = sACT_ITEM+"${k}" if((String)settings."${tstr}_txt") { str += (settings."${tstr}_delay") ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Tier ${k} delay: (${settings."${tstr}_delay"} sec)") : sBLANK str += (settings."${tstr}_volume_change") ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Tier ${k} volume: (${settings."${tstr}_volume_change"})") : sBLANK str += (settings."${tstr}_volume_restore") ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Tier ${k} restore: (${settings."${tstr}_volume_restore"})") : sBLANK } } return str != sBLANK ? str : sBLANK } Boolean isTierAction() { return ((String)settings.actionType in [sSPEAKT, sSPEAKPT, sSPEAKIT, sSPEAKIPT, sANNT, sANNIT]) } Boolean isTierActConfigured() { if(!isTierAction()) { return false } Integer cnt = (Integer)settings.act_tier_cnt List tierKeys = settings.findAll { it?.key?.startsWith(sACT_ITEM) && it?.key?.endsWith("_txt") }?.collect { (String)it?.key } return (tierKeys?.size() == cnt) } Map getTierMap() { Map exec = [:] Integer cnt = (Integer)settings.act_tier_cnt if(isTierActConfigured() && cnt) { List tiers = (1..cnt) tiers?.each { Integer t-> String tstr = sACT_ITEM+"${t}" exec[t] = [ message: (String)settings["${tstr}_txt"], delay: settings[sACT_ITEM+"${(t+1)}_delay"], volume: [ change: settings["${tstr}_volume_change"], restore: settings["${tstr}_volume_restore"] ] ] } } return (exec?.size()) ? exec : null } void tierItemCleanup() { List rem = [] Boolean isTierAct = isTierAction() Integer tierCnt = (Integer)settings.act_tier_cnt List tierKeys = settings.findAll { it?.key?.startsWith(sACT_ITEM) }?.collect { it.key as String } List tierIds = isTierAct && tierCnt ? (1..tierCnt) : [] // if(!isTierAct() || !tierCnt) { return } tierKeys?.each { String k-> List id = k?.tokenize("_") ?: [] if(!isTierAct || (id?.size() && id?.size() < 4) || !id[3]?.isNumber() || !(id[3]?.toInteger() in tierIds)) { rem.push(k) } } if(rem.size()) { logDebug("tierItemCleanup | Removing: ${rem}"); rem.each { settingRemove(it) } } } def actTextOrTiersInput(String type, Boolean req=false) { if(isTierAction()) { String tDesc = getTierRespDesc() href "actionTiersPage", title: inTS1("Create Tiered Responses?", sTEXT, (tDesc ? sCLR4D9 : sCLRRED)), description: (tDesc ? divSm(tDesc + inputFooter(sTTM), sCLR4D9) : inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY)) input "act_tier_stop_on_clear", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Stop responses when trigger is cleared?"), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } else { String textUrl = parent?.getTextEditorPath(app?.id as String, type) String addr = !req ? optPrefix() : sBLANK href url: textUrl, style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("Default Action Response", sTEXT) + addr, description: (String)settings."${type}" ? spanSm((String)settings."${type}", sCLR4D9) : inputFooter("Open Response Designer...", sCLRGRY, true) } } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') def actionsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "actionsPage", nextPage: "mainPage", title: "Action Execution Configuration", install: false, uninstall: false) { String a = getActionDesc(false) if(a) { section() { paragraph spanSm(a, sCLR4D9) } } Boolean done = false Map actionExecMap = [configured: false] String myactionType = (String)settings.actionType if(myactionType) { actionExecMap.actionType = myactionType actionExecMap.config = [:] List devices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) String actTypeDesc = spanBldBr("[${myactionType.tokenize("_")?.collect { it?.capitalize() }?.join(sSPACE)}]", sCLR4D9, "info") + spanSm(actionTypeDesc(), sCLRGRY) Boolean isTierAct = isTierAction() switch(myactionType) { case sSPEAK: case sSPEAKI: case sSPEAKP: case sSPEAKIP: case sSPEAKT: case sSPEAKIT: case sSPEAKPT: case sSPEAKIPT: section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm(sTTS) if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { actVariableDesc(myactionType) actTextOrTiersInput("act_speak_txt") } if(!(myactionType in [sSPEAKP, sSPEAKPT, sSPEAKIP, sSPEAKIPT])) actionVolumeInputs(devices) actionExecMap.config[myactionType] = [text: (String)settings.act_speak_txt, evtText: ((state.showSpeakEvtVars && !(String)settings.act_speak_txt) || hasUserDefinedTxt()), tiers: getTierMap()] done = state.showSpeakEvtVars || (String)settings.act_speak_txt || (isTierAct && isTierActConfigured()) } else { done = false } break case sANN: case sANNI: case sANNT: case sANNIT: section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm("announce") if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { actVariableDesc(myactionType) actTextOrTiersInput("act_announcement_txt") } actionVolumeInputs(devices) actionExecMap.config[myactionType] = [text: (String)settings.act_announcement_txt, evtText: ((state.showSpeakEvtVars && !(String)settings.act_announcement_txt) || hasUserDefinedTxt()), tiers: getTierMap()] if(settings.act_EchoDevices?.size() > 1) { List devObj = [] devices?.each { devObj?.push([deviceTypeId: it?.getEchoDeviceType() as String, deviceSerialNumber: it?.getEchoSerial() as String]) } // log.debug "devObj: $devObj" actionExecMap.config[myactionType].deviceObjs = devObj } done = state.showSpeakEvtVars || (String)settings.act_announcement_txt || (isTierAct && isTierActConfigured()) } else { done = false } break case "voicecmd": section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm(sTTS) if(settings.act_EchoDevices) { section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { input "act_voicecmd_txt", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Enter voice command text", sTEXT), submitOnChange: true, required: false } actionExecMap.config.voicecmd = [text: (String)settings.act_voicecmd_txt, cmd: "voiceCmdAsText"] if((String)settings.act_voicecmd_txt) { done = true } else { done = false } } else { done = false } break case "sequence": section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm(sTTS) if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { Map seqItemsAvail = parent?.seqItemsAvail() section(sectHead("Sequence Options Legend:"), hideable: true, hidden: false) { String str1 = "Sequence Options:" seqItemsAvail?.other?.sort()?.each { k, v-> str1 += "${bulletItem(str1, "${k}${v != null ? "::${v}" : sBLANK}")}" } String str4 = "DoNotDisturb Options:" seqItemsAvail?.dnd?.sort()?.each { k, v-> str4 += "${bulletItem(str4, "${k}${v != null ? "::${v}" : sBLANK}")}" } String str2 = "Music Options:" seqItemsAvail?.music?.sort()?.each { k, v-> str2 += "${bulletItem(str2, "${k}${v != null ? "::${v}" : sBLANK}")}" } String str3 = "Canned TTS Options:" seqItemsAvail?.speech?.sort()?.each { k, v-> def newV = v if(v instanceof List) { newV = sBLANK; v?.sort()?.each { newV += s5SPACE+dashItem(newV, "${it}", true) } } str3 += "${bulletItem(str3, "${k}${newV != null ? "::${newV}" : sBLANK}")}" } paragraph spanSm(str1, sCLR4D9) // paragraph spanSm(str4, sCLR4D9) paragraph spanSm(str2, sCLR4D9) paragraph spanSm(str3, sCLR4D9) paragraph spanSm("Enter the command in a format exactly like this:
volume::40,, speak::this is so silly,, wait::60,, weather,, cannedtts_random::goodbye,, traffic,, amazonmusic::green day,, volume::30

Each command needs to be separated by a double comma `,,` and the separator between the command and value must be command::value.", "violet") } section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { input "act_sequence_txt", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Enter sequence text", sTEXT), submitOnChange: true, required: false } actionExecMap.config.sequence = [text: (String)settings.act_sequence_txt, cmd: "executeSequenceCommand"] if((String)settings.act_sequence_txt) { done = true } else { done = false } } else { done = false } break case sWEATH: section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm(sTTS) if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { actionVolumeInputs(devices) done = true actionExecMap.config.weather = [cmd: "playWeather"] } else { done = false } break case "playback": section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm("mediaPlayer") if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { Map playbackOpts = [ "pause":"Pause", "stop":"Stop", "play":"Play", "nextTrack":"Next Track", "previousTrack":"Previous Track", "mute":"Mute", "volume":"Volume" ] section(sectHead("Playback Config:")) { input "act_playback_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Playback Action", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: playbackOpts, required: true, submitOnChange: true } if(settings.act_playback_cmd == "volume") { actionVolumeInputs(devices, true) } actionExecMap.config?.playback = [cmd: settings.act_playback_cmd] if(settings.act_playback_cmd) { done = true } else { done = false } } else { done = false } break case "sounds": section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm(sTTS) if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { section(sectHead("BuiltIn Sounds Config:")) { input "act_sounds_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Sound Type", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: parent?.getAvailableSounds()?.collect { it?.key as String }, required: true, submitOnChange: true } actionVolumeInputs(devices) actionExecMap.config.sounds = [cmd: "playSoundByName", name: settings.act_sounds_cmd] done = (settings.act_sounds_cmd != null) } else { done = false } break case "builtin": section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm(sTTS) if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { Map builtinOpts = [ "playSingASong": "Sing a Song", "playFlashBrief": "Flash Briefing (News)", "playGoodNews": "Good News Only", "playFunFact": "Fun Fact", "playTraffic": "Traffic", "playJoke": "Joke", "playTellStory": "Tell Story", "sayGoodbye": "Say Goodbye", "sayGoodNight": "Say Goodnight", "sayBirthday": "Happy Birthday", "sayCompliment": "Give Compliment", "sayGoodMorning": "Good Morning", "sayWelcomeHome": "Welcome Home" ] section(sectHead("BuiltIn Speech Config:")) { input "act_builtin_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Builtin Speech Type", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: builtinOpts, required: true, submitOnChange: true } actionVolumeInputs(devices) actionExecMap.config.builtin = [cmd: settings.act_builtin_cmd] if(settings.act_builtin_cmd) { done = true } else { done = false } } else { done = false } break case "music": section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm("mediaPlayer") if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { List musicProvs = devices[0]?.hasAttribute("supportedMusic") ? devices[0]?.currentValue("supportedMusic")?.split(",")?.collect { "${it?.toString()?.trim()}"} : [] logDebug("Music Providers: ${musicProvs}") if(musicProvs) { section(sectHead("Music Providers:")) { input "act_music_provider", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Music Provider", "music"), description: sBLANK, options: musicProvs, multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true } if(settings.act_music_provider) { if(settings.act_music_provider == "TuneIn") { section(sectHead("TuneIn Search Results:")) { paragraph spanSm("Enter a search phrase to query TuneIn to help you find the right search term to use in searchTuneIn() command.") input "tuneinSearchQuery", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Enter search phrase for TuneIn", "tunein"), defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.tuneinSearchQuery) { href "searchTuneInResultsPage", title: inTS1("View search results!", "search"), description: sTTP } } } section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { input "act_music_txt", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Enter Music Search text", sTEXT), submitOnChange: true, required: false } actionVolumeInputs(devices) } } actionExecMap.config.music = [cmd: "searchMusic", provider: settings.act_music_provider, search: (String)settings.act_music_txt] done = settings.act_music_provider && (String)settings.act_music_txt } else { done = false } break case "calendar": section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm(sTTS) if(settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) { section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { input "act_calendar_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Calendar Action", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: ["playCalendarToday":"Today", "playCalendarTomorrow":"Tomorrow", "playCalendarNext":"Next Events"], required: true, submitOnChange: true } actionVolumeInputs(devices) actionExecMap.config.calendar = [cmd: settings.act_calendar_cmd] if(act_calendar_cmd) { done = true } else { done = false } } else { done = false } break case "alarm": //TODO: Offer to remove alarm after event. section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm("alarms") if(settings.act_EchoDevices) { // Map repeatOpts = ["everyday":"Everyday", "weekends":"Weekends", "weekdays":"Weekdays", "daysofweek":"Days of the Week", "everyxdays":"Every Nth Day"] String rptType = sNULL def rptTypeOpts = null section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { input "act_alarm_label", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Alarm Label", "name_tag"), submitOnChange: true, required: true input "act_alarm_date", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Alarm Date\n(yyyy-mm-dd)", "day_calendar"), submitOnChange: true, required: true input "act_alarm_time", sTIME, title: inTS1("Alarm Time", "clock"), submitOnChange: true, required: true // if(act_alarm_label && act_alarm_date && act_alarm_time) { // input "act_alarm_rt", sENUM, title: inTS1("Repeat (Optional)", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: repeatOpts, required: true, submitOnChange: true // if(settings."act_alarm_rt") { // rptType = settings.act_alarm_rt // if(settings.act_alarm_rt == "daysofweek") { // input "act_alarm_rt_wd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Weekday", sCHKBOX), description: sBLANK, options: weekDaysAbrvEnum(), multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true // if(settings.act_alarm_rt_wd) rptTypeOpts = settings.act_alarm_rt_wd // } // if(settings."act_alarm_rt" == "everyxdays") { // input "act_alarm_rt_ed", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Every X Days", sCHKBOX), description: sBLANK, range: "1..31", required: true, submitOnChange: true // if(settings.act_alarm_rt_ed) rptTypeOpts = settings.act_alarm_rt_ed // } // } // } // input "act_alarm_remove", sBOOL, title: "Remove Alarm when done", defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false } actionVolumeInputs(devices, false, true) String newTime = settings.act_alarm_time ? parseFmtDt("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", 'HH:mm', settings.act_alarm_time) : sNULL actionExecMap.config.alarm = [cmd: "createAlarm", label: settings.act_alarm_label, date: settings.act_alarm_date, (sTIME): newTime, recur: [type: rptType, opts: rptTypeOpts], remove: settings.act_alarm_remove] done = settings.act_alarm_label && settings.act_alarm_date && settings.act_alarm_time } else { done = false } break case "reminder": //TODO: Offer to remove reminder after event. section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } echoDevicesInputByPerm("reminders") if(settings.act_EchoDevices) { // Map repeatOpts = ["everyday":"Everyday", "weekends":"Weekends", "weekdays":"Weekdays", "daysofweek":"Days of the Week", "everyxdays":"Every Nth Day"] String rptType = sNULL def rptTypeOpts = null section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { input "act_reminder_label", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Reminder Label", "name_tag"), submitOnChange: true, required: true input "act_reminder_date", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Reminder Date\n(yyyy-mm-dd)", "day_calendar"), submitOnChange: true, required: true input "act_reminder_time", sTIME, title: inTS1("Reminder Time", "clock"), submitOnChange: true, required: true // if(settings.act_reminder_label && settings.act_reminder_date && settings.act_reminder_time) { // input "act_reminder_rt", sENUM, title: inTS1("Repeat (Optional)", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: repeatOpts, required: true, submitOnChange: true // if(settings."act_reminder_rt") { // rptType = settings.act_reminder_rt // if(settings."act_reminder_rt" == "daysofweek") { // input "act_reminder_rt_wd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Weekday", sCHKBOX), description: sBLANK, options: weekDaysAbrvEnum(), multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true // if(settings.act_reminder_rt_wd) rptTypeOpts = settings.act_reminder_rt_wd // } // if(settings."act_reminder_rt" && settings."act_reminder_rt" == "everyxdays") { // input "act_reminder_rt_ed", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Every X Days (1-31)", sCHKBOX), description: sBLANK, range: "1..31", required: true, submitOnChange: true // if(settings.act_reminder_rt_ed) rptTypeOpts = settings.act_reminder_rt_ed // } // } // } // input "act_reminder_remove", sBOOL, title: "Remove Reminder when done", defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false } actionVolumeInputs(devices, false, true) String newTime = settings.act_reminder_time ? parseFmtDt("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", 'HH:mm', settings.act_reminder_time) : sNULL actionExecMap.config.reminder = [cmd: "createReminderNew", label: settings.act_reminder_label, date: settings.act_reminder_date, (sTIME): newTime, recur: [type: rptType, opts: rptTypeOpts], remove: settings.act_reminder_remove] done = settings.act_reminder_label && settings.act_reminder_date && settings.act_reminder_time } else { done = false } break case "dnd": echoDevicesInputByPerm("doNotDisturb") if(settings.act_EchoDevices) { Map dndOpts = ["doNotDisturbOn":"Enable", "doNotDisturbOff":"Disable"] section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { input "act_dnd_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Do Not Disturb Action", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: dndOpts, required: true, submitOnChange: true } actionExecMap.config.dnd = [cmd: settings.act_dnd_cmd] if(settings.act_dnd_cmd) { done = true } else { done = false } } else { done = false } break case "alexaroutine": echoDevicesInputByPerm("wakeWord") if(settings.act_EchoDevices) { section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } Map t0 = parent?.getAlexaRoutines() Map routinesAvail = t0 ?: [:] // logDebug("routinesAvail: $routinesAvail") section(sectHead("Action Type Config:")) { input "act_alexaroutine_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Alexa Routine", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: routinesAvail, multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true } actionExecMap.config.alexaroutine = [cmd: "executeRoutineId", routineId: settings.act_alexaroutine_cmd] if(settings.act_alexaroutine_cmd) { done = true } else { done = false } } else { done = false } break case "wakeword": echoDevicesInputByPerm("wakeWord") if(settings.act_EchoDevices) { Integer devsCnt = settings.act_EchoDevices.size() ?: 0 List devsObj = [] section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } if(devsCnt >= 1) { List wakeWords = devices[0]?.hasAttribute("wakeWords") ? devices[0]?.currentValue("wakeWords")?.replaceAll('"', sBLANK)?.split(",") : [] // logDebug("WakeWords: ${wakeWords}") devices?.each { cDev-> section(sectHead("${cDev?.getLabel()}:")) { if(wakeWords?.size()) { paragraph "Current Wake Word: ${cDev?.hasAttribute("alexaWakeWord") ? cDev?.currentValue("alexaWakeWord") : "Unknown"}" input "act_wakeword_device_${cDev?.id}", sENUM, title: inTS1("New Wake Word", "list"), description: sBLANK, options: wakeWords, required: true, submitOnChange: true devsObj.push([device: cDev?.id as String, wakeword: settings."act_wakeword_device_${cDev?.id}", cmd: "setWakeWord"]) } else { paragraph spanSmBld("Oops...
No Wake Words have been found!

Please Remove the device from selection.", sCLRRED) } } } } actionExecMap.config.wakeword = [ devices: devsObj] done = settings.findAll { it?.key?.startsWith("act_wakeword_device_") && it?.value }?.size() == devsCnt } else { done = false } break case "bluetooth": echoDevicesInputByPerm("bluetoothControl") if(settings.act_EchoDevices) { Integer devsCnt = settings.act_EchoDevices?.size() ?: 0 List devsObj = [] section(sectHead("Action Description:")) { paragraph spanSm(actTypeDesc, sCLR4D9) } if(devsCnt >= 1) { devices?.each { cDev-> def btData = cDev?.hasAttribute("btDevicesPaired") ? cDev?.currentValue("btDevicesPaired") : null List btDevs = (btData) ? parseJson(btData)?.names : [] // log.debug "btDevs: $btDevs" section(sectHead("${cDev?.getLabel()}:")) { if(btDevs?.size()) { input "act_bluetooth_device_${cDev?.id}", sENUM, title: inTS1("BT device to use", "bluetooth"), description: sBLANK, options: btDevs, required: true, submitOnChange: true input "act_bluetooth_action_${cDev?.id}", sENUM, title: inTS1("BT action to take", sCOMMAND), description: sBLANK, options: ["connectBluetooth":"connect", "disconnectBluetooth":"disconnect"], required: true, submitOnChange: true devsObj?.push([device: cDev?.id as String, btDevice: settings."act_bluetooth_device_${cDev?.id}", cmd: settings."act_bluetooth_action_${cDev?.id}"]) } else { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Oops...") + spanSm("No Bluetooth devices are paired to this Echo Device!
Please Remove the device from selection.", sCLRRED) } } } } actionExecMap.config.bluetooth = [devices: devsObj] done = settings.findAll { it?.key?.startsWith("act_bluetooth_device_") && it?.value }?.size() == devsCnt && settings.findAll { it?.key?.startsWith("act_bluetooth_action_") && it?.value }?.size() == devsCnt } else { done = false } break default: paragraph spanSmBld("Unknown Action Type Defined...", sCLRRED, getAppImg("error")) break } if(done) { section(sectHead("Delay Config:")) { input "act_delay", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Delay Action in seconds", sDELAYT) + optPrefix(), required: false, submitOnChange: true } if(isTierAct && (Integer)settings.act_tier_cnt > 1) { section(sectHead("Tier Action Start Tasks:")) { href "actTrigTasksPage", title: inTS1("Tiered Tasks to Perform on Tier Start?", "tasks"), description: spanSm(actTaskDesc(sACT_START, true), sCLR4D9), params:[type: sACT_START] } section(sectHead("Tier Action Stop Tasks:")) { href "actTrigTasksPage", title: inTS1("Tiered Tasks to Perform on Tier Stop?", "tasks"), description: spanSm(actTaskDesc(sACT_STOP, true), sCLR4D9), params:[type: sACT_STOP] } } else { section(sectHead("Action Triggered Tasks:")) { href "actTrigTasksPage", title: inTS1("Tasks to Perform when Triggered?", "tasks"), description: spanSm(actTaskDesc(sACT, true), sCLR4D9), params:[type: sACT] } } actionSimulationSect() section(sBLANK) { paragraph spanMdBldBr("Execution Configuration Complete", sNULL, getAppImg("done")) + spanSm("Press Next to Return to Main Page") } actionExecMap.config.volume = [change: settings.act_volume_change, restore: settings.act_volume_restore, alarm: settings.act_alarm_volume] actionExecMap.config.zoneVolume = getZoneVolumeMap() // log.debug "zoneVolume: ${actionExecMap.config.zoneVolume}" actionExecMap.delay = settings.act_delay actionExecMap.configured = true actionCleanup() //TODO: Check Cleanup of non selected inputs } else { actionExecMap = [configured: false] } } Map t1 = (done && (Boolean)actionExecMap.configured) ? actionExecMap : [configured: false] state.actionExecMap = t1 updConfigStatusMap() logDebug("actionExecMap: ${t1}") } } def actTrigTasksPage(params) { String t = params?.type if(t) { atomicState.curPageParams = params } else { t = atomicState.curPageParams?.type } return dynamicPage(name: "actTrigTasksPage", title: sBLANK, install: false, uninstall: false) { Map dMap = [:] section() { switch(t) { case sACT: dMap = [def: sBLANK, delay: "tasks"] paragraph spanSm("These tasks will be performed when the action is triggered.
(Delay is optional)", sCLR4D9) break case sACT_START: dMap = [def: " with Tier start", delay: "Tier Start tasks"] paragraph spanSm("These tasks will be performed with when the first tier of action is triggered.
(Delay is optional)", sCLR4D9) break case sACT_STOP: dMap = [def: " with Tier stop", delay: "Tier Stop tasks"] paragraph spanSm("These tasks will be performed with when the last tier of action is triggered.
(Delay is optional)", sCLR4D9) break default: logWarn("bad actTaskDesc t: ${t}", true) } } if(!settings.enableWebCoRE) { section (sectHead("Enable webCoRE Integration:")) { input "enableWebCoRE", sBOOL, title: inTS("Enable webCoRE Integration", webCore_icon()), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } if(settings.enableWebCoRE) { if(!webCoREFLD) webCoRE_init() webCoRE_poll() } section(sectHead("Control Devices:")) { input "${t}switches_on", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Turn ON these Switches${dMap?.def}", sSWITCH) + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "${t}switches_off", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Turn OFF these Switches${dMap?.def}", sSWITCH) + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Control Dimmers/Lights:")) { input "${t}lights", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Turn ON these Lights${dMap?.def}", "light") + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if((List)settings."${t}lights") { List lights = (List)settings."${t}lights" List noLevelDevs = lights?.findAll { i-> (!(i?.hasCommand("setLevel") ) ) } List noColorDevs = lights?.findAll { i-> ( !(i?.hasCommand("setColor") ) )} // Detemine if any of the devices supports level Boolean lvlSupportAny = lights?.any { i-> (i?.hasCommand("setLevel")) } Boolean lvlSupportAll = lights?.every { i-> (i?.hasCommand("setLevel")) } if (lvlSupportAny) { input "${t}lights_leveln", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("At this level?", sSPDKNB) + optPrefix(), multiple: false, options: dimmerLevelEnum(), required: false, submitOnChange: true if(!lvlSupportAll && noLevelDevs?.size() > 0) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("NOTICE: The following selected devices do not support level: ", sCLRRED) + spanSm(noLevelDevs.collect { " ${sBULLET} ${it}" }.join(lineBr()).toString(), sCLRRED) } } // Detemine if any of the devices supports color control Boolean clrSupportAny = lights?.any { i-> (i?.hasCommand("setColor")) } Boolean clrSupportAll = lights?.every { i-> (i?.hasCommand("setColor")) } if(clrSupportAny) { input "${t}lights_colort", sENUM, title: inTS1("To this color?", "light_color") + optPrefix(), multiple: false, options: colorSettingsListFLD?.name, required: false, submitOnChange: true if (!clrSupportAll && noColorDevs.size() > 0) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("NOTICE: The following selected devices do not support color: ", sCLRRED) + spanSm(noColorDevs.collect { " ${sBULLET} ${it}" }.join(lineBr()).toString(), sCLRRED) } } input "${t}lights_trig_clear_restore", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Restore original Light states when trigger is cleared?", "reset") + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "${t}lights_restore_delay", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Restore original light states after (x) seconds?", sDELAYT) + optPrefix(), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Control Locks:")) { input "${t}locks_lock", "capability.lock", title: inTS1("Lock these Locks${dMap?.def}", sLOCK) + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "${t}locks_unlock", "capability.lock", title: inTS1("Unlock these Locks${dMap?.def}", sLOCK) + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings."${t}locks_lock" || settings."${t}locks_unlock") { input "${t}locks_trig_clear_restore", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Restore original lock state when trigger is cleared?", "reset") + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Control Keypads:")) { input "${t}securityKeypads_disarm", "capability.securityKeypad", title: inTS1("Disarm these Keypads${dMap?.def}", sLOCK) + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "${t}securityKeypads_armHome", "capability.securityKeypad", title: inTS1("Arm Home these Keypads${dMap?.def}", sLOCK) + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "${t}securityKeypads_armAway", "capability.securityKeypad", title: inTS1("Arm Away these Keypads${dMap?.def}", sLOCK) + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Control Doors:")) { input "${t}doors_close", "capability.garageDoorControl", title: inTS1("Close these Garage Doors${dMap?.def}", "garage_door") + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "${t}doors_open", "capability.garageDoorControl", title: inTS1("Open these Garage Doors${dMap?.def}", "garage_door") + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings."${t}doors_close" || settings."${t}doors_open") { input "${t}doors_trig_clear_restore", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Restore original door state when trigger is cleared?", "reset") + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Control Siren:")) { input "${t}sirens", "capability.alarm", title: inTS1("Activate these Sirens${dMap?.def}", "siren") + optPrefix(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings."${t}sirens") { input "${t}siren_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("Alarm action to take${dMap?.def}", sCOMMAND) + optPrefix(), options: ["both": "Siren & Stobe", "strobe":"Strobe Only", "siren":"Siren Only"], multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true if(settings."${t}sirens" && settings."${t}siren_cmd") { input "${t}siren_trig_clear_restore", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Restore HSM state when trigger is cleared?", "reset") + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "${t}siren_time", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Stop after (x) seconds...", sDELAYT), required: (!(Boolean)settings."${t}siren_trig_clear_restore"), submitOnChange: true } } } section(sectHead("Location Actions:")) { input "${t}mode_run", sENUM, title: inTS1("Set Location Mode${dMap?.def}", sMODE) + optPrefix(), options: getLocationModes(true), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "${t}alarm_run", sENUM, title: inTS1("Set ${getAlarmSystemName()} mode${dMap?.def}", "alarm_home") + optPrefix(), options: getAlarmSystemStatusActions(), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings."${t}alarm_run") { input "${t}alarm_run_trig_clear_restore", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Restore HSM state when trigger is cleared?", "reset") + optPrefix(), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if(settings.enableWebCoRE) { input "${t}piston_run", sENUM, title: inTS("Execute a piston${dMap?.def}", webCore_icon()) + optPrefix(), options: webCoRE_list(), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true } } if(actTasksConfiguredByType(t)) { section("Delay before running Tasks: ") { input "${t}tasks_delay", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Delay running ${dMap?.delay} in seconds", sDELAYT) + optPrefix(), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } Boolean actTasksConfiguredByType(String pType) { String p = pType return (String)settings."${p}mode_run" || (String)settings."${p}alarm_run" || settings."${p}switches_off" || settings."${p}switches_on" || (settings.enableWebCoRE && (String)settings."${p}piston_run") || settings."${p}lights" || settings."${p}locks_lock" || settings."${p}locks_unlock" || settings."${p}sirens" || settings."${p}doors_close" || settings."${p}doors_open" || settings."${p}securityKeypads_disarm" || settings."${p}securityKeypads_armHome" || settings."${p}securityKeypads_armAway" } private executeTaskCommands(data) { String p = data?.type ?: sNULL if(isTrc())logTrace("executeTaskCommands | type: ${p} actions: ${actTaskDesc(p)}") if((String)settings."${p}mode_run") { setLocationMode((String)settings."${p}mode_run") } if((String)settings."${p}alarm_run") { sendLocationEvent(name: "hsmSetArm", value: (String)settings."${p}alarm_run") } if(settings.enableWebCoRE && (String)settings."${p}piston_run") { webCoRE_execute((String)settings."${p}piston_run") } if(settings."${p}switches_off") { settings."${p}switches_off"*.off() } if(settings."${p}switches_on") { settings."${p}switches_on"*.on() } if(settings."${p}locks_lock") { settings."${p}locks_lock"*.lock() } if(settings."${p}locks_unlock") { settings."${p}locks_unlock"*.unlock() } if(settings."${p}securityKeypads_disarm") { settings."${p}securityKeypads_disarm"*.disarm() } if(settings."${p}securityKeypads_armHome") { settings."${p}securityKeypads_armHome"*.armHome() } if(settings."${p}securityKeypads_armAway") { settings."${p}securityKeypads_armAway"*.armAway() } if(settings."${p}doors_close") { settings."${p}doors_close"*.close() } if(settings."${p}doors_open") { settings."${p}doors_open"*.open() } if(settings."${p}sirens" && (String)settings."${p}siren_cmd") { String cmd= (String)settings."${p}siren_cmd" settings."${p}sirens"*."${cmd}"() if(settings."${p}siren_time") runIn(settings."${p}siren_time", "postTaskCommands", [data:[type: p]]) } if(settings."${p}lights") { if(settings."${p}lights_trig_clear_restore" || settings."${p}lights_restore_delay") { captureLightState((List)settings."${p}lights", p) } settings."${p}lights"*.on() if(settings."${p}lights_leveln") { List hasLvlDevs = settings."${p}lights"*.filter { it.hasCommand("setLevel") } hasLvlDevs*.setLevel(settings."${p}lights_leveln") } if(settings."${p}lights_colort") { List hasClrDevs = settings."${p}lights"*.filter { it.hasCommand("setColor") } hasClrDevs*.setColor(getColorName(settings."${p}lights_colort")) } if(settings."${p}lights_trig_clear_restore" && !settings."${p}lights_restore_delay") { restoreLightState((List)settings."${p}lights", p) } if(settings."${p}lights_restore_delay") { runIn(settings."${p}lights_restore_delay", "restoreLights", [data:[type: p]]) } } } String actTaskDesc(String t, Boolean isInpt=false) { String str = sBLANK if(actTasksConfiguredByType(t)) { switch(t) { case sACT: str += (isInpt ? sBLANK : lineBr()) + strUnder('Triggered Tasks:') break case sACT_START: str += (isInpt ? sBLANK : lineBr()) + strUnder('Tiered Start Tasks:') break case sACT_STOP: str += (isInpt ? sBLANK : lineBr()) + strUnder('Tiered Stop Tasks:') break } String aStr = "\n ${sBULLET} " str += settings."${t}switches_on" ? aStr + "Switches On: (${settings."${t}switches_on"?.size()})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}switches_off" ? aStr + "Switches Off: (${settings."${t}switches_off"?.size()})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}lights" ? aStr + "Lights: (${settings."${t}lights"?.size()})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}lights" && settings."${t}lights_leveln" ? "\n - Level: (${settings."${t}lights_leveln"}%)" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}lights" && settings."${t}lights_colort" ? "\n - Color: (${settings."${t}lights_colort"})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}lights" && settings."${t}lights_trig_clear_restore" ? "\n - Restore After Trigger Clears: (True)" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}lights" && settings."${t}lights_restore_delay" ? "\n - Restore After: (${settings."${t}lights_restore_delay"} sec.)" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}locks_unlock" ? aStr + "Locks Unlock: (${settings."${t}locks_unlock"?.size()})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}locks_lock" ? aStr + "Locks Lock: (${settings."${t}locks_lock"?.size()})" : sBLANK str += (settings."${t}locks_lock" || settings."${t}locks_unlock") && settings."${t}locks_trig_clear_restore" ? "\n - Restore After Trigger Clears: (True)" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}securityKeypads_disarm" ? aStr + "KeyPads Disarm: (${settings."${t}securityKeypads_disarm".size()})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}securityKeypads_armHome" ? aStr + "KeyPads Arm Home: (${settings."${t}securityKeypads_armHome".size()})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}securityKeypads_armAway" ? aStr + "KeyPads Arm Away: (${settings."${t}securityKeypads_armAway".size()})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}doors_open" ? aStr + "Garages Open: (${settings."${t}doors_open"?.size()})" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}doors_close" ? aStr + "Garages Close: (${settings."${t}doors_close"?.size()})" : sBLANK str += (settings."${t}doors_open" || settings."${t}doors_close") && settings."${t}doors_trig_clear_restore" ? "\n - Restore After Trigger Clears: (True)" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}sirens" ? aStr + "Sirens On: (${settings."${t}sirens"?.size()})${settings."${t}sirens_delay" ? "(${settings."${t}sirens_delay"} sec)" : sBLANK}" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}sirens" && settings."${t}siren_trig_clear_restore" ? "\n - Restore After Trigger Clears: (True)" : sBLANK str += (String)settings."${t}mode_run" ? aStr + "Set Mode:\n - ${(String)settings."${t}mode_run"}" : sBLANK str += (String)settings."${t}alarm_run" ? aStr + "Set Alarm:\n - ${(String)settings."${t}alarm_run"}" : sBLANK str += settings."${t}alarm_run" && settings."${t}alarm_run_trig_clear_restore" ? "\n - Restore After Trigger Clears: (True)" : sBLANK // str += settings."${t}routine_run" ? aStr+"Execute Routine:\n - ${getRoutineById(settings."${t}routine_run")?.label}" : sBLANK str += (settings.enableWebCoRE && (String)settings."${t}piston_run") ? aStr + "Execute webCoRE Piston:\n - " + getPistonById((String)settings."${t}piston_run") : sBLANK } return str != sBLANK ? (isInpt ? divSm(spanSmBr(str) + inputFooter(sTTM), sCLR4D9) : str) : (isInpt ? spanSm("On trigger control devices, set mode, set alarm state, execute WebCore Pistons", sCLRGRY) + inactFoot(sTTC) : sNULL) } Boolean isActDevContConfigured() { return isTierAction() ? (settings.act_tier_start_switches_off || settings.act_tier_start_switches_on || settings.act_tier_stop_switches_off || settings.act_tier_stop_switches_on) : (settings.act_switches_off || settings.act_switches_on) } def actionSimulationSect() { section(sectHead("Simulate Action")) { String str = spanSmBldBr("Test this action and see the results.", "black", "testing") String a=s2SPACE+sBULLET+sSPACE str += spanSmBldBr("NOTE: ") + spanSmBr("${a}When global text is not defined, this will generate a random event based on your trigger selections.") str += settings.act_EchoZones ? spanSm("${a}Testing with zones requires you to save the app and come back in to test.") : sBLANK paragraph spanSm(str, sCLRGRY) input "actTestRun", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Test this action?"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.actTestRun) { executeActTest() } } } Boolean customMsgRequired() { return (!((String)settings.actionType in [sSPEAK, sSPEAKI, sSPEAKP, sSPEAKIP, sANN, sANNI])) } Boolean customMsgConfigured() { return (settings.notif_use_custom && settings.notif_custom_message) } def actNotifPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "actNotifPage", title: "Action Notifications", install: false, uninstall: false) { String a = getAppNotifDesc() String b = spanSmBldBr("Notification Overview:", sCLR4D9) b += (!a) ? " ${sBULLET} Notifications not enabled" : a section() { paragraph spanSm(b, sCLR4D9) } section (sectHead("Notification Devices:")) { input "notif_devs", "capability.notification", title: inTS1("Send to Notification devices?", "notification"), description: ((!settings?.notif_devs) ? inactFoot(sTTC) : sBLANK), required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true } section (sectHead("Alexa Mobile Notification:")) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Description:", sCLRGRY) + spanSmBld("This will send a push notification the Alexa Mobile app.", sCLRGRY) input "notif_alexa_mobile", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Send message to Alexa App?", "notification"), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if((List)settings.notif_devs || (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile) { section (sectHead("Message Customization:")) { Boolean custMsgReq = customMsgRequired() if(custMsgReq) { paragraph pTS("The selected action (${(String)settings.actionType}) requires a custom notification message if notifications are enabled.", sNULL, false, sCLRGRY) if(!settings.notif_use_custom) { settingUpdate("notif_use_custom", sTRUE, sBOOL) } } else { paragraph pTS("When using speak or announcement actions custom notification is optional and a notification will be sent with speech text.", sNULL, false, sCLRGRY) } input "notif_use_custom", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Send a custom notification...", sQUES), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.notif_use_custom || custMsgReq) { input "notif_custom_message", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Enter custom message...", sTEXT), required: custMsgReq, submitOnChange: true } } } else { List sets = settings.findAll { it?.key?.startsWith("notif_") }?.collect { it?.key as String } sets?.each { String sI-> settingRemove(sI) } } if(isActNotifConfigured()) { section(sectHead("Notification Restrictions:")) { String nsd = getNotifSchedDesc() href "actNotifTimePage", title: inTS1("Quiet Restrictions", "restriction"), description: (nsd ? divSm(spanSmBr(nsd) + inputFooter(sTTM), sCLR4D9) : inactFoot(sTTC)) } if(!(Boolean)state.notif_message_tested) { def actDevices = (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile ? parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) : [] def aMsgDev = actDevices?.size() && (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile ? actDevices[0] : null if(sendNotifMsg("Info", "Action Notification Test Successful. Notifications Enabled for ${app?.getLabel()}", aMsgDev, true)) { state.notif_message_tested = true } } } else state.remove("notif_message_tested") } } def actNotifTimePage() { return dynamicPage(name:"actNotifTimePage", title: sBLANK, install: false, uninstall: false) { // String a = getNotifSchedDesc() // if(a) { // section() { // paragraph spanSmBldBr("Restrictions Status:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm(a, sCLR4D9) // paragraph spanSmBldBr("NOTICE: All selected restrictions must be ${strUnder("INACTIVE")} for notifications to be sent.", sCLRORG) // paragraph htmlLine() // } // } String pre = "notif" Boolean timeReq = (settings["${pre}_time_start"] || settings["${pre}_time_stop"]) section(sectHead("Quiet Start Time:")) { input "${pre}_time_start_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Starting at...", sSTTIME), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":sCSUNRISE, "sunset":sCSUNSET], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(settings."${pre}_time_start_type" == sTIME) { input "${pre}_time_start", sTIME, title: inTS1("Start time", sSTTIME), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if(settings."${pre}_time_start_type" in lSUNRISESET) { input "${pre}_time_start_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", sSTTIME), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Quiet Stop Time:")) { input "${pre}_time_stop_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Stopping at...", sSTTIME), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":sCSUNRISE, "sunset":sCSUNSET], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(settings."${pre}_time_stop_type" == sTIME) { input "${pre}_time_stop", sTIME, title: inTS1("Stop time", sSTTIME), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if(settings."${pre}_time_stop_type" in lSUNRISESET) { input "${pre}_time_stop_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", sSTTIME), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Allowed Days:")) { input "${pre}_days", sENUM, title: inTS1("Only on these week days", "day_calendar"), multiple: true, required: false, options: weekDaysEnum() } section(sectHead("Allowed Modes:")) { input "${pre}_modes", sMODE, title: inTS1("Only in these Modes", sMODE), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false } } } def ssmlInfoSection() { String ssmlTestUrl = "https://topvoiceapps.com/ssml" String ssmlDocsUrl = "https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/speech-synthesis-markup-language-ssml-reference.html" String ssmlSoundsUrl = "https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/ask-soundlibrary.html" String ssmlSpeechConsUrl = "https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/speechcon-reference-interjections.html" section(sectHead("SSML Documentation:"), hideable: true, hidden: true) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("What is SSML?", sCLR4D9) + spanSm("SSML allows for changes in tone, speed, voice, emphasis. As well as using MP3, and access to the Sound Library", sCLR4D9) String ttob = inactFoot("Tap to open browser") href url: ssmlDocsUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Amazon SSML Docs", "www"), description: ttob href url: ssmlSoundsUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Amazon Sound Library", "www"), description: ttob href url: ssmlSpeechConsUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Amazon SpeechCons", "www"), description: ttob href url: ssmlTestUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("SSML Designer and Tester", "www"), description: ttob } } private Map> customTxtItems() { Map> items = [:] ((List)settings.triggerEvents)?.each { String tr-> String a=(String)settings."trig_${tr}_txt" if(a) { if(!items[tr]) { items[tr] = [:] as Map }; items[tr].event = a.tokenize(";") } a = (String)settings."trig_${tr}_after_repeat_txt" if(a) { if(!items[tr]) { items[tr] = [:] as Map }; items[tr].repeat = a.tokenize(";") } } return items } /* private Boolean hasRepeatTriggers() { Map> items = [:] ((List)settings.triggerEvents)?.each { String tr-> String a=(String)settings."trig_${tr}_after_repeat_txt" if(a) { if(!items[tr]) { items[tr] = [:] as Map }; items[tr].repeat = a.tokenize(";") } } return (items.size() > 0) } */ Boolean hasUserDefinedTxt() { /* Boolean fnd = false ((List)settings.triggerEvents)?.each { String tr -> if((String)settings."trig_${tr}_txt") { fnd = true } if((String)settings."trig_${tr}_after_repeat_txt") { fnd = true } if(fnd) return true } return fnd */ List myL = (List)settings.triggerEvents String res = sNULL res = myL?.find { String tr -> (String)settings."trig_${tr}_txt" || (String)settings."trig_${tr}_after_repeat_txt" } return (res!=sNULL) } Boolean executionConfigured() { Boolean opts = (state.actionExecMap && state.actionExecMap.configured == true) Boolean devs = (settings.act_EchoDevices || settings.act_EchoZones) return (opts && devs) } private echoDevicesInputByPerm(String type) { List echoDevs = parent?.getChildDevicesByCap(type) Boolean capOk = (type in [sTTS, "announce"]) Boolean zonesOk = ((String)settings.actionType in [sSPEAK, sSPEAKI, sSPEAKP, sSPEAKIP, sSPEAKT, sSPEAKIT, sSPEAKPT, sSPEAKIPT, sANN, sANNI, sANNT, sANNIT, "voicecmd", "sequence", sWEATH, "calendar", "music", "sounds", "builtin"]) Map echoZones = (capOk && zonesOk) ? getZones() : [:] section(sectHead("${echoZones?.size() ? "Zones & " : sBLANK}Alexa Devices:")) { if(echoZones?.size()) { if(!settings.act_EchoZones) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("What are Zones?") + spanSm("Zones are used to direct the speech output based on the conditions in the zone (Motion, presence, etc).
When both Zones and Echo devices are selected, the zone will take priority over the echo device setting.") } input "act_EchoZones", sENUM, title: inTS1("Zone(s) to Use", "es_groups"), description: spanSm("Select the Zone(s)", sCLRGRY), options: echoZones?.collectEntries { [(it?.key): it?.value?.name?.replace(" (Z)", sBLANK) as String] }, multiple: true, required: (!settings.act_EchoDevices), submitOnChange: true } if(settings.act_EchoZones?.size() && echoDevs?.size() && !settings.act_EchoDevices?.size()) { paragraph spanSm("There may be scenarios when none of your zones are active at the triggered action execution.\nYou have the option to select echo devices to use when no zones are available.", sCLR4D9) } if(echoDevs?.size()) { Boolean devsOpt = (settings.act_EchoZones?.size()) def eDevsMap = echoDevs?.collectEntries { [(it?.getId()): [label: it?.getLabel(), lsd: (it?.currentWasLastSpokenToDevice?.toString() == sTRUE)]] }?.sort { a,b -> b?.value?.lsd <=> a?.value?.lsd ?: a?.value?.label <=> b?.value?.label } input "act_EchoDevices", sENUM, title: inTS1("Echo Speaks Devices", "echo_gen1") + (devsOpt ? spanSm(" (Optional Zone Backup)", "violet") : sBLANK), description: spanSm(devsOpt ? "These devices are used when all zones are inactive." : "Select your devices", sCLRGRY), options: eDevsMap?.collectEntries { [(it?.key): "${it?.value?.label}${(it?.value?.lsd == true) ? "\n(Last Spoken To)" : sBLANK}"] }, multiple: true, required: (!settings.act_EchoZones), submitOnChange: true updDeviceInputs() } else { paragraph spanSmBld("No devices were found with support for ($type)", sCLRRED) } } } private actionVolumeInputs(List devices, Boolean showVolOnly=false, Boolean showAlrmVol=false) { if(showAlrmVol) { section(sectHead("Volume Options:")) { input "act_alarm_volume", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Alarm Volume (0% - 100%)", sSPDKNB) + optPrefix(), description: "(0% - 100%)", range: "0..100", required: false, submitOnChange: true } } else { if((devices || settings.act_EchoZones) && (String)settings.actionType in [sSPEAK, sSPEAKI, sSPEAKP, sSPEAKIP, sANN, sANNI, sWEATH, "calendar", "music", "sounds", "builtin", "playback"]) { Map volMap = devsSupportVolume(devices) Integer volMapSiz = volMap?.n?.size() Integer devSiz = devices?.size() if(settings.act_EchoZones?.size() > 1) { section(sectHead("(Per Zone) Volume Options:"), hideable: true) { input "act_EchoZones_vol_per_zone", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Set Per Zone Volume?", sQUES), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.act_EchoZones_vol_per_zone) { Map echoZones = (Map)((Map)getZones() ?: [:]).findAll { it.key in settings.act_EchoZones } paragraph htmlLine(sCLR4D9) echoZones.each { String znId, Map znData-> paragraph spanBld("Zone: ${znData.name}") input "act_EchoZones_${znId}_volume_change", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Volume Level (0% - 100%)", sSPDKNB) + optPrefix(), description: "(0% - 100%)", range: "0..100", required: false, submitOnChange: true if(!showVolOnly) { input "act_EchoZones_${znId}_volume_restore", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Restore Volume (0% - 100%)", sSPDKNB) + optPrefix(), description: "(0% - 100%)", range: "0..100", required: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } } section(sectHead("Volume Options:")) { if(devSiz == volMapSiz) { paragraph spanSmBld("None of the selected devices support volume control", sCLRORG) } else { if(volMapSiz > 0 && volMapSiz < devSiz) { paragraph spanSmBld("NOTICE:
Some of the selected devices do not support volume control", sCLRORG) } input "act_volume_change", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Volume Level (0% - 100%)", sSPDKNB) + optPrefix(), description: "(0% - 100%)", range: "0..100", required: false, submitOnChange: true if(!showVolOnly) { input "act_volume_restore", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Restore Volume (0% - 100%)", sSPDKNB) + optPrefix(), description: "(0% - 100%)", range: "0..100", required: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } } } private Map getZoneVolumeMap() { Map znMap = [:] if((Boolean)settings.act_EchoZones_vol_per_zone) { Map echoZones = (Map)((Map)getZones() ?: [:]).findAll { it.key in settings.act_EchoZones } echoZones.each { String zId, Map zData -> Map aa = [:] aa.change = settings."act_EchoZones_${zId}_volume_change" ? settings."act_EchoZones_${zId}_volume_change" : null aa.restore = settings."act_EchoZones_${zId}_volume_restore" ? settings."act_EchoZones_${zId}_volume_restore" : null if(aa.keySet().size()) { znMap[zId] = aa } } } return znMap } def condTimePage() { return dynamicPage(name:"condTimePage", title: sBLANK, install: false, uninstall: false) { Boolean timeReq = (settings["cond_time_start"] || settings["cond_time_stop"]) section(sectHead("Condition Start Time:")) { input "cond_time_start_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Starting at...", sSTTIME), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":sCSUNRISE, "sunset":sCSUNSET], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(settings.cond_time_start_type == sTIME) { input "cond_time_start", sTIME, title: inTS1("Start time", sSTTIME), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if((String)settings.cond_time_start_type in lSUNRISESET) { input "cond_time_start_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", sSTTIME), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Condition Stop Time:")) { input "cond_time_stop_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Stopping at...", sSTTIME), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":sCSUNRISE, "sunset":sCSUNSET], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(settings.cond_time_stop_type == sTIME) { input "cond_time_stop", sTIME, title: inTS1("Stop time", sSTTIME), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if((String)settings.cond_time_stop_type in lSUNRISESET) { input "cond_time_stop_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", sSTTIME), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } def uninstallPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "uninstallPage", title: sBLANK, install: false , uninstall: true) { section(sectHead("Uninstall this Action?")) { paragraph spanSmBld("This will delete this Echo Speaks Action.", sCLRORG) } } } private void updDeviceInputs() { // log.trace "updDeviceInputs..." List aa = (List)settings.act_EchoDevices List devIds Boolean updList = false try { updList = (aa.size() && aa[0].id != null) devIds = aa.collect { it?.id?.toString() } // log.debug "updList(try): ${devIds.unique()}" } catch (ignored) { devIds = aa.collect { it?.toString() } } if(updList && devIds) { if(devModeFLD) log.debug "updList: $devIds" app.updateSetting( "act_EchoDevices", [type: "enum", value: devIds.unique()]) } if(devIds) { app.updateSetting( "act_EchoDeviceList", [type: "capability", value: devIds.unique()]) } // this won't take effect until next execution } static Boolean wordInString(String findStr, String fullStr) { List parts = fullStr?.split(sSPACE)?.collect { String it -> it?.toLowerCase() } return (findStr in parts) } def installed() { logInfo("Installed Event Received...") state.dateInstalled = getDtNow() if((Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag && !(Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup) { Boolean maybeDup = ((String)app?.getLabel())?.contains(" (Dup)") state.dupPendingSetup = true runIn(2, "processDuplication") if(maybeDup) logInfo("installed found maybe a dup... ${(Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag}") } else { if(!(Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup) initialize() } } @Field static final String dupMSGFLD = "This action is duplicated and has not had configuration completed... Please open action and configure to complete setup..." def updated() { logInfo("Updated Event Received...") Boolean maybeDup = ((String)app?.getLabel())?.contains(" (Dup)") if(maybeDup) logInfo("updated found maybe a dup... ${(Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag}") if((Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag) { if((Boolean)state.dupOpenedByUser) { state.dupPendingSetup = false } if((Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup){ logInfo(dupMSGFLD) return } logInfo("removing duplicate status") settingRemove('duplicateFlag'); settingRemove('duplicateSrcId') state.remove('dupOpenedByUser'); state.remove('dupPendingSetup'); state.remove('badMode') } initialize() } def initialize() { logInfo("Initialize Event Received...") if((Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag && (Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup){ logInfo(dupMSGFLD) return } Boolean multiConds = multipleConditions() if(!multiConds && (Boolean)settings.cond_require_all) { settingUpdate("cond_require_all", sFALSE, sBOOL) } updDeviceInputs() // TODO go away at some point // convert old alarm / hsm settings to new; as attribute 'alarm' belongs to capability.alarm TODO this will go away if we offer alarm attribute if(settings.trig_alarm && !settings.trig_alarmSystemStatus){ settingUpdate("trig_alarmSystemStatus", settings.trig_alarm, sENUM) if(settings.trig_alarm_events && !settings.trig_alarmSystemStatus_events){ settingUpdate("trig_alarmSystemStatus_events", settings.trig_alarm_events, sENUM) } settingRemove("trig_alarm") settingRemove("trig_alarm_events") List tl = [sNUMBER, sBOOL, sENUM, sBOOL, sNUMBER, sNUMBER, sNUMBER, sTEXT, sTEXT] Integer i = 0 ["wait", "all", "cmd", "once", "after", "after_repeat", "after_repeat_cnt", "txt", "after_repeat_txt" ]?.each { ei-> if(settings."trig_alarm_${ei}") settingUpdate("trig_alarmSystemStatus_${ei}".toString(), settings."trig_alarm_${ei}", tl[i]) settingRemove("trig_alarm_${ei}".toString()) i++ } } if(settings.cond_alarm && !settings.cond_alarmSystemStatus){ settingUpdate("cond_alarmSystemStatus", settings.cond_alarm, sENUM) settingRemove("cond_alarm") } // convert carbon to attribute if(valTrigEvt('carbon')) { List a = (List)settings.triggerEvents a.remove(a.indexOf('carbon')) a.push('carbonMonoxide') settingUpdate("triggerEvents", a, sENUM) } unsubscribe() unschedule() state.isInstalled = true state.afterEvtCheckWatcherSched = false atomicState.tierSchedActive = false updAppLabel() if(advLogsActive()) { logsEnabled() } runIn(3, "actionCleanup") if(!isPaused(true)) { runIn(7, "subscribeToEvts") runEvery1Hour("healthCheck") if(settings.enableWebCoRE){ remTsVal(sLASTWU) webCoRE_init() } updConfigStatusMap() resumeTierJobs() } } private void processDuplication() { String al = (String)app?.getLabel() String newLbl = "${al}${al?.contains(" (Dup)") ? "" : " (Dup)"}" app?.updateLabel(newLbl) state.dupPendingSetup = true String dupSrcId = settings.duplicateSrcId ? (String)settings.duplicateSrcId : sNULL Map dupData = parent?.getChildDupeData("actions", dupSrcId) if(devModeFLD) log.debug "dupData: ${dupData}" if(dupData && dupData.state?.size()) { dupData.state.each { String k,v-> state[k] = v } } if(dupData && dupData.settings?.size()) { dupData.settings.each { String k, Map v-> if((String)v.type in [sENUM, sMODE]) { settingRemove(k) settingUpdate(k, (v.value != null ? v.value : null), (String)v.type) } } } parent.childAppDuplicationFinished("actions", dupSrcId) logInfo("Duplicated Action has been created... Please open action and configure to complete setup...") } static String getObjType(obj) { if(obj instanceof String) {return "String"} else if(obj instanceof GString) {return "GString"} else if(obj instanceof Map) {return "Map"} else if(obj instanceof List) {return "List"} else if(obj instanceof ArrayList) {return "ArrayList"} else if(obj instanceof Integer) {return "Integer"} else if(obj instanceof BigInteger) {return "BigInteger"} else if(obj instanceof Long) {return "Long"} else if(obj instanceof Boolean) {return "Boolean"} else if(obj instanceof BigDecimal) {return "BigDecimal"} else if(obj instanceof Float) {return "Float"} else if(obj instanceof Byte) {return "Byte"} else if(obj instanceof Date) {return "Date"} else { return "unknown"} } String getActionName() { return (String)settings.appLbl } private void updAppLabel() { String newLbl = "${(String)settings.appLbl} (A${isPaused(true) ? " ${sPAUSESymFLD}" : sBLANK})".replaceAll(/ (Dup)/, sBLANK).replaceAll("\\s"," ") if((String)settings.appLbl && (String)app?.getLabel() != newLbl) { app?.updateLabel(newLbl) } } private void updConfigStatusMap() { Map sMap = [:] sMap.triggers = triggersConfigured() sMap.conditions = conditionsConfigured() sMap.actions = executionConfigured() sMap.tiers = isTierActConfigured() state.configStatusMap = sMap } Boolean getConfStatusItem(String item) { switch(item) { case "tiers": return isTierActConfigured() case "actions": return executionConfigured() } return (state.configStatusMap?.containsKey(item) && state.configStatusMap[item] == true) } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') private void actionCleanup() { stateMapMigration() // State Cleanup // keep actionExecMap configStatusMap schedTrigMap List items = ["afterEvtMap", "afterEvtChkSchedMap", "actTierState", "tierSchedActive", "zoneStatusMap", sLRM] updMemStoreItem("afterEvtMap", [:]) // updMemStoreItem("afterEvtChkSchedMap", [:]) updMemStoreItem("actTierState", [:]) [sACT, sACT_START, sACT_STOP].each { String it -> items.push((it+sLRM)) } // cleanup light_restore_map items.each { String si-> if(state.containsKey(si)) { state.remove(si)} } //convert old style input to new [sACT, sACT_START, sACT_STOP].each { String it -> String a=it+"lights_color" String a1=it+"lights_colort" if(settings."${a}") { settingUpdate(a1, settings."${a}", sTEXT) settingRemove(a) } String b=it+"lights_level" String b1=it+"lights_leveln" if(settings."${b}") { settingUpdate(b1, settings."${b}", sNUMBER) settingRemove(b) } } //Cleans up unused action setting items List setItems = [] List setIgn = ["act_delay", "act_volume_change", "act_volume_restore", "act_tier_cnt", "act_switches_off", "act_switches_on", "act_piston_run", "act_mode_run", "act_alarm_run"] if(settings.act_EchoZones) { setIgn.push("act_EchoZones"); Map a = getActiveZones() } // to fill in FLD else if(settings.act_EchoDevices) { setIgn.push("act_EchoDevices"); setIgn.push("act_EchoDeviceList") } tierItemCleanup() if((String)settings.actionType) { Boolean isTierAct = isTierAction() ["act_lights", "act_locks", "act_securityKeypads", "act_doors", "act_sirens"].each { String it -> ((Map)settings).each { sI -> String k = (String)sI.key if(k.startsWith(it)) { isTierAct ? setItems.push(k) : setIgn.push(k) } } } [sACT_START, sACT_STOP].each { String it -> ((Map)settings).each { sI -> String k = (String)sI.key if(k.startsWith(it)) { isTierAct ? setIgn.push(k) : setItems.push(k) } } } ((Map)settings).each { si-> String k = (String)si.key if(!(k in setIgn) && k.startsWith(sACT) && !k.startsWith("act_${(String)settings.actionType}") && (!isTierAct && k.startsWith(sACT_ITEM))) { setItems.push(k) } } } // Cleanup Unused Condition settings... List condKeys = ((Map)settings).findAll { it -> String k = (String)it.key k?.startsWith("cond_") && !(k?.tokenize("_")[1] in ['require']) }?.keySet()?.collect { ((String)it)?.tokenize("_")[1] }?.unique() if(devModeFLD) log.debug("checking settings condition keys $condKeys" ) if(condKeys?.size()) { condKeys.each { String ck-> if(!settings."cond_${ck}") { if(devModeFLD) log.debug("found setting to cleanup: $ck") setItems.push("cond_${ck}") ["cmd", "all", "low", "high", "equal", "avg", "nums"].each { String ei-> setItems.push("cond_${ck}_${ei}") } } } } if(setItems) logDebug("settings to clean setItems: $setItems") // Cleanup Unused Trigger Types... if((List)settings.triggerEvents) { List trigKeys = ((Map)settings).findAll { it -> String k = (String)it.key k?.startsWith(sTRIG) && !(k?.tokenize("_")[1] in (List)settings.triggerEvents) }?.keySet()?.collect { ((String)it)?.tokenize("_")[1] }?.unique() // log.debug "trigKeys: $trigKeys" if(trigKeys?.size()) { trigKeys.each { String tk-> setItems.push("trig_${tk}") ["events", "wait", "all", "avg", "cmd", "low", "high", "equal", "once", "after", "txt", "nums", "after_repeat", "after_repeat_cnt", "after_repeat_txt", "Codes"].each { String ei-> setItems.push("trig_${tk}_${ei}") } } } } // Cleanup Unused Schedule Trigger Items setItems = setItems + ["trig_scheduled_sunState"] if(!settings.trig_scheduled_type) { setItems = setItems + ["trig_scheduled_daynums", "trig_scheduled_months", "trig_scheduled_type", "trig_scheduled_recurrence", "trig_scheduled_time", "trig_scheduled_weekdays", "trig_scheduled_weeks"] } else { switch(settings.trig_scheduled_type) { case sONETIME: case sCSUNRISE: case sCSUNSET: setItems = setItems + ["trig_scheduled_daynums", "trig_scheduled_months", "trig_scheduled_recurrence", "trig_scheduled_weekdays", "trig_scheduled_weeks"] if((String)settings.trig_scheduled_type in [sCSUNSET, sCSUNRISE]) { setItems.push("trig_scheduled_time") } else setItems = setItems + ["trig_scheduled_sunState_offset"] break case sRECURRING: switch(settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence) { case "Daily": setItems = setItems + ["trig_scheduled_daynums", "trig_scheduled_months", "trig_scheduled_weeks"] break case "Weekly": setItems.push("trig_scheduled_daynums") break case "Monthly": setItems.push("trig_scheduled_weekdays") if(settings.trig_scheduled_daynums && settings.trig_scheduled_weeks) { setItems.push("trig_scheduled_weeks") } break } break } } ((Map)settings).each { si-> String k = (String)si.key ["broadcast", "musicTest", "announce", "sequence", "speechTest"].each { String it -> if (k?.startsWith(it)) setItems.push(k) } // if(k?.startsWith("broadcast") || k?.startsWith("musicTest") || k?.startsWith("announce") || k?.startsWith("sequence") || k?.startsWith("speechTest")) { setItems.push(k) } } } if(state.webCoRE) { state.remove("webCoRE") } if(!settings.enableWebCoRE) { setItems.push("webCorePistons"); setItems.push("act_piston_run") } setItems = setItems + ["tuneinSearchQuery", "usePush", "smsNumbers", "pushoverSound", "pushoverDevices", "pushoverEnabled", "pushoverPriority", "alexaMobileMsg", "appDebug"] // Performs the Setting Removal // log.debug "setItems: $setItems" setItems.unique()?.each { String sI-> if(settings.containsKey(sI)) { settingRemove(sI) } } } Boolean isPaused(Boolean chkAll = false) { return (Boolean)settings.actionPause && (chkAll ? !(Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup : true) } public void triggerInitialize() { runIn(3, "initialize") } private Boolean valTrigEvt(String key) { return (key in (List)settings.triggerEvents) } public void updatePauseState(Boolean pause) { if((Boolean)settings.actionPause != pause) { logDebug("Received Request to Update Pause State to (${pause})") settingUpdate("actionPause", "${pause}", sBOOL) runIn(4, "updated") } } private healthCheck() { if(isTrc())logTrace("healthCheck") if(advLogsActive()) { logsDisable() } if(settings.enableWebCoRE) webCoRE_poll() } String cronBuilder() { /**** Cron Expression Format: ( ) * (all) – it is used to specify that event should happen for every time unit. For example, “*” in the field – means “for every minute” ? (any) – it is utilized in the and fields to denote the arbitrary value – neglect the field value. For example, if we want to fire a script at “5th of every month” irrespective of what the day of the week falls on that date, then we specify a “?” in the field – (range) – it is used to determine the value range. For example, “10-11” in field means “10th and 11th hours” , (values) – it is used to specify multiple values. For example, “MON, WED, FRI” in field means on the days “Monday, Wednesday, and Friday” / (increments) – it is used to specify the incremental values. For example, a “5/15” in the field, means at “5, 20, 35 and 50 minutes of an hour” L (last) – it has different meanings when used in various fields. For example, if it's applied in the field, then it means last day of the month, i.e. “31st for January” and so on as per the calendar month. It can be used with an offset value, like “L-3“, which denotes the “third to last day of the calendar month”. In the , it specifies the “last day of a week”. It can also be used with another value in , like “6L“, which denotes the “last Friday” W (weekday) – it is used to specify the weekday (Monday to Friday) nearest to a given day of the month. For example, if we specify “10W” in the field, then it means the “weekday near to 10th of that month”. So if “10th” is a Saturday, then the job will be triggered on “9th”, and if “10th” is a Sunday, then it will trigger on “11th”. If you specify “1W” in the and if “1st” is Saturday, then the job will be triggered on “3rd” which is Monday, and it will not jump back to the previous month # – it is used to specify the “N-th” occurrence of a weekday of the month, for example, “3rd Friday of the month” can be indicated as “6#3“ At 12:00 pm (noon) every day during the year 2017: (0 0 12 * * ? 2017) Every 5 minutes starting at 1 pm and ending on 1:55 pm and then starting at 6 pm and ending at 6:55 pm, every day: (0 0/5 13,18 * * ?) Every minute starting at 1 pm and ending on 1:05 pm, every day: (0 0-5 13 * * ?) At 1:15 pm and 1:45 pm every Tuesday in the month of June: (0 15,45 13 ? 6 Tue) At 9:30 am every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: (0 30 9 ? * MON-FRI) At 9:30 am on 15th day of every month: (0 30 9 15 * ?) At 6 pm on the last day of every month: (0 0 18 L * ?) At 6 pm on the 3rd to last day of every month: (0 0 18 L-3 * ?) At 10:30 am on the last Thursday of every month: (0 30 10 ? * 5L) At 6 pm on the last Friday of every month during the years 2015, 2016 and 2017: (0 0 18 ? * 6L 2015-2017) At 10 am on the third Monday of every month: (0 0 10 ? * 2#3) At 12 am midnight on every day for five days starting on the 10th day of the month: (0 0 0 10/5 * ?) ****/ String cron = sNULL //List schedTypes = [sONETIME, sRECURRING, sCSUNRISE, sCSUNSET] String schedType = (String)settings.trig_scheduled_type Boolean recur = (schedType == sRECURRING) def time = settings.trig_scheduled_time ?: null List dayNums = recur && settings.trig_scheduled_daynums ? settings.trig_scheduled_daynums?.collect { it as Integer }?.sort() : null // List weekNums = recur && settings.trig_scheduled_weeks ? settings.trig_scheduled_weeks?.collect { it as Integer }?.sort() : null List monthNums = recur && settings.trig_scheduled_months ? settings.trig_scheduled_months?.collect { it as Integer }?.sort() : null if(time) { String z = "0" String hour = fmtTime(time, "HH") ?: z String minute = fmtTime(time, "mm") ?: z //String second = fmtTime(time, "ss") ?: z String second = z String daysOfWeek = settings.trig_scheduled_weekdays ? ((List)settings.trig_scheduled_weekdays)?.join(",") : sNULL String daysOfMonth = dayNums?.size() ? (dayNums?.size() > 1 ? "${dayNums?.first()}-${dayNums?.last()}" : dayNums[0]) : sNULL //String weeks = (weekNums && !dayNums) ? weekNums?.join(",") : sNULL String months = monthNums ? monthNums?.sort()?.join(",") : sNULL String year = sNULL // log.debug "hour: ${hour} | m: ${minute} | s: ${second} | daysOfWeek: ${daysOfWeek} | daysOfMonth: ${daysOfMonth} | weeks: ${weeks} | months: ${months}" if(hour || minute || second) { List cItems = [] cItems.push(second ?: "*") cItems.push(minute ?: z) cItems.push(hour ?: z) cItems.push(daysOfMonth ?: (!daysOfWeek ? "*" : "?")) cItems.push(months ?: "*") cItems.push(daysOfWeek ? daysOfWeek?.replaceAll("\"", sBLANK) : "?") if(year) { cItems.push(" ${year}") } cron = cItems.join(" ") } } logDebug("cronBuilder | Cron: ${cron}") return cron } Boolean schedulesConfigured() { if((String)settings.trig_scheduled_type in [sCSUNRISE, sCSUNSET]) { return true } else if((String)settings.trig_scheduled_type == sONETIME && settings.trig_scheduled_time) { return true } else if((String)settings.trig_scheduled_type == sRECURRING && settings.trig_scheduled_time && settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence) { if((String)settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence == "Daily") { return true } else if ((String)settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence == "Weekly" && (List)settings.trig_scheduled_weekdays) { return true } else if ((String)settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence == "Monthly" && (settings.trig_scheduled_daynums || settings.trig_scheduled_weeks)) { return true } } return false } void scheduleSunriseSet() { if(isPaused(true)) { logWarn("Action is PAUSED... No Events will be subscribed to or scheduled....", true); return } Map sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long ltim = (String)settings.trig_scheduled_type in [sCSUNRISE] ? sun.sunrise.time : sun.sunset.time Long offset = (settings.trig_scheduled_sunState_offset ?: 0L) * 60000L // minutes Long t = wnow() Long n = ltim+offset if(t > n) { logDebug("Not scheduling sunrise, sunset - already past today"); return } Long secs = Math.round((n - t)/1000.0D) + 1L runIn(secs, "scheduleTrigEvt") Date tt = new Date(n) logDebug("Setting Schedule for ${epochToTime(tt)} in $secs's") } void subscribeToEvts() { state.handleGuardEvents = false if(minVersionFailed()) { logError("CODE UPDATE required to RESUME operation. No events will be monitored.", true); return } if(isPaused(true)) { logWarn("Action is PAUSED... No Events will be subscribed to or scheduled....", true); return } ((List)settings.triggerEvents)?.each { String te-> if(te == sSCHED || settings."trig_${te}") { switch (te) { case sSCHED: // Scheduled Trigger Events if (schedulesConfigured()) { if((String)settings.trig_scheduled_type in [sCSUNRISE, sCSUNSET]) { scheduleSunriseSet() schedule('29 0 0 1/1 * ? * ', "scheduleSunriseSet") // run at 00:00:29 every day } else if((String)settings.trig_scheduled_type in [sONETIME, sRECURRING] && settings.trig_scheduled_time) { schedule(cronBuilder(), "scheduleTrigEvt") } } break case "guard": // Alexa Guard Status Events if(settings.trig_guard) state.handleGuardEvents = true break case sALRMSYSST: // Location Alarm Events subscribe(location, "hsmStatus", alarmEvtHandler) if("alerts" in (List)settings.trig_alarmSystemStatus) { subscribe(location, "hsmAlert", alarmEvtHandler) } // Only on Hubitat break case sMODE: // Location Mode Events if((List)settings.cond_mode && !(String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) { settingUpdate("cond_mode_cmd", sARE, sENUM) } subscribe(location, sMODE, modeEvtHandler) break case sPISTNEXEC: break case sTHERMTEMP: if (settings."trig_${te}_cmd") subscribe(settings."trig_${te}", sTEMP, getThermEvtHandlerName(te)) break default: // Handles Remaining Device Events subscribe(settings."trig_${te}", te, getDevEvtHandlerName(te)) break } } } } private getDevEvtHandlerName(String type) { return (type && (Integer)settings."trig_${type}_after"!=null) ? "devAfterEvtHandler" : "deviceEvtHandler" } private getThermEvtHandlerName(String type) { return (type && (Integer)settings."trig_${type}_after"!=null) ? "devAfterThermEvtHandler" : "thermostatEvtHandler" } private executeActTest() { logTrace("executeActTest STARTING") try { if((String)settings.actionType in [sSPEAK, sSPEAKI, sSPEAKP, sSPEAKIP, sSPEAKT, sSPEAKIT, sSPEAKPT, sSPEAKIPT, sANN, sANNI, sANNT, sANNIT, sWEATH, "builtin", "calendar"]) { Map evt = getRandomTrigEvt() if(!evt) logWarn("no random event found") else { String te = (String)evt.name switch (te) { case sSCHED: // Scheduled Trigger Events scheduleTrigEvt([date: new Date(), name: "test", value: "Stest", displayName: "Schedule Test"]) break case "webCoRE": // sPISTNEXEC: webCoRE_handler(evt) break case sTHERMTEMP: String hand = getThermEvtHandlerName(te) evt.name = sTEMP "${hand}"(evt) break case "guard": // Alexa Guard Status Events guardEventHandler((String)evt.value) break case sALRMSYSST: // Location Alarm Events alarmEvtHandler(evt) // two cases hsmStatus (above) and hsmAlert TODO //if("alerts" in (List)settings.trig_alarmSystemStatus) { subscribe(location, "hsmAlert", alarmEvtHandler) } // Only on Hubitat break case sMODE: // Location Mode Events modeEvtHandler(evt) break default: String hand = getDevEvtHandlerName(te) // Handles Remaining Device Events "${hand}"(evt) break } } } else logWarn("TEST of Action type ${settings.actionType} SKIPPED") } catch (ignored) {} settingUpdate("actTestRun", sFALSE, sBOOL) logTrace("executeActTest ENDING") } Map getRandomTrigEvt() { String trig = (String)getRandomItem((List)settings.triggerEvents) List trigItems = settings."trig_${trig}" ?: null def randItem = trigItems?.size() ? getRandomItem(trigItems) : null def trigItem = randItem ? (randItem instanceof String ? [displayName: null, id: null] : (trigItems?.size() ? trigItems?.find { it?.id?.toString() == randItem?.id?.toString() } : [displayName: null, id: null])) : null if(devModeFLD) log.debug("trig: ${trig} | trigItem: ${trigItem} | ${trigItem?.displayName} | ${trigItem?.id} | trigItems: ${trigItems}") Map evt = [ date: new Date(), name: trig ] if( !(trig in [sSCHED]) ) { Boolean isC = (getTemperatureScale()=="C") Map attVal = [ (sSWITCH): getRandomItem(lONOFF), door: getRandomItem(lOPNCLS+["opening", "closing"]), (sCONTACT): getRandomItem(lOPNCLS), acceleration: getRandomItem(lACTINACT), (sLOCK): getRandomItem(lLOCKUNL +["unlocked with timeout"]), securityKeypad: getRandomItem(lSEC), (sWATER): getRandomItem(lWETDRY), presence: getRandomItem(lPRES), (sMOTION): getRandomItem(lACTINACT), (sVALVE): getRandomItem(lOPNCLS), windowShade: getRandomItem(lOPNCLS+["opening", "closing"]), (sPUSHED): getRandomItem((List)settings."trig_${trig}_nums"), (sRELEASED): getRandomItem((List)settings."trig_${trig}_nums"), (sHELD): getRandomItem((List)settings."trig_${trig}_nums"), (sDBLTAP): getRandomItem((List)settings."trig_${trig}_nums"), (sSMOKE): getRandomItem(lDETECTCLR), carbonMonoxide: getRandomItem(lDETECTCLR), (sTEMP): isC ? getRandomItem(-1..29) : getRandomItem(30..80), illuminance: getRandomItem(1..100), (sHUMID): getRandomItem(1..100), (sLEVEL): getRandomItem(1..100), (sBATT): getRandomItem(1..100), (sPOWER): getRandomItem(100..3000), (sMODE): getRandomItem((List)location?.modes), (sALRMSYSST): getRandomItem(getAlarmTrigOpts()?.collect {(String)it.key}), guard: getRandomItem(["ARMED_AWAY", "ARMED_STAY"]), (sTHERMTEMP): isC ? getRandomItem(10..33) : getRandomItem(50..90), (sCOOLSP): isC ? getRandomItem(10..33) : getRandomItem(50..90), (sHEATSP): isC ? getRandomItem(10..33) : getRandomItem(50..90), (sTHERMMODE): getRandomItem(getThermModeOpts()), (sTHERMFM): getRandomItem(getThermFanOpts()), (sTHERMOS): getRandomItem(getThermOperStOpts()), ] if(settings.enableWebCoRE && trig == sPISTNEXEC) { attVal.webCoRE = sPISTNEXEC trig = 'webCoRE' trigItem = [:] trigItem.displayName = 'webcore piston executed' String id = getRandomItem(getLocationPistons()) evt.name=trig evt = evt + [ jsonData: [id: id, name: getPistonById(id) ] ] } if(attVal.containsKey(trig)) { evt = evt + [ displayName: trigItem?.displayName ?: sBLANK, value: attVal[trig], type: "digital", device: [id: trigItem?.id?.toString() ?: null ] ] } else evt = null } else { evt.name=sSCHED } if(devModeFLD) log.debug "getRandomTrigEvt | trig: ${trig} | Evt: ${evt}" return evt } @Field volatile static Map zoneStatusMapFLD = [:] def zoneStateHandler(evt) { // TODO This is here as placeholder to prevent flooding the logs with errors after upgrading to v4.0 } def zoneRemovedHandler(evt) { // TODO This is here as placeholder to prevent flooding the logs with errors after upgrading to v4.0 } public updZones(Map zoneMap) { String myId=app.getId() zoneStatusMapFLD[myId] = zoneMap zoneStatusMapFLD = zoneStatusMapFLD } public Map getZones(Boolean noCache = false) { String myId=app.getId() Map a = zoneStatusMapFLD[myId] if(noCache || !a) { a = parent.getZones(true) } String i = 'initialized' if(a.containsKey(i))a.remove(i) return a } /* private Map getZoneState(Integer znId) { Map zones = getZones() if(zones) { return zones[znId] } return null } */ public Map getActiveZones() { Map t0 = getZones() Map zones = t0 ?: [:] return zones.size() ? zones.findAll { it?.value?.active == true && !it?.value?.paused } : [:] } public List getActiveZoneNames() { Map t0 = getActiveZones() Map zones = t0 ?: [:] return zones.size() ? zones.collect { (String)it?.value?.name } : [] } /*********************************************************************************************************** EVENT HANDLER FUNCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************/ def scheduleTrigEvt(ievt=null) { Map evt=ievt if(!evt) { Date adate= new Date() String dt= dateTimeFmt(adate, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ") evt= [name: sSCHED, displayName: "Scheduled Trigger", value: fmtTime(dt), date: adate, device: [id: null]] } Long evtDelay = wnow() - ((Date)evt.date).getTime() if(isTrc())logTrace("${(String)evt.name} Event | Device: ${(String)evt.displayName} | Value: (${strCapitalize(evt.value)}) with a delay of ${evtDelay}ms") if (!schedulesConfigured()) { return } String schedType = (String)settings.trig_scheduled_type Boolean recur = schedType == sRECURRING Map dateMap = getDateMap() // log.debug "dateMap: $dateMap" String srecur = recur ? (String)settings.trig_scheduled_recurrence : sNULL List days = recur ? (List)settings.trig_scheduled_weekdays : null List daynums = recur ? (List)settings.trig_scheduled_daynums : null List weeks = recur ? (List)settings.trig_scheduled_weeks : null List months = recur ? (List)settings.trig_scheduled_months : null getTheLock(sHMLF, "scheduleTrigEvt") Map sTrigMap = (Map)getMemStoreItem("schedTrigMap", [:]) if(!sTrigMap) sTrigMap = (Map)state.schedTrigMap ?: [:] Boolean dChk = (sTrigMap?.lastRun?.day != dateMap.day) || (sTrigMap?.lastRun?.year != dateMap.year) || (sTrigMap?.lastRun?.month != dateMap.month) Boolean dOk = (srecur in ["Daily"]) ? (sTrigMap?.lastRun?.dayName != dateMap.dayName) : true Boolean wdOk = (days && srecur in ["Daily", "Weekly"]) ? (dateMap.dayNameShort in days) : true Boolean mdOk = daynums ? (dateMap.day in daynums) : true Boolean wOk = (weeks && srecur in ["Weekly"]) ? (dateMap.week in weeks && sTrigMap?.lastRun?.week != dateMap.week) : true Boolean mOk = (months && srecur in ["Weekly", "Monthly"]) ? (dateMap.month in months && sTrigMap?.lastRun?.month != dateMap.month) : true Boolean ok = (dOk && wdOk && mdOk && wOk && mOk && dChk) if(ok) { sTrigMap.lastRun = dateMap updMemStoreItem("schedTrigMap", sTrigMap) state.schedTrigMap = sTrigMap } releaseTheLock(sHMLF) eventCompletion(evt, ok, false, null, "scheduleTrigEvt", evt?.value, (String)evt?.displayName) if(!ok) logDebug("scheduleTrigEvt | SKIPPING | Comparison to lastrun: dateChange: $dChk | dayOk: $dOk | dayOfWeekOk: $wdOk | dayOfMonthOk: $mdOk | weekOk: $wOk | monthOk: $mOk") } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') def alarmEvtHandler(evt) { Long evtDelay = wnow() - ((Date)evt.date).getTime() String eN = (String)evt.name def eV = evt.value if(isTrc())logTrace("${eN} Event | Device: ${evt?.displayName} | Value: (${strCapitalize(eV)}) with a delay of ${evtDelay}ms") String inT = sTRIG+sALRMSYSST List lT = (List)settings."${inT}" List lE = (List)settings."${inT}_events" Boolean ok2Run = !!(lT) if(ok2Run) { switch(eN) { case "hsmStatus": case sALRMSYSST: if(!(eV in lT)) ok2Run = false break case "hsmAlert": if (!("alerts" in lT && eV in lE)) ok2Run = false break default: ok2Run = false } } Boolean dco = !!(Boolean)settings."${inT}_once" Integer dcw = (Integer)settings."${inT}_wait"!=null ? (Integer)settings."${inT}_wait" : null eventCompletion(evt, ok2Run, dco, dcw, "alarmEvtHandler(${eN})", eV, (String)evt?.displayName) if(!ok2Run) logDebug("alarmEvtHandler | Skipping event ${eN} value: ${eV}, did not match ${lT} ${lE}") } public guardEventHandler(String guardState) { Map evt = [name: "guard", displayName: "Alexa Guard", value: guardState, date: new Date(), device: [id: null]] if(isTrc())logTrace("${evt.name} Event | Device: ${evt.displayName} | Value: (${strCapitalize(evt.value)})") Boolean ok= ((Boolean)state.handleGuardEvents && settings.trig_guard && (sANY in (List)settings.trig_guard || guardState in (List)settings.trig_guard)) eventCompletion(evt, ok, false, null, "guardEventHandler", guardState, (String)evt.displayName) if(!ok) logDebug("guardEventHandler | Skipping event guard value: ${guardState}, did not match ${state.handleGuardEvents} ${settings.trig_guard}") } void eventCompletion(evt, Boolean ok2Run, Boolean dco, Integer dcw, String meth, evtVal, String evtDis, Boolean aftRepEvt=false, Boolean allDevsResp=false) { Boolean evtWaitOk = ((dco || dcw!=null) ? evtWaitRestrictionOk([date: evt?.date, device: evt?.device, value: evtVal, name: evt?.name, displayName: evtDis], dco, dcw, aftRepEvt) : true) Boolean ok = evtWaitOk && ok2Run if(isDbg()) logDebug(meth+" | execOk: ${ok} | ok2Run :${ok2Run} | evtWaitOk: ${evtWaitOk}") if(getConfStatusItem("tiers")) { processTierTrigEvt(evt, ok) } else { if(ok) executeAction(evt, meth, allDevsResp, aftRepEvt) } if (!ok) logTrace(meth+" | Skipping event ${evtDis} ${evt?.name} value: ${evtVal} | ok2Run :${ok2Run} | evtWaitOk: ${evtWaitOk}") } def webcoreEvtHandler(evt) { String eN = (String)evt.name def eV = evt.value String disN = evt.jsonData?.name String pId = evt.jsonData?.id if(isTrc())logTrace("${eN.toUpperCase()} Event | Piston: ${disN} | pistonId: ${pId} | with a delay of ${wnow() - ((Date)evt.date).getTime()}ms") String inT = sTRIG+sPISTNEXEC List lT = (List)settings."${inT}" Boolean ok = (pId in lT) Boolean dco = !!(Boolean)settings."${inT}_once" Integer dcw = (Integer)settings."${inT}_wait"!=null ? (Integer)settings."${inT}_wait" : null eventCompletion(evt, ok, dco, dcw, "webcoreEvtHandler", disN, disN) if(!ok) logTrace("webcoreEvtHandler | Skipping event ${eN} value: ${eV}, ${pId} did not match ${lT}") } def modeEvtHandler(evt) { String eN = (String)evt.name def eV = evt.value if(isTrc())logTrace("${eN.toUpperCase()} Event | Mode: (${strCapitalize(eV)}) with a delay of ${wnow() - ((Date)evt.date).getTime()}ms") String inT = sTRIG+sMODE List lT = (List)settings."${inT}" Boolean ok = (eV in lT) Boolean dco = !!(Boolean)settings."${inT}_once" Integer dcw = (Integer)settings."${inT}_wait"!=null ? (Integer)settings."${inT}_wait" : null eventCompletion(evt, ok, dco, dcw, "modeEvtHandler", eV, (String)evt?.displayName) if(!ok) logTrace("modeEvtHandler | Skipping event ${eN} value: ${eV}, did not match ${lT}") } void devAfterThermEvtHandler(evt) { evt.name = (String)evt.name == sTEMP ? sTHERMTEMP : (String)evt.name devAfterEvtHandler(evt) } void devAfterEvtHandler(evt) { Long evtT = ((Date)evt.date).getTime() Long now = wnow() Long evtDelay = now - evtT String eN = (String)evt?.name def eV = evt?.value String dc = settings."trig_${eN}_cmd" ?: null Integer dcaf = (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_after"!=null ? (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_after" : 0 Integer dcafr = (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_after_repeat" ?: 0 Integer dcafrc = (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_after_repeat_cnt" ?: 0 String eid = "${evt?.device?.id}_${eN}" Boolean okpt1 = (dc && dcaf>=0) Boolean okpt2 = okpt1 if(!(eN in lDATTNUM)) { okpt2 = (okpt1 && eV == dc) } String msg = "Device Event After | " if(isTrc())logTrace(msg+"${eN?.toUpperCase()} | Name: ${evt?.displayName} | Value: (${strCapitalize(eV)}) with a delay of ${evtDelay}ms | SchedCheck: (${okpt1}, ${okpt2}) dcaf: $dcaf, dcafr: $dcafr, dcafrc: $dcafrc") Boolean rem = false getTheLock(sHMLF, "scheduleTrigEvt") String mK = "afterEvtMap" Map aEvtMap = (Map)getMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) if(!aEvtMap) aEvtMap = (Map)state[mK] ?: [:] if(aEvtMap.containsKey(eid) && !okpt2) { aEvtMap.remove(eid) rem = true } if(okpt2) { aEvtMap[eid] = [ dt: formatDt((Date)evt.date), device: [id: evt?.device?.id as String], displayName: evt?.displayName, name: eN, value: eV, type: evt?.type, data: evt?.data, triggerState: dc, // desired comparison value for non-numbers; or comparison type for number nextT: now + (dcaf*1000L), wait: dcaf, //timeLeft: dcaf, isRepeat: false, repeatWait: dcafr ?: null, repeatCnt: 0, repeatCntMax: dcafrc ] } updMemStoreItem(mK, aEvtMap) state[mK] = aEvtMap Integer sz = aEvtMap.size() releaseTheLock(sHMLF) if(rem) logDebug(msg+"Removing ${evt?.displayName} from AfterEvtCheckMap | Reason: (${eN?.toUpperCase()}) no longer has the state of (${dc}) | Remaining Items: (${sz})") if(okpt2) { String msg1 = msg+"queued event | " Boolean doRun=true if (dcaf == 0) { logTrace(msg1+"Running afterEvent") afterEvtCheckHandler() doRun = false } if(doRun) { Integer ssec = dcaf >= 0 ? dcaf : 2 runIn(ssec, "afterEvtCheckHandler") logTrace(msg1+"Scheduled afterEvent in ${ssec} seconds") } // TODO remove if(!(Boolean)state.afterEvtCheckWatcherSched) { state.afterEvtCheckWatcherSched = true logTrace(msg+"Scheduling afterEvtCheckWatcher...") runEvery5Minutes("afterEvtCheckWatcher") } } else { logDebug(msg+" did not queue | Passing to deviceEvtHandler") deviceEvtHandler(evt, true, false) } } void afterEvtCheckHandler() { unschedule("afterEvtCheckHandler") updTsVal("lastAfterEvtCheck") String meth = "afterEvtCheckHandler" String msg = meth+" | " logTrace(msg) getTheLock(sHMLF, meth) Boolean hasLock = true String mK = "afterEvtMap" Map aEvtMap = (Map)getMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) if (!aEvtMap) aEvtMap = (Map)state[mK] ?: [:] Long mnow = wnow() + 750L // anything in next 750ms runs now Map newMap = aEvtMap.findAll { it -> (Long)it?.value?.nextT < mnow } List sortList = newMap.collect { (Long)it?.value?.nextT }?.sort() sortList?.each { Long lit -> if (!hasLock) { getTheLock(sHMLF, meth) hasLock = true aEvtMap = (Map)getMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) if (!aEvtMap) aEvtMap = (Map)state[mK] ?: [:] } def nextItem = aEvtMap.find { eM -> (Long)eM?.value?.nextT == lit } Map nextVal = (Map)nextItem?.value ?: null String eN = (String)nextVal.name String edisplayN = (String)nextVal.displayName String edId = (String)nextVal.device.id String nextId = (edId && eN) ? "${edId}_${eN}" : sNULL Boolean remEvt Boolean runEvt = false String msg1 = "Evaluating ${edisplayN} | (${eN?.capitalize()}) | Original Event Time: ${nextVal.dt} | " String msg2 if (nextVal && nextId && aEvtMap[nextId]) { def devs = settings."trig_${eN}" ?: null def newVal = null // could be number or string if (devs && eN) { def dev = devs.find { it?.id?.toString() == edId } String en = eN == sTHERMTEMP ? sTEMP : eN if (dev) newVal = dev?.currentValue(en) if (newVal != nextVal.value) msg1 = msg1 + "value changed old: ${nextVal.value} new: ${newVal} | " } Long origD = parseDate(nextVal.dt).getTime() Map evt = [ date : new Date(), device : [id: edId], displayName: edisplayN, name : eN, value : newVal,// ?: nextVal.value, type : nextVal.type, data : nextVal.data, totalDur : (wnow() - origD)/1000 ] Boolean skipEvt = true if(eN in lDATTNUM) { String dc = settings."trig_${eN}_cmd" // desired comparison for numbers Boolean dca = !!(Boolean)settings."trig_${eN}_all" Boolean dcavg = (!dca && !!(Boolean)settings."trig_${eN}_avg") Double dcl = settings."trig_${eN}_low" Double dch = settings."trig_${eN}_high" Double dce = settings."trig_${eN}_equal" Map valChk = deviceEvtProcNumValue(evt, devs, dc, dcl, dch, dce, dca, dcavg) skipEvt = !(Boolean)valChk.evtOk //evtAd = valChk.evtAd } else { if (nextVal.triggerState && edId && eN && devs) { skipEvt = !devAttValEqual(devs, edId, eN, nextVal.triggerState) } } Boolean hasRepeat = ((Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_after_repeat" != null) Boolean isRepeat = (Boolean)nextVal.isRepeat ?: false if (!skipEvt) { runEvt = true if(hasRepeat) { aEvtMap[nextId].nextT = wnow() + ((Integer)nextVal.repeatWait * 1000L) updMemStoreItem(mK, aEvtMap) state[mK] = aEvtMap } if (isRepeat && hasRepeat) { Integer repeatCnt = ((Integer)nextVal.repeatCnt >= 0) ? (Integer)nextVal.repeatCnt + 1 : 1 Integer repeatCntMax = (Integer)nextVal.repeatCntMax ?: null remEvt = (repeatCntMax && (repeatCnt == repeatCntMax)) aEvtMap[nextId].repeatCnt = repeatCnt updMemStoreItem(mK, aEvtMap) state[mK] = aEvtMap msg2 = "Issuing Repeat Event | RepeatWait: ${nextVal?.repeatWait} | isRepeat: ${isRepeat} | RepeatCnt: ${repeatCnt} | RepeatCntMax: ${repeatCntMax} " if (remEvt) msg2 = "has repeated ${repeatCntMax} times | " + msg2 } else { // this is after aEvtMap[nextId].isRepeat = true updMemStoreItem(mK, aEvtMap) state[mK] = aEvtMap remEvt = !hasRepeat msg2 = "Wait Threshold (${nextVal.wait} sec) Reached for ${edisplayN} (${eN?.capitalize()}) | Issuing held event | TriggerState: (${nextVal.triggerState}) | hasRepeat: ${hasRepeat} " } } else { remEvt = true msg2 = "state is no longer ${nextVal.triggerState} | Skipping Action... " } if (remEvt) { aEvtMap.remove(nextId) updMemStoreItem(mK, aEvtMap) state[mK] = aEvtMap msg2 = msg2 + "Removed event" } releaseTheLock(sHMLF) hasLock = false if(isDbg())logDebug(msg + msg1 + msg2) if(runEvt) deviceEvtHandler(evt, true, isRepeat) } } if (!hasLock) { getTheLock(sHMLF, meth) hasLock = true aEvtMap = (Map)getMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) if (!aEvtMap) aEvtMap = (Map)state[mK] ?: [:] } Integer sz = aEvtMap.size() if (sz > 0) { //newMap = aEvtMap.findAll { it -> it?.value?.nextT < now } sortList = aEvtMap.collect { (Long)it?.value?.nextT }?.sort() releaseTheLock(sHMLF) hasLock = false Long myL = sortList.size() > 0 ? sortList[0] : null if (myL != null) { Integer ssecs = ((myL - wnow() + 600L)/1000L).toInteger() ssecs = ssecs > 1 ? Math.min(ssecs, 300).toInteger() : 2 runIn(ssecs, meth) logTrace(msg+"Scheduled afterEvent in ${ssecs} seconds; afterEvtMap: ${sz}") } else logWarn(msg+"INCONSISTENT") } else { releaseTheLock(sHMLF) hasLock = false clearAfterCheckSchedule() } } // TODO remove Integer getLastAfterEvtCheck() { return getLastTsValSecs("lastAfterEvtCheck") } void afterEvtCheckWatcher() { String meth = "afterEvtCheckWatcher" getTheLock(sHMLF, meth) Map aEvtMap = (Map)getMemStoreItem("afterEvtMap", [:]) if(!aEvtMap) aEvtMap = (Map)state.afterEvtMap ?: [:] releaseTheLock(sHMLF) if(aEvtMap.size() && getLastAfterEvtCheck() > 240) { runIn(2, "afterEvtCheckHandler") logDebug(meth+" scheduled afterEvtCheckHandler...") } } private clearAfterCheckSchedule() { unschedule("afterEvtCheckHandler") unschedule("afterEvtCheckWatcher") // TODO remove state.afterEvtCheckWatcherSched = false logTrace("Clearing After Event Check Schedule...") } void thermostatEvtHandler(evt) { evt.name = (String)evt.name == sTEMP ? sTHERMTEMP : (String)evt.name deviceEvtHandler(evt) } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') void deviceEvtHandler(evt, Boolean aftEvt=false, Boolean aftRepEvt=false) { Long evtDelay = wnow() - ((Date)evt.date).getTime() Boolean evtOk = false Boolean evtAd = false String meth = 'deviceEvtHandler' String eN = (String)evt.name def eV = evt?.value List d = settings."trig_${eN}" String aftMsg = "${aftEvt ? " | (aftEvt)" : sBLANK}${aftRepEvt ? " | (aftRepEvt)" : sBLANK}" if(isTrc())logTrace("Device Event | ${eN.toUpperCase()} | Name: ${evt?.displayName} | Value: (${strCapitalize(eV)}) with a delay of ${evtDelay}ms${aftMsg}") String dc = settings."trig_${eN}_cmd" // desired attribute value Boolean dca = !!(Boolean)settings."trig_${eN}_all" Boolean dcavg = (!dca && !!(Boolean)settings."trig_${eN}_avg") //Boolean dco = ((Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_after"==null && (Boolean)settings."trig_${eN}_once" == true) //Integer dcw = ((Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_after"==null && (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_wait") ? (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_wait" : null Boolean dco = !!(Boolean)settings."trig_${eN}_once" Integer dcw = (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_wait"!=null ? (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_wait" : null String extra = sBLANK switch(eN) { case sSWITCH: case sLOCK: case "securityKeypad": case "door": case sSMOKE: case "carbonMonoxide": case "windowShade": case "presence": case sCONTACT: case "acceleration": case sMOTION: case sWATER: case sVALVE: case sTHERMFM: case sTHERMOS: case sTHERMMODE: if(d?.size() && dc) { if(dc == sANY) { evtOk = true } else { if(dca && (allDevAttValsEqual(d, dc, (String)eV))) { evtOk = true; evtAd = true } else if(eV == dc) { evtOk=true } } } Boolean locknt = (Boolean)settings."trig_${eN}_ign_empty_type" if(locknt && evtOk && eN in [sLOCK] && (String)evt.value in lLOCKUNL && evt.type == null) { evtOk = false extra = " FILTER REMOVED ${eN} (${evt.value}), did not have type set (${evt.type})" } if(evtOk && eN in [sLOCK, "securityKeypad"] && (String)evt.value in ["disarmed", "unlocked"]) { List dcn = settings."trig_${eN}_Codes" if(dcn) { String theCode = evt?.data Map data = null if(theCode) data = getCodes(null, theCode) // log.debug "converted $theCode to ${data} starting with ${evt?.data}" List theCList = data?.collect { (String)it.key } // log.debug "found code $theCList" if(!theCList || !(theCList[0] in dcn)) { evtOk = false extra = " FILTER REMOVED the received code (${theCode}), code did not match trig_${eN}_Codes (${dcn})" } } } break case sPUSHED: case sRELEASED: case sHELD: case sDBLTAP: def dcn = settings."trig_${eN}_nums" if(d?.size() && dc && dcn && dcn?.size() > 0) { if(dcn?.contains(eV)) { evtOk = true } } //log.debug "deviceEvtHandler: dcn: $dcn | d: $d | dc: $dc | dco: $dco | dcw: $dcw | evt.value: ${eV}" break case sCOOLSP: case sHEATSP: case sTHERMTEMP: case sHUMID: case sTEMP: case sPOWER: case "illuminance": case sLEVEL: case sBATT: Double dcl = settings."trig_${eN}_low" Double dch = settings."trig_${eN}_high" Double dce = settings."trig_${eN}_equal" Map valChk = deviceEvtProcNumValue(evt, d, dc, dcl, dch, dce, dca, dcavg) evtOk = valChk.evtOk evtAd = valChk.evtAd break default: logDebug(meth+" | unknown event ${evt?.displayName} ${eN} value: ${eV}") } if(isDbg())logDebug(meth+" | evtOk :${evtOk} | event requires all devices evtAd: $evtAd${aftMsg}${extra}") eventCompletion(evt, evtOk, dco, dcw, meth+"(${eN})", eV, (String)evt?.displayName, aftRepEvt, evtAd) /* Boolean waitOk = ((dco || dcw!=null) ? evtWaitRestrictionOk(evt, dco, dcw, aftRepEvt) : true) Boolean execOk = (evtOk && waitOk) logDebug(meth+" | execOk: ${execOk} | evtOk :${evtOk} | devEvtWaitOk: ${waitOk} | event requires all devices evtAd: $evtAd${aftMsg}${extra}") //if(!waitOk) { return } if(getConfStatusItem("tiers")) { processTierTrigEvt(evt, execOk) } else { if (execOk) { executeAction(evt, meth+"(${eN})", evtAd, aftRepEvt) } } if (!execOk) logTrace(meth+" | Skipping event ${evt?.displayName} ${eN} value: ${eV} | evtOk :${evtOk} | devEvtWaitOk: ${waitOk}") */ if (!evtOk) logTrace(meth+" | Skipping event ${evt?.displayName} ${eN} value: ${eV} | evtOk :${evtOk} | event requires all devices evtAd: $evtAd${aftMsg}${extra}") } private void processTierTrigEvt(evt, Boolean evtOk) { String meth = "processTierTrigEvt" String msg = " | Name: ${evt?.name} | Value: ${evt?.value} | EvtOk: ${evtOk}" if(isTrc())logTrace(meth + msg) String mK = "actTierState" getTheLock(sHMLF, meth) Map aTierSt = (Map)getMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) if(!aTierSt) aTierSt = (Map)state[mK] ?: [:] if (evtOk) { if(aTierSt.size()) { msg = meth + " found already active tier state ${aTierSt}"+msg } else { releaseTheLock(sHMLF) logDebug(meth + " activating tier state" + msg) tierEvtHandler(evt) return } } else if(!evtOk && settings.act_tier_stop_on_clear == true) { def tierConf = aTierSt.evt if(tierConf?.size() && tierConf?.name == evt?.name && tierConf?.device?.id == evt?.device?.id) { updMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) state[mK] = [:] releaseTheLock(sHMLF) logDebug(meth + " Tier Trigger no longer valid... Clearing TierState and Schedule..."+msg) unschedule("tierEvtHandler") atomicState.tierSchedActive = false updTsVal("lastTierRespStopDt") return } else msg = meth + " Tier Trigger valid... exiting...${aTierSt}"+msg } else msg = meth + " no action ${aTierSt}"+msg releaseTheLock(sHMLF) logDebug(msg) } def getTierStatusSection() { String str = sBLANK if(isTierAction()) { Map mTierMap = getTierMap() Boolean tsa = (Boolean)atomicState.tierSchedActive == true getTheLock(sHMLF, "getTierStatusSection") Map aTierSt = (Map)getMemStoreItem("actTierState", [:]) if(!aTierSt) aTierSt = (Map)state.actTierState ?: [:] Map tS = aTierSt str += spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Tier Size: ", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBr("${mTierMap?.size()}", sCLRGRY) str += spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Schedule Active: ", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBr("${tsa}", sCLRGRY) str += tS?.cycle ? spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Tier Cycle: ", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBr("${tS?.cycle}", sCLRGRY) : sBLANK str += tS?.schedDelay ? spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Next Delay: ", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBr("${tS?.schedDelay}", sCLRGRY) : sBLANK str += tS?.lastMsg ? spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Is Last Cycle: ", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBr("${tS?.lastMsg == true}", sCLRGRY) : sBLANK releaseTheLock(sHMLF) String a = getTsVal("lastTierRespStartDt") str += a ? spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Last Tier Start: ", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBr(a, sCLRGRY) : sBLANK a = getTsVal("lastTierRespStopDt") str += a ? spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Last Tier Stop: ", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBr(a, sCLRGRY) : sBLANK section() { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Tier Response Status: ") + str } } } private void resumeTierJobs() { getTheLock(sHMLF, "resumeTierJobs") Map aTierSt = (Map)getMemStoreItem("actTierState", [:]) if(!aTierSt) aTierSt = (Map)state.actTierState ?: [:] if(aTierSt?.size()) { releaseTheLock(sHMLF) if((Boolean)atomicState.tierSchedActive) { tierEvtHandler() } return } releaseTheLock(sHMLF) } private void tierEvtHandler(evt=null) { if(!evt) { Date adate = new Date() String dt = dateTimeFmt(adate, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ") evt = [name: "Tiered Schedule", displayName: "Scheduled Tiered Trigger", value: fmtTime(dt), date: adate, device: [id: null]] } if(isTrc())logTrace("tierEvtHandler: received event ${evt?.name} ${evt?.value}") Map t0 = getTierMap() Map tierMap = t0 ?: [:] getTheLock(sHMLF, "tierEvtHandler") String mK = "actTierState" Map aTierSt = (Map)getMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) if(!aTierSt) aTierSt = (Map)state[mK] ?: [:] Map tierState = aTierSt //log.debug "tierState: ${tierState}" //log.debug "tierMap: ${tierMap}" if(tierMap.size()) { Map newEvt = (Map)tierState.evt ?: [name: evt?.name, displayName: evt?.displayName, value: evt?.value, unit: evt?.unit, device: [id: evt?.device?.id], date: evt?.date] Integer curPass = (tierState.cycle && tierState.cycle.toString()?.isNumber()) ? tierState.cycle.toInteger()+1 : 1 if(curPass <= tierMap.size()) { tierState.cycle = curPass tierState.schedDelay = tierMap[curPass]?.delay ?: null tierState.message = tierMap[curPass]?.message ?: null tierState.volume = [:] if(tierMap[curPass]?.volume?.change) tierState.volume.change = tierMap[curPass]?.volume?.change ?: null if(tierMap[curPass]?.volume?.restore) tierState.volume.restore = tierMap[curPass]?.volume?.restore ?: null tierState.evt = newEvt tierState.lastMsg = (curPass+1 > tierMap.size()) updMemStoreItem(mK, tierState) state[mK] = tierState releaseTheLock(sHMLF) logTrace("tierEvtHandler: tierSize: (${tierMap.size()}) | cycle: ${tierState.cycle} | curPass: (${curPass}) | nextPass: ${curPass+1} | schedDelay: (${tierState.schedDelay}) | Message: (${tierState.message}) | LastMsg: (${tierState.lastMsg})") if(curPass == 1) { updTsVal("lastTierRespStartDt"); remTsVal("lastTierRespStopDt") } tierSchedHandler([sched: true, tierState: tierState]) } else { updMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) state[mK] = [:] releaseTheLock(sHMLF) atomicState.tierSchedActive = false updTsVal("lastTierRespStopDt") logDebug("tierEvtHandler: Tier Cycle has completed... Clearing TierState...") } } else releaseTheLock(sHMLF) } private void tierSchedHandler(data) { if(data && data.tierState?.size() && data.tierState?.message) { logTrace("tierSchedHandler(${data})") Map evt = data.tierState.evt executeAction(evt, "tierSchedHandler", false, false, [msg: data?.tierState?.message as String, volume: data?.tierState?.volume, isFirst: (data?.tierState?.cycle == 1), isLast: (data?.tierState?.lastMsg == true)]) if(data?.sched) { if(data.tierState.schedDelay && data.tierState.lastMsg == false) { logDebug("tierSchedHandler: Scheduling Next Tier Message for (${data.tierState?.schedDelay} seconds)") runIn(data.tierState.schedDelay, "tierEvtHandler") } else { logDebug("tierSchedHandler: Scheduling cleanup for (5 seconds) as this was the last message") runIn(5, "tierEvtHandler") } atomicState.tierSchedActive = true } } } Map deviceEvtProcNumValue(evt, List devs=null, String cmd=sNULL, Double dcl=null, Double dch=null, Double dce=null, Boolean dca=false, Boolean dcavg=false) { Boolean evtOk = false Boolean evtAd = false String en = (String)evt.name String eV = evt.value?.toString() Double evtValue = evt.value?.toDouble() if(devs?.size() && cmd && eV?.isNumber()) { en = en == sTHERMTEMP ? sTEMP : en evtValue = dcavg ? getDevValueAvg(devs, en) : evtValue Boolean not=false //noinspection GroovyFallthrough switch(cmd) { case sEQUALS: if(dce) { if(!dca && dce == evtValue) evtOk=true else if(dca && allDevAttNumValsEqual(devs, en, dce)) { evtOk=true; evtAd=true } } break case sNBETWEEN: not=true case sBETWEEN: if(dcl && dch) { if(!dca) { evtOk = (evtValue >= dcl) && (evtValue <= dch) if(not) evtOk=!evtOk } else if(dca && allDevAttNumValsBetween(devs, en, dcl, dch, not)) { evtOk=true; evtAd=true } } break case sABOVE: if(dch) { if(!dca && (evtValue > dch)) evtOk=true else if(dca && allDevAttNumValsAbove(devs, en, dch)) { evtOk=true; evtAd=true } } break case sBELOW: if(dcl) { if(!dca && (evtValue < dcl)) evtOk=true else if(dca && allDevAttNumValsBelow(devs, en, dcl)) { evtOk=true; evtAd=true } } break } } Map result = [evtOk: evtOk, evtAd: evtAd] if(isDbg())logDebug("deviceEvtProcNumValue | result: $result | evtName: ${evt.name} (${en}) | evtVal: $evtValue ($eV) | cmd: ${cmd} | low: ${dcl} | high: ${dch} | equal: ${dce} | all: ${dca} | avg: $dcavg") return result } static String evtValueCleanup(ival) { def val=ival // log.debug "val(in): ${val}" val = (val?.toString()?.isNumber() && val?.toString()?.endsWith(".0")) ? val?.toDouble()?.round(0) : val // log.debug "val(out): ${val}" return val?.toString() } private void clearEvtHistory() { settingUpdate("clrEvtHistory", sFALSE, sBOOL) String mK = "valEvtHistory" getTheLock(sHMLF, "clearEvtHistory") updMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) state[mK] = [:] releaseTheLock(sHMLF) } private Boolean evtWaitRestrictionOk(evt, Boolean once, Integer wait, Boolean aftRepEvt=false) { Boolean ok = true Long dur Boolean waitOk = (wait!=null && wait >= 0) String meth = "evtWaitRestrictionOk" String msg = sBLANK Boolean dayOk String n = (String)evt?.name String dID= evt?.device?.id as String if(evt && n && dID) { String kN= dID + '_' +n msg = "Last ${n.capitalize()} Event for Device ($dID) | onceDaily ${once} | wait ${wait} | repeatEvt: ${aftRepEvt} | " Date evtDt = (Date)evt.date getTheLock(sHMLF, meth) String mK = "valEvtHistory" Map evtHistMap = (Map)getMemStoreItem(mK, [:]) if (!evtHistMap) evtHistMap = (Map)state[mK] ?: [:] // log.debug "prevDt: ${evtHistMap[n]?.dt ? parseDate(evtHistMap[n]?.dt as String) : null} | evtDt: ${evtDt}" if (evtHistMap.containsKey(kN) && evtHistMap[kN]?.dt) { Date prevDt = parseDate((String)evtHistMap[kN].dt) // log.debug "prevDt: ${prevDt.toString()}" if (prevDt && evtDt) { dur = Math.round(( evtDt.getTime() - prevDt.getTime()) / 1000.0D) waitOk = waitOk ? (dur && (wait < dur)) : true dayOk = !once || (once && !isDateToday(prevDt)) ok = (waitOk && dayOk) msg += "Occurred: (${dur} sec ago) | Desired Wait: (${wait} sec) - (waitOk $waitOk && dayOk $dayOk)" } } else msg += "No history found" // check if same and don't save? if (ok && !aftRepEvt) { evtHistMap[kN] = [dt: formatDt(evtDt), value: evt.value, name: n, dID: dID] updMemStoreItem(mK, evtHistMap) state[mK] = evtHistMap } releaseTheLock(sHMLF) } else { msg="missing evt, name ($n) or deviceId ($dID)" } msg += " Status: (${ok ? okSymFLD : notOkSymFLD})" if(isDbg())logDebug(meth+": "+msg) return ok } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') static String getAttrPostfix(String attr) { switch(attr) { case sHUMID: case sLEVEL: case sBATT: return " percent" case sTHERMTEMP: case sTEMP: return " degrees" case "illuminance": return " lux" case sPOWER: return " watts" default: return sBLANK } } /*********************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS HANDLER ************************************************************************************************************/ Boolean reqAllCond() { Boolean mult = multipleConditions() return ( mult && (Boolean)settings.cond_require_all ) } Boolean timeCondOk() { Date startTime Date stopTime Date now = new Date() String startType = (String)settings.cond_time_start_type String stopType = (String)settings.cond_time_stop_type if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == sTIME && settings.cond_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.cond_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == sTIME && settings.cond_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.cond_time_stop) : null if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Map sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.cond_time_start_offset ? settings.cond_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.cond_time_stop_offset ? settings.cond_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) } } if(startTime && stopTime) { Boolean not = startTime.getTime() > stopTime.getTime() Boolean isBtwn = timeOfDayIsBetween((not ? stopTime : startTime), (not ? startTime : stopTime), now, mTZ()) isBtwn = not ? !isBtwn : isBtwn state.startTime = formatDt(startTime) state.stopTime = formatDt(stopTime) if(isTrc())logTrace("timeCondOk ${isBtwn} | CurTime: (${now}) is${!isBtwn ? " NOT": sBLANK} between (${not ? stopTime:startTime} and ${not? startTime:stopTime})") return isBtwn } } if(isTrc())logTrace("timeCondOk | (null)") state.startTime = sNULL state.stopTime = sNULL return null } Boolean dateCondOk() { Boolean result = null Boolean dOk Boolean mOk if((List)settings.cond_days || (List)settings.cond_months) { Boolean reqAll = reqAllCond() dOk = settings.cond_days ? (isDayOfWeek((List)settings.cond_days)) : reqAll mOk = settings.cond_months ? (isMonthOfYear((List)settings.cond_months)) : reqAll result = reqAll ? (mOk && dOk) : (mOk || dOk) } if(isTrc()){ //noinspection GroovyVariableNotAssigned logTrace("dateCondOk | $result | monthOk: $mOk | daysOk: $dOk") } return result } Boolean locationCondOk() { Boolean result = null Boolean mOk Boolean aOk List myL = (List)settings.cond_alarmSystemStatus if((List)settings.cond_mode || (String)settings.cond_mode_cmd || myL) { Boolean reqAll = reqAllCond() mOk = ((List)settings.cond_mode /*&& (String)settings.cond_mode_cmd*/) ? (isInMode((List)settings.cond_mode, ((String)settings.cond_mode_cmd == "not"))) : reqAll aOk = myL ? isInAlarmMode(myL) : reqAll result = reqAll ? (mOk && aOk) : (mOk || aOk) } if(isTrc()){ //noinspection GroovyVariableNotAssigned logTrace("locationCondOk | $result | modeOk: $mOk | alarmOk: $aOk") } return result } Boolean checkDeviceCondOk(String att) { List devs = (List)settings."cond_${att}" ?: null def cmdVal = settings."cond_${att}_cmd" ?: null // list or string Boolean all = !!(Boolean)settings."cond_${att}_all" if( !(att && devs && cmdVal) ) { return true } return all ? allDevAttValsEqual(devs, att, cmdVal) : anyDevAttValsEqual(devs, att, cmdVal) } Boolean checkDeviceNumCondOk(String att) { List devs = (List)settings."cond_${att}" ?: null String cmd = settings."cond_${att}_cmd" ?: null Double dcl = settings."cond_${att}_low"!=null ? settings."cond_${att}_low" : null Double dch = settings."cond_${att}_high"!=null ? settings."cond_${att}_high" : null Double dce = settings."cond_${att}_equal"!=null ? settings."cond_${att}_equal" : null Boolean dca = (Boolean)settings."cond_${att}_all" ?: false if( !(att && devs && cmd) ) { return true } Boolean not=false Boolean a = true //noinspection GroovyFallthrough switch(cmd) { case sEQUALS: if(dce) { a = dca ? allDevAttNumValsEqual(devs, att, dce) : anyDevAttNumValEqual(devs, att, dce) } break case sNBETWEEN: not=true case sBETWEEN: if(dcl && dch) { a = dca ? allDevAttNumValsBetween(devs, att, dcl, dch, not) : anyDevAttNumValBetween(devs, att, dcl, dch, not) } break case sABOVE: if(dch) { a = dca ? allDevAttNumValsAbove(devs, att, dch) : anyDevAttNumValAbove(devs, att, dch) } break case sBELOW: if(dcl) { a = dca ? allDevAttNumValsBelow(devs, att, dcl) : anyDevAttNumValBelow(devs, att, dcl) } break } return a } @Field static final List lDATTSTR = ["switch", "motion", "presence", "contact", "acceleration", "lock", "securityKeypad", "door", "windowShade", "valve", "water", "thermostatMode", "thermostatOperatingState", "thermostatFanMode", "smoke", "carbonMonoxide"] @Field static final List lDATTNUM = ["temperature", "humidity", "illuminance", "level", "power", "battery", "coolingSetpoint", "heatingSetpoint", "thermostatTemperature"] // these are momentary triggers only: pushed released held doubleTapped Boolean deviceCondOk() { List skipped = [] List passed = [] List failed = [] lDATTSTR.each { String i-> if(!(List)settings."cond_${i}") { skipped.push(i); return } checkDeviceCondOk(i) ? passed.push(i) : failed.push(i) } lDATTNUM.each { String i-> if(!(List)settings."cond_${i}") { skipped.push(i); return } checkDeviceNumCondOk(i) ? passed.push(i) : failed.push(i) } Integer cndSize = (passed.size() + failed.size()) Boolean result = null if(cndSize != 0) result = reqAllCond() ? (cndSize == passed.size()) : (cndSize > 0 && passed.size() > 0) if(isTrc())logTrace("deviceCondOk | ${result} | Found: (${(passed?.size() + failed?.size())}) | Skipped: $skipped | Passed: $passed | Failed: $failed") return result } Map conditionStatus() { Boolean reqAll = reqAllCond() List failed = [] List passed = [] List skipped = [] Boolean ok = true if((Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup) ok = false Integer cndSize = (Integer)null if(ok) { [sTIME, "date", "location", "device"].each { String i-> def s = "${i}CondOk"() if(s == null) { skipped.push(i); return } s ? passed.push(i) : failed.push(i) } cndSize = (passed.size() + failed.size()) ok = reqAll ? (cndSize == passed.size()) : (cndSize > 0 && passed.size() > 0) if(cndSize == 0) ok = true } if(isTrc())logTrace("conditionsStatus | ok: $ok | RequireAll: ${reqAll} | Found: (${cndSize}) | Skipped: $skipped | Passed: $passed | Failed: $failed") return [ok: ok, passed: passed, blocks: failed] } Boolean devCondConfigured(String att) { return ((List)settings."cond_${att}" && settings."cond_${att}_cmd") } Boolean devNumCondConfigured(String att) { return (settings."cond_${att}_cmd" && (settings."cond_${att}_low"!=null || settings."cond_${att}_high"!=null || settings."trig_${att}_equal"!=null)) } Boolean timeCondConfigured() { Boolean startTime = ((String)settings.cond_time_start_type in lSUNRISESET || ((String)settings.cond_time_start_type == sTIME && settings.cond_time_start)) Boolean stopTime = ((String)settings.cond_time_stop_type in lSUNRISESET || ((String)settings.cond_time_stop_type == sTIME && settings.cond_time_stop)) return (startTime && stopTime) } Boolean dateCondConfigured() { Boolean days = (settings.cond_days) Boolean months = (settings.cond_months) return (days || months) } Boolean locationModeConfigured() { if((List)settings.cond_mode && !(String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) { settingUpdate("cond_mode_cmd", sARE, sENUM) } return ((List)settings.cond_mode && (String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) } Boolean locationAlarmConfigured() { return ((List)settings.cond_alarmSystemStatus) } Boolean deviceCondConfigured() { return (deviceCondCount() > 0) } Integer deviceCondCount() { List devAtts = lDATTSTR + lDATTNUM List items = [] devAtts.each { String dc-> if(devCondConfigured(dc)) { items.push(dc) } } return items.size() } Boolean conditionsConfigured() { return (timeCondConfigured() || dateCondConfigured() || locationModeConfigured() || locationAlarmConfigured() || deviceCondConfigured()) } Boolean multipleConditions() { Integer cnt = 0 if(timeCondConfigured()) cnt++ if(dateCondConfigured()) cnt++ if(locationModeConfigured()) cnt++ if(locationAlarmConfigured()) cnt++ cnt = cnt + deviceCondCount() return (cnt>1) } /*********************************************************************************************************** ACTION EXECUTION ************************************************************************************************************/ static String convEvtType(String type) { Map typeConv = [ (sPISTNEXEC): "Piston", (sALRMSYSST): "Alarm system status", "hsmStatus": "Alarm system status", "hsmAlert": "Alarm system alert" ] return (type && typeConv.containsKey(type)) ? typeConv[type] : type } static String decodeVariables(evt, String istr) { String str=istr if(!str) return str if(evt) { // log.debug "str: ${str} | vars: ${(str =~ /%[a-z]+%/)}" String typS = "%type%" String namS = "%name%" if(str.contains(typS) && (String)evt.name) { if(str.contains(namS)) { str = str.replaceAll(typS, !(String)evt.displayName?.toLowerCase()?.contains((String)evt.name) ? convEvtType((String)evt.name) : sBLANK) } else { str = str.replaceAll(typS, convEvtType((String)evt.name)) } } str = (str.contains(namS)) ? str.replaceAll(namS, (String)evt.displayName) : str str = (str.contains("%unit%") && (String)evt.name) ? str.replaceAll("%unit%", getAttrPostfix((String)evt.name)) : str str = (str.contains("%value%") && evt.value != null) ? str.replaceAll("%value%", evt.value?.toString()?.isNumber() ? evtValueCleanup(evt?.value) : evt?.value) : str if(!(evt instanceof com.hubitat.hub.domain.Event) && evt.totalDur) { Integer mins = durationToMinutes(evt.totalDur) str = (str.contains("%duration%")) ? str.replaceAll("%duration%", "${evt.totalDur} second${evt.totalDur > 1 ? "s" : sBLANK} ago") : str str = (str.contains("%duration_min%")) ? str.replaceAll("%duration_min%", "${mins} minute${mins > 1 ? "s" : sBLANK} ago") : str str = (str.contains("%durationmin%")) ? str.replaceAll("%durationmin%", "${mins} minute${mins > 1 ? "s" : sBLANK} ago") : str str = (str.contains("%durationval%")) ? str.replaceAll("%durationval%", "${evt.totalDur} second${evt.totalDur > 1 ? "s" : sBLANK}") : str str = (str.contains("%durationvalmin%")) ? str.replaceAll("%durationvalmin%", "${mins} minute${mins > 1 ? "s" : sBLANK}") : str } } Date adate = (Date)evt.date ?: new Date() str = (str.contains("%date%")) ? str.replaceAll("%date%", convToDate(adate)) : str str = (str.contains("%time%")) ? str.replaceAll("%time%", convToTime(adate)) : str str = (str.contains("%datetime%")) ? str.replaceAll("%datetime%", convToDateTime(adate)) : str return str } static Integer durationToMinutes(dur) { if(dur && dur>=60) return (dur/60)?.toInteger() return 0 } static Integer durationToHours(dur) { if(dur && dur>= 3600) return (dur / 3600).toInteger() return 0 } /* private List decamelizeStr(String str) { return (List) str.split("(? eTxtItems = glbText.tokenize(";") return decodeVariables(evt, (String)getRandomItem(eTxtItems)) } else if(tierMsg) { List eTxtItems = tierMsg.tokenize(";") return decodeVariables(evt, (String)getRandomItem(eTxtItems)) } else { List devs = settings."trig_${eN}" ?: [] // String dc = (String)settings."trig_${eN}_cmd" // Boolean dca = ((Boolean)settings."trig_${eN}_all" == true) String dct = (String)settings."trig_${eN}_txt" ?: sNULL String dcart = (Integer)settings."trig_${eN}_after_repeat" && (String)settings."trig_${eN}_after_repeat_txt" ? (String)settings."trig_${eN}_after_repeat_txt" : sNULL List eTxtItems = dct ? dct.tokenize(";") : [] List rTxtItems = dcart ? dcart.tokenize(";") : [] List testItems = eTxtItems + rTxtItems if(testMode && testItems.size()) { return decodeVariables(evt, (String)getRandomItem(testItems)) } else if(!testMode && isRepeat && rTxtItems?.size()) { return decodeVariables(evt, (String)getRandomItem(rTxtItems)) } else if(!testMode && eTxtItems?.size()) { return decodeVariables(evt, (String)getRandomItem(eTxtItems)) } else { //noinspection GroovyFallthrough switch(eN) { case sMODE: return "The location mode is now set to ${eV}" case sPISTNEXEC: return "The ${evt?.displayName} piston was just executed!." case "scene": return "The ${eV} scene was just executed!." case "hsmStatus": case sALRMSYSST: return "The ${getAlarmSystemName()} is now set to ${eV}" case "guard": return "Alexa Guard is now set to ${eV}" case "hsmAlert": return "A ${getAlarmSystemName()} ${evt?.displayName} alert with ${eV} has occurred." case "sunriseTime": case "sunsetTime": return "The ${getAlarmSystemName()} is now set to ${eV}" case sSCHED: return "Your scheduled event has occurred at ${eV}" case sPUSHED: case sHELD: case sRELEASED: case sDBLTAP: return "Button ${eV} was ${eN == sDBLTAP ? "double tapped" : eN} on ${evt?.displayName}" case sTHERMTEMP: eN = sTEMP /* case sCOOLSP: case sHEATSP: case sTHERMMODE: case sTHERMFM: case sTHERMOS: case sSMOKE: case "carbonMonoxide": return "${eN} is ${eV} on ${evt?.displayName}!" */ default: String t0 = getAttrPostfix(eN) String postfix = t0 ?: sBLANK if(evtAd && devs?.size()>1) { return "All ${devs.size()}${!evt?.displayName?.toLowerCase()?.contains(eN) ? " ${eN}" : sBLANK} devices are ${eV} ${postfix}" } else { return "${evt?.displayName}${!evt?.displayName?.toLowerCase()?.contains(eN) ? " ${eN}" : sBLANK} is ${eV} ${postfix}" } break } } } return "Invalid Text Received... Please verify Action configuration..." } public getActionHistory(Boolean asObj=false) { List eHist = (List)getMemStoreItem("actionHistory") List output = [] if(eHist.size()) { eHist.sort { a,b-> b.dt <=> a.dt }.each { Map h-> List hList = [] hList.push([name: "Trigger:", val: h?.evtName]) hList.push([name: "Device:", val: h?.evtDevice]) hList.push([name: "Value:", val: h?.evtValue]) hList.push([name: "Condition Status:", val: (h?.active ? "Passed" : "Failed")]) hList.push([name: "Conditions Passed:", val: h?.passed]) hList.push([name: "Conditions Blocks:", val: h?.blocks]) if(h?.test) hList.push([name: "Test Mode:", val: true]) if(h?.isRepeat) hList.push([name: "Repeat:", val: true]) hList.push([name: "Source:", val: h?.src]) hList.push([name: "DateTime:", val: h?.dt]) if(hList.size()) { output.push(spanSm(kvListToHtmlTable(hList, sCLR4D9), sCLRGRY)) } } } else { output.push("No History Items Found...") } if(!asObj) { output.each { String i-> paragraph spanSm(i) } } else { return output } } private static String kvListToHtmlTable(List tabList, String color=sCLRGRY) { String str = sBLANK if(tabList?.size()) { str += "" tabList.each { it-> str += "" } str += "
" } return str } private addToActHistory(evt, data, Integer max=10) { getTheLock(sHMLF, "addToActHistory") List eData = (List)getMemStoreItem("actionHistory") if(eData == null) { eData = [] } eData.push([ dt: getDtNow(), active: (data?.status?.ok == true), evtName: evt?.name, evtValue: evt?.value, evtDevice: evt?.displayName, blocks: data?.status?.blocks, passed: data?.status?.passed, test: data?.test, isTierCmd: data?.isTier, isRepeat: data?.isRepeat, src: data?.src ]) Integer lsiz = eData.size() if(lsiz > max) { eData = eData.drop( (lsiz-max) ) } // log.debug "actionHistory Size: ${eData?.size()}" updMemStoreItem("actionHistory", eData) releaseTheLock(sHMLF) } void clearActHistory(){ getTheLock(sHMLF, "clearActHistory") updMemStoreItem("actionHistory", []) releaseTheLock(sHMLF) } private void executeAction(evt = null, String src=sNULL, Boolean allDevsResp=false, Boolean isRptAct=false, Map tierData=null) { String meth="executeAction" Long startTime = wnow() Boolean testMode = false if((Boolean)settings.actTestRun) { testMode = true } if(isTrc())logTrace(meth+" ${src ? '('+src+')' : sBLANK}${testMode ? " | [TestMode]" : sBLANK}${allDevsResp ? " | [AllDevsResp]" : sBLANK}${isRptAct ? " | [RepeatEvt]" : sBLANK}") if(isPaused(true)) { logWarn("Action is PAUSED... Skipping Action Execution...", true); return } Map condStatus = conditionStatus() // log.debug "condStatus: ${condStatus}" addToActHistory(evt, [status: condStatus, test: testMode, src: src, isRepeat: isRptAct, isTier: (tierData != null)] ) Map actMap = (Map)state.actionExecMap Integer actDevSiz = settings.act_EchoDevices ? settings.act_EchoDevices.size() : 0 // List actDevices // = settings.act_EchoDevices ? parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) : [] // Integer actDevSiz = actDevices.size() Map activeZones = settings.act_EchoZones ? getActiveZones() : [:] activeZones = activeZones.size() ? activeZones.findAll { it?.key in settings.act_EchoZones } : [:] Integer actZonesSiz = activeZones.size() // log.debug "activeZones: $activeZones" String actMsgTxt = sNULL String actType = (String)settings.actionType Boolean firstTierMsg = (tierData && tierData.isFirst == true) Boolean lastTierMsg = (tierData && tierData.isLast == true) Boolean actOk = getConfStatusItem("actions") if(actOk && actType) { // def alexaMsgDev = actDevSiz && (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile ? actDevices[0] : null if(!(Boolean)condStatus.ok) { logWarn(meth+" | Skipping execution because ${condStatus.blocks} conditions have not been met", true); return } if(!actMap || !actMap?.size()) { logError(meth+" Error | The ActionExecutionMap is not found or is empty", true); return } if(settings.act_EchoZones && actZonesSiz == 0 && actDevSiz == 0) { logWarn(meth+" | No Active Zones Available and No Alternate Echo Devices Selected.", true); return } if(actDevSiz == 0 && !settings.act_EchoZones) { logError(meth+" Error | Echo Device List not found or is empty", true); return } if(!actMap.actionType) { logError(meth+" Error | The ActionType is missing or is empty", true); return } Map actConf = (Map)actMap.config Integer actDelay = (Integer)actMap.delay ?: 0 Integer actDelayMs = actDelay*1000 Integer changeVol = actConf?.volume?.change != null ? (Integer)actConf?.volume?.change : null Integer restoreVol = actConf?.volume?.restore != null ? (Integer)actConf?.volume?.restore : null //Integer alarmVol = actConf?.volume?.alarm ?: null Map zoneVolumeMap = (Map)actConf?.zoneVolume ?: null Boolean chkDnd=true //noinspection GroovyFallthrough switch(actType) { case sSPEAKI: case sSPEAKIT: case sSPEAKIP: case sSPEAKIPT: case sANNI: case sANNIT: chkDnd=false case sSPEAK: case sSPEAKP: case sSPEAKT: case sSPEAKPT: case sANN: case sANNT: if(actConf[actType]) { if(tierData?.volume && tierData?.volume?.change || tierData?.volume?.restore) { if(tierData?.volume?.change) changeVol = tierData?.volume?.change if(tierData?.volume?.restore) restoreVol = tierData?.volume?.restore } String txt = getResponseItem(evt, (String)tierData?.msg, allDevsResp, isRptAct, testMode) ?: sNULL // log.debug "txt: $txt" if(!txt) { txt = "Invalid Text Received... Please verify Action configuration..." } actMsgTxt = txt String mCmd = actType.replaceAll("_tiered", sBLANK) if(actZonesSiz) { parent?.sendZoneCmd([zones: activeZones.collect { (String)it?.key }, cmd: mCmd, title: getActionName(), message: txt, changeVol: changeVol, restoreVol: restoreVol, zoneVolumes: zoneVolumeMap, delay: actDelayMs]) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${mCmd} Command: (${txt}) to Zones via Parent (${activeZones.collect { it?.value?.name }.join(',')})${changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}${restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${restoreVol}" : sBLANK}${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}") } else { if(actDevSiz) { List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) List devObjs = [] // log.debug "actDevices: ${actDevices}" String cmd = mCmd in [sSPEAK, sSPEAKP, sSPEAKI, sSPEAKIP, sSPEAKT, sSPEAKIT, sSPEAKPT, sSPEAKIPT] ? sTTS : "announce" actDevices?.each { Map devInfo = it?.getEchoDevInfo(cmd, true) // ignores dnd setting in device if(devInfo) { Boolean dnd = chkDnd ? parent.getDndEnabled((String)devInfo.deviceSerialNumber) : false //if(!dnd) devObjs?.push([deviceTypeId: devInfo.deviceTypeId, deviceSerialNumber: devInfo.deviceSerialNumber, dni: devInfo.dni]) if(!dnd) devObjs?.push(devInfo) } } parent?.sendDevObjCmd(devObjs, mCmd, getActionName(), txt, changeVol, restoreVol) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${mCmd} Command: (${txt}) to devices via Parent (${devObjs})${changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}${restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${restoreVol}" : sBLANK}") } } } break case "voicecmd": case "sequence": String mCmd= actConf[actType] ? (String)actConf[actType].cmd : sNULL String mText= actConf[actType] ? (String)actConf[actType].text : sNULL if(mText != sNULL) { if(actZonesSiz) { sendLocationEvent(name: "es3ZoneCmd", value: actType, data:[ zones: activeZones.collect { (String)it?.key }, cmd: actType, message: mText, delay: actDelayMs], isStateChange: true, display: false, displayed: false) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${mText}) to Zones (${activeZones.collect { it?.value?.name }})${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}") } else if(actDevSiz) { List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) actDevices.each { dev-> dev?."${mCmd}"(mText) } if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${mAct} Command: (${mText}) to devices (${actDevices})${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}") } } break case "playback": case "dnd": String mCmd= actConf[actType] ? (String)actConf[actType].cmd : sNULL if(mCmd != sNULL) { if(actZonesSiz) { sendLocationEvent(name: "es3ZoneCmd", value: actType, data:[zones: activeZones.collect { (String)it?.key }, cmd: mCmd, changeVol: changeVol, restoreVol: restoreVol, delay: actDelayMs], isStateChange: true, display: false, displayed: false) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${mCmd}) to Zones (${activeZones.collect { it?.value?.name }})${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}") } else if(actDevSiz) { List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) actDevices.each { dev-> if(mCmd != "volume") dev?."${mCmd}"() else if(mCmd == "volume" && changeVol != null) dev?.setVolume(changeVol) } if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${mCmd}) to ${actDevices}${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}${changeVol != null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}") } } break case "builtin": case "calendar": case sWEATH: if(actConf[actType] && actConf[actType].cmd) { if(actZonesSiz) { sendLocationEvent(name: "es3ZoneCmd", value: actType, data:[ zones: activeZones.collect { (String)it?.key }, cmd: actConf[actType].cmd, message: actConf[actType].text, changeVol: changeVol, restoreVol: restoreVol, delay: actDelayMs], isStateChange: true, display: false, displayed: false) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${actConf[actType].cmd}) to Zones (${activeZones.collect { it?.value?.name }})${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}${changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}${restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${restoreVol}" : sBLANK}") } else if(actDevSiz) { List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) actDevices.each { dev-> dev?."${actConf[actType].cmd}"(changeVol, restoreVol) } if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${actConf[actType].cmd}) to ${actDevices}${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}${changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}${restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${restoreVol}" : sBLANK}") } } break case "sounds": if(actConf[actType] && actConf[actType].cmd && actConf[actType].name) { if(actZonesSiz) { sendLocationEvent(name: "es3ZoneCmd", value: actType, data:[ zones: activeZones.collect { it?.key as String }, cmd: actConf[actType].cmd, message: actConf[actType].name, changeVol: changeVol, restoreVol: restoreVol, delay: actDelayMs], isStateChange: true, display: false, displayed: false) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${actConf[actType].cmd} | Name: ${actConf[actType].name}) to Zones (${activeZones.collect { it?.value?.name }})${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}${changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}${restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${restoreVol}" : sBLANK}") } else if(actDevSiz) { List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) actDevices.each { dev-> dev?."${actConf[actType].cmd}"(actConf[actType].name, changeVol, restoreVol) } if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${actConf[actType].cmd} | Name: ${actConf[actType].name}) to ${actDevices}${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}${changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}${restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${restoreVol}" : sBLANK}") } } break case "alarm": case "reminder": if(actConf[actType] && actConf[actType].cmd && actConf[actType].label && actConf[actType].date && actConf[actType].time) { List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) actDevices?.each { dev-> dev?."${actConf[actType].cmd}"(actConf[actType].label, actConf[actType].date, actConf[actType].time) // dev?."${actConf[actType]?.cmd}"(actConf[actType]?.label, actConf[actType]?.date, actConf[actType]?.time, actConf[actType]?.recur?.type, actConf[actType]?.recur?.opt) } if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType?.toString()?.capitalize()} Command: (${actConf[actType]?.cmd}) to ${actDevices} | Label: ${actConf[actType]?.label} | Date: ${actConf[actType]?.date} | Time: ${actConf[actType]?.time}") } break case "music": if(actConf[actType] && actConf[actType]?.cmd && actConf[actType]?.provider && actConf[actType]?.search) { if(isDbg())logDebug("musicProvider: ${actConf[actType]?.provider} | ${convMusicProvider((String)actConf[actType]?.provider)}") if(actZonesSiz) { sendLocationEvent(name: "es3ZoneCmd", value: actType, data:[ zones: activeZones.collect { it?.key as String }, cmd: actType, search: actConf[actType]?.search, provider: convMusicProvider((String)actConf[actType]?.provider), changeVol: changeVol, restoreVol: restoreVol, delay: actDelayMs], isStateChange: true, display: true, displayed: true) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${txt}) to Zones (${activeZones.collect { it?.value?.name }} | Provider: ${actConf[actType]?.provider} | Search: ${actConf[actType]?.search} | Command: (${actConf[actType]?.cmd})${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}${changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}${restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${restoreVol}" : sBLANK}") } else if(actDevSiz) { List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) actDevices.each { dev-> dev?."${actConf[actType]?.cmd}"(actConf[actType]?.search, convMusicProvider((String)actConf[actType]?.provider), changeVol, restoreVol) } if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} | Provider: ${actConf[actType]?.provider} | Search: ${actConf[actType]?.search} | Command: (${actConf[actType]?.cmd}) to ${actDevices}${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}${changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${changeVol}" : sBLANK}${restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${restoreVol}" : sBLANK}") } } break case "alexaroutine": if(actConf[actType] && actConf[actType].cmd && actConf[actType].routineId) { List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) actDevices[0]?."${actConf[actType].cmd}"((String)actConf[actType].routineId) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${actType.capitalize()} Command: (${actConf[actType].cmd}) | RoutineId: ${actConf[actType].routineId} to ${actDevices}${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}") } break case "wakeword": if(actConf[actType] && actConf[actType]?.devices && actConf[actType]?.devices?.size()) { actConf[actType]?.devices?.each { d-> List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) def aDev = actDevices?.find { it?.id?.toString() == d?.device?.toString() } // TODO if(aDev) { aDev?."${d?.cmd}"(d?.wakeword) if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending WakeWord: (${d?.wakeword}) | Command: (${d?.cmd}) to ${aDev}${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}") } } } break case "bluetooth": if(actConf[actType] && actConf[actType]?.devices && actConf[actType]?.devices?.size()) { actConf[actType]?.devices?.each { d-> List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) def aDev = actDevices?.find { it?.id?.toString() == d?.device?.toString() } if(aDev) { if(d?.cmd == "disconnectBluetooth") { aDev?."${d?.cmd}"() } else { aDev?."${d?.cmd}"(d?.btDevice) } if(isDbg())logDebug("Sending ${d?.cmd} | Bluetooth Device: ${d?.btDevice} to ${aDev}${actDelay ? " | Delay: (${actDelay})" : sBLANK}") } } } break } if(isActNotifConfigured()) { Boolean ok2SendNotif = true if(customMsgConfigured()) { actMsgTxt = settings.notif_custom_message } if(customMsgRequired() && !customMsgConfigured()) { ok2SendNotif = false } if(ok2SendNotif && actMsgTxt) { def alexaMsgDev = null if(actDevSiz && (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile){ List actDevices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) alexaMsgDev = actDevices[0] } if(sendNotifMsg(getActionName(), actMsgTxt, alexaMsgDev, false)) { logTrace("Sent Action Notification...") } } } String mmS = "scheduled executeTaskCommands in " String cmd = "executeTaskCommands" if(tierData?.size() && (Integer)settings.act_tier_cnt > 1) { if(isDbg())logDebug("firstTierMsg: ${firstTierMsg} | lastTierMsg: ${lastTierMsg}") if(firstTierMsg) { Integer del = (Integer)settings.act_tier_start_delay if(del) { logTrace(mmS+"$del seconds - start delay") runIn(del, cmd, [data:[type: sACT_START]]) } else { executeTaskCommands([type:sACT_START]) } } if(lastTierMsg) { Integer del = (Integer)settings.act_tier_stop_delay if(del) { logTrace(mmS+"$del seconds - stop delay") runIn(del, cmd, [data:[type: sACT_STOP]]) } else { executeTaskCommands([type:sACT_STOP]) } } } else { Integer del = (Integer)settings.act_tasks_delay if(del) { logTrace(mmS+"$del seconds - action tasks delay") runIn(del, cmd, [data:[type: sACT]]) } else { executeTaskCommands([type: sACT]) } } } if(isTrc())logTrace(meth+" Finished | ProcessTime: (${wnow()-startTime}ms)") } private postTaskCommands(data) { String p = data?.type ?: sNULL if(p && settings."${p}sirens" && (String)settings."${p}siren_cmd") { settings."${p}sirens"*.off() } } // parent calls for editing public Map getInputData(String inName) { String desc = "
  • Add custom responses to use when this action is executed.
  • " String title String tmplt = '%name% %type% is now %value% %unit%' String vDesc = "
  • Example: %name% %type% is now %value% would translate into The garage door contact is now open
  • To make beep sounds use: wop, wop, wop (equals 3 beeps)
  • " switch(inName) { case "act_speak_txt": title = "Global Action Speech Event" break case "act_announcement_txt": title = "Global Announcement Speech Event" break default: if(inName?.startsWith(sTRIG)) { List i = inName.tokenize("_") String s = i[1]?.capitalize() title = "(${s}) Trigger " desc = "
  • Add custom responses for ${s} " if(i.contains("repeat")) { title += "Repeat " desc += "events which have to be repeated" } else { desc += "trigger events" } title += "Events" desc += ".
  • ${vDesc}" } else if(inName?.startsWith(sACT_ITEM) && inName?.endsWith("_txt")) { List i = inName.tokenize("_") String s = i[3] title = "Tier Response (${s})" desc = "
  • Add custom responses to use when this action is executed.
  • " tmplt = "Custom tier ${s} message here." } else { desc = sNULL title = sNULL tmplt = sNULL } break } Map o = [ val: settings."${inName}" ? settings."${inName}"?.toString()?.replaceAll("\'", sBLANK) : null, desc: """
    """, title: title, template: tmplt, version: appVersionFLD ] if(devModeFLD) log.debug "getInputData inName: $inName result: $o" return o } public Boolean updateTxtEntry(obj) { // log.debug "updateTxtEntry | Obj: $obj" if(obj?.name && obj?.type) { settingUpdate("${obj?.name}", obj?.val ?: sBLANK, obj?.type as String) return true } return false } public getSettingInputVal(String inName) { // log.debug "getSettingInputVal: ${inName}" return settings."${inName}" ?: null } /*********************************************************************************************************** HELPER UTILITES ************************************************************************************************************/ Boolean advLogsActive() { return (isDbg() || isTrc()) } public void logsEnabled() { if(advLogsActive() && !getTsVal("logsEnabled")) { logTrace("enabling logging timer"); updTsVal("logsEnabled") } } public void logsDisable() { if(advLogsActive()) { Integer dtSec = getLastTsValSecs("logsEnabled", null) if(dtSec && (dtSec > 3600*6)) { settingUpdate("logDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("logTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL) remTsVal("logsEnabled") log.debug "Disabling debug logs" } } } @Field volatile static Map tsDtMapFLD=[:] private void updTsVal(String key, String dt=sNULL) { String appId=app.getId() Map data=tsDtMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] if(!data) data = (Map)state.tsDtMap ?: [:] if(key) { data[key] = dt ?: getDtNow() } tsDtMapFLD[appId]=data tsDtMapFLD=tsDtMapFLD state.tsDtMap = data } private void remTsVal(key) { String appId=app.getId() Map data=tsDtMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] if(!data) data = (Map)state.tsDtMap ?: [:] if(key) { if(key instanceof List) { List t = (List)key t.each { String k-> if(data.containsKey(k)) { data.remove(k) } } } else { String k = key if(data.containsKey(k)) { data.remove(k) } } } tsDtMapFLD[appId]=data tsDtMapFLD=tsDtMapFLD state.tsDtMap = data } String getTsVal(String key) { String appId=app.getId() Map tsMap=tsDtMapFLD[appId] if(!tsMap) tsMap = (Map)state.tsDtMap ?: [:] if(key && tsMap && tsMap[key]) { return (String)tsMap[key] } return sNULL } Integer getLastTsValSecs(String val, Integer nullVal=1000000) { return (val && getTsVal(val)) ? GetTimeDiffSeconds(getTsVal(val)).toInteger() : nullVal } private void updAppFlag(String key, val) { Map t0 = atomicState.appFlagsMap Map data = t0 ?: [:] if(key) { data[key] = val } atomicState.appFlagsMap = data } private void remAppFlag(key) { Map t0 = atomicState.appFlagsMap Map data = t0 ?: [:] if(key) { if(key instanceof List) { List t = (List)key t.each { String k-> if(data.containsKey(k)) { data.remove(k) } } } else { String k = key if(data.containsKey(k)) { data.remove(k) } } } atomicState.appFlagsMap = data } Boolean getAppFlag(String val) { Map aMap = atomicState.appFlagsMap if(val && aMap && aMap[val]) { return aMap[val] } return false } private void stateMapMigration() { //Timestamp State Migrations Map tsItems = ["lastAfterEvtCheck":"lastAfterEvtCheck", "lastNotifMsgDt":"lastNotifMsgDt"] tsItems.each { String k, String v-> if(state.containsKey(k)) { updTsVal(v, (String)state[k]); state.remove(k) } } //App Flag Migrations Map flagItems = [:] flagItems.each { String k, String v-> if(state.containsKey(k)) { updAppFlag(v, state[k]); state.remove(k) } } updAppFlag("stateMapConverted", true) } void settingUpdate(String name, value, String type=sNULL) { if(name && type) { app?.updateSetting(name, [type: type, value: value]) } else if (name && type == sNULL) { app?.updateSetting(name, value) } } void settingRemove(String name) { if(isTrc())logTrace("settingRemove($name)...") if(name && settings.containsKey(name)) { app?.removeSetting(name) } } static List weekDaysEnum() { return ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] } static Map weekDaysAbrvEnum() { return ["MO":"Monday", "TU":"Tuesday", "WE":"Wednesday", "TH":"Thursday", "FR":"Friday", "SA":"Saturday", "SU":"Sunday"] } static List monthEnum() { return ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] } static Map daysOfWeekMap() { return ["MON":"Monday", "TUE":"Tuesday", "WED":"Wednesday", "THU":"Thursday", "FRI":"Friday", "SAT":"Saturday", "SUN":"Sunday"] } static Map weeksOfMonthMap() { return ["1":"1st Week", "2":"2nd Week", "3":"3rd Week", "4":"4th Week", "5":"5th Week"] } static Map monthMap() { return ["1":"January", "2":"February", "3":"March", "4":"April", "5":"May", "6":"June", "7":"July", "8":"August", "9":"September", "10":"October", "11":"November", "12":"December"] } static Map getAlarmTrigOpts() { return ["armedAway":"Armed Away", "armingAway":"Arming Away Pending exit delay","armedHome":"Armed Home","armingHome":"Arming Home pending exit delay", "armedNight":"Armed Night", "armingNight":"Arming Night pending exit delay","disarmed":"Disarmed", "allDisarmed":"All Disarmed","alerts":"Alerts"] } private static Map getAlarmSystemAlertOptions(){ return [ intrusion : "Intrusion Away", "intrusion-home" : "Intrusion Home", "intrusion-night": "Intrusion Night", (sSMOKE) : "Smoke", (sWATER) : "Water", rule : "Rule", cancel : "Alerts cancelled", arming : "Arming failure" ] } private static Map getAlarmSystemStatusActions(){ return [ armAway : "Arm Away", armHome : "Arm Home", armNight : "Arm Night", disarm : "Disarm", armRules : "Arm Monitor Rules", disarmRules : "Disarm Monitor Rules", disarmAll : "Disarm All", armAll : "Arm All", cancelAlerts: "Cancel Alerts" ] } public Map getActionMetrics() { Map out = [:] out.version = appVersionFLD out.type = (String)settings.actionType ?: sNULL out.delay = settings.actDelay ?: 0 out.triggers = (List)settings.triggerEvents ?: [] out.echoZones = (List)settings.act_EchoZones ?: [] out.echoDevices = (List)settings.act_EchoDevices ?: [] out.usingCustomText = (customTxtItems()?.size()) Integer tDevCnt = 0 ((List)settings.triggerEvents)?.each { if(settings."trig_${it}" && settings."trig_${it}"?.size()) { tDevCnt = tDevCnt+settings."trig_${it}"?.size() } } out.triggerDeviceCnt = tDevCnt return out } Integer getLastNotifMsgSec() { return getLastTsValSecs("lastNotifMsgDt") } //Integer getLastChildInitRefreshSec() { return getLastTsValSecs("lastChildInitRefreshDt", 3600) } //Integer getLastNotifMsgSec() { return !state.lastNotifMsgDt ? 100000 : GetTimeDiffSeconds(state.lastNotifMsgDt, "getLastMsgSec").toInteger() } Boolean getOk2Notify() { Boolean smsOk // = (settings.notif_sms_numbers?.toString()?.length()>=10) Boolean pushOk // = (settings.notif_send_push) Boolean pushOver // = (settings.notif_pushover && settings.notif_pushover_devices) Boolean alexaMsg = ((Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile) Boolean notifDevsOk = (((List)settings.notif_devs)?.size()) Boolean daysOk = (List)settings.notif_days ? (isDayOfWeek((List)settings.notif_days)) : true Boolean timeOk = notifTimeOk() Boolean modesOk = (List)settings.notif_modes ? (isInMode((List)settings.notif_modes)) : true Boolean result = true if(!(smsOk || pushOk || alexaMsg || notifDevsOk || pushOver)) { result = false } if(!(daysOk && modesOk && timeOk)) { result = false } if(isDbg()){ //noinspection GroovyVariableNotAssigned logDebug("getOk2Notify() RESULT: $result | notifDevsOk: $notifDevsOk |smsOk: $smsOk | pushOk: $pushOk | pushOver: $pushOver | alexaMsg: $alexaMsg || daysOk: $daysOk | timeOk: $timeOk | modesOk: $modesOk") } return result } Boolean notifTimeOk() { Date startTime Date stopTime // these are quiet time start/stop String startType = settings.notif_time_start_type String stopType = settings.notif_time_stop_type if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_stop) : null } else { return true } Date now = new Date() if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Map sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.notif_time_start_offset ? settings.notif_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.notif_time_stop_offset ? settings.notif_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) } } if(startTime && stopTime) { Boolean not = startTime.getTime() > stopTime.getTime() Boolean isBtwn = !timeOfDayIsBetween((not ? stopTime : startTime), (not ? startTime : stopTime), now, mTZ()) isBtwn = not ? !isBtwn : isBtwn if(isTrc())logTrace("NotifTimeOk ${isBtwn} | CurTime: (${now}) is${!isBtwn ? " NOT": sBLANK} between (${not ? stopTime:startTime} and ${not ? startTime:stopTime})") return isBtwn } else { return true } } // Sends the notifications based on app settings Boolean sendNotifMsg(String msgTitle, String msg, alexaDev=null, Boolean showEvt=true) { logTrace("sendNotifMsg() | msgTitle: ${msgTitle}, msg: ${msg}, $alexaDev, showEvt: ${showEvt}") List sentSrc = [] // ["Push"] Boolean sent = false try { String newMsg = msgTitle+': '+msg String flatMsg = newMsg.replaceAll("\n", sSPACE) if(!getOk2Notify()) { logInfo( "sendNotifMsg: Notification not configured or Message Skipped During Quiet Time ($flatMsg)") // if(showEvt) { sendNotificationEvent(newMsg) } } else { if((List)settings.notif_devs) { sentSrc.push("Notification Devices") ((List)settings.notif_devs)?.each { it?.deviceNotification(newMsg) } sent = true } if((Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile && alexaDev) { alexaDev?.sendAlexaAppNotification(newMsg) sentSrc.push("Alexa Mobile App") sent = true } if(sent) { state.lastNotificationMsg = flatMsg updTsVal("lastNotifMsgDt") if(isDbg())logDebug("sendNotifMsg: Sent ${sentSrc} (${flatMsg})") } } } catch (ex) { logError("sendNotifMsg $sentSrc Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } return sent } Boolean isActNotifConfigured() { if(customMsgRequired() && !(settings.notif_use_custom && settings.notif_custom_message)) { return false } return ((List)settings.notif_devs || (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile) } static Integer versionStr2Int(String str) { return str ? str.toString()?.replaceAll("\\.", sBLANK)?.toInteger() : null } Boolean minVersionFailed() { try { Integer t0 = (Integer)parent?.minVersions()["actionApp"] Integer minDevVer = t0 ?: null return minDevVer != null && versionStr2Int(appVersionFLD) < minDevVer } catch (ignored) { return false } } /************************************************************************************************************ webCoRE Integration ************************************************************************************************************/ private static String webCoRE_handle(){return'webCoRE'} private void webCoRE_init(pistonExecutedCbk=null){ subscribe(location,webCoRE_handle(),webCoRE_handler) // if(pistonExecutedCbk)subscribe(location,"${webCoRE_handle()}.pistonExecuted",webCoRE_handler); if(!webCoREFLD) { webCoREFLD = [:] + [cbk:true] // pistonExecutedCbk] } webCoRE_poll(true) } @Field static final String sLASTWU = 'lastwebCoREUpdDt' @Field volatile static Map webCoREFLD = [:] private void webCoRE_poll(Boolean anow=false){ Long rUpd = (Long)webCoREFLD.updated if(rUpd && (wnow() > (rUpd+300000L))) { Date aa = new Date(rUpd) updTsVal(sLASTWU, formatDt(aa)) } Integer lastUpd = getLastTsValSecs(sLASTWU) if (!webCoREFLD || (lastUpd > (3600*24)) || (anow && lastUpd > 300)) { sendLocationEvent([name: "${webCoRE_handle()}.poll",value:'poll',isStateChange:true,displayed:false]) updTsVal(sLASTWU) } } private void webCoRE_execute(String pistonIdOrName,Map data=[:]) { String i = pistonIdOrName if(i){sendLocationEvent([name:i,value:app.label,isStateChange:true,displayed:false,data:data])} } private static List webCoRE_list(){ List ret = ((List)webCoREFLD?.pistons)?.sort {it?.name}?.collect { [(it?.id): it?.aname?.replaceAll("<[^>]*>", sBLANK)] } return ret } /* private static String getPistonByName(String pistonIdOrName) { String i=((List)webCoREFLD?.pistons ?: []).find{((String)it.name==pistonIdOrName)||((String)it.id==pistonIdOrName)}?.id } */ private static String getPistonById(String rId) { Map a = webCoRE_list()?.find { it.containsKey(rId) } String aaa = (String)a?."${rId}" return aaa ?: "Refresh to display piston name..." } void webCoRE_handler(evt){ logTrace("${evt?.name?.toUpperCase()} Event | Value: (${strCapitalize(evt?.value)}) with a delay of ${wnow() - evt?.date?.getTime()}ms") switch((String)evt.value){ case 'pistonList': getTheLock(sHMLF, "webCoRE_Handler") Long rUpd = (Long)webCoREFLD.updated if(rUpd && (wnow() < (rUpd+1000L))) { releaseTheLock(sHMLF) break } List p=(List)webCoREFLD?.pistons ?: [] Map d=(Map)evt.jsonData?:[:] if(d.id && d.pistons && (d.pistons instanceof List)){ p.removeAll{it.iid==d.id} p+=d.pistons.collect{[iid:d.id]+it}.sort{it.name} Boolean a = (Boolean)webCoREFLD?.cbk webCoREFLD = [cbk: a, updated: wnow(), pistons: p] releaseTheLock(sHMLF) updTsVal(sLASTWU) } else releaseTheLock(sHMLF) break case sPISTNEXEC: if(valTrigEvt(sPISTNEXEC) && settings.trig_pistonExecuted) { webcoreEvtHandler(evt) } break } } static String webCore_icon(){ return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ady624/webCoRE/master/resources/icons/app-CoRE.png" } /****************************************** | Restriction validators *******************************************/ Double getDevValueAvg(List devs, String attr) { List vals = devs?.findAll { Double t = it?.currentValue(attr)?.toDouble() (t != null /* && t != 0 */ ) }?.collect { t } return vals?.size() ? (vals.sum()/vals.size()).round(1).toDouble() : null } String getCurrentMode() { return (String)location?.mode } List getLocationModes(Boolean sorted=false) { List modes = location?.modes*.name // log.debug "modes: ${modes}" return (sorted) ? modes?.sort() : modes } static List getLocationPistons() { List aa = ((List)webCoREFLD?.pistons ?: []).findAll { it.id }.collect { (String)it.id } return aa ?: [] } /* private getModeById(mId) { return location?.getModes()?.find{it?.id == mId} } */ Boolean isInMode(List modes, Boolean not=false) { Boolean fnd = false if(modes) { fnd = (getCurrentMode() in modes) fnd = (not ? !fnd : fnd) } return fnd } Boolean isInAlarmMode(List modes) { String a = (String)location?.hsmStatus ?: "disarmed" //return (modes) ? (parent?.getAlarmSystemStatus() in modes) : false return (modes) ? (a in modes) : false } /* Boolean areAllDevsSame(List devs, String attr, val) { if(devs && attr) { return (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(attr) == val as String }?.size() == devs?.size()) } return false } */ Boolean allDevAttValsEqual(List devs, String att, val) { if(devs && att) { if(val instanceof List) return (devs.findAll { it?.currentValue(att) in val }?.size() == devs?.size()) else return (devs.findAll { it?.currentValue(att) == val }?.size() == devs?.size()) } return false } Boolean anyDevAttValsEqual(List devs, String att, val) { if(devs && att) { if(val instanceof List) return (devs.findAll { it?.currentValue(att) in (List)val }?.size() >= 1) else return (devs.findAll { it?.currentValue(att) == val }?.size() >= 1) } return false } Boolean anyDevAttNumValAbove(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() > val }?.size() >= 1) : false } Boolean anyDevAttNumValBelow(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() < val }?.size() >= 1) : false } Boolean anyDevAttNumValBetween(List devs, String att, Double low, Double high, Boolean not) { return (devs && att && (low < high)) ? (devs?.findAll { Double t = it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() if(not) ( (t < low) || (t > high) ) else ( (t >= low) && (t <= high) ) }?.size() >= 1) : false } Boolean anyDevAttNumValEqual(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() == val }?.size() >= 1) : false } Boolean allDevAttNumValsAbove(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() > val }?.size() == devs?.size()) : false } Boolean allDevAttNumValsBelow(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() < val }?.size() == devs?.size()) : false } Boolean allDevAttNumValsBetween(List devs, String att, Double low, Double high, Boolean not) { return (devs && att && (low < high)) ? (devs?.findAll { Double t = it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() if(not) ( (t < low) || (t > high) ) else ( (t >= low) && (t <= high) ) }?.size() == devs?.size()) : false } Boolean allDevAttNumValsEqual(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() == val }?.size() == devs?.size()) : false } Boolean devAttValEqual(List devs, String devId, String att, val) { if(devs && att) { def dev = devs.find { it?.id?.toString() == devId } if(dev) return (dev?.currentValue(att) == val) } return false } static String getAlarmSystemName(Boolean abbr=false) { return (abbr ? "HSM" : "Hubitat Safety Monitor") } /****************************************** | Time and Date Conversion Functions *******************************************/ private static TimeZone mTZ(){ return TimeZone.getDefault() } // (TimeZone)location.timeZone static String formatDt(Date dt, Boolean tzChg=true) { return dateTimeFmt(dt, "E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", tzChg) } static String dateTimeFmt(Date dt, String fmt, Boolean tzChg=true) { // if(!(dt instanceof Date)) { try { dt = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", dt?.toString()) } catch(e) { dt = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", dt?.toString()) } } SimpleDateFormat tf = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt) if(tzChg && mTZ()) { tf.setTimeZone(mTZ()) } return (String)tf.format(dt) } static String convToTime(Date dt) { String newDt = dateTimeFmt(dt, "h:mm a") if(newDt?.contains(":00 ")) { newDt?.replaceAll(":00 ", sSPACE) } return newDt } static String convToDate(Date dt) { String newDt = dateTimeFmt(dt, "EEE, MMM d") return newDt } static String convToDateTime(Date dt) { String t = dateTimeFmt(dt, "h:mm a") String d = dateTimeFmt(dt, "EEE, MMM d") return d+', '+t } static Date parseDate(dt) { return Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", dt?.toString()) } //static Boolean isDateToday(Date dt) { return (dt && dt.clearTime().compareTo(new Date().clearTime()) >= 0) } static Boolean isDateToday(Date dt) { return (dt && dt.clearTime() >= new Date().clearTime()) } static String strCapitalize(str) { return str ? str.toString().capitalize() : sNULL } static String pluralizeStr(List obj, Boolean para=true) { return (obj?.size() > 1) ? "${para ? "(s)": "s"}" : sBLANK } static String parseFmtDt(String parseFmt, String newFmt, dt) { Date newDt = Date.parse(parseFmt, dt?.toString()) return dateTimeFmt(newDt, newFmt) } static String getDtNow() { Date now = new Date() return formatDt(now) } static String epochToTime(Date dt) { return dateTimeFmt(dt, "h:mm a") } static String fmtTime(t, String fmt="h:mm a", Boolean altFmt=false) { if(!t) return sNULL Date dt = new Date().parse(altFmt ? "E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", t.toString()) return dateTimeFmt(dt, fmt) } Long GetTimeDiffSeconds(String lastDate, String sender=sNULL) { try { if(lastDate?.contains("dtNow")) { return 10000 } Date lastDt = parseDate(lastDate) // Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", lastDate) Long start = lastDt.getTime() Long stop = wnow() Long diff = Math.round((stop - start) / 1000L) return diff.abs() } catch (ex) { logError("GetTimeDiffSeconds Exception: (${sender ? "$sender | " : sBLANK}lastDate: $lastDate): ${ex?.message}", false, ex) return 10000L } } static Map getDateMap() { Map m = [:] Date d = new Date() m.dayOfYear = dateTimeFmt(d, "DD") m.dayNameShort = dateTimeFmt(d, "EEE").toUpperCase() m.dayName = dateTimeFmt(d, "EEEE") m.day = dateTimeFmt(d, "d") m.week = dateTimeFmt(d, "W") m.weekOfYear = dateTimeFmt(d, "w") m.monthName = dateTimeFmt(d, "MMMMM") m.month = dateTimeFmt(d, "MM") m.year = dateTimeFmt(d, "yyyy") m.hour = dateTimeFmt(d, "hh") m.minute = dateTimeFmt(d, "mm") m.second = dateTimeFmt(d, "ss") return m } static Boolean isDayOfWeek(List opts) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE") df?.setTimeZone(mTZ()) String day = df?.format(new Date()) return opts?.contains(day) } static Boolean isMonthOfYear(List opts) { Map dtMap = getDateMap() return ( opts?.contains((String)dtMap.monthName) ) } Boolean isTimeBetween(String startTime, String stopTime, Date curTime= new Date()) { if(!startTime && !stopTime) { return true } Date st = toDateTime(startTime) Date et = toDateTime(stopTime) return timeOfDayIsBetween(st, et, curTime, mTZ()) } /****************************************** | App Input Description Functions *******************************************/ static Map dimmerLevelEnum() { return [100:"Set Level to 100%", 90:"Set Level to 90%", 80:"Set Level to 80%", 70:"Set Level to 70%", 60:"Set Level to 60%", 50:"Set Level to 50%", 40:"Set Level to 40%", 30:"Set Level to 30%", 20:"Set Level to 20%", 10:"Set Level to 10%"] } /* String unitStr(type) { switch(type) { case "temp": return "\u00b0${getTemperatureScale() ?: "F"}" case sHUMID: return "%" default: return sBLANK } } */ String getAppNotifDesc(Boolean hide=false) { String str = sBLANK if(isActNotifConfigured()) { Boolean ok = getOk2Notify() str += hide ? sBLANK : spanSmBr(strUnder("Send allowed: ") + getOkOrNotSymHTML(ok)) str += ((List)settings.notif_devs) ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Notification Device${pluralizeStr((List)settings.notif_devs)} (${((List)settings.notif_devs).size()})") : sBLANK str += (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Alexa Mobile App") : sBLANK String res = getNotifSchedDesc(true) str += res ? spanSmBr(res) : sBLANK } return str != sBLANK ? str : sNULL } List getQuietDays() { List allDays = weekDaysEnum() List curDays = (List)settings.notif_days ?: [] return allDays.findAll { (!curDays?.contains(it)) } } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyVariableNotAssigned') String getNotifSchedDesc(Boolean min=false) { String startType = settings.notif_time_start_type Date startTime String stopType = settings.notif_time_stop_type Date stopTime List dayInput = (List)settings.notif_days List modeInput = (List)settings.notif_modes String str = sBLANK if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_stop) : null } if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Map sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.notif_time_start_offset ? settings.notif_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.notif_time_stop_offset ? settings.notif_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) } } Boolean timeOk = notifTimeOk() Boolean daysOk = dayInput ? isDayOfWeek(dayInput) : true Boolean modesOk = modeInput ? isInMode(modeInput) : true Boolean rest = !(daysOk && modesOk && timeOk) String startLbl = startTime ? epochToTime(startTime) : sBLANK String stopLbl = stopTime ? epochToTime(stopTime) : sBLANK String a=s5SPACE+sBULLET+sSPACE str += (startLbl && stopLbl) ? spanSmBr("${a}Restricted Times: ${startLbl} - ${stopLbl} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(!timeOk)) : sBLANK List qDays = getQuietDays() str += dayInput && qDays ? spanSmBr("${a}Restricted Day${pluralizeStr(qDays, false)}: (${qDays?.join(", ")}) " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(!daysOk)) : sBLANK str += modeInput ? spanSm("${a}Allowed Mode${pluralizeStr(modeInput, false)}: (${modeInput?.join(", ")}) " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(!modesOk)) : sBLANK str = str ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Restrictions Active: " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(rest)) + spanSm(str) : sBLANK return (str != sBLANK) ? divSm(str, sCLR4D9) : sNULL } String getTriggersDesc(Boolean hideDesc=false, Boolean addFoot=true) { Boolean confd = triggersConfigured() List setItem = (List)settings.triggerEvents String sPre = sTRIG if(confd && setItem?.size()) { if(!hideDesc) { String str = spanSmBldBr("Triggers${!addFoot ? " for ("+(String)buildActTypeEnum()."${(String)settings.actionType}" + ")" : sBLANK}:", sNULL) String btstr = s4SPACE+sBULLETINV+sSPACE setItem.each { String evt-> String adder = sBLANK String eH = sPre+evt List myL = (List)settings."${eH}" String tstr = s4SPACE+spanSmBld(sPLUS)+sSPACE //noinspection GroovyFallthrough switch(evt) { case sSCHED: String schedTyp = settings."${eH}_type" ?: sNULL str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} ${strUnder(evt?.capitalize())}${schedTyp ? " (${schedTyp})" : ""}") if(schedTyp == sRECURRING) { str += settings."${eH}_recurrence" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Recurrence: (${settings."${eH}_recurrence"})") : sBLANK str += settings."${eH}_time" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Time: (${fmtTime(settings."${eH}_time")})") : sBLANK str += settings."${eH}_weekdays" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Week Days: (${settings."${eH}_weekdays"?.join(",")})") : sBLANK str += settings."${eH}_daynums" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Days of Month: (${settings."${eH}_daynums"?.size()})") : sBLANK str += settings."${eH}_weeks" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Weeks of Month: (${settings."${eH}_weeks"?.join(",")})") : sBLANK str += settings."${eH}_months" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Months: (${settings."${eH}_months"?.join(",")})") : sBLANK } if(schedTyp == sONETIME) { str += settings."${eH}_time" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Time: (${fmtTime(settings."${eH}_time")}))") : sBLANK } if(schedTyp in [sCSUNRISE, sCSUNSET]) { str += settings."${eH}_sunState_offset" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Offset: (${settings."${eH}_sunState_offset"})") : sBLANK } break case sALRMSYSST: str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} ${strUnder(evt?.capitalize())} (${getAlarmSystemName(true)})" + myL ? " (${myL?.size()} Selected)" : sBLANK) if ("alerts" in myL) str += (List)settings."${eH}_events" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Alert Events: (${(List)settings."${eH}_events"})") : sBLANK str += (Boolean)settings."${eH}_once" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Once a Day: (${(Boolean)settings."${eH}_once"})") : sBLANK str += (Integer)settings."${eH}_wait"!=null ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Wait (Sec): (${(Integer)settings."${eH}_wait"})") : sBLANK break case sPISTNEXEC: case sMODE: // case "scene": String typ = evt == sMODE ? "Mode" : "Piston" str += myL ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} "+ strUnder(typ) + pluralizeStr(myL, false) + " (${myL?.size()})") : sBLANK str += (Boolean)settings."${eH}_once" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Once a Day: (${(Boolean)settings."${eH}_once"})") : sBLANK str += (Integer)settings."${eH}_wait"!=null ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Wait (Sec): (${(Integer)settings."${eH}_wait"})") : sBLANK break case sPUSHED: case sRELEASED: case sHELD: case sDBLTAP: adder = "Button " default: str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} ${adder}${strUnder(evt?.capitalize())}${myL ? " (${myL?.size()} Device" + pluralizeStr(myL, false) + ")" : sBLANK}") String t_cmd = (String)settings."${eH}_cmd" if(t_cmd in numOpts()) { if (t_cmd in [sBETWEEN, sNBETWEEN]) { str += spanSmBr(tstr+"Trigger Value ${t_cmd.capitalize()}: (${settings."${eH}_low"} - ${settings."${eH}_high"})") } else { str += (t_cmd == sABOVE && settings."${eH}_high"!=null) ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Trigger Value Above: (${settings."${eH}_high"})") : sBLANK str += (t_cmd == sBELOW && settings."${eH}_low"!=null) ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Trigger Value Below: (${settings."${eH}_low"})") : sBLANK str += (t_cmd == sEQUALS && settings."${eH}_equal"!=null) ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Trigger Value Equals: (${settings."${eH}_equal"})") : sBLANK } } else { str += t_cmd ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Trigger State: (${t_cmd})") : sBLANK } str += settings."${eH}_nums" ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Button Numbers: ${settings."${eH}_nums"}") : sBLANK str += (Integer)settings."${eH}_after"!=null ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Only After: (${settings."${eH}_after"} sec)") : sBLANK str += (Integer)settings."${eH}_after_repeat" ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Repeat Every: (${settings."${eH}_after_repeat"} sec)") : sBLANK str += (Integer)settings."${eH}_after_repeat_cnt" ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Repeat Count: (${settings."${eH}_after_repeat_cnt"})") : sBLANK str += (Boolean)settings."${eH}_all" ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Require All: (${settings."${eH}_all"})") : sBLANK str += (Boolean)settings."${eH}_ign_empty_type" ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Ignore Empty Event Type: (${settings."${eH}_ign_empty_type"})") : sBLANK str += (Boolean)settings."${eH}_once" ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Once a Day: (${(Boolean)settings."${eH}_once"})") : sBLANK str += (Integer)settings."${eH}_wait"!=null ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Wait (Sec): (${(Integer)settings."${eH}_wait"})") : sBLANK str += ((String)settings."${eH}_txt" || (String)settings."${eH}_after_repeat_txt") ? spanSmBr(tstr+"Custom Responses:") : sBLANK str += (String)settings."${eH}_txt" ? spanSmBr(s3SPACE+tstr+"Events: (${((String)settings."${eH}_txt")?.tokenize(";")?.size()} Items)") : sBLANK str += (String)settings."${eH}_after_repeat_txt" ? spanSmBr(s3SPACE+tstr+"Repeats: (${((String)settings."${eH}_after_repeat_txt")?.tokenize(";")?.size()} Items)") : sBLANK break } } str += addFoot ? inputFooter(sTTM) : sBLANK return str } else { return addFoot ? inputFooter(sTTM) : sBLANK } } else { return addFoot ? inputFooter("Tap to configure (Required!)", sCLRRED, true) : sBLANK } } String getOverallDesc() { Map condStatus = conditionStatus() return spanSmBld("Action Condition Status: ") + spanSmBr( ((Boolean)condStatus.ok ? "Active " : "Inactive ") + getOkOrNotSymHTML((Boolean)condStatus.ok)) } String getConditionsDesc(Boolean addFoot=true) { Boolean confd = conditionsConfigured() String sPre = "cond_" String str = sBLANK String btstr = s4SPACE+sBULLETINV+sSPACE if(confd) { str = getOverallDesc() str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} " + spanSmBld("${reqAllCond() ? "All Conditions Required" : "Any Condition Allowed"}")) if(timeCondConfigured()) { str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Time Between Allowed: " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(timeCondOk())) str += spanSmBr(btstr+"${getTimeCondDesc(false)}") } if(dateCondConfigured()) { str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Date:") str += (List)settings.cond_days ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Days Allowed: ${(List)settings.cond_days} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(isDayOfWeek((List)settings.cond_days))) : sBLANK str += (List)settings.cond_months ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Months Allowed: ${(List)settings.cond_months} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(isMonthOfYear((List)settings.cond_months))) : sBLANK } Boolean mC = locationModeConfigured() Boolean aC = locationAlarmConfigured() if(aC || mC) { str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Location: " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(locationCondOk())) if(aC) { String a = (String)location?.hsmStatus ?: "disarmed" List myL = (List)settings.cond_alarmSystemStatus str += myL ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Alarm Mode ${a} in: ${myL} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(isInAlarmMode(myL))) : sBLANK } if(mC) { Boolean not = ((String)settings.cond_mode_cmd == "not") str += (List)settings.cond_mode ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Mode ${getCurrentMode()} (${not ? "not in" : "in"}): ${(List)settings.cond_mode} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(isInMode((List)settings.cond_mode, not))) : sBLANK } } if(deviceCondConfigured()) { List devConds = lDATTSTR + lDATTNUM devConds.each { String evt-> String eH = sPre+evt if(devCondConfigured(evt)) { Boolean condOk = false if(evt in lDATTSTR) { condOk = checkDeviceCondOk(evt) } else if(evt in lDATTNUM) { condOk = checkDeviceNumCondOk(evt) } List devs = settings."${eH}" ?: null if(devs){ List myV = [] if(!addFoot) devs.each { dev -> myV.push(dev?.currentValue(evt)?.toString()) } str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} ${evt?.capitalize()} (${settings."${eH}"?.size()}) ${!addFoot ? myV : sBLANK} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(condOk)) } String a = btstr+"Desired Value: " String aG = (Boolean)settings."${eH}_avg" ? "(Avg)" : sBLANK String cmd = settings."${eH}_cmd" ?: sNULL if(cmd in numOpts()) { def cmdLow = settings."${eH}_low"!=null ? settings."${eH}_low" : null def cmdHigh = settings."${eH}_high"!=null ? settings."${eH}_high" : null def cmdEq = settings."${eH}_equal"!=null ? settings."${eH}_equal" : null String aU = attUnit(evt) + ')' + aG str += (cmd == sEQUALS && cmdEq) ? spanSmBr(a+"( =${cmdEq}"+aU) : sBLANK str += (cmd in [sBETWEEN, sNBETWEEN] && cmdLow && cmdHigh) ? spanSmBr(a+cmd.capitalize()+" (${cmdLow}-${cmdHigh}"+aU) : sBLANK str += (cmd == sABOVE && cmdHigh) ? spanSmBr(a+"( >${cmdHigh}"+aU) : sBLANK str += (cmd == sBELOW && cmdLow) ? spanSmBr(a+"( <${cmdLow}"+aU) : sBLANK } else { str += cmd ? spanSmBr(a+"(${cmd})" + aG) : sBLANK } str += (Boolean)settings."${eH}_all" ? spanSmBr(btstr+"Require All: (${settings."${eH}_all"})") : sBLANK } } } str += addFoot ? inputFooter(sTTM) : sBLANK } else { str += addFoot ? inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true) : sBLANK } return str } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') static String attUnit(String attr) { switch(attr) { case sHUMID: case sLEVEL: case sBATT: return " percent" case sTEMP: return " degrees" case "illuminance": return " lux" case sPOWER: return " watts" default: return sBLANK } } Map getZoneStatus() { List echoZones = (List)settings.act_EchoZones ?: [] Map res = [:] if(echoZones.size()) { Map allZones = getZones() echoZones.each { String k -> if(allZones?.containsKey(k)) { res[k] = allZones[k] } } } return res } String getZoneVolDesc(zone, MapvolMap) { String str = sBLANK String k = (String)zone.key str += spanSm(" ${sBULLET} ${zone?.value?.name} ${zone?.value?.active == true ? spanSm(" (Active)", sCLRGRN2) : spanSm(" (Inactive)", sCLRGRY)}") if((Boolean)settings.act_EchoZones_vol_per_zone && volMap && volMap[k]) { String btstr = s4SPACE+sBULLETINV+sSPACE str += volMap[k].change ? lineBr() + spanSm(btstr+"New Volume: ${volMap[k].change}") : sBLANK str += volMap[k].restore ? lineBr() + spanSm(btstr+"Restore Volume: ${volMap[k].restore}") : sBLANK } return str } String getActionDesc(Boolean addFoot=true) { Boolean confd = executionConfigured() String str = sBLANK Map actMap = (Map)state.actionExecMap Map znVolMap = actMap && actMap.config && actMap.config.zoneVolume ? (Map)actMap.config.zoneVolume : null str += addFoot ? spanSmBr(strUnder("Action Type:")) : sBLANK str += addFoot ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} " + (String)buildActTypeEnum()."${(String)settings.actionType}") + lineBr() : sBLANK if((String)settings.actionType && confd) { Boolean isTierAct = isTierAction() List eDevs = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.act_EchoDevices) Map zones = getZoneStatus() String tierDesc = isTierAct ? getTierRespDesc() : sNULL String tierStart = isTierAct ? actTaskDesc(sACT_START) : sNULL String tierStop = isTierAct ? actTaskDesc(sACT_STOP) : sNULL str += zones?.size() ? spanSmBr(strUnder("Echo Zones:")) : sBLANK str += zones?.size() ? spanSmBr(zones?.collect { getZoneVolDesc(it, znVolMap) }?.join(sLINEBR)) + (eDevs?.size() ? sLINEBR : sBLANK) : sBLANK str += eDevs?.size() ? spanSm(strUnder("Alexa Devices:")) + (zones?.size() ? spanSm(" (Inactive Zone Default)", sCLRGRY) : sBLANK) + lineBr() + spanSmBr(eDevs?.collect { " ${sBULLET} ${it?.displayName?.toString()?.replace("Echo - ", sBLANK)}" }?.join(sLINEBR)) : sBLANK str += tierDesc ? sLINEBR + spanSm(tierDesc) + (tierStart || tierStop ? sBLANK : sLINEBR) : sBLANK str += tierStart ? spanSmBr(tierStart) : sBLANK str += tierStop ? spanSmBr(tierStop) : sBLANK str += settings.act_volume_change != null ? spanSmBr(" - New Volume: (${settings.act_volume_change})") : sBLANK str += settings.act_volume_restore != null ? spanSmBr(" - Restore Volume: (${settings.act_volume_restore})") : sBLANK str += settings.act_delay ? spanSmBr("Delay: (${settings.act_delay})") : sBLANK String mT = (String)settings.actionType if(mT in [sSPEAK, sSPEAKI, sSPEAKP, sSPEAKIP]) mT = sSPEAK if(mT in [sANN, sANNI]) mT = sANN str += (mT in [sSPEAK, sANN] || isTierAct) && (String)settings."act_${mT}_txt" ? spanSmBr("Using Default Response: (True)") : sBLANK String trigTasks = !isTierAct ? actTaskDesc(sACT) : sNULL str += trigTasks ? spanSm(trigTasks + lineBr()) : sBLANK str += addFoot ? inputFooter(sTTM) : sBLANK } str += !confd && addFoot ? inputFooter("Tap to configure (Required!)", sCLRRED, true) : sBLANK return divSm(str.replaceAll("\n\n\n", "\n\n"), sCLR4D9) } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyVariableNotAssigned') String getTimeCondDesc(Boolean addPre=true) { Date startTime Date stopTime String startType = settings.cond_time_start_type String stopType = settings.cond_time_stop_type if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == sTIME && settings.cond_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.cond_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == sTIME && settings.cond_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.cond_time_stop) : null } String startLbl1 = sBLANK String stopLbl1 = sBLANK if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Map sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.cond_time_start_offset ? settings.cond_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.cond_time_stop_offset ? settings.cond_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) startLbl1 = startType.capitalize() + sSPACE + startoffset ? "with offset " : sBLANK } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) stopLbl1 = stopType.capitalize() + sSPACE + stopoffset ? "with offset " : sBLANK } } String startLbl = startTime ? epochToTime(startTime) : sBLANK String stopLbl = stopTime ? epochToTime(stopTime) : sBLANK return startLbl && stopLbl ? "${addPre ? "Time Condition:\n" : sBLANK}(${startLbl1}${startLbl} - ${stopLbl1}${stopLbl})" : inactFoot(sTTC) } static String getInputToStringDesc(inpt, addSpace = null) { Integer cnt = 0 String str = sBLANK if(inpt) { inpt.sort().each { item -> cnt = cnt+1 str += item ? (((cnt < 1) || (inpt?.size() > 1)) ? "\n ${item}" : "${addSpace ? s6SPACE : sBLANK}${item}") : sBLANK } } //log.debug "str: $str" return (str != sBLANK) ? str : sNULL } static String randomString(Integer len) { def pool = ["a".."z", 0..9].flatten() Random rand = new Random(wnow()) def randChars = (0..len).collect { pool[rand.nextInt(pool.size())] } // logDebug("randomString: ${randChars?.join()}") return randChars.join() } static def getRandomItem(List items) { List list = [] // new ArrayList() items?.each { list.add(it) } return list.get(new Random().nextInt(list.size())) } // public String gitBranch() { // if(gitBranchFLD == sNULL) { gitBranchFLD = parent?.gitBranch() } // return (String)gitBranchFLD // } Boolean showChgLogOk() { return ((Boolean)state.isInstalled && !(Boolean)state.shownChgLog) } static String getAppImg(String imgName) { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/${imgName}.png" } static String getPublicImg(String imgName) { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/SmartThings-tonesto7-public/master/resources/icons/${imgName}.png" } static String sTS(String t, String i = sNULL, Boolean bold=false) { return "

    ${i ? " " : sBLANK} ${bold ? "" : sBLANK}${t?.replaceAll("\n", "
    ")}${bold ? "
    " : sBLANK}

    " } static String s3TS(String t, String st, String i = sNULL, String c=sCLR4D9) { return "

    ${i ? " " : sBLANK} ${t?.replaceAll("\n", "

    ${st ? "${st}" : sBLANK}" } static String pTS(String t, String i = sNULL, Boolean bold=true, String color=sNULL) { return "${color ? "
    " : sBLANK}${bold ? "" : sBLANK}${i ? " " : sBLANK}${t?.replaceAll("\n", "
    ")}${bold ? "
    " : ""}${color ? "
    " : ""}" } static String inTS1(String str, String img = sNULL, String clr=sNULL) { return spanSmBldUnd(str, clr, img) } static String inTS(String str, String img = sNULL, String clr=sNULL, Boolean und=true) { return divSm(strUnder(str?.replaceAll("\n", " ")?.replaceAll("
    ", " "), und), clr, img) } // Root HTML Objects static String sectHead(String str, String img = sNULL) { return str ? "

    " + spanImgStr(img) + span(str, "darkorange", sNULL, true) + "

    " + "
    " : sBLANK } static String span(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false) { return str ? "${str}${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK } static String div(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false) { return str ? "
    ${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK } static String spanImgStr(String img=sNULL) { return img ? span(" ") : sBLANK } static String divImgStr(String str, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(img ? spanImg(img) + span(str) : str) : sBLANK } static String strUnder(String str, Boolean showUnd=true) { return str ? (showUnd ? "${str}" : str) : sBLANK } static String getOkOrNotSymHTML(Boolean ok) { return ok ? span("(${okSymFLD})", sCLRGRN2) : span("(${notOkSymFLD})", sCLRRED2) } static String htmlLine(String color=sCLR4D9) { return "
    " } static String lineBr(Boolean show=true) { return show ? sLINEBR : sBLANK } static String inputFooter(String str, String clr=sCLR4D9, Boolean noBr=false) { return str ? ((noBr ? sBLANK : lineBr()) + divSmBld(str, clr)) : sBLANK } static String inactFoot(String str) { return str ? inputFooter(str, sCLRGRY, true) : sBLANK } static String actFoot(String str) { return str ? inputFooter(str, sCLR4D9, false) : sBLANK } static String optPrefix() { return spanSm(" (Optional)", "violet") } // // Custom versions of the root objects above static String spanBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String spanBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSm(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBldUnd(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(strUnder(str), clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMd(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, true, true) : sBLANK } static String divBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, true, false) : sBLANK } static String divBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String divBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String divSm(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL) : sBLANK } static String divSmBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String divSmBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String divSmBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String textDonateUrl() { return "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HWBN4LB9NMHZ4" } def appFooter() { section() { paragraph htmlLine("orange") paragraph "
    Echo Speaks

    Please consider donating if you find this integration useful.
    " } } static String documentationUrl() { return "https://tonesto7.github.io/echo-speaks-docs" } static String videoUrl() { return "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQPPlTFaGb4&ab_channel=SimplySmart123%E2%9C%85" } static String bulletItem(String inStr, String strVal) { return "${inStr == sBLANK ? sBLANK : "\n"} \u2022 ${strVal}" } static String dashItem(String inStr, String strVal, Boolean newLine=false) { return "${(inStr == sBLANK && !newLine) ? sBLANK : "\n"} - ${strVal}" } Integer stateSize() { String j = new JsonOutput().toJson((Map)state) return j.length() } Integer stateSizePerc() { return (int) ((stateSize() / 100000)*100).toDouble().round(0) } /* String debugStatus() { return !settings.appDebug ? "Off" : "On" } String deviceDebugStatus() { return !settings.childDebug ? "Off" : "On" } Boolean isAppDebug() { return (settings.appDebug == true) } Boolean isChildDebug() { return (settings.childDebug == true) } String getAppDebugDesc() { String str = sBLANK str += isAppDebug() ? "App Debug: (${debugStatus()})" : sBLANK str += isChildDebug() && str != sBLANK ? "\n" : sBLANK str += isChildDebug() ? "Device Debug: (${deviceDebugStatus()})" : sBLANK return (str != sBLANK) ? str : sNULL }*/ private addToLogHistory(String logKey, String data, Integer max=10) { Boolean ssOk = true // (stateSizePerc() > 70) getTheLock(sHMLF, "addToHistory(${logKey})") List eData = (List)getMemStoreItem(logKey) if(!(eData.find { it?.data == data })) { eData.push([dt: getDtNow(), data: data]) Integer lsiz = eData.size() if (!ssOk || lsiz > max) { eData = eData.drop((lsiz - max)) } updMemStoreItem(logKey, eData) } releaseTheLock(sHMLF) } public Map getLogConfigs() { return [ info: (Boolean) settings.logInfo, warn: (Boolean) settings.logWarn, error: (Boolean) settings.logError, debug: isDbg(), trace: isTrc() ] } public void enableDebugLog() { settingUpdate("logDebug", sTRUE, sBOOL); logInfo("Debug Logs Enabled From Main App...") } public void disableDebugLog() { settingUpdate("logDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL); logInfo("Debug Logs Disabled From Main App...") } public void enableTraceLog() { settingUpdate("logTrace", sTRUE, sBOOL); logInfo("Trace Logs Enabled From Main App...") } public void disableTraceLog() { settingUpdate("logTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL); logInfo("Trace Logs Disabled From Main App...") } private void logDebug(String msg) { if(isDbg()) { log.debug logPrefix(msg, "purple") } } private void logInfo(String msg) { if((Boolean)settings.logInfo != false) { log.info sSPACE + logPrefix(msg, "#0299b1") } } private void logTrace(String msg) { if(isTrc()) { log.trace logPrefix(msg, sCLRGRY) } } private void logWarn(String msg, Boolean noHist=false) { if((Boolean)settings.logWarn != false) { log.warn sSPACE + logPrefix(msg, sCLRORG) }; if(!noHist) { addToLogHistory("warnHistory", msg, 15) } } private Boolean isTrc(){ return (Boolean)settings.logTrace } private Boolean isDbg(){ return (Boolean)settings.logDebug } void logError(String msg, Boolean noHist=false, ex=null) { if((Boolean)settings.logError != false) { log.error logPrefix(msg, sCLRRED) String a try { if (ex) a = getExceptionMessageWithLine(ex) } catch (ignored) { } if(a) log.error logPrefix(a, sCLRRED) } if(!noHist) { addToLogHistory("errorHistory", msg, 15) } } static String logPrefix(String msg, String color = sNULL) { return span("Action (v" + appVersionFLD + ") | ", sCLRGRY) + span(msg, color) } Map getLogHistory() { getTheLock(sHMLF, "getLogHistory") List warn = (List)getMemStoreItem("warnHistory") List errs = (List)getMemStoreItem("errorHistory") releaseTheLock(sHMLF) return [ warnings: []+warn, errors: []+errs ] } /* private void clearLogHistory() { getTheLock(sHMLF, "clearLogHistory") updMemStoreItem("warnHistory", []) updMemStoreItem("errorHistory", []) releaseTheLock(sHMLF) } */ // FIELD VARIABLE FUNCTIONS private void updMemStoreItem(String key, val) { String appId = app.getId() Map memStore = historyMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] memStore[key] = val historyMapFLD[appId] = memStore historyMapFLD = historyMapFLD // log.debug("updMemStoreItem(${key}): ${memStore[key]}") } private getMemStoreItem(String key, defVal=[]){ String appId = app.getId() Map memStore = historyMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] return memStore[key] ?: defVal } /* // Memory Barrier @Field static java.util.concurrent.Semaphore theMBLockFLD=new java.util.concurrent.Semaphore(0) static void mb(String meth=sNULL){ if((Boolean)theMBLockFLD.tryAcquire()){ theMBLockFLD.release() } } */ @Field static final String sHMLF = 'theHistMapLockFLD' @Field static Semaphore histMapLockFLD = new Semaphore(1) private Integer getSemaNum(String name) { if(name==sHMLF) return 0 log.warn "unrecognized lock name..." return 0 // Integer stripes=22 // if(name.isNumber()) return name.toInteger()%stripes // Integer hash=smear(name.hashCode()) // return Math.abs(hash)%stripes // log.info "sema $name # $sema" } Semaphore getSema(Integer snum){ switch(snum) { case 0: return histMapLockFLD default: log.error "bad hash result $snum" return null } } @Field volatile static Map lockTimesFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map lockHolderFLD = [:] void getTheLock(String qname, String meth=sNULL, Boolean longWait=false) { Long waitT = longWait ? 1000L : 60L // Boolean wait = false Integer semaNum = getSemaNum(qname) String semaSNum = semaNum.toString() Semaphore sema = getSema(semaNum) while(!((Boolean)sema.tryAcquire())) { // did not get the lock Long timeL = lockTimesFLD[semaSNum] if(timeL == null){ timeL = wnow() lockTimesFLD[semaSNum] = timeL lockTimesFLD = lockTimesFLD } if(devModeFLD) log.warn "waiting for ${qname} ${semaSNum} lock access, $meth, long: $longWait, holder: ${(String)lockHolderFLD[semaSNum]}" pauseExecution(waitT) // wait = true if((wnow() - timeL) > 30000L) { releaseTheLock(qname) if(devModeFLD) log.warn "overriding lock $meth" } } lockTimesFLD[semaSNum] = wnow() lockTimesFLD = lockTimesFLD lockHolderFLD[semaSNum] = "${app.getId()} ${meth}".toString() lockHolderFLD = lockHolderFLD // return wait } void releaseTheLock(String qname){ Integer semaNum=getSemaNum(qname) String semaSNum=semaNum.toString() Semaphore sema=getSema(semaNum) lockTimesFLD[semaSNum]=null lockTimesFLD=lockTimesFLD lockHolderFLD[semaSNum]=sNULL lockHolderFLD=lockHolderFLD sema.release() } static String convMusicProvider(String prov) { switch (prov) { case "My Library": return "CLOUDPLAYER" case "Amazon Music": return "AMAZON_MUSIC" case "Apple Music": return "APPLE_MUSIC" case "TuneIn": return "TUNEIN" case "Pandora": return "PANDORA" case "SiriusXM": return "SIRIUSXM" case "Spotify": return "SPOTIFY" case "Tidal": return "TIDAL" case "iHeartRadio": return "I_HEART_RADIO" default: return sBLANK } } /************************************************ SEQUENCE TEST LOGIC *************************************************/ def searchTuneInResultsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "searchTuneInResultsPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { Map results = parent.executeTuneInSearch((String)settings.tuneinSearchQuery) section(sectHead("Search Results: (Query: ${(String)settings.tuneinSearchQuery})")) { if(results?.browseList && results?.browseList?.size()) { results?.browseList?.eachWithIndex { item, i-> if(i < 25) { if(item?.browseList != null && item?.browseList?.size()) { item?.browseList?.eachWithIndex { item2, i2-> String str = sBLANK str += "ContentType: (${item2?.contentType})" str += "\nId: (${item2?.id})" str += "\nDescription: ${item2?.description}" href "searchTuneInResultsPage", title: pTS((String)item2?.name?.take(75), (String)item2?.image), description: str } } else { String str = sBLANK str += "ContentType: (${item?.contentType})" str += "\nId: (${item?.id})" str += "\nDescription: ${item?.description}" href "searchTuneInResultsPage", title: pTS( (String)((String)item?.name)?.take(75), (String)item?.image), description: str } } } } else { paragraph "No Results found..." } } } } private getColorName(desiredColor, level=null) { String desC = desiredColor?.toLowerCase() for (color in colorSettingsListFLD) { if (((String)color.name)?.toLowerCase() == desC) { Integer hue = Math.round((Integer)color.h / 3.6).toInteger() Integer lvl = level ?: (Integer)color.l return [hue: hue, saturation: (Integer)color.s, level: lvl] } } logWarn("getColorName ${desC} not found") } // if there is no colorMaps, then flash lights private void startFlashLights(String p, Integer cycles, Integer cycleT, Map color1Map=null, Map color2Map=null) { logDebug("startFlashLights ${p} | cycles: ${cycles} | cycle time: ${cycleT} | color1Map: ${color1Map} | color2Map: ${color2Map}") Map data = [type: p, first: true, cycles: cycles, cycleT: cycleT, color1Map: color1Map, colorMap2: color2Map ] flashLights(data) } private void flashLights(Map data) { String msg = "flashLights | " if(devModeFLD) logTrace(msg+"state: ${data}") String p = data?.type if(!data || !p) return List devs = (List)settings."${p}lights" Integer cT = (Integer)data.cycleT Integer cS = (Integer)data.cycles if(!devs || !cT || !cS || cT < 1 || cS < 1) return if(cT > 60) data.cycleT=60 if(cS > 200) data.cycles = 200 if((Boolean)data.first) { data.first = false logTrace(msg+"capturing state") captureLightState(devs, p) if(data.color1Map && data.color2Map) { data.state = "a" devs*.on() } else data.state = "off" data.cycle = 1 } switch(data.state){ case "off": data.state = "on"; devs*.on() break case "on": data.state = "off"; devs*.off() data.cycle = data.cycle + 1 break case "a": data.state = "b"; devs*.setColor(data.color1Map) break case "b": data.state = "a"; devs*.setColor(data.color2Map) data.cycle = data.cycle + 1 break } if(data.cycle <= cS ) { runIn(cT, "flashLights", [data: data]) } else { logTrace(msg+"restoring state") restoreLightState(devs, p) logDebug(msg+"Ending") } } private restoreLights(data) { String p = data?.type ?: sNULL if(p && settings."${p}lights") { restoreLightState((List)settings."${p}lights", p) } } void captureLightState(List devs, String p) { String e = p+sLRM String msg = "captureLightState | ${e} | " logTrace(msg+"${devs}") Map sMap = [:] if(devs && p) { devs.each { dev-> String dId = dev?.id sMap[dId] = [:] [sSWITCH, sLEVEL, "hue", "saturation", "colorTemperature", "color"].each { String att -> if(dev?.hasAttribute(att)) { sMap[dId]."${att}" = dev?.currentValue(att) } } } state."${e}" = sMap } if(devModeFLD) logDebug(msg+"sMap: $sMap") //logDebug(msg+ "sMap: $sMap") } void restoreLightState(List devs, String p) { String e = p+sLRM String msg = "restoreLightState | ${e} | " logTrace(msg+"${devs}") if(devs && p) { Boolean doP = true // do pauses Long paus = 100L Boolean dco = false // disable command optimization Map sMap = state."${e}" if(devModeFLD) logDebug(msg+"sMap: $sMap") if(sMap?.size()) { devs.each { dev-> String dId = dev?.id if(sMap.containsKey(dId)) { Map sD = sMap[dId] if(devModeFLD) logDebug(msg+"${sD}") Boolean wOn = (sD.switch == "on") Boolean isOn = (dev.currentValue(sSWITCH) == "on") Boolean chgLvl = sD.level ? (dev.currentValue(sLEVEL) != sD.level) : false Boolean chgHSL = (sD.level && sD.saturation && sD.hue && dev.hasCommand("setColor")) Boolean chgCtemp = sD.colorTemperature ? (dev.currentValue("colorTemperature") != sD.colorTemperature) : false // CHECK IF ANYTHING NEEDS CHANGES? if((sD.level || sD.colorTemperature) && (dco || !isOn)) { dev.on() isOn = true if(doP) pauseExecution(paus) } if(sD.level) { if(chgHSL) { dev?.setColor([h: sD.hue, s: sD.saturation, l: sD.level]) if(doP) pauseExecution(paus) } else{ if((dco || chgLvl) && dev.hasCommand("setLevel")) { dev?.setLevel(sD.level) if(!wOn && doP) pauseExecution(paus) } } } if(sD.colorTemperature) { if((dco || chgCtemp) && dev.hasCommand("setColorTemperature")) { dev?.setColorTemperature(sD.colorTemperature) if(!wOn && doP) pauseExecution(paus) } } if(dco || (wOn != isOn)) dev?."${sD.switch}"() } else logWarn(msg+"no saved state for device found") } } else logWarn(msg+"no saved state found") state.remove(e) } } @Field static final List colorSettingsListFLD = [ [name: "Soft White", rgb: "#B6DA7C", h: 83, s: 44, l: 67], [name: "Warm White", rgb: "#DAF17E", h: 51, s: 20, l: 100], [name: "Very Warm White", rgb: "#DAF17E", h: 51, s: 60, l: 51], [name: "Daylight White", rgb: "#CEF4FD", h: 191, s: 9, l: 90], [name: "Daylight", rgb: "#CEF4FD", h: 191, s: 9, l: 90], [name: "Cool White", rgb: "#F3F6F7", h: 187, s: 19, l: 96], [name: "White", rgb: "#FFFFFF", h: 0, s: 0, l: 100], [name: "Alice Blue", rgb: "#F0F8FF", h: 208, s: 100, l: 97], [name: "Antique White", rgb: "#FAEBD7", h: 34, s: 78, l: 91], [name: "Aqua", rgb: "#00FFFF", h: 180, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Aquamarine", rgb: "#7FFFD4", h: 160, s: 100, l: 75], [name: "Azure", rgb: "#F0FFFF", h: 180, s: 100, l: 97], [name: "Beige", rgb: "#F5F5DC", h: 60, s: 56, l: 91], [name: "Bisque", rgb: "#FFE4C4", h: 33, s: 100, l: 88], [name: "Blanched Almond", rgb: "#FFEBCD", h: 36, s: 100, l: 90], [name: "Blue", rgb: "#0000FF", h: 240, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Blue Violet", rgb: "#8A2BE2", h: 271, s: 76, l: 53], [name: "Brown", rgb: "#A52A2A", h: 0, s: 59, l: 41], [name: "Burly Wood", rgb: "#DEB887", h: 34, s: 57, l: 70], [name: "Cadet Blue", rgb: "#5F9EA0", h: 182, s: 25, l: 50], [name: "Chartreuse", rgb: "#7FFF00", h: 90, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Chocolate", rgb: "#D2691E", h: 25, s: 75, l: 47], [name: "Coral", rgb: "#FF7F50", h: 16, s: 100, l: 66], [name: "Corn Flower Blue", rgb: "#6495ED", h: 219, s: 79, l: 66], [name: "Corn Silk", rgb: "#FFF8DC", h: 48, s: 100, l: 93], [name: "Crimson", rgb: "#DC143C", h: 348, s: 83, l: 58], [name: "Cyan", rgb: "#00FFFF", h: 180, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Dark Blue", rgb: "#00008B", h: 240, s: 100, l: 27], [name: "Dark Cyan", rgb: "#008B8B", h: 180, s: 100, l: 27], [name: "Dark Golden Rod", rgb: "#B8860B", h: 43, s: 89, l: 38], [name: "Dark Gray", rgb: "#A9A9A9", h: 0, s: 0, l: 66], [name: "Dark Green", rgb: "#006400", h: 120, s: 100, l: 20], [name: "Dark Khaki", rgb: "#BDB76B", h: 56, s: 38, l: 58], [name: "Dark Magenta", rgb: "#8B008B", h: 300, s: 100, l: 27], [name: "Dark Olive Green", rgb: "#556B2F", h: 82, s: 39, l: 30], [name: "Dark Orange", rgb: "#FF8C00", h: 33, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Dark Orchid", rgb: "#9932CC", h: 280, s: 61, l: 50], [name: "Dark Red", rgb: "#8B0000", h: 0, s: 100, l: 27], [name: "Dark Salmon", rgb: "#E9967A", h: 15, s: 72, l: 70], [name: "Dark Sea Green", rgb: "#8FBC8F", h: 120, s: 25, l: 65], [name: "Dark Slate Blue", rgb: "#483D8B", h: 248, s: 39, l: 39], [name: "Dark Slate Gray", rgb: "#2F4F4F", h: 180, s: 25, l: 25], [name: "Dark Turquoise", rgb: "#00CED1", h: 181, s: 100, l: 41], [name: "Dark Violet", rgb: "#9400D3", h: 282, s: 100, l: 41], [name: "Deep Pink", rgb: "#FF1493", h: 328, s: 100, l: 54], [name: "Deep Sky Blue", rgb: "#00BFFF", h: 195, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Dim Gray", rgb: "#696969", h: 0, s: 0, l: 41], [name: "Dodger Blue", rgb: "#1E90FF", h: 210, s: 100, l: 56], [name: "Fire Brick", rgb: "#B22222", h: 0, s: 68, l: 42], [name: "Floral White", rgb: "#FFFAF0", h: 40, s: 100, l: 97], [name: "Forest Green", rgb: "#228B22", h: 120, s: 61, l: 34], [name: "Fuchsia", rgb: "#FF00FF", h: 300, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Gainsboro", rgb: "#DCDCDC", h: 0, s: 0, l: 86], [name: "Ghost White", rgb: "#F8F8FF", h: 240, s: 100, l: 99], [name: "Gold", rgb: "#FFD700", h: 51, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Golden Rod", rgb: "#DAA520", h: 43, s: 74, l: 49], [name: "Gray", rgb: "#808080", h: 0, s: 0, l: 50], [name: "Green", rgb: "#008000", h: 120, s: 100, l: 25], [name: "Green Yellow", rgb: "#ADFF2F", h: 84, s: 100, l: 59], [name: "Honeydew", rgb: "#F0FFF0", h: 120, s: 100, l: 97], [name: "Hot Pink", rgb: "#FF69B4", h: 330, s: 100, l: 71], [name: "Indian Red", rgb: "#CD5C5C", h: 0, s: 53, l: 58], [name: "Indigo", rgb: "#4B0082", h: 275, s: 100, l: 25], [name: "Ivory", rgb: "#FFFFF0", h: 60, s: 100, l: 97], [name: "Khaki", rgb: "#F0E68C", h: 54, s: 77, l: 75], [name: "Lavender", rgb: "#E6E6FA", h: 240, s: 67, l: 94], [name: "Lavender Blush", rgb: "#FFF0F5", h: 340, s: 100, l: 97], [name: "Lawn Green", rgb: "#7CFC00", h: 90, s: 100, l: 49], [name: "Lemon Chiffon", rgb: "#FFFACD", h: 54, s: 100, l: 90], [name: "Light Blue", rgb: "#ADD8E6", h: 195, s: 53, l: 79], [name: "Light Coral", rgb: "#F08080", h: 0, s: 79, l: 72], [name: "Light Cyan", rgb: "#E0FFFF", h: 180, s: 100, l: 94], [name: "Light Golden Rod Yellow", rgb: "#FAFAD2", h: 60, s: 80, l: 90], [name: "Light Gray", rgb: "#D3D3D3", h: 0, s: 0, l: 83], [name: "Light Green", rgb: "#90EE90", h: 120, s: 73, l: 75], [name: "Light Pink", rgb: "#FFB6C1", h: 351, s: 100, l: 86], [name: "Light Salmon", rgb: "#FFA07A", h: 17, s: 100, l: 74], [name: "Light Sea Green", rgb: "#20B2AA", h: 177, s: 70, l: 41], [name: "Light Sky Blue", rgb: "#87CEFA", h: 203, s: 92, l: 75], [name: "Light Slate Gray", rgb: "#778899", h: 210, s: 14, l: 53], [name: "Light Steel Blue", rgb: "#B0C4DE", h: 214, s: 41, l: 78], [name: "Light Yellow", rgb: "#FFFFE0", h: 60, s: 100, l: 94], [name: "Lime", rgb: "#00FF00", h: 120, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Lime Green", rgb: "#32CD32", h: 120, s: 61, l: 50], [name: "Linen", rgb: "#FAF0E6", h: 30, s: 67, l: 94], [name: "Maroon", rgb: "#800000", h: 0, s: 100, l: 25], [name: "Medium Aquamarine", rgb: "#66CDAA", h: 160, s: 51, l: 60], [name: "Medium Blue", rgb: "#0000CD", h: 240, s: 100, l: 40], [name: "Medium Orchid", rgb: "#BA55D3", h: 288, s: 59, l: 58], [name: "Medium Purple", rgb: "#9370DB", h: 260, s: 60, l: 65], [name: "Medium Sea Green", rgb: "#3CB371", h: 147, s: 50, l: 47], [name: "Medium Slate Blue", rgb: "#7B68EE", h: 249, s: 80, l: 67], [name: "Medium Spring Green", rgb: "#00FA9A", h: 157, s: 100, l: 49], [name: "Medium Turquoise", rgb: "#48D1CC", h: 178, s: 60, l: 55], [name: "Medium Violet Red", rgb: "#C71585", h: 322, s: 81, l: 43], [name: "Midnight Blue", rgb: "#191970", h: 240, s: 64, l: 27], [name: "Mint Cream", rgb: "#F5FFFA", h: 150, s: 100, l: 98], [name: "Misty Rose", rgb: "#FFE4E1", h: 6, s: 100, l: 94], [name: "Moccasin", rgb: "#FFE4B5", h: 38, s: 100, l: 85], [name: "Navajo White", rgb: "#FFDEAD", h: 36, s: 100, l: 84], [name: "Navy", rgb: "#000080", h: 240, s: 100, l: 25], [name: "Old Lace", rgb: "#FDF5E6", h: 39, s: 85, l: 95], [name: "Olive", rgb: "#808000", h: 60, s: 100, l: 25], [name: "Olive Drab", rgb: "#6B8E23", h: 80, s: 60, l: 35], [name: "Orange", rgb: "#FFA500", h: 39, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Orange Red", rgb: "#FF4500", h: 16, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Orchid", rgb: "#DA70D6", h: 302, s: 59, l: 65], [name: "Pale Golden Rod", rgb: "#EEE8AA", h: 55, s: 67, l: 80], [name: "Pale Green", rgb: "#98FB98", h: 120, s: 93, l: 79], [name: "Pale Turquoise", rgb: "#AFEEEE", h: 180, s: 65, l: 81], [name: "Pale Violet Red", rgb: "#DB7093", h: 340, s: 60, l: 65], [name: "Papaya Whip", rgb: "#FFEFD5", h: 37, s: 100, l: 92], [name: "Peach Puff", rgb: "#FFDAB9", h: 28, s: 100, l: 86], [name: "Peru", rgb: "#CD853F", h: 30, s: 59, l: 53], [name: "Pink", rgb: "#FFC0CB", h: 350, s: 100, l: 88], [name: "Plum", rgb: "#DDA0DD", h: 300, s: 47, l: 75], [name: "Powder Blue", rgb: "#B0E0E6", h: 187, s: 52, l: 80], [name: "Purple", rgb: "#800080", h: 300, s: 100, l: 25], [name: "Red", rgb: "#FF0000", h: 0, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Rosy Brown", rgb: "#BC8F8F", h: 0, s: 25, l: 65], [name: "Royal Blue", rgb: "#4169E1", h: 225, s: 73, l: 57], [name: "Saddle Brown", rgb: "#8B4513", h: 25, s: 76, l: 31], [name: "Salmon", rgb: "#FA8072", h: 6, s: 93, l: 71], [name: "Sandy Brown", rgb: "#F4A460", h: 28, s: 87, l: 67], [name: "Sea Green", rgb: "#2E8B57", h: 146, s: 50, l: 36], [name: "Sea Shell", rgb: "#FFF5EE", h: 25, s: 100, l: 97], [name: "Sienna", rgb: "#A0522D", h: 19, s: 56, l: 40], [name: "Silver", rgb: "#C0C0C0", h: 0, s: 0, l: 75], [name: "Sky Blue", rgb: "#87CEEB", h: 197, s: 71, l: 73], [name: "Slate Blue", rgb: "#6A5ACD", h: 248, s: 53, l: 58], [name: "Slate Gray", rgb: "#708090", h: 210, s: 13, l: 50], [name: "Snow", rgb: "#FFFAFA", h: 0, s: 100, l: 99], [name: "Spring Green", rgb: "#00FF7F", h: 150, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Steel Blue", rgb: "#4682B4", h: 207, s: 44, l: 49], [name: "Tan", rgb: "#D2B48C", h: 34, s: 44, l: 69], [name: "Teal", rgb: "#008080", h: 180, s: 100, l: 25], [name: "Thistle", rgb: "#D8BFD8", h: 300, s: 24, l: 80], [name: "Tomato", rgb: "#FF6347", h: 9, s: 100, l: 64], [name: "Turquoise", rgb: "#40E0D0", h: 174, s: 72, l: 56], [name: "Violet", rgb: "#EE82EE", h: 300, s: 76, l: 72], [name: "Wheat", rgb: "#F5DEB3", h: 39, s: 77, l: 83], [name: "White Smoke", rgb: "#F5F5F5", h: 0, s: 0, l: 96], [name: "Yellow", rgb: "#FFFF00", h: 60, s: 100, l: 50], [name: "Yellow Green", rgb: "#9ACD32", h: 80, s: 61, l: 50] ] //******************************************************************* // CLONE CHILD LOGIC //******************************************************************* public Map getSettingsAndStateMap() { Map typeObj = parent?.getAppDuplTypes() Map setObjs = [:] if(typeObj) { ((Map>)typeObj.stat).each { sk, sv-> sv?.each { svi-> if(settings.containsKey(svi)) { setObjs[svi] = [type: sk, value: settings[svi] ] } } } ((Map>)typeObj.ends).each { ek, ev-> ev?.each { evi-> settings.findAll { it?.key?.endsWith(evi) }?.each { String fk, fv-> def vv = settings[fk] if(ek==sTIME) vv = dateTimeFmt((Date)toDateTime(vv), "HH:mm") setObjs[fk] = [type: ek, value: vv] } } } ((Map)typeObj.caps).each { ck, cv-> settings.findAll { it.key.endsWith(ck) }?.each { String fk, fv-> setObjs[fk] = [type: "capability", value: (fv instanceof List ? fv?.collect { it?.id?.toString() } : fv?.id?.toString ) ] } } ((Map)typeObj.dev).each { dk, dv-> settings.findAll { it.key.endsWith(dk) }?.each { String fk, fv-> setObjs[fk] = [type: "device", value: (fv instanceof List ? fv.collect { it?.id?.toString() } : fv?.id?.toString() ) ] } } } Map data = [:] String newlbl = app?.getLabel()?.toString()?.replace(" (A ${sPAUSESymFLD})", sBLANK) data.label = newlbl?.replace(" (A)", sBLANK) data.settings = setObjs List stateSkip = [ /* "isInstalled", "isParent", */ "lastNotifMsgDt", "lastNotificationMsg", "setupComplete", "valEvtHistory", "warnHistory", "errorHistory", "appData", "actionHistory", "authValidHistory", "deviceRefreshInProgress", "noticeData", "installData", "herokuName", "zoneHistory", // actions "tierSchedActive", // zones "zoneConditionsOk", "configStatusMap", "tsDtMap", "dateInstalled", "handleGuardEvents", "startTime", "stopTime", "alexaGuardState", "appFlagsMap", "dupPendingSetup", "dupOpenedByUser" ] data.state = state?.findAll { !((String)it?.key in stateSkip) } return data } private Long wnow(){ return (Long)now() }