/* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, MethodCount, MethodSize, UnnecessaryGetter */ /** * Echo Speaks - Zones (Hubitat) * * Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Anthony Santilli * Code Contributions by @nh.schottfam * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ //file:noinspection GroovyUnusedAssignment //file:noinspection unused //file:noinspection GroovySillyAssignment //file:noinspection GrMethodMayBeStatic import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.transform.Field import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore //************************************************ //* STATIC VARIABLES * //************************************************ @Field static final String appVersionFLD = '' @Field static final String appModifiedFLD = '2024-03-07' @Field static final String sNULL = (String)null @Field static final String sBLANK = '' @Field static final String sSPACE = ' ' @Field static final String sBULLET = '\u2022' //@Field static final String sBULLETINV = '\u25E6' //@Field static final String sSQUARE = '\u29C8' //@Field static final String sPLUS = '\u002B' //@Field static final String sRIGHTARR = '\u02C3' @Field static final String okSymFLD = "\u2713" @Field static final String notOkSymFLD = "\u2715" @Field static final String sPAUSESymFLD = "\u275A\u275A" @Field static final String sLINEBR = '
' @Field static final String sFALSE = 'false' @Field static final String sTRUE = 'true' @Field static final String sBOOL = 'bool' @Field static final String sENUM = 'enum' @Field static final String sNUMBER = 'number' @Field static final String sTEXT = 'text' @Field static final String sTIME = 'time' @Field static final String sMODE = 'mode' //@Field static final String sCOMPLT = 'complete' @Field static final String sMEDIUM = 'medium' @Field static final String sSMALL = 'small' @Field static final String sCLR4D9 = '#2784D9' @Field static final String sCLRRED = 'red' @Field static final String sCLRRED2 = '#cc2d3b' @Field static final String sCLRGRY = 'gray' //@Field static final String sCLRGRN = 'green' @Field static final String sCLRGRN2 = '#43d843' @Field static final String sCLRORG = 'orange' @Field static final String sTTM = 'Tap to modify...' @Field static final String sTTC = 'Tap to configure...' //@Field static final String sTTCR = 'Tap to configure (Required)' //@Field static final String sTTP = 'Tap to proceed...' //@Field static final String sTTS = 'Tap to select...' @Field static final String sSETTINGS = 'settings' @Field static final String sRESET = 'reset' @Field static final String sEXTNRL = 'external' @Field static final String sDEBUG = 'debug' @Field static final String sSWITCH = 'switch' @Field static final String sCHKBOX = 'checkbox' @Field static final String sCOMMAND = 'command' @Field static final String zoneHistFLD = 'zoneHistory' @Field static final List lSUNRISESET = ["sunrise", "sunset"] //************************************************ //* IN-MEMORY ONLY VARIABLES * //* (Cleared only on HUB REBOOT or CODE UPDATES) * //************************************************ @Field volatile static Map historyMapFLD = [:] // @Field volatile static String gitBranchFLD = null static String appVersion() { return appVersionFLD } static String appVersionDt() { return appModifiedFLD } definition( name : "Echo Speaks - Zones", namespace : "tonesto7", author : "Anthony Santilli", description : "DO NOT INSTALL FROM MARKETPLACE\n\nAllows you to create virtual broadcast zones based on your echo devices using device/location events to active the zone.", category : "My Apps", parent : "tonesto7:Echo Speaks", iconUrl : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/es_groups.png", iconX2Url : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/es_groups.png", iconX3Url : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/es_groups.png", importUrl : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/apps/echo-speaks-zones.groovy", documentationLink : documentationUrl(), videoLink : videoUrl() ) preferences { page(name: "startPage") page(name: "uhOhPage") page(name: "codeUpdatePage") page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "prefsPage") page(name: "conditionsPage") page(name: "condTimePage") page(name: "zoneNotifPage") page(name: "zoneNotifTimePage") page(name: "zoneHistoryPage") page(name: "uninstallPage") page(name: "namePage") } def startPage() { if(parent != null) { if(!(Boolean)state.isInstalled && !(Boolean)parent?.childInstallOk()) { return uhOhPage() } else { updDeviceInputs() return (minVersionFailed()) ? codeUpdatePage() : mainPage() } } else { return uhOhPage() } } def codeUpdatePage () { return dynamicPage(name: "codeUpdatePage", title: "Update is Required", install: false, uninstall: false) { section() { paragraph spanSmBld("Looks like your Zone App needs an update

Please make sure all app and device code is updated to the most current version

Once updated your zones will resume normal operation.", sCLRRED) } } } def uhOhPage () { return dynamicPage(name: "uhOhPage", title: "This install Method is Not Allowed", install: false, uninstall: true) { section() { paragraph spanBld("HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM!

Echo Speaks - Zones can't be directly installed from the Marketplace.

Please use the Echo Speaks SmartApp to configure them.", sCLRRED) } } } def appInfoSect() { String instDt = state.dateInstalled ? fmtTime((String)state.dateInstalled, "MMM dd '@' h:mm a", true) : sNULL String str = spanBld((String)app.name, "black", "es_groups") str += (app.label && (String)app.label != (String)app.name) ? spanBldBr(" (${app.label.replace(" (Z)", sBLANK)})") : sLINEBR str += spanSmBld("Version: ") + spanSmBr(appVersionFLD) str += instDt ? spanSmBld("Installed: ") + spanSmBr(instDt) : sBLANK section() { paragraph divSm(str, sCLRGRY) } } def mainPage() { Boolean newInstall = !(Boolean)state.isInstalled return dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", nextPage: (!newInstall ? sBLANK : "namePage"), uninstall: newInstall, install: !newInstall) { Boolean dup = ((Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag == true && (Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup) if(dup) { state.dupOpenedByUser = true section() { paragraph spanBld("This Zone was created from an existing zone.

Please review the settings and save to activate...
${state.badMode ?: sBLANK}", sCLRORG, "pause_orange") } } appInfoSect() Boolean paused = isPaused() if(paused) { section() { paragraph spanSmBlr("This Zone is currently disabled...
To edit the please re-enable it.", sCLRRED, "pause_orange") } } else { section() { paragraph divSm(getOverallDesc(), sCLRGRY) } section(sectHead("Zone Devices:")) { echoDevicesInputByPerm('announce') } if(settings.zone_EchoDevices) { if((List)settings.cond_mode && !(String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) { settingUpdate("cond_mode_cmd", "are", sENUM) } Boolean condConf = conditionsConfigured() section(sectHead("Zone Configuration:")) { href "conditionsPage", title: inTS1("Zone Activation Conditions", "conditions") + optPrefix(), description: divSm(getConditionsDesc(true), sCLR4D9) } if(condConf && settings.zone_EchoDevices) { section(sectHead("Condition Delays:")) { input "zone_active_delay", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Delay Activation (In Seconds)", "delay_time") + optPrefix(), defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "zone_inactive_delay", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("Delay Deactivation (In Seconds)", "delay_time") + optPrefix(), defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Control Switches on Zone Active (Optional):")) { input "zone_active_switches_on", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Turn on Switches when Zone Active", sSWITCH) + optPrefix(), description: inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "zone_active_switches_off", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Turn off Switches when Zone Active", sSWITCH) + optPrefix(), description: inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Control Switches on Zone Inactive (Optional):")) { input "zone_inactive_switches_on", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Turn on Switches when Zone Inactive", sSWITCH) + optPrefix(), description: inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "zone_inactive_switches_off", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Turn off Switches when Zone Inactive", sSWITCH) + optPrefix(), description: inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Notifications:")) { def t0 = getAppNotifDesc() href "zoneNotifPage", title: inTS1("Send Notifications", "notification2"), description: t0 ? divSm(t0 + inputFooter(sTTM), sCLR4D9) : inputFooter(sTTC, sNULL, true) } } } updConfigStatusMap() } section(sectHead("Zone History")) { href "zoneHistoryPage", title: inTS1("View Zone History", "tasks"), description: sBLANK } section(sectHead("Preferences")) { href "prefsPage", title: inTS1("Logging Preferences", sSETTINGS), description: sBLANK if((Boolean)state.isInstalled) { input "zonePause", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Disable Zone?", "pause_orange"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "createZoneDevice", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Create a Virtual Device for this Zone?", "question"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "forceAnnounce", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Convert Zone speak commands to announcements?", "question"), defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.zonePause) { unsubscribe() } } } //log.debug "myZoneStatus: ${myZoneStatus()}" if((Boolean) state.isInstalled) { section(sectHead("Name this Zone:")) { input "appLbl", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Zone Name", "name_tag"), description: sBLANK, required:true, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Remove Zone:")) { href "uninstallPage", title: inTS1("Remove this Zone", "uninstall"), description: inputFooter("Tap to Remove...", sCLRGRY, true) } section(sectHead("Feature Requests/Issue Reporting"), hideable: true, hidden: true) { String issueUrl = "https://github.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/issues/new?assignees=tonesto7&labels=bug&template=bug_report.md&title=%28ZONES+BUG%29+&projects=echo-speaks%2F6" String featUrl = "https://github.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/issues/new?assignees=tonesto7&labels=enhancement&template=feature_request.md&title=%5BZones+Feature+Request%5D&projects=echo-speaks%2F6" href url: featUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("New Feature Request", "www"), description: spanSm("Tap to open browser", sCLRGRY) href url: issueUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Report an Issue", "www"), description: spanSm("Tap to open browser", sCLRGRY) } } } } private echoDevicesInputByPerm(String type) { List echoDevs = parent?.getChildDevicesByCap(type) if(echoDevs?.size()) { Map eDevsMap = echoDevs?.collectEntries { [(it.getId()): [label: (String)it.getLabel(), lsd: (it.currentWasLastSpokenToDevice?.toString() == sTRUE)]] }?.sort { a,b -> b?.value?.lsd <=> a?.value?.lsd ?: a?.value?.label <=> b?.value?.label } Map moptions = eDevsMap?.collectEntries { [(it.key.toString()): "${it?.value?.label}${(it?.value?.lsd == true) ? " (Last Spoken To)" : sBLANK}".toString()] } input "zone_EchoDevices", sENUM, title: inTS1("Echo Devices in Zone", "echo_gen1"), description: spanSm("Select the devices", sCLRGRY), options: moptions, multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true // updDeviceInputs() } else { paragraph spanSmBld("No devices were found with support for ($type)", sCLRRED) } } def zoneHistoryPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "zoneHistoryPage", title: "Zone History", install: false, uninstall: false) { section() { getZoneHistory() } List eData = (List)getMemStoreItem(zoneHistFLD) ?: [] if(eData.size()) { section(sBLANK) { input "clearZoneHistory", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Clear Zone History?", sRESET), description: spanSm("Clears Stored Zone History.", sCLRGRY), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.clearZoneHistory) { settingUpdate("clearZoneHistory", sFALSE, sBOOL); updMemStoreItem(zoneHistFLD, []) } } } } } def prefsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "prefsPage", install: false, uninstall: false) { section(sectHead("Logging:")) { input "logInfo", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Info Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logWarn", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Warning Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logError", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Error Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logDebug", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Debug Logs?", sDEBUG), description: spanSm("Auto disables after 6 hours", sCLRGRY), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "logTrace", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Detailed Logs?", sDEBUG), description: spanSm("Only enable when asked to (Auto disables after 6 hours)", sCLRGRY), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if((Boolean)state.isInstalled) { if(advLogsActive()) { logsEnabled() } } } } def namePage() { return dynamicPage(name: "namePage", install: true, uninstall: false) { section(sectHead("Name the Zone:")) { input "appLbl", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Zone Name", "name_tag"), description: sBLANK, required:true, submitOnChange: true } } } def uninstallPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "uninstallPage", title: "Uninstall", install: false , uninstall: true) { section(sBLANK) { paragraph spanSmBld("This will delete this Echo Speaks Zone.", sCLRORG) } } } private void updDeviceInputs() { // log.trace "updDeviceInputs..." List aa = (List)settings.zone_EchoDevices List devIds Boolean updList = false try { updList = (aa.size() && aa[0].id != null) devIds = aa.collect { it?.id?.toString() } // log.debug "updList(try): ${devIds.unique()}" } catch (ignored) { // log.debug "ex: $ex" devIds = aa.collect { it?.toString() } } if(updList && devIds) { logDebug("updList: $devIds") app.updateSetting( "zone_EchoDevices", [type: "enum", value: devIds.unique()]) } if(devIds) { app.updateSetting( "zone_EchoDeviceList", [type: "capability", value: devIds.unique()]) } // this won't take effect until next execution } /****************************************************************************** CONDITIONS SELECTION PAGE ******************************************************************************/ def conditionsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "conditionsPage", title: "Zone Activation Conditions", nextPage: "mainPage", install: false, uninstall: false) { String desc = getConditionsDesc(false) if(!desc) { desc= "No Conditions/Restrictions Set" } section() { paragraph divSm(desc, sCLR4D9) } Boolean multiConds = multipleConditions() section() { if(multiConds) { input "cond_require_all", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Require All Selected Conditions to Pass Before Activating Zone?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } paragraph spanSmBldBr("Notice:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm(reqAllCond() ? "All selected conditions must pass before this zone is active." : "Any condition will allow this zone to become active.", sCLR4D9) } section(sectHead("Time/Date Restrictions")) { href "condTimePage", title: inTS1("Time Schedule", "clock"), description: spanSm(getTimeCondDesc(false), sCLR4D9) input "cond_days", sENUM, title: inTS1("Days of the week", "day_calendar"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: weekDaysEnum() input "cond_months", sENUM, title: inTS1("Months of the year", "day_calendar"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: monthEnum() } section (sectHead("Mode Conditions")) { input "cond_mode", sMODE, title: inTS1("Location Modes...", sMODE), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if((List)settings.cond_mode) { input "cond_mode_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("are...", sCOMMAND), options: ["not":"not in these modes", "are":"In these Modes"], required: true, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true if((List)settings.cond_mode && (String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) { input "cond_mode_db", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Deactivate Zone immediately when Mode condition no longer passes?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } } section (sectHead("Alarm Conditions")) { input "cond_alarm", sENUM, title: inTS1("${getAlarmSystemName()} is...", "alarm_home"), options: getAlarmTrigOpts(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if((List)settings.cond_alarm) { input "cond_alarm_db", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Deactivate Zone immediately when Alarm condition no longer passes?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } condNonNumSect(sSWITCH, sSWITCH, "Switches/Outlets Conditions", "Switches/Outlets", ["on","off"], "are", sSWITCH) condNonNumSect("contact", "contactSensor", "Door, Window, Contact Sensors Conditions", "Contact Sensors", ["open","closed"], "are", "contact") condNonNumSect("motion", "motionSensor", "Motion Conditions", "Motion Sensors", ["active", "inactive"], "are", "motion") condNonNumSect("presence", "presenceSensor", "Presence Conditions", "Presence Sensors", ["present", "not present"], "are", "presence") condNonNumSect("acceleration", "accelerationSensor", "Accelerometer Conditions", "Accelerometer Sensors", ["active","inactive"], "are", "acceleration") condNumValSect("battery", "battery", "Battery Level Conditions", "Batteries", "Level (%)", "battery") condNumValSect("level", "switchLevel", "Dimmers/Levels", "Dimmers/Levels", "Level (%)", "speed_knob") condNonNumSect("door", "garageDoorControl", "Garage Door Conditions", "Garage Doors", ["open", "closed"], "are", "garage_door") condNumValSect("illuminance", "illuminanceMeasurement", "Illuminance Conditions", "Illuminance Sensors", "Lux Level (%)", "illuminance") condNumValSect("power", "powerMeter", "Power Events", "Power Meters", "Power Level (W)", "power") condNumValSect("humidity", "relativeHumidityMeasurement", "Humidity Conditions", "Relative Humidity Sensors", "Relative Humidity (%)", "humidity") condNonNumSect("securityKeypad", "securityKeypad", "Security Keypad Conditions", "Security Kepads", ["disarmed", "armed home", "armed away"], "are", "keypad") condNonNumSect("lock", "lock", "Lock Conditions", "Smart Locks", ["locked", "unlocked"], "are", "lock") condNumValSect("temperature", "temperatureMeasurement", "Temperature Conditions", "Temperature Sensors", "Temperature", "temperature") condNonNumSect("water", "waterSensor", "Water Sensors", "Water Sensors", ["wet", "dry"], "are", "water") condNonNumSect("windowShade", "windowShade", "Window Shades", "Window Shades", ["open", "closed"], "are", "shade") condNonNumSect("valve", "valve", "Valves", "Valves", ["open", "closed"], "are", "valve") } } def condNonNumSect(String inType, String capType, String sectStr, String devTitle, cmdOpts, String cmdTitle, String image) { section(sectHead(sectStr) /*, hideWhenEmpty: true */) { input "cond_${inType}", "capability.${capType}", title: inTS1(devTitle, image), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required:false //, hideWhenEmpty: true if (settings."cond_${inType}") { input "cond_${inType}_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("${cmdTitle}...", sCOMMAND), options: cmdOpts, multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true if ((String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd" && ((List)settings."cond_${inType}")?.size() > 1) { input "cond_${inType}_all", sBOOL, title: inTS1("ALL ${devTitle} must be (${(String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd"})?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } input "cond_${inType}_db", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Deactivate Zone immediately when ${cmdTitle} condition no longer passes?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') def condNumValSect(String inType, String capType, String sectStr, String devTitle, String cmdTitle, String image, hideable= false) { section(sectHead(sectStr) /*, hideWhenEmpty: true */) { input "cond_${inType}", "capability.${capType}", title: inTS1(devTitle, image), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false //, hideWhenEmpty: true if(settings."cond_${inType}") { input "cond_${inType}_cmd", sENUM, title: inTS1("${cmdTitle} is...", sCOMMAND), options: [sBETWEEN, sBELOW, sABOVE, sEQUALS], required: true, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true if ((String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd") { if ((String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd" in [sBETWEEN, sBELOW]) { input "cond_${inType}_low", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("a ${(String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd" == sBETWEEN ? "Low " : sBLANK}${cmdTitle} of...", "low"), required: true, submitOnChange: true } if ((String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd" in [sBETWEEN, sABOVE]) { input "cond_${inType}_high", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("${(String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd" == sBETWEEN ? "and a high " : "a "}${cmdTitle} of...", "high"), required: true, submitOnChange: true } if ((String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd" == sEQUALS) { input "cond_${inType}_equal", sNUMBER, title: inTS1("a ${cmdTitle} of...", "equal"), required: true, submitOnChange: true } if (settings."cond_${inType}"?.size() > 1) { input "cond_${inType}_all", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Require ALL devices to be (${(String)settings."cond_${inType}_cmd"}) values?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(!(Boolean)settings."cond_${inType}_all") { input "cond_${inType}_avg", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Use the average of all selected device values?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } input "cond_${inType}_db", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Deactivate Zone immediately when ${cmdTitle} condition no longer passes?", sCHKBOX), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } def condTimePage() { return dynamicPage(name:"condTimePage", title: sBLANK, install: false, uninstall: false) { Boolean timeReq = (settings["cond_time_start"] || settings["cond_time_stop"]) section(sectHead("Start Time:")) { input "cond_time_start_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Starting at...", "start_time"), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":"Sunrise", "sunset":"Sunset"], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(cond_time_start_type == sTIME) { input "cond_time_start", sTIME, title: inTS1("Start time", "start_time"), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if(cond_time_start_type in lSUNRISESET) { input "cond_time_start_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", "start_time"), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Stop Time:")) { input "cond_time_stop_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Stopping at...", "start_time"), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":"Sunrise", "sunset":"Sunset"], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(cond_time_stop_type == sTIME) { input "cond_time_stop", sTIME, title: inTS1("Stop time", "start_time"), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if(cond_time_stop_type in lSUNRISESET) { input "cond_time_stop_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", "start_time"), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } def zoneNotifPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "zoneNotifPage", title: "Zone Notifications", install: false, uninstall: false) { String a = getAppNotifDesc() if(!a) a = "Notifications not enabled" section() { paragraph divSm(a, sCLR4D9) } section (sectHead("Notification Devices:")) { input "notif_devs", "capability.notification", title: inTS1("Send to Notification devices?", "notification"), description: ((!settings?.notif_devs) ? inactFoot(sTTC) : sBLANK), required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true } section (sectHead("Alexa Mobile Notification:")) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Description:", sCLRGRY) + spanSmBld("This will send a push notification the Alexa Mobile app.", sCLRGRY) input "notif_alexa_mobile", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Send message to Alexa App?", "notification"), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } Boolean active = ((List)settings.notif_devs || (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile) if(active) { section (sectHead("Message Customization:")) { paragraph spanSm("Configure either an Active or Inactive message to complete notification configuration.", sCLR4D9) Boolean req = !((String)settings.notif_active_message || (String)settings.notif_inactive_message) input "notif_active_message", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Active Message?", sTEXT), required: req, submitOnChange: true input "notif_inactive_message", sTEXT, title: inTS1("Inactive Message?", sTEXT), required: req, submitOnChange: true } } else { List sets = settings.findAll { it.key.startsWith("notif_") }?.collect { (String)it.key } sets?.each { String sI-> settingRemove(sI) } } if(isZoneNotifConfigured()) { section(sectHead("Notification Restrictions:")) { String nsd = getNotifSchedDesc() href "zoneNotifTimePage", title: inTS1("Quiet Restrictions", "restriction"), description: (nsd ? divSm(spanSmBr(nsd) + inputFooter(sTTM), sCLR4D9) : inactFoot(sTTC)) } if(!(Boolean)state.notif_message_tested) { List actDevices = (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile ? parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.zone_EchoDevices) : [] def aMsgDev = actDevices?.size() && (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile ? actDevices[0] : null if(sendNotifMsg("Info", "Zone Notification Test Successful. Notifications Enabled for ${app?.getLabel()}", aMsgDev, true)) { state.notif_message_tested = true } } } else { state.remove("notif_message_tested") } } } def zoneNotifTimePage() { return dynamicPage(name:"zoneNotifTimePage", title: sBLANK, install: false, uninstall: false) { // String a = getNotifSchedDesc() // if(a) { // section() { // paragraph spanSmBldBr("Restrictions Status:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm(a, sCLR4D9) // paragraph spanSmBldBr("NOTICE: All selected restrictions must be ${strUnder("INACTIVE")} for notifications to be sent.", sCLRORG) // paragraph htmlLine() // } // } String pre = "notif" Boolean timeReq = (settings["${pre}_time_start"] || settings["${pre}_time_stop"]) section(sectHead("Quiet Start Time:")) { input "${pre}_time_start_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Starting at...", "start_time"), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":"Sunrise", "sunset":"Sunset"], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(settings."${pre}_time_start_type" == sTIME) { input "${pre}_time_start", sTIME, title: inTS1("Start time", "start_time"), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if(settings."${pre}_time_start_type" in lSUNRISESET) { input "${pre}_time_start_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", "start_time"), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Quiet Stop Time:")) { input "${pre}_time_stop_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Stopping at...", "start_time"), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":"Sunrise", "sunset":"Sunset"], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(settings."${pre}_time_stop_type" == sTIME) { input "${pre}_time_stop", sTIME, title: inTS1("Stop time", "start_time"), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if(settings."${pre}_time_stop_type" in lSUNRISESET) { input "${pre}_time_stop_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", "start_time"), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Allowed Days:")) { input "${pre}_days", sENUM, title: inTS1("Only on these week days", "day_calendar"), multiple: true, required: false, options: weekDaysEnum() } section(sectHead("Allowed Modes:")) { input "${pre}_modes", sMODE, title: inTS1("Only in these Modes", sMODE), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false } } } //******************************************** // CORE APP METHODS //******************************************** def installed() { logInfo("Installed Event Received...") state.dateInstalled = getDtNow() if((Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag && !(Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup) { Boolean maybeDup = ((String)app?.getLabel())?.contains(" (Dup)") state.dupPendingSetup = true runIn(2, "processDuplication") if(maybeDup) logInfo("installed found maybe a dup... ${(Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag}") } else { if(!(Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup) initialize() } } @Field static final String dupMSGFLD = "This zone is duplicated and has not had configuration completed... Please open zone and configure to complete setup..." def updated() { logInfo("Updated Event Received...") Boolean maybeDup = app?.getLabel()?.toString()?.contains(" (Dup)") if(maybeDup) logInfo("updated found maybe a dup... ${(Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag}") if((Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag) { if((Boolean)state.dupOpenedByUser) { state.dupPendingSetup = false } if((Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup){ logInfo(dupMSGFLD) return } logInfo("removing duplicate status") settingRemove('duplicateFlag'); settingRemove('duplicateSrcId') state.remove('dupOpenedByUser'); state.remove('dupPendingSetup'); state.remove('badMode') } initialize() } def initialize() { logInfo("Initialize Event Received...") if((Boolean)settings.duplicateFlag && (Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup){ logInfo(dupMSGFLD) return } updDeviceInputs() unsubscribe() unschedule() state.isInstalled = true updAppLabel() if(advLogsActive()) { logsEnabled() } runIn(3, "zoneCleanup") if(!isPaused(true)) { runIn(7, "subscribeToEvts") runEvery1Hour("healthCheck") updConfigStatusMap() } handleZoneDevice() checkZoneStatus([name: "initialize", displayName: "initialize"]) } void handleZoneDevice() { String dni = [app?.id, "echoSpeaks-Zone-Dev"].join("|") def childDevice = getChildDevice(dni) String devLabel = "EchoZone - ${app.getLabel().replace(" (Z)", sBLANK)}" String childHandlerName = "Echo Speaks Zone Device" if (!childDevice && (Boolean)settings.createZoneDevice) { // log.debug "childDevice not found | autoCreateDevices: ${settings.autoCreateDevices}" try{ logInfo("Creating NEW Echo Speaks Zone Device!!! | Device Label: ($devLabel)") childDevice = addChildDevice("tonesto7", childHandlerName, dni, null, [name: childHandlerName, label: devLabel, settings:[isZone: true], completedSetup: true]) } catch(ex) { logError("AddDevice Error! | ${ex}", false, ex) } } if (childDevice && !(Boolean)settings.createZoneDevice) { try { deleteChildDevice(childDevice.deviceNetworkId) } catch(e) { logError("RemoveDevice Error! } ${e}", false, e) } } } List getEzDevice() { return ((List)getChildDevices())?.findAll { (Boolean)it?.isZone() } } void updateChildZoneState(Boolean zoneActive, Boolean active) { if(zoneActive != null) getEzDevice()?.each { it?.updStatus(zoneActive) } if(active != null) getEzDevice()?.each { it?.updSocketStatus(active) } } /******************************************************************* To Device from parent *******************************************************************/ @SuppressWarnings('unused') String relayDevVersion() { String a a = sNULL getEzDevice().each { a = it.devVersion() } return a } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayUpdChildSocketStatus(Boolean active) { updateChildZoneState(null, active) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayUpdateCookies(Map cookies, Boolean doInit){ getEzDevice().each { it.updateCookies(cookies, doInit) } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayRemoveCookies(Boolean isParent) { getEzDevice().each { it.removeCookies(isParent) } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayEnableDebugLog() { getEzDevice().each { it.enableDebugLog() } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayDisableDebugLog() { getEzDevice().each { it.disableDebugLog() } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayEnableTraceLog() { getEzDevice().each { it.enableTraceLog() } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayDisableTraceLog() { getEzDevice().each { it.disableTraceLog() } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayLogsOff() { getEzDevice().each { it.logsOff() } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') Map relayGetLogHistory() { Map a; a=null; getEzDevice().each { a = it.getLogHistory() }; return a ?: [:] } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayClearLogHistory() { getEzDevice().each { it.clearLogHistory() } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayFinishAnnouncement(String msg, LinkedHashMap vmap) { getEzDevice().each { it.finishAnnounce(msg, vmap.vol, vmap.restvol) } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayFinishSpeak(Map resp, Integer statucode, Map data) { getEzDevice().each { it.finishSendSpeakZ(resp, statuscode, data) } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relaySetOnline(Boolean onl) { getEzDevice().each { it.setOnlineStatus(onl) } } /******************************************************************* To Parent from Device Command FUNCTIONS *******************************************************************/ Boolean zoneOnline() { if(isPaused(true) || !isActive()) { logTrace("zone offline or inactive; relay failed") return false } return true } Map relayMinVersions() { parent.minVersions() } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayMultiSeqCommand(List commands, String srcDesc, Boolean parallel=false, Map cmdMap=[:], String device=sNULL, String callback=sNULL) { if(zoneOnline()) parent.queueMultiSequenceCommand(commands, srcDesc, parallel, cmdMap, device, callback) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relaySeqCommand(String type, String command, value=null, Map deviceData=[:], String device=sNULL, String callback=sNULL) { if(zoneOnline()) parent.queueSequenceCommand(type, command, value, deviceData, device, callback) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayAnnounceZone(String zoneId, String msg, Boolean parallel, Boolean ignoreDoNotDisturb) { if(zoneOnline()) parent.sendZoneAnnounce(zoneId, msg, parallel, ignoreDoNotDisturb) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relaySpeakZone(String zoneId, String msg, Boolean parallel, Boolean ignoreDoNotDisturb) { if(zoneOnline()) parent.sendZoneSpeak(zoneId, msg, parallel, ignoreDoNotDisturb) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayNopCommand() { if(zoneOnline()) parent.queueNopCommand() } @SuppressWarnings('unused') private Boolean relayGetWWebSocketStatus() { parent.getWWebSocketStatus() } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void relayChildInitiatedRefresh() { parent.childInitiatedRefresh() } String relayGetAlexaGuardStatus() { parent.getAlexaGuardStatus() } /* Boolean RelayGetDndEnabled(String serial) { parent.getDndEnabled(serial) } */ @SuppressWarnings('unused') private void processDuplication() { String al = (String)app?.getLabel() String newLbl = "${al}${al?.contains(" (Dup)") ? sBLANK : " (Dup)"}" app?.updateLabel(newLbl) state.dupPendingSetup = true String dupSrcId = settings.duplicateSrcId ? (String)settings.duplicateSrcId : sNULL Map dupData = parent?.getChildDupeData("zones", dupSrcId) log.debug "dupData: ${dupData}" if(dupData && dupData.state?.size()) { dupData.state.each { String k,v-> state[k] = v } } if(dupData && dupData.settings?.size()) { dupData.settings.each { String k, Map v-> if((String)v.type in [sENUM, sMODE]) { settingRemove(k) settingUpdate(k, (v.value != null ? v.value : null), (String)v.type) } } } parent.childAppDuplicationFinished("zones", dupSrcId) sendZoneStatus() subscribe(location, "es3ZoneRefresh", zoneRefreshHandler) logInfo("Duplicated Zone has been created... Please open zone and configure to complete setup...") } def uninstalled() { sendZoneRemoved() } String getZoneName() { return (String)settings.appLbl } private void updAppLabel() { String newLbl = "${(String)settings.appLbl} (Z${isPaused(true) ? " ${sPAUSESymFLD}" : sBLANK})".replaceAll(/ (Dup)/, sBLANK).replaceAll("\\s"," ") if((String)settings.appLbl && (String)app?.getLabel() != newLbl) { app?.updateLabel(newLbl); sendZoneStatus() } } private void updConfigStatusMap() { Map sMap = (Map)state.configStatusMap sMap = sMap ?: [:] sMap.conditions = conditionsConfigured() sMap.devices = devicesConfigured() state.configStatusMap = sMap } Boolean devicesConfigured() { return (settings.zone_EchoDevices?.size() > 0) } //private Boolean getConfStatusItem(String item) { Map sMap = state.configStatusMap; return (sMap?.containsKey(item) && sMap[item] == true) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') private void zoneCleanup() { // State Cleanup List items = [] items.each { String si-> if(state.containsKey(si)) { state.remove(si)} } //Cleans up unused Zone setting items List setItems = ["zone_delay"] setItems.each { String sI-> if(settings.containsKey(sI)) { settingRemove(sI) } } } public void triggerInitialize() { runIn(3, "initialize") } public void updatePauseState(Boolean pause) { if((Boolean)settings.zonePause != pause) { logDebug("Received Request to Update Pause State to (${pause})") settingUpdate("zonePause", "${pause}", sBOOL) runIn(4, "updated") } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') private healthCheck() { // logTrace("healthCheck", true) checkZoneStatus([name: "healthCheck", displayName: "healthCheck"]) if(advLogsActive()) { logsDisable() } } //private condItemSet(String key) { return (settings.containsKey("cond_${key}") && settings["cond_${key}"]) } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyVariableNotAssigned') void scheduleCondition() { if(isPaused(true)) { logWarn("Zone is PAUSED... No Events will be subscribed to or scheduled....", true); return } Boolean tC = timeCondConfigured() Boolean dC = dateCondConfigured() if (tC || dC) { String msg = 'scheduleCondition: ' Date startTime Date stopTime if (tC) { Boolean timeOk = timeCondOk() // this updates state variables startTime = (String)state.startTime ? parseDate((String)state.startTime) : null stopTime = (String)state.stopTime ? parseDate((String)state.stopTime) : null } if(!startTime && !stopTime && dC){ startTime = timeToday('00:00', mTZ()) stopTime = timeTodayAfter('23:59', '00:00', mTZ()) } if(startTime && stopTime){ Long t = wnow() Long lstart = startTime.getTime() Long lstop = stopTime.getTime() Boolean not = lstart > lstop Boolean isStart = true Long nextEvtT = 0L if(!not) { if(t 0L) { Long tt = Math.round((nextEvtT)/1000.0D) + 1L tt=(tt<1L ? 1L:tt) if(isStart) runIn(tt, "zoneTimeStartCondHandler") else runIn(tt, "zoneTimeStopCondHandler") Date ttt = isStart ? startTime: stopTime msg += "Setting Schedule for ${isStart ? "Start Condition" : "Stop Condition"} in $tt's at ${epochToTime(ttt)}" msg += msg1 } else msg += "Nothing to"+msg1 } else log.warn "Strange - no start ($startTime) or stop ($stopTime) time: $tC date: $dC" logTrace(msg) } } void subscribeToEvts() { // state.handleGuardEvents = false if(minVersionFailed()) { logError("CODE UPDATE required to RESUME operation. No events will be monitored.", true); return } if(isPaused(true)) { logWarn("Zone is PAUSED... No Events will be subscribed to or scheduled....", true); return } List attItems = [sMODE, "alarm"] + lDATTSTR + lDATTNUM //SCHEDULING if(timeCondConfigured() || dateCondConfigured()) { scheduleCondition() schedule('33 0 0 1/1 * ? * ', scheduleCondition) // run at 00:00:33 every day // in case we have been stopped a while... Map condStat = conditionStatus() if((Boolean)condStat.ok) zoneTimeStartCondHandler() else zoneTimeStopCondHandler() } attItems.each { String si-> if((List)settings."cond_${si}") { switch(si) { case "alarm": subscribe(location, "hsmStatus", zoneEvtHandler) break case sMODE: if((List)settings.cond_mode && !(String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) { settingUpdate("cond_mode_cmd", "are", sENUM) } subscribe(location, si, zoneEvtHandler) break default: subscribe((List)settings."cond_${si}", si, zoneEvtHandler) break } } } // Subscribes to Zone Location Command from Other Echo Speaks apps. subscribe(location, "es3ZoneCmd", zoneCmdHandler) subscribe(location, "es3ZoneRefresh", zoneRefreshHandler) subscribe(location, "systemStart", zoneStartHandler) } /*********************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS HANDLER ************************************************************************************************************/ // Boolean reqAllCond() { Boolean a = multipleConditions(); return (!a || (a && (Boolean)settings.cond_require_all) ); } Boolean reqAllCond() { Boolean mult = multipleConditions() return ( mult && (Boolean)settings.cond_require_all ) } Boolean timeCondOk() { Date startTime Date stopTime Date now = new Date() String startType = (String)settings.cond_time_start_type String stopType = (String)settings.cond_time_stop_type if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == 'time' && settings.cond_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.cond_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == 'time' && settings.cond_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.cond_time_stop) : null if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { def sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.cond_time_start_offset ? settings.cond_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.cond_time_stop_offset ? settings.cond_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) } } if(startTime && stopTime) { Boolean not = startTime.getTime() > stopTime.getTime() Boolean isBtwn = timeOfDayIsBetween((not ? stopTime : startTime), (not ? startTime : stopTime), now, mTZ()) isBtwn = not ? !isBtwn : isBtwn state.startTime = formatDt(startTime) state.stopTime = formatDt(stopTime) logTrace("timeCondOk ${isBtwn} | CurTime: (${now}) is${!isBtwn ? " NOT": sBLANK} between (${not ? stopTime:startTime} and ${not? startTime:stopTime})") return isBtwn } } logTrace("timeCondOk | (null)") state.startTime = sNULL state.stopTime = sNULL return null } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyVariableNotAssigned') Boolean dateCondOk() { Boolean result = null Boolean dOk Boolean mOk if(((List)settings.cond_days || (List)settings.cond_months) ) { Boolean reqAll = reqAllCond() dOk = (List)settings.cond_days ? (isDayOfWeek((List)settings.cond_days)) : reqAll // true mOk = (List)settings.cond_months ? (isMonthOfYear((List)settings.cond_months)) : reqAll //true result = reqAll ? (mOk && dOk) : (mOk || dOk) } logTrace("dateCondOk | $result | monthOk: $mOk | daysOk: $dOk") return result } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyVariableNotAssigned') Boolean locationCondOk() { Boolean result = null Boolean mOk Boolean aOk if((List)settings.cond_mode || (String)settings.cond_mode_cmd || (List)settings.cond_alarm) { Boolean reqAll = reqAllCond() mOk = ((List)settings.cond_mode /*&& (String)settings.cond_mode_cmd*/) ? (isInMode((List)settings.cond_mode, ((String)settings.cond_mode_cmd == "not"))) : reqAll //true aOk = (List)settings.cond_alarm ? isInAlarmMode((List)settings.cond_alarm) : reqAll //true result = reqAll ? (mOk && aOk) : (mOk || aOk) } logTrace("locationCondOk | $result | modeOk: $mOk | alarmOk: $aOk") return result } Boolean checkDeviceCondOk(String att) { List devs = (List)settings."cond_${att}" ?: null def cmdVal = settings."cond_${att}_cmd" ?: null // list or string Boolean all = ((Boolean)settings."cond_${att}_all" == true) if( !(att && devs && cmdVal) ) { return true } return all ? allDevAttValsEqual(devs, att, cmdVal) : anyDevAttValsEqual(devs, att, cmdVal) } Boolean checkDeviceNumCondOk(String att) { List devs = (List)settings."cond_${att}" ?: null String cmd = (String)settings."cond_${att}_cmd" ?: sNULL Double dcl = settings."cond_${att}_low" ?: null Double dch = settings."cond_${att}_high" ?: null Double dce = settings."cond_${att}_equal" ?: null Boolean dca = ((Boolean)settings."cond_${att}_all" == true) ?: false if( !(att && devs && cmd) ) { return true } switch(cmd) { case "equals": if(dce) { if(dca) { return allDevAttNumValsEqual(devs, att, dce) } else { return anyDevAttNumValEqual(devs, att, dce) } } return true break case "between": if(dcl && dch) { if(dca) { return allDevAttNumValsBetween(devs, att, dcl, dch) } else { return anyDevAttNumValBetween(devs, att, dcl, dch) } } return true break case "above": if(dch) { if(dca) { return allDevAttNumValsAbove(devs, att, dch) } else { return anyDevAttNumValAbove(devs, att, dch) } } return true break case "below": if(dcl) { if(dca) { return allDevAttNumValsBelow(devs, att, dcl) } else { return anyDevAttNumValBelow(devs, att, dcl) } } return true break } return false } @Field static List lDATTSTR = ["switch", "motion", "presence", "contact", "acceleration", "lock", "securityKeypad", "windowShade", "door", "valve", "water" ] @Field static List lDATTNUM = ["battery", "temperature", "illuminance", "level", "power", "humidity"] private Boolean isConditionOk(String att) { if(lDATTSTR.contains(att)) { if(!settings."cond_${att}") { return true } return checkDeviceCondOk(att) } else if(lDATTNUM.contains(att)) { if(!settings."cond_${att}") { return true } return checkDeviceNumCondOk(att) } else if (att == sMODE) { return ((List)settings.cond_mode /*&& (String)settings.cond_mode_cmd*/) ? (isInMode((List)settings.cond_mode, ((String)settings.cond_mode_cmd == "not"))) : true } else if (["hsmStatus", "alarmSystemStatus"].contains(att)) { return (List)settings.cond_alarm ? isInAlarmMode((List)settings.cond_alarm) : true } else { return true } } Boolean deviceCondOk() { List skipped = [] List passed = [] List failed = [] lDATTSTR.each { String i-> if(!settings."cond_${i}") { skipped.push(i); return } checkDeviceCondOk(i) ? passed.push(i) : failed.push(i) } lDATTNUM.each { String i-> if(!settings."cond_${i}") { skipped.push(i); return } checkDeviceNumCondOk(i) ? passed.push(i) : failed.push(i) } Integer cndSize = (passed.size() + failed.size()) Boolean result = null if(cndSize != 0) result = reqAllCond() ? (cndSize == passed.size()) : (cndSize > 0 && passed.size() >= 1) logTrace("DeviceCondOk | ${result} | Found: (${(passed?.size() + failed?.size())}) | Skipped: $skipped | Passed: $passed | Failed: $failed") return result } Map conditionStatus() { Boolean reqAll = reqAllCond() List failed = [] List passed = [] List skipped = [] Boolean ok = true if((Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup) ok = false if(!settings.zone_EchoDevices) ok = false Integer cndSize=(Integer)null if(ok) { [sTIME, "date", "location", "device"].each { i-> Boolean s = "${i}CondOk"() if(s == null) { skipped.push(i); return } s ? passed.push(i) : failed.push(i) } cndSize = passed.size() + failed.size() ok = reqAll ? (cndSize == passed.size()) : (cndSize > 0 && passed.size() >= 1) if(cndSize == 0) ok = true } logTrace("conditionStatus | ok: $ok | RequireAll: ${reqAll} | Found: (${cndSize}) | Skipped: $skipped | Passed: $passed | Failed: $failed") return [ok: ok, passed: passed, blocks: failed] } Boolean devCondConfigured(String att) { return ((List)settings."cond_${att}" && (String)settings."cond_${att}_cmd") } Boolean devNumCondConfigured(String att) { return ((String)settings."cond_${att}_cmd" && (settings."cond_${att}_low" || settings."cond_${att}_high" || settings."trig_${att}_equal")) } Boolean timeCondConfigured() { Boolean startTime = ((String)settings.cond_time_start_type in lSUNRISESET || ((String)settings.cond_time_start_type == sTIME && settings.cond_time_start)) Boolean stopTime = ((String)settings.cond_time_stop_type in lSUNRISESET || ((String)settings.cond_time_stop_type == sTIME && settings.cond_time_stop)) return (startTime && stopTime) } Boolean dateCondConfigured() { Boolean days = ((List)settings.cond_days) Boolean months = ((List)settings.cond_months) return (days || months) } Boolean locationCondConfigured() { if((List)settings.cond_mode && !(String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) { settingUpdate("cond_mode_cmd", "are", sENUM) } Boolean mode = ((List)settings.cond_mode && (String)settings.cond_mode_cmd) Boolean alarm = ((List)settings.cond_alarm) return (mode || alarm) } Boolean deviceCondConfigured() { return (deviceCondCount() > 0) } Integer deviceCondCount() { List devConds = lDATTSTR + lDATTNUM List items = [] devConds.each { String dc-> if(devCondConfigured(dc)) { items.push(dc) } } return items.size() } Boolean conditionsConfigured() { return (timeCondConfigured() || dateCondConfigured() || locationCondConfigured() || deviceCondConfigured()) } Boolean multipleConditions() { Integer cnt = 0 if(timeCondConfigured()) cnt++ if(dateCondConfigured()) cnt++ if(locationCondConfigured()) cnt++ cnt = cnt + deviceCondCount() return (cnt>1) } /*********************************************************************************************************** EVENT HANDLER FUNCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************/ def zoneEvtHandler(evt) { logTrace( "${(String)evt?.name} Event | Device: ${(String)evt?.displayName} | Value: (${strCapitalize(evt?.value?.toString())}) with a delay of ${wnow() - ((Date)evt?.date)?.getTime()}ms") checkZoneStatus(evt) scheduleCondition() } void zoneTimeStartCondHandler() { Map evt = [date: new Date(), name: "Time", displayName: "Condition Start Time", value: wnow()] zoneEvtHandler(evt) } void zoneTimeStopCondHandler() { Map evt = [date: new Date(), name: "Time", displayName: "Condition Stop Time", value: wnow()] zoneEvtHandler(evt) } def zoneStartHandler(evt) { zoneEvtHandler(evt) // match states incase we were down sendZoneStatus() } private void addToZoneHistory(Map evt, Map condStatus, Integer max=10) { Boolean ssOk = true //(stateSizePerc() <= 70) List eData = getMemStoreItem(zoneHistFLD) ?: [] eData.push([dt: getDtNow(), active: (condStatus.ok == true), evtName: evt.name, evtDevice: evt.displayName, blocks: condStatus.blocks, passed: condStatus.passed]) Integer lsiz = eData.size() if(!ssOk || lsiz > max) { eData = eData.drop( (lsiz-max)+1 ) } updMemStoreItem(zoneHistFLD, eData) } void checkZoneStatus(evt) { Map condStatus = conditionStatus() Boolean active = (Boolean)condStatus.ok String delayType = active ? "active" : "inactive" String nm = (String)evt?.name String msg1 = " | Call from ${nm} / ${(String)evt?.displayName}".toString() if((Boolean)state.zoneConditionsOk == active) { logTrace("checkZoneStatus: Zone: ${delayType} | No changes${msg1}"); return } Boolean bypassDelay = false Map data = [active: active, recheck: false, evtData: [name: nm, displayName: (String)evt?.displayName], condStatus: condStatus] Integer delay = settings."zone_${delayType}_delay" ?: null if(!active && settings."cond_${nm}_db" == true) { bypassDelay = !isConditionOk(nm) } String msg = !bypassDelay && delay ? "in (${delay} sec)" : (bypassDelay ? "Bypassing Inactive Delay for (${nm}) Event..." : sBLANK) logTrace("calling updateZoneStatus [${delayType}] "+msg+msg1) if(!bypassDelay && delay) { runIn(delay, "updateZoneStatus", [data: data]) } else { updateZoneStatus(data) } } public Boolean isZoneDeviceEnabled() { return (Boolean)settings.createZoneDevice } Map myZoneStatus() { Map zoneDevs = getZoneDevices() // log.debug "zoneDevs: $zoneDevs" return [name: (String)app?.getLabel(), active: isActive(), paused: isPaused(true), id: app?.getId(), createZoneDevice: isZoneDeviceEnabled(), zoneDevices: (List)zoneDevs.devIds ?: []] } void sendZoneStatus() { Map zs = myZoneStatus() sendLocationEvent(name: "es3ZoneState", value: app?.getId(), data: zs, isStateChange: true, display: false, displayed: false) Boolean onl = (Boolean)zs.active && !(Boolean)zs.paused relaySetOnline(onl) } void sendZoneRemoved() { sendLocationEvent(name: "es3ZoneRemoved", value: app?.getId(), data:[name: (String)app?.getLabel()], isStateChange: true, display: false, displayed: false) } void updateZoneStatus(Map data) { Boolean active = (Boolean)data.active Map condStatus = (Map)data.condStatus if((Boolean)data.recheck) { condStatus = conditionStatus() active = (Boolean)condStatus.ok } if(state.zoneConditionsOk != active) { logInfo("Setting Zone (${getZoneName()}) Status to (${active ? "Active" : "Inactive"})") state.zoneConditionsOk = active addToZoneHistory((Map)data.evtData, condStatus) sendZoneStatus() if(isZoneNotifConfigured()) { Boolean ok2Send = true String msgTxt = active ? ((String)settings.notif_active_message ?: sNULL) : ((String)settings.notif_inactive_message ?: sNULL) if(ok2Send && msgTxt) { Map zoneDevices = getZoneDevices() def alexaMsgDev = ((List)zoneDevices.devices)?.size() && (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile ? ((List)zoneDevices.devices)[0] : null if(sendNotifMsg(getZoneName(), msgTxt, alexaMsgDev, false)) { logTrace("Sent Zone Notification...") } } } if(active) { if(settings.zone_active_switches_off) settings.zone_active_switches_off*.off() if(settings.zone_active_switches_on) settings.zone_active_switches_on*.on() } else { if(settings.zone_inactive_switches_off) settings.zone_inactive_switches_off*.off() if(settings.zone_inactive_switches_on) settings.zone_inactive_switches_on*.on() } } else logDebug("no change to Zone (${getZoneName()}) Status (${active ? "Active" : "Inactive"})") } public getZoneHistory(Boolean asObj=false) { List zHist = (List)getMemStoreItem(zoneHistFLD) ?: [] List output = [] if(zHist?.size()) { zHist.sort { a,b-> b.dt <=> a.dt }.each { h-> List hList = [] hList.push([name: "Trigger:", val: h?.evtName]) hList.push([name: "Device:", val: h?.evtDevice]) // hList.push([name: "Value:", val: h?.evtValue]) hList.push([name: "Zone Status:", val: (h?.active ? "Activate" : "Deactivate")]) hList.push([name: "Conditions Passed:", val: h?.passed]) hList.push([name: "Conditions Blocks:", val: h?.blocks]) hList.push([name: "DateTime:", val: h?.dt]) if(hList.size()) { output.push(spanSm(kvListToHtmlTable(hList, sCLR4D9), sCLRGRY)) } } } else { output.push("No History Items Found...") } if(!asObj) { output.each { i-> paragraph spanSm(i) } } else { return output } } private static String kvListToHtmlTable(List tabList, String color=sCLRGRY) { String str = sBLANK if(tabList?.size()) { str += "" tabList.each { it-> str += "" } str += "
" } return str } Map getZoneDevices(String icmd=sNULL, Boolean ignoreDoNotDisturb=false) { // updDeviceInputs() String cmd=icmd List devObj = [] List devIds = [] if(cmd==sNULL) cmd='announce' List devices = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.zone_EchoDevices) //devices?.each { devObj?.push([deviceTypeId: it?.getEchoDeviceType() as String, deviceSerialNumber: it?.getEchoSerial() as String]); devIds.push(it?.getId()); } devices?.each { Map devInfo = it?.getEchoDevInfo(cmd, ignoreDoNotDisturb) if(devInfo) { devObj?.push(devInfo) devIds.push(it?.getId()) } else { logDebug("Uh Oh. did not get devinfo") } // devObj?.push([deviceTypeId: it?.getEchoDeviceType() as String, deviceSerialNumber: it?.getEchoSerial() as String]) // devIds.push(it?.getId()) } return [devices: devices, devObj: devObj, devIds: devIds]//, jsonStr: new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(devObj)] } public zoneRefreshHandler(evt) { String cmd = evt?.value // Map data = evt?.jsonData switch(cmd) { case "checkStatus": checkZoneStatus([name: "zoneRefresh", displayName: "zoneRefresh"]) scheduleCondition() break case "sendStatus": sendZoneStatus() break } } /* * handle commands sent to a zone * caller could be actions (a broadcast location event) (actions calls parent for speak or announce to combine across zones) * or a zone device handler (calling its parent) */ @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') public zoneCmdHandler(evt, Boolean chldDev=false, Boolean ignoreDoNotDisturb=false) { // log.warn "zoneCmdHandler $evt" String cmd = evt?.value Map data = evt?.jsonData String appId = app?.getId() as String // log.warn "zoneCmdHandler cmd: $cmd data: $data appId: $appId" if(cmd && data && appId && data.zones && data.zones.contains(appId) && data.cmd) { // is the broadcast for me? if(isPaused(true) || !isActive()) { logInfo( "zoneCmdHandler: zone is paused or inactive Skipping $evt") return } // log.trace "zoneCmdHandler | Cmd: $cmd | Data: $data" if(cmd == 'speak'/* && zoneDevs?.size() >= 2 */ ) { Boolean fA = true if(settings.forceAnnounce != null) fA = (Boolean)settings.forceAnnounce if(fA) cmd = "announcement" } Map zoneDevMap = getZoneDevices(cmd == 'speak' ? 'TTS' : 'announce', ignoreDoNotDisturb) List zoneDevs = (List)zoneDevMap.devices if(data.zoneVolumes && data.zoneVolumes?.size() && data.zoneVolumes[appId]) { Map zVol = (Map)data.zoneVolumes[appId] // log.debug "zoneVolume: ${zVol}" data.changeVol = zVol.change ?: data.changeVol data.restoreVol = zVol.restore ?: data.restoreVol } Integer delay = (Integer)data.delay // ?: null // log.warn "zoneCmdHandler cmd: $cmd data: $data zoneDevMap: $zoneDevMap zoneDevs: $zoneDevs" if(cmd in [ 'speak', 'announcement', 'voicecmd', 'sequence'] && !data.message) { logWarning("Zone Command Message is missing", true); return } String tmsg = (String)data.message String msgp1 = " to Zone (${getZoneName()})" String msgv1 = "${data.changeVol!=null ? " | Volume: ${data.changeVol}" : sBLANK}${data.restoreVol!=null ? " | Restore Volume: ${data.restoreVol}" : sBLANK}" String msgd1 = "${delay ? " | Delay: (${delay})" : sBLANK}" Boolean doFin = false switch(cmd) { case "speak": logDebug("Sending Speak Command: (${tmsg})${msgp1}${msgv1}${msgd1}") if(data.changeVol!=null) { zoneDevs?.each { dev-> dev?.setVolumeSpeakAndRestore(data.changeVol, tmsg, null) } /* call zone vdevice with finishSendSpeakZ */ if(!chldDev) relayFinishSpeak([:], 200, [message: tmsg, oldVolume: data.restoreVol, newVolume: data.changeVol]) } else { zoneDevs?.each { dev-> dev?.speak(tmsg) } } if(data.restoreVol!=null) { zoneDevs?.each { dev-> dev?.setLevel(data.restoreVol) } } break case "announcement": if(zoneDevs?.size() > 0 && (List)zoneDevMap.devObj) { logDebug("Sending Announcement Command: (${tmsg})${msgp1}${msgv1}${msgd1}") List valS = tmsg.contains("::") ? (List)tmsg.split("::") : [sNULL, tmsg] String mymsg = valS[1] String mtitle = data.title ?: (valS[0] ?: getZoneName()) //NOTE: Only sends command to first device in the list | We send the list of devices to announce one and then Amazon does all the processing zoneDevs[0]?.sendAnnouncementToDevices(mymsg, mtitle, (List)zoneDevMap.devObj, data.changeVol, data.restoreVol) /* call zone vdevice with finishAnnounce */ if(!chldDev) relayFinishAnnouncement(mtitle+'::'+mymsg, [vol: (Integer)data.changeVol, restvol: (Integer)data.restoreVol]) } break case "voicecmd": logDebug("Sending VoiceCmdAsText Command: (${tmsg})${msgp1}${msgd1}") zoneDevs?.each { dev-> dev?.voiceCmdAsText(tmsg) } break case "sequence": logDebug("Sending Sequence Command: (${tmsg})${msgp1}${msgd1}") zoneDevs?.each { dev-> dev?.executeSequenceCommand(tmsg) } break case "alarmvolume": case "volume": logDebug("Sending ${data.cmd?.capitalize()} Command${msgp1}${msgv1}${msgd1}") if(data.changeVol != null) { zoneDevs?.each { dev-> dev?."${data.cmd}"(data.changeVol) } /* call zone vdevice with updateLevel */ if(!chldDev) getEzDevice().each { it.updateLevel(null, data.changeVol) } } break case "playback": case "dnd": case "mute": case "unmute": logDebug("Sending ${data.cmd?.capitalize()} Command${msgp1}${msgd1}") zoneDevs?.each { dev-> if(data.cmd) { dev?."${data.cmd}"() } } /* if(!chldDev) todo need to call zone vdevice with mute/unmute updates */ // getEzDevice().each { it.updateCookies(cookies) } break case "builtin": case "calendar": case "weather": logDebug("Sending ${data.cmd?.capitalize()} Command${msgp1}${msgv1}${msgd1}") zoneDevs?.each { dev-> if(data.cmd) { dev?."${data.cmd}"(data.changeVol, data.restoreVol) } } doFin=true break case "sounds": logDebug("Sending ${data.cmd?.capitalize()} | Name: ${tmsg} Command${msgp1}${msgv1}${msgd1}") zoneDevs?.each { dev-> dev?."${data.cmd}"(tmsg, data.changeVol, data.restoreVol) } doFin=true break case "music": logDebug("Sending ${data.cmd?.capitalize()} Command${msgp1} | Provider: ${data.provider} | Search: ${data.search}${msgd1}${msgv1}") zoneDevs?.each { dev -> dev?."${data.cmd}"(data.search, data.provider, data.changeVol, data.restoreVol) } doFin=true break } /* call zone vdevice with updateLevel */ if(doFin && !chldDev) getEzDevice().each { it.updateLevel(data.restoreVol, data.changeVol) } } } /****************************************** | Restriction validators *******************************************/ @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') static String attUnit(String attr) { switch(attr) { case "humidity": case "level": case "battery": return " percent" case "temperature": return " degrees" case "illuminance": return " lux" case "power": return " watts" default: return sBLANK } } /* Double getDevValueAvg(devs, attr) { List vals = devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(attr)?.isNumber() }?.collect { it?.currentValue(attr).toDouble() } return vals?.size() ? (vals?.sum()/vals?.size())?.round(1) as Double : null } */ String getCurrentMode() { return (String)location?.mode } List getLocationModes(Boolean sorted=false) { List modes = location?.modes*.name // log.debug "modes: ${modes}" return (sorted) ? modes?.sort() : modes } Boolean isInMode(List modes, Boolean not=false) { if(modes instanceof String){ modes = modes.toList() log.warn("Found bad mode settings $modes, this setting needs to be updated to work properly") } return (modes) ? (not ? (!(getCurrentMode() in modes)) : (getCurrentMode() in modes)) : false } Boolean isInAlarmMode(List modes) { String a = location?.hsmStatus ?: "disarmed" //return (modes) ? (parent?.getAlarmSystemStatus() in modes) : false return (modes) ? (a in modes) : false } /* Boolean areAllDevsSame(List devs, String attr, val) { if(devs && attr) { return (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(attr) == val as String }?.size() == devs?.size()) } return false } */ Boolean allDevAttValsEqual(List devs, String att, val) { if(devs && att) { if(val instanceof List) return (devs.findAll { it?.currentValue(att) in val }?.size() == devs.size()) else return (devs.findAll { it?.currentValue(att) == val }?.size() == devs.size()) } return false } Boolean anyDevAttValsEqual(List devs, String att, val) { if(devs && att) { if(val instanceof List) return (devs.findAll { it?.currentValue(att) in (List)val }?.size() >= 1) else return (devs.findAll { it?.currentValue(att) == val }?.size() >= 1) } return false } Boolean anyDevAttNumValAbove(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() > val }?.size() >= 1) : false } Boolean anyDevAttNumValBelow(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() < val }?.size() >= 1) : false } Boolean anyDevAttNumValBetween(List devs, String att, Double low, Double high) { return (devs && att && (low < high)) ? (devs?.findAll { Double t = it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() ( (t >= low) && (t <= high) ) }?.size() >= 1) : false } Boolean anyDevAttNumValEqual(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() == val }?.size() >= 1) : false } Boolean allDevAttNumValsAbove(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() > val }?.size() == devs?.size()) : false } Boolean allDevAttNumValsBelow(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() < val }?.size() == devs?.size()) : false } Boolean allDevAttNumValsBetween(List devs, String att, Double low, Double high) { return (devs && att && (low < high)) ? (devs?.findAll { Double t = it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() ( (t >= low) && (t <= high) ) }?.size() == devs?.size()) : false } Boolean allDevAttNumValsEqual(List devs, String att, Double val) { return (devs && att) ? (devs?.findAll { it?.currentValue(att)?.toDouble() == val }?.size() == devs?.size()) : false } /* Boolean devAttValEqual(List devs, String devId, String att, val) { if(devs && att) { return (devs.find { it?.currentValue(att) == val }) } return false } */ static String getAlarmSystemName(Boolean abbr=false) { return (abbr ? "HSM" : "Hubitat Safety Monitor") } public Map getZoneMetrics() { Map out = [:] out.version = appVersionFLD out.activeDelay = settings.zone_active_delay ?: 0 out.inactiveDelay = settings.zone_inactive_delay ?: 0 out.zoneDevices = settings.zone_EchoDevices ?: [] out.activeSwitchesOnCnt = settings.zone_active_switches_on ?: [] out.activeSwitchesOffCnt = settings.zone_active_switches_off ?: [] out.inactiveSwitchesOnCnt = settings.zone_inactive_switches_on ?: [] out.inactiveSwitchesOffCnt = settings.zone_inactive_switches_off ?: [] return out } /****************************************** | Time and Date Conversion Functions *******************************************/ private static TimeZone mTZ(){ return TimeZone.getDefault() } // (TimeZone)location.timeZone static String formatDt(Date dt, Boolean tzChg=true) { return dateTimeFmt(dt, "E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", tzChg) } static String dateTimeFmt(Date dt, String fmt, Boolean tzChg=true) { // if(!(dt instanceof Date)) { try { dt = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", dt?.toString()) } catch(e) { dt = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", dt?.toString()) } } def tf = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt) if(tzChg && mTZ()) { tf.setTimeZone(mTZ()) } return (String)tf.format(dt) } static String convToTime(Date dt) { String newDt = dateTimeFmt(dt, "h:mm a") if(newDt?.contains(":00 ")) { newDt?.toString()?.replaceAll(":00 ", sSPACE) } return newDt } static Date parseDate(String dt) { return Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", dt) } //static Boolean isDateToday(Date dt) { return (dt && dt.clearTime().compareTo(new Date().clearTime()) >= 0) } static Boolean isDateToday(Date dt) { return (dt && dt.clearTime() >= new Date().clearTime()) } static String strCapitalize(String str) { return str ? str.toString().capitalize() : sNULL } static String pluralizeStr(List obj, Boolean para=true) { return (obj?.size() > 1) ? "${para ? "(s)": "s"}" : sBLANK } static String getDtNow() { Date now = new Date() return formatDt(now) } static String epochToTime(Date dt) { return dateTimeFmt(dt, "h:mm a") } static String fmtTime(t, String fmt="h:mm a", Boolean altFmt=false) { if(!t) return sNULL Date dt = new Date().parse(altFmt ? "E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", t.toString()) return dateTimeFmt(dt, fmt) } Long GetTimeDiffSeconds(String lastDate, String sender=sNULL) { try { if(lastDate?.contains("dtNow")) { return 10000 } Date lastDt = parseDate(lastDate) // Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", lastDate) Long start = lastDt.getTime() Long stop = wnow() Long diff = Math.round((stop - start) / 1000L) return diff.abs() } catch (ex) { logError("GetTimeDiffSeconds Exception: (${sender ? "$sender | " : sBLANK}lastDate: $lastDate): ${ex?.message}", false, ex) return 10000L } } static String getWeekDay() { def df = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE") df.setTimeZone(mTZ()) return (String)df.format(new Date()) } /* String getWeekMonth() { def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("W") df.setTimeZone(location?.timeZone) return (String)df.format(new Date()) } String getDay() { def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("D") df.setTimeZone(location?.timeZone) return (String)df.format(new Date()) } String getYear() { def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy") df.setTimeZone(location?.timeZone) return (String)df.format(new Date()) } */ static String getMonth() { def df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM") df.setTimeZone(mTZ()) return (String)df.format(new Date()) } /* String getWeekYear() { def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("w") df.setTimeZone(location?.timeZone) return (String)df.format(new Date()) } */ /* Map getDateMap() { return [d: getWeekDay(), dm: getDay(), wm: getWeekMonth(), wy: getWeekYear(), m: getMonth(), y: getYear() ] } */ static Boolean isDayOfWeek(List opts) { String day = getWeekDay() return ( opts?.contains(day) ) } static Boolean isMonthOfYear(List opts) { String mon = getMonth() return ( opts?.contains(mon) ) } Boolean isTimeOfDay(String startTime, String stopTime) { if(!startTime && !stopTime) { return true } Date st = toDateTime(startTime) Date et = toDateTime(stopTime) return timeOfDayIsBetween(st, et, new Date(), mTZ()) } Boolean advLogsActive() { return ((Boolean)settings.logDebug || (Boolean)settings.logTrace) } public void logsEnabled() { if(advLogsActive() && !getTsVal("logsEnabled")) { logTrace("enabling logging timer"); updTsVal("logsEnabled") } } public void logsDisable() { if(advLogsActive()) { Integer dtSec = getLastTsValSecs("logsEnabled", null) if(dtSec && (dtSec > 3600*6)) { settingUpdate("logDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("logTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL) remTsVal("logsEnabled") log.debug "Disabling debug logs" } } } public void enableDebugLog() { settingUpdate("logDebug", sTRUE, sBOOL); logInfo("Debug Logs Enabled From Main App...") } public void disableDebugLog() { settingUpdate("logDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL); logInfo("Debug Logs Disabled From Main App...") } public void enableTraceLog() { settingUpdate("logTrace", sTRUE, sBOOL); logInfo("Trace Logs Enabled From Main App...") } public void disableTraceLog() { settingUpdate("logTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL); logInfo("Trace Logs Disabled From Main App...") } @Field volatile static Map tsDtMapFLD=[:] private void updTsVal(String key, String dt=sNULL) { String appId=app.getId() Map data=tsDtMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] if(!data) data = (Map)state.tsDtMap ?: [:] if(key) { data[key] = dt ?: getDtNow() } tsDtMapFLD[appId]=data tsDtMapFLD=tsDtMapFLD state.tsDtMap = data } private void remTsVal(key) { String appId=app.getId() Map data=tsDtMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] if(!data) data = (Map)state.tsDtMap ?: [:] if(key) { if(key instanceof List) { List aa = (List)key aa.each { String k-> if(data.containsKey(k)) { data.remove(k) } } } else if(data.containsKey((String)key)) { data.remove((String)key) } } tsDtMapFLD[appId]=data tsDtMapFLD=tsDtMapFLD state.tsDtMap = data } String getTsVal(String key) { String appId=app.getId() Map tsMap=tsDtMapFLD[appId] if(!tsMap) tsMap = (Map)state.tsDtMap ?: [:] if(key && tsMap && tsMap[key]) { return (String)tsMap[key] } return sNULL } Integer getLastTsValSecs(String val, Integer nullVal=1000000) { return (val && getTsVal(val)) ? GetTimeDiffSeconds(getTsVal(val)).toInteger() : nullVal } private void updAppFlag(String key, Boolean val) { Map data = atomicState?.appFlagsMap ?: [:] if(key) { data[key] = val } atomicState.appFlagsMap = data } @SuppressWarnings('unused') private void remAppFlag(key) { Map data = atomicState?.appFlagsMap ?: [:] if(key) { if(key instanceof List) { List aa = (List)key aa.each { String k-> if(data.containsKey(k)) { data.remove(k) } } } else { if(data.containsKey(key)) { data.remove(key) } } atomicState.appFlagsMap = data } } Boolean getAppFlag(String val) { Map aMap = atomicState?.appFlagsMap if(val && aMap && aMap[val]) { return (Boolean)aMap[val] } return false } @SuppressWarnings('unused') private stateMapMigration() { //Timestamp State Migrations Map tsItems = [:] tsItems?.each { k, v-> if(state.containsKey(k)) { updTsVal(v, (String)state[k]); state.remove(k) } } //App Flag Migrations Map flagItems = [:] flagItems?.each { k, v-> if(state.containsKey(k)) { updAppFlag(v, (Boolean)state[k]); state.remove(k) } } updAppFlag("stateMapConverted", true) } /****************************************** | App Input Description Functions *******************************************/ /* String unitStr(String att) { switch(att) { case "temp": return "\u00b0${getTemperatureScale() ?: "F"}" case "humidity": case "battery": return "%" default: return sBLANK } } */ String getAppNotifDesc(Boolean hide=false) { String str = sBLANK if(isZoneNotifConfigured()) { Boolean ok = getOk2Notify() str += hide ? sBLANK : spanSmBr(strUnder("Send allowed: ") + getOkOrNotSymHTML(ok)) str += ((List)settings.notif_devs) ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Notification Device${pluralizeStr((List)settings.notif_devs)} (${((List)settings.notif_devs).size()})") : sBLANK str += (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Alexa Mobile App") : sBLANK String res = getNotifSchedDesc(true) str += res ? spanSmBr(res) : sBLANK } return str != sBLANK ? str : sNULL } List getQuietDays() { List allDays = weekDaysEnum() List curDays = (List)settings.notif_days ?: [] return allDays?.findAll { (!curDays?.contains(it)) } } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyVariableNotAssigned') String getNotifSchedDesc(Boolean min=false) { String startType = settings.notif_time_start_type Date startTime String stopType = settings.notif_time_stop_type Date stopTime List dayInput = (List)settings.notif_days List modeInput = (List)settings.notif_modes String str = sBLANK if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_stop) : null } if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Map sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.notif_time_start_offset ? settings.notif_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.notif_time_stop_offset ? settings.notif_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) } } Boolean timeOk = notifTimeOk() Boolean daysOk = dayInput ? (isDayOfWeek(dayInput)) : true Boolean modesOk = modeInput ? (isInMode(modeInput)) : true Boolean rest = !(daysOk && modesOk && timeOk) String startLbl = startTime ? epochToTime(startTime) : sBLANK String stopLbl = stopTime ? epochToTime(stopTime) : sBLANK str += (startLbl && stopLbl) ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Restricted Times: ${startLbl} - ${stopLbl} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(!timeOk)) : sBLANK List qDays = getQuietDays() str += dayInput && qDays ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Restricted Day${pluralizeStr(qDays, false)}: (${qDays?.join(", ")}) " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(!daysOk)) : sBLANK str += modeInput ? spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Allowed Mode${pluralizeStr(modeInput, false)}: (${modeInput?.join(", ")}) " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(!modesOk)) : sBLANK str = str ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Restrictions Active: " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(rest)) + spanSm(str) : sBLANK return (str != sBLANK) ? divSm(str, sCLR4D9) : sNULL } String getOverallDesc() { Map condStatus = conditionStatus() String str = spanSmBld("Zone is ") + spanSmBr( ((Boolean)condStatus.ok ? "Active " : "Inactive ") + getOkOrNotSymHTML((Boolean)condStatus.ok)) return str } String getConditionsDesc(Boolean addFoot=true) { Boolean confd = conditionsConfigured() String sPre = "cond_" String str = sBLANK if(confd) { str = getOverallDesc() str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} " + spanSmBld("${reqAllCond() ? "All Conditions Required" : "Any Condition Allowed"}")) if((Boolean)timeCondConfigured()) { str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Time Between Allowed: " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(timeCondOk())) str += spanSmBr(" - ${getTimeCondDesc(false)}") } if((Boolean)dateCondConfigured()) { str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Date:") str += (List)settings.cond_days ? spanSmBr(" - Days Allowed: " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(isDayOfWeek((List)settings.cond_days))) : sBLANK str += (List)settings.cond_months ? spanSmBr(" - Months Allowed: " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(isMonthOfYear((List)settings.cond_months))) : sBLANK } if((List)settings.cond_alarm || (List)settings.cond_mode) { str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Location: " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(locationCondOk())) String a = location?.hsmStatus ?: "disarmed" str += (List)settings.cond_alarm ? spanSmBr(" - Alarm Mode ${a} in: ${(List)settings.cond_alarm} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(isInAlarmMode((List)settings.cond_alarm))) : sBLANK Boolean not = ((String)settings.cond_mode_cmd == "not") str += settings.cond_mode ? spanSmBr(" - Mode ${getCurrentMode()} (${not ? "not in" : "in"}): ${(List)settings.cond_mode} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(isInMode((List)settings.cond_mode, not))) : sBLANK } if(deviceCondConfigured()) { List devConds = lDATTSTR + lDATTNUM devConds.each { String evt-> if(devCondConfigured(evt)) { Boolean condOk = false if(evt in lDATTSTR) { condOk = checkDeviceCondOk(evt) } else if(evt in lDATTNUM) { condOk = checkDeviceNumCondOk(evt) } List devs = settings."${sPre}${evt}" ?: null if(devs){ List myV = [] if(!addFoot) devs.each { dev -> myV.push(dev?.currentValue(evt)) } str += spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} ${evt?.capitalize()} (${settings."${sPre}${evt}"?.size()}) ${!addFoot ? myV : sBLANK} " + getOkOrNotSymHTML(condOk)) } String a = " - Desired Value: " String cmd = (String)settings."${sPre}${evt}_cmd" ?: sNULL if(cmd in [sBETWEEN, sBELOW, sABOVE, sEQUALS]) { def cmdLow = settings."${sPre}${evt}_low" ?: null def cmdHigh = settings."${sPre}${evt}_high" ?: null def cmdEq = settings."${sPre}${evt}_equal" ?: null str += (cmd == sEQUALS && cmdEq) ? spanSmBr(a+"( =${cmdEq}${attUnit(evt)})" + (settings."cond_${inType}_avg" ? "(Avg)" : sBLANK)) : sBLANK str += (cmd == sBETWEEN && cmdLow && cmdHigh) ? spanSmBr(a+"(${cmdLow-cmdHigh}${attUnit(evt)})" + (settings."cond_${inType}_avg" ? "(Avg)" : sBLANK)) : sBLANK str += (cmd == sABOVE && cmdHigh) ? spanSmBr(a+"( >${cmdHigh}${attUnit(evt)})" + (settings."cond_${inType}_avg" ? "(Avg)" : sBLANK)) : sBLANK str += (cmd == sBELOW && cmdLow) ? spanSmBr(a+"( <${cmdLow}${attUnit(evt)})" + (settings."cond_${inType}_avg" ? "(Avg)" : sBLANK)) : sBLANK } else { str += cmd ? spanSmBr(a+"(${cmd})" + (settings."cond_${inType}_avg" ? "(Avg)" : sBLANK)) : sBLANK } str += ((Boolean)settings."${sPre}${evt}_all" == true) ? spanSmBr(" - Require All: (${settings."${sPre}${evt}_all"})") : sBLANK } } } str += addFoot ? inputFooter(sTTM) : sBLANK } else { str += addFoot ? inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true) : sBLANK } return str } String getZoneDesc() { if(devicesConfigured() && conditionsConfigured()) { List eDevs = parent?.getDevicesFromList(settings.zone_EchoDevices)?.collect { it?.displayName as String } String str = eDevs?.size() ? "Echo Devices in Zone:\n${eDevs?.join("\n")}\n" : sBLANK str += settings.zone_active_delay ? bulletItem(sBLANK, "Activate Delay: (${settings.zone_active_delay})\n)") : sBLANK str += settings.zone_inactive_delay ? bulletItem(sBLANK, "Deactivate Delay: (${settings.zone_inactive_delay})\n") : sBLANK str += "\n"+sTTM return str } else { return sTTC } } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyVariableNotAssigned') String getTimeCondDesc(Boolean addPre=true) { Date startTime Date stopTime String startType = settings.cond_time_start_type String stopType = settings.cond_time_stop_type if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == 'time' && settings.cond_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.cond_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == 'time' && settings.cond_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.cond_time_stop) : null } String startLbl1 = sBLANK String stopLbl1 = sBLANK if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { def sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.cond_time_start_offset ? settings.cond_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.cond_time_stop_offset ? settings.cond_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) startLbl1 = startType.capitalize() + sSPACE + "${startoffset ? "with offset " : sBLANK}" } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) stopLbl1 = stopType.capitalize() + sSPACE + "${stopoffset ? "with offset " : sBLANK}" } } String startLbl = startTime ? epochToTime(startTime) : sBLANK String stopLbl = stopTime ? epochToTime(stopTime) : sBLANK return startLbl && stopLbl ? "${addPre ? "Time Condition:\n" : sBLANK}(${startLbl1}${startLbl} - ${stopLbl1}${stopLbl})" : sTTC } static String getInputToStringDesc(inpt, addSpace = null) { Integer cnt = 0 String str = sBLANK if(inpt) { inpt.sort().each { item -> cnt = cnt+1 str += item ? (((cnt < 1) || (inpt.size() > 1)) ? "\n ${item}" : "${addSpace ? " " : sBLANK}${item}") : sBLANK } } //log.debug "str: $str" return str != sBLANK ? str : sNULL } static String randomString(Integer len) { def pool = ["a".."z",0..9].flatten() Random rand = new Random(wnow()) def randChars = (0..len).collect { pool[rand.nextInt(pool.size())] } // logDebug("randomString: ${randChars?.join()}") return randChars.join() } /*static def getRandomItem(List items) { List list = [] //new ArrayList() items?.each { list.add(it) } return list?.get(new Random().nextInt(list?.size())) } */ /*********************************************************************************************************** HELPER FUNCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************/ void settingUpdate(String name, value, String type=sNULL) { if(name && type) { app?.updateSetting(name, [type: type, value: value]) } else if (name) { app?.updateSetting(name, value) } } void settingRemove(String name) { logTrace("settingRemove($name)...") if(name && settings.containsKey(name)) { app?.removeSetting(name) } } static List weekDaysEnum() { return ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] } static Map daysOfWeekMap() { return ["MON":"Monday", "TUE":"Tuesday", "WED":"Wednesday", "THU":"Thursday", "FRI":"Friday", "SAT":"Saturday", "SUN":"Sunday"] } static List monthEnum() { return ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] } static Map monthMap() { return ["1":"January", "2":"February", "3":"March", "4":"April", "5":"May", "6":"June", "7":"July", "8":"August", "9":"September", "10":"October", "11":"November", "12":"December"] } static Map getAlarmTrigOpts() { return ["armedAway":"Armed Away", "armingAway":"Arming Away Pending exit delay","armedHome":"Armed Home","armingHome":"Arming Home pending exit delay", "armedNight":"Armed Night", "armingNight":"Arming Night pending exit delay","disarmed":"Disarmed", "allDisarmed":"All Disarmed","alerts":"Alerts"] } Integer getLastNotifMsgSec() { return !state.lastNotifMsgDt ? 100000 : GetTimeDiffSeconds((String)state.lastNotifMsgDt, "getLastMsgSec").toInteger() } Integer getLastChildInitRefreshSec() { return !state.lastChildInitRefreshDt ? 3600 : GetTimeDiffSeconds((String)state.lastChildInitRefreshDt, "getLastChildInitRefreshSec").toInteger() } Boolean getOk2Notify() { Boolean smsOk = false // = (settings.notif_sms_numbers?.toString()?.length()>=10) Boolean pushOk = false // = settings.notif_send_push Boolean pushOver = false // = (settings.notif_pushover && settings.notif_pushover_devices) Boolean alexaMsg = (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile Boolean notifDevsOk = (((List)settings.notif_devs)?.size()) Boolean daysOk = (List)settings.notif_days ? (isDayOfWeek((List)settings.notif_days)) : true Boolean timeOk = notifTimeOk() Boolean modesOk = (List)settings.notif_modes ? (isInMode((List)settings.notif_modes)) : true Boolean result result = (smsOk || pushOk || alexaMsg || notifDevsOk || pushOver) if(!(daysOk && modesOk && timeOk)) { result = false } logDebug("getOk2Notify() RESULT: $result | notifDevsOk: $notifDevsOk | smsOk: $smsOk | pushOk: $pushOk | pushOver: $pushOver | alexaMsg: $alexaMsg || daysOk: $daysOk | timeOk: $timeOk | modesOk: $modesOk") return result } Boolean notifTimeOk() { Date startTime Date stopTime // these are quiet time start/stop String startType = settings.notif_time_start_type String stopType = settings.notif_time_stop_type if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_stop) : null } else { return true } Date now = new Date() if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Map sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.notif_time_start_offset ? settings.notif_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.notif_time_stop_offset ? settings.notif_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) } } if(startTime && stopTime) { Boolean not = startTime.getTime() > stopTime.getTime() Boolean isBtwn = !timeOfDayIsBetween((not ? stopTime : startTime), (not ? startTime : stopTime), now, mTZ()) isBtwn = not ? !isBtwn : isBtwn logTrace("NotifTimeOk ${isBtwn} | CurTime: (${now}) is${!isBtwn ? " NOT": sBLANK} between (${not ? stopTime:startTime} and ${not ? startTime:stopTime})") return isBtwn } else { return true } } // Sends the notifications based on app settings public Boolean sendNotifMsg(String msgTitle, String msg, alexaDev=null, Boolean showEvt=true) { logTrace("sendNotifMsg() | msgTitle: ${msgTitle}, msg: ${msg}, $alexaDev, showEvt: ${showEvt}") List sentSrc = [] // ["Push"] Boolean sent = false try { String newMsg = "${msgTitle}: ${msg}" String flatMsg = newMsg.toString().replaceAll("\n", sSPACE) if(!getOk2Notify()) { logInfo( "sendNotifMsg: Notification not configured or Message Skipped During Quiet Time ($flatMsg)") //if(showEvt) { sendNotificationEvent(newMsg) } } else { if((List)settings.notif_devs) { sentSrc.push("Notification Devices") ((List)settings.notif_devs)?.each { it?.deviceNotification(newMsg) } sent = true } if((Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile && alexaDev) { alexaDev?.sendAlexaAppNotification(newMsg) sentSrc.push("Alexa Mobile App") sent = true } if(sent) { state.lastNotificationMsg = flatMsg updTsVal("lastNotifMsgDt") logDebug("sendNotifMsg: Sent ${sentSrc} (${flatMsg})") } } } catch (ex) { logError("sendNotifMsg $sentstr Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } return sent } Boolean isZoneNotifConfigured() { return ((String)settings.notif_active_message || (String)settings.notif_inactive_message) && ((List)settings.notif_devs || (Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile) } static Integer versionStr2Int(String str) { return str ? str.replaceAll("\\.", sBLANK)?.toInteger() : null } Boolean minVersionFailed() { try { Integer minDevVer = (Integer)parent?.minVersions()["zoneApp"] return minDevVer != null && versionStr2Int(appVersionFLD) < minDevVer } catch (ignored) { return false } } // public String gitBranch() { // if(gitBranchFLD == sNULL) { gitBranchFLD = (String) parent?.gitBranch() } // return (String)gitBranchFLD // } Boolean isActive() { Boolean st = (Boolean)state.zoneConditionsOk return st != null ? st : (Boolean)conditionStatus().ok } Boolean isPaused(Boolean chkAll = false) { return (Boolean)settings.zonePause && (chkAll ? !((Boolean)state.dupPendingSetup == true) : true) } static String documentationUrl() { return "https://tonesto7.github.io/echo-speaks-docs" } static String videoUrl() { return "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQPPlTFaGb4&ab_channel=SimplySmart123%E2%9C%85" } static String getAppImg(String imgName) { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/${imgName}.png" } static String getPublicImg(String imgName) { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/SmartThings-tonesto7-public/master/resources/icons/${imgName}.png" } static String sTS(String t, String i = sNULL, Boolean bold=false) { return "

${i ? " " : sBLANK} ${bold ? "" : sBLANK}${t?.replaceAll("\n", "
")}${bold ? "
" : sBLANK}

" } static String s3TS(String t, String st, String i = sNULL, String c=sCLR4D9) { return "

${i ? " " : sBLANK} ${t?.replaceAll("\n", "

${st ? "${st}" : sBLANK}" } static String pTS(String t, String i = sNULL, Boolean bold=true, String color=sNULL) { return "${color ? "
" : sBLANK}${bold ? "" : sBLANK}${i ? " " : sBLANK}${t?.replaceAll("\n", "
")}${bold ? "
" : sBLANK}${color ? "
" : sBLANK}" } @SuppressWarnings('unused') static String inTS1(String str, String img = sNULL, String clr=sNULL, Boolean und=true) { return spanSmBldUnd(str, clr, img) } static String inTS(String str, String img = sNULL, String clr=sNULL, Boolean und=true) { return divSm(strUnder(str.replaceAll("\n", sSPACE).replaceAll("
", sSPACE), und), clr, img) } // Root HTML Objects static String sectHead(String str, String img = sNULL) { return str ? "

" + spanImgStr(img) + span(str, "darkorange", sNULL, true) + "

" + "
" : sBLANK } static String span(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false) { return str ? "${str}${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK } static String div(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false) { return str ? "
${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK } static String spanImgStr(String img=sNULL) { return img ? span(" ") : sBLANK } static String divImgStr(String str, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(img ? spanImg(img) + span(str) : str) : sBLANK } static String strUnder(String str, Boolean showUnd=true) { return str ? (showUnd ? "${str}" : str) : sBLANK } static String getOkOrNotSymHTML(Boolean ok) { return ok ? span("(${okSymFLD})", sCLRGRN2) : span("(${notOkSymFLD})", sCLRRED2) } static String htmlLine(String color=sCLR4D9) { return "
" } static String lineBr(Boolean show=true) { return show ? sLINEBR : sBLANK } static String inputFooter(String str, String clr=sCLR4D9, Boolean noBr=false) { return str ? ((noBr ? sBLANK : lineBr()) + divSmBld(str, clr)) : sBLANK } static String inactFoot(String str) { return str ? inputFooter(str, sCLRGRY, true) : sBLANK } static String actFoot(String str) { return str ? inputFooter(str, sCLR4D9, false) : sBLANK } static String optPrefix() { return spanSm(" (Optional)", "violet") } // // Custom versions of the root objects above static String spanBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String spanBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSm(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBldUnd(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(strUnder(str), clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMd(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, true, true) : sBLANK } static String divBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, true, false) : sBLANK } static String divBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String divBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String divSm(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL) : sBLANK } static String divSmBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String divSmBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String divSmBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String bulletItem(String inStr, String strVal) { return "${inStr == sBLANK ? sBLANK : "\n"}"+sSPACE+sBULLET+sSPACE+strVal } static String dashItem(String inStr, String strVal, Boolean newLine=false) { return "${(inStr == sBLANK && !newLine) ? sBLANK : "\n"} - "+strVal } Integer stateSize() { String j = new JsonOutput().toJson((Map)state) return j.length() } Integer stateSizePerc() { return (Integer)(((stateSize() / 100000)*100).toDouble().round(0)) } private addToLogHistory(String logKey, String data, Integer max=10) { Boolean ssOk = true //(stateSizePerc() > 70) List eData = getMemStoreItem(logKey) if(eData.find { it?.data == data }) { return } eData.push([dt: getDtNow(), data: data]) Integer lsiz = eData.size() if(!ssOk || lsiz > max) { eData = eData?.drop( (lsiz-max) ) } updMemStoreItem(logKey, eData) } public Map getLogConfigs() { return [ info: (Boolean) settings.logInfo, warn: (Boolean) settings.logWarn, error: (Boolean) settings.logError, debug: (Boolean) settings.logDebug, trace: (Boolean) settings.logTrace, ] } private void logDebug(String msg) { if((Boolean)settings.logDebug) { log.debug logPrefix(msg, "purple") } } private void logInfo(String msg) { if((Boolean)settings.logInfo != false) { log.info sSPACE + logPrefix(msg, "#0299b1") } } private void logTrace(String msg) { if((Boolean)settings.logTrace) { log.trace logPrefix(msg, sCLRGRY) } } private void logWarn(String msg, Boolean noHist=false) { if((Boolean)settings.logWarn != false) { log.warn sSPACE + logPrefix(msg, sCLRORG) }; if(!noHist) { addToLogHistory("warnHistory", msg, 15) } } void logError(String msg, Boolean noHist=false, ex=null) { if((Boolean)settings.logError != false) { log.error logPrefix(msg, sCLRRED) String a try { if (ex) a = getExceptionMessageWithLine(ex) } catch (ignored) { } if(a) log.error logPrefix(a, sCLRRED) } if(!noHist) { addToLogHistory("errorHistory", msg, 15) } } static String logPrefix(String msg, String color = sNULL) { return span("Zone (v" + appVersionFLD + ") | ", sCLRGRY) + span(msg, color) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') private Map getLogHistory() { List warn = getMemStoreItem("warnHistory") List errs = getMemStoreItem("errorHistory") return [ warnings: []+warn, errors: []+errs ] } @SuppressWarnings('unused') private void clearHistory() { historyMapFLD = [:]; mb() } // FIELD VARIABLE FUNCTIONS private void updMemStoreItem(String key, List val) { String appId = app.getId() Map memStore = historyMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] memStore[key] = val historyMapFLD[appId] = memStore historyMapFLD = historyMapFLD // log.debug("updMemStoreItem(${key}): ${memStore[key]}") } private List getMemStoreItem(String key){ String appId = app.getId() Map memStore = historyMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] return (List)memStore[key] ?: [] } // Memory Barrier @Field static Semaphore theMBLockFLD=new Semaphore(0) static void mb(/*String meth=sNULL*/){ if((Boolean)theMBLockFLD.tryAcquire()){ theMBLockFLD.release() } } static String getObjType(obj) { if(obj instanceof String) {return "String"} else if(obj instanceof GString) {return "GString"} else if(obj instanceof Map) {return "Map"} else if(obj instanceof List) {return "List"} else if(obj instanceof ArrayList) {return "ArrayList"} else if(obj instanceof Integer) {return "Integer"} else if(obj instanceof BigInteger) {return "BigInteger"} else if(obj instanceof Long) {return "Long"} else if(obj instanceof Boolean) {return "Boolean"} else if(obj instanceof BigDecimal) {return "BigDecimal"} else if(obj instanceof Float) {return "Float"} else if(obj instanceof Byte) {return "Byte"} else if(obj instanceof Date) {return "Date"} else { return "unknown"} } //******************************************************************* // CLONE CHILD LOGIC //******************************************************************* public Map getSettingsAndStateMap() { Map typeObj = parent?.getAppDuplTypes() Map setObjs = [:] if(typeObj) { ((Map>)typeObj.stat).each { sk, sv-> sv?.each { svi-> if(settings.containsKey(svi)) { setObjs[svi] = [type: sk, value: settings[svi] ] } } } ((Map>)typeObj.ends).each { ek, ev-> ev?.each { evi-> settings.findAll { it?.key?.endsWith(evi) }?.each { String fk, fv-> def vv = settings[fk] // fv if(ek==sTIME) vv = dateTimeFmt((Date)toDateTime(vv), "HH:mm") setObjs[fk] = [type: ek, value: vv] } } } ((Map)typeObj.caps).each { ck, cv-> settings.findAll { it.key.endsWith(ck) }?.each { String fk, fv-> setObjs[fk] = [type: "capability", value: (fv instanceof List ? fv?.collect { it?.id?.toString() } : fv?.id?.toString ) ] } //.toString().toList() } ((Map)typeObj.dev).each { dk, dv-> settings.findAll { it.key.endsWith(dk) }?.each { String fk, fv-> setObjs[fk] = [type: "device", value: (fv instanceof List ? fv.collect { it?.id?.toString() } : fv?.id?.toString() ) ] } //.toString().toList() } } Map data = [:] String newlbl = ((String)app?.getLabel())?.replace(" (Z ${sPAUSESymFLD})", sBLANK) data.label = newlbl?.replace(" (Z)", sBLANK) data.settings = setObjs List stskip = [ // "isInstalled", "isParent", "lastNotifMsgDt", "lastNotificationMsg", "setupComplete", "valEvtHistory", "warnHistory", "errorHistory", "appData", "actionHistory", "authValidHistory", "deviceRefreshInProgress", "noticeData", "installData", "herokuName", "zoneHistory", // actions "tierSchedActive", // zones "zoneConditionsOk", "configStatusMap", "tsDtMap", "dateInstalled", "handleGuardEvents", "startTime", "stopTime", "alexaGuardState", "appFlagsMap", "dupPendingSetup", "dupOpenedByUser" ] data.state = state?.findAll { !((String)it?.key in stskip) } return data } private Long wnow(){ return (Long)now() }