/* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, MethodCount, MethodSize, UnnecessaryGetter */ /** * Echo Speaks App (Hubitat) * * Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Anthony Santilli * Code Contributions by @nh.schottfam * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ //file:noinspection GroovyUnusedAssignment //file:noinspection unused //file:noinspection GroovySillyAssignment //file:noinspection GrMethodMayBeStatic //file:noinspection GrUnnecessaryPublicModifier //file:noinspection SpellCheckingInspection import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.transform.Field import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore //************************************************ //* STATIC VARIABLES * //************************************************ @Field static final String appVersionFLD = '' @Field static final String appModifiedFLD = '2024-03-07' @Field static final String gitBranchFLD = 'master' @Field static final String platformFLD = 'Hubitat' @Field static final Boolean devModeFLD = false @Field static final Map minVersionsFLD = [echoDevice: 4240, actionApp: 4240, zoneApp: 4240, zoneEchoDevice: 4240, server: 270] //These values define the minimum versions of code this app will work with. @Field static final String sNULL = (String)null @Field static final String sBLANK = '' @Field static final String sSPACE = ' ' @Field static final String sBULLET = '\u2022' @Field static final String sFRNFACE = '\u2639' @Field static final String okSymFLD = "\u2713" @Field static final String notOkSymFLD = "\u2715" @Field static final String sPAUSESymFLD = "\u275A\u275A" @Field static final String sLINEBR = '
' @Field static final String sFALSE = 'false' @Field static final String sTRUE = 'true' @Field static final String sBOOL = 'bool' @Field static final String sENUM = 'enum' @Field static final String sNUMBER = 'number' @Field static final String sTIME = 'time' @Field static final String sMODE = 'mode' @Field static final String sAPPJSON = 'application/json' @Field static final String sIN_IGNORE = 'In Ignore Device Input' @Field static final String sARM_AWAY = 'ARMED_AWAY' @Field static final String sARM_STAY = 'ARMED_STAY' @Field static final String sCOMPLT = 'complete' @Field static final String sMEDIUM = 'medium' @Field static final String sSMALL = 'small' @Field static final String sCLR4D9 = '#2784D9' @Field static final String sCLRRED = 'red' @Field static final String sCLRRED2 = '#cc2d3b' @Field static final String sCLRGRY = 'gray' @Field static final String sCLRGRN = 'green' @Field static final String sCLRGRN2 = '#43d843' @Field static final String sCLRORG = 'orange' @Field static final String sTTM = 'Tap to modify...' @Field static final String sTTC = 'Tap to configure...' @Field static final String sTTP = 'Tap to proceed...' @Field static final String sTTVD = 'Tap to view details...' @Field static final String sTTS = 'Tap to select...' @Field static final String sSETTINGS = 'settings' @Field static final String sUnknown = 'Unknown' @Field static final String sUNKNOWN = 'unknown' @Field static final String sRESET = 'reset' @Field static final String sHEROKU = 'heroku' @Field static final String sEXTNRL = 'external' @Field static final String sDEBUG = 'debug' @Field static final String sAMAZONORNG = 'amazon_orange' @Field static final String sDEVICES = 'devices' @Field static final String sSWITCH = 'switch' @Field static final String sASTR = 'a' @Field static final String sTSTR = 't' @Field static final List lSUNRISESET = ['sunrise', 'sunset'] @Field static final Integer iZ = 0 @Field static final Integer i1 = 1 //************************************************ //* IN-MEMORY ONLY VARIABLES * //* (Cleared only on HUB REBOOT or CODE UPDATES) * //************************************************ @Field volatile static Map historyMapFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map cookieDataFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map echoDeviceMapFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map childDupMapFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map workQMapFLD = [:] //@Field static Map guardDataFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map zoneStatusMapFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map bluetoothDataFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map alexaRoutinesDataFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map dndDataFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Boolean guardArmPendingFLD = false definition( name : "Echo Speaks", namespace : "tonesto7", author : "Anthony Santilli", description : "Integrate your Amazon Echo devices into your Hubitat environment to create virtual Echo Devices. This allows you to speak text, make announcements, control media playback including volume, and many other Alexa features.", category : "My Apps", iconUrl : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/echo_speaks_3.1x${(Boolean)state.updateAvailable ? "_update" : sBLANK}.png", iconX2Url : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/echo_speaks_3.2x${(Boolean)state.updateAvailable ? "_update" : sBLANK}.png", iconX3Url : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/resources/icons/echo_speaks_3.3x${(Boolean)state.updateAvailable ? "_update" : sBLANK}.png", importUrl : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/master/apps/echo-speaks.groovy", oauth : true, singleInstance : false, documentationLink : documentationUrl(), videoLink : videoUrl() ) preferences { page(name: "startPage") page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "settingsPage") page(name: "devicePrefsPage") page(name: "deviceManagePage") page(name: "devCleanupPage") page(name: "newSetupPage") page(name: "authStatusPage") page(name: "actionsPage") page(name: "zonesPage") page(name: "devicePage") page(name: "deviceListPage") page(name: "unrecogDevicesPage") page(name: "changeLogPage") page(name: "notifPrefPage") page(name: "alexaGuardPage") page(name: "alexaGuardAutoPage") page(name: "servPrefPage") page(name: "musicSearchTestPage") page(name: "alexaRoutinesTestPage") page(name: "searchTuneInResultsPage") page(name: "deviceTestPage") page(name: "donationPage") page(name: "speechPage") page(name: "announcePage") page(name: "sequencePage") page(name: "viewZoneHistory") page(name: "viewActionHistory") page(name: "setNotificationTimePage") page(name: "actionDuplicationPage") page(name: "zoneDuplicationPage") page(name: "uninstallPage") } def startPage() { state.isParent = true checkVersionData(true) state.childInstallOkFlag = false if(!(Boolean)state.resumeConfig && (Boolean)state.isInstalled) { stateMigrationChk(); checkGuardSupport() } if((Boolean)state.resumeConfig || ((Boolean)state.isInstalled && !(Boolean)state.serviceConfigured)) { return servPrefPage() } else if(showChgLogOk()) { return changeLogPage() } else if(showDonationOk()) { return donationPage() } else { return mainPage() } } def mainPage() { Boolean tokenOk = getAccessToken() Boolean newInstall = !(Boolean)state.isInstalled // force defaults if(settings.autoCreateDevices == null) settingUpdate("autoCreateDevices", sTRUE, sBOOL) if(settings.autoRenameDevices == null) settingUpdate("autoRenameDevices", sTRUE, sBOOL) if(settings.addEchoNamePrefix == null) settingUpdate("addEchoNamePrefix", sTRUE, sBOOL) if(settings.refreshCookieDays == null) settingUpdate("refreshCookieDays", 5, "number") if(settings.logInfo == null) settingUpdate("logInfo", sTRUE, sBOOL) if(settings.logWarn == null) settingUpdate("logWarn", sTRUE, sBOOL) if(settings.logError == null) settingUpdate("logError", sTRUE, sBOOL) if(settings.sendMissedPollMsg == null) { settingUpdate('sendMissedPollMsg', sTRUE, sBOOL) settingUpdate('misPollNotifyWaitVal', 2700) settingUpdate('misPollNotifyMsgWaitVal', 3600) } if(settings.sendCookieInvalidMsg == null) settingUpdate("sendCookieInvalidMsg", sTRUE, sBOOL) if(settings.sendAppUpdateMsg == null) settingUpdate("sendAppUpdateMsg", sTRUE, sBOOL) getEchoDevices(true) return dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", uninstall: false, install: true) { appInfoSect() if(!tokenOk) { section() { paragraph title: "Uh OH!!!", "Oauth Has NOT BEEN ENABLED. Please Remove this app and try again after it after enabling OAUTH" }; return } if(newInstall) { deviceDetectOpts() } else { section(sectHead("Alexa Guard:")) { if((Boolean) state.alexaGuardSupported) { String gState = (String) state.alexaGuardState ? ((String) state.alexaGuardState == sARM_AWAY ? "Away" : "Home") : sUnknown String gStateIcon = gState == sUnknown ? "alarm_disarm" : (gState == "Away" ? "alarm_away" : "alarm_home") String ad = spanSmBld("Alarm System Mode:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm(" (${gState})", (gState == sUnknown ? sCLRGRY : (gState == "Away" ? sCLRORG : sCLRGRN))) ad += guardAutoConfigured() ? lineBr() + lineBr() + guardAutoDesc() : sBLANK ad += inputFooter(sTTM) href "alexaGuardPage", title: inTS1("Alexa Guard Control", gStateIcon), description: ad } else { paragraph divSm("Alexa Guard is not enabled or supported by any of your Echo Devices", sCLRGRY) } } section(sectHead("Alexa Devices:")) { if(!newInstall) { List remDevs = getRemovableDevs() if(remDevs?.size()) { String rd = remDevs.sort().collect { spanSm(" ${sBULLET} ${it}") }.join("
") href "devCleanupPage", title: inTS1("Removable Devices:"), description: divSm(rd, sCLRRED) } String devDesc = getDeviceList().collect { "${spanSm((String)it.value?.name)}${it.value?.online ? spanSm(" (Online)", sCLRGRN2) : sBLANK}${it.value?.supported == false ? spanSm(" ${sFRNFACE}", sCLRRED2) : sBLANK}" }.sort().join("
").toString() String dd = devDesc ? divSm(devDesc, sCLR4D9) + inputFooter(sTTM) : inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY) href "deviceManagePage", title: inTS1("Manage Devices:", sDEVICES), description: dd } else { paragraph spanSmBld("Device Management will be displayed after install is complete", sCLRORG) } } section(sectHead("Companion Apps:")) { List zones = getZoneApps() List acts = getActionApps() href "zonesPage", title: inTS1("Manage Zones${zones?.size() ? " (${zones?.size()} ${zones?.size() > i1 ? "Zones" : "Zone"})" : sBLANK}", "es_groups"), description: getZoneDesc() href "actionsPage", title: inTS1("Manage Actions${acts?.size() ? " (${acts?.size()} ${acts?.size() > i1 ? "Actions" : "Action"})" : sBLANK}", "es_actions"), description: getActionsDesc() } section(sectHead("Alexa Login Service:")) { String ls = getLoginStatusDesc() href "authStatusPage", title: inTS1("Login Status | Cookie Service Management", sSETTINGS), description: (ls ? "${ls}${inputFooter(sTTM)}" : inputFooter(sTTC, sNULL, true)) } if(!(Boolean)state.shownDevSharePage) { showDevSharePrefs() } } section(sectHead("Notifications:")) { String t0 = getAppNotifConfDesc() href "notifPrefPage", title: inTS1("Manage Notifications", "notification2"), description: (t0 ? "${t0}${inputFooter(sTTM)}" : inputFooter(sTTC, sNULL, true)) } section(sectHead("Documentation & Settings:")) { href url: documentationUrl(), style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("View Documentation", "documentation"), description: inputFooter(sTTP, sCLRGRY, true) href "settingsPage", title: inTS1("Manage Logging, and Metrics", sSETTINGS), description: inputFooter(sTTM, sCLRGRY, true) href "changeLogPage", title: inTS1("View Change Logs", "change_log"), description: inputFooter(sTTVD, sCLRGRY, true) } if(!newInstall) { section(sectHead("Experimental Functions")) { href "deviceTestPage", title: inTS1("Device Testing", "testing"), description: spanSm("Test Speech, Announcements, and Sequences Builder", sCLRGRY) + inputFooter(sTTP, sCLRGRY) href "alexaRoutinesTestPage", title: inTS1("Alexa Routine Testing", "routine"), description: spanSm("View Routine Info and Test", sCLRGRY) + inputFooter(sTTP, sCLRGRY) href "musicSearchTestPage", title: inTS1("Music Search Tests", "music"), description: spanSm("Test music queries", sCLRGRY) + inputFooter(sTTP, sCLRGRY) } section(sectHead("Donations:")) { href url: textDonateUrl(), style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Donations", "donate"), description: inputFooter("Tap to open browser", sCLRGRY, true) } section(sectHead("Remove Everything:")) { href "uninstallPage", title: inTS1("Uninstall this App", "uninstall"), description: inputFooter("Tap to Remove...", sCLRGRY, true) } section(sectHead("Feature Requests/Issue Reporting"), hideable: true, hidden: true) { String issueUrl = "https://github.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/issues/new?assignees=tonesto7&labels=bug&template=bug_report.md&title=%28BUG%29+&projects=echo-speaks%2F6" String featUrl = "https://github.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/issues/new?assignees=tonesto7&labels=enhancement&template=feature_request.md&title=%5BFeature+Request%5D&projects=echo-speaks%2F6" href url: featUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("New Feature Request", "www"), description: inputFooter("Tap to open browser", sCLRGRY, true) href url: issueUrl, style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Report an Issue", "www"), description: inputFooter("Tap to open browser", sCLRGRY, true) } } else { showDevSharePrefs() section(sectHead("Important Step:")) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Notice", sCLRRED) + spanSmBr("Please complete the install (hit done below) and then return to the Echo Speaks App to resume deployment and configuration of the server.", sCLRRED) state.resumeConfig = true } } appFooter() state.ok2InstallActionFlag = false clearDuplicationItems() } } def authStatusPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "authStatusPage", install: false, nextPage: "mainPage", uninstall: false) { if((Boolean)state.authValid) { Integer lastChkSec = getLastTsValSecs("lastCookieRrshDt") Boolean pastDayChkOk = (lastChkSec > 86400) section(sectHead("Cookie Status:")) { Boolean cookieValid = validateCookie(true) Boolean chk1 = (state.cookieData && state.cookieData.localCookie) Boolean chk2 = (state.cookieData && state.cookieData.csrf ) Boolean chk3 = (lastChkSec < 432000) // Boolean chk4 = (cookieValid == true) // log.debug "cookieValid: ${cookieValid} | chk1: $chk1 | chk2: $chl2 | chk3: $chk3 | chk4: $chk4" String stat = spanSmBld("Auth Status:") + spanSmBr(getOkOrNotSymHTML(chk1 && chk2 && cookieValid)) stat += spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Cookie:") + spanSmBr(getOkOrNotSymHTML(chk1)) stat += spanSm(" ${sBULLET} CSRF Value:") + spanSmBr(getOkOrNotSymHTML(chk2)) stat += lineBr() stat += spanSmBld("Cookie Refresh:") + spanSmBr(getOkOrNotSymHTML(chk3)) stat += spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Last Refresh:") + spanSmBr(" (${seconds2Duration(getLastTsValSecs("lastCookieRrshDt"))})", (!chk3 ? sCLRRED : sNULL)) stat += spanSm(" ${sBULLET} Next Refresh:") + spanSmBr(" (${nextCookieRefreshDur()})") paragraph divSm(stat, sCLR4D9) } section(sectHead("Cookie Tools: (Tap to show)", getAppImg("cookie")), hideable: true, hidden: true) { String ckDesc = pastDayChkOk ? "This will Refresh your Amazon Cookie." : "It's too soon to refresh your cookie.\nMinimum wait is 24 hours!!" input "refreshCookieDays", "number", title: inTS1("Auto refresh cookie every?\n(in days)", "day_calendar"), description: "in Days (1-5 max)", required: true, range: '1..5', defaultValue: 5, submitOnChange: true if(refreshCookieDays != null && refreshCookieDays < i1) { settingUpdate("refreshCookieDays", i1, "number") } if(refreshCookieDays != null && refreshCookieDays > 5) { settingUpdate("refreshCookieDays", 5, "number") } // Refreshes the cookie input "refreshCookie", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Manually refresh cookie?", sRESET) + lineBr() + spanSm(ckDesc, pastDayChkOk ? sCLRGRY : sCLRRED), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true paragraph spanSmBldBr("Notice:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm("After manually refreshing the cookie leave this page and come back before the date will change.", sCLR4D9) // Clears cookies for app and devices input "resetCookies", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Remove All Cookie Data?", sRESET) + lineBr() + spanSm("Clear all stored cookie data from the app and devices.", sCLRGRY), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "refreshDevCookies", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Resend Cookies to Devices?", sRESET) + lineBr() + spanSm("Force devices to synchronize their stored cookies.", sCLRGRY), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.refreshCookie) { settingUpdate("refreshCookie", sFALSE, sBOOL); runIn(2, "runCookieRefresh") } if(settings.resetCookies) { clearCookieData("resetCookieToggle", false) } if((Boolean)settings.refreshDevCookies) { Boolean a = refreshDevCookies() } } } section(sectHead("Cookie Service Management")) { String t0 = getServiceConfDesc() href "servPrefPage", title: inTS1("Manage Cookie Login Service", sSETTINGS), description: (t0 ? divSm(t0, sCLR4D9) + inputFooter(sTTM, sCLR4D9) : inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true)) } } } def servPrefPage() { Boolean newInstall = !(Boolean)state.isInstalled Boolean resumeConf = (Boolean)state.resumeConfig return dynamicPage(name: "servPrefPage", install: (newInstall || resumeConf), nextPage: (!(newInstall || resumeConf) ? "mainPage" : sBLANK), uninstall: !(Boolean)state.serviceConfigured) { Boolean authValid = (Boolean)state.authValid if(settings.useHeroku == null) settingUpdate("useHeroku", sTRUE, sBOOL) if(settings.amazonDomain == null) settingUpdate("amazonDomain", "amazon.com", sENUM) if(settings.regionLocale == null) settingUpdate("regionLocale", "en-US", sENUM) if(!(Boolean)state.serviceConfigured) { section(sectHead("Cookie Server Deployment Option:")) { input "useHeroku", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Deploy server to Heroku?", sHEROKU), description: spanSm("Turn Off to allow local server deployment"), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.useHeroku == false) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("NOTICE:", sCLRRED) + spanSmBld("I highly recommend Heroku deployments for most users. Local Server deployments are something that can be very difficult for me to support remotely.", sCLRRED) } } section() { paragraph spanSmBld("To proceed with the server setup.
Tap on 'Begin Server Setup below", sCLR4D9) } srvcPrefOpts(true) section(sectHead("Deploy the Server:")) { href url: getAppEndpointUrl("config"), style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("Begin Server Setup", "upload"), description: inactFoot(sTTP) } } else { String myUrl = "${getServerHostURL()}/config" String t0 = getServiceConfDesc() if(!authValid) { section(sectHead("Authentication:")) { paragraph spanSmBld("You still need to Login to Amazon to complete the setup", sCLRRED) href url: myUrl, style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("Amazon Login Page", sAMAZONORNG), description: t0 + inputFooter(sTTP, sCLR4D9) } } else { Boolean oH = (Boolean)getServerItem("onHeroku") section(sectHead("Server Management:")) { if(oH && (String)state.herokuName) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Heroku Name:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm(" ${sBULLET} ${(String)state.herokuName}", sCLR4D9) } href url: myUrl, style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("Amazon Login Page", sAMAZONORNG), description: t0 + inputFooter(sTTP, sCLR4D9) if(oH) href url: "https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/${getRandAppName()}/settings", style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("Heroku App Settings", sHEROKU), description: inactFoot(sTTP) if(oH) href url: "https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/${getRandAppName()}/logs", style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("Heroku App Logs", sHEROKU), description: inactFoot(sTTP) } } srvcPrefOpts() } section(sectHead("Reset Options (Tap to show):"), hideable: true, hidden: true) { input "resetService", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Reset Service Data?", sRESET), description: "This will clear all references to the current server and allow you to redeploy a new instance.\nLeave the page and come back after toggling.", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true paragraph spanSm("This will clear all references to the current server and allow you to redeploy a new instance.\nLeave the page and come back after toggling.", sCLRGRY) if(settings.resetService) { clearCloudConfig() } } state.resumeConfig = false } } def srvcPrefOpts(Boolean req=false) { section(sectHead("${req ? "Required " : sBLANK}Amazon Locale Settings"), hideable: false, hidden: false) { if(req) { input "amazonDomain", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select your Amazon Domain?", sAMAZONORNG), description: sBLANK, required: true, defaultValue: "amazon.com", options: amazonDomainOpts(), submitOnChange: true input "regionLocale", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select your Locale?", "www"), description: sBLANK, required: true, defaultValue: "en-US", options: localeOpts(), submitOnChange: true } else { String s = sBLANK s += settings.amazonDomain ? spanSmBld("Amazon Domain: ") + spanSmBr("(${settings.amazonDomain})") : sBLANK s += settings.regionLocale ? spanSmBld("Locale Region: ") + spanSm("(${settings.regionLocale})") : sBLANK paragraph spanSm(lineBr() + s, sCLR4D9, getAppImg(sAMAZONORNG)) } } } def deviceManagePage() { return dynamicPage(name: "deviceManagePage", uninstall: false, install: false) { Boolean newInstall = !(Boolean)state.isInstalled section(sectHead("Alexa Devices:")) { if(!newInstall) { Map devs = getDeviceList() Map skDevs = ((Map)state.skippedDevices)?.findAll { (it?.value?.reason != sIN_IGNORE) } Map ignDevs = ((Map)state.skippedDevices)?.findAll { (it?.value?.reason == sIN_IGNORE) } if(devs.size()) { String devDesc = devs.collect { "${it.value?.name}${it.value?.online ? " (Online)" : sBLANK}${it.value?.supported == false ? " ${sFRNFACE}" : sBLANK}" }?.sort()?.join("
")?.toString() String dd = spanSmBr(devDesc) + inputFooter(sTTVD) href "deviceListPage", title: inTS1("Installed Devices:"), description: divSm(dd, sCLR4D9) } else { paragraph spanSm("Discovered Devices:
No Devices Available", sCLRRED) } List remDevs = getRemovableDevs() if(remDevs?.size()) { String rd = spanSm(remDevs.sort().collect { " ${sBULLET} ${it}" }.join("
")) href "devCleanupPage", title: inTS1("Removable Devices:"), description: divSm(rd, sCLRGRY) } if(skDevs?.size()) { String uDesc = "Unsupported: (${skDevs?.size()})" uDesc += ignDevs?.size() ? "\nUser Ignored: (${ignDevs?.size()})" : sBLANK uDesc += (Boolean)settings.bypassDeviceBlocks ? "\nBlock Bypass: (Active)" : sBLANK href "unrecogDevicesPage", title: inTS1("Unused Devices:"), description: spanSmBr("${uDesc}", sCLRORG) + inputFooter(sTTVD) } } String devPrefDesc = devicePrefsDesc() href "devicePrefsPage", title: inTS1("Device Detection Preferences", sDEVICES), description: (devPrefDesc ? devPrefDesc + inputFooter(sTTM) : inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY)) } } } def alexaGuardPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "alexaGuardPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { String gState = (String)state.alexaGuardState ? ((String)state.alexaGuardState == sARM_AWAY ? "Away" : "Home") : sUnknown String gStateIcon = gState == sUnknown ? "alarm_disarm" : (gState == "Away" ? "alarm_away" : "alarm_home") String gStateTitle = (gState == sUnknown || gState == "Home") ? "Set Guard to Armed?" : "Set Guard to Home?" section(sectHead("Alexa Guard Control")) { paragraph spanSm("Current Status:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm(" (${gState})", (gState == sUnknown ? sCLRGRY : (gState == "Away" ? sCLRORG : sCLRGRN))) input "alexaGuardAwayToggle", sBOOL, title: inTS1(gStateTitle, gStateIcon), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if(settings.alexaGuardAwayToggle != state.alexaGuardAwayToggle) { setGuardState(settings.alexaGuardAwayToggle == true ? sARM_AWAY : sARM_STAY) } state.alexaGuardAwayToggle = settings.alexaGuardAwayToggle section(sectHead("Automate Guard Control")) { String t0 = guardAutoDesc() href "alexaGuardAutoPage", title: inTS1("Automate Guard Changes", "alarm_disarm"), description: (t0 ? t0 + inputFooter(sTTM) : spanSm("Automate the control of Alexa using modes, HSM, and more.", sCLRGRY) + inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true)) } } } def alexaGuardAutoPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "alexaGuardAutoPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { String asn = getAlarmSystemName(true) List amo = getAlarmModes() Boolean alarmReq = (settings.guardAwayAlarm || settings.guardHomeAlarm) Boolean modeReq = (settings.guardAwayModes || settings.guardHomeModes) // Boolean swReq = (settings.guardAwaySw || settings.guardHomeSw) section(sectHead("Set Guard Using ${asn}")) { input "guardHomeAlarm", sENUM, title: inTS1("Home in ${asn} modes.", "alarm_home"), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), options: amo, required: alarmReq, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true input "guardAwayAlarm", sENUM, title: inTS1("Away in ${asn} modes.", "alarm_away"), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), options: amo, required: alarmReq, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Set Guard Using Modes")) { input "guardHomeModes", "mode", title: inTS1("Home in these Modes?", "mode"), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), required: modeReq, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true input "guardAwayModes", "mode", title: inTS1("Away in these Modes?", "mode"), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), required: modeReq, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Set Guard Using Switches:")) { input "guardHomeSwitch", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Home when any of these are On?", sSWITCH), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "guardAwaySwitch", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Away when any of these are On?", sSWITCH), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "guardFollowSwitch", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Follow Switch State (ON = Away | OFF = HOME)?", sSWITCH), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true } section(sectHead("Set Guard using Presence")) { input "guardAwayPresence", "capability.presenceSensor", title: inTS1("Away when these devices are All away?", "presence"), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } if(guardAutoConfigured()) { section(sectHead("Delay:")) { input "guardAwayDelay", "number", title: inTS1("Delay before arming Away?\n(in seconds)", "delay_time"), description: "Enter number in seconds", required: false, defaultValue: 30, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Restrict Guard Changes (Optional):")) { input "guardRestrictOnSwitch", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Only when these are On?", sSWITCH), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "guardRestrictOffSwitch", "capability.switch", title: inTS1("Only when these are Off?", sSWITCH), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } } } Boolean guardAutoConfigured() { return ((settings.guardAwayAlarm && settings.guardHomeAlarm) || (settings.guardAwayModes && settings.guardHomeModes) || settings.guardFollowSwitch || (settings.guardAwaySwitch && settings.guardHomeSwitch) || settings.guardAwayPresence) } String guardAutoDesc() { String str; str = sBLANK if(guardAutoConfigured()) { str += spanSmBldBr("Guard Triggers:") str += (settings.guardAwayAlarm && settings.guardHomeAlarm) ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Using ${getAlarmSystemName()}") : sBLANK str += settings.guardHomeModes ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Home Modes: (${settings.guardHomeModes?.size()})") : sBLANK str += settings.guardAwayModes ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Away Modes: (${settings.guardAwayModes?.size()})") : sBLANK str += settings.guardHomeSwitch ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Home Switches: (${settings.guardHomeSwitch?.size()})") : sBLANK str += settings.guardAwaySwitch ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Away Switches: (${settings.guardAwaySwitch?.size()})") : sBLANK str += settings.guardFollowSwitch ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Follow Switch: (${isSwitchOn(settings.guardFollowSwitch) ? "Armed Away" : "Disarmed"})") : sBLANK str += settings.guardAwayPresence ? spanSmBr(" ${sBULLET} Presence Home: (${settings.guardAwayPresence?.size()})") : sBLANK } return str != sBLANK ? divSm(str, sCLR4D9) : sBLANK } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') def guardTriggerEvtHandler(evt) { Long evtDelay = wnow() - ((Date)evt.date).getTime() logDebug("${evt.name.toUpperCase()} Event | Device: ${evt?.displayName} | Value: (${strCapitalize((String)evt?.value)}) with a delay of ${evtDelay}ms") if(!guardRestrictOk()) { logDebug("guardTriggerEvtHandler | Skipping Guard Changes because Restriction are Active.") return } String newState = sNULL String curState = (String)state.alexaGuardState ?: sNULL switch((String)evt?.name) { case "mode": Boolean inAwayMode = isInMode((List)settings.guardAwayModes) Boolean inHomeMode = isInMode((List)settings.guardHomeModes) if(inAwayMode && inHomeMode) { logError("Guard Control Trigger can't act because same mode is in both Home and Away input"); return } if(inAwayMode && !inHomeMode) { newState = sARM_AWAY } if(!inAwayMode && inHomeMode) { newState = sARM_STAY } break case "switch": Boolean isFollowSwitch = (settings.guardFollowSwitch && settings.guardFollowSwitch.getId().toInteger() == evt.getDeviceId().toInteger()) if(isFollowSwitch) { newState = isSwitchOn(settings.guardFollowSwitch) ? sARM_AWAY : sARM_STAY } else { Boolean inAwaySw = isSwitchOn((List)settings.guardAwaySwitch) Boolean inHomeSw = isSwitchOn((List)settings.guardHomeSwitch) if(inAwaySw && inHomeSw) { logError("Guard Control Trigger can't act because both switch groups are in both Home and Away input"); return } if(inAwaySw && !inHomeSw) { newState = sARM_AWAY } if(!inAwaySw && inHomeSw) { newState = sARM_STAY } } break case "presence": newState = isSomebodyHome((List)settings.guardAwayPresence) ? sARM_STAY : sARM_AWAY break case "alarmSystemStatus": case "hsmStatus": Boolean inAlarmHome = isInAlarmMode((List)settings.guardHomeAlarm) Boolean inAlarmAway = isInAlarmMode((List)settings.guardAwayAlarm) if(inAlarmAway && !inAlarmHome) { newState = sARM_AWAY } if(!inAlarmAway && inAlarmHome) { newState = sARM_STAY } break } if(guardArmPendingFLD && curState == sARM_STAY) { unschedule("setGuardAway") logInfo("New Guard State is Now STAY... Scheduled Arming Has Been Cancelled...") guardArmPendingFLD = false return } if(curState == newState) { logInfo("Skipping Guard Change... New Guard State is the same as current state: ($curState)") } if(newState && curState != newState) { if (newState == sARM_STAY) { unschedule("setGuardAway") logInfo("Setting Alexa Guard Mode to Home...") setGuardHome() } if(newState == sARM_AWAY) { if(settings.guardAwayDelay) { guardArmPendingFLD = true logWarn("Setting Alexa Guard Mode to Away in (${settings.guardAwayDelay} seconds)", true) runIn(settings.guardAwayDelay, "setGuardAway") } else { setGuardAway(); logWarn("Setting Alexa Guard Mode to Away...", true) } } } } Boolean guardRestrictOk() { Boolean onSwOk = settings.guardRestrictOnSwitch ? isSwitchOn((List)settings.guardRestrictOnSwitch) : true Boolean offSwOk = settings.guardRestrictOffSwitch ? !isSwitchOn((List)settings.guardRestrictOffSwitch) : true return (onSwOk && offSwOk) } def actionsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "actionsPage", nextPage: "mainPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { List actApps = getActionApps() List activeActions = actApps?.findAll { it?.isPaused() != true } List pausedActions = actApps?.findAll { it?.isPaused() == true } if(actApps) { /*Nothing to add here yet*/ } else { section(sBLANK) { paragraph pTS("You haven't created any Actions yet!\nTap Create New Action to get Started") } } section() { app(name: "actionApp", appName: actChildName(), namespace: "tonesto7", multiple: true, title: inTS1("Create New Action", "es_actions")) if(actApps?.size()) { input "actionDuplicateSelect", sENUM, title: inTS1("Duplicate Existing Action", "es_actions"), description: sTTS, options: actApps?.collectEntries { [(it?.id):it?.getLabel()] }, required: false, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.actionDuplicateSelect) { href "actionDuplicationPage", title: inTS1(spanSm("Create Duplicate Action?", sCLRGRY), "question"), description: inactFoot(sTTP) } } } if(actApps?.size()) { section (sectHead("Action History:")) { href "viewActionHistory", title: inTS1("View Action History", "tasks"), description: spanSm("(Grouped by Action)", sCLR4D9) } section (sectHead("Global Actions Management:"), hideable: true, hidden: true) { if(activeActions?.size()) { input "pauseChildActions", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Pause all actions?", "pause_orange"), description: sBLANK, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.pauseChildActions) { settingUpdate("pauseChildActions", sFALSE, sBOOL); runIn(3, "executeActionPause") } paragraph spanSm("When pausing all Actions you can either restore all or open each action and manually unpause it.", sCLRGRY) } if(pausedActions?.size()) { input "unpauseChildActions", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Restore all actions?", "pause_orange"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.unpauseChildActions) { settingUpdate("unpauseChildActions", sFALSE, sBOOL); runIn(3, "executeActionUnpause") } } input "reinitChildActions", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Force Refresh all actions?", sRESET), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.reinitChildActions) { settingUpdate("reinitChildActions", sFALSE, sBOOL); runIn(3, "executeActionUpdate") } } } state.childInstallOkFlag = true state.actionDuplicated = false } } def actionDuplicationPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "actionDuplicationPage", nextPage: "actionsPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { section() { if((Boolean)state.actionDuplicated) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Action already duplicated...", sCLRRED) + spanSmBld("Return to action page and select it", sCLRRED) } else { def act = getActionApps()?.find { it?.id?.toString() == settings.actionDuplicateSelect?.toString() } if(act) { Map actData = act.getSettingsAndStateMap() ?: [:] String actId = (String)act.getId().toString() if(actData.settings && actData.state) { String myId=app.getId() if(!childDupMapFLD[myId]) childDupMapFLD[myId] = [:] if(!childDupMapFLD[myId].actions) childDupMapFLD[myId].actions = [:] childDupMapFLD[myId].actions[actId] = actData log.debug "Dup Data: ${childDupMapFLD[myId].actions[actId]}" } actData.settings["duplicateFlag"] = [type: sBOOL, value: true] // actData?.settings["actionPause"] = [type: sBOOL, value: true] actData.settings["duplicateSrcId"] = [type: "text", value: actId] def a=addChildApp("tonesto7", actChildName(), "${actData.label} (Dup)", [settings: actData.settings]) paragraph spanSmBldBr("Action Duplicated...", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBld("
Return to Action Page and look for the App with '(Dup)' in the name...", sCLR4D9) state.actionDuplicated = true } else { paragraph spanSmBld("Action not Found", sCLRRED) } } } } } def zoneDuplicationPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "zoneDuplicationPage", nextPage: "zonesPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { section() { if((Boolean)state.zoneDuplicated) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Zone already duplicated...", sCLRRED) + spanSmBld("
Return to zone page and select it", sCLRRED) } else { def zn = getZoneApps()?.find { it.id.toString() == settings.zoneDuplicateSelect?.toString() } if(zn) { Map znData = zn?.getSettingsAndStateMap() ?: null String znId = (String)zn.getId().toString() if(znData.settings && znData.state) { String myId=app.getId() if(!childDupMapFLD[myId]) childDupMapFLD[myId] = [:] if(!childDupMapFLD[myId].zones) childDupMapFLD[myId].zones = [:] childDupMapFLD[myId].zones[znId] = znData log.debug "Dup Data: ${childDupMapFLD[myId].zones[znId]}" } // log.debug "Dup Data: ${actData}" znData.settings["duplicateFlag"] = [type: sBOOL, value: true] // znData?.settings["zonePause"] = [type: sBOOL, value: true] znData?.settings["duplicateSrcId"] = [type: "text", value: znId] def a=addChildApp("tonesto7", zoneChildName(), "${znData?.label} (Dup)", [settings: znData.settings]) paragraph spanSmBldBr("Zone Duplicated...", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBld("
Return to Zone Page and look for the App with '(Dup)' in the name...", sCLR4D9) state.zoneDuplicated = true } else { paragraph spanSmBld("Zone not Found", sCLRRED) } } } } } public Map getChildDupeData(String type, String childId) { String myId=app.getId() return (childDupMapFLD[myId] && childDupMapFLD[myId][type] && childDupMapFLD[myId][type][childId]) ? (Map)childDupMapFLD[myId][type][childId] : [:] } public void clearDuplicationItems() { state.actionDuplicated = false state.zoneDuplicated = false if(settings.actionDuplicateSelect) settingRemove("actionDuplicateSelect") if(settings.zoneDuplicateSelect) settingRemove("zoneDuplicateSelect") state.remove('actionDuplicated') state.remove('zoneDuplicated') } public void childAppDuplicationFinished(String type, String childId) { log.trace "childAppDuplicationFinished($type, $childId)" // Map data = [:] String myId=app.getId() if(childDupMapFLD[myId] && childDupMapFLD[myId][type] && childDupMapFLD[myId][type][childId]) { childDupMapFLD[myId][type].remove(childId) } clearDuplicationItems() } def zonesPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "zonesPage", nextPage: "mainPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { List zApps = getZoneApps() List activeZones = zApps?.findAll { it?.isPaused() != true } List pausedZones = zApps?.findAll { it?.isPaused() == true } if(zApps) { /*Nothing to add here yet*/ } else { section(sBLANK) { paragraph spanSmBld("You haven't created any Zones yet!
Tap Create New Zone to get Started", sCLRGRY) } } section() { app(name: "zoneApp", appName: zoneChildName(), namespace: "tonesto7", multiple: true, title: inTS1("Create New Zone", "es_groups")) if(zApps?.size()) { input "zoneDuplicateSelect", sENUM, title: inTS1("Duplicate Existing Zone", "es_groups"), description: sTTS, options: zApps?.collectEntries { [(it?.id):it?.getLabel()] }, required: false, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.zoneDuplicateSelect) { href "zoneDuplicationPage", title: inTS1(spanSm("Create Duplicate Zone?", sCLRGRY), "question"), description: inactFoot(sTTP) } } } if(zApps?.size()) { section (sectHead("Zone History:")) { href "viewZoneHistory", title: inTS1("View Zone History", "tasks"), description: spanSm("(Grouped by Zone)", sCLR4D9) } } section (sectHead("Zone Management:"), hideable: true, hidden: true) { if(activeZones?.size()) { input "pauseChildZones", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Pause all Zones?", "pause_orange"), description: "When pausing all Zones you can either restore all or open each zones and manually unpause it.", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.pauseChildZones) { settingUpdate("pauseChildZones", sFALSE, sBOOL); runIn(3, "executeZonePause") } paragraph spanSm("When pausing all zones you can either restore all or open each zone and manually unpause it.", sCLRGRY) } if(pausedZones?.size()) { input "unpauseChildZone", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Restore all actions?", "pause_orange"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.unpauseChildZone) { settingUpdate("unpauseChildZone", sFALSE, sBOOL); runIn(3, "executeZoneUnpause") } } input "reinitChildZones", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Clear Zones Status and force a full status refresh for all zones?", sRESET), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.reinitChildZones) { settingUpdate("reinitChildZones", sFALSE, sBOOL); runIn(3, "executeZoneUpdate") } } state.childInstallOkFlag = true state.zoneDuplicated = false updateZoneSubscriptions() } } def viewZoneHistory() { return dynamicPage(name: "viewZoneHistory", title: div("

Zone Event History

", sNULL, sNULL, true), uninstall: false, install: false) { List zApps = getZoneApps() zApps?.each { z-> section(sectHead((String)z.getLabel())) { List items = z.getZoneHistory(true) items = items ?: [] items.each { String v-> paragraph spanSm(v) } } } } } def viewActionHistory() { return dynamicPage(name: "viewActionHistory", title: div("

Action Event History

", sNULL, sNULL, true), uninstall: false, install: false) { List actApps = getActionApps() actApps?.each { a-> section(sectHead((String)a.getLabel())) { List items = (List)a.getActionHistory(true) items.each { String v-> paragraph spanSm(v) } } } } } void executeActionPause() { getActionApps()?.findAll { it?.isPaused() != true }?.each { it?.updatePauseState(true) } } void executeActionUnpause() { getActionApps()?.findAll { it?.isPaused() == true }?.each { it?.updatePauseState(false) } } void executeActionUpdate() { getActionApps()?.each { it?.updated() } } void executeZonePause() { getZoneApps()?.findAll { it?.isPaused() != true }?.each { it?.updatePauseState(true) } } void executeZoneUnpause() { getZoneApps()?.findAll { it?.isPaused() == true }?.each { it?.updatePauseState(false) } } void executeZoneUpdate() { getZoneApps()?.each { it?.updated() } } def devicePrefsPage() { // Boolean newInstall = !(Boolean)state.isInstalled // Boolean resumeConf = (Boolean)state.resumeConfig return dynamicPage(name: "devicePrefsPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { deviceDetectOpts() section(sectHead("Detection Override:")) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Device not detected?", sCLRORG) + spanSm("Enabling this will allow you to override the developer block for unrecognized or uncontrollable devices.
This is useful for testing if a device supports certain features.", sCLRORG) input "bypassDeviceBlocks", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Override Blocks and Create Ignored Devices?"), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true paragraph spanSmBld("WARNING:", sCLRRED) + spanSm(" This will create devices for all remaining ignored devices", sCLRRED) } devCleanupSect() // if(!newInstall && !resumeConf) { state.refreshDeviceData = true } } } private deviceDetectOpts() { // Boolean newInstall = !(Boolean) state.isInstalled // Boolean resumeConf = (Boolean) state.resumeConfig section(sectHead("Device Detection Preferences")) { input "autoCreateDevices", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Auto Create New Devices?", sDEVICES), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "createTablets", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Create Devices for Tablets?", "amazon_tablet"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "createWHA", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Create Multiroom Devices?", "echo_wha"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "createOtherDevices", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Create Other Alexa Enabled Devices?", sDEVICES), description: "FireTV (Cube, Stick), Sonos, etc.", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "autoRenameDevices", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Rename Devices to Match Amazon Echo Name?", "name_tag"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "addEchoNamePrefix", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Add 'Echo - ' Prefix to label?", "name_tag"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true Map devs = getAllDevices(true) if(devs?.size()) { input "echoDeviceFilter", sENUM, title: inTS1("Don't Use these Devices", "exclude"), description: sTTS, options: (devs ? devs?.sort{it?.value} : []), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true paragraph spanSmBldBr("Notice:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm("To prevent unwanted devices from reappearing after removal make sure to add the device to the Don't Use these Devices input above before removing.", sCLR4D9) } } } private devCleanupPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "devCleanupPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { devCleanupSect() } } private devCleanupSect() { if(state.isInstalled && !(Boolean)state.resumeConfig) { section(sectHead("Device Cleanup Options:")) { Map devs = getAllDevices(true) if(devs?.size()) { input "echoDeviceFilter", sENUM, title: inTS1("Don't Use these Devices", "exclude"), description: sTTS, options: (devs ? devs?.sort{it?.value} : []), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } List remDevs = getRemovableDevs() if(remDevs.size()) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Removable Devices:", sCLRRED) + spanSm(remDevs.sort().collect { " ${sBULLET} ${it}" } ?.join("
"), sCLRGRY), required: true } paragraph spanSmBldBr("Notice:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm("Remember to add device to filter above to prevent recreation.
Also the cleanup process will fail if the devices are used in external apps/automations", sCLR4D9) input "cleanUpDevices", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Cleanup Unused Devices?"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.cleanUpDevices) { removeDevices() } } } } private List getRemovableDevs() { Map eDevs = getEchoDeviceMap() eDevs = eDevs ?: [:] List cDevs = app?.getChildDevices() List remDevs = [] String myId=app.getId() String nmS = 'echoSpeaks_websocket' nmS = myId+'|'+nmS cDevs?.each { cDev-> if(cDev?.deviceNetworkId?.toString() == nmS) { return } List dni = cDev?.deviceNetworkId?.tokenize("|") if(eDevs.size() && dni[2] && !eDevs.containsKey(dni[2])) { remDevs.push(cDev?.getLabel() as String) } } return remDevs ?: [] } private String devicePrefsDesc() { String str = sBLANK str += "Auto Create (${!(Boolean)settings.autoCreateDevices ? "Disabled" : "Enabled"})" if((Boolean)settings.autoCreateDevices) { str += (Boolean) settings.createTablets ? "
${sBULLET} Tablets" : sBLANK str += (Boolean) settings.createWHA ? "
${sBULLET} WHA" : sBLANK str += (Boolean) settings.createOtherDevices ? "
${sBULLET} Other Devices" : sBLANK } str += (Boolean) settings.autoRenameDevices ? "
${sBULLET} Auto Rename" : sBLANK str += (Boolean) settings.bypassDeviceBlocks ? "
${sBULLET} Block Bypass: (Active)" : sBLANK str = paraTS(null, str, null, [:], [s: 'small', c: sCLR4D9]) return str != sBLANK ? str : sNULL } def settingsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "settingsPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { section(sectHead("Logging:")) { input "logInfo", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Info Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logWarn", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Warning Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logError", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Error Logs?", sDEBUG), required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true input "logDebug", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Debug Logs?", sDEBUG), description: "Auto disables after 6 hours", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "logTrace", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Show Detailed Logs?", sDEBUG), description: "Only enabled when asked to.\n(Auto disables after 6 hours)", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } // if(devModeFLD) { section(sectHead("Child Logging:")) { input "childAppLogDebug", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Enable Debug Logs for All Child Apps?", sDEBUG), description: "Auto disables after 6 hours", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "childAppLogTrace", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Enable Trace Logs for All Child Apps?", sDEBUG), description: "Only enabled when asked to.\n(Auto disables after 6 hours)", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "childDeviceLogDebug", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Enable Debug Logs for All Child Devices?", sDEBUG), description: "Auto disables after 6 hours", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "childDeviceLogTrace", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Enable Trace Logs for All Child Devices?", sDEBUG), description: "Only enabled when asked to.\n(Auto disables after 6 hours)", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input "disableAllChildAdvLogs", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Disable All Advanced Logging on Child Apps/Devices?", sDEBUG), description: "Only enabled when asked to.\n(Auto disables after 6 hours)", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true /*if((Boolean)settings.childAppLogDebug || (Boolean)settings.childAppLogTrace || (Boolean)settings.childDeviceLogDebug || (Boolean)settings.childDeviceLogTrace || (Boolean)settings.disableAllChildAdvLogs) { activateChildAdvLogs() } */ activateChildAdvLogs() } // } if(advLogsActive()) { logsEnabled() } section(sectHead("Text Transforms:")) { input "disableTextTransform", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Disable Text Transform?", "question"), description: "This will disable attempts to convert items in speech text like temp units and directions like `WSW` to west southwest", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } showDevSharePrefs() section(sectHead("Diagnostic Data:")) { paragraph pTS("If you are having trouble send a private message to the developer with a link to this page that is shown below.", sNULL, false, sCLRGRY) input "diagShareSensitveData", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Share Cookie Data?", "question"), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true href url: getAppEndpointUrl("diagData"), style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("Diagnostic Data"), description: spanSm("Tap to view", sCLRGRY) } } } def deviceListPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "deviceListPage", install: false) { section(sectHead("Discovered Devices:")) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("NOTICE: The test buttons on this page sometimes do not work. Please use the testing section on the main page if you have issues!", sCLRRED2) getEchoDeviceMap()?.sort { it?.value?.name }?.each { String k, Map v-> String str = "Status: (${v.online ? "Online" : "Offline"})" str += "
Style: ${v.style?.n}" str += "
Family: ${v.family}" str += "
Type: ${v.type}" str += "
Volume Control: (${v.volumeSupport?.toString()?.capitalize()})" str += "
Announcements: (${v.announceSupport?.toString()?.capitalize()})" str += "
Text-to-Speech: (${v.ttsSupport?.toString()?.capitalize()})" str += "
Music Player: (${v.mediaPlayer?.toString()?.capitalize()})" str += v.supported != true ? "
Unsupported Device: (True)" : sBLANK str += (v.mediaPlayer == true && v.musicProviders) ? "
Music Providers: [${v.musicProviders}]" : sBLANK paragraph paraTS((String)v.name, str, (String)v.style?.i, [c: 'black', b: true, u: true], [s: 'small', c: (v.online ? sCLR4D9 : sCLRGRY)]) input "deviceSpeechTest::${k}", "button", title: spanSmBld("Test Speech", sCLRGRY), width: 4 input "deviceAnnouncementTest::${k}", "button", title: spanSmBld("Test Announcement", sCLRGRY), width: 4 } } } } def unrecogDevicesPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "unrecogDevicesPage", install: false) { Map skDevMap = (Map)state.skippedDevices ?: [:] Map ignDevs = skDevMap?.findAll { (it?.value?.reason == sIN_IGNORE) } Map unDevs = skDevMap?.findAll { (it?.value?.reason != sIN_IGNORE) } section(sectHead("Unrecognized/Unsupported Devices:")) { if(unDevs?.size()) { unDevs.sort { it?.value?.name }?.each { String k, Map v-> // log.debug "v: $v" String str = "Status: (${(Boolean)v.online ? "Online" : "Offline"})" str += "
Style: ${(String) v.desc}" str += "
Family: ${(String)v.family}" str += "
Type: ${(String)v.type}" str += "
Volume Control: (${v?.volume?.toString()?.capitalize()})" str += "
Text-to-Speech: (${v?.tts?.toString()?.capitalize()})" str += "
Music Player: (${v?.mediaPlayer?.toString()?.capitalize()})" str += "
Reason Ignored: (${v?.reason})" paragraph paraTS((String)v.name, str, (String)v.image, [c: 'black', b: true, u: true], [s: 'small', c: (v.online ? sCLR4D9 : sCLRGRY)]) } input "bypassDeviceBlocks", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Override Blocks and Create Ignored Devices?"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } else { paragraph pTS("No Uncognized Devices", sNULL, true) } } if(ignDevs?.size()) { section(sectHead("User Ignored Devices:")) { ignDevs.sort { it?.value?.name }?.each { k,v-> String str = spanSmBr("Status: (${v.online ? "Online" : "Offline"})") str += spanSmBr("Style: ${(String)v.desc}") str += spanSmBr("Family: ${(String)v.family}") str += spanSmBr("Type: ${(String)v.type}") str += spanSmBr("Volume Control: (${v?.volume?.toString()?.capitalize()})") str += spanSmBr("Text-to-Speech: (${v?.tts?.toString()?.capitalize()})") str += spanSmBr("Music Player: (${v?.mediaPlayer?.toString()?.capitalize()})") str += spanSmBr("Reason Ignored: (${v?.reason})") href "unrecogDevicesPage", title: inTS1((String)v.name, (String)v.image), description: divSm(str, sCLRGRY) } } } } } def showDevSharePrefs() { section(sectHead("Share Data with Developer:")) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("What is this used for?", sCLRGRY) + spanSmBldBr("These options send non-user identifiable information and error data to diagnose catch trending issues.", sCLRGRY) input ("optOutMetrics", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Do Not Share Data?", "analytics"), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) href url: getAppEndpointUrl("renderMetricData"), style: sEXTNRL, title: inTS1("View the Data shared with Developer", "view"), description: inputFooter("Tap to view Data", sCLRGRY, true) } if(!(Boolean)settings.optOutMetrics && (Boolean)state.isInstalled && (Boolean)state.serviceConfigured && !(Boolean)state.resumeConfig) { section() { input "sendMetricsNow", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Send Metrics Now?", sRESET), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if(sendMetricsNow) { sendInstallData() } } state.shownDevSharePage = true } Map getDeviceList(Boolean isInputEnum=false, List filters=[]) { Map devMap = [:] Map availDevs = getEchoDeviceMap() //state.echoDeviceMap availDevs = availDevs ?: [:] availDevs.each { String key, Map val-> if(filters.size()) { if(filters.contains('tts') && val.ttsSupport != true) { return } if(filters.contains('announce') && val.ttsSupport != true && val.announceSupport != true) { return } } devMap[key] = val } return isInputEnum ? (devMap.size() ? devMap?.collectEntries { [(it?.key):it?.value?.name] } : devMap) : devMap } Map getAllDevices(Boolean isInputEnum=false) { Map devMap = [:] Map availDevs = (Map)state.allEchoDevices ?: [:] availDevs?.each { String key, Map val-> devMap[key] = val } return isInputEnum ? (devMap.size() ? devMap?.collectEntries { [(it?.key):it?.value?.name] } : devMap) : devMap } def notifPrefPage() { dynamicPage(name: "notifPrefPage", install: false) { section(sBLANK) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Notice:", sCLR4D9) + spanSmBld("The settings configured here are used by both the App and the Devices.", sCLR4D9, getAppImg("info")) } section (sectHead("Notification Devices:")) { input "notif_devs", "capability.notification", title: inTS1("Send to Notification devices?", "notification"), required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true } //TODO REMOVE if(settings.smsNumbers) settingRemove('smsNumbers') if(settings.usePush) settingRemove('usePush') state.remove('pushoverManager') settingRemove('pushoverEnabled') settingRemove('pushoverDevices') settingRemove('pushoverPriority') settingRemove('pushoverSound') if((List)settings.notif_devs) { if(!state.pushTested) { if(sendMsg("Info", "Notification Test Successful. Notifications Enabled for ${app?.label}", true)) { state.pushTested = true } } section(sectHead("Notification Restrictions:")) { String t1 = getNotifSchedDesc() href "setNotificationTimePage", title: inTS1("Quiet Restrictions", "restriction"), description: (t1 ? t1 + inputFooter(sTTM) : inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY)) } section(sectHead("Missed Poll Alerts:")) { input (name: "sendMissedPollMsg", type: sBOOL, title: inTS1("Send Missed Checkin Alerts?", "late"), defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true) if((Boolean)settings.sendMissedPollMsg) { input (name: "misPollNotifyWaitVal", type: sENUM, title: inTS1("Time Past the Missed Checkin?", "delay_time"), description: spanSm("Default: 45 Minutes"), required: false, defaultValue: 2700, options: notifValEnum(), submitOnChange: true) input (name: "misPollNotifyMsgWaitVal", type: sENUM, title: inTS1("Send Reminder After?", "reminder"), description: spanSm("Default: 1 Hour"), required: false, defaultValue: 3600, options: notifValEnum(), submitOnChange: true) } } section(sectHead("Cookie Alerts:")) { input (name: "sendCookieRefreshMsg", type: sBOOL, title: inTS1("Send on Refreshed Cookie?", "cookie"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) input (name: "sendCookieInvalidMsg", type: sBOOL, title: inTS1("Send on Invalid Cookie?", "cookie"), defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true) } section(sectHead("Code Update Alerts:")) { input "sendAppUpdateMsg", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Send for Updates...", "update"), defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.sendAppUpdateMsg) { input (name: "updNotifyWaitVal", type: sENUM, title: inTS1("Send Reminders After?", "reminder"), description: spanSm("Default: 12 Hours"), required: false, defaultValue: 43200, options: notifValEnum(), submitOnChange: true) } } } else { state.pushTested = false } } } def setNotificationTimePage() { settingRemove("qStartInput") settingRemove("qStopInput") settingRemove("quietDays") settingRemove("quietModes") dynamicPage(name: "setNotificationTimePage", title: "Restrict Notifications\nDuring these Times or to these Days or Modes", uninstall: false) { String a = getNotifSchedDesc() if(a) { section() { paragraph spanSmBldBr("Restrictions Status:", sCLR4D9) + spanSm(a, sCLR4D9) paragraph spanSmBldBr("NOTICE: All selected restrictions must be ${strUnder("INACTIVE")} for notifications to be sent.", sCLRORG) paragraph htmlLine() } } String pre = "notif" Boolean timeReq = (settings["${pre}_time_start"] || settings["${pre}_time_stop"]) section(sectHead("Quiet Start Time:")) { input "${pre}_time_start_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Starting at...", "start_time"), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":"Sunrise", "sunset":"Sunset"], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(settings."${pre}_time_start_type" == sTIME) { input "${pre}_time_start", sTIME, title: inTS1("Start time", "start_time"), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if(settings."${pre}_time_start_type" in lSUNRISESET) { input "${pre}_time_start_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", "start_time"), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Quiet Stop Time:")) { input "${pre}_time_stop_type", sENUM, title: inTS1("Stopping at...", "start_time"), options: [(sTIME):"Time of Day", "sunrise":"Sunrise", "sunset":"Sunset"], required: false , submitOnChange: true if(settings."${pre}_time_stop_type" == sTIME) { input "${pre}_time_stop", sTIME, title: inTS1("Stop time", "start_time"), required: timeReq, submitOnChange: true } else if(settings."${pre}_time_stop_type" in lSUNRISESET) { input "${pre}_time_stop_offset", sNUMBER, range: "*..*", title: inTS1("Offset in minutes (+/-)", "start_time"), required: false, submitOnChange: true } } section(sectHead("Allowed Days:")) { input "${pre}_days", sENUM, title: inTS1("Only on these week days", "day_calendar"), multiple: true, required: false, options: weekDaysEnum() } section(sectHead("Allowed Modes:")) { input "${pre}_modes", sMODE, title: inTS1("Only in these Modes", sMODE), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false } } } def uninstallPage() { dynamicPage(name: "uninstallPage", title: "Uninstall", uninstall: true) { section(sBLANK) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("This will remove the app, all devices, all actions, all zones.
", sCLRRED) + spanSmBld("Please make sure that any devices created by this app are removed from any routines/rules/smartapps before tapping Remove.", sCLRRED) } } } static String bulletItem(String inStr, String strVal) { return "${inStr == sBLANK ? sBLANK : "\n"} "+ sBULLET + sSPACE + strVal } static String dashItem(String inStr, String strVal, Boolean newLine=false) { return "${(inStr == sBLANK && !newLine) ? sBLANK : "\n"} - " + strVal } def deviceTestPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "deviceTestPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { section(sBLANK) { href "speechPage", title: inTS1("Speech Test", "broadcast"), description: inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true) href "announcePage", title: inTS1("Announcement Test","announcement"), description: inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true) href "sequencePage", title: inTS1("Sequence Creator Test", "sequence"), description: inputFooter(sTTC, sCLRGRY, true) } } } def speechPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "speechPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { // if(state.mainMenu) return mainPage() section(sBLANK) { paragraph pTS("This feature has been known to have issues and may not work because it's not supported by all Alexa devices. To test each device individually I suggest using the device interface and press Test Speech or Test Announcement") Map devs = getDeviceList(true, ['tts']) input "test_speechDevices", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Devices to Test the Speech"), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), options: (devs ? devs?.sort{it?.value} : []), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if(((List) settings.test_speechDevices)?.size() >= 3) { paragraph spanSmBldBr("NOTICE:", sCLRRED) + spanSm("Amazon often rate limits when 3 or more device commands are sent at a time.
There may be a delay in the other devices but they should play the test after a few seconds", sCLRRED) } input "test_speechVolume", "number", title: inTS1("Speak at this volume (0% - 100%)"), description: "Enter number", range: "0..100", defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "test_speechRestVolume", "number", title: inTS1("Restore to this volume after (0% - 100%)"), description: "Enter number", range: "0..100", defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "test_speechMessage", "text", title: inTS1("Message to Speak"), defaultValue: "This is a speech test for your Echo speaks device!!!", required: true, submitOnChange: true } if((List)settings.test_speechDevices) { section() { input "test_speechRun", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Perform the Speech Test?"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.test_speechRun) { executeSpeechTest() } } } // returnHomeBtn() } } def alexaRoutinesTestPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "alexaRoutinesTestPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { Map rts = (Map)getAlexaRoutines() section("Available Routines") { if(rts.size()) { rts.each { String rk, String rv-> String str = sBLANK str += spanBldBr(rv) str += spanSmBld("Routine ID: ") + spanSmBr(rk) paragraph divSm(str, sCLR4D9) input "executeRoutine::${rk}", "button", title: spanSmBld("Run Routine: ", sCLRGRY) + spanSm("(${rv})", sCLRGRY), width: 4 paragraph htmlLine() } } else { paragraph divSm("No Routine Data Found...", sCLRGRY) } } } } def returnHomeBtn() { section { paragraph htmlLine() input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Home Page", width: 3 } } void appButtonHandler(String btn) { logDebug("appButton Event Received: $btn") switch (btn) { case "btnMainMenu": state.mainMenu = true break default: if(btn.contains("::")) { List items = btn.tokenize("::") if(items && items.size() > i1 && items[i1]) { String k = (String)items[iZ] String v = (String)items[i1] switch(k) { case "executeRoutine": // log.debug "routine: ${rt[1]}" executeRoutineTest(v) break case "deviceSpeechTest": def childDev = getChildDeviceBySerial(v) if(childDev && childDev?.hasCommand('speechTest')) { logInfo("Sending SpeechTest Command to (${childDev.displayName})") childDev?.speechTest() } else { logError("Speech Test device with Serial# (${v} was not located!!! or does not support speechTest()") } break case "deviceAnnouncementTest": def childDev = getChildDeviceBySerial(v) if(childDev && childDev?.hasCommand('sendTestAnnouncement')) { logInfo("Sending AnnouncementTest Command to (${childDev.displayName})") childDev?.sendTestAnnouncement() } else { logError("Announcement Test device with Serial# (${v} was not located!!! or does not support sendTestAnnouncement()") } break } } } break } } void executeRoutineTest(String rtId) { if(!(rtId && executeRoutineById(rtId)) ) { logError("Valid Routine ID not received for Routine Test!!!") } } def announcePage() { return dynamicPage(name: "announcePage", uninstall: false, install: false) { section(sBLANK) { paragraph pTS("This feature has known to have issues and may not work because it's not supported by all Alexa devices. To test each device individually I suggest using the device interface and press Test Speech or Test Announcement") if(!settings.test_announceDevices) { input "test_announceAllDevices", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Test Announcement using All Supported Devices"), defaultValue: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true } if(!(Boolean)settings.test_announceAllDevices) { List devs = getChildDevicesByCap("announce") ?: [] input "test_announceDevices", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Devices to Test the Announcement"), description: sTTS, options: (devs?.collectEntries { [(it?.getId()): it?.getLabel() as String] }), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } if((Boolean)settings.test_announceAllDevices || settings.test_announceDevices) { input "test_announceVolume", "number", title: inTS1("Announce at this volume"), description: "Enter number", range: "0..100", defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "test_announceRestVolume", "number", title: inTS1("Restore to this volume after"), description: "Enter number", range: "0..100", defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "test_announceMessage", "text", title: inTS1("Message to announce"), defaultValue: "This is a test of the Echo speaks announcement system!!!", required: true, submitOnChange: true } } if(settings.test_announceDevices || (Boolean)settings.test_announceAllDevices) { section() { input "test_announceRun", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Perform the Announcement?"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.test_announceRun) { executeAnnouncement() } } } } } @Field final Map seqItemsAvailFLD = [ other: [ "weather":sNULL, "traffic":sNULL, "flashbriefing":sNULL, "goodnews":sNULL, "goodmorning":sNULL, "goodnight":sNULL, "cleanup":sNULL, "singasong":sNULL, "tellstory":sNULL, "funfact":sNULL, "joke":sNULL, "playsearch":sNULL, "calendartoday":sNULL, "calendartomorrow":sNULL, "calendarnext":sNULL, "stop":sNULL, "stopalldevices":sNULL, "wait": "value (seconds)", "volume": "value (0-100)", "speak": "message", "announcement": "message", "announcementall": "message", "pushnotification": "message", "email": sNULL ], // dnd: [ // "dnd_duration": "2H30M", "dnd_time": "00:30", "dnd_all_duration": "2H30M", "dnd_all_time": "00:30", // "dnd_duration":"2H30M", "dnd_time":"00:30" // ], speech: [ "cannedtts_random": ["goodbye", "confirmations", "goodmorning", "compliments", "birthday", "goodnight", "iamhome"] ], music: [ "amazonmusic": "search term", "applemusic": "search term", "iheartradio": "search term", "pandora": "search term", "spotify": "search term", "tunein": "search term", "cloudplayer": "search term" ] ] public Map seqItemsAvail() { return seqItemsAvailFLD } def sequencePage() { return dynamicPage(name: "sequencePage", uninstall: false, install: false) { section(sectHead("Command Legend:"), hideable: true, hidden: true) { String str1; str1 = "Sequence Options:" ((Map)seqItemsAvailFLD.other).sort()?.each { String k, String v-> str1 += "${bulletItem(str1, "${k}${v != sNULL ? "::${v}" : sBLANK}")}" } // String str4 = "DoNotDisturb Options:" // seqItemsAvailFLD.dnd?.sort()?.each { String k, String v-> // str4 += "${bulletItem(str4, "${k}${v != sNULL ? "::${v}" : sBLANK}")}" // } String str2; str2 = "Music Options:" ((Map)seqItemsAvailFLD.music).sort()?.each { String k, String v-> str2 += "${bulletItem(str2, "${k}${v != sNULL ? "::${v}" : sBLANK}")}" } String str3; str3 = "Canned TTS Options:" ((Map)seqItemsAvailFLD.speech).sort()?.each { String k, v-> String newV if(v instanceof List) { newV = sBLANK; v?.sort()?.each { newV += " ${dashItem(newV, "${it}", true)}" } } else newV=v str3 += "${bulletItem(str3, "${k}${newV != sNULL ? "::${newV}" : sBLANK}")}" } paragraph spanSm(str1, sCLR4D9) // paragraph spanSm(str4, sCLR4D9) paragraph spanSm(str2, sCLR4D9) paragraph spanSm(str3, sCLR4D9) paragraph spanSmBldBr("Enter the command in a format exactly like this:") + spanSmBr("volume::40,, speak::this is so silly,, wait::60,, weather,, cannedtts_random::goodbye,, traffic,, amazonmusic::green day,, volume::30") + spanSm("
Each command needs to be separated by a double comma `,,` and the separator between the command and value must be command::value.") } section(sectHead("Sequence Test Config:")) { input "test_sequenceDevice", "device.EchoSpeaksDevice", title: inTS1("Select Devices to Test Sequence Command"), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: false, required: ((String)settings.test_sequenceString != sNULL), submitOnChange: true input "test_sequenceString", "text", title: inTS1("Sequence String to Use"), required: ((String)settings?.test_sequenceDevice != sNULL), submitOnChange: true } if(settings?.test_sequenceDevice && settings?.test_sequenceString) { section() { input "test_sequenceRun", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Perform the Sequence?"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.test_sequenceRun) { executeSequence() } } } } } void executeSpeechTest() { settingUpdate("test_speechRun", sFALSE, sBOOL) String testMsg = (String)settings.test_speechMessage List selectedDevs = (List)settings.test_speechDevices selectedDevs?.each { String devSerial-> def childDev = getChildDeviceBySerial(devSerial) if(childDev && childDev?.hasCommand('setVolumeSpeakAndRestore')) { childDev?.setVolumeSpeakAndRestore((Integer)settings.test_speechVolume, testMsg, (Integer)settings.test_speechRestVolume ) } else { logError("Speech Test device with serial# (${devSerial} was not located!!! or does not support speakAndRestore") } } } void executeAnnouncement() { settingUpdate("test_announceRun", sFALSE, sBOOL) String testMsg = (String)settings.test_announceMessage List sDevs = (Boolean)settings.test_announceAllDevices ? getChildDevicesByCap("announce") : getDevicesFromList((List)settings.test_announceDevices) if(sDevs?.size()) { if(sDevs.size() > i1) { List devObj = [] sDevs.each { devObj.push([deviceTypeId: (String)it?.getEchoDeviceType(), deviceSerialNumber: (String)it?.getEchoSerial()]) } // String devJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(devObj) // send to first one which will have Amazon fan it out sDevs[iZ]?.sendAnnouncementToDevices(testMsg, "Echo Speaks Test", devObj, settings.test_announceVolume ?: null, settings.test_announceRestVolume ?: null) } else { sDevs[iZ]?.playAnnouncement(testMsg, "Echo Speaks Test", settings.test_announceVolume ?: null, settings.test_announceRestVolume ?: null) } } } void executeSequence() { settingUpdate("test_sequenceRun", sFALSE, sBOOL) String seqStr = settings.test_sequenceString if(settings.test_sequenceDevice?.hasCommand("executeSequenceCommand")) { settings.test_sequenceDevice?.executeSequenceCommand(seqStr) } else { logWarn("sequence test device doesn't support the executeSequenceCommand command...", true) } } Map executeTuneInSearch(String query) { if(!isAuthValid("executeTuneInSearch")) { return null } Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/tunein/search", query: [ query: query, mediaOwnerCustomerId: state.deviceOwnerCustomerId ], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), requestContentType: sAPPJSON, contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] Map results; results = [:] try { httpGet(params) { resp -> if(resp?.status != 200) logWarn("${resp?.status} $params") if(resp?.status == 200) { results = resp?.data ?: [:] updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "executeTuneInSearch") } return results } void executeMusicSearchTest() { settingUpdate("test_musicSearchRun", sFALSE, sBOOL) if(settings.test_musicDevice && (String)settings.test_musicProvider && (String)settings.test_musicQuery) { if(settings.test_musicDevice?.hasCommand("searchMusic")) { logDebug("Performing ${(String)settings.test_musicProvider} Search Test with Query: (${(String)settings.test_musicQuery}) on Device: (${settings.test_musicDevice})") settings.test_musicDevice.searchMusic((String)settings.test_musicQuery, (String)settings.test_musicProvider) } else { logError("The Device ${settings.test_musicDevice} does NOT support the searchMusic() command...") } } } def musicSearchTestPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "musicSearchTestPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { section(sectHead("Test a Music Search on Device:")) { paragraph spanSm("Use this to test the search you discovered above directly on a device.", sCLR4D9) Map testEnum = ["CLOUDPLAYER": "My Library", "AMAZON_MUSIC": "Amazon Music", "I_HEART_RADIO": "iHeartRadio", "PANDORA": "Pandora", "APPLE_MUSIC": "Apple Music", "TUNEIN": "TuneIn", "SIRIUSXM": "siriusXm", "SPOTIFY": "Spotify"] input "test_musicProvider", sENUM, title: inTS1("Select Music Provider to perform test", "music"), defaultValue: null, required: false, options: testEnum, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true if((String)settings.test_musicProvider) { input "test_musicQuery", "text", title: inTS1("Music Search term to test on Device", "search2"), defaultValue: null, required: false, submitOnChange: true if((String)settings.test_musicQuery) { input "test_musicDevice", "device.EchoSpeaksDevice", title: inTS1("Select a Device to Test Music Search", "echo_speaks_3.1x"), description: inputFooter(sTTS, sCLRGRY, true), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings.test_musicDevice) { input "test_musicSearchRun", sBOOL, title: inTS1("Perform the Music Search Test?", "music"), description: sBLANK, required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if((Boolean)settings.test_musicSearchRun) { executeMusicSearchTest() } } } } } section(sectHead("TuneIn Search Results:")) { paragraph spanSm("Enter a search phrase to query TuneIn to help you find the right search term to use in searchTuneIn() command.", sCLR4D9) input "test_tuneinSearchQuery", "text", title: inTS1("Enter search phrase for TuneIn", "tunein"), defaultValue: sNULL, required: false, submitOnChange: true if((String)settings.test_tuneinSearchQuery) { href "searchTuneInResultsPage", title: inTS1("View search results!", "search2"), description: inactFoot(sTTP) } } } } def searchTuneInResultsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "searchTuneInResultsPage", uninstall: false, install: false) { Map results = executeTuneInSearch((String)settings.test_tuneinSearchQuery) section(sectHead("Search Results: (Query: ${(String)settings.test_tuneinSearchQuery})")) { if(results?.browseList && results?.browseList?.size()) { results?.browseList?.eachWithIndex { Map item, Integer i-> if(i < 25) { if(item?.browseList != null && item?.browseList?.size()) { item?.browseList?.eachWithIndex { Map item2, i2-> dumpBrowseItem(item2) } } else { dumpBrowseItem(item) } } } } else { paragraph "No Results found..." } } } } def dumpBrowseItem(Map item) { String str; str = sBLANK str += "ContentType: (${item.contentType})" str += "\nId: (${item.id})" str += "\nDescription: ${item.description}" String a = (String)item.image ?: sNULL String b = ((String)item.name).take(75) Boolean c = !item.name?.contains("Not Supported") href "searchTuneInResultsPage", title: pTS(b, a, false), description: spanSm(str, c ? sCLR4D9 : sCLRRED) } private getChildDeviceBySerial(String serial) { List childDevs = app?.getChildDevices() def a = childDevs?.find { it?.deviceNetworkId?.tokenize("|")?.contains(serial) } return a ?: null } /* public getChildDeviceByCap(String cap) { List childDevs = app?.getChildDevices() def a= childDevs?.find { it?.currentValue("permissions") && it?.currentValue("permissions")?.toString()?.contains(cap) } return a ?: null }*/ public List getDevicesFromList(List ids) { List cDevs = app?.getChildDevices() List a = cDevs?.findAll { it?.id in ids } return a ?: null } public getDeviceFromId(String id) { List cDevs = app?.getChildDevices() def a = cDevs?.find { it?.id == id } return a ?: null } public List getChildDevicesByCap(String cap) { List childDevs = app?.getChildDevices() List a = childDevs?.findAll { it?.currentValue("permissions") && it?.currentValue("permissions")?.toString()?.contains(cap) } return a ?: null } def donationPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "donationPage", title: sBLANK, nextPage: "mainPage", install: false, uninstall: false) { section(sBLANK) { String str; str = sBLANK str += spanSmBldBr("Hello User,") + spanSmBr("Please forgive the interuption but it's been 30 days since you installed/updated this App and I wanted to present you with this one time reminder that donations are accepted (We do not require them).") str += spanSmBr("
If you have been enjoying the software and devices please remember that we have spent thousand's of hours of our spare time working on features and stability for those applications and devices.") str += spanSmBr("
If you have already donated, thank you very much for your support!") str += spanSmBr("
If you are just not interested in donating please ignore this message") str += spanSm("
Thanks again for using Echo Speaks") paragraph divSm(str, sCLRRED) href url: textDonateUrl(), style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("Donations", "donate"), description: inputFooter("Tap to open in browser", sCLRGRY, true) } updInstData("shownDonation", true) } } def installed() { logInfo("Installed Event Received...") state.installData = [initVer: appVersionFLD, dt: getDtNow(), updatedDt: "Not Set", showDonation: false, sentMetrics: false, shownChgLog: true] state.isInstalled = true sendInstallData() initialize() } def updated() { logInfo("Updated Event Received...") if(!(Boolean)state.isInstalled) { state.isInstalled = true } if(!state.installData) { state.installData = [initVer: appVersionFLD, dt: getDtNow(), updatedDt: getDtNow(), shownDonation: false, sentMetrics: false] } unsubscribe() state.clearCnt = iZ state.zoneEvtsActive = false unschedule() stateMigrationChk() initialize() } def initialize() { logInfo("running initialize...") appCleanup() //if(app?.getLabel() != "Echo Speaks") { app?.updateLabel("Echo Speaks") } if((Boolean)settings.optOutMetrics && (String)state.appGuid) { if(removeInstallData()) { state.appGuid = sNULL; state.remove('appGuid') } } subscribe(location, "systemStart", startHandler) if(guardAutoConfigured()) { if(settings.guardAwayAlarm && settings.guardHomeAlarm) { subscribe(location, "hsmStatus", guardTriggerEvtHandler) } if(settings.guardAwayModes && settings.guardHomeModes) { subscribe(location, "mode", guardTriggerEvtHandler) } if(settings.guardFollowSwitch || (settings.guardAwaySwitch && settings.guardHomeSwitch)) { if(settings.guardFollowSwitch) subscribe(settings.guardFollowSwitch, sSWITCH, guardTriggerEvtHandler) if(settings.guardHomeSwitch) subscribe(settings.guardHomeSwitch, sSWITCH, guardTriggerEvtHandler) if(settings.guardAwaySwitch) subscribe(settings.guardAwaySwitch, sSWITCH, guardTriggerEvtHandler) } if(settings.guardAwayPresence) { subscribe(settings.guardAwayPresence, "presence", guardTriggerEvtHandler) } } if(!(Boolean)state.resumeConfig) { updChildVers() updateZoneSubscriptions() Boolean a=validateCookie(true) if(!(Boolean)state.noAuthActive) { //runEvery15Minutes("getOtherData") now part of healthCheck runEvery3Hours("getEchoDevices") //This will reload the device list from Amazon runIn(11, "postInitialize") remTsVal("donotdisturbDt") remTsVal("musicProviderUpdDt") getOtherData() Long newD = wnow() - 999000L Date d = new Date(newD) updTsVal("lastDevDataUpdDt", formatDt(d)) // make sure not to cause a warning // remTsVal("lastDevDataUpdDt") // will force next one to gather EchoDevices getEchoDevices() if(advLogsActive()) { logsEnabled() } runIn(60, "workQB") } else { unschedule("getEchoDevices") /*; unschedule("getOtherData") */ } } } void startHandler(evt){ logDebug('startHandler called') runIn(6, "chkRestartSocket") } void chkRestartSocket(){ def dev= getSocketDevice() if(!(Boolean)dev?.isSocketActive()) { dev?.triggerInitialize() } } void stateMigrationChk() { if(!getAppFlag("stateMapConverted")) { stateMapMigration() } } void updateZoneSubscriptions() { if(state.zoneEvtsActive != true) { subscribe(location, "es3ZoneState", zoneStateHandler) subscribe(location, "es3ZoneRemoved", zoneRemovedHandler) state.zoneEvtsActive = true zoneStatusMapFLD = [:] checkZoneData() runIn(6, "requestZoneRefresh") } } void postInitialize() { logTrace("postInitialize") runEvery15Minutes("healthCheck") // This task checks for missed polls, app updates, code version changes, and cloud service health Boolean a = refreshDevCookies(false) // don't have children re-init as it is coming next reInitChildren() } def uninstalled() { log.warn "uninstalling app and devices" unschedule() if(!(Boolean)settings.optOutMetrics) { if(removeInstallData()) { state.appGuid = sNULL } } clearCloudConfig() clearCookieData("App Uninstalled", false) removeDevices(true) } void appCleanup() { logTrace("appCleanup") List items = [ "availableDevices", "consecutiveCmdCnt", "isRateLimiting", "versionData", "heartbeatScheduled", "serviceAuthenticated", "cookie", "misPollNotifyWaitVal", "misPollNotifyMsgWaitVal", "updNotifyWaitVal", "lastDevActivity", "devSupMap", "tempDevSupData", "devTypeIgnoreData", "codeVersion", "warnHistory", "errorHistory", "bluetoothData", "dndData", "zoneStatusMap", "guardData", "guardDataSrc", "guardDataOverMaxSize", "lastMsg", "websocketActive" ] items.each { String si-> if(state.containsKey(si)) { state.remove(si)} } state.pollBlocked = false state.resumeConfig = false state.missPollRepair = false state.deviceRefreshInProgress = false // Settings Cleanup List setItems = ["performBroadcast", "stHub", "cookieRefreshDays"] settings?.each { si-> ["music", "tunein", "announce", "perform", "broadcast", "sequence", "speech", "test_"].each { String swi-> if(si.key?.startsWith(swi)) { setItems.push(si?.key as String) } } } setItems.unique().sort().each { String sI-> if(settings?.containsKey(sI)) { settingRemove(sI) } } cleanUpdVerMap() } void wsEvtHandler(Map evt) { if(devModeFLD) logTrace("wsEvtHandler evt: ${evt}") if(evt && /* evt.id && */ (evt.attributes?.size() || evt.triggers?.size())) { List trigs = (List)evt.triggers Map atts = (Map)evt.attributes if("bluetooth" in trigs) { runIn(2, "getBluetoothRunIn") } // getBluetoothDevices(true) if("activity" in trigs) { runIn(i1, "getDeviceActivityRunIn") } // Map a=getDeviceActivity(sNULL, true) if("notification" in trigs) { runIn(2, "getNotificationsRunIn") } if((Boolean)evt.all) { getEsDevices()?.each { eDev-> atts.each { String k,v-> eDev.sendEvent(name: k, value: v, descriptionText: "ES wsEvt") } if(trigs.size()) { eDev.websocketUpdEvt(trigs) } } } else { def eDev = findEchoDevice((String)evt.id) if(eDev) { atts.each { String k,v-> eDev.sendEvent(name: k, value: v, descriptionText: "ES wsEvt") } if(trigs.size()) { eDev.websocketUpdEvt(trigs) } } } } } private findEchoDevice(String serial) { def a = getEsDevices()?.find { (String)it?.getEchoSerial() == serial } return a ?: null } Boolean getWWebSocketStatus(){ return (Boolean)state.websocketActive } void webSocketStatus(Boolean active) { logTrace "webSocketStatus... | Active: ${active}" state.websocketActive = active if(active) { remTsVal('bluetoothUpdDt') remTsVal("donotdisturbDt") } // healthcheck will re-read runIn(6, "updChildSocketStatus") } void updChildSocketStatus() { Boolean active = (Boolean)state.websocketActive logTrace "updChildSocketStatus... | Active: ${active}" getEsDevices()?.each { it?.updSocketStatus(active) } getZoneApps()?.each { it?.relayUpdChildSocketStatus(active) } updTsVal("lastWebsocketUpdDt") } def zoneStateHandler(evt) { String id = evt?.value?.toString() Map data = evt?.jsonData logTrace("zoneStateHandler: ${id} | Data: $data") String myId=app.getId() checkZoneData() if(data && id) { Boolean aa = getTheLock(sHMLF, "zoneStateHandler") Map t0 = zoneStatusMapFLD[myId] Map zoneMap = t0 ?: [:] zoneMap[id] = [name: data?.name, active: data?.active, paused: data?.paused, zoneDevices: data.zoneDevices, t: wnow()] zoneStatusMapFLD[myId] = zoneMap zoneStatusMapFLD = zoneStatusMapFLD releaseTheLock(sHMLF) getActionApps()?.each { it?.updZones(zoneMap) } } } def zoneRemovedHandler(evt) { String id = evt?.value?.toString() Map data = evt?.jsonData logTrace("zone removed: ${id} | Data: $data") String myId=app.getId() if(data && id) { Boolean aa = getTheLock(sHMLF, "zoneRemoveHandler") Map t0 = zoneStatusMapFLD[myId] Map zoneMap; zoneMap = t0 ?: [:] zoneMap = zoneMap ?: [:] Boolean fnd; fnd=false if(zoneMap.containsKey(id)) { fnd = true zoneMap.remove(id) zoneStatusMapFLD[myId] = zoneMap zoneStatusMapFLD = zoneStatusMapFLD } releaseTheLock(sHMLF) if(fnd){ getActionApps()?.each { it?.updZones(zoneMap) } } } } void requestZoneRefresh() { sendLocationEvent(name: "es3ZoneRefresh", value: "sendStatus", data: [sendStatus: true], isStateChange: true, display: false, displayed: false) } void checkZoneData() { String myId=app.getId() if(!zoneStatusMapFLD[myId]) { Boolean aa = getTheLock(sHMLF, "getZones") Map newField = [:] List zones = getZoneApps() zones?.each { Map zoneMap = it?.myZoneStatus() String id = zoneMap.id newField[id] = [name: (String)zoneMap.name, active: (Boolean)zoneMap.active, paused: (Boolean)zoneMap.paused, zoneDevices: zoneMap.zoneDevices ?: null, t: wnow()] } newField.initialized = [a:true] zoneStatusMapFLD[myId] = newField zoneStatusMapFLD = zoneStatusMapFLD releaseTheLock(sHMLF) getActionApps()?.each { it?.updZones(zoneMap) } } } public Map getZones(Boolean chld=false) { String myId=app.getId() checkZoneData() Map a = zoneStatusMapFLD[myId] if(!chld) { String i = 'initialized' if(a.containsKey(i)) a.remove(i) } return a } Map getActiveZones() { Map zones = getZones() return zones.size() ? zones.findAll { (Boolean)it?.value?.active && !(Boolean)it?.value?.paused } : [:] } Map getInActiveZones() { Map zones = getZones() return zones.size() ? zones.findAll { !(Boolean)it?.value?.active || (Boolean)it?.value?.paused } : [:] } List getActiveZoneNames() { Map t0 = getActiveZones() return t0.size() ? t0.collect { (String)it?.value?.name } : [] } List getInActiveZoneNames() { Map t0 = getInActiveZones() return t0.size() ? t0.collect { (String)it?.value?.name } : [] } List getZoneApps() { return ((List)getAllChildApps())?.findAll { (String)it?.name == zoneChildName() } } def getZoneById(String id) { return getZoneApps()?.find { it?.id?.toString() == id } } List getActiveApps() { List acts = getActionApps() return acts.size() ? acts.findAll { !(Boolean)it?.isPaused() } : [] } List getInActiveApps() { List acts = getActionApps() return acts.size() ? acts.findAll { (Boolean)it?.isPaused() } : [] } List getMyANames(List acts) { List a = acts ?: [] return a.size() ? a.findAll { it }.collect { (String)it?.getLabel() } : [] } public List getActiveActionNames() { return getMyANames(getActiveApps()) } public List getInActiveActionNames() { return getMyANames(getInActiveApps()) } List getActionApps() { return ((List)getAllChildApps())?.findAll { it?.name == actChildName() } } List getEsDevices() { return ((List)getChildDevices())?.findAll { !(Boolean)it?.isWS() && !(Boolean)it?.isZone() } } def getSocketDevice() { String myId=app.getId() String nmS = 'echoSpeaks_websocket' return getChildDevice(myId+'|'+nmS) } mappings { path("/renderMetricData") { action: [GET: "renderMetricData"] } path("/receiveData") { action: [POST: "processData"] } path("/config") { action: [GET: "renderConfig"] } path("/textEditor/:cId/:inName") { action: [GET: "renderTextEditPage", POST: "textEditProcessing"] } path("/cookie") { action: [GET: "getCookieData", POST: "storeCookieData", DELETE: "clearCookieD"] } path("/diagData") { action: [GET: "getDiagData"] } path("/diagCmds/:cmd") { action: [GET: "execDiagCmds"] } path("/diagDataJson") { action: [GET: "getDiagDataJson"] } path("/diagDataText") { action: [GET: "getDiagDataText"] } } void clearCloudConfig() { logTrace("clearCloudConfig called...") settingUpdate("resetService", sFALSE, sBOOL) unschedule("cloudServiceHeartbeat") remServerItem(["onHeroku", "serverHost", "isLocal"]) settingRemove("useHeroku") state.remove("herokuName") state.serviceConfigured = false state.resumeConfig = true clearCookieData("clearCloudConfig", false) } String getEnvParamsStr() { Map envParams = [:] envParams["smartThingsUrl"] = getAppEndpointUrl("receiveData") envParams["appCallbackUrl"] = getAppEndpointUrl("receiveData") envParams["hubPlatform"] = platformFLD envParams["useHeroku"] = ((Boolean)settings.useHeroku).toString() envParams["serviceDebug"] = sFALSE envParams["serviceTrace"] = sFALSE envParams["amazonDomain"] = (String)settings.amazonDomain ?: "amazon.com" envParams["regionLocale"] = (String)settings.regionLocale ?: "en-US" envParams["hostUrl"] = "${getRandAppName()}.herokuapp.com".toString() String envs = sBLANK envParams.each { String k, String v-> envs += "&env[${k}]=${v}".toString() } return envs } Boolean checkIfCodeUpdated() { Boolean codeUpdated; codeUpdated = false List chgs = [] Map codeVerMap; codeVerMap = (Map)state.codeVersions ?: [:] //if(devModeFLD) logTrace("Code versions: ${codeVerMap}") if(codeVerMap.mainApp != appVersionFLD) { checkVersionData(true) codeVerMap= codeVerMap.server ? [server: codeVerMap.server] : [:] state.codeVersions= codeVerMap chgs.push("mainApp") state.pollBlocked = true updCodeVerMap("mainApp", appVersionFLD) Map iData; iData = state.installData iData = iData ?: [:] iData["updatedDt"] = getDtNow() iData["shownChgLog"] = false if(iData?.shownDonation == null) { iData["shownDonation"] = false } state.installData = iData codeUpdated = true } List cDevs = getEsDevices() if(cDevs?.size()) { String ver = (String)cDevs[iZ]?.devVersion() if((String)codeVerMap.echoDevice != ver) { chgs.push("echoDevice") state.pollBlocked = true updCodeVerMap("echoDevice", ver) codeUpdated = true } } // def wsDev = getSocketDevice() // if(wsDev) { // String ver = (String)wsDev?.devVersion() // if((String)codeVerMap.wsDevice != ver) { // chgs.push("wsDevice") // updCodeVerMap("wsDevice", ver) // codeUpdated = true // } // } List cApps = getActionApps() if(cApps?.size()) { String ver = (String)cApps[iZ]?.appVersion() if((String)codeVerMap.actionApp != ver) { chgs.push("actionApp") state.pollBlocked = true updCodeVerMap("actionApp", ver) codeUpdated = true } } List zApps = getZoneApps() if(zApps?.size()) { String ver; ver = (String)zApps[iZ]?.appVersion() if((String)codeVerMap.zoneApp != ver) { chgs.push("zoneApp") state.pollBlocked = true // log.debug "zoneVer: ver" updCodeVerMap("zoneApp", ver) codeUpdated = true } ver = sNULL zApps.each { if(!ver) ver = it?.relayDevVersion() } if(ver && (String)codeVerMap.zoneEchoDevice != ver) { chgs.push("zoneEchoDevice") state.pollBlocked = true updCodeVerMap("zoneEchoDevice", ver) codeUpdated = true } } if(codeUpdated) { logInfo("Code Version Change Detected... | Re-Initializing App in 5 seconds | Changes: ${chgs}") runIn(5, "postCodeUpdated", [overwrite: false]) return true } else { state.pollBlocked = false return false } } void postCodeUpdated() { updated() runIn(10, "sendInstallData", [overwrite: false]) } void resetQueues() { getEsDevices()?.each { it?.resetQueue() } } void reInitChildren() { getEsDevices()?.each { it?.triggerInitialize() } getSocketDevice()?.triggerInitialize() runIn(11, "reInitChildActions") } void reInitChildActions() { getActionApps()?.each { it?.triggerInitialize() } runIn(3, "reInitChildZones") } void reInitChildZones() { getZoneApps()?.each { it?.triggerInitialize() } } def processData() { logTrace("processData() | Data: ${request.JSON}") Map data = request?.JSON as Map // log.debug "processData() | Data: ${data}" if(data) { if(data?.version) { updServerItem("onHeroku", (data?.onHeroku != false || (!data?.isLocal && (Boolean)settings.useHeroku))) updServerItem("isLocal", (data?.isLocal == true)) updServerItem("serverHost", ((String)data?.serverUrl ?: sNULL)) logTrace("processData Received | Version: ${data?.version} | onHeroku: ${data?.onHeroku} | serverUrl: ${data?.serverUrl}") updCodeVerMap("server", (String)data?.version) state.serviceConfigured = true } else { log.debug "data: $data" } } String json = new JsonOutput().toJson([message: "success", version: appVersionFLD]) render contentType: sAPPJSON, data: json, status: 200 } Boolean serverConfigured() { return ((Boolean)getServerItem("onHeroku") || (Boolean)getServerItem("isLocal")) } def getCookieData() { logTrace("getCookieData Request Received...") Map resp = state.cookieData ?: [:] String aa = getTsVal("lastCookieRrshDt") resp["refreshDt"] = aa ?: null String json = new JsonOutput().toJson(resp) incrementCntByKey("getCookieCnt") render contentType: sAPPJSON, data: json, status: 200 } Map getCookieMap() { return [cookie: getCookieVal(), csrf: getCsrfVal()] } Map getReqHeaderMap(Boolean extra=false) { Map head = [ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36", Referer: "https://alexa.${state.cookieData?.amazonPage}/spa/index.html", Origin: "https://alexa.${state.cookieData?.amazonPage}", cookie: getCookieVal(), csrf: getCsrfVal(), ] if(extra) return head + [Connection: "keep-alive", DNT: "1"] return head } String getCookieVal() { String myId=app.getId() if(! (cookieDataFLD[myId]!=null && cookieDataFLD[myId].localCookie != null)) { Map cookieData = state.cookieData //if (cookieData && cookieData.localCookie && cookieData.csrf) cookieDataFLD[myId] = cookieData cookieDataFLD[myId] = cookieData cookieDataFLD = cookieDataFLD } return cookieDataFLD[myId]?.localCookie ? (String)cookieDataFLD[myId].localCookie : sNULL } String getCsrfVal() { String myId=app.getId() if(! (cookieDataFLD[myId]!=null && cookieDataFLD[myId].csrf != null)) { Map cookieData = state.cookieData //if (cookieData && cookieData?.localCookie && cookieData?.csrf) { cookieDataFLD[myId] = cookieData; } cookieDataFLD[myId] = cookieData cookieDataFLD = cookieDataFLD } return cookieDataFLD[myId]?.csrf ? (String)cookieDataFLD[myId].csrf : sNULL } def storeCookieData() { logTrace("storeCookieData Request Received...") Map data = request?.JSON as Map Map cookieItems = [:] if(data) { if(data.cookieData) { logTrace("cookieData Received: ${request?.JSON?.cookieData?.keySet()}") data.cookieData.each { String k,v-> cookieItems[k] = v as String } state.cookieData = cookieItems String myId=app.getId() cookieDataFLD[myId] = cookieItems cookieDataFLD = cookieDataFLD state.clearCnt = iZ } updServerItem("isLocal", (data.isLocal == true)) updServerItem("onHeroku", (data.onHeroku != false || (!data?.isLocal && (Boolean)settings.useHeroku))) updServerItem("serverHost", ((String)data.serverUrl ?: sNULL)) updCodeVerMap("server", (String)data.version) remTsVal(["lastCookieChkDt", "lastSpokeToAmazon"]) } // log.debug "csrf: ${state.cookieData?.csrf}" Boolean a=validateCookie(true) if((Boolean)state.authValid && cookieItems.localCookie && cookieItems.csrf ) { logInfo("Cookie data was updated | Reinitializing App... | in 10 seconds...") state.serviceConfigured = true updTsVal("lastCookieRrshDt") checkGuardSupport() runIn(10, "initialize", [overwrite: true]) } else { logWarn("Cookie data was updated but found invalid...") } // should be rendering a response? String json = new JsonOutput().toJson([message: "success", version: appVersionFLD]) render contentType: sAPPJSON, data: json, status: 200 } def clearCookieD() { // deal with temporary problems Integer a; a = (Integer)state.clearCnt a = a!= null ? a : iZ a = a+i1 state.clearCnt = a if(a > 5) clearCookieData('webCall', false) else logTrace("skipping server call to clearCookieData()") String json = new JsonOutput().toJson([message: "success", version: appVersionFLD]) render contentType: sAPPJSON, data: json, status: 200 } def clearCookieData(String src=sNULL, Boolean callSelf=false) { logTrace("clearCookieData(${src ?: sBLANK}, $callSelf)") settingUpdate("resetCookies", sFALSE, sBOOL) if(!callSelf) authEvtHandler(false, "clearCookieData") state.remove("cookie") state.remove("cookieData") String myId=app.getId() cookieDataFLD[myId] = [:] cookieDataFLD = cookieDataFLD state.clearCnt = iZ remTsVal(["lastCookieChkDt", "lastCookieRrshDt"]) unschedule("getEchoDevices") // unschedule("getOtherData") logWarn("Cookie Data has been cleared and Device Data Refreshes have been suspended...") updateChildAuth(false) } Boolean refreshDevCookies(Boolean doInit=true) { logTrace("refreshDevCookies()") settingUpdate("refreshDevCookies", sFALSE, sBOOL) logDebug("Re-Syncing Cookie Data with Devices") Boolean isValid = ((Boolean)state.authValid && getCookieVal() && getCsrfVal()) updateChildAuth(isValid, doInit) return isValid } void updateChildAuth(Boolean isValid, Boolean doInit=true) { Map cook = getCookieMap() ((List)getChildDevices())?.each { (isValid) ? it?.updateCookies(cook, doInit) : it?.removeCookies(true) } getZoneApps()?.each { (isValid) ? it?.relayUpdateCookies(cook, doInit) : it?.relayRemoveCookies(true) } } @Field volatile static Map authValidMapFLD = [:] void authValidationEvent(Boolean valid, String src=sNULL) { Boolean isValid = valid && getCookieVal() && getCsrfVal() Integer listSize = 3 String myId=app.getId() List eList; eList = authValidMapFLD[myId] eList = eList ?: [true, true, true] eList.push(isValid) if(eList.size() > listSize) { eList = eList.drop( eList.size()-listSize ) } authValidMapFLD[myId]= eList authValidMapFLD[myId]= authValidMapFLD[myId] state.authValidHistory = eList if(eList.every { it == false }) { if(!(Boolean)state.noAuthActive) { logError("The last 3 Authentication Validations have failed | Clearing Stored Auth Data | Please login again using the Echo Speaks service...") } authEvtHandler(false, 'a_v_'+src) } else { authEvtHandler(true, 'a_v_'+src) } } void authEvtHandler(Boolean isAuth, String src=sNULL) { Boolean stC = ((Boolean)state.authValid != isAuth) logDebug "authEvtHandler(${isAuth},$src) stateChange: ${stC}" state.authValid = isAuth state.remove('authEvtClearReason') if(!isAuth && !(Boolean)state.noAuthActive) { state.noAuthActive = true clearCookieData('authHandler', true) noAuthReminder() if((Boolean)settings.sendCookieInvalidMsg && getLastTsValSecs("lastCookieInvalidMsgDt") > 28800) { String loc; loc='Local Server' if((Boolean)getServerItem("onHeroku")) loc='Heroku' sendMsg("${app.name} Amazon Login Issue", "Amazon Cookie Has Expired or is Missing!!! Please login again using the ${loc} Web Config page...") updTsVal("lastCookieInvalidMsgDt") } logDebug("Scheduling noAuthReminder ${stC}") runEvery1Hour("noAuthReminder") state.authEvtClearReason = [dt: getDtNow(), src: src] updateChildAuth(isAuth) } else if(isAuth && (Boolean)state.noAuthActive) { unschedule("noAuthReminder") state.noAuthActive = false logDebug("Scheduling initialize for auth change ${stC}") runIn(10, "initialize", [overwrite: true]) } } Boolean isAuthValid(String methodName) { if(!(Boolean)state.authValid) { logWarn("Echo Speaks Authentication is no longer valid... Please login again and commands will be allowed again!!! | Method: (${methodName})", true) return false } return true } void noAuthReminder() { String loc='Local Server' if((Boolean)getServerItem("onHeroku")) loc='Heroku' logWarn("Amazon Cookie Has Expired or is Missing!!! Please login again using the ${loc} Web Config page...") } static String toQueryString(Map m) { return m.collect { k, v -> "${k}=${URLEncoder.encode(v?.toString(), "utf-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20")}" }?.sort()?.join("&") } String getServerHostURL() { String srvHost = (String)getServerItem("serverHost") return ((Boolean)getServerItem("isLocal") && srvHost) ? (srvHost ?: sNULL) : "https://${getRandAppName()}.herokuapp.com".toString() } Integer cookieRefreshSeconds() { return ((Integer)settings.refreshCookieDays ?: 5)*86400 as Integer } void clearServerAuth() { logDebug("clearServerAuth: serverUrl: ${getServerHostURL()}") Map params = [ uri: getServerHostURL(), path: "/clearAuth", timeout: 20 ] Long execDt = wnow() httpGet(params) { resp-> // log.debug "resp: ${resp.status} | data: ${resp?.data}" if(resp?.status != 200) logWarn("clearServerAuth: ${resp?.status} $params") if (resp?.status == 200) { logInfo("Clear Server Auth Completed... | Process Time: (${execDt ? (wnow()-execDt) : iZ}ms)") } } } void wakeupServer(Boolean c=false, Boolean g=false, String src) { Map params = [ uri: getServerHostURL(), path: "/wakeup", headers: [wakesrc: src], contentType: "text/plain", requestContentType: "text/plain", timeout: 20 ] // if(!getCookieVal() || !getCsrfVal()) { logWarn("wakeupServer | Cookie or CSRF Missing... Skipping Wakeup"); return; } logTrace("wakeupServer $c $g $src") execAsyncCmd("post", "wakeupServerResp", params, [execDt: wnow(), refreshCookie: c, updateGuard: g, wakesrc: src]) } void runCookieRefresh() { logTrace("runCookieRefresh") settingUpdate("refreshCookie", sFALSE, sBOOL) if(getLastTsValSecs("lastCookieRrshDt", 500000) < 86400) { logError("Cookie Refresh is blocked... | Last refresh was less than 24 hours ago.", true); return } wakeupServer(true, false, "runCookieRefresh") } def wakeupServerResp(response, data) { try { if(response?.status != 200) { logWarn("wakeupServerResp: ${response?.status}") } def rData = response?.data ?: null if(response?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastServerWakeDt") if (rData && rData == "OK") { logDebug("$rData wakeupServer Completed... | Process Time: (${data?.execDt ? (wnow()-data?.execDt) : iZ}ms) | Source: (${data?.wakesrc}) ${data}") if(data?.refreshCookie == true) { runIn(2, "cookieRefresh") } if(data?.updateGuard == true) { runIn(2, "checkGuardSupportFromServer") } } else { logWarn("wakeupServerResp: noData ${rData} ${data}") } } } catch(ex) { logError("wakeupServerResp Server may be down / unreachable") respExceptionHandler(ex, "wakeupServerResp", false, false) } } void cookieRefresh() { Map cookieData = state.cookieData ?: [:] if (!cookieData || !cookieData?.loginCookie || !cookieData?.refreshToken) { logError("cookieRefresh: Required Registration data is missing for Cookie Refresh ${cookieData}") return } Map params = [ uri: getServerHostURL(), path: "/refreshCookie", contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] logTrace("cookieRefresh") execAsyncCmd("get", "cookieRefreshResp", params, [execDt: wnow()]) } def cookieRefreshResp(response, data) { String cMsg try { if(response?.status != 200) { cMsg = "Amazon Cookie Refresh FAILED ${response?.status}" logWarn(cMsg) } else { Map rData = response?.data ? parseJson(response?.data?.toString()) : null // log.debug "rData: $rData" if (rData && rData?.result && rData?.result?.size()) { logInfo("Amazon Cookie Refresh Completed | Process Time: (${data?.execDt ? (wnow()-data?.execDt) : iZ}ms)") cMsg = "Amazon Cookie was Refreshed Successfully!!!" // log.debug "refreshAlexaCookie Response: ${rData?.result}" } else { logWarn("Amazon Cookie Refresh Completed with NO DATA ${rData} | Process Time: (${data?.execDt ? (wnow()-data?.execDt) : iZ}ms)") cMsg = "Amazon Cookie was Completed with NO DATA" } } } catch(ex) { cMsg = "Amazon Cookie FAILED!!! ${ex?.getMessage()}" respExceptionHandler(ex, "cookieRefreshResp", false, false) } if((Boolean)settings.sendCookieRefreshMsg && getLastTsValSecs("lastCookieRfshMsgDt") > 15) { sendMsg("${app.name} Cookie Refresh", cMsg) updTsVal("lastCookieRfshMsgDt") } } Boolean validateCookie(Boolean frc=false) { Boolean valid; valid = (Boolean)state.authValid Integer lastChk = getLastTsValSecs("lastCookieChkDt", 3600) Integer lastSpoke = getLastTsValSecs("lastSpokeToAmazon", 3600) Boolean cookieOk = getCookieVal() && getCsrfVal() if(!frc && valid && lastChk <= 1800 && cookieOk) { return valid } if(!frc && valid && lastSpoke <= 1800 && lastChk < 3600 && cookieOk) { return valid } if(frc && valid && lastChk <= 60 && cookieOk) { return valid } valid = false String meth='validateCookie' if(!cookieOk) { authValidationEvent(valid, meth) return valid } try { Long execDt = wnow() Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/bootstrap", query: ["version": iZ], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, ] logTrace(meth) if(!frc) { execAsyncCmd("get", "validateCookieResp", params, [dt:execDt]) } else { httpGet(params) { resp-> valid = validateCookieResp(resp, [dt:execDt]) } } } catch(ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "validateCookie", true) incrementCntByKey("err_app_cookieValidCnt") } return valid } Boolean validateCookieResp(resp, data){ try { String meth = 'validCookieResp' if(resp?.status != 200) { logWarn("${resp?.status} $meth"); return false } if(resp?.status == 200) updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") def t0 = resp?.data Map aData if( t0 instanceof String) aData = parseJson(resp?.data) else aData = resp?.data aData = aData ?: null aData = (Map)aData?.authentication ?: null if (aData) { // log.debug "aData: $aData" if(aData.customerId) { state.deviceOwnerCustomerId = aData.customerId } if(aData.customerName) { state.customerName = aData.customerName } Boolean valid = (aData.authenticated != false) authValidationEvent(valid, meth) updTsVal("lastCookieChkDt") logDebug("Cookie Validation: (${valid}) | Process Time: (${(wnow()-(Long)data.dt)}ms)") return true } } catch(ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "validCookieResp", true) incrementCntByKey("err_app_cookieValidCnt") } return false } /* private getCustomerData(Boolean frc=false) { try { if(!frc && state.amazonCustomerData && getLastTsValSecs("lastCustDataUpdDt") < 3600) { return state.amazonCustomerData } if(!isAuthValid("getCustomerData")) { return null } Long execDt = wnow() Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/get-customer-pfm", query: ["_": execDt], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, ] logTrace("getCustomerData") httpGet(params) { resp-> if(resp?.status != 200) logWarn("${resp?.status} $params") if(resp?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") Map pData = resp?.data ?: null if (pData) { Map d = [:] if(pData?.marketPlaceLocale) { d["marketPlaceLocale"] = pData?.marketPlaceLocale } if(pData?.marketPlaceId) { d["marketPlaceId"] = pData?.marketPlaceId } state.amazonCustomerData = d updTsVal("lastCustDataUpdDt") return state.amazonCustomerData } } } } catch(ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getCustomerData", true) updTsVal("lastCustDataUpdDt") } } */ /* private List getAllDeviceVolumes(Boolean frc=false) { if(!isAuthValid("getAllDeviceVolumes")) { return [] } if(!frc && (List)state.deviceVolumes && getLastTsValSecs("deviceVolumeUpdDt") < 3600) { return (List)state.deviceVolumes } Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/devices/deviceType/dsn/audio/v1/allDeviceVolumes", headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] List volumes = [] try { logTrace("getAllDeviceVolumes") httpGet(params) { response -> if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} $params") if(response?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") Map rData = response?.data ?: [:] // log.debug "Device Volumes: ${rData.volumes}" state.deviceVolumes = rData && rData.volumes ? rData.volumes : [] volumes = rData && (List)rData.volumes ? (List)rData.volumes : [] updTsVal("deviceVolumeUpdDt") } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getAllDeviceVolumes", true) } return volumes } */ // private getCustomerHistoryRecords(Integer maxRecordSize = 1, Boolean frc) { // if(!isAuthValid("getCustomerHistoryRecords")) { return [:] } // if(!frc && (Map)state.deviceVolumes && getLastTsValSecs("customerHistoryRecUpdDt") < 3600) { return (Map)state.deviceVolumes } // Map params = [ // uri: getAmazonUrl(), // path: "/alexa-privacy/apd/rvh/customer-history-records", // query: [ // startTime: (wnow() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), // endTime: wnow(), // recordType: 'VOICE_HISTORY', // maxRecordSize: maxRecordSize // ], // headers: getReqHeaderMap(), //getCookieMap(), // contentType: sAPPJSON, // timeout: 20 // ] // Map items = [:] // try { // logTrace("getCustomerHistoryRecords") // httpGet(params) { response -> // if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} $params") // if(response?.status == 200) { // updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") // def result = response?.data // log.debug "result: $result" // List ret = []; // if (result.customerHistoryRecords) { // for (List r = 0; r < result.customerHistoryRecords.size(); r++) { // def res = result.customerHistoryRecords[r]; // def o = [ // data: res // ]; // Map convParts = [:]; // if (res.voiceHistoryRecordItems && Array.isArray(res.voiceHistoryRecordItems)) { // res.voiceHistoryRecordItems.each { item -> // convParts[item.recordItemType] = convParts[item.recordItemType] || []; // convParts[item.recordItemType].push(item); // }; // } // def recordKey = res.recordKey.split('#'); // A3NSX4MMJVG96V#1612297041815#A1RABVCI4QCIKC#G0911W0793360TLG // o.deviceType = recordKey[2] || null; // //o.deviceAccountId = res.sourceDeviceIds[i].deviceAccountId || null; // o.creationTimestamp = res.timestamp || null; // //o.activityStatus = res.activityStatus || null; // DISCARDED_NON_DEVICE_DIRECTED_INTENT, SUCCESS, FAIL, SYSTEM_ABANDONED // o.deviceSerialNumber = recordKey[3]; // // if (!this.serialNumbers[o.deviceSerialNumber]) continue; // // o.name = this.serialNumbers[o.deviceSerialNumber].accountName; // // const dev = this.find(o.deviceSerialNumber); // // let wakeWord = (dev && dev.wakeWord) ? dev.wakeWord : null; // // if (convParts.CUSTOMER_TRANSCRIPT) { // // o.description = {'summary': ''}; // // convParts.CUSTOMER_TRANSCRIPT.forEach(trans => { // // let text = trans.transcriptText; // // if (wakeWord && text.startsWith(wakeWord)) { // // text = text.substr(wakeWord.length).trim(); // // } // // o.description.summary += text + ', '; // // }); // // o.description.summary = o.description.summary.substring(0, -2).trim(); // // } // // if (convParts.ALEXA_RESPONSE) { // // o.alexaResponse = ''; // // convParts.ALEXA_RESPONSE.forEach(trans => o.alexaResponse += trans.transcriptText + ', '); // // o.alexaResponse = o.alexaResponse.substring(0, -2).trim(); // // } // // if (!o.description || !o.description.summary.length) continue; // // if (options.filter) { // // if (res.utteranceType === 'WAKE_WORD_ONLY') { // // continue; // // } // // switch (o.description.summary) { // // case 'stopp': // // case 'alexa': // // case 'echo': // // case 'computer': // // case 'amazon': // // case ',': // // case '': // // continue; // // } // // } // // if (o.description.summary || !options.filter) ret.push(o); // } // } // } // } // } catch (ex) { // respExceptionHandler(ex, "getCustomerHistoryRecords", true) // } // return items // } /* private userCommIds() { if(!isAuthValid("userCommIds")) { return } try { Map params = [ uri: "https://alexa-comms-mobile-service.${getAmazonDomain()}", path: "/accounts", headers: getCookieMap(), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] logTrace("userCommIds") httpGet(params) { response-> if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} $params") if(response?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") List resp = response?.data ?: [] Map accItems = (resp?.size()) ? resp?.findAll { it?.signedInUser?.toString() == sTRUE }?.collectEntries { [(it?.commsId as String): [firstName: it?.firstName as String, signedInUser: it?.signedInUser, isChild: it?.isChild]]} : [:] state.accountCommIds = accItems logDebug("Amazon User CommId's: (${accItems})") } } } catch(ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "userCommIds") } } */ public void childInitiatedRefresh() { Integer lastRfsh = getLastTsValSecs("lastChildInitRefreshDt", 3600)?.abs() if(!(Boolean)state.deviceRefreshInProgress && lastRfsh > 40) { updTsVal("lastChildInitRefreshDt") logDebug("A Child Device is requesting a Device List Refresh...") getOtherData() runIn(3, "getEchoDevices1") } else { if(devModeFLD) logWarn("childInitiatedRefresh request ignored... Refresh already in progress or it's too soon to refresh again | Last Refresh: (${lastRfsh} seconds)") } } public updChildVers() { List cApps = getActionApps() List zApps = getZoneApps() List eDevs = getEsDevices() updCodeVerMap("actionApp", cApps?.size() ? cApps[iZ]?.appVersion() : null) updCodeVerMap("zoneApp", zApps?.size() ? zApps[iZ]?.appVersion() : null) updCodeVerMap("echoDevice", eDevs?.size() ? eDevs[iZ]?.devVersion() : null) String verZD zApps.each { if(!verZD) verZD= it?.relayDevVersion() } updCodeVerMap('zoneEchoDevice', verZD ?: sNULL) // def wDevs = getSocketDevice() // updCodeVerMap("wsDevice", wDevs ? wDevs?.devVersion() : null) } Map getMusicProviders(Boolean frc=false) { if(!isAuthValid("getMusicProviders")) { return [:] } if(!frc && (Map)state.musicProviders && getLastTsValSecs("musicProviderUpdDt") < 7200) { return (Map)state.musicProviders } Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/behaviors/entities", query: [ skillId: "amzn1.ask.1p.music" ], headers: ["Routines-Version": "1.1.210292" ] + getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] Map items = [:] try { logTrace("getMusicProviders") httpGet(params) { response -> if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} $params") if(response?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") List rData = (List)response?.data ?: [] if(rData.size()) { rData.findAll { it?.availability == "AVAILABLE" && it?.id != "DEFAULT" }?.each { Map item-> items[item.id] = (String)item.displayName } } // log.debug "Music Providers: ${items}" state.musicProviders = items updTsVal("musicProviderUpdDt") } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getMusicProviders", true) } return items } private getOtherData() { stateMigrationChk() getDoNotDisturb(true) getBluetoothDevices() Map aa = getMusicProviders() // def bb=getAllDeviceVolumes() // getCustomerData() // getAlexaSkills() } void getNotificationsRunIn(){ getNotifications(true) } // Called by child devices private List getNotificationList(Boolean frc) { getNotifications(frc) return (List)state.notifications } private void getNotifications(Boolean frc = false) { Integer lastU = getLastTsValSecs("notificationsUpdDt") if( (frc && lastU < 9)) { return } if( (!frc && (Boolean)state.websocketActive && state.notifications && lastU < 10800) ) { return } if(!isAuthValid("getNotifications")) { return } updTsVal("notificationsUpdDt") Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/notifications", query: [cached: true], headers: getCookieMap(), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, ] try { logTrace('getNotifications') Map sData; sData = null List newList = [] httpGet(params) { response-> sData = response?.data ?: null // log.trace "notifications: $sData" } if(sData?.size()) { Boolean all = true List s = ["ON"] if(all) s.push("OFF") List kI = ['id', 'reminderLabel', 'createdDate', 'originalDate', 'originalTime', 'deviceSerialNumber', 'type', 'remainingDuration', 'remainingTime', 'status'] List> items = sData.notifications ? sData.notifications.findAll { it.status in s /* && (it.type == type) && it?.deviceSerialNumber == (String)state.serialNumber */ } : [] items?.each { item-> Map li = [:] item.keySet()?.each { String key-> if(key in kI) { li[key] = item[key] } } newList.push(li) } } // log.trace "notifications: $newList" state.notifications=newList } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getNotifications") } } void getBluetoothRunIn(){ getBluetoothDevices(true) } void getBluetoothDevices(Boolean frc=false) { String myId=app.getId() Integer lastU = getLastTsValSecs("bluetoothUpdDt") if( (frc && lastU < 30)) { return } if( (!frc && (Boolean)state.websocketActive && bluetoothDataFLD[myId] && lastU < 10800) ) { return } if(!isAuthValid("getBluetoothDevices")) { return } updTsVal("bluetoothUpdDt") Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/bluetooth", query: [cached: true, _: wnow()], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] try { logTrace("getBluetoothDevices") if(!frc) { execAsyncCmd("get", "getBluetoothResp", params, [:]) } else { httpGet(params) { response -> getBluetoothResp(response, [:]) } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getBluetoothDevices", true) if(!bluetoothDataFLD[myId]) { bluetoothDataFLD[myId] = [:] } } } void getBluetoothResp(resp, data) { try { String meth = 'getBluetoothResp' if(resp?.status != 200) logWarn("${resp?.status} $meth") if(resp?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") def t0 = resp?.data Map btResp if (t0 instanceof String) { btResp = parseJson(resp?.data) } else { btResp = resp?.data } // log.debug "Bluetooth Items: ${btResp}" String myId=app.getId() bluetoothDataFLD[myId] = btResp bluetoothDataFLD=bluetoothDataFLD updTsVal("bluetoothUpdDt") } } catch(ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getBluetoothResp", true) String myId=app.getId() if(!bluetoothDataFLD[myId]) { bluetoothDataFLD[myId] = [:] } } } Map getBluetoothData(String serialNumber) { if(!isAuthValid("getBluetoothData")) { return [btObjs: [:], pairedNames: [], curConnName: sBLANK] } String myId=app.getId() // logTrace("getBluetoothData: ${serialNumber}") String curConnName; curConnName= sNULL Map btObjs = [:] getBluetoothDevices(true) Map btData; btData = bluetoothDataFLD[myId] if(btData == null) { bluetoothDataFLD[myId] = [:] bluetoothDataFLD=bluetoothDataFLD btData = [:] } Map bluData = btData && btData.bluetoothStates?.size() ? ((List)btData.bluetoothStates)?.find { it?.deviceSerialNumber == serialNumber } : [:] if(bluData && bluData.size() && bluData.pairedDeviceList && bluData.pairedDeviceList?.size()) { def bData = bluData.pairedDeviceList.findAll { (it?.deviceClass != "GADGET") } bData?.findAll { it?.address != null }?.each { btObjs[it?.address as String] = it if(it?.connected == true) { curConnName = it?.friendlyName as String } } } List tob = btObjs?.findAll { it?.value?.friendlyName != null }?.collect { it?.value?.friendlyName?.toString()?.replaceAll("\ufffd", sBLANK) } return [btObjs: btObjs, pairedNames: tob ?: [], curConnName: curConnName?.replaceAll("\ufffd", sBLANK)] } @Field volatile static Map devActivityMapFLD = [:] void getDeviceActivityRunIn() { Map a = getDeviceActivity(sNULL, true) } Map getDeviceActivity(String serialNum, Boolean frc=false) { if(!isAuthValid("getDeviceActivity")) { return null } try { Integer lastUpdSec = getLastTsValSecs("lastDevActChk") // log.debug "lastUpdSec: $lastUpdSec" if((frc && lastUpdSec > 3) || lastUpdSec >= 360) { updTsVal("lastDevActChk") Long execDt = wnow() Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/activities", query: [ size: 5, offset: 1 ], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] //logTrace("getDeviceActivity($serialNum, $frc)") //if(!serialNum) execAsyncCmd("get", "getLastActResp", params, [dt:execDt]) /*else { httpGet(params) { response -> getLastActResp(response, [dt: execDt]) } }*/ }// else if (!serialNum) runIn(3, "getDeviceActivityRunIn") if(serialNum) { String appId=app.getId() Map lastActData; lastActData = devActivityMapFLD[appId] lastActData = lastActData ?: null // log.debug "activityData(IN): $lastActData" if(lastActData && (String)lastActData.serialNumber == serialNum) { // log.debug "activityData(OUT): $lastActData" return lastActData } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getDeviceActivity") // log.error "getDeviceActivity error: ${ex.message}" } return null } def getLastActResp(resp, data){ try { String meth = 'getLastActResp' if(resp?.status != 200) logWarn("${resp?.status} $meth") if(resp?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") def t0 = resp?.data Map myResp if (t0 instanceof String) { myResp = parseJson(t0) } else { myResp = (Map)resp?.data } List act = (List)myResp?.activities if (myResp && act != null) { Map lastCommand = act.find { (it?.domainAttributes == null || it?.domainAttributes?.startsWith("{")) && it?.activityStatus?.equals("SUCCESS") && (it?.utteranceId?.startsWith(it?.sourceDeviceIds?.deviceType) || it?.utteranceId?.startsWith("Vox:")) && it?.utteranceId?.contains(it?.sourceDeviceIds?.serialNumber) } if (lastCommand) { Map lastDescription = (Map) new JsonSlurper().parseText((String)lastCommand.description) def lastDevice = ((List)lastCommand.sourceDeviceIds)?.get(0) Map lastActData = [ serialNumber: lastDevice?.serialNumber, spokenText: lastDescription?.summary, lastSpokenDt: lastCommand.creationTimestamp ] String appId=app.getId() devActivityMapFLD[appId] = lastActData devActivityMapFLD = devActivityMapFLD } } } logDebug("getDeviceActivity: Process Time: (${(wnow()-(Long)data.dt)}ms)") } catch(ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getLastActResp") } } void getDoNotDisturb(Boolean frc=true) { if(!isAuthValid("getDoNotDisturb")) { return } String myId=app.getId() Integer lastU = getLastTsValSecs("donotdisturbDt") if( (frc && lastU < 20)) { runIn(24, "getDoNotDisturb"); return } if( (!frc && (Boolean)state.websocketActive && dndDataFLD[myId] && lastU < 10800) ) { return } updTsVal("donotdisturbDt") Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/dnd/device-status-list", query: [_: wnow()], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] // Map dndResp = [:] // String myId=app.getId() try { logTrace("getDoNotDisturb") execAsyncCmd("get", "DnDResp", params, [:]) } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getDoNotDisturb", true) if(!dndDataFLD[myId]) { dndDataFLD[myId] = [:] } } } void DnDResp(resp, data){ try { String meth = 'DnDResp' if(resp?.status != 200) logWarn("${resp?.status} $meth") if(resp?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") def t0 = resp?.data def dndResp if( t0 instanceof String) dndResp = parseJson(resp?.data) else dndResp = resp?.data // log.debug "DoNotDisturb Data: ${dndResp}" String myId=app.getId() dndDataFLD[myId] = (Map)dndResp dndDataFLD=dndDataFLD } } catch(ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "DnDResp", true) String myId=app.getId() if(!dndDataFLD[myId]) { dndDataFLD[myId] = [:] } } } Boolean getDndEnabled(String serialNumber) { if(!isAuthValid("getDndEnabled")) { return false } String myId=app.getId() Map sData; sData= dndDataFLD[myId] if(sData == null) { getDoNotDisturb() sData = dndDataFLD[myId] if(sData == null) { dndDataFLD[myId] = [:] dndDataFLD=dndDataFLD sData = [:] } } Map dndData = sData && sData.doNotDisturbDeviceStatusList?.size() ? ((List)sData.doNotDisturbDeviceStatusList)?.find { it?.deviceSerialNumber == serialNumber } : [:] return (dndData && dndData.enabled == true) } public Map getAlexaRoutines(String autoId=sNULL) { if(!isAuthValid("getAlexaRoutines")) { return [:] } String myId=app.getId() Integer lastU = getLastTsValSecs("alexaRoutinesUpdDt") List rtList; rtList = [] Map rtResp; rtResp = [:] if(alexaRoutinesDataFLD[myId] && ( (autoId && lastU < 90) || (!autoId && lastU < 180) )) { rtList = alexaRoutinesDataFLD[myId] } else { Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/behaviors/v2/automations", query: [ limit: 100 ], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] try { logTrace("getAlexaRoutines($autoId)") httpGet(params) { response -> if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} $params") if(response?.status == 200) { rtList = response?.data ?: [] updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") updTsVal("alexaRoutinesUpdDt") alexaRoutinesDataFLD[myId] = rtList alexaRoutinesDataFLD=alexaRoutinesDataFLD } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "getAlexaRoutines", true) } } if(!rtList && alexaRoutinesDataFLD[myId]) { rtList = alexaRoutinesDataFLD[myId] } // log.debug "alexaRoutines: $rtList" Map items = [:] Integer cnt; cnt = i1 if(rtList.size()) { if(autoId) { rtResp = ((List)rtList).find { it?.automationId?.toString() == autoId } ?: [:] //log.debug "rtResp: ${rtResp}" return rtResp } else { ((List)rtList).findAll { it?.status == "ENABLED" }?.each { Map item -> String myK = item.automationId.toString() if(item.name != null) { items[myK] = item.name.toString() } else { if(item.triggers?.size()) { item.triggers.each { trg-> if(trg.payload?.containsKey("utterance") && trg.payload?.utterance != null) { items[myK] = (String)trg.payload.utterance } else if(trg.type != null) { // log.debug "trg: $trg" String pt = trg.type.toString() if(pt.toLowerCase().contains('guard')) { items[myK] = "Unlabeled Guard Routine ($cnt)" cnt++ } else { items[myK] = "Unlabeled Routine ($cnt)" cnt++ } } else { items[myK] = "Unlabeled Routine ($cnt)" cnt++ } } } } } } rtResp = items } //log.debug "routines: $rtResp" return rtResp } /*public getAlexaRoutineByNameOrID(String nameOrId) { // TODO: This doesn't work yet... Map routines = getAlexaRoutines() if(routines.size()) { Map match = routines.find { it.name == nameOrId || it.automationId == nameOrId } if(match) return match } } */ Boolean executeRoutineById(String routineId) { Long execDt = wnow() Map routineData = getAlexaRoutines(routineId) //log.debug "routineData: ${routineData.sequence}" if(routineData && routineData.sequence) { //sendSequenceCommand("ExecuteRoutine", routineData, null) List seqList = [] seqList.push([command: routineData]) queueMultiSequenceCommand(seqList, "ExecuteRoutine", false) String rtName = routineData && routineData.name ? routineData.name : sBLANK logDebug("Queued Alexa Routine | Process Time: (${(wnow()-execDt)}ms) | Label: ${rtName} | RoutineId: ${routineId}") return true } else { logError("No Routine Data Returned for ID: (${routineId})") return false } } void checkGuardSupport() { // Long execDt = wnow() Integer lastUpdSec = getLastTsValSecs("lastGuardSupChkDt") if(lastUpdSec < 125 ) { if (state.alexaGuardSupported) { getGuardState() } return } if(!isAuthValid("checkGuardSupport")) { return } Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/phoenix", query: [ cached: true, _: wnow() ], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, ] logTrace("checkGuardSupport") execAsyncCmd("get", "checkGuardSupportResponse", params, [execDt: wnow()]) } void checkGuardSupportResponse(response, data) { // log.debug "checkGuardSupportResponse Resp Size(${response?.data?.toString()?.size()})" Boolean guardSupported; guardSupported = false try { if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} checkGuardSupportResponse") if(response?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") Integer respLen = response?.data?.toString()?.length() ?: null Map resp = response?.data ? parseJson(response?.data?.toString()) : null if(resp && resp.networkDetail) { Map details = parseJson(resp.networkDetail as String) Map locDetails = (Map)details?.locationDetails?.locationDetails?.Default_Location?.amazonBridgeDetails?.amazonBridgeDetails["LambdaBridge_AAA/OnGuardSmartHomeBridgeService"] ?: null if(locDetails && locDetails.applianceDetails && locDetails.applianceDetails.applianceDetails) { def guardKey = locDetails.applianceDetails.applianceDetails.find { it?.key?.startsWith("AAA_OnGuardSmartHomeBridgeService_") } // TODO could there be multiple Guards? def guardKeys = locDetails.applianceDetails.applianceDetails.findAll { it?.key?.startsWith("AAA_OnGuardSmartHomeBridgeService_") } if(devModeFLD) logTrace("Guardkeys: ${guardKeys.size()}") def guardData = locDetails.applianceDetails.applianceDetails[(String)guardKey?.key] if(devModeFLD) logTrace("Guard: ${guardData}") if(guardData?.modelName == "REDROCK_GUARD_PANEL") { //TODO: we really need to match guardData to devices (and really locations) ie guard can be on some devices/locations and not on others state.alexaGuardData = [ entityId: guardData?.entityId, applianceId: guardData?.applianceId, friendlyName: guardData?.friendlyName, ] guardSupported = true } // else { logDebug("checkGuardSupportResponse | No Guard Data Received Must Not Be Enabled...") } } state.alexaGuardSupported = guardSupported updTsVal("lastGuardSupChkDt") state.alexaGuardDataSrc = "app" if(guardSupported) getGuardState() } else { logError("checkGuardSupportResponse Error | No data received...") } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, 'checkGuardSupportResponse', true) } } void checkGuardSupportFromServer() { if(!isAuthValid("checkGuardSupportFromServer")) { return } Map params = [ uri: getServerHostURL(), path: "/agsData", requestContentType: sAPPJSON, contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, ] logTrace("checkGuardSupportFromServer") execAsyncCmd("get", "checkGuardSupportServerResponse", params, [execDt: wnow()]) } void checkGuardSupportServerResponse(response, data) { Boolean guardSupported; guardSupported = false try { if(response?.status != 200) { logWarn("checkGuardSupportServerResp: ${response?.status}") } else { Map resp = response?.data ? parseJson(response?.data?.toString()) : null // log.debug "GuardSupport Server Response: ${resp}" if(resp) { if(resp.guardData) { logDebug("AGS Server Resp: ${resp?.guardData}") state.alexaGuardData = resp.guardData guardSupported = true } } else { logError("checkGuardSupportServerResponse Error | No data received..."); return } state.alexaGuardSupported = guardSupported state.alexaGuardDataOverMaxSize = guardSupported state.alexaGuardDataSrc = "server" updTsVal("lastGuardSupChkDt") if(guardSupported) getGuardState() } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "checkGuardSupportServerResponse", false, false) } } void getGuardState() { String meth = "getGuardState" if(!isAuthValid(meth)) { return } if(!(Boolean)state.alexaGuardSupported) { logError("Alexa Guard is either not enabled. or not supported by any of your devices"); return } Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/phoenix/state", headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, body: [ stateRequests: [ [entityId: state.alexaGuardData?.applianceId, entityType: "APPLIANCE" ] ] ] ] try { logTrace(meth) httpPostJson(params) { resp -> if(resp?.status != 200) logWarn("${resp?.status} "+meth) if(resp?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") Map respData = resp?.data ?: null if(devModeFLD) log.debug "GuardState resp: ${respData}" if(respData && respData.deviceStates && ((List)respData.deviceStates)[0] && ((List)respData.deviceStates)[0].capabilityStates) { def guardStateData = parseJson(((List)respData.deviceStates)[0].capabilityStates as String) if(devModeFLD) logTrace("guardState: ${guardStateData}") String curState = (String)state.alexaGuardState ?: sNULL state.alexaGuardState = ((List)guardStateData?.value)[0] ? (String)((List)guardStateData?.value)[0] : (String)guardStateData?.value settingUpdate("alexaGuardAwayToggle", (((String)state.alexaGuardState == sARM_AWAY) ? sTRUE : sFALSE), sBOOL) logDebug("Alexa Guard State: (${(String)state.alexaGuardState})") if(curState != (String)state.alexaGuardState) updGuardActionTrig() updTsVal("lastGuardStateChkDt") } } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, meth, true) } } void setGuardState(String iguardState) { Long execTime = wnow() String meth = "setGuardState" if(!isAuthValid("setGuardState")) { return } if(!(Boolean)state.alexaGuardSupported) { logError("Alexa Guard is either not enabled. or not supported by any of your devices"); return } String guardState; guardState = iguardState guardState = guardStateConv(guardState) logDebug("setAlexaGuard($guardState)") try { String body = new JsonOutput()?.toJson([ controlRequests: [ [ entityId: state.alexaGuardData?.applianceId as String, entityType: "APPLIANCE", parameters: [action: "controlSecurityPanel", armState: guardState ] ] ] ]) Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/phoenix/state", headers: getReqHeaderMap(),//getCookieMap(), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, body: body ] logTrace(meth) httpPutJson(params) { response -> if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} $params $meth") if(response?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") def resp = response?.data ?: null if(resp && !resp.errors?.size() && resp.controlResponses && ((List)resp.controlResponses)[0] && ((List)resp.controlResponses)[0].code && (String)((List)resp.controlResponses)[0].code == "SUCCESS") { logInfo("Alexa Guard set to (${guardState}) Successfully | (${(wnow()-execTime)}ms)") state.alexaGuardState = guardState updTsVal("lastGuardStateUpdDt") updGuardActionTrig() } else { logError("Failed to set Alexa Guard to (${guardState}) | Reason: ${resp?.errors ?: null}") } } } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, meth, true) } } // private getAlexaSkills() { // Long execDt = wnow() // if(!isAuthValid("getAlexaSkills") || !getCustomerData()) { return } // state.amazonCustomerData // if(state.skillDataMap && getLastTsValSecs("skillDataUpdDt") < 3600) { return } // Map params = [ // uri: "https://skills-store.${getAmazonDomain()}", // path: "/app/secure/your-skills-page?deviceType=app&ref-suffix=evt_sv_ub&pfm=${state.amazonCustomerData?.marketPlaceId}&cor=US&lang=en-us&_=${wnow()}", // headers: [ // Accept: "application/vnd+amazon.uitoolkit+json;ns=1;fl=0", // Origin: getAmazonUrl() // ] + getReqHeaderMap(true), // contentType: sAPPJSON, // timeout: 20, // ] // try { // logTrace("getAlexaSkills") // httpGet(params) { response-> // if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} $params") // if(response?.status == 200) { // updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") // def respData = response?.data ?: null // log.debug "respData: $respData" // // log.debug respData[3]?.contents[3]?.contents?.products // // updTsVal("skillDataUpdDt") // } // } // } catch (ex) { // log.error "getAlexaSkills Exception: ${ex}" // // respExceptionHandler(ex, "getAlexaSkills", true) // } // } void respExceptionHandler(ex, String mName, Boolean ignOn401=false, Boolean toAmazon=true, Boolean ignNullMsg=false) { String toMsg; toMsg = "Amazon" if(!toAmazon) { toMsg = "Echo Speaks Server" } if(ex) { String stackTr try { stackTr = (String)getStackTrace(ex) } catch (ignored) { } if(stackTr) logError("${mName} | Stack Trace: "+stackTr) } if(ex instanceof groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException ) { Integer sCode = ex?.getResponse()?.getStatus() String errMsg = ex?.getMessage() if(sCode == 401) { if(ignOn401) authValidationEvent(false, "${mName}_${sCode}") } else if (sCode in [400, 429]) { String respMsgLow = errMsg ? errMsg.toLowerCase() : sNULL if((sCode in [400, 429]) && respMsgLow) { // && (respMsgLow in ["rate exceeded", "too many requests"])) { switch(respMsgLow) { case "rate exceeded": logWarn("You've been rate-limited by Amazon for sending too many consectutive commands to your devices... | Device will retry again in ${rDelay} seconds", true) break case "too many requests": logError("${mName} | ${toMsg} is currently rate-limiting your requests | Msg: ${errMsg}") break case "bad request": logError("${mName} | Improperly formatted request sent to ${toMsg} | Msg: ${errMsg}") break default: logError("${mName} | 400 Error | Msg: ${errMsg}") break } } } else { logError("${mName} | Response Exception | Status: (${sCode}) | Msg: ${errMsg}") } } else if(ex instanceof java.net.SocketTimeoutException) { logError("${mName} | Response Socket Timeout (Possibly an ${toMsg} Issue) | Msg: ${ex?.getMessage()}") } else if(ex instanceof org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException) { logError("${mName} | Request Timeout | Msg: ${ex?.getMessage()}") } else if(ex instanceof java.net.UnknownHostException) { logError("${mName} | HostName Not Found (Possibly an ${toMsg}/Internet Issue) | Msg: ${ex?.getMessage()}") } else if(ex instanceof java.net.NoRouteToHostException) { logError("${mName} | No Route to Connection (Possibly a Local Internet Issue) | Msg: ${ex?.getMessage()}") } else { logError("${mName} Exception: ${ex}") } } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') static String guardStateConv(String gState) { switch(gState) { case "disarm": case "off": case "stay": case "home": case sARM_STAY: return sARM_STAY case "away": case sARM_AWAY: return sARM_AWAY default: return sARM_STAY } } String getAlexaGuardStatus() { return (String)state.alexaGuardState ?: sNULL } Boolean getAlexaGuardSupported() { return (Boolean)state.alexaGuardSupported } public void updGuardActionTrig() { List acts = getActionApps() if(acts?.size()) { acts?.each { aa-> aa?.guardEventHandler((String)state.alexaGuardState) } } } public setGuardHome() { setGuardState(sARM_STAY) } public setGuardAway() { setGuardState(sARM_AWAY) guardArmPendingFLD = false } Map isFamilyAllowed(String family) { Map famMap = getDeviceFamilyMap() if(family in famMap?.block) { return [ok: false, reason: "Family Blocked"] } if(family in famMap?.echo) { return [ok: true, reason: "Amazon Echos Allowed"] } if(family in famMap?.tablet) { if((Boolean)settings.createTablets) { return [ok: true, reason: "Tablets Enabled"] } return [ok: false, reason: "Tablets Not Enabled"] } if(family in famMap?.wha) { if((Boolean)settings.createWHA) { return [ok: true, reason: "WHA Enabled"] } return [ok: false, reason: "WHA Devices Not Enabled"] } if((Boolean)settings.createOtherDevices) { return [ok: true, reason: "Other Devices Enabled"] } else { return [ok: false, reason: "Other Devices Not Enabled"] } // return [ok: false, reason: "Unknown Reason"] } void getEchoDevices1() { getEchoDevices() } void getEchoDevices(Boolean lazy=false) { stateMigrationChk() if(!isAuthValid("getEchoDevices")) { return } String myId=app.getId() Integer lastUpd = getLastTsValSecs("lastDevDataUpdDt") if(echoDeviceMapFLD[myId] && (!lazy && lastUpd < 20) || (lazy && lastUpd <= 600)) { return } Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/devices-v2/device", query: [ cached: true, _: wnow() ], headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, ] state.deviceRefreshInProgress = true // state.refreshDeviceData = false logTrace("getEchoDevices") execAsyncCmd("get", "echoDevicesResponse", params, [execDt: wnow()]) } void echoDevicesResponse(response, data) { List ignoreTypes = getDeviceIgnoreData() List removeKeys = ["appDeviceList", "charging", "macAddress", "deviceTypeFriendlyName", "registrationId", "remainingBatteryLevel", "postalCode", "language"] List removeCaps = [ "SUPPORTS_CONNECTED_HOME", "SUPPORTS_CONNECTED_HOME_ALL", "SUPPORTS_CONNECTED_HOME_CLOUD_ONLY", "ALLOW_LOG_UPLOAD", "FACTORY_RESET_DEVICE", "DIALOG_INTERFACE_VERSION", "SUPPORTS_SOFTWARE_VERSION", "REQUIRES_OOBE_FOR_SETUP", "DEREGISTER DEVICE", "PAIR_REMOTE", "SET_LOCALE", "DEREGISTER_FACTORY_RESET" ] try { if(response?.status != 200) logWarn("${response?.status} $data") if(response?.status == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") // log.debug "json response is: ${response.json}" state.deviceRefreshInProgress=false List eDevData = response?.json?.devices ?: [] Map echoDevices = [:] if(eDevData.size()) { eDevData.each { eDevice-> if (!((String)eDevice.deviceType in ignoreTypes) && !((String)eDevice.accountName)?.startsWith("This Device")) { removeKeys.each { rk-> eDevice.remove(rk) } eDevice.capabilities = eDevice.capabilities?.findAll { !(it in removeCaps) }?.collect { it as String } //if (eDevice.deviceOwnerCustomerId != null) { state.deviceOwnerCustomerId = eDevice.deviceOwnerCustomerId } echoDevices[(String)eDevice.serialNumber] = eDevice } } } // log.debug "echoDevices: ${echoDevices}" Map musicProvs = (Map)state.musicProviders ?: getMusicProviders(true) receiveEventData([echoDevices: echoDevices, musicProviders: musicProvs, execDt: data?.execDt], "Groovy") } } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "echoDevicesResponse") } } private static List getDeviceIgnoreData() { Map dData = (Map)deviceSupportMapFLD.types if(dData.size()) { List o = dData.findAll { it.value.ig == true }?.collect { it.key } // log.debug "devTypeIgnoreData: ${o}" return o } return [] } List getUnknownDevices() { List items = [] ((List)state.unknownDevices)?.each { Map it-> it.description = "What kind of device/model?(PLEASE UPDATE THIS)" if(items.size() < 5) items.push(it) } return items } void receiveEventData(Map evtData, String src) { try { if(checkIfCodeUpdated()) { logWarn("Possible Code Version Change Detected... Device Updates will occur on next cycle.") return } // log.debug "musicProviders: ${evtData?.musicProviders}" logTrace("evtData(Keys): ${evtData?.keySet()}") if (evtData?.keySet()?.size()) { //List ignoreTheseDevs = settings.echoDeviceFilter ?: [] //Boolean onHeroku = ((Boolean)getServerItem("onHeroku") && !(Boolean)getServerItem("isLocal")) //Check for minimum versions before processing Map updReqMap = getMinVerUpdsRequired() Boolean updRequired = updReqMap?.updRequired List updRequiredItems = updReqMap?.updItems String myId=app.getId() //String wsChildHandlerName = "Echo Speaks WS" String nmS; nmS = 'echoSpeaks_websocket' // def oldWsDev = getChildDevice(nmS) // if(oldWsDev) { deleteChildDevice(nmS) } nmS = myId+'|'+nmS def wsDevice = getChildDevice(nmS) if(wsDevice) { deleteChildDevice(nmS) } // if(!wsDevice) { def a=addChildDevice("tonesto7", wsChildHandlerName, nmS, null, [name: wsChildHandlerName, label: "Echo Speaks - WebSocket", completedSetup: true]) } // updCodeVerMap("echoDeviceWs", (String)wsDevice?.devVersion()) if (evtData?.echoDevices?.size()) { Long execTime = evtData?.execDt ? (wnow()-(Long)evtData.execDt) : 0L Map echoDeviceMap = [:] Map allEchoDevices = [:] Map skippedDevices = [:] List unknownDevices = [] List curDevFamily = [] // Integer cnt = iZ String devAcctId; devAcctId = sNULL evtData?.echoDevices?.each { String echoKey, echoValue-> devAcctId = echoValue?.deviceAccountId logTrace("echoDevice | $echoKey | ${echoValue}") // logDebug("echoDevice | ${echoValue?.accountName}", false) allEchoDevices[echoKey] = [name: echoValue?.accountName] // log.debug "name: ${echoValue?.accountName}" Map familyAllowed = isFamilyAllowed(echoValue?.deviceFamily as String) Map deviceStyleData = getDeviceStyle(echoValue?.deviceFamily as String, echoValue?.deviceType as String) // log.debug "deviceStyle: ${deviceStyleData}" Boolean isBlocked = ((Boolean)deviceStyleData?.b || (String)familyAllowed?.reason == "Family Blocked") Boolean isInIgnoreInput = (echoValue?.serialNumber in settings.echoDeviceFilter) Boolean allowTTS = (deviceStyleData?.c && ((List)deviceStyleData.c)?.contains(sTSTR)) Boolean isMediaPlayer = (echoValue?.capabilities?.contains("AUDIO_PLAYER") || echoValue?.capabilities?.contains("AMAZON_MUSIC") || echoValue?.capabilities?.contains("TUNE_IN") || echoValue?.capabilities?.contains("PANDORA") || echoValue?.capabilities?.contains("I_HEART_RADIO") || echoValue?.capabilities?.contains("SPOTIFY")) Boolean volumeSupport = (echoValue?.capabilities?.contains("VOLUME_SETTING")) Boolean unsupportedDevice = ((!(Boolean)familyAllowed?.ok && (String)familyAllowed?.reason == "Unknown Reason") || isBlocked) Boolean bypassBlock = ((Boolean)settings.bypassDeviceBlocks && !isInIgnoreInput) if(!bypassBlock && (!(Boolean)familyAllowed?.ok || isBlocked || (!allowTTS && !isMediaPlayer) || isInIgnoreInput)) { logTrace("familyAllowed(${echoValue?.deviceFamily}): ${(Boolean)familyAllowed?.ok} | Reason: ${(String)familyAllowed?.reason} | isBlocked: ${isBlocked} | deviceType: ${echoValue?.deviceType} | tts: ${allowTTS} | volume: ${volumeSupport} | mediaPlayer: ${isMediaPlayer}") if(!skippedDevices.containsKey(echoValue?.serialNumber as String)) { List reasons = [] if((Boolean)deviceStyleData?.b) { reasons.push("Device Blocked by App Config") } else if((String)familyAllowed?.reason == "Family Blocked") { reasons.push("Family Blocked by App Config") } else if (!(Boolean)familyAllowed?.ok) { reasons.push((String)familyAllowed?.reason) } else if(isInIgnoreInput) { reasons.push(sIN_IGNORE) logDebug("skipping ${echoValue?.accountName} because it is in the do not use list...") } else { if(!allowTTS) { reasons.push("No TTS") } if(!isMediaPlayer) { reasons.push("No Media Controls") } } skippedDevices[echoValue?.serialNumber as String] = [ name: echoValue?.accountName, desc: (String)deviceStyleData?.n, image: (String)deviceStyleData?.i, family: echoValue?.deviceFamily, type: echoValue?.deviceType, tts: allowTTS, volume: volumeSupport, mediaPlayer: isMediaPlayer, reason: reasons?.join(", "), online: echoValue?.online ] } return } // if(isBypassBlock && familyAllowed?.reason == "Family Blocked" || isBlocked == true) { return } echoValue["unsupported"] = (unsupportedDevice) echoValue["authValid"] = (Boolean)state.authValid echoValue["amazonDomain"] = (settings.amazonDomain ?: "amazon.com") echoValue["regionLocale"] = (settings.regionLocale ?: "en-US") echoValue["cookie"] = getCookieMap() echoValue["deviceAccountId"] = echoValue?.deviceAccountId as String ?: sNULL echoValue["deviceStyle"] = deviceStyleData // log.debug "deviceStyle: ${echoValue?.deviceStyle}" Map permissions = [:] permissions["TTS"] = allowTTS permissions["announce"] = (deviceStyleData?.c && ((List)deviceStyleData.c)?.contains(sASTR)) permissions["volumeControl"] = volumeSupport permissions["mediaPlayer"] = isMediaPlayer permissions["amazonMusic"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("AMAZON_MUSIC")) permissions["tuneInRadio"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("TUNE_IN")) permissions["iHeartRadio"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("I_HEART_RADIO")) permissions["pandoraRadio"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("PANDORA")) permissions["appleMusic"] = (((Map)evtData.musicProviders).containsKey("APPLE_MUSIC")) permissions["siriusXm"] = (((Map)evtData.musicProviders).containsKey("SIRIUSXM")) // permissions["tidal"] = true permissions["spotify"] = true //(echoValue?.capabilities.contains("SPOTIFY")) // Temporarily removed restriction check permissions["isMultiroomDevice"] = (echoValue.clusterMembers && echoValue.clusterMembers?.size() > iZ) ?: false permissions["isMultiroomMember"] = (echoValue.parentClusters && echoValue.parentClusters?.size() > iZ) ?: false permissions["alarms"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("TIMERS_AND_ALARMS")) permissions["reminders"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("REMINDERS")) permissions["doNotDisturb"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("SLEEP")) permissions["wakeWord"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("FAR_FIELD_WAKE_WORD")) permissions["flashBriefing"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("FLASH_BRIEFING")) permissions["microphone"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("MICROPHONE")) permissions["followUpMode"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("GOLDFISH")) permissions["connectedHome"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("SUPPORTS_CONNECTED_HOME")) permissions["bluetoothControl"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("PAIR_BT_SOURCE") || echoValue.capabilities?.contains("PAIR_BT_SINK")) permissions["guardSupported"] = (echoValue.capabilities?.contains("TUPLE")) permissions["isEchoDevice"] = (echoValue.deviceFamily in (List)deviceSupportMapFLD.families.echo) echoValue["guardStatus"] = ((Boolean)state.alexaGuardSupported && (String)state.alexaGuardState) ? (String)state.alexaGuardState : ((Boolean)permissions.guardSupported ? sUnknown : "Not Supported") echoValue["musicProviders"] = (Map)evtData.musicProviders echoValue["permissionMap"] = permissions echoValue["hasClusterMembers"] = (echoValue.clusterMembers && echoValue.clusterMembers?.size() > iZ) ?: false if(deviceStyleData?.n?.toString()?.toLowerCase()?.contains(sUNKNOWN)) { unknownDevices.push([ name: echoValue.accountName, family: echoValue.deviceFamily, type: echoValue.deviceType, permissions: permissions.findAll {it?.value == true}?.collect {it?.key as String}?.join(", ")?.toString() ]) } // echoValue["mainAccountCommsId"] = state.accountCommIds?.find { it?.value?.signedInUser == true && it?.value?.isChild == false }?.key as String ?: null // logWarn("Device Permisions | Name: ${echoValue?.accountName} | $permissions") echoDeviceMap[echoKey] = [ name: echoValue.accountName, online: echoValue.online, family: echoValue.deviceFamily, serialNumber: echoKey, style: echoValue.deviceStyle, type: echoValue.deviceType, mediaPlayer: isMediaPlayer, announceSupport: (Boolean)permissions.announce, ttsSupport: allowTTS, volumeSupport: volumeSupport, clusterMembers: echoValue.clusterMembers, musicProviders: ((Map)evtData.musicProviders)?.collect{ it?.value }?.sort()?.join(", "), supported: (!unsupportedDevice) ] String dni = [app?.id, "echoSpeaks", echoKey].join("|") def childDevice; childDevice = getChildDevice(dni) String devLabel = "${(Boolean)settings.addEchoNamePrefix ? "Echo - " : sBLANK}${echoValue?.accountName}${echoValue?.deviceFamily == "WHA" ? " (WHA)" : sBLANK}" String childHandlerName = "Echo Speaks Device" Boolean autoRename = ((Boolean)settings.autoRenameDevices) if (!childDevice) { // log.debug "childDevice not found | autoCreateDevices: ${settings.autoCreateDevices}" if((Boolean)settings.autoCreateDevices) { try{ logInfo("Creating NEW Echo Speaks Device!!! | Device Label: ($devLabel)${((Boolean)settings.bypassDeviceBlocks && unsupportedDevice) ? " | (UNSUPPORTED DEVICE)" : sBLANK }") childDevice = addChildDevice("tonesto7", childHandlerName, dni, null, [name: childHandlerName, label: devLabel, completedSetup: true]) } catch(ex) { logError("AddDevice Error! | ${ex}", false, ex) } runIn(10, "updChildSocketStatus") } else { logInfo("Found NEW Echo Speaks Device, but not creating HE device due to settings | Device Label: ($devLabel)${((Boolean)settings.bypassDeviceBlocks && unsupportedDevice) ? " | (UNSUPPORTED DEVICE)" : sBLANK}") } } if(childDevice) { //Check and see if name needs a refresh String curLbl = (String)childDevice?.getLabel() if(autoRename && (String)childDevice?.name != childHandlerName) { childDevice.name = childHandlerName } // log.debug "curLbl: ${curLbl} | newLbl: ${devLabel} | autoRename: ${autoRename}" if(autoRename && (curLbl != devLabel)) { logDebug("Amazon Device Name Change Detected... Updating Device Name to (${devLabel}) | Old Name: (${curLbl})") childDevice?.setLabel(devLabel as String) } // logInfo("Sending Device Data Update to ${devLabel} | Last Updated (${getLastTsValSecs("lastDevDataUpdDt")}sec ago)") childDevice?.updateDeviceStatus(echoValue) updCodeVerMap("echoDevice", (String)childDevice?.devVersion()) // Update device versions in codeVersions state Map } curDevFamily.push((String)echoValue.deviceStyle?.n) } logDebug("Device Data Received and Updated for (${echoDeviceMap?.size()}) Alexa Devices | Took: (${execTime}ms) | Last Refreshed: (${(getLastTsValSecs("lastDevDataUpdDt")/60).toFloat()?.round(1)} minutes)") updTsVal("lastDevDataUpdDt") state.echoDeviceMap = echoDeviceMap echoDeviceMapFLD[myId] = echoDeviceMap echoDeviceMapFLD = echoDeviceMapFLD state.allEchoDevices = allEchoDevices state.skippedDevices = skippedDevices state.deviceStyleCnts = curDevFamily.countBy { it } state.unknownDevices = unknownDevices } else { log.warn "No Echo Device Data Sent... This may be the first transmission from the service after it started up!" } state.remove("tempDevSupData") if(updRequired) { logWarn("CODE UPDATES REQUIRED: Echo Speaks Integration may not function until the following items are ALL Updated ${updRequiredItems}...") appUpdateNotify() } if(!(Boolean)getInstData('sentMetrics')) { runIn(900, "sendInstallData", [overwrite: false]) } } } catch(ex) { logError("receiveEventData Error: ${ex}", false, ex) incrementCntByKey("appErrorCnt") } } Map getEchoDeviceMap(){ String myId=app.getId() if(!echoDeviceMapFLD[myId]) { echoDeviceMapFLD[myId] = (Map)state.echoDeviceMap echoDeviceMapFLD = echoDeviceMapFLD } return echoDeviceMapFLD[myId] } public static Map minVersions() { return minVersionsFLD } private Map getMinVerUpdsRequired() { Boolean updRequired; updRequired = false List updItems = [] Map codeItems = [server: "Echo Speaks Server", echoDevice: "Echo Speaks Device", wsDevice: "Echo Speaks Websocket", actionApp: "Echo Speaks Actions", zoneApp: "Echo Speaks Zones", zoneEchoDevice: "Echo Speaks Zone Device"] Map codeVers = (Map)state.codeVersions ?: [:] codeVers.each { String k,String v-> if(codeItems.containsKey(k) && v != sNULL && (versionStr2Int(v) < minVersionsFLD[k])) { updRequired = true; updItems.push(codeItems[k]) } } return [updRequired: updRequired, updItems: updItems] } static Map getDeviceStyle(String family, String type) { Map typeData = (Map)deviceSupportMapFLD.types[type] ?: [:] if(typeData) { return typeData } else { return [n: "Echo Unknown "+type, i: sUNKNOWN ] } } public Map getDeviceFamilyMap() { if(!state.appData || !state.appData.deviceFamilies) { checkVersionData(true) } return (Map)state.appData?.deviceFamilies ?: (Map)deviceSupportMapFLD.families } List getDevicesFromSerialList(List serialList) { //logTrace("getDevicesFromSerialList called with: ${serialList}") if (!serialList) { logDebug("Serial List is empty") return null } List devs = [] serialList.each { String ser -> def d = findEchoDevice(ser) if(d) devs.push(d) } //log.debug "Device list: ${devs}" return devs } // This is called by the (WHA) device handler to send playback data to cluster members public void sendPlaybackStateToClusterMembers(String whaKey, data) { //logTrace("sendPlaybackStateToClusterMembers: key: ${ whaKey}") try { Map echoDeviceMap = getEchoDeviceMap() //state.echoDeviceMap Map whaMap = echoDeviceMap[whaKey] List clusterMembers = (List)whaMap?.clusterMembers if (clusterMembers) { List clusterMemberDevices = getDevicesFromSerialList(clusterMembers) if(clusterMemberDevices) { clusterMemberDevices?.each { it?.playbackStateHandler(data, true) } } } else { // The lookup will fail during initial refresh because echoDeviceMap isn't available yet //log.debug "sendPlaybackStateToClusterMembers: no data found for ${whaKey} (first refresh?)" } } catch (ex) { log.error "sendPlaybackStateToClusterMembers Error: ${ex}" } } void removeDevices(Boolean all=false) { try { settingUpdate("cleanUpDevices", sFALSE, sBOOL) List devList = getDeviceList(true)?.collect { (String)[app?.id, "echoSpeaks", it?.key].join("|") } List items = ((List)app.getChildDevices())?.findResults { (all || (!all && !devList?.contains(it?.deviceNetworkId as String))) ? it?.deviceNetworkId as String : sNULL } logWarn("removeDevices(${all ? "all" : sBLANK}) | In Use: (${all ? iZ : devList.size()}) | Removing: (${items.size()})", true) if(items.size() > iZ) { items.each { String it -> deleteChildDevice(it) } } } catch (ex) { logError("Device Removal Failed: ${ex}", false, ex) } } void execAsyncCmd(String method, String callbackHandler, Map params, Map otherData = null) { if(method && callbackHandler && params) { String m = method?.toString()?.toLowerCase() "asynchttp${m?.capitalize()}"("${callbackHandler}", params, otherData) } else { logError("execAsyncCmd Error | Missing a required parameter") } } @SuppressWarnings('GrReassignedInClosureLocalVar') void sendAmazonCommand(String method, Map params, Map otherData=null) { String meth = "sendAmazonCommand ${method} ${params} ${otherData?.cmdDesc}" try { def rData, rStatus rData = null rStatus = null logTrace(meth) switch(method) { case "POST": httpPostJson(params) { response-> rStatus = response?.status if(rStatus == 200) { rData = response?.data ?: null } } break case "PUT": if(params?.body) { params?.body = new JsonOutput().toJson(params?.body) } httpPutJson(params) { response-> rStatus = response?.status if(rStatus == 200) { rData = response?.data ?: null } } break case "DELETE": httpDelete(params) { response-> rStatus = response?.status if(rStatus == 200) { rData = response?.data ?: null } } break } if(rStatus == 200) { updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") logDebug("${meth} | Status: (${rStatus})${rData != null ? " | Response: ${rData}" : sBLANK} | ${otherData?.cmdDesc} was Successfully Sent!!!") } else logWarn("${meth} | Status: ${rStatus} FAILED") } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, meth, true) } } /* * send speak command to one zone * caller is vdevice handler via relay from zone app; this will callback the actual device(s) with status */ void sendZoneSpeak(String zoneId, String msg, Boolean parallel=false, Boolean bypassDoNotDisturb=false) { List devObj = getZoneDevices([zoneId], "TTS", bypassDoNotDisturb) String myMsg = "sendZoneSpeak" devObj.each { dev -> Map cmdMap = [ cmdDt: wnow(), cmdDesc: "SpeakCommand", message: msg, //msgLen: newmsg.length(), oldVolume: null, newVolume: null ] Map deviceData = [ serialNumber : dev.deviceSerialNumber, deviceType: dev.deviceTypeId, owner: dev.deviceOwnerCustomerId, account: dev.deviceAccountId ] queueMultiSequenceCommand( [ [command: 'sendspeak', value:msg, deviceData: deviceData] ], myMsg+" to device ${dev.dni}", parallel, cmdMap, (String)dev.dni, "finishSendSpeakZ") } } /* * send announce command to one zone * caller is vdevice handler via relay from zone app; this will callback the actual device(s) with status */ void sendZoneAnnounce(String zoneId, String msg, Boolean parallel=false, Boolean bypassDoNotDisturb=false) { List devObj = getZoneDevices([zoneId], "announce", bypassDoNotDisturb) String myMsg = "sendZoneAnnounce" devObj.each { dev -> Map deviceData = [ serialNumber : dev.deviceSerialNumber, deviceType: dev.deviceTypeId, owner: dev.deviceOwnerCustomerId, account: dev.deviceAccountId ] queueMultiSequenceCommand( [ [command: 'announcement', value:msg, deviceData: deviceData] ], myMsg+" to device ${dev.dni}", parallel) } devObj.each { dev-> def child = getChildDevice((String)dev.dni) child.finishAnnounce(msg, null, null) } } /* * send command to one or more zones (actually devices in one or more zones) * caller is actions; operations are speak or announcement commands */ void sendZoneCmd(Map cmdData) { logTrace(span("sendZoneCmd | cmdData: $cmdData", "purple")) String myCmd = cmdData ? (String)cmdData.cmd : sNULL List znList = (List)cmdData.zones if(myCmd && znList && znList.size()) { List devObj = getZoneDevices(znList, myCmd in ['speak', 'speak_parallel'] ? "TTS" : "announce") String newmsg; newmsg = (String)cmdData.message String title = (String)cmdData.title Integer volume = (Integer)cmdData.changeVol Integer restoreVolume = (Integer)cmdData.restoreVol sendDevObjCmd(devObj, myCmd, title, newmsg, volume, restoreVolume) /* need to call zone vdevice with updates to finishAnnouncement or finishSpeak */ znList.each { znId -> def zn = getZoneApps()?.find { it.id.toString() == znId.toString() } if(zn) { if(myCmd == 'announcement') { newmsg = "${title ?: "Echo Speaks"}::${newmsg}".toString() zn.relayFinishAnnouncement(newmsg, [vol:volume, restvol:restoreVolume]) } if(myCmd in ['speak', 'speak_parallel']) { zn.relayFinishSpeak([:], 200, cmdData) } } } } } /* * send a speak or announcement command to a list of devices * caller is actions (here or via above) when there is a list of devices * this will callback the actual device(s) with status for attribute updates */ void sendDevObjCmd(List odevObj, String myCmd, String title, String imsg, Integer volume, Integer restoreVolume){ List devObj = odevObj.unique() // remove any duplicate devices String newmsg; newmsg=imsg String origMsg = newmsg if(devObj.size() == iZ) { logWarn("sendDevObjCmd NO DEVICES | cmd: $myCmd | devObj: $devObj | msg: ${newmsg} title: $title | volume: $volume | restoreVolume: $restoreVolume") return } //noinspection GroovyFallthrough switch(myCmd) { case "announcement": String zoneDevJson = devObj.size() ? new JsonOutput().toJson(devObj) : sNULL newmsg = "${title ?: "Echo Speaks"}::${newmsg}::${zoneDevJson}" case "speak": case "speak_parallel": logDebug("sendDevObjCmd | cmd: $myCmd | devObj: $devObj | msg: ${newmsg} title: $title | volume: $volume | restoreVolume: $restoreVolume") String myMsg = "sendDevObjCmd ${myCmd}" if(volume != null) { List mainSeqa = [] devObj.each { dev-> Map deviceData = [ serialNumber : dev.deviceSerialNumber, deviceType: dev.deviceTypeId, owner: dev.deviceOwnerCustomerId, account: dev.deviceAccountId ] mainSeqa.push([command: "volume", value: volume, deviceData: deviceData]) } queueMultiSequenceCommand(mainSeqa, myMsg+"-VolumeSet") } List mainSeq = [] if(myCmd in ['speak', 'speak_parallel']) { Boolean para = myCmd == 'speak_parallel' devObj.each { dev-> //mainSeq.push([command: 'sendspeak', value:cmdData.message, devType: dev.deviceTypeId, devSerial: dev.deviceSerialNumber]) Map cmdMap = [ cmdDt: wnow(), cmdDesc: !para ? "SpeakCommand" : "SpeakParallel", message: newmsg, msgLen: newmsg.length(), oldVolume: restoreVolume, newVolume: volume ] Map deviceData = [ serialNumber : dev.deviceSerialNumber, deviceType: dev.deviceTypeId, owner: dev.deviceOwnerCustomerId, account: dev.deviceAccountId ] queueMultiSequenceCommand( [ [command: 'sendspeak', value:newmsg, deviceData: deviceData] ], myMsg+" to device ${dev.dni}", para, cmdMap, (String)dev.dni, "finishSendSpeakZ") } if(para) queueNopCommand() } else if (myCmd == 'announcement') { Map myDev = devObj[0] Map deviceData = [ serialNumber : myDev.deviceSerialNumber, deviceType: myDev.deviceTypeId, owner: myDev.deviceOwnerCustomerId, account: myDev.deviceAccountId ] mainSeq.push([command: "announcement_devices", value: newmsg, deviceData: deviceData, cmdType: 'playAnnouncement']) queueMultiSequenceCommand(mainSeq, myMsg) devObj.each { dev-> def child = getChildDevice((String)dev.dni) child.finishAnnounce(origMsg, volume, restoreVolume) } } if(restoreVolume!=null) { queueNopCommand() List amainSeq = [] devObj.each { dev-> Map deviceData = [ serialNumber : dev.deviceSerialNumber, deviceType: dev.deviceTypeId, owner: dev.deviceOwnerCustomerId, account: dev.deviceAccountId ] amainSeq.push([command: "volume", value: restoreVolume, deviceData: deviceData]) } queueMultiSequenceCommand(amainSeq, myMsg+"-VolumeRestore") } // log.debug "mainSeq: $mainSeq" break } } private List getZoneDevices(List znList, String cmd, Boolean chkDnd=false) { // logTrace("getZoneDevices | $znList") List devObjs = [] if(znList && znList.size()) { znList.each { znId -> // log.debug "znId: $znId" Map znData = getZoneState(znId.toString()) // log.trace "znData: $znData" if(znData && znData.zoneDevices) { List devices = getDevicesFromList((List)znData.zoneDevices) //devices?.each { devObjs?.push([deviceTypeId: it?.getEchoDeviceType() as String, deviceSerialNumber: it?.getEchoSerial() as String]) } devices?.each { Map devInfo = it?.getEchoDevInfo(cmd, true) // ignores dnd setting in device if(devInfo) { Boolean dnd = chkDnd ? getDndEnabled((String)devInfo.deviceSerialNumber) : false if(!dnd) devObjs?.push(devInfo) // if(!dnd) devObjs?.push([deviceTypeId: devInfo.deviceTypeId, deviceSerialNumber: devInfo.deviceSerialNumber, deviceOwnerCustomerId: devInfo.deviceOwnerCustomerId, deviceAccountId: devInfo.deviceAccountId, dni: devInfo.dni]) } } } } } //return (String) (devObjs.size()) ? new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(devObjs) : sNULL return devObjs } private Map getZoneState(String znId) { Map zones = getZones() if(zones) { return (Map)zones[znId] } return null } /* * called by drivers to queue speak (and possible volume changes) * will setup to call back the device handler when the command completes with status */ void sendSpeak(Map cmdMap, Map deviceData, String device, String callback, Boolean parallel=false){ String nm = cmdMap.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') logTrace("sendSpeak cmdMap: $nm callback: $callback, device: $device") /* Map deviceData = [ serialNumber : cmdMap.serialNumber, deviceType: cmdMap.deviceType, owner: cmdMap.owner, account: cmdMap.account ] */ // Map st = [serialNumber: cmdMap.serialNumber, deviceType: cmdMap.deviceType] List seqCmds; seqCmds = [] if(cmdMap.newVolume) { seqCmds.push([command: "volume", value: cmdMap.newVolume, deviceData: deviceData]) } seqCmds.push([command: 'sendspeak', value:cmdMap.message, deviceData:deviceData]) queueMultiSequenceCommand(seqCmds, "sendSpeak from $device", parallel, cmdMap, device, callback) queueNopCommand() seqCmds = [] if(cmdMap.oldVolume) { seqCmds.push([command: "volume", value: cmdMap.oldVolume, deviceData: deviceData]) queueMultiSequenceCommand(seqCmds, "sendSpeak last vol from $device", parallel, cmdMap, device, callback) } } void queueNopCommand(){ Map item= [ t: 'nop', time: wnow(), device: null, callback: null ] addToQ(item) } void queueSequenceCommand(String type, String command, value, Map deviceData=[:], String device=sNULL, String callback=sNULL){ Map item= [ t: 'sequence', time: wnow(), type: type, command: command, value: value, deviceData: deviceData, device: device, callback: callback ] addToQ(item) } void queueMultiSequenceCommand(List commands, String srcDesc, Boolean parallel=false, Map cmdMap=[:], String device=sNULL, String callback=sNULL) { //log.warn "commands: $commands srcDesc: $srcDesc parallel: $parallel cmdMap: $cmdMap device: $device" // expand speak commands and handle ssml List newCmds; newCmds = [] List seqCmds = commands seqCmds?.each { cmdItem-> // log.debug "cmdItem: $cmdItem" if(cmdItem.command instanceof String){ if((String)cmdItem.command in ['sendspeak']){ Map deviceData = (Map)cmdItem.deviceData // Map st = cmdItem.devType ? [serialNumber: cmdItem.devSerial, deviceType: cmdItem.devType] : deviceData newCmds = newCmds + msgSeqBuilder((String)cmdItem.value, deviceData, 'sendSpeak') } else newCmds.push(cmdItem) } else newCmds.push(cmdItem) } Map item = [ t: 'multi', time: wnow(), commands: newCmds, srcDesc: srcDesc, parallel: parallel, // deviceData: deviceData, cmdMap: cmdMap, device: device, callback: callback ] addToQ(item) } void addToQ(Map item) { String appId=app.getId() Boolean aa = getTheLock(sHMLF, "addToQ(${item})") // log.trace "lock wait: ${aa}" Map memStore = historyMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] String k = 'cmdQ' List eData = (List)memStore[k] ?: [] eData.push(item) Integer qsiz = eData.size() updMemStoreItem(k, eData) releaseTheLock(sHMLF) if(qsiz == i1) runInMillis(300L, "workQ") else runIn(24, "workQB") List lmsg = [] String t = item.t Boolean fir; fir=true ['cmdMap', 'time', 'deviceData', 'device', 'callback', 'parallel', 'command', 'value', 'srcDesc', 'type'].each { String s -> def ss = item."${s}" if(ss) { if(fir) { fir=false; lmsg.push(spanSm("addToQ NEW COMMAND (${qsiz})", sCLRGRN2)) } String nm = ss.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') lmsg.push("addToQ (${t}) | ${s}: ${nm}".toString()) } } if(item.commands?.size()) { Integer cnt; cnt = i1 item.commands.each { cmd -> lmsg.push("addToQ (${item.t}) | Command(${cnt}): ${cmd}".toString()) cnt++ } } if((Boolean)settings.logDebug) lmsg.each { String msg -> log.debug(msg) } } void workQF() { workQ() } void workQB() { workQ() } void workQ() { logTrace "running workQ" String mmsg String appId=app.getId() Boolean aa = getTheLock(sHMLF, "addToQ(${item})") // log.trace "lock wait: ${aa}" Boolean locked; locked = true Map myMap = workQMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] Boolean active; active = (Boolean)myMap.active if(active==null) { active = false; myMap.active=active; workQMapFLD[appId]=myMap; workQMapFLD=workQMapFLD } // log.debug "active: $active myMap: $myMap" Long nextOk; nextOk = (Long)myMap.nextOk ?: 0L if(nextOk < wnow()) nextOk = 0L Map memStore = historyMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] String k = 'cmdQ' List eData = (List)memStore[k] ?: [] Boolean fnd = (eData.size() > iZ) // if we are not doing anything grab next item off queue and start it; if(!active && wnow() > nextOk && fnd) { List lmsg = [] Double msSum; msSum = 0.0D List seqList; seqList = [] List activeD = [] Map extData; extData=[:] List extList = [] Boolean oldParallel,parallel oldParallel = null parallel = false String srcDesc Map seqObj; seqObj=null Integer mdelay; mdelay = iZ // lets try to join commands in single request to Alexa while(eData.size()>0){ Map item = (Map)eData[0] String t=(String)item.t // Long tLong=(Long)item.time Map cmdMap; cmdMap=[:] String device = (String)item.device String callback = (String)item.callback srcDesc = sNULL //log.debug "item: $item" if(t=='multi') { srcDesc = (String)item.srcDesc List seqCmds = (List)item.commands if(srcDesc == 'ExecuteRoutine'){ if(seqList.size() > iZ) break // execute runs by itself Map seqMap = (Map)seqCmds[iZ].command // already have a sequence map seqObj = sequenceBuilder(seqMap, null, null) if(oldParallel == null) oldParallel = parallel } else { Boolean nparallel = item.parallel parallel = nparallel != null ? nparallel : parallel if(oldParallel == null) oldParallel = parallel if(parallel != oldParallel) { break } // if parallel changes we are done this set of commands cmdMap = (Map)item.cmdMap ?: [:] //log.debug "seqCmds: $seqCmds" seqList = seqList + multiSequenceListBuilder(seqCmds) if(!parallel) mdelay = iZ seqCmds?.each { cmdItem-> //log.debug "cmdItem: $cmdItem" if(cmdItem.command instanceof String){ String mcommand = cmdItem.command String type=cmdItem?.cmdType ?: sBLANK String tv = cmdItem?.value?.toString() Integer del = getMsgDur(mcommand, type, tv) if(del) { if(!parallel) mdelay += del else mdelay = del > mdelay ? del : mdelay } } if(mdelay) cmdMap.msgDelay= mdelay } //log.debug "seqList: ${seqList}" } } if(t=='sequence') { String type=item.type Map deviceData = (Map)item.deviceData srcDesc = type + "${device ? " from $device" : sBLANK}" Boolean nparallel = item.parallel parallel = nparallel != null ? nparallel : false if(oldParallel == null) oldParallel = parallel if(parallel != oldParallel) { break } // if parallel changes we are done this set of commands String command=(String)item.command def value = item.value if(command in ['announcement_devices'] ) { if(seqList.size() > iZ) break // this command runs alone so finish off what we are planning to do seqObj = sequenceBuilder(command, value, deviceData) } else { seqList = seqList + [createSequenceNode(command, value, deviceData)] } String tv = value?.toString() Integer del = getMsgDur(command, type, tv) if(del) { if(parallel) mdelay = del > mdelay ? del : mdelay } if(del && !cmdMap) cmdMap = [ msgDelay: del ] } Map titem = (Map)eData.remove(0) // pop the command as we are going to do it updMemStoreItem(k, eData) if(t=='nop') { if(seqList.size() > iZ) { lmsg.push("workQ found nop, processing current list") break // finish off what we are planning to do } lmsg.push("workQ found nop, skipping") } else { activeD.push(titem) // save what we are doing to an active list updMemStoreItem('active', activeD) lmsg.push("workQ adding ${srcDesc} | ${seqList ? "MultiSequence" : "Sequence"} ${seqList ? "${parallel ? ": Parallel" : ": Sequential"}" : sBLANK}".toString()) Map t_extData =[:] if(device && callback) { String nstr; nstr = cmdMap?.message?.toString() nstr = nstr?.trim() Boolean isSSML = (nstr?.toString()?.startsWith("") && nstr?.endsWith("")) //if(isSSML) nstr = nstr[7..-9] Integer msgLen = nstr?.length() t_extData = [ cmdDt:(cmdMap.cmdDt ?: null), cmdDesc: (cmdMap.cmdDesc ?: null), msgLen: msgLen, isSSML: isSSML, deviceId: device, callback: callback, msgDelay: (cmdMap.msgDelay ?: null), message: (cmdMap.message ? cmdMap.message : null), newVolume: (cmdMap.newVolume ?: null), oldVolume: (cmdMap.oldVolume ?: null), cmdId: (cmdMap.cmdId ?: null), ] } extList.push(t_extData) extData.extList = extList Double ms; ms = ((cmdMap?.msgDelay ?: 0.5D) * 1000.0D) ms = Math.min(240000, Math.max(ms, iZ)) // at least 0, max 240 seconds msSum = parallel ? ms : msSum + ms lmsg.push("workQ ms delay is $msSum".toString()) if(seqObj) { break } // runs by itself // if(parallel) { break } // only run 1 parallel at a time in case they are changing the same thing again } } if(seqList.size() > iZ || seqObj) { Integer mymin = 3000 // min ms between Alexa commands msSum = Math.min(240000, Math.max(msSum, mymin)) nextOk = wnow() + msSum.toLong() lmsg.push("workQ FINAL ms delay is $msSum".toString()) active = true myMap.active=active myMap.nextOk = nextOk; workQMapFLD[appId]=myMap; workQMapFLD=workQMapFLD locked = false releaseTheLock(sHMLF) lmsg.each { String msg -> logDebug(msg) } extData = extData + [nextOk: nextOk] if(!seqObj) { //'ExecuteRoutine' Map seqMap = multiSequenceBuilder(seqList, oldParallel) seqObj = sequenceBuilder(seqMap, null, null) } Map params = [ uri: getAmazonUrl(), path: "/api/behaviors/preview", headers: getReqHeaderMap(true), contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, body: new JsonOutput().toJson(seqObj) ] //String nm = params.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') //log.trace spanSm("workQ params: $nm extData: $extData", sCLRGRN) try{ execAsyncCmd("post", "finishWorkQ", params, extData) } catch (ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "workQ", true) finishWorkQ([status: 500, data: [:]], extData) } } } Long t0; t0 = wnow() mmsg = "workQ active: ${active} work items fnd: ${fnd} now: ${t0} nextOk: ${nextOk}" if(!active && fnd) { // if we have more work to do t0 = wnow() Long ms; ms = nextOk+200L - t0 if(ms <= 0L) ms = 4000 if(t0 < nextOk) { // if we are waiting between commands due to Alexa limits, schedule wakeup to resume runInMillis(ms, "workQF") mmsg = "workQ wakeup requested in $ms ms" + mmsg } } if(locked) releaseTheLock(sHMLF) if(mmsg) logDebug(mmsg) } // this does not handle SSML break commands // https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/speech-synthesis-markup-language-ssml-reference.html Integer getMsgDur(String command, String type, String tv){ Integer del; del = iZ if(command in ['announcement_devices', 'announcement', 'announcementall'] || type in ['sendSpeak']) { String[] valObj = (tv?.contains("::")) ? tv.split("::") : ["Echo Speaks", tv] String nstr; nstr = valObj[1].trim() nstr = nstr.replaceAll(/\s\s+/, sSPACE) //String nm = nstr.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') //log.debug "getMsgDur $nm" Boolean isSSML; isSSML = (nstr?.startsWith("") && nstr?.endsWith("")) if(isSSML) nstr = nstr[7..-9] isSSML = (isSSML || command == 'ssml') String actMsg = isSSML ? nstr?.replaceAll(/<[^>]+>/, sBLANK) : cleanString(nstr) //nm = actMsg.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') //log.debug "getMsgDur1 $nm" Integer msgLen = actMsg?.length() ?: iZ del = calcDelay(msgLen) if(devModeFLD) logTrace("getMsgDur res: $del | actMsg: ${actMsg} msgLen: $msgLen origLen: ${tv.length()} isSSML: ${isSSML} ($command, $type, $tv)") } else if(type.startsWith('play')) del = 18 else if(type.startsWith('say')) del = 3 //logTrace("getMsgDur res: $del ($command, $type, $tv)") return del } static Integer calcDelay(Integer msgLen=null, Boolean addRandom=false) { if(!msgLen) { return 30 } Integer twd = 2 Integer v = (Integer)((msgLen <= 14 ? i1 : (msgLen / 14)) * twd) Integer res; res=v Integer randomInt if(addRandom){ Random random = new Random() randomInt = random.nextInt(5) //Was using 7 res=v + randomInt } // logTrace("calcDelay($msgLen) | res:$res | twd: $twd | delay: $v ${addRandom ? '+ '+randomInt.toString() : sBLANK}") return res //+2 } void finishWorkQ(response, extData){ String meth = 'finishWorkQ' logTrace "running "+meth Integer statusCode; statusCode=null def sData String respMsg; respMsg=sNULL try { statusCode = response?.status?.toInteger() if(response.hasError()){ respMsg = response.getErrorMessage() } else sData = response?.data } catch(ex) { respExceptionHandler(ex, "finishWorkQ", true) } Boolean retry; retry=false if(statusCode == 200) updTsVal("lastSpokeToAmazon") else { logWarn("$meth | ${statusCode} | $respMsg | $extData") String respMsgLow = respMsg ? respMsg.toLowerCase() : sNULL if((statusCode in [400, 429]) && respMsgLow && (respMsgLow in ["rate exceeded", "too many requests"])) { switch(respMsgLow) { case "rate exceeded": logWarn("You've been rate-limited by Amazon for sending too many consectutive commands to your devices... | Device will retry again in ${rDelay} seconds", true) retry=true break case "too many requests": logWarn("You've sent too many consecutive commands to your devices... | Device will retry again in ${rDelay} seconds", true) retry=true break } } } String appId=app.getId() Boolean aa = getTheLock(sHMLF, "addToQ(${item})") Map myMap = workQMapFLD[appId] Boolean active = false; myMap.active=active; workQMapFLD[appId]=myMap; workQMapFLD=workQMapFLD Map memStore = historyMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] String k = 'active' List activeD; activeD = (List)memStore[k] ?: [] if(retry) { log.warn "wanted to retry but did not" // String kk = 'cmdQ' // List eData = (List)memStore[kk] ?: [] // List newL = activeD + eData // activeD = newL // TODO delays activeD = [] } else { activeD = [] } updMemStoreItem(k, activeD) releaseTheLock(sHMLF) // if(!retry) { extData?.extList?.each { extItem -> if(extItem && (String)extItem.deviceId && (String)extItem.callback) { if(extItem != null && statusCode==200) extItem["amznReqId"] = response?.headers["x-amz-rid"] ?: null def child = getChildDevice((String)extItem.deviceId) child."${(String)extItem.callback}"(sData, statusCode, extItem) } } // } workQ() } Map sequenceBuilder(cmd, val, Map deviceData=[:]) { //log.debug "sequenceBuilder: $cmd val: $val" Map seqJson if (cmd instanceof Map) { seqJson = (Map)cmd?.sequence ?: (Map)cmd } else { seqJson = [ "@type": "com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence", "startNode": createSequenceNode((String)cmd, val, deviceData) ] } Map seqObj = [ behaviorId: (seqJson?.sequenceId ? cmd?.automationId : "PREVIEW"), sequenceJson: new JsonOutput().toJson(seqJson), status: "ENABLED" ] return seqObj } List multiSequenceListBuilder(Listcommands) { //log.debug "multiSequenceListBuilder commands: $commands" List nodeList = [] commands?.each { cmdItem-> //log.debug "multiSequenceListBuilder cmdItem: $cmdItem" if(cmdItem.command instanceof String){ Map deviceData = (Map)cmdItem.deviceData nodeList.push(createSequenceNode((String)cmdItem.command, cmdItem.value, deviceData) ) } else { nodeList.push(cmdItem.command) } } return nodeList } static Map multiSequenceBuilder(List nodeList, Boolean parallel=false) { //log.debug "multiSequenceBuilder: $nodeList" String seqType = parallel ? "ParallelNode" : "SerialNode" Map seqMap = [ "sequence": [ "@type": "com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence", "startNode": [ "@type": "com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.${seqType}", "name": null, "nodesToExecute": nodeList ] ] ] return seqMap } static Integer getStringLen(String str) { return str?.length() ?: iZ } private static List msgSeqBuilder(String istr, Map deviceData, String cmdType) { //String nm = istr.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') //log.debug "msgSeqBuilder: $nm" List seqCmds = [] List strArr; strArr = [] String nstr = istr.trim() Boolean isSSML = (nstr.startsWith("") && nstr.endsWith("")) //if(isSSML) nstr = nstr[7..-9] String str;str = nstr if(str.length() < 450) { seqCmds.push([command: (isSSML ? "ssml": "speak"), value: str, deviceData: deviceData, cmdType: cmdType]) } else { List msgItems = str.split() msgItems.each { String wd-> // log.debug "CurArrLen: ${(getStringLen(strArr.join(" ")))} | CurStrLen: (${wd.length()})" if((getStringLen(strArr.join(sSPACE)) + wd.length()) > 430) { seqCmds.push([command: (isSSML ? "ssml": "speak"), value: strArr.join(sSPACE), deviceData: deviceData, cmdType: cmdType]) strArr = [] } strArr.push(wd) if(wd == msgItems.last()) { seqCmds.push([command: (isSSML ? "ssml": "speak"), value: strArr.join(sSPACE), deviceData: deviceData, cmdType: cmdType]) } } } // log.debug "seqCmds: $seqCmds" return seqCmds } String cleanString(String istr, Boolean frcTrans=false) { String str; str=istr if(!str) { return sNULL } //String nm = str.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') //log.debug "cleanString1: $nm" //Cleans up characters from message // some folks try to use ssml without markers. It sometimes works and sometimes does not - below makes it always fail as it removes some ssml markup ( / for example) //str = str.replaceAll(~/[^a-zA-Z0-9-?%°.,:&#;<>!\/ ]+/, sSPACE)?.replaceAll(/\s\s+/, sSPACE) str = str.replaceAll(/\s\s+/, sSPACE) str = textTransform(str, frcTrans) //nm = str.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') //log.debug "cleanString: $nm" return str } private String textTransform(String istr, Boolean force=false) { String str; str=istr if(!force && (Boolean)settings.disableTextTransform) { return str } // Converts F temp values to readable text "19F" str = str.replaceAll(/([+-]?\d+)\s?([CcFf])/) { return "${it[0]?.toString()?.replaceAll("[-]", "minus ")?.replaceAll("[FfCc]", " degrees")}" } str = str.replaceAll(/(\sWSW\s)/, " west southwest ")?.replaceAll(/(\sWNW\s)/, " west northwest ")?.replaceAll(/(\sESE\s)/, " east southeast ")?.replaceAll(/(\sENE\s)/, " east northeast ") str = str.replaceAll(/(\sSSE\s)/, " south southeast ")?.replaceAll(/(\sSSW\s)/, " south southwest ")?.replaceAll(/(\sNNE\s)/, " north northeast ")?.replaceAll(/(\sNNW\s)/, " north northwest ") str = str.replaceAll(/(\sNW\s)/, " northwest ")?.replaceAll(/(\sNE\s)/, " northeast ")?.replaceAll(/(\sSW\s)/, " southwest ")?.replaceAll(/(\sSE\s)/, " southeast ") str = str.replaceAll(/(\sE\s)/," east ")?.replaceAll(/(\sS\s)/," south ")?.replaceAll(/(\sN\s)/," north ")?.replaceAll(/(\sW\s)/," west ") str = str.replaceAll("%"," percent ") str = str.replaceAll("°"," degrees ") return str } /* private String timeTransform(String str, Boolean force=false) { str = str.replaceAll(/^(?:(?:(?:0?[1-9]|1[0-2])(?::|\.)[0-5]\d(?:(?::|\.)[0-5]\d)?\s?[aApP][mM])|(?:(?:0?\d|1\d|2[0-3])(?::|\.)[0-5]\d(?:(?::|\.)[0-5]\d)?))$/) { log.debug "timeTransform: ${it[0]}" // return "${it[0]?.toString()?.replaceAll("[-]", "minus ")?.replaceAll("[FfCc]", " degrees")}" } return str }*/ @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') Map createSequenceNode(String command, value, Map deviceData = [:]) { //log.debug "createSequenceNode: command: $command " //String nm = value.toString().replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>') //log.debug "createSequenceNode: value: $nm" //log.debug "createSequenceNode: deviceData: $deviceData " try { Boolean remDevSpecifics; remDevSpecifics = false String deviceType = deviceData?.deviceType ?: sNULL String serialNumber = deviceData?.serialNumber ?: sNULL String accountId = deviceData?.account ?: sNULL String owner = deviceData?.owner ?: sNULL Map seqNode = [ "@type": "com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode", operationPayload: [ deviceType: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: serialNumber, locale: ((String)settings.regionLocale ?: "en-US"), customerId: owner //state.deviceOwnerCustomerId ] ] String sval = value.toString() String lcmd = command.toLowerCase() switch (lcmd) { case "weather": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Weather.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "traffic": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Traffic.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "flashbriefing": seqNode.type = "Alexa.FlashBriefing.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "goodmorning": seqNode.type = "Alexa.GoodMorning.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "goodnight": seqNode.type = "Alexa.GoodNight.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "cleanup": seqNode.type = "Alexa.CleanUp.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "singasong": seqNode.type = "Alexa.SingASong.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "tellstory": seqNode.type = "Alexa.TellStory.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "funfact": seqNode.type = "Alexa.FunFact.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "joke": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Joke.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething" break case "calendartomorrow": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Calendar.PlayTomorrow" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.calendar" break case "calendartoday": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Calendar.PlayToday" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.calendar" break case "calendarnext": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Calendar.PlayNext" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.calendar" break case "date": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Date.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.dateandtime" break case "time": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Time.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.dateandtime" break case "stop": remDevSpecifics = true seqNode.type = "Alexa.DeviceControls.Stop" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.alexadevicecontrols" seqNode.operationPayload.devices = [ [deviceType: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: serialNumber] ] seqNode.operationPayload.isAssociatedDevice = false break case "stopalldevices": remDevSpecifics = true seqNode.type = "Alexa.DeviceControls.Stop" seqNode.operationPayload.devices = [ [deviceType: "ALEXA_ALL_DEVICE_TYPE", deviceSerialNumber: "ALEXA_ALL_DSN"] ] seqNode.operationPayload.isAssociatedDevice = false break case "cannedtts_random": case "cannedtts": List okVals = (List)seqItemsAvail().speech.cannedtts_random //["goodbye", "confirmations", "goodmorning", "compliments", "birthday", "goodnight", "iamhome"] if(!(sval in okVals)) { return null } seqNode.type = "Alexa.CannedTts.Speak" String[] valObj = lcmd == 'cannedtts_random' ? [sval, 'random'] : (sval?.contains("::") ? sval.split("::") : [sval, sval]) seqNode.operationPayload.cannedTtsStringId = "alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-${valObj[0]}/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-${valObj[1]}" break case "sound": String sndName if(sval?.startsWith("amzn_sfx_")) { sndName = sval } else { Map sounds = getAvailableSounds() if(sounds[sval]) { sndName = sounds[sval] } else { sndName = sval } //if(!(sounds[value])) { return null } //sndName = sounds[value] } seqNode.type = "Alexa.Sound" seqNode.operationPayload.soundStringId = sndName break case "wait": remDevSpecifics = true seqNode.operationPayload?.remove('customerId') seqNode.type = "Alexa.System.Wait" seqNode.operationPayload.waitTimeInSeconds = sval?.toInteger() ?: 5 break case "dnd_duration": case "dnd_time": case "dnd_all_duration": case "dnd_all_time": remDevSpecifics = true seqNode.type = "Alexa.DeviceControls.DoNotDisturb" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.alexadevicecontrols" // seqNode.operationPayload.customerId = (String)state.deviceOwnerCustomerId if(lcmd in ["dnd_all_time", "dnd_all_duration"]) { seqNode.operationPayload.devices = [ [deviceType: "ALEXA_ALL_DEVICE_TYPE", deviceSerialNumber: "ALEXA_ALL_DSN"] ] } if(lcmd in ["dnd_time", "dnd_duration"]) { seqNode.operationPayload.devices = [ [deviceAccountId: accountId /*(String)state.deviceAccountId*/, deviceType: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: serialNumber] ] } seqNode.operationPayload.action = "Enable" if(lcmd in ["dnd_time","dnd_all_time"]) { seqNode.operationPayload.until = "TIME#T${value}" } else if (lcmd in ["dnd_duration","dnd_all_duration"]) { seqNode?.operationPayload?.duration = "DURATION#PT${value}" } //ERS seqNode.operationPayload.timeZoneId = "America/Detroit" //location?.timeZone?.ID ?: null break case "speak": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Speak" sval = cleanString(sval) seqNode.operationPayload.textToSpeak = sval break case "volume": seqNode.type = "Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.alexadevicecontrols" seqNode.operationPayload.value = value break case "ssml": case "announcement": case "announcementall": case "announcement_devices": remDevSpecifics = true seqNode.type = "AlexaAnnouncement" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.routines.messaging" seqNode.operationPayload.expireAfter = "PT5S" String[] valObj = (sval?.contains("::")) ? sval.split("::") : ["Echo Speaks", sval] // log.debug "valObj(size: ${valObj?.size()}): $valObj" // valObj[1] = valObj[1]?.toString()?.replace(/([^0-9]?[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+[^0-9])?/, "\$1,\$2") // log.debug "valObj[1]: ${valObj[1]}" String nstr = valObj[1].trim() Boolean isSSML = (nstr?.startsWith("") && nstr?.endsWith("")) //if(isSSML) nstr = nstr[7..-9] String str = nstr String mtype = lcmd == "ssml" || isSSML ? "ssml" : "text" String mval = lcmd == "ssml" || isSSML ? str : cleanString(str) String mtitle = cleanString(lcmd == "ssml" || isSSML ? str.replaceAll(/<[^>]+>/, sBLANK) : str) seqNode.operationPayload.content = [[ locale: ((String)settings.regionLocale ?: "en-US"), display: [ title: cleanString(valObj[0]), body: mtitle ], //valObj[1].replaceAll(/<[^>]+>/, '') ], speak: [ type: mtype, value: mval ] //(lcmd == "ssml" || isSSML ? "ssml" : "text"), value: valObj[1] ] ]] seqNode.operationPayload.target = [ customerId: owner /* (String)state.deviceOwnerCustomerId */] if(!(lcmd in ["announcementall", "announcement_devices"])) { seqNode.operationPayload.target.devices = [ [ deviceTypeId: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: serialNumber ] ] } else if(lcmd == "announcement_devices" && valObj?.size() && valObj[2] != null) { // log.debug spanSm("valObj: ${valObj}", sCLRGRN2) List devObjs = (List)new JsonSlurper().parseText((String)valObj[2]) seqNode.operationPayload.target.devices = devObjs } break case "pushnotification": remDevSpecifics = true seqNode.type = "Alexa.Notifications.SendMobilePush" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.alexanotifications" seqNode.operationPayload.notificationMessage = sval seqNode.operationPayload.alexaUrl = "#v2/behaviors" seqNode.operationPayload.title = "Echo Speaks" break case "email": seqNode.type = "Alexa.Operation.SkillConnections.Email.EmailSummary" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.email" seqNode.operationPayload.targetDevice = [deviceType: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: serialNumber ] seqNode.operationPayload.connectionRequest = [uri: "connection://AMAZON.Read.EmailSummary/amzn1.alexa-speechlet-client.DOMAIN:ALEXA_CONNECT", input: [:] ] seqNode.operationPayload.remove('deviceType') seqNode.operationPayload.remove('deviceSerialNumber') break case "goodnews": seqNode.type = "Alexa.GoodNews.Play" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.goodnews" break case "voicecmdtxt": seqNode.type = "Alexa.TextCommand" seqNode.skillId = "amzn1.ask.1p.tellalexa" seqNode.operationPayload.text = sval break default: return null } if(remDevSpecifics) { seqNode.operationPayload.remove('deviceType') seqNode.operationPayload.remove('deviceSerialNumber') seqNode.operationPayload.remove('locale') } // log.debug "seqNode: $seqNode" return seqNode } catch (ex) { logError("createSequenceNode Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } return [:] } /****************************************** | Notification Functions *******************************************/ String getAmazonDomain() { return (String)settings.amazonDomain } String getAmazonUrl() {return "https://alexa.${(String)settings.amazonDomain}"} static Map notifValEnum(Boolean allowCust = true) { Map items = [ 300:"5 Minutes", 600:"10 Minutes", 900:"15 Minutes", 1200:"20 Minutes", 1500:"25 Minutes", 1800:"30 Minutes", 2700:"45 Minutes", 3600:"1 Hour", 7200:"2 Hours", 14400:"4 Hours", 21600:"6 Hours", 43200:"12 Hours", 86400:"24 Hours" ] if(allowCust) { items[100000] = "Custom" } return items } @Field volatile static Map healthChkMapFLD = [:] void healthCheck() { logTrace("healthCheck") String appId=app.getId() if(!healthChkMapFLD[appId]) { healthChkMapFLD[appId] = true healthChkMapFLD = healthChkMapFLD } if(!devModeFLD && advLogsActive()) { logsEnabled() } checkVersionData() if(checkIfCodeUpdated()) { logWarn("Code Version Change Detected... Health Check will occur on next cycle.") return } Boolean a=validateCookie() if(getLastTsValSecs("lastCookieRrshDt") > cookieRefreshSeconds()) { runCookieRefresh() } else if (getLastTsValSecs("lastGuardSupChkDt") > 43200) { checkGuardSupport() } else if(getLastTsValSecs("lastServerWakeDt") > 86400 && serverConfigured()) { wakeupServer(false, false, "healthCheck") } if(!(Boolean)state.noAuthActive) runIn(2, "getOtherData") chkRestartSocket() if((Boolean)state.isInstalled && getLastTsValSecs("lastMetricUpdDt") > (3600*24)) { runIn(30, "sendInstallData", [overwrite: true]) } logsDisable() appUpdateNotify() //if(!getOk2Notify()) { return } missPollNotify((Boolean)settings.sendMissedPollMsg, (settings.misPollNotifyMsgWaitVal as Integer ?: 3600)) } Boolean advLogsActive() { return ((Boolean)settings.logDebug || (Boolean)settings.logTrace || (Boolean)settings.childAppLogDebug || (Boolean)settings.childAppLogTrace || (Boolean)settings.childDeviceLogDebug || (Boolean)settings.childDeviceLogTrace) } public void logsEnabled() { if(advLogsActive() && !getTsVal("logsEnabled")) { logTrace("enabling logging timer") updTsVal("logsEnabled") } } public void logsDisable() { if(advLogsActive()) { Integer dtSec = getLastTsValSecs("logsEnabled", null) if(dtSec && (dtSec > 3600*6)) { settingUpdate("logDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("logTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL) if((Boolean)settings.childAppLogDebug || (Boolean)settings.childAppLogTrace || (Boolean)settings.childDeviceLogDebug || (Boolean)settings.childDeviceLogTrace) { runIn(4, 'disableAdvChldLogs') } remTsVal("logsEnabled") log.debug "Disabling debug logs" } } } @Field volatile static Map childLogMapFLD = [:] public void activateChildAdvLogs() { String myId=app.getId() Map myMap; myMap = childLogMapFLD[myId] myMap = myMap ?: [:] Boolean a if((Boolean)settings.disableAllChildAdvLogs) { settingUpdate("disableAllChildAdvLogs", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("childAppLogDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("childAppLogTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("childDeviceLogDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("childDeviceLogTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL) } a = (Boolean)settings.childAppLogDebug if(a != (Boolean)myMap.childAppLogDebug) { if (a) { manAllZonesDbgLogs(true) manAllActsDbgLogs(true) updTsVal("logsEnabled") } else { manAllZonesDbgLogs(false) manAllActsDbgLogs(false) } myMap.childAppLogDebug = a } a = (Boolean)settings.childAppLogTrace if(a != (Boolean)myMap.childAppLogTrace) { if(a) { manAllZonesTrcLogs(true) manAllActsTrcLogs(true) updTsVal("logsEnabled") } else { manAllZonesTrcLogs(false) manAllActsTrcLogs(false) } myMap.childAppLogTrace = a } a = (Boolean)settings.childDeviceLogDebug if(a != (Boolean)myMap.childDeviceLogDebug) { if(a) { manAllEchosDbgLogs(true) updTsVal("logsEnabled") } else { manAllEchosDbgLogs(false) } myMap.childDeviceLogDebug = a } a = (Boolean)settings.childDeviceLogTrace if(a != (Boolean)myMap.childDeviceLogTrace) { if(a) { manAllEchosTrcLogs(true) updTsVal("logsEnabled") } else { manAllEchosTrcLogs(false) } myMap.childDeviceLogTrace = a } childLogMapFLD[myId] = myMap childLogMapFLD = childLogMapFLD } private void manAllZonesDbgLogs(Boolean enable=true) { getZoneApps()?.each { ca-> enable ? ca?.enableDebugLog() : ca?.disableDebugLog() } } private void manAllZonesTrcLogs(Boolean enable=true) { getZoneApps()?.each { ca-> enable ? ca?.enableTraceLog() : ca?.disableTraceLog() } } private void manAllActsDbgLogs(Boolean enable=true) { getActionApps()?.each { ca-> enable ? ca?.enableDebugLog() : ca?.disableDebugLog() } } private void manAllActsTrcLogs(Boolean enable=true) { getActionApps()?.each { ca-> enable ? ca?.enableTraceLog() : ca?.disableTraceLog() } } private void manAllEchosDbgLogs(Boolean enable=true) { ((List)getChildDevices())?.each { cd-> enable ? cd?.enableDebugLog() : cd?.disableDebugLog() } getZoneApps()?.each { ca-> enable ? ca?.relayEnableDebugLog() : ca?.relayDisableDebugLog() } } private void manAllEchosTrcLogs(Boolean enable=true) { ((List)getChildDevices())?.each { cd-> enable ? cd?.enableTraceLog() : cd?.disableTraceLog() } getZoneApps()?.each { ca-> enable ? ca?.relayEnableTraceLog() : ca?.relayDisableTraceLog() } } private void disableAdvChldLogs() { getActionApps()?.each { ca-> ca?.logsDisable() } getZoneApps()?.each { ca-> ca?.logsDisable() } getZoneApps()?.each { ca-> ca?.relayLogsOff() } ((List)getChildDevices())?.each { cd-> cd?.logsOff() } settingUpdate("disableAllChildAdvLogs", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("childAppLogDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("childAppLogTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("childDeviceLogDebug", sFALSE, sBOOL) settingUpdate("childDeviceLogTrace", sFALSE, sBOOL) String myId=app.getId() Map myMap; myMap = childLogMapFLD[myId] myMap = myMap ?: [:] Boolean a = false myMap.childAppLogDebug = a myMap.childAppLogTrace = a myMap.childDeviceLogDebug = a myMap.childDeviceLogTrace = a childLogMapFLD[myId] = myMap childLogMapFLD = childLogMapFLD } void missPollNotify(Boolean ion, Integer wait) { Boolean on; on=ion Integer lastDataUpd = getLastTsValSecs("lastDevDataUpdDt", 1000000) Integer lastMissPollM = getLastTsValSecs("lastMissedPollMsgDt") //if(devModeFLD) logTrace("missPollNotify() | on: ($on) | wait: ($wait) | getLastDevicePollSec: (${lastDataUpd}) | misPollNotifyWaitVal: (${settings.misPollNotifyWaitVal}) | getLastMisPollMsgSec: (${lastMissPollM})") if(lastDataUpd <= ((settings.misPollNotifyWaitVal as Integer ?: 2700)+10800)) { state.missPollRepair = false } else { if(lastDataUpd != 1000000) { String msg if((Boolean)state.authValid) { msg = "\nThe Echo Speaks app has NOT received any device data from Amazon in the last (${getLastTsValSecs("lastDevDataUpdDt")}) seconds.\nThere maybe an issue with network access." } else { msg = "\nThe Amazon login info has expired!\nPlease open the heroku amazon authentication page and login again to restore normal operation." } logWarn(msg.toString().replaceAll("\n", sSPACE)) if(lastMissPollM < wait?.toInteger()) { on = false } if(on && sendMsg("${app.name} ${(Boolean)state.authValid ? "Data Refresh Issue" : "Amazon Login Issue"}", msg)) { updTsVal("lastMissedPollMsgDt") } } if(!(Boolean)state.missPollRepair) { if((Boolean)state.authValid){ if(lastDataUpd == 1000000) logTrace("code reload or system restart, calling initialize") else logTrace("calling initialize to attempt recovery") state.missPollRepair = true initialize() } } } } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyVariableNotAssigned') void appUpdateNotify() { Boolean appUpd = appUpdAvail() Boolean actUpd = actionUpdAvail() Boolean zoneUpd = zoneUpdAvail() Boolean zoneChildDevUpd = zoneChildDevUpdAvail() Boolean echoDevUpd = echoDevUpdAvail() // Boolean socketUpd = socketUpdAvail() Boolean servUpd = serverUpdAvail() Boolean res; res=false if(appUpd || actUpd || zoneUpd || zoneChildDevUpd || echoDevUpd || socketUpd || servUpd) res=true Integer secs Integer updW Boolean on; on=false if(res) { on = ((Boolean)settings.sendAppUpdateMsg) updW = settings.updNotifyWaitVal?.toInteger() if(updW == null) { updW = 43200; settingUpdate("updNotifyWaitVal", "43200", sENUM) } secs=getLastTsValSecs("lastUpdMsgDt") if(secs > updW && on) { String str; str = sBLANK str += !appUpd ? sBLANK : "\nEcho Speaks App: v${state.appData?.versions?.mainApp?.ver?.toString()}" str += !actUpd ? sBLANK : "\nEcho Speaks Actions: v${state.appData?.versions?.actionApp?.ver?.toString()}" str += !zoneUpd ? sBLANK : "\nEcho Speaks Zones: v${state.appData?.versions?.zoneApp?.ver?.toString()}" str += !zoneChildDevUpd ? sBLANK : "\nEcho Speaks Zone Device: v${state.appData?.versions?.zoneChildDevice?.ver?.toString()}" str += !echoDevUpd ? sBLANK : "\nEcho Speaks Device: v${state.appData?.versions?.echoDevice?.ver?.toString()}" // str += !socketUpd ? sBLANK : "\nEcho Speaks Socket: v${state.appData?.versions?.wsDevice?.ver?.toString()}" str += !servUpd ? sBLANK : "\n${(Boolean)getServerItem("onHeroku") ? "Heroku Service" : "Node Service"}: v${state.appData?.versions?.server?.ver?.toString()}" sendMsg("Info", "Echo Speaks Update(s) are Available:${str}...\n\nPlease visit the IDE to Update your code...") updTsVal("lastUpdMsgDt") } } state.updateAvailable = res String msg="appUpdateNotify() RESULT: ${res} | on: (${on}) | appUpd: (${appUpd}) | actUpd: (${actUpd}) | zoneUpd: (${zoneUpd}) | echoDevUpd: (${echoDevUpd}) | echoZoneDevUpd (${zoneChildDevUpd}) | servUpd: (${servUpd}) | getLastUpdMsgSec: ${secs} | updNotifyWaitVal: ${updW}" if(res) logDebug(msg) //else if(devModeFLD) logTrace(msg) } private List codeUpdateItems(Boolean shrt=false) { Boolean appUpd = appUpdAvail() Boolean actUpd = actionUpdAvail() Boolean zoneUpd = zoneUpdAvail() Boolean zoneChildDevUpd = zoneChildDevUpdAvail() Boolean devUpd = echoDevUpdAvail() // Boolean socketUpd = socketUpdAvail() Boolean servUpd = serverUpdAvail() List updItems = [] if(appUpd || actUpd || zoneUpd || zoneChildDevUpd || devUpd || socketUpd || servUpd) { if(appUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\nEcho Speaks " : sBLANK}App: (v${state.appData?.versions?.mainApp?.ver?.toString()})") if(actUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\nEcho Speaks " : sBLANK}Actions: (v${state.appData?.versions?.actionApp?.ver?.toString()})") if(zoneUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\nEcho Speaks " : sBLANK}Zones: (v${state.appData?.versions?.zoneApp?.ver?.toString()})") if(zoneChildDevUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\nEcho Speaks " : sBLANK}Zone Child Device: (v${state.appData?.versions?.zoneChildDevice?.ver?.toString()})") if(devUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\nEcho Speaks " : "ES "}Device: (v${state.appData?.versions?.echoDevice?.ver?.toString()})") // if(socketUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\nEcho Speaks " : sBLANK}Websocket: (v${state.appData?.versions?.wsDevice?.ver?.toString()})") if(servUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\n" : sBLANK}Server: (v${state.appData?.versions?.server?.ver?.toString()})") } return updItems } Boolean getOk2Notify() { Boolean smsOk = false Boolean pushOk = false Boolean pushOver = false Boolean notifDevsOk = (((List)settings.notif_devs)?.size() > iZ) Boolean alexaMsg = ((Boolean)settings.notif_alexa_mobile) Boolean daysOk = (List)settings.notif_days ? (isDayOfWeek((List)settings.notif_days)) : true Boolean timeOk = notifTimeOk() Boolean modesOk = (List)settings.notif_modes ? (isInMode((List)settings.notif_modes)) : true Boolean result result = (smsOk || pushOk || alexaMsg || notifDevsOk || pushOver) if(!(daysOk && modesOk && timeOk)) { result = false } logDebug("getOk2Notify() RESULT: $result | notifDevsOk: $notifDevsOk | smsOk: $smsOk | pushOk: $pushOk | pushOver: $pushOver | alexaMsg: $alexaMsg || daysOk: $daysOk | timeOk: $timeOk | modesOk: $modesOk") return result } Boolean notifTimeOk() { Date startTime Date stopTime // these are quiet time start/stop String startType = settings.notif_time_start_type String stopType = settings.notif_time_stop_type if(startType && stopType) { startTime = startType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_start ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_start) : null stopTime = stopType == sTIME && settings.notif_time_stop ? toDateTime(settings.notif_time_stop) : null } else { return true } Date now = new Date() if(startType in lSUNRISESET || stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Map sun = getSunriseAndSunset() Long lsunset = sun.sunset.time Long lsunrise = sun.sunrise.time Long startoffset = settings.notif_time_start_offset ? settings.notif_time_start_offset*1000L : 0L Long stopoffset = settings.notif_time_stop_offset ? settings.notif_time_stop_offset*1000L : 0L if(startType in lSUNRISESET) { Long startl = (startType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + startoffset startTime = new Date(startl) } if(stopType in lSUNRISESET) { Long stopl = (stopType == 'sunrise' ? lsunrise : lsunset) + stopoffset stopTime = new Date(stopl) } } if(startTime && stopTime) { Boolean not = startTime.getTime() > stopTime.getTime() Boolean isBtwn isBtwn = !timeOfDayIsBetween((not ? stopTime : startTime), (not ? startTime : stopTime), now, mTZ()) isBtwn = not ? !isBtwn : isBtwn logTrace("NotifTimeOk ${isBtwn} | CurTime: (${now}) is${!isBtwn ? " NOT": sBLANK} between (${not ? stopTime:startTime} and ${not ? startTime:stopTime})") return isBtwn } else { return true } } // Sends the notifications based on app settings public Boolean sendMsg(String msgTitle, String msg, Boolean showEvt=true, Map pushoverMap=null, sms=null, push=null) { logTrace("sendMsg() | msgTitle: ${msgTitle}, msg: ${msg}, showEvt: ${showEvt}") String sentstr; sentstr = sBLANK Boolean sent; sent = false try { String newMsg = msgTitle+": "+msg String flatMsg = newMsg.replaceAll("\n", sSPACE) if(!getOk2Notify()) { logInfo("sendMsg: Message Skipped Notification not configured or During Quiet Time ($flatMsg)") } else { if((List)settings.notif_devs) { sentstr = "Notification Devices" ((List)settings.notif_devs).each { it?.deviceNotification(newMsg) } sent = true } if(sent) { state.lastMsg = flatMsg updTsVal("lastMsgDt") logDebug("sendMsg: Sent ${sentstr} (${flatMsg})") } } } catch (ex) { incrementCntByKey("appErrorCnt") logError("sendMsg $sentstr Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } return sent } Boolean childInstallOk() { return (Boolean)state.childInstallOkFlag } public static String gitBranch() { return gitBranchFLD } static String getAppImg(String imgName) { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/${gitBranchFLD}/resources/icons/${imgName}.png" } static String getPublicImg(String imgName) { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/SmartThings-tonesto7-public/master/resources/icons/${imgName}.png" } //static String sectTS(String t, String i = sNULL, Boolean bold=false) { return """

${i ? """ """ : sBLANK} ${bold ? "" : sBLANK}${t?.replaceAll("\\n", "
")}${bold ? "
" : sBLANK}

""" } static String sectH3TS(String t, String st, String i = sNULL, String c=sCLR4D9) { return """

${i ? """ """ : sBLANK} ${t?.replaceAll("\\n", "

${st ?: sBLANK}""" } public static String paraTS(String title = sNULL, String body = sNULL, String img = sNULL, Map tOpts=[s: 'normal', c: 'black', b: true, u:true], Map bOpts = [s:'normal', c: sNULL, b: false]) { String s; s = sBLANK s += title ? "
${img != sNULL ? """ """ : sBLANK}${title}
" : sBLANK s += body ? "
" : sBLANK return s } static String sectHead(String str, String img = sNULL) { return str ? "

" + spanImgStr(img) + span(str, "darkorange", sNULL, true) + "

" + "
" : sBLANK } static String sTS(String t, String i = sNULL, Boolean bold=false) { return "

${i ? " " : sBLANK} ${bold ? "" : sBLANK}${t?.replaceAll("\n", "
")}${bold ? "
" : sBLANK}

" } static String s3TS(String t, String st, String i = sNULL, String c=sCLR4D9) { return "

${i ? " " : sBLANK} ${t?.replaceAll("\n", "

${st ? "${st}" : sBLANK}" } static String pTS(String t, String i = sNULL, Boolean bold=true, String color=sNULL) { return "${color ? "
" : sBLANK}${bold ? "" : sBLANK}${i ? " " : sBLANK}${t?.replaceAll("\n", "
")}${bold ? "
" : sBLANK}${color ? "
" : sBLANK}" } static String inTS1(String str, String img = sNULL, String clr=sNULL, Boolean und=true) { return spanSmBldUnd(str, clr, img) } static String inTS(String str, String img = sNULL, String clr=sNULL, Boolean und=true) { return divSm(strUnder(str?.replaceAll("\n", sSPACE)?.replaceAll("
", sSPACE), und), clr, img) } // Root HTML Objects static String span(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false) { return str ? "${str}${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK } static String div(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false) { return str ? "
${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK } static String spanImgStr(String img=sNULL) { return img ? span(" ") : sBLANK } static String divImgStr(String str, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(img ? spanImg(img) + span(str) : str) : sBLANK } static String strUnder(String str, Boolean showUnd=true) { return str ? (showUnd ? "${str}" : str) : sBLANK } static String getOkOrNotSymHTML(Boolean ok) { return ok ? span("(${okSymFLD})", sCLRGRN2) : span("(${notOkSymFLD})", sCLRRED2) } static String htmlLine(String color=sCLR4D9) { return "
" } static String lineBr(Boolean show=true) { return show ? sLINEBR : sBLANK } static String inputFooter(String str, String clr=sCLR4D9, Boolean noBr=false) { return str ? lineBr(!noBr) + divSmBld(str, clr) : sBLANK } static String inactFoot(String str) { return str ? inputFooter(str, sCLRGRY, true) : sBLANK } static String actFoot(String str) { return str ? inputFooter(str, sCLR4D9, false) : sBLANK } static String optPrefix() { return spanSm(" (Optional)", "violet") } // // Custom versions of the root objects above static String spanBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String spanBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sNULL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSm(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBldUnd(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(strUnder(str), clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String spanSmBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sSMALL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMd(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, false, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, true) : sBLANK } static String spanMdBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? spanImgStr(img) + span(str, clr, sMEDIUM, true, true) : sBLANK } static String divBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, true, false) : sBLANK } static String divBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, true, true) : sBLANK } static String divBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sNULL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String divSm(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL) : sBLANK } static String divSmBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, false, true) : sBLANK } static String divSmBld(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, true) : sBLANK } static String divSmBldBr(String str, String clr=sNULL, String img=sNULL) { return str ? div(spanImgStr(img) + span(str), clr, sSMALL, true, true) : sBLANK } def appFooter() { section() { paragraph htmlLine() paragraph """
Echo Speaks

Please consider donating if you find this integration useful.
""" } } static String actChildName(){ return "Echo Speaks - Actions" } static String zoneChildName(){ return "Echo Speaks - Zones" } //static String zoneChildDeviceName(){ return "Echo Speaks - Zones" } static String documentationUrl() { return "https://tonesto7.github.io/echo-speaks-docs" } static String videoUrl() { return "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQPPlTFaGb4&ab_channel=SimplySmart123%E2%9C%85" } static String textDonateUrl() { return "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HWBN4LB9NMHZ4" } def updateDocsInput() { href url: documentationUrl(), style: sEXTNRL, required: false, title: inTS1("View Documentation", "documentation"), description: inactFoot(sTTP) } String getAppEndpointUrl(subPath) { return "${getApiServerUrl()}/${getHubUID()}/apps/${app?.id}${subPath ? "/${subPath}" : sBLANK}?access_token=${state.accessToken}".toString() } String getLocalEndpointUrl(subPath) { return "${getLocalApiServerUrl()}/apps/${app?.id}${subPath ? "/${subPath}" : sBLANK}?access_token=${state.accessToken}" } /****************************************** | Changelog Logic ******************************************/ Boolean showDonationOk() { return ((Boolean)state.isInstalled && !(Boolean)getInstData('shownDonation') && getDaysSinceUpdated() >= 30) } Integer getDaysSinceUpdated() { String updDt; updDt = getInstData('updatedDt') updDt = updDt ?: sNULL if(updDt == sNULL || updDt == "Not Set") { updInstData("updatedDt", getDtNow()) return iZ } else { Date start = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", updDt) Date stop = new Date() if(start && stop) { return (stop - start) } return iZ } } String changeLogData() { String txt = (String) getWebData([uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/${gitBranchFLD}/CHANGELOG.html", contentType: "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", timeout: 20], "changelog", true) return txt?.toString() } Boolean showChgLogOk() { return ((Boolean) state.isInstalled && !((String) state.curAppVer == appVersionFLD && (Boolean) getInstData('shownChgLog')) ) } def changeLogPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "changeLogPage", title: sBLANK, nextPage: "mainPage", install: false) { section(sectHead("Release Notes:", getAppImg("change_log"))) { paragraph "${changeLogData()}" } state.curAppVer = appVersionFLD updInstData("shownChgLog", true) } } /****************************************** | METRIC Logic ******************************************/ String getFbMetricsUrl() { return state.appData?.settings?.database?.metricsUrl ?: "https://echo-speaks-metrics.firebaseio.com/" } String getFbConfigUrl() { return state.appData?.settings?.database?.configUrl ?: "https://echospeaks-config.firebaseio.com/" } Boolean metricsOk() { (!(Boolean)settings.optOutMetrics && state.appData?.settings?.sendMetrics) } private generateGuid() { if(!(String)state.appGuid) { state.appGuid = UUID?.randomUUID()?.toString() } } void sendInstallData() { settingUpdate("sendMetricsNow", sFALSE, sBOOL); if(metricsOk()) { Boolean aa=sendFirebaseData(getFbMetricsUrl(), "/clients/${(String)state.appGuid}.json", createMetricsDataJson(), "put", "heartbeat") } } Boolean removeInstallData() { return removeFirebaseData("/clients/${(String)state.appGuid}.json") } Boolean sendFirebaseData(String url, String path, String data, String cmdType=null, String type=null) { logTrace("sendFirebaseData(${path}, ${data}, $cmdType, $type"); return queueFirebaseData(url, path, data, cmdType, type) } Boolean queueFirebaseData(String url, String path, String data, String cmdType=sNULL, String type=sNULL) { // logTrace("queueFirebaseData(${path}, ${data}, $cmdType, $type") Boolean result; result = false String json = new JsonOutput().prettyPrint(data) Map params = [uri: url, path: path, requestContentType: sAPPJSON, contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20, body: json] String typeDesc = type ?: "Data" try { if(!cmdType || cmdType == "put") { execAsyncCmd(cmdType, "processFirebaseResponse", params, [type: typeDesc]) result = true } else if (cmdType == "post") { execAsyncCmd(cmdType, "processFirebaseResponse", params, [type: typeDesc]) result = true } else { logWarn("queueFirebaseData UNKNOWN cmdType: ${cmdType}") } } catch(ex) { logError("queueFirebaseData (type: $typeDesc) Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } return result } Boolean removeFirebaseData(String pathVal) { logTrace("removeFirebaseData(${pathVal})") Boolean result; result = true try { httpDelete(uri: getFbMetricsUrl(), path: pathVal) { resp -> logDebug("Remove Firebase | resp: ${resp?.status}") } } catch (ex) { if(ex instanceof groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException ) { logError("removeFirebaseData Response Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } else { logError("removeFirebaseData Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) result = false } } return result } void processFirebaseResponse(resp, Map data) { String mName="processFirebaseResponse" String typeDesc = (String)data.type logTrace(mName+"(${typeDesc})") try { if(resp?.status == 200) { logDebug(mName+": ${typeDesc} Data Sent SUCCESSFULLY") if(typeDesc == "heartbeat") { updTsVal("lastMetricUpdDt") } updInstData("sentMetrics", true) } else if(resp?.status == 400) { logError(mName+": 'Bad Request': ${resp?.status}") } else { logWarn(mName+": 'Unexpected' Response: ${resp?.status}") } } catch(ex) { logError(mName+" (type: $typeDesc) Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } } def renderMetricData() { try { String jsonIn = createMetricsDataJson() String json = "Not Data Found" if(jsonIn) { json = new JsonOutput().prettyPrint(jsonIn) } render contentType: sAPPJSON, data: json, status: 200 } catch (ex) { logError("renderMetricData Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } } private Map getSkippedDevsAnon() { Map res = [:] Map sDevs = (Map)state.skippedDevices ?: [:] sDevs.each { k, v-> if(!res.containsKey((String)v?.type)) { res[(String)v?.type] = v } } return res } private String createMetricsDataJson() { try { generateGuid() Map swVer = (Map)state.codeVersions Map deviceUsageMap = [:] Map deviceErrorMap = [:] ((List)getChildDevices())?.each { d-> Map obj = d?.getDeviceMetrics() if(obj?.usage?.size()) { obj?.usage?.each { String k, v-> deviceUsageMap[k] = (deviceUsageMap[k] ? deviceUsageMap[k] + v : v) } } if(obj?.errors?.size()) { obj?.errors?.each { String k, v-> deviceErrorMap[k] = (deviceErrorMap[k] ? deviceErrorMap[k] + v : v) } } } Map actData = [:] Integer actCnt; actCnt = iZ getActionApps()?.each { a-> actData[actCnt] = a?.getActionMetrics(); actCnt++ } Map zoneData = [:] Integer zoneCnt; zoneCnt = iZ getZoneApps()?.each { a-> zoneData[zoneCnt] = a?.getZoneMetrics(); zoneCnt++ } Map dataObj = [ guid: (String)state.appGuid, datetime: getDtNow(), installDt: (String)getInstData('dt'), updatedDt: (String)getInstData('updatedDt'), timeZone: mTZ().ID?.toString(), hubPlatform: platformFLD, authValid: (Boolean)state.authValid, stateUsage: "${stateSizePerc()}%", amazonDomain: settings?.amazonDomain, serverPlatform: (Boolean)getServerItem("onHeroku") ? "Cloud" : "Local", versions: [app: appVersionFLD, server: (String)swVer?.server ?: "N/A", actions: (String)swVer?.actionApp ?: "N/A", zones: (String)swVer?.zoneApp ?: "N/A", device: (String)swVer?.echoDevice ?: "N/A", /*socket: (String)swVer?.wsDevice ?: "N/A"*/], detections: [skippedDevices: getSkippedDevsAnon()], actions: actData, zones: zoneData, counts: [ deviceStyleCnts: (Map)state.deviceStyleCnts ?: [:], appHeartbeatCnt: state.appHeartbeatCnt ?: iZ, getCookieCnt: state.getCookieCnt ?: iZ, appErrorCnt: state.appErrorCnt ?: iZ, deviceErrors: deviceErrorMap ?: [:], deviceUsage: deviceUsageMap ?: [:] ] ] String json = new JsonOutput().toJson(dataObj) // log.debug "dataObj: $dataObj" return json } catch (ex) { logError("createMetricsDataJson: Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } return sNULL } void incrementCntByKey(String key) { Long evtCnt; evtCnt = (Long)state."${key}" evtCnt = evtCnt != null ? evtCnt : 0L evtCnt++ // logTrace("${key?.toString()?.capitalize()}: $evtCnt", true) state."${key}" = evtCnt } // ****************************************** // APP/DEVICE Version Functions // ****************************************** static Boolean codeUpdIsAvail(String newVer, String curVer, String type) { Boolean result; result = false def latestVer if(newVer && curVer) { List versions = [newVer, curVer] if(newVer != curVer) { latestVer = versions?.max { a, b -> List verA = a?.tokenize('.'); List verB = b?.tokenize('.'); Integer commonIndices = Math.min(verA?.size(), verB?.size()) for (Integer i = iZ; i < commonIndices; ++i) { if(verA[i]?.toInteger() != verB[i]?.toInteger()) { return verA[i]?.toInteger() <=> verB[i]?.toInteger() } } verA?.size() <=> verB?.size() } result = (latestVer == newVer) } } return result } Boolean appUpdAvail() { return ((Map)state.appData?.versions && (String)state.codeVersions?.mainApp && codeUpdIsAvail((String)state.appData.versions?.mainApp?.ver, (String)state.codeVersions.mainApp, "main_app")) } Boolean actionUpdAvail() { return ((Map)state.appData?.versions && (String)state.codeVersions?.actionApp && codeUpdIsAvail((String)state.appData.versions?.actionApp?.ver, (String)state.codeVersions.actionApp, "action_app")) } Boolean zoneUpdAvail() { return ((Map)state.appData?.versions && (String)state.codeVersions?.zoneApp && codeUpdIsAvail((String)state.appData.versions?.zoneApp?.ver, (String)state.codeVersions.zoneApp, "zone_app")) } Boolean zoneChildDevUpdAvail() { return ((Map)state.appData?.versions && (String)state.codeVersions?.zoneEchoDevice && codeUpdIsAvail((String)state.appData.versions?.zoneChildDevice?.ver, (String)state.codeVersions.zoneEchoDevice, "zone_child_dev")) } Boolean echoDevUpdAvail() { return ((Map)state.appData?.versions && (String)state.codeVersions?.echoDevice && codeUpdIsAvail((String)state.appData.versions?.echoDevice?.ver, (String)state.codeVersions.echoDevice, "dev")) } // Boolean socketUpdAvail() { return ((Map)state.appData?.versions && (String)state.codeVersions?.wsDevice && codeUpdIsAvail((String)state.appData.versions?.wsDevice?.ver, (String)state.codeVersions.wsDevice, "socket")) } Boolean serverUpdAvail() { return ((Map)state.appData?.versions && (String)state.codeVersions?.server && codeUpdIsAvail((String)state.appData.versions?.server?.ver, (String)state.codeVersions.server, "server")) } static Integer versionStr2Int(String str) { return str ? str.replaceAll("\\.", sBLANK)?.toInteger() : null } void checkVersionData(Boolean now = false) { //This reads a JSON file from GitHub with version numbers Integer lastUpd = getLastTsValSecs("lastAppDataUpdDt") if (now || !state.appData || (lastUpd > (3600*6))) { if(now && (lastUpd < 300)) { return } getConfigData() getNoticeData() } } void getConfigData() { Map params = [ uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/${gitBranchFLD}/resources/appData.json", contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] Map data = (Map)getWebData(params, "appData", false) if(data) { state.appData = data updTsVal("lastAppDataUpdDt") logDebug("Successfully Retrieved (v${data?.appDataVer}) of AppData Content from GitHub Repo...") } } void getNoticeData() { Map params = [ uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/${gitBranchFLD}/notices.json", contentType: sAPPJSON, timeout: 20 ] Map data = (Map)getWebData(params, "noticeData", false) if(data) { state.noticeData = data logDebug("Successfully Retrieved Developer Notices from GitHub Repo...") } } private getWebData(Map params, String desc, Boolean text=true) { try { // log.trace("getWebData: ${desc} data") httpGet(params) { resp -> if(resp?.status != 200) logWarn("${resp?.status} $params") if(resp?.data) { if(text) { return resp.data.text?.toString() } return resp.data } } } catch (ex) { incrementCntByKey("appErrorCnt") if(ex instanceof groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException) { logWarn("${desc} file not found") } else { logError("getWebData(params: $params, desc: $desc, text: $text) Exception: ${ex}", false, ex) } return "${desc} info not found" } } static Map getAvailableSounds() { return getAvailableSoundsFLD } // https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/ask-soundlibrary.html // TODO: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/mobile-apps/dex/ask-tech-docs/ask-soundlibrary._TTH_.json // send this to speak command: