/** * Homebridge SmartThing Interface * Loosely Modelled off of Paul Lovelace's JSON API * Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020 Anthony Santilli */ String appVersion() { return "2.3.3" } String appModified() { return "04-28-2020" } String branch() { return "master" } String platform() { return "SmartThings" } String pluginName() { return "${platform()}-v2" } String appIconUrl() { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/homebridge-smartthings-v2/${branch()}/images/hb_tonesto7@2x.png" } String getAppImg(imgName, ext=".png") { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/homebridge-smartthings-v2/${branch()}/images/${imgName}${ext}" } Map minVersions() { return [plugin: 233] } definition( name: "Homebridge v2", namespace: "tonesto7", author: "Anthony Santilli", description: "Provides the API interface between Homebridge (HomeKit) and ${platform()}", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/homebridge-smartthings-v2/master/images/hb_tonesto7@1x.png", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/homebridge-smartthings-v2/master/images/hb_tonesto7@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/homebridge-smartthings-v2/master/images/hb_tonesto7@3x.png", oauth: true) { appSetting "devMode" appSetting "log_address" } preferences { page(name: "startPage") page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "defineDevicesPage") page(name: "deviceSelectPage") page(name: "changeLogPage") page(name: "capFilterPage") page(name: "virtDevicePage") page(name: "developmentPage") page(name: "donationPage") page(name: "historyPage") page(name: "deviceDebugPage") page(name: "settingsPage") page(name: "confirmPage") } private Map ignoreLists() { Boolean noPwr = true Boolean noEnr = true Map o = [ commands: ["indicatorWhenOn", "indicatorWhenOff", "ping", "refresh", "indicatorNever", "configure", "poll", "reset"], attributes: [ 'DeviceWatch-Enroll', 'DeviceWatch-Status', "checkInterval", "LchildVer", "FchildVer", "LchildCurr", "FchildCurr", "lightStatus", "lastFanMode", "lightLevel", "coolingSetpointRange", "heatingSetpointRange", "thermostatSetpointRange" ], evt_attributes: [ 'DeviceWatch-DeviceStatus', "DeviceWatch-Enroll", 'checkInterval', 'devTypeVer', 'dayPowerAvg', 'apiStatus', 'yearCost', 'yearUsage','monthUsage', 'monthEst', 'weekCost', 'todayUsage', 'maxCodeLength', 'maxCodes', 'readingUpdated', 'maxEnergyReading', 'monthCost', 'maxPowerReading', 'minPowerReading', 'monthCost', 'weekUsage', 'minEnergyReading', 'codeReport', 'scanCodes', 'verticalAccuracy', 'horizontalAccuracyMetric', 'altitudeMetric', 'latitude', 'distanceMetric', 'closestPlaceDistanceMetric', 'closestPlaceDistance', 'leavingPlace', 'currentPlace', 'codeChanged', 'codeLength', 'lockCodes', 'healthStatus', 'horizontalAccuracy', 'bearing', 'speedMetric', 'speed', 'verticalAccuracyMetric', 'altitude', 'indicatorStatus', 'todayCost', 'longitude', 'distance', 'previousPlace','closestPlace', 'places', 'minCodeLength', 'arrivingAtPlace', 'lastUpdatedDt', 'scheduleType', 'zoneStartDate', 'zoneElapsed', 'zoneDuration', 'watering', 'eventTime', 'eventSummary', 'endOffset', 'startOffset', 'closeTime', 'endMsgTime', 'endMsg', 'openTime', 'startMsgTime', 'startMsg', 'calName', "deleteInfo", "eventTitle", "floor", "sleeping", "powerSource", "batteryStatus", "LchildVer", "FchildVer", "LchildCurr", "FchildCurr", "lightStatus", "lastFanMode", "lightLevel", "coolingSetpointRange", "heatingSetpointRange", "thermostatSetpointRange", "colorName", "locationForURL", "location", "offsetNotify" ], capabilities: ["Health Check", "Ultraviolet Index", "Indicator", "Window Shade Preset"] ] if(noPwr) { o?.attributes?.push("power"); o?.evt_attributes?.push("power"); o?.capabilities?.push("Power Meter") } if(noEnr) { o?.attributes?.push("energy"); o?.evt_attributes?.push("energy"); o?.capabilities?.push("Energy Meter") } return o } def startPage() { if(!getAccessToken()) { return dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", install: false, uninstall: true) { section() { paragraph title: "OAuth Error", "OAuth is not Enabled for ${app?.getName()}!.\n\nPlease click remove and Enable Oauth under the SmartApp App Settings in the IDE", required: true, state: null } } } else { if(!state?.installData) { state?.installData = [initVer: appVersion(), dt: getDtNow().toString(), updatedDt: getDtNow().toString(), shownDonation: false] } checkVersionData(true) if(showChgLogOk()) { return changeLogPage() } if(showDonationOk()) { return donationPage() } return mainPage() } } def mainPage() { Boolean isInst = (state?.isInstalled == true) return dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", nextPage: (isInst ? "confirmPage" : ""), install: !isInst, uninstall: true) { appInfoSect() section("Define Specific Categories:") { paragraph "Each category below will adjust the device attributes to make sure they are recognized as the desired device type under HomeKit.\nNOTICE: Don't select the same devices used here in the Select Your Devices Input below.", state: "complete" Boolean conf = (lightList || buttonList || fanList || fan3SpdList || fan4SpdList || speakerList || shadesList || garageList || tstatList || tstatHeatList) Integer fansize = (fanList?.size() ?: 0) + (fan3SpdList?.size() ?: 0) + (fan4SpdList?.size() ?: 0) String desc = "Tap to configure" if(conf) { desc = "" desc += lightList ? "(${lightList?.size()}) Light Devices\n" : "" desc += buttonList ? "(${buttonList?.size()}) Button Devices\n" : "" desc += (fanList || fan3SpdList || fan4SpdList) ? "(${fansize}) Fan Devices\n" : "" desc += speakerList ? "(${speakerList?.size()}) Speaker Devices\n" : "" desc += shadesList ? "(${shadesList?.size()}) Shade Devices\n" : "" desc += garageList ? "(${garageList?.size()}) Garage Door Devices\n" : "" desc += tstatList ? "(${tstatList?.size()}) Tstat Devices\n" : "" desc += tstatHeatList ? "(${tstatHeatList?.size()}) Tstat Heat Devices\n" : "" desc += "\nTap to modify..." } href "defineDevicesPage", title: "Define Device Types", required: false, image: getAppImg("devices2"), state: (conf ? "complete" : null), description: desc } section("All Other Devices:") { Boolean conf = (sensorList || switchList || deviceList) String desc = "Tap to configure" if(conf) { desc = "" desc += sensorList ? "(${sensorList?.size()}) Sensor Devices\n" : "" desc += switchList ? "(${switchList?.size()}) Switch Devices\n" : "" desc += deviceList ? "(${deviceList?.size()}) Other Devices\n" : "" desc += "\nTap to modify..." } href "deviceSelectPage", title: "Select your Devices", required: false, image: getAppImg("devices"), state: (conf ? "complete" : null), description: desc } inputDupeValidation() section("Capability Filtering:") { Boolean conf = ( removeAcceleration || removeBattery || removeButton || removeContact || removeEnergy || removeHumidity || removeIlluminance || removeLevel || removeLock || removeMotion || removePower || removePresence || removeSwitch || removeTamper || removeTemp || removeValve ) href "capFilterPage", title: "Filter out capabilities from your devices", required: false, image: getAppImg("filter"), state: (conf ? "complete" : null), description: (conf ? "Tap to modify..." : "Tap to configure") } section("Virtual Devices:") { Boolean conf = (modeList || routineList) String desc = "Create virtual (mode, routine) devices\n\nTap to Configure..." if(conf) { desc = "" desc += modeList ? "(${modeList?.size()}) Mode Devices\n" : "" desc += routineList ? "(${routineList?.size()}) Routine Devices\n" : "" desc += "\nTap to modify..." } href "virtDevicePage", title: "Configure Virtual Devices", required: false, image: getAppImg("devices"), state: (conf ? "complete" : null), description: desc } section("Smart Home Monitor (SHM):") { paragraph title:"NOTICE:", "This will not work with the New SmartThings Home Monitor (Under the new mobile app). If you are using the new STHM please disable the setting below." input "addSecurityDevice", "bool", title: "Allow SHM Control in HomeKit?", required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("alarm_home") } section("Plugin Options & Review:") { // paragraph "Turn off if you are having issues sending commands" // input "sendCmdViaHubaction", "bool", title: "Send HomeKit Commands Locally?", required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("command") input "temp_unit", "enum", title: "Temperature Unit?", required: true, defaultValue: location?.temperatureScale, options: ["F":"Fahrenheit", "C":"Celcius"], submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("command") Integer devCnt = getDeviceCnt() href url: getAppEndpointUrl("config"), style: "embedded", required: false, title: "Render the platform data for Homebridge config.json", description: "Tap, select, copy, then click \"Done\"", state: "complete", image: getAppImg("info") if(devCnt > 148) { paragraph "Notice:\nHomebridge Allows for 149 Devices per Bridge!!!", image: getAppImg("error"), state: null, required: true } paragraph "Devices Selected: (${devCnt})", image: getAppImg("info"), state: "complete" } section("History and Device Data:") { href "historyPage", title: "Command and Event History", image: getAppImg("backup") href "deviceDebugPage", title: "Device Data Viewer", image: getAppImg("debug") } section("App Preferences:") { def sDesc = getSetDesc() href "settingsPage", title: "App Settings", description: sDesc, state: (sDesc?.endsWith("modify...") ? "complete" : null), required: false, image: getAppImg("settings") label title: "App Label (optional)", description: "Rename this App", defaultValue: app?.name, required: false, image: getAppImg("name_tag") } if(devMode()) { section("Dev Mode Options") { input "sendViaNgrok", "bool", title: "Communicate with Plugin via Ngrok Http?", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("command") if(sendViaNgrok) { input "ngrokHttpUrl", "text", title: "Enter the ngrok code from the url", required: true, submitOnChange: true } } section("Other Settings:") { input "restartService", "bool", title: "Restart Homebridge plugin when you press Save?", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("reset") } } clearTestDeviceItems() } } def deviceValidationErrors() { /* NOTE: Determine what we require to determine the thermostat a thermostat so we can support devices like Flair which are custom heat-only thermostats. */ Map reqs = [ tstat: [ c:["Thermostat Operating State"], a: [r: ["thermostatOperatingState"], o: ["heatingSetpoint", "coolingSetpoint"]] ], tstat_heat: [ c: ["Thermostat Operating State"], a: [ r: ["thermostatOperatingState", "heatingSetpoint"], o: [] ] ] ] // if(tstatHeatList || tstatList) {} return reqs } def defineDevicesPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "defineDevicesPage", title: "", install: false, uninstall: false) { section("Define Specific Categories:") { paragraph "NOTE: Please do not select a device here and then again in another input below." paragraph "Each category below will adjust the device attributes to make sure they are recognized as the desired device type under HomeKit", state: "complete" input "lightList", "capability.switch", title: "Lights: (${lightList ? lightList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("light_on") input "garageList", "capability.garageDoorControl", title: "Garage Doors: (${garageList ? garageList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("garage_door") input "buttonList", "capability.button", title: "Buttons: (${buttonList ? buttonList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("button") input "speakerList", "capability.switch", title: "Speakers: (${speakerList ? speakerList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("media_player") input "shadesList", "capability.windowShade", title: "Window Shades: (${shadesList ? shadesList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("window_shade") } section("Fans") { input "fanList", "capability.switch", title: "Fans: (${fanList ? fanList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("fan_on") input "fan3SpdList", "capability.switch", title: "Fans (3 Speeds): (${fan3SpdList ? fan3SpdList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("fan_on") input "fan4SpdList", "capability.switch", title: "Fans (4 Speeds): (${fan4SpdList ? fan4SpdList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("fan_on") } section("Thermostats") { input "tstatList", "capability.thermostat", title: "Thermostats: (${tstatList ? tstatList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("thermostat") input "tstatHeatList", "capability.thermostat", title: "Heat Only Thermostats: (${tstatHeatList ? tstatHeatList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("thermostat") } } } def deviceSelectPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "deviceSelectPage", title: "", install: false, uninstall: false) { section("All Other Devices:") { input "sensorList", "capability.sensor", title: "Sensors: (${sensorList ? sensorList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("sensors") input "switchList", "capability.switch", title: "Switches: (${switchList ? switchList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("switch") input "deviceList", "capability.refresh", title: "Others: (${deviceList ? deviceList?.size() : 0} Selected)", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("devices2") } } } def settingsPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "settingsPage", title: "", install: false, uninstall: false) { section("Logging:") { input "showEventLogs", "bool", title: "Show Events in Live Logs?", required: false, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("debug") input "showDebugLogs", "bool", title: "Debug Logging?", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("debug") } section("Reset Token:") { paragraph title: "What This?", "This will allow you to clear you existing and auth_token and force a new one to be created" input "resetAppToken", "bool", title: "Revoke and Recreate Access Token?", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("reset") if(settings?.resetAppToken) { settingUpdate("resetAppToken", "false", "bool"); resetAppToken() } } } } private resetAppToken() { logWarn("resetAppToken | Current Access Token Removed...") state.remove("accessToken") if(getAccessToken()) { logInfo("resetAppToken | New Access Token Created...") } } private resetCapFilters() { List items = settings?.each?.findAll { it?.key?.startsWith("remove") }?.collect { it?.key as String } if(items?.size()) { items?.each { item-> settingRemove(item) } } } private inputDupeValidation() { Map clnUp = [d: [:], o: [:]] Map items = [ d: ["fanList": "Fans", "fan3SpdList": "Fans (3-Speed)", "fan4SpdList": "Fans (4-Speed)", "buttonList": "Buttons", "lightList": "Lights", "shadesList": "Window Shadse", "speakerList": "Speakers", "garageList": "Garage Doors", "tstatList": "Thermostat", "tstatHeatList": "Thermostat (Heat Only)" ], o: ["deviceList": "Other", "sensorList": "Sensor", "switchList": "Switch"] ] items?.d?.each { k, v-> List priItems = (settings?."${k}"?.size()) ? settings?."${k}"?.collect { it?.getLabel() } : null if(priItems) { items?.d?.each { k2, v2-> List secItems = (settings?."${k2}"?.size()) ? settings?."${k2}"?.collect { it?.getLabel() } : null if(k != k2 && secItems) { secItems?.retainAll(priItems) if(secItems?.size()) { clnUp?.d[k2] = clnUp?.d[k2] ?: [] clnUp?.d[k2] = (clnUp?.d[k2] + secItems)?.unique() } } } items?.o?.each { k2, v2-> List secItems = (settings?."${k2}"?.size()) ? settings?."${k2}"?.collect { it?.getLabel() } : null if(secItems) { secItems?.retainAll(priItems) if(secItems?.size()) { clnUp?.o[k2] = clnUp?.o[k2] ?: [] clnUp?.o[k2] = (clnUp?.o[k2] + secItems)?.unique() } } } } } String out = "" Boolean show = false Boolean first = true if(clnUp?.d?.size()) { show=true clnUp?.d?.each { k,v-> out += "${first ? "" : "\n"}${items?.d[k]}:\n " out += v?.join("\n ") + "\n" first = false } } if(clnUp?.o?.size()) { show=true clnUp?.o?.each { k,v-> out += "${first ? "" : "\n"}${items?.o[k]}:\n " out += v?.join("\n ") + "\n" first = false } } if(show && out) { section("Duplicate Device Validation:") { paragraph title: "Duplicate Devices Found in these Inputs:", out + "\nPlease remove these duplicate items!", required: true, state: null } } } String getSetDesc() { def s = [] if(settings?.showEventLogs == true) s?.push("\u2022 Device Event Logs") if(settings?.showDebugLogs == true) s?.push("\u2022 Debug Logging") return s?.size() ? "${s?.join("\n")}\n\nTap to modify..." : "Tap to configure..." } def historyPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "historyPage", title: "", install: false, uninstall: false) { List cHist = getCmdHistory()?.sort {it?.dt}?.reverse() List eHist = getEvtHistory()?.sort {it?.dt}?.reverse() section("Last (${cHist?.size()}) Commands:") { if(cHist?.size()) { cHist?.each { c-> paragraph title: c?.dt, "Device: ${c?.data?.device}\nCommand: (${c?.data?.cmd})${c?.data?.value1 ? "\nValue1: (${c?.data?.value1})" : ""}${c?.data?.value2 ? "\nValue2: (${c?.data?.value2})" : ""}", state: "complete" } } else {paragraph "No Command History Found..." } } section("Last (${eHist?.size()}) Events:") { if(eHist?.size()) { eHist?.each { h-> paragraph title: h?.dt, "Device: ${h?.data?.device}\nEvent: (${h?.data?.name})${h?.data?.value ? "\nValue: (${h?.data?.value})" : ""}", state: "complete" } } else {paragraph "No Event History Found..." } } } } def capFilterPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "capFilterPage", title: "Filter out capabilities", install: false, uninstall: false) { section("Restrict Temp Device Creation") { input "noTemp", "bool", title: "Remove Temp from All Contacts and Water Sensors?", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if(settings?.noTemp) { input "sensorAllowTemp", "capability.sensor", title: "Allow Temp on these Sensors", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("temperature") } } section("Remove Capabilities from Devices") { paragraph "This will allow you to filter out certain capabilities from creating unwanted devices under HomeKit" input "removeAcceleration", "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Remove Acceleration from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("acceleration") input "removeBattery", "capability.battery", title: "Remove Battery from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("battery") input "removeButton", "capability.button", title: "Remove Buttons from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("button") input "removeContact", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Remove Contact from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("contact") // input "removeEnergy", "capability.energyMeter", title: "Remove Energy Meter from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("power") input "removeHumidity", "capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement", title: "Remove Humidity from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("humidity") input "removeIlluminance", "capability.illuminanceMeasurement", title: "Remove Illuminance from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("illuminance") input "removeLevel", "capability.switchLevel", title: "Remove Level from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("speed_knob") input "removeLock", "capability.lock", title: "Remove Lock from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("lock") input "removeMotion", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Remove Motion from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("motion") // input "removePower", "capability.powerMeter", title: "Remove Power Meter from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("power") input "removePresence", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Remove Presence from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("presence") input "removeSwitch", "capability.switch", title: "Remove Switch from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("switch") input "removeTamper", "capability.tamperAlert", title: "Remove Tamper from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("tamper") input "removeTemp", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Remove Temperature from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("temperature") input "removeValve", "capability.valve", title: "Remove Valve from these Devices", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("valve") } section("Filter Reset:", hideable: true, hidden: true) { input "resetCapFilters", "bool", title: "Clear All Selected Removal Filters?", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("reset") if(settings?.resetCapFilters) { settingUpdate("resetCapFilters", "false", "bool"); resetCapFilters() } } } } def virtDevicePage() { return dynamicPage(name: "virtDevicePage", title: "", install: false, uninstall: false) { section("Create Devices for Modes in HomeKit?") { paragraph title: "What are these for?", "A virtual switch will be created for each mode in HomeKit.\nThe switch will be ON when that mode is active.", state: "complete", image: getAppImg("info") def modes = location?.modes?.sort{it?.name}?.collect { [(it?.id):it?.name] } input "modeList", "enum", title: "Create Devices for these Modes", required: false, multiple: true, options: modes, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("mode") } section("Create Devices for Routines in HomeKit?") { paragraph title: "What are these?", "A virtual device will be created for each routine in HomeKit.\nThese are very useful for use in Home Kit scenes", state: "complete", image: getAppImg("info") def routines = location.helloHome?.getPhrases()?.sort { it?.label }?.collect { [(it?.id):it?.label] } input "routineList", "enum", title: "Create Devices for these Routines", required: false, multiple: true, options: routines, submitOnChange: true, image: getAppImg("routine") } } } def donationPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "donationPage", title: "", nextPage: "mainPage", install: false, uninstall: false) { section("") { def str = "" str += "Hello User, \n\nPlease forgive the interuption but it's been 30 days since you installed/updated this SmartApp and I wanted to present you with this one time reminder that donations are accepted (We do not require them)." str += "\n\nIf you have been enjoying the software and devices please remember that we have spent thousand's of hours of our spare time working on features and stability for those applications and devices." str += "\n\nIf you have already donated, thank you very much for your support!" str += "\n\nIf you are just not interested or have already donated please ignore this message and toggle the setting below" str += "\n\nThanks again for using Homebridge SmartThings" paragraph str, required: true, state: null input "sentDonation", "bool", title: "Already Donated?", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true href url: textDonateLink(), style: "external", required: false, title: "Donations", description: "Tap to open in browser", state: "complete", image: getAppImg("donate") } updInstData("shownDonation", true) } } def confirmPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "confirmPage", title: "Confirmation Page", install: true, uninstall:true) { section() { paragraph "Restarting the service is no longer required to apply any device changes under homekit.\n\nThe service will refresh your devices about 15-20 seconds after Pressing Done/Save.", state: "complete", image: getAppImg("info") } } } def deviceDebugPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "deviceDebugPage", title: "", install: false, uninstall: false) { section("All Other Devices:") { paragraph "Have a device that's not working under homekit like you want?\nSelect a device from one of the inputs below and it will show you all data about the device.", state: "complete", image: getAppImg("info") if(!debug_switch && !debug_other && !debug_garage && !debug_tstat) input "debug_sensor", "capability.sensor", title: "Sensors: ", multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("sensors") if(!debug_sensor && !debug_other && !debug_garage && !debug_tstat) input "debug_switch", "capability.actuator", title: "Switches: ", multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("switch") if(!debug_switch && !debug_sensor && !debug_garage && !debug_tstat) input "debug_other", "capability.refresh", title: "Others Devices: ", multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("devices2") if(!debug_sensor && !debug_other && !debug_switch) input "debug_garage", "capability.garageDoorControl", title: "Garage Doors: ", multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("garage_door") if(!debug_sensor && !debug_other && !debug_switch && !debug_garage) input "debug_tstat", "capability.thermostat", title: "Thermostats: ", multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, required: false, image: getAppImg("thermostat") if(debug_other || debug_sensor || debug_switch || debug_garage || debug_tstat) { href url: getAppEndpointUrl("deviceDebug"), style: "embedded", required: false, title: "Tap here to view Device Data...", description: "", state: "complete", image: getAppImg("info") } } } } public clearTestDeviceItems() { settingRemove("debug_sensor") settingRemove("debug_switch") settingRemove("debug_other") settingRemove("debug_garage") settingRemove("debug_tstat") } def viewDeviceDebug() { def sDev = null; if(debug_other) sDev = debug_other if(debug_sensor) sDev = debug_sensor if(debug_switch) sDev = debug_switch if(debug_garage) sDev = debug_garage if(debug_tstat) sDev = debug_tstat def json = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(getDeviceDebugMap(sDev)) def jsonStr = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().prettyPrint(json) render contentType: "application/json", data: jsonStr } def getDeviceDebugMap(dev) { def r = "No Data Returned" if(dev) { try { r = [:] r?.name = dev?.displayName?.toString()?.replaceAll("[#\$()!%&@^']", ""); r?.basename = dev?.getName(); r?.deviceid = dev?.getId(); r?.status = dev?.getStatus(); r?.manufacturer = dev?.getManufacturerName() ?: "Unknown"; r?.model = dev?.getModelName() ?: dev?.getTypeName(); r?.deviceNetworkId = dev?.getDeviceNetworkId(); r?.lastActivity = dev?.getLastActivity() ?: null; r?.capabilities = dev?.capabilities?.collect { it?.name as String }?.unique()?.sort() ?: []; r?.commands = dev?.supportedCommands?.collect { it?.name as String }?.unique()?.sort() ?: []; r?.customflags = getDeviceFlags(dev) ?: []; r?.attributes = [:]; r?.eventHistory = dev?.eventsSince(new Date() - 1, [max: 20])?.collect { "${it?.date} | [${it?.name}] | (${it?.value}${it?.unit ? " ${it?.unit}" : ""})" }; dev?.supportedAttributes?.collect { it?.name as String }?.unique()?.sort()?.each { r?.attributes[it] = dev?.currentValue(it as String); }; } catch(ex) { logError("Error while generating device data: ", ex); } } return r } def getDeviceCnt(phyOnly=false) { List devices = [] List items = deviceSettingKeys()?.collect { it?.key as String } items?.each { item -> if(settings[item]?.size() > 0) devices = devices + settings[item] } if(!phyOnly) { ["modeList", "routineList"]?.each { item-> if(settings[item]?.size() > 0) devices = devices + settings[item] } } return devices?.unique()?.size() ?: 0 } def installed() { logDebug("${app.name} | installed() has been called...") state?.isInstalled = true state?.installData = [initVer: appVersion(), dt: getDtNow().toString(), updatedDt: "Not Set", showDonation: false, shownChgLog: true] initialize() } def updated() { logDebug("${app.name} | updated() has been called...") state?.isInstalled = true if(!state?.installData) { state?.installData = [initVer: appVersion(), dt: getDtNow().toString(), updatedDt: getDtNow().toString(), shownDonation: false] } unsubscribe() stateCleanup() initialize() } def initialize() { if(getAccessToken()) { subscribeToEvts() runEvery5Minutes("healthCheck") } else { logError("initialize error: Unable to get or generate smartapp access token") } } def getAccessToken() { try { if(!atomicState?.accessToken) { atomicState?.accessToken = createAccessToken(); logWarn("SmartApp Access Token Missing... Generating New Token!!!") return true; } return true } catch (ex) { def msg = "Error: OAuth is not Enabled for ${appName()}!. Please click remove and Enable Oauth under the SmartApp App Settings in the IDE" logError("getAccessToken Exception: ${msg}") return false } } private subscribeToEvts() { runIn(4, "registerDevices") logInfo("Starting Device Subscription Process") if(settings?.addSecurityDevice) { subscribe(location, "alarmSystemStatus", changeHandler) } if(settings?.modeList) { logDebug("Registering (${settings?.modeList?.size() ?: 0}) Virtual Mode Devices") subscribe(location, "mode", changeHandler) if(state?.lastMode == null) { state?.lastMode = location?.mode?.toString() } } state?.subscriptionRenewed = 0 subscribe(app, onAppTouch) if(settings?.sendCmdViaHubaction != false) { subscribe(location, null, lanEventHandler, [filterEvents:false]) } if(settings?.routineList) { logDebug("Registering (${settings?.routineList?.size() ?: 0}) Virtual Routine Devices") subscribe(location, "routineExecuted", changeHandler) } } private healthCheck() { checkVersionData() if(checkIfCodeUpdated()) { logWarn("Code Version Change Detected... Health Check will occur on next cycle.") return } } private checkIfCodeUpdated() { logDebug("Code versions: ${state?.codeVersions}") if(state?.codeVersions) { if(state?.codeVersions?.mainApp != appVersion()) { checkVersionData(true) state?.pollBlocked = true updCodeVerMap("mainApp", appVersion()) Map iData = atomicState?.installData ?: [:] iData["updatedDt"] = getDtNow().toString() iData["shownChgLog"] = false if(iData?.shownDonation == null) { iData["shownDonation"] = false } atomicState?.installData = iData logInfo("Code Version Change Detected... | Re-Initializing SmartApp in 5 seconds") return true } } return false } private stateCleanup() { List removeItems = [] if(state?.directIP && state?.directPort) { state?.pluginDetails = [ directIP: state?.directIP, directPort: state?.directPort ] removeItems?.push("directIP") removeItems?.push("directPort") } removeItems?.each { if(state?.containsKey(it)) state?.remove(it) } } def onAppTouch(event) { updated() } def renderDevices() { Map devMap = [:] List devList = [] List items = deviceSettingKeys()?.collect { it?.key as String } items = items+["modeList", "routineList"] items?.each { item -> if(settings[item]?.size()) { settings[item]?.each { dev-> try { Map devObj = getDeviceData(item, dev) ?: [:] if(devObj?.size()) { devMap[dev] = devObj } } catch (e) { logError("Device (${dev?.displayName}) Render Exception: ${ex.message}") } } } } if(settings?.addSecurityDevice == true) { devList?.push(getSecurityDevice()) } if(devMap?.size()) { devMap?.sort{ it?.value?.name }?.each { k,v-> devList?.push(v) } } return devList } def getDeviceData(type, sItem) { // log.debug "getDeviceData($type, $sItem)" String curType = null String devId = sItem Boolean isVirtual = false String firmware = null String name = null Map optFlags = [:] def attrVal = null def obj = null switch(type) { case "routineList": isVirtual = true curType = "Routine" optFlags["virtual_routine"] = 1 obj = getRoutineById(sItem) if(obj) { name = "Routine - " + obj?.label attrVal = "off" } break case "modeList": isVirtual = true curType = "Mode" optFlags["virtual_mode"] = 1 obj = getModeById(sItem) if(obj) { name = "Mode - " + obj?.name attrVal = modeSwitchState(obj?.name) } break default: curType = "device" obj = sItem // Define firmware variable and initialize it out of device handler attribute` try { if (sItem?.hasAttribute("firmware")) { firmware = sItem?.currentValue("firmware")?.toString() } } catch (ex) { firmware = null } break } if(curType && obj) { return [ name: !isVirtual ? sItem?.displayName?.toString()?.replaceAll("[#\$()!%&@^']", "") : name?.toString()?.replaceAll("[#\$()!%&@^']", ""), basename: !isVirtual ? sItem?.name : name, deviceid: !isVirtual ? sItem?.id : devId, status: !isVirtual ? sItem?.status : "Online", manufacturerName: (!isVirtual ? sItem?.getManufacturerName() : pluginName()) ?: pluginName(), modelName: !isVirtual ? (sItem?.getModelName() ?: sItem?.getTypeName()) : "${curType} Device", serialNumber: !isVirtual ? sItem?.getDeviceNetworkId() : "${curType}${devId}", firmwareVersion: firmware ?: "1.0.0", lastTime: !isVirtual ? (sItem?.getLastActivity() ?: null) : now(), capabilities: !isVirtual ? deviceCapabilityList(sItem) : ["${curType}": 1], commands: !isVirtual ? deviceCommandList(sItem) : [on: 1], deviceflags: !isVirtual ? getDeviceFlags(sItem) : optFlags, attributes: !isVirtual ? deviceAttributeList(sItem) : ["switch": attrVal] ] } return null } String modeSwitchState(String mode) { return location?.mode?.toString() == mode ? "on" : "off" } def getSecurityDevice() { return [ name: "Security Alarm", basename: "Security Alarm", deviceid: "alarmSystemStatus_${location?.id}", status: "ACTIVE", manufacturerName: pluginName(), modelName: "Security System", serialNumber: "SHM", firmwareVersion: "1.0.0", lastTime: null, capabilities: ["Alarm System Status": 1, "Alarm": 1], commands: [], attributes: ["alarmSystemStatus": getSecurityStatus()] ] } def getDeviceFlags(device) { Map opts = [:] if(settings?.fan3SpdList?.find { it?.id == device?.id }) { opts["fan_3_spd"] = 1 } if(settings?.fan4SpdList?.find { it?.id == device?.id }) { opts["fan_4_spd"] = 1 } // if(opts?.size()) log.debug "opts: ${opts}" return opts } def findDevice(dev_id) { List allDevs = [] deviceSettingKeys()?.collect { it?.key as String }?.each { key-> allDevs = allDevs + (settings?."${key}" ?: []) } return allDevs?.find { it?.id == dev_id } ?: null } def authError() { return [error: "Permission denied"] } def getSecurityStatus(retInt=false) { def cur = location.currentState("alarmSystemStatus")?.value def inc = getShmIncidents() if(inc != null && inc?.size()) { cur = 'alarm_active' } if(retInt) { switch (cur) { case 'stay': return 0 case 'away': return 1 case 'night': return 2 case 'off': return 3 case 'alarm_active': return 4 } } else { return cur ?: "disarmed" } } private setSecurityMode(mode) { logInfo("Setting the Smart Home Monitor Mode to (${mode})...") sendLocationEvent(name: 'alarmSystemStatus', value: mode.toString()) } def renderConfig() { Map jsonMap = [ platform: pluginName(), name: pluginName(), app_url: apiServerUrl("/api/smartapps/installations/"), app_id: app?.getId(), access_token: atomicState?.accessToken, temperature_unit: settings?.temp_unit ?: location?.temperatureScale, validateTokenId: false, logConfig: [ debug: false, showChanges: true, hideTimestamp: false, hideNamePrefix: false, file: [ enabled: true ] ] ] def configJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(jsonMap) def configString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().prettyPrint(configJson) render contentType: "text/plain", data: configString } def renderLocation() { return [ latitude: location?.latitude, longitude: location?.longitude, mode: location?.mode, name: location?.name, temperature_scale: settings?.temp_unit ?: location?.temperatureScale, zip_code: location?.zipCode, hubIP: location?.hubs[0]?.localIP, local_commands: false, //(settings?.sendCmdViaHubaction != false), app_version: appVersion() ] } def CommandReply(statusOut, messageOut) { def replyJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([status: statusOut, message: messageOut]) render contentType: "application/json", data: replyJson } private getHttpHeaders(headers) { def obj = [:] new String(headers.decodeBase64()).split("\r\n")?.each {param -> def nameAndValue = param.split(":") obj[nameAndValue[0]] = (nameAndValue.length == 1) ? "" : nameAndValue[1].trim() } return obj } def lanEventHandler(evt) { // log.trace "lanEventHandler..." try { def evtData = parseLanMessage(evt?.description?.toString()) Map headers = evtData?.headers def slurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper() def body = evtData?.body ? slurper?.parseText(evtData?.body as String) : null // log.trace "lanEventHandler... | headers: ${headerMap}" // log.debug "headers: $headers" // log.debug "body: $body" Map msgData = [:] if (headers?.size()) { String evtSrc = (headers?.evtsource || body?.evtsource) ? (headers?.evtsource ?: body?.evtsource) : null if (evtSrc && evtSrc?.startsWith("Homebridge_${pluginName()}_${app?.getId()}")) { String evtType = (headers?.evttype || body?.evttype) ? (headers?.evttype ?: body?.evttype) : null if (body && evtType) { switch(evtType) { case "hkCommand": // log.trace "hkCommand($msgData)" def val1 = body?.values?.value1 ?: null def val2 = body?.values?.value2 ?: null processCmd(body?.deviceid, body?.command, val1, val2, true) break case "enableDirect": // log.trace "enableDirect($msgData)" state?.pluginDetails = [ directIP: body?.ip, directPort: body?.port, version: body?.version ?: null ] updCodeVerMap("plugin", body?.version ?: null) activateDirectUpdates(true) break case "attrUpdStatus": // if(body?.evtStatus && body?.evtStatus != "OK") { log.warn "Attribute Update Failed | Device: ${body?.evtDevice} | Attribute: ${body?.evtAttr}" } break default: break } } } } } catch (ex) { logError "lanEventHandler Exception:", ex } } def deviceCommand() { // log.info("Command Request: $params") def val1 = request?.JSON?.value1 ?: null def val2 = request?.JSON?.value2 ?: null processCmd(params?.id, params?.command, val1, val2) } private processCmd(devId, cmd, value1, value2, local=false) { logInfo("Process Command${local ? "(LOCAL)" : ""} | DeviceId: $devId | Command: ($cmd)${value1 ? " | Param1: ($value1)" : ""}${value2 ? " | Param2: ($value2)" : ""}") def device = findDevice(devId) def command = cmd if(settings?.addSecurityDevice != false && devId == "alarmSystemStatus_${location?.id}") { setSecurityMode(command) CommandReply("Success", "Security Alarm, Command $command") } else if (settings?.modeList && command == "mode" && devId) { logDebug("Virtual Mode Received: ${devId}") changeMode(devId) CommandReply("Success", "Mode Device, Command $command") } else if (settings?.routineList && command == "routine" && devId) { logDebug("Virtual Routine Received: ${devId}") runRoutine(devId) CommandReply("Success", "Routine Device, Command $command") } else { if (!device) { logError("Device Not Found") CommandReply("Failure", "Device Not Found") } else if (!device?.hasCommand(command as String)) { logError("Device ${device.displayName} does not have the command $command") CommandReply("Failure", "Device ${device.displayName} does not have the command $command") } else { try { if (value2 != null) { device?."$command"(value1,value2) logInfo("Command Successful for Device ${device.displayName} | Command ${command}($value1, $value2)") } else if (value1 != null) { device?."$command"(value1) logInfo("Command Successful for Device ${device.displayName} | Command ${command}($value1)") } else { device?."$command"() logInfo("Command Successful for Device ${device.displayName} | Command ${command}()") } CommandReply("Success", "Device ${device.displayName} | Command ${command}()") logCmd([cmd: command, device: device?.displayName, value1: value1, value2: value2]) } catch (e) { logError("Error Occurred for Device ${device.displayName} | Command ${command}()") CommandReply("Failure", "Error Occurred For Device ${device.displayName} | Command ${command}()") } } } } def changeMode(modeId) { if(modeId) { def mode = findVirtModeDevice(modeId) if(mode) { logInfo("Setting the Location Mode to (${mode})...") setLocationMode(mode) state?.lastMode = mode } else { logError("Unable to find a matching mode for the id: ${modeId}") } } } def runRoutine(rtId) { if(rtId) { def rt = findVirtRoutineDevice(rtId) if(rt?.label) { logInfo("Executing the (${rt?.label}) Routine...") location?.helloHome?.execute(rt?.label) } else { logError("Unable to find a matching routine for the id: ${rtId}") } } } def deviceAttribute() { def device = findDevice(params?.id) def attribute = params?.attribute if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { return [currentValue: device?.currentValue(attribute)] } } def findVirtModeDevice(id) { return getModeById(id) ?: null } def findVirtRoutineDevice(id) { return getRoutineById(id) ?: null } def deviceQuery() { log.trace "deviceQuery(${params?.id}" def device = findDevice(params?.id) if (!device) { def mode = findVirtModeDevice(params?.id) def routine = findVirtModeDevice(params?.id) def obj = mode ? mode : routine ?: null if(!obj) { device = null httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def name = routine ? obj?.label : obj?.name def type = routine ? "Routine" : "Mode" def attrVal = routine ? "off" : modeSwitchState(obj?.name) try { deviceData?.push([ name: name, deviceid: params?.id, capabilities: ["${type}": 1], commands: [on:1], attributes: ["switch": attrVal] ]) } catch (e) { logError("Error Occurred Parsing ${item} ${type} ${name}, Error: ${ex}") } } } if (result) { def jsonData = [ name: device.displayName, deviceid: device.id, capabilities: deviceCapabilityList(device), commands: deviceCommandList(device), attributes: deviceAttributeList(device) ] def resultJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(jsonData) render contentType: "application/json", data: resultJson } } def deviceCapabilityList(device) { String devId = device?.getId() def capItems = device?.capabilities?.findAll{ !(it?.name in ignoreLists()?.capabilities) }?.collectEntries { capability-> [ (capability?.name as String):1 ] } if(isDeviceInInput("lightList", device?.id)) { capItems["LightBulb"] = 1 } if(isDeviceInInput("buttonList", device?.id)) { capItems["Button"] = 1 } if(isDeviceInInput("fanList", device?.id)) { capItems["Fan"] = 1 } if(isDeviceInInput("speakerList", device?.id)) { capItems["Speaker"] = 1 } if(isDeviceInInput("shadesList", device?.id)) { capItems["Window Shade"] = 1 } if(isDeviceInInput("garageList", device?.id)) { capItems["Garage Door Control"] = 1 } if(isDeviceInInput("tstatList", device?.id)) { capItems["Thermostat"] = 1 capItems["Thermostat Operating State"] = 1 } if(isDeviceInInput("tstatHeatList", device?.id)) { capItems["Thermostat"] = 1 capItems["Thermostat Operating State"] = 1 capItems?.remove("Thermostat Cooling Setpoint") } if(settings?.noTemp && capItems["Temperature Measurement"] && (capItems["Contact Sensor"] || capItems["Water Sensor"])) { Boolean remTemp = true if(settings?.sensorAllowTemp && isDeviceInInput("sensorAllowTemp", device?.id)) remTemp = false if(remTemp) { capItems?.remove("Temperature Measurement") } } //This will filter out selected capabilities from the devices selected in filtering inputs. Map remCaps = [ "Acceleration": "Acceleration Sensor", "Battery": "Battery", "Button": "Button", "Contact": "Contact Sensor", "Energy": "Energy Meter", "Humidity": "Relative Humidity Measurement", "Illuminance": "Illuminance Measurement", "Level": "Switch Level", "Lock": "Lock", "Motion": "Motion Sensor", "Power": "Power Meter", "Presence": "Presence Sensor", "Switch": "Switch", "Tamper": "Tamper Alert", "Temp": "Temperature Measurement", "Valve": "Valve" ] List remKeys = settings?.findAll { it?.key?.toString()?.startsWith("remove") && it?.value != null }?.collect { it?.key as String } ?: [] remKeys?.each { k-> String capName = k?.replaceAll("remove", "") if(remCaps[capName] && capItems[remCaps[capName]] && isDeviceInInput(k, device?.id)) { capItems?.remove(remCaps[capName]); if(showDebugLogs) { logDebug("Filtering ${capName}"); } } } return capItems } def deviceCommandList(device) { def cmds = device?.supportedCommands?.findAll { !(it?.name in ignoreLists()?.commands) }?.collectEntries { c-> [ (c?.name): 1 ] } if(isDeviceInInput("tstatHeatList", device?.id)) { cmds?.remove("setCoolingSetpoint"); cmds?.remove("auto"); cmds?.remove("cool"); } return cmds } def deviceAttributeList(device) { def atts = device?.supportedAttributes?.findAll { !(it?.name in ignoreLists()?.attributes) }?.collectEntries { attribute-> try { [(attribute?.name): device?.currentValue(attribute?.name)] } catch(e) { [(attribute?.name): null] } } if(isDeviceInInput("tstatHeatList", device?.id)) { atts?.remove("coolingSetpoint"); atts?.remove("coolingSetpointRange"); } return atts } String getAppEndpointUrl(subPath) { return "${apiServerUrl("/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}${subPath ? "/${subPath}" : ""}?access_token=${atomicState?.accessToken}")}" } def getAllData() { state?.subscriptionRenewed = now() state?.devchanges = [] def deviceJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([location: renderLocation(), deviceList: renderDevices()]) updTsVal("lastDeviceDataQueryDt") render contentType: "application/json", data: deviceJson } def checkForMissedRegistration() { def mr = atomicState?.pendingDeviceRegistrations ?: [] } Map deviceSettingKeys() { return [ "fanList": "Fan Devices", "fan3SpdList": "Fans (3Spd) Devices", "fan4SpdList": "Fans (4Spd) Devices", "buttonList": "Button Devices", "deviceList": "Other Devices", "sensorList": "Sensor Devices", "speakerList": "Speaker Devices", "switchList": "Switch Devices", "lightList": "Light Devices", "shadesList": "Window Shade Devices", "garageList": "Garage Devices", "tstatList":"T-Stat Devices", "tstatHeatList": "T-Stat Devices (Heat)" ] } private registerDevicesTest() { def strtDt = now() Boolean done = false Boolean sched = false List keysToRegister = atomicState?.pendingDeviceRegistrations ?: [] Integer regRnd = atomicState?.pendingDeviceRegistrationRnd ?: 1 if(!keysToRegister?.size()) { deviceSettingKeys()?.each { k,v -> if(settings?."${k}"?.size()>0) keysToRegister?.push(k) } } if(keysToRegister?.size()) { List keyToRemove = [] List devItems = [] log.trace "(${keysToRegister?.size()}) Device Groups Pending Event Registration..." keysToRegister?.each { key-> if(devItems?.size() > 30) { sched = true } else { settings?."${key}"?.each { dev-> devItems?.push(dev) registerChangeHandler(dev) } keyToRemove?.push(key) } } keysToRegister -= keyToRemove if(sched) { log.trace "Device Registration Round (${regRnd}) Completed | Registered (${devItems?.size()}) Devices | Starting Next Round in 4 seconds... | Process Time: (${now()-strtDt}ms)" atomicState?.pendingDeviceRegistrations = keysToRegister atomicState?.pendingDeviceRegistrationRnd = regRnd+1 runIn(3, "registerDevices") } else { done = true log.trace "Device Registration Round (${regRnd}) Completed | Registered (${devItems?.size()}) Devices... | Process Time: (${now()-strtDt}ms)" } } if(done) { log.trace "Device Registration Process Completed | Registered (${getDeviceCnt(true)} Devices) | Process Time: (${now()-strtDt}ms) | Rounds: ${atomicState?.pendingDeviceRegistrationRnd}" log.info "-----------------------------------------------" unschedule("registerDevices") state?.remove("pendingDeviceRegistrations"); state?.remove("pendingDeviceRegistrationRnd") if(settings?.restartService == true) { logWarn("Sent Request to Homebridge Service to Stop... Service should restart automatically") attemptServiceRestart() settingUpdate("restartService", "false", "bool") } runIn(10, "updateServicePrefs") runIn(15, "sendDeviceRefreshCmd") } } def registerDevices() { //This has to be done at startup because it takes too long for a normal command. ["lightList": "Light Devices", "fanList": "Fan Devices", "fan3SpdList": "Fans (3SPD) Devices", "fan4SpdList": "Fans (4SPD) Devices", "buttonList": "Button Devices"]?.each { k,v-> logDebug("Registering (${settings?."${k}"?.size() ?: 0}) ${v}") registerChangeHandler(settings?."${k}") } runIn(3, "registerDevices2") } def registerDevices2() { //This has to be done at startup because it takes too long for a normal command. ["sensorList": "Sensor Devices", "speakerList": "Speaker Devices", "deviceList": "Other Devices"]?.each { k,v-> logDebug("Registering (${settings?."${k}"?.size() ?: 0}) ${v}") registerChangeHandler(settings?."${k}") } runIn(3, "registerDevices3") } def registerDevices3() { //This has to be done at startup because it takes too long for a normal command. ["switchList": "Switch Devices", "shadesList": "Window Shade Devices", "garageList": "Garage Door Devices", "tstatList": "Thermostat Devices", "tstatHeatList": "Thermostat (HeatOnly) Devices"]?.each { k,v-> logDebug("Registering (${settings?."${k}"?.size() ?: 0}) ${v}") registerChangeHandler(settings?."${k}") } logDebug("Registered (${getDeviceCnt(true)} Devices)") logDebug("-----------------------------------------------") if(settings?.restartService == true) { logWarn("Sent Request to Homebridge Service to Stop... Service should restart automatically") attemptServiceRestart() settingUpdate("restartService", "false", "bool") } runIn(5, "updateServicePrefs") runIn(8, "sendDeviceRefreshCmd") } Boolean isDeviceInInput(setKey, devId) { if(settings[setKey]) { return (settings[setKey]?.find { it?.getId() == devId }) } return false } def registerChangeHandler(devices, showlog=false) { devices?.each { device -> List theAtts = device?.supportedAttributes?.collect { it?.name as String }?.unique() if(showlog) { log.debug "atts: ${theAtts}" } theAtts?.each {att -> if(!(ignoreLists()?.evt_attributes?.contains(att))) { if(settings?.noTemp && att == "temperature" && (device?.hasAttribute("contact") || device?.hasAttribute("water"))) { Boolean skipAtt = true if(settings?.sensorAllowTemp) { skipAtt = isDeviceInInput('sensorAllowTemp', device?.id) } if(skipAtt) { return } } Map attMap = [ "acceleration": "Acceleration", "battery": "Battery", "button": "Button", "contact": "Contact", "energy": "Energy", "humidity": "Humidity", "illuminance": "Illuminance", "level": "Level", "lock": "Lock", "motion": "Motion", "power": "Power", "presence": "Presence", "switch": "Switch", "tamper": "Tamper", "temperature": "Temp", "valve": "Valve" ]?.each { k,v -> if(att == k && isDeviceInInput('remove${v}', device?.id)) { return } } subscribe(device, att, "changeHandler") if(showlog) { log.debug "Registering ${device?.displayName} for ${att} events" } } } } } def changeHandler(evt) { def sendItems = [] def sendNum = 1 def src = evt?.source def deviceid = evt?.deviceId def deviceName = evt?.displayName def attr = evt?.name def value = evt?.value def dt = evt?.date def sendEvt = true switch(evt?.name) { case "hsmStatus": deviceid = "alarmSystemStatus_${location?.id}" attr = "alarmSystemStatus" sendItems?.push([evtSource: src, evtDeviceName: deviceName, evtDeviceId: deviceid, evtAttr: attr, evtValue: value, evtUnit: evt?.unit ?: "", evtDate: dt]) break case "hsmAlert": if(evt?.value == "intrusion") { deviceid = "alarmSystemStatus_${location?.id}" attr = "alarmSystemStatus" value = "alarm_active" sendItems?.push([evtSource: src, evtDeviceName: deviceName, evtDeviceId: deviceid, evtAttr: attr, evtValue: value, evtUnit: evt?.unit ?: "", evtDate: dt]) } else { sendEvt = false } break case "hsmRules": case "hsmSetArm": sendEvt = false break case "alarmSystemStatus": deviceid = "alarmSystemStatus_${location?.id}" sendItems?.push([evtSource: src, evtDeviceName: deviceName, evtDeviceId: deviceid, evtAttr: attr, evtValue: value, evtUnit: evt?.unit ?: "", evtDate: dt]) break case "mode": settings?.modeList?.each { id-> def md = getModeById(id) if(md && md?.id) { sendItems?.push([evtSource: "MODE", evtDeviceName: "Mode - ${md?.name}", evtDeviceId: md?.id, evtAttr: "switch", evtValue: modeSwitchState(md?.name), evtUnit: "", evtDate: dt]) } } break case "routineExecuted": settings?.routineList?.each { id-> def rt = getRoutineById(id) if(rt && rt?.id) { sendItems?.push([evtSource: "ROUTINE", evtDeviceName: "Routine - ${rt?.label}", evtDeviceId: rt?.id, evtAttr: "switch", evtValue: "off", evtUnit: "", evtDate: dt]) } } break default: def evtData = null if(attr == "button") { evtData = parseJson(evt?.data) } sendItems?.push([evtSource: src, evtDeviceName: deviceName, evtDeviceId: deviceid, evtAttr: attr, evtValue: value, evtUnit: evt?.unit ?: "", evtDate: dt, evtData: evtData]) break } if (sendEvt && state?.pluginDetails?.directIP != "" && sendItems?.size()) { //Send Using the Direct Mechanism sendItems?.each { send-> if(settings?.showEventLogs) { String unitStr = "" switch(send?.evtAttr as String) { case "temperature": unitStr = "\u00b0${send?.evtUnit}" break case "humidity": case "level": case "battery": unitStr = "%" break case "power": unitStr = "W" break case "illuminance": unitStr = " Lux" break default: unitStr = "${send?.evtUnit}" break } logDebug("Sending${" ${send?.evtSource}" ?: ""} Event (${send?.evtDeviceName} | ${send?.evtAttr.toUpperCase()}: ${send?.evtValue}${unitStr}) ${send?.evtData ? "Data: ${send?.evtData}" : ""} to Homebridge at (${state?.pluginDetails?.directIP}:${state?.pluginDetails?.directPort})") } sendHttpPost("update", [ change_name: send?.evtDeviceName, change_device: send?.evtDeviceId, change_attribute: send?.evtAttr, change_value: send?.evtValue, change_data: send?.evtData, change_date: send?.evtDate, app_id: app?.getId(), access_token: atomicState?.accessToken ]) logEvt([name: send?.evtAttr, value: send?.evtValue, device: send?.evtDeviceName]) } } } private sendHttpGet(path, contentType) { if(settings?.sendViaNgrok && settings?.ngrokHttpUrl) { httpGet([ uri: "https://${settings?.ngrokHttpUrl}.ngrok.io", path: "/${path}", contentType: contentType ]) } else { sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(method: "GET", path: "/${path}", headers: [HOST: getServerAddress()])) } } private sendHttpPost(path, body, contentType = "application/json") { if(settings?.sendViaNgrok && settings?.ngrokHttpUrl) { Map params = [ uri: "https://${settings?.ngrokHttpUrl}.ngrok.io", path: "/${path}", contentType: contentType, body: body ] httpPost(params) } else { Map params = [ method: "POST", path: "/${path}", headers: [ HOST: getServerAddress(), 'Content-Type': contentType ], body: body ] def result = new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(params) sendHubCommand(result) } } private getServerAddress() { return "${state?.pluginDetails?.directIP}:${state?.pluginDetails?.directPort}" } def getModeById(String mId) { return location?.modes?.find{it?.id?.toString() == mId} } def getRoutineById(String rId) { return location?.helloHome?.getPhrases()?.find{it?.id == rId} } def getModeByName(String name) { return location?.modes?.find{it?.name?.toString() == name} } def getRoutineByName(String name) { return location?.helloHome?.getPhrases()?.find{it?.label == name} } def getShmIncidents() { //Thanks Adrian def incidentThreshold = now() - 604800000 return location.activeIncidents.collect{[date: it?.date?.time, title: it?.getTitle(), message: it?.getMessage(), args: it?.getMessageArgs(), sourceType: it?.getSourceType()]}.findAll{ it?.date >= incidentThreshold } ?: null } void settingUpdate(name, value, type=null) { if(name && type) { app?.updateSetting("$name", [type: "$type", value: value]) } else if (name && type == null){ app?.updateSetting(name.toString(), value) } } void settingRemove(String name) { if(name && settings?.containsKey(name as String)) { app?.deleteSetting(name as String) } } Boolean devMode() { return (appSettings?.devMode?.toString() == "true") } private activateDirectUpdates(isLocal=false) { logTrace("activateDirectUpdates: ${getServerAddress()}${isLocal ? " | (Local)" : ""}") sendHttpPost("initial", [ app_id: app?.getId(), access_token: atomicState?.accessToken ]) } private attemptServiceRestart(isLocal=false) { logTrace("attemptServiceRestart: ${getServerAddress()}${isLocal ? " | (Local)" : ""}") sendHttpPost("restart", [ app_id: app?.getId(), access_token: atomicState?.accessToken ]) } private sendDeviceRefreshCmd(isLocal=false) { logTrace("sendDeviceRefreshCmd: ${getServerAddress()}${isLocal ? " | (Local)" : ""}") sendHttpPost("refreshDevices", [ app_id: app?.getId(), access_token: atomicState?.accessToken ]) } private updateServicePrefs(isLocal=false) { logTrace("updateServicePrefs: ${getServerAddress()}${isLocal ? " | (Local)" : ""}") sendHttpPost("updateprefs", [ app_id: app?.getId(), access_token: atomicState?.accessToken, local_commands: false, //(settings?.sendCmdViaHubaction != false), local_hub_ip: location?.hubs[0]?.localIP ]) } def pluginStatus() { def body = request?.JSON; state?.pluginUpdates = [hasUpdate: (body?.hasUpdate == true), newVersion: (body?.newVersion ?: null)] if(body?.version) { updCodeVerMap("plugin", body?.version)} def resultJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([status: 'OK']) render contentType: "application/json", data: resultJson } def enableDirectUpdates() { // log.trace "enableDirectUpdates: ($params)" state?.pluginDetails = [ directIP: params?.ip, directPort: params?.port, version: params?.version ?: null ] updCodeVerMap("plugin", params?.version ?: null) activateDirectUpdates() updTsVal("lastDirectUpdsEnabled") def resultJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([status: 'OK']) render contentType: "application/json", data: resultJson } mappings { if (!params?.access_token || (params?.access_token && params?.access_token != atomicState?.accessToken)) { path("/devices") { action: [GET: "authError"] } path("/config") { action: [GET: "authError"] } path("/location") { action: [GET: "authError"] } path("/pluginStatus") { action: [POST: "authError"] } path("/:id/command/:command") { action: [POST: "authError"] } path("/:id/query") { action: [GET: "authError"] } path("/:id/attribute/:attribute") { action: [GET: "authError"] } path("/startDirect/:ip/:port/:version") { action: [GET: "authError"] } } else { path("/devices") { action: [GET: "getAllData"] } path("/config") { action: [GET: "renderConfig"] } path("/deviceDebug") { action: [GET: "viewDeviceDebug"] } path("/location") { action: [GET: "renderLocation"] } path("/pluginStatus") { action: [POST: "pluginStatus"] } path("/:id/command/:command") { action: [POST: "deviceCommand"] } path("/:id/query") { action: [GET: "deviceQuery"] } path("/:id/attribute/:attribute") { action: [GET: "deviceAttribute"] } path("/startDirect/:ip/:port/:version") { action: [POST: "enableDirectUpdates"] } } } def appInfoSect() { Map codeVer = state?.codeVersions ?: null Boolean isNote = false section() { String str = "Version: v${appVersion()}" str += state?.pluginDetails?.version ? "\nPlugin: v${state?.pluginDetails?.version}" : "" str += (state?.pluginDetails?.version && state?.pluginUpdates) ? ((state?.pluginUpdates?.hasUpdate == true) ? "\nUpdate Available: (v${state?.pluginUpdates?.newVersion})" : "") : "" href "changeLogPage", title: "${app?.name}", description: str, image: appIconUrl() Map minUpdMap = getMinVerUpdsRequired() List codeUpdItems = codeUpdateItems(true) if(minUpdMap?.updRequired && minUpdMap?.updItems?.size()) { isNote=true String str3 = "Updates Required:" minUpdMap?.updItems?.each { item-> str3 += bulletItem(str3, item) } paragraph str3, required: true, state: null paragraph "If you just updated the code please press Done/Save to let the app process the changes.", required: true, state: null } else if(codeUpdItems?.size()) { isNote=true String str2 = "Code Updates Available:" codeUpdItems?.each { item-> str2 += bulletItem(str2, item) } paragraph str2, required: true, state: null } if(!isNote) { paragraph "No Issues to Report" } } } /********************************************** APP HELPER FUNCTIONS ***********************************************/ String bulletItem(String inStr, String strVal) { return "${inStr == "" ? "" : "\n"} \u2022 ${strVal}" } String dashItem(String inStr, String strVal, newLine=false) { return "${(inStr == "" && !newLine) ? "" : "\n"} - ${strVal}" } String textDonateLink() { return "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RVFJTG8H86SK8&source=url" } Integer versionStr2Int(str) { return str ? str?.toString()?.tokenize("-")[0]?.replaceAll("\\.", "")?.toInteger() : null } String versionCleanup(str) { return str ? str?.toString()?.tokenize("-")[0] : null } Boolean codeUpdIsAvail(String newVer, String curVer, String type) { Boolean result = false def latestVer if(newVer && curVer) { newVer = versionCleanup(newVer) curVer = versionCleanup(curVer) List versions = [newVer, curVer] if(newVer != curVer) { latestVer = versions?.max { a, b -> List verA = a?.tokenize('.'); List verB = b?.tokenize('.'); Integer commonIndices = Math.min(verA?.size(), verB?.size()); for (int i = 0; i < commonIndices; ++i) { if(verA[i]?.toInteger() != verB[i]?.toInteger()) { return verA[i]?.toInteger() <=> verB[i]?.toInteger() }; } verA?.size() <=> verB?.size() } result = (latestVer == newVer) } } return result } Boolean appUpdAvail() { return (state?.appData?.versions && state?.codeVersions?.mainApp && codeUpdIsAvail(state?.appData?.versions?.mainApp, appVersion(), "main_app")) } Boolean pluginUpdAvail() { return (state?.appData?.versions && state?.codeVersions?.plugin && codeUpdIsAvail(state?.appData?.versions?.plugin, state?.codeVersions?.plugin, "plugin")) } private Map getMinVerUpdsRequired() { Boolean updRequired = false List updItems = [] Map codeItems = [plugin: "Homebridge Plugin"] Map codeVers = state?.codeVersions ?: [:] codeVers?.each { k,v-> try { if(codeItems?.containsKey(k as String) && v != null && (versionStr2Int(v) < minVersions()[k as String])) { updRequired = true; updItems?.push(codeItems[k]); } } catch (ex) { logError("getMinVerUpdsRequired Error: ${ex}") } } return [updRequired: updRequired, updItems: updItems] } private List codeUpdateItems(shrt=false) { Boolean appUpd = appUpdAvail() Boolean plugUpd = pluginUpdAvail() List updItems = [] if(appUpd || servUpd) { if(appUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\nHomebridge " : ""}App: (v${state?.appData?.versions?.mainApp?.toString()})") if(plugUpd) updItems.push("${!shrt ? "\n" : ""}Plugin: (v${state?.appData?.versions?.server?.toString()})") } return updItems } Integer getLastTsValSecs(val, nullVal=1000000) { def tsMap = atomicState?.tsDtMap return (val && tsMap && tsMap[val]) ? GetTimeDiffSeconds(tsMap[val]).toInteger() : nullVal } private updTsVal(key, dt=null) { def data = atomicState?.tsDtMap ?: [:] if(key) { data[key] = dt ?: getDtNow() } atomicState?.tsDtMap = data } private remTsVal(key) { def data = atomicState?.tsDtMap ?: [:] if(key) { if(key instanceof List) { key?.each { k-> if(data?.containsKey(k)) { data?.remove(k) } } } else { if(data?.containsKey(key)) { data?.remove(key) } } atomicState?.tsDtMap = data } } private getTsVal(val) { def tsMap = atomicState?.tsDtMap if(val && tsMap && tsMap[val]) { return tsMap[val] } return null } private updCodeVerMap(key, val) { Map cv = atomicState?.codeVersions ?: [:] if(val && (!cv.containsKey(key) || (cv?.containsKey(key) && cv[key] != val))) { cv[key as String] = val } if (cv?.containsKey(key) && val == null) { cv?.remove(key) } atomicState?.codeVersions = cv } private cleanUpdVerMap() { Map cv = atomicState?.codeVersions ?: [:] cv?.each { k, v-> if(v == null) ri?.push(k) } ri?.each { cv?.remove(it) } atomicState?.codeVersions = cv } private updInstData(key, val) { Map iData = atomicState?.installData ?: [:] iData[key] = val atomicState?.installData = iData } private getInstData(key) { def iMap = atomicState?.installData if(val && iMap && iMap[val]) { return iMap[val] } return null } private checkVersionData(now = false) { //This reads a JSON file from GitHub with version numbers def lastUpd = getLastTsValSecs("lastAppDataUpdDt") if (now || !state?.appData || (lastUpd > (3600*6))) { if(now && (lastUpd < 300)) { return } getConfigData() } } private getConfigData() { Map params = [ uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/homebridge-smartthings-v2/master/appData.json", contentType: "application/json" ] def data = getWebData(params, "appData", false) if(data) { state?.appData = data updTsVal("lastAppDataUpdDt") logDebug("Successfully Retrieved (v${data?.appDataVer}) of AppData Content from GitHub Repo...") } } private getWebData(params, desc, text=true) { try { httpGet(params) { resp -> if(resp?.data) { if(text) { return resp?.data?.text.toString() } return resp?.data } } } catch (ex) { incrementCntByKey("appErrorCnt") if(ex instanceof groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException) { logWarn("${desc} file not found") } else { logError("getWebData(params: $params, desc: $desc, text: $text) Exception: ${ex}") } return "${label} info not found" } } /****************************************** | DATE | TIME HELPERS ******************************************/ def formatDt(dt, tzChg=true) { def tf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy") if(tzChg) { if(location.timeZone) { tf.setTimeZone(location?.timeZone) } } return tf?.format(dt) } def getDtNow() { def now = new Date() return formatDt(now) } def GetTimeDiffSeconds(lastDate, sender=null) { try { if(lastDate?.contains("dtNow")) { return 10000 } def now = new Date() def lastDt = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", lastDate) def start = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", formatDt(lastDt)).getTime() def stop = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", formatDt(now)).getTime() def diff = (int) (long) (stop - start) / 1000 return diff?.abs() } catch (ex) { logError("GetTimeDiffSeconds Exception: (${sender ? "$sender | " : ""}lastDate: $lastDate): ${ex}") return 10000 } } /****************************************** | Changelog Logic ******************************************/ Boolean showDonationOk() { return (state?.isInstalled && !atomicState?.installData?.shownDonation && getDaysSinceUpdated() >= 30 && !settings?.sentDonation) } Integer getDaysSinceUpdated() { def updDt = atomicState?.installData?.updatedDt ?: null if(updDt == null || updDt == "Not Set") { updInstData("updatedDt", getDtNow().toString()) return 0 } def start = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", updDt) def stop = new Date() if(start && stop) { return (stop - start) } return 0 } String changeLogData() { return getWebData([uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/homebridge-smartthings-v2/master/CHANGELOG-app.md", contentType: "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"], "changelog") } Boolean showChgLogOk() { return (state?.isInstalled && (state?.curAppVer != appVersion() || state?.installData?.shownChgLog != true)) } def changeLogPage() { def execTime = now() return dynamicPage(name: "changeLogPage", title: "", nextPage: "mainPage", install: false) { section() { paragraph title: "Release Notes", "", state: "complete", image: getAppImg("change_log") paragraph changeLogData() } state?.curAppVer = appVersion() updInstData("shownChgLog", true) } } Integer stateSize() { def j = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(state); return j?.toString().length(); } Integer stateSizePerc() { return (int) ((stateSize() / 100000)*100).toDouble().round(0); } private addToHistory(String logKey, data, Integer max=10) { Boolean ssOk = (stateSizePerc() > 70) List eData = atomicState[logKey as String] ?: [] if(eData?.find { it?.data == data }) { return; } eData?.push([dt: getDtNow(), data: data]) if(!ssOk || eData?.size() > max) { eData = eData?.drop( (eData?.size()-max) ) } atomicState[logKey as String] = eData } private logDebug(msg) { if(showDebugLogs) { logToServer(msg, "debug"); log.debug "Homebridge (v${appVersion()}) | ${msg}"; } } private logInfo(msg) { logToServer(msg, "info"); log.info " Homebridge (v${appVersion()}) | ${msg}"; } private logTrace(msg) { logToServer(msg, "trace"); log.trace "Homebridge (v${appVersion()}) | ${msg}"; } private logWarn(msg) { logToServer(msg, "warn"); log.warn " Homebridge (v${appVersion()}) | ${msg}"; } private logError(msg) { logToServer(msg, "error"); log.error "Homebridge (v${appVersion()}) | ${msg}"; } public String getLogServerAddr() { return appSettings?.log_address ?: null } public logToServer(msg, lvl) { String addr = parent ? parent?.getLogServerAddr() : getLogServerAddr() if(addr) { Map params = [ method: "POST", path: "/gelf", headers: [ HOST: addr, 'Content-Type': "application/json" ], body: [short_message: msg, logLevel: lvl, host: "SmartThings (HomebridgeV2)"] ] params?.body?.appVersion = appVersion(); params?.body?.appName = app?.getName(); params?.body?.appLabel = app?.getLabel(); // params?.body?.devVersion = devVersion(); params?.body?.deviceHandler = device?.getName(); params?.body?.deviceName = device?.displayName; def result = new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(params) sendHubCommand(result) } } List getCmdHistory() { return atomicState?.cmdHistory ?: [] } List getEvtHistory() { return atomicState?.evtHistory ?: [] } void clearHistory() { atomicState?.cmdHistory = [] atomicState?.evtHistory = [] } private logEvt(evtData) { addToHistory("evtHistory", evtData, 15) } private logCmd(cmdData) { addToHistory("cmdHistory", cmdData, 15) }