United States Presidential Election Results, 2024

Map of United States Counties, Alaska Legislative Districts, and District of Columbia Wards

Hover over and click on the map and table to explore the election results.

{{ state.name }}
Candidate Party Total Votes Percentage
Democrat Candidate Kamala R. Harris Democrat {{formatValue(demVotesTweened, "integer")}}
{{formatValue(demShareTweened, "percent")}}
Republican Candidate Donald J. Trump Republican {{formatValue(gopVotesTweened, "integer")}}
{{formatValue(gopShareTweened, "percent")}}
{{`Total ${activeStateId ? states.filter(s => s.id === activeStateId)[0].name : ''} Votes`}} {{formatValue(gopVotesTweened + demVotesTweened, "integer")}} {{formatValue(gopShareTweened - demShareTweened, "percent")}} percentage point difference
County Total Votes Percentage
Alaska data last updated: {{ alaska.lastupdated }}.
Washington D.C. data last updated: {{ dc.lastupdated }}.
Continental U.S. data last updated: {{ continental.lastupdated }}.