# Executor Plugin that let you run any executable from your working dir inside Sublime Text. ![](./screenshots/commands.png) ![](./screenshots/run.png) Simple plugin that walks your current working directories, finds all files marked as executable and let you run them inside Sublime Text. Gives you these basic commands: - Executor: Execute (`executor_execute`) - Executor: Execute with Args (`executor_execute_with_args`) - Executor: Execute Shell (`executor_execute_shell`) - Executor: Repeat Recent (`executor_repeat_recent`) - Executor: Repeat Last (`executor_repeat_last`) - Executor: Cancel (`executor_cancel`) - Executor: Clear Output (`executor_clear_output`) - Executor: Toggle Bottom Group (`executor_toggle_bottom_group`) Uses either `output.exec` panel or a view to stream both stdout and stderr. Knows about `.gitignore` enough to skip looking into ignored paths. Only one command can be run at the same time per window. Running second one will kill previous one. ## Installation Look for “Executor” in Package Control. Manually: - Clone this repo into `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages` ## Running arbitrary shell command Use `Executor: Execute Shell` command or add to your keybindings: ``` {"keys": ["ctrl+r"], "command": "executor_execute_shell", "args": {"command": "clj -M -m user", "dir": "~/work/project"}}, ``` `"dir"` is optional. If omitted, first open directory of current window is used. ## Auto-open panel on output If you want Sublime to open output panel every time there’s new output, add this to the settings: ``` "executor_show_panel_on_output": true ``` ## Outputting to view Sometimes it’s desirable to redirect output to a real view which can be dragged to its own group or separated. Gives you more options for layout. For that, set ``` "executor_output_view": true ``` to open a scratch view for output instead of a panel (can be dragged etc). Set ``` "executor_reuse_output_view": false ``` to create new view each time you execute a command (by default old view is reused). Lastly, Executor has a command to quickly open/close a new group at the bottom of the window: ``` executor_toggle_bottom_group ``` When called without arguments, it will toggle the bottom group visibility. If passed `{"visible": true | false}`, it will act as open or close command. You can change bottom group size by specifying ``` "executor_bottom_group_ratio": 0.25, ``` Output views are always opened in the last group of the window, so if you have one at the bottom, it’ll use it. ## Highlighting settings You can set ``` "executor_file_regex": "^File "([^"]+)" line (\d+) col (\d+)", "executor_base_dir": "" ``` to make file names clickable in the output. Optionally, also set ``` "executor_line_regex": "^\s+line (\d+) col (\d+)", ``` if line number information is printed on the next line. You can also control wrapping: ``` "executor_word_wrap": true | false ``` These settings work both in global config and in project file `"settings"`. ## Known limitations - Probably doesn’t work on Windows - `!` in `.gitignore` is not supported - Global `.gitignore` is not supported - Sublime Text excludes are not supported - On large projects listing might take long time ## Credits Made by [Niki Tonsky](https://twitter.com/nikitonsky). ## See also [Writer Color Scheme](https://github.com/tonsky/sublime-scheme-writer): A color scheme optimized for long-form writing. [Alabaster Color Scheme](https://github.com/tonsky/sublime-scheme-alabaster): Minimal color scheme for coding. [Sublime Profiles](https://github.com/tonsky/sublime-profiles): Profile switcher. [Clojure Sublimed](https://github.com/tonsky/clojure-sublimed): Clojure support for Sublime Text 4. ## License [MIT License](./LICENSE.txt)