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"# Weight calculation PCFG model (GBI treebank/ N1904GBI)"
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"## Table of content \n",
"* 1 - Introduction\n",
"* 2 - Create sum of transitions\n",
"* 3 - Avarage probabilities for the complete set\n",
"* 4 - Normalizing probabilities per source status"
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"# 1 - Introduction \n",
"##### [Back to TOC](#TOC)"
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"PCFG= Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar. It is a type of context-free grammar that associates a probability with each production rule. Each production rule in a PCFG is assigned a probability, indicating the likelihood of using that rule in a derivation.\n",
"The formula for calculation probability of transtition $\\alpha → \\beta$:\n",
"$q_{ML}(\\alpha → \\beta) =\\frac{count (\\alpha → \\beta)}{count (\\alpha)}$\n",
"And consequently:\n",
"∑$_{i=1}^{n} q_{ML}(\\alpha → \\beta) = 1 $\n",
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"Testing dataset: N1904 treebank (GBI)"
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"# 2 - Create sum of transitions \n",
"##### [Back to TOC](#TOC)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"id": "d2024bb2-4728-4810-abfd-726499c74430",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import sys\n",
"import os\n",
"import time\n",
"import pickle\n",
"import re # used for regular expressions\n",
"from os import listdir\n",
"from os.path import isfile, join\n",
"import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"id": "581c1806-99b1-42ec-874a-fa7b3cd97086",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"BaseDir = 'C:\\\\Users\\\\tonyj\\\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\\\test_of_xml_etree\\\\'\n",
"InputDir = BaseDir+'inputfiles\\\\'\n",
"InputFile = os.path.join(InputDir, f'{bo}.xml')\n",
"tree = ET.parse(InputFile)\n",
"root = tree.getroot()\n",
"# Dictionary to store transition frequencies\n",
"transition_frequencies = {}"
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"Multiple sets of books are defined here allowing for comparing the calculated probability-values."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"id": "a544f78c-6be8-4a13-b26d-f17eecfea8af",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"booklist = ['01-matthew', '02-mark', '03-luke', '04-john', '05-acts', '06-romans',\n",
" '07-1corinthians','08-2corinthians', '09-galatians', '10-ephesians',\n",
" '11-philippians', '12-colossians', '13-1thessalonians', '14-2thessalonians',\n",
" '15-1timothy', '16-2timothy', '17-titus', '18-philemon', '19-hebrews', \n",
" '20-james', '21-1peter', '22-2peter', '23-1john', '24-2john', '25-3john',\n",
" '26-jude', '27-revelation']\n",
"paullist= ['06-romans', '07-1corinthians','08-2corinthians', '09-galatians', '10-ephesians',\n",
" '11-philippians', '12-colossians', '13-1thessalonians', '14-2thessalonians',\n",
" '15-1timothy', '16-2timothy', '17-titus', '18-philemon']\n",
"peterlist= ['21-1peter', '22-2peter']\n",
"lukelist= ['03-luke','05-acts']\n",
"johnlist = ['23-1john', '24-2john', '25-3john']"
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"source": [
"# 3 - Avarage probabilities for the complete set \n",
"##### [Back to TOC](#TOC)\n",
"i.e. all rules sum op to p=1."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"id": "10c4098e-3ced-4fdb-9cc7-d7771ba16dea",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\06-romans.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\07-1corinthians.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\08-2corinthians.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\09-galatians.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\10-ephesians.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\11-philippians.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\12-colossians.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\13-1thessalonians.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\14-2thessalonians.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\15-1timothy.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\16-2timothy.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\17-titus.xml\n",
"Reading file C:\\Users\\tonyj\\my_new_Jupyter_folder\\test_of_xml_etree\\inputfiles\\18-philemon.xml\n",
"number of transitions: 95065\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: S\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: CL\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: np\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: adjp\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: V\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: vp\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: ADV\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: pp\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: O\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: VC\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: P\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: advp\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: IO\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: conj\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: adj\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: prep\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: intj\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: O2\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: adv\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: ptcl\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: nump\n",
"From\tTo\tTransitions\tAverage Occurrence\n",
"source": [
"import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET\n",
"def addParentInfo(parent, element):\n",
" for child in element:\n",
" child.attrib['parent'] = parent\n",
" addParentInfo(child, child)\n",
"def getParent(element):\n",
" if 'parent' in element.attrib:\n",
" return element.attrib['parent']\n",
" else:\n",
" return None\n",
"# Dictionary to store transition frequencies\n",
"transition_frequencies = {}\n",
"total_transitions = 0 \n",
"# Dictionary to store transitions grouped by ('from', 'to') value\n",
"grouped_transitions = {}\n",
"for bo in paullist:\n",
" InputFile = os.path.join(InputDir, f'{bo}.xml')\n",
" print (f'Reading file {InputFile}')\n",
" \n",
" # Load the XML file\n",
" tree = ET.parse(InputFile)\n",
" root = tree.getroot()\n",
" \n",
" # Add 'parent' attribute to each child element\n",
" addParentInfo(None, root)\n",
" \n",
" # Iterate over 'Tree' elements\n",
" for tree in root.findall('.//Tree'):\n",
" # Iterate over child nodes of the current 'Tree' element\n",
" for node in tree.findall('.//Node'):\n",
" # Check if the node has child nodes\n",
" has_children = bool(list(node))\n",
" # Determine the current rule\n",
" node_cat = node.get('Cat') if has_children else 'Term'\n",
" # Get the parent node using the 'getParent' function\n",
" parent_node = getParent(node)\n",
" # Check if there is a parent node\n",
" if parent_node is not None:\n",
" parent_cat = parent_node.get('Cat')\n",
" if parent_cat == None and node_cat != None:\n",
" parent_cat = \"Start\"\n",
" continue\n",
" # Combine parent and current rule to form the transition\n",
" transition = (parent_cat, node_cat)\n",
" # Update the frequency count in the dictionary\n",
" total_transitions += 1\n",
" transition_frequencies[transition] = transition_frequencies.get(transition, 0) + 1\n",
"print (f'number of transitions: {total_transitions}')\n",
" \n",
"# Group transitions based on ('from', 'to') value\n",
"for (from_value, to_value), frequency in transition_frequencies.items():\n",
" grouped_transitions.setdefault(from_value, []).append((from_value, to_value, frequency))\n",
"# Print separate tables for each group\n",
"for from_value, transitions in grouped_transitions.items():\n",
" print(f\"Transition table for starting condition: {from_value}\")\n",
" print(\"From\\tTo\\tTransitions\\tAverage Occurrence\")\n",
" \n",
" for from_val, to_val, frequency in transitions:\n",
" weight = frequency / total_transitions\n",
" print(f'{from_val}\\t{to_val}\\t{frequency}\\t{weight:.4}')\n",
" \n",
" print('\\n')\n"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# 4 - Normalizing probabilities per source status\n",
"##### [Back to TOC](#TOC)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 98,
"id": "e5a3d39d-99fe-4050-b1cf-e6f3d5c60fba",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"loading books ...\n",
"Finished\tNumber of transitions: 7678\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: S\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: CL\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: np\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: VC\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: vp\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: P\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: pp\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: O\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: V\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: ADV\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: IO\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: adjp\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: advp\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: conj\n",
"Transition table for starting condition: O2\n",
"source": [
"# avarages for each seperate transition (i.e. all rules sum op to p=1 per starting condition)\n",
"import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET\n",
"def addParentInfo(parent, element):\n",
" for child in element:\n",
" child.attrib['parent'] = parent\n",
" addParentInfo(child, child)\n",
"def getParent(element):\n",
" if 'parent' in element.attrib:\n",
" return element.attrib['parent']\n",
" else:\n",
" return None\n",
"# Dictionary to store transition frequencies\n",
"transition_frequencies = {}\n",
"total_transitions = 0\n",
"# Dictionary to store transitions grouped by ('from', 'to') value\n",
"grouped_transitions = {}\n",
"print('loading books ',end='')\n",
"for bo in johnlist:\n",
" InputFile = os.path.join(InputDir, f'{bo}.xml')\n",
" #print (f'Reading file {InputFile}')\n",
" print ('.',end='')\n",
" \n",
" # Load the XML file\n",
" tree = ET.parse(InputFile)\n",
" root = tree.getroot()\n",
" \n",
" # Add 'parent' attribute to each child element\n",
" addParentInfo(None, root)\n",
" # Iterate over 'Tree' elements\n",
" for tree in root.findall('.//Tree'):\n",
" # Iterate over child nodes of the current 'Tree' element\n",
" for node in tree.findall('.//Node'):\n",
" # Check if the node has child nodes\n",
" has_children = bool(list(node))\n",
" # Determine the current rule\n",
" node_cat = node.get('Cat') if has_children else 'Term'\n",
" # Get the parent node using the 'getParent' function\n",
" parent_node = getParent(node)\n",
" # Check if there is a parent node\n",
" if parent_node is not None:\n",
" parent_cat = parent_node.get('Cat')\n",
" if parent_cat is None and node_cat is not None:\n",
" parent_cat = \"Start\"\n",
" continue\n",
" # Combine parent and current rule to form the transition\n",
" transition = (parent_cat, node_cat)\n",
" # Update the frequency count in the dictionary\n",
" total_transitions += 1\n",
" transition_frequencies[transition] = transition_frequencies.get(transition, 0) + 1\n",
"print (f'\\nFinished\\tNumber of transitions: {total_transitions}\\n')\n",
"# Group transitions based on ('from', 'to') value\n",
"for (from_value, to_value), frequency in transition_frequencies.items():\n",
" grouped_transitions.setdefault(from_value, []).append((from_value, to_value, frequency))\n",
"# Print separate tables for each group with sorted transitions\n",
"for from_value, transitions in grouped_transitions.items():\n",
" print(f\"Transition table for starting condition: {from_value}\")\n",
" print(\"From\\tTo\\tOcc.\\tWeigth\")\n",
" \n",
" # Sort transitions based on frequency in descending order\n",
" sorted_transitions = sorted(transitions, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)\n",
" # Calculate total occurrences for the current table\n",
" total_occurrences = sum(occurrence for _, _, occurrence in sorted_transitions)\n",
" for from_val, to_val, frequency in sorted_transitions:\n",
" # Calculate the average occurrence for each transition\n",
" average_occurrence = frequency / total_occurrences\n",
" print(f'{from_val}\\t{to_val}\\t{frequency}\\t{average_occurrence:.4}')\n",
" print('\\n')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "192d6936-d9ed-40fb-a0e8-9f22f8c8fa30",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
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