07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - ################################################################################################################################################################################################################## 07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - Optimal Flow - autoCV - Auto Pipe Connector :: 2020. 07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - ################################################################################################################################################################################################################## 07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - Copyright All Reserved by Tony Dong | e-mail: tonyleidong@gmail.com 07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - Official Documentation: https://Optimal-Flow.readthedocs.io 07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - All previous logfiles will be deleted, when DELETE_FLAG is set to True. 07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - Deleted file:autoPipe_log_2020. 07/08 17:28:34 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 17:29:09 - INFO - Total combinations: 0 07/08 18:34:15 - INFO - Total combinations: 0 07/08 18:39:10 - INFO - Total combinations: 0 07/08 18:42:19 - INFO - Total combinations: 0 07/08 18:43:16 - INFO - Total combinations: 360 07/08 18:43:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:43:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 0: 07/08 18:43:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:43:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:43:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:43:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.2782 minutes 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 1: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:43:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:43:36 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:43:36 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - Total executed 0.088 minutes 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 2: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:43:38 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:43:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:43:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - Total executed 0.3427 minutes 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 3: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:43:59 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:44:02 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:44:02 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_1_left']. 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8657142857142859 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.825 / Precision: 0.895 / Recall: 0.68 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - Total executed 0.0841 minutes 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 4: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:44:04 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:44:19 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:44:19 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.2877 minutes 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 5: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:44:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:44:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:44:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.906890756302521 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - Total executed 0.083 minutes 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 6: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:44:26 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:44:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:44:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.6436974789915967 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.632 / Precision: 0.567 / Recall: 0.68 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.3192 minutes 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 7: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:44:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:44:48 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:44:48 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9243697478991597 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.0833 minutes 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 8: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:44:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:45:03 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:45:03 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - Total executed 0.2417 minutes 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 9: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:45:05 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:45:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:45:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_1_left']. 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8715966386554623 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - Total executed 0.0858 minutes 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 10: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:45:10 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:45:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:45:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - Total executed 0.2799 minutes 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 11: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:45:27 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:45:30 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:45:30 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events']. 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8887394957983192 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - Total executed 0.0836 minutes 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 12: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:45:32 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:45:46 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:45:46 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9003361344537815 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - Total executed 0.2691 minutes 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 13: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:45:48 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:45:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:45:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0819 minutes 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 14: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:45:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:46:07 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:46:07 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - Total executed 0.2835 minutes 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 15: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:46:10 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:46:13 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:46:13 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8890756302521009 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:15 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:46:16 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:46:16 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.0916 minutes 07/08 18:46:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:46:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 16: 07/08 18:46:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:46:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:46:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:46:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.3569 minutes 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 17: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:46:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:46:40 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:46:40 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.906890756302521 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 5.0s 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - Total executed 0.0848 minutes 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 18: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:46:42 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:46:59 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:46:59 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.5s 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.3426 minutes 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 19: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:47:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:47:05 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:47:05 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9010084033613446 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - Total executed 0.0855 minutes 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 20: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:47:08 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:47:25 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:47:25 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - Total executed 0.3348 minutes 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 21: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:47:28 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:47:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:47:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 10.0s 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.086 minutes 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 22: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:47:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:47:45 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:47:45 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9003361344537815 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - Total executed 0.2444 minutes 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 23: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:47:48 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:47:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:47:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11']. 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9068907563025211 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0841 minutes 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 24: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:47:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:48:07 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:48:07 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - Total executed 0.2757 minutes 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 25: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:48:09 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:48:12 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:48:12 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.833 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - Total executed 0.0798 minutes 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 26: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:48:14 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:48:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:48:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:28 - INFO - Total executed 0.238 minutes 07/08 18:48:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:48:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 27: 07/08 18:48:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:48:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:48:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:48:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9361344537815126 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.0817 minutes 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 28: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:48:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:48:46 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:48:46 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:48:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:48:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.2518 minutes 07/08 18:48:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:48:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 29: 07/08 18:48:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:48:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:48:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:48:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8835294117647059 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008402 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0791 minutes 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 30: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:48:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:49:10 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:49:10 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - Total executed 0.3256 minutes 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 31: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:49:13 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:49:15 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:49:15 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 14.0s 07/08 18:49:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:49:18 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 22.9s 07/08 18:49:18 - INFO - Total executed 0.0774 minutes 07/08 18:49:18 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:49:18 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 32: 07/08 18:49:18 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:49:18 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:49:33 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:49:33 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - Total executed 0.2904 minutes 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 33: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:49:35 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:49:37 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:49:37 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.906890756302521 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.0772 minutes 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 34: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:49:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:49:55 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:49:55 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean', 'Label_Size_2', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8887394957983193 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 19.0s 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.3016 minutes 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 35: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:49:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:50:00 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:50:00 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Size_2', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.864 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 10.0s 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 7.0s 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.0943 minutes 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 36: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:50:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:50:21 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:50:21 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252101 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5262184873949579 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.456 / Precision: 0.446 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - Total executed 0.3307 minutes 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 37: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:50:23 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:50:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:50:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_1_left']. 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:50:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - Total executed 0.0879 minutes 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 38: 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:50:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:50:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:50:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean']. 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 7.0s 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.3605 minutes 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 39: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:50:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:50:54 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:50:54 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924201680672269 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.9s 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - Total executed 0.1093 minutes 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 40: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:50:57 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:51:18 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:51:18 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.4058 minutes 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 41: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:51:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:51:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:51:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - Total executed 0.0919 minutes 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 42: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:51:27 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:51:48 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:51:48 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - Total executed 0.4118 minutes 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 43: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:51:51 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:51:54 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:51:54 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8774789915966388 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 5.0s 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - Total executed 0.0963 minutes 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 44: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:51:57 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:52:11 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:52:11 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - Total executed 0.2788 minutes 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 45: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:52:14 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:52:17 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:52:17 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8773109243697478 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - Total executed 0.086 minutes 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 46: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:52:19 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:52:34 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:52:34 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events']. 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924201680672269 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9003361344537815 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:52:36 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:52:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:52:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.2892 minutes 07/08 18:52:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:52:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 47: 07/08 18:52:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:52:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:52:39 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:52:39 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_1_left']. 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - Total executed 0.0845 minutes 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 48: 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:52:42 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:52:57 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:52:57 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - Total executed 0.2901 minutes 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 49: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:52:59 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:53:02 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:53:02 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - Total executed 0.0812 minutes 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 50: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:53:04 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:53:18 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:53:18 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.2864 minutes 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 51: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:53:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:53:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:53:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_1_left']. 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - Total executed 0.0859 minutes 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 52: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:53:26 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:53:42 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:53:42 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.3063 minutes 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 53: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:53:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:53:48 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:53:48 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.0871 minutes 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 54: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:53:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:54:06 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:54:06 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - Total executed 0.3032 minutes 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 55: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:54:08 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:54:11 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:54:11 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8830252100840337 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - Total executed 0.0829 minutes 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 56: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:54:13 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:54:28 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:54:28 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - Total executed 0.2864 minutes 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 57: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:54:30 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:54:33 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:54:33 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9243697478991597 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - Total executed 0.0807 minutes 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 58: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:54:35 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:54:49 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:54:49 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - Total executed 0.268 minutes 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 59: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:54:51 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:54:54 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:54:54 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - Total executed 0.0835 minutes 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 60: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:54:56 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:55:10 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:55:10 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - Total executed 0.2729 minutes 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 61: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:55:13 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:55:15 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:55:15 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9010084033613446 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:55:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - Total executed 0.0812 minutes 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 62: 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:55:18 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:55:30 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:55:30 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 19.0s 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.2552 minutes 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 63: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:55:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:55:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:55:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.877310924369748 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - Total executed 0.0799 minutes 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 64: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:55:38 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:55:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:55:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - Total executed 0.2671 minutes 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 65: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:55:54 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:55:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:55:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8835294117647059 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.0762 minutes 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 66: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:55:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:56:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:56:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - Total executed 0.2238 minutes 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 67: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:56:12 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:56:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:56:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Size_2', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.0776 minutes 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 68: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:56:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:56:27 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:56:27 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Mean_Size_1']. 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - Total executed 0.2196 minutes 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 69: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:56:30 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:56:32 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:56:32 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8658823529411765 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.864 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - Total executed 0.0759 minutes 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 70: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:56:34 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:56:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:56:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.5s 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.2513 minutes 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 71: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:56:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:56:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:56:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Treatment']. 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - Total executed 0.0729 minutes 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 72: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:56:54 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:57:11 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:57:11 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - Total executed 0.3252 minutes 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 73: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:57:13 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:57:16 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:57:16 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - Total executed 0.0883 minutes 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 74: 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:57:19 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:57:37 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:57:37 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.359 minutes 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 75: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:57:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:57:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:57:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.0848 minutes 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 76: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:57:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:58:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:58:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.2997 minutes 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 77: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:58:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:58:06 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:58:06 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9361344537815126 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - Total executed 0.0848 minutes 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 78: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:58:08 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:58:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:58:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 10.0s 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - Total executed 0.3286 minutes 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 79: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:58:28 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:58:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:58:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9010084033613446 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.0839 minutes 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 80: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:58:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:58:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:58:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.2748 minutes 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 81: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:58:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:58:52 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:58:52 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events']. 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8655462184873949 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.944 / Recall: 0.68 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - Total executed 0.0845 minutes 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 82: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:58:55 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:59:11 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:59:11 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - Total executed 0.3085 minutes 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 83: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:59:13 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:59:16 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:59:16 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8951260504201681 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - Total executed 0.0817 minutes 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 84: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:59:18 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:59:32 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:59:32 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - Total executed 0.2689 minutes 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 85: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:59:34 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 18:59:37 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:59:37 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252101 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - Total executed 0.0789 minutes 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 86: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:59:39 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:59:53 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:59:53 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events']. 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924201680672269 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.1s 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - Total executed 0.2794 minutes 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 87: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 18:59:56 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 18:59:58 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 18:59:58 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8598319327731092 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - Total executed 0.0813 minutes 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 88: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:00:01 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:00:21 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:00:21 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8890756302521009 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - Total executed 0.3696 minutes 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 89: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:00:23 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:00:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:00:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - Total executed 0.0825 minutes 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 90: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:00:28 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:00:45 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:00:45 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - Total executed 0.3246 minutes 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 91: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:00:47 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:00:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:00:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9184873949579833 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:00:52 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:00:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:00:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0843 minutes 07/08 19:00:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:00:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 92: 07/08 19:00:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:00:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:01:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:01:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - Total executed 0.3216 minutes 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 93: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:01:12 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:01:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:01:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9126050420168067 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.0793 minutes 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 94: 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:01:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:01:33 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:01:33 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277309 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - Total executed 0.3171 minutes 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 95: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:01:36 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:01:38 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:01:38 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9184873949579833 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:01:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.0804 minutes 07/08 19:01:41 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:01:41 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 96: 07/08 19:01:41 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:01:41 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:01:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:01:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:01:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - Total executed 0.3014 minutes 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 97: 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:01:59 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:02:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:02:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.864 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:02:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.0813 minutes 07/08 19:02:04 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:02:04 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 98: 07/08 19:02:04 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:02:04 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:02:20 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:02:20 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - Total executed 0.32 minutes 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 99: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:02:23 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:02:25 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:02:25 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9010084033613446 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - Total executed 0.0817 minutes 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 100: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:02:28 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:02:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:02:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.2948 minutes 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 101: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:02:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:02:48 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:02:48 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8951260504201681 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.0779 minutes 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 102: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:02:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:03:05 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:03:05 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 13.0s 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - Total executed 0.2982 minutes 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 103: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:03:08 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:03:10 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:03:10 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5']. 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.953109243697479 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008402 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.5s 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - Total executed 0.0807 minutes 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 104: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:03:13 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:03:29 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:03:29 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:31 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:03:32 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:03:32 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:32 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:32 - INFO - Total executed 0.3119 minutes 07/08 19:03:32 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:03:32 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 105: 07/08 19:03:32 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:03:32 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:03:34 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:03:34 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9010084033613446 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - Total executed 0.0779 minutes 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 106: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:03:36 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:03:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:03:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'Frequency_Size_1']. 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - Total executed 0.2705 minutes 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 107: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:03:52 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:03:54 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:03:54 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9010084033613446 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - Total executed 0.0731 minutes 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 108: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:03:57 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:04:10 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:04:10 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Type_2_no']. 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.9s 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - Total executed 0.2548 minutes 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 109: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:04:12 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:04:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:04:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 6.0s 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.0777 minutes 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 110: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:04:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:04:36 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:04:36 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'area_mean']. 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.3789 minutes 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 111: 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:04:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:04:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:04:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:04:46 - INFO - Total executed 0.1122 minutes 07/08 19:04:47 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:04:47 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 112: 07/08 19:04:47 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:04:47 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:05:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:05:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8887394957983193 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8890756302521007 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.5s 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - Total executed 0.3137 minutes 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 113: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:05:05 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:05:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:05:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 26.9s 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 19.9s 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 32.9s 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - Total executed 0.1122 minutes 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 114: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:05:12 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:05:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:05:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 13.0s 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - Total executed 0.2689 minutes 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 115: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:05:28 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:05:30 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:05:30 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252101 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.0754 minutes 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 116: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:05:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:05:45 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:05:45 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - Total executed 0.2499 minutes 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 117: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:05:48 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:05:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:05:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - Total executed 0.0718 minutes 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 118: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:05:52 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:06:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:06:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 5.0s 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - Total executed 0.3337 minutes 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 119: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:06:12 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:06:15 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:06:15 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.087 minutes 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 120: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:06:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:06:36 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:06:36 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - Total executed 0.3577 minutes 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 121: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:06:39 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:06:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:06:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - Total executed 0.1223 minutes 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 122: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:06:46 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:07:03 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:07:03 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean']. 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.3238 minutes 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 123: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:07:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:07:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:07:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9183193277310926 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.0821 minutes 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 124: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:07:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:07:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:07:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277309 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9003361344537815 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277309 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.3743 minutes 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 125: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:07:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:07:36 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:07:36 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.906890756302521 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - Total executed 0.0827 minutes 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 126: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:07:38 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:07:52 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:07:52 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252101 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5262184873949579 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9119327731092437 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.491 / Precision: 0.463 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - Total executed 0.2652 minutes 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 127: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:07:54 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:07:57 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:07:57 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8717647058823529 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - Total executed 0.0841 minutes 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 128: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:07:59 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:08:15 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:08:15 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.2983 minutes 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 129: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:08:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:08:20 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:08:20 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - Total executed 0.0833 minutes 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 130: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:08:22 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:08:37 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:08:37 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.2924 minutes 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 131: 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:08:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:08:42 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:08:42 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.825 / Precision: 0.8 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:44 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:08:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:08:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:08:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:08:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.082 minutes 07/08 19:08:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:08:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 132: 07/08 19:08:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:08:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:08:59 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:08:59 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - Total executed 0.2818 minutes 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 133: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:09:01 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:09:04 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:09:04 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8830252100840335 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.0794 minutes 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 134: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:09:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:09:22 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:09:22 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - Total executed 0.3111 minutes 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 135: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:09:25 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:09:28 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:09:28 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - Total executed 0.0833 minutes 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 136: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:09:30 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:09:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:09:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.3306 minutes 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 137: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:09:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:09:53 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:09:53 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - Total executed 0.0841 minutes 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 138: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:09:55 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:10:10 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:10:10 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:10:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:10:13 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:10:13 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:13 - INFO - Total executed 0.2939 minutes 07/08 19:10:13 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:10:13 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 139: 07/08 19:10:13 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:10:13 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:10:15 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:10:15 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.0822 minutes 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 140: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:10:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:10:36 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:10:36 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - Total executed 0.3571 minutes 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 141: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:10:39 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:10:41 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:10:41 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9302521008403362 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - Total executed 0.0801 minutes 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 142: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:10:44 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:10:58 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:10:58 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - Total executed 0.2765 minutes 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 143: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:11:00 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:11:03 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:11:03 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Treatment']. 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.864 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - Total executed 0.0813 minutes 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 144: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:11:05 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:11:21 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:11:21 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - Total executed 0.307 minutes 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 145: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:11:24 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:11:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:11:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9068907563025211 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.864 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:11:28 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:11:29 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:11:29 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:29 - INFO - Total executed 0.0803 minutes 07/08 19:11:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:11:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 146: 07/08 19:11:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:11:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:11:42 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:11:42 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - Total executed 0.2622 minutes 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 147: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:11:44 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:11:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:11:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8715966386554623 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.0792 minutes 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 148: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:11:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:12:03 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:12:03 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 10.0s 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.2786 minutes 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 149: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:12:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:12:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:12:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8951260504201681 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - Total executed 0.0763 minutes 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 150: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:12:10 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:12:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:12:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Mean_Size_1']. 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - Total executed 0.2618 minutes 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 151: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:12:26 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:12:28 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:12:28 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:12:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - Total executed 0.0745 minutes 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 152: 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:12:31 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:12:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:12:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.2421 minutes 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 153: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:12:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:12:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:12:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8947899159663866 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.0701 minutes 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 154: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:12:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:12:59 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:12:59 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - Total executed 0.1959 minutes 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 155: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:13:01 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:13:03 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:13:03 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9126050420168068 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.0759 minutes 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 156: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:13:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:13:19 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:13:19 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Mean_Size_1']. 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.2535 minutes 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 157: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:13:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:13:23 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:13:23 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8835294117647059 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - Total executed 0.0716 minutes 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 158: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:13:25 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:13:37 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:13:37 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'Mean_Size_1']. 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:39 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:13:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:13:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.238 minutes 07/08 19:13:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:13:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 159: 07/08 19:13:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:13:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:13:41 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:13:41 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.833 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - Total executed 0.0697 minutes 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 160: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:13:44 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:13:52 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:13:52 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'Label_Type_1', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - Total executed 0.1716 minutes 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 161: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:13:54 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:13:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:13:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Type_1']. 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.072 minutes 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 162: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:13:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:14:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:14:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:14:10 - INFO - Total executed 0.2013 minutes 07/08 19:14:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:14:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 163: 07/08 19:14:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:14:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:14:12 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:14:12 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9709243697478991 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.5s 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - Total executed 0.0692 minutes 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 164: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:14:15 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:14:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:14:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - Total executed 0.2361 minutes 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 165: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:14:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:14:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:14:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8773109243697478 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.0751 minutes 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 166: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:14:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:14:45 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:14:45 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - Total executed 0.24 minutes 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 167: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:14:48 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:14:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:14:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8657142857142859 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - Total executed 0.0717 minutes 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 168: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:14:52 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:15:07 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:15:07 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9003361344537815 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9183193277310924 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - Total executed 0.2849 minutes 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 169: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:15:09 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:15:12 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:15:12 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40']. 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8774789915966388 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008402 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - Total executed 0.0755 minutes 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 170: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:15:14 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:15:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:15:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - Total executed 0.2488 minutes 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 171: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:15:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:15:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:15:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9184873949579833 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.0723 minutes 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 172: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:15:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:15:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:15:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.2046 minutes 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 173: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:15:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:15:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:15:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8835294117647059 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.825 / Precision: 0.895 / Recall: 0.68 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.5s 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.0717 minutes 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 174: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:15:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:15:57 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:15:57 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9003361344537815 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - Total executed 0.1681 minutes 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 175: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:16:00 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:16:02 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:16:02 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9126050420168067 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - Total executed 0.0704 minutes 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 176: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:16:04 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:16:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:16:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.2108 minutes 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 177: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:16:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:16:19 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:16:19 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9184873949579831 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.0715 minutes 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 178: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:16:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:16:30 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:16:30 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.1948 minutes 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 179: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:16:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:16:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:16:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8774789915966388 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.833 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.07 minutes 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 180: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:16:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:16:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:16:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean']. 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 5.0s 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.2624 minutes 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 181: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:16:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:16:55 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:16:55 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8423529411764704 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.0844 minutes 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 182: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:16:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:17:13 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:17:13 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:17:15 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:17:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.2956 minutes 07/08 19:17:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:17:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 183: 07/08 19:17:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:17:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:17:18 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:17:18 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8601680672268908 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:20 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.0842 minutes 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 184: 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:17:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:17:34 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:17:34 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - Total executed 0.2601 minutes 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 185: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:17:36 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:17:39 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:17:39 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.877142857142857 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9183193277310924 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - Total executed 0.0896 minutes 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 186: 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:17:42 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:17:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:17:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.279 minutes 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 187: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:17:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:18:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:18:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8776470588235294 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 1.0s 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.0814 minutes 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 188: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:18:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:18:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:18:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.2267 minutes 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 189: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:18:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:18:19 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:18:19 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8719327731092437 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 15.9s 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - Total executed 0.0805 minutes 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 190: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:18:22 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:18:34 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:18:34 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.251 minutes 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 191: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:18:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:18:39 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:18:39 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - Total executed 0.0815 minutes 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 192: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:18:42 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:18:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:18:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8830252100840337 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.6142857142857143 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.596 / Precision: 0.533 / Recall: 0.64 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.2725 minutes 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 193: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:18:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:19:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:19:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.825 / Precision: 0.895 / Recall: 0.68 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.0786 minutes 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 194: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:19:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:19:18 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:19:18 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - Total executed 0.2886 minutes 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 195: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:19:20 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:19:23 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:19:23 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8890756302521009 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - Total executed 0.0855 minutes 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 196: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:19:25 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:19:42 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:19:42 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - Total executed 0.3103 minutes 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 197: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:19:44 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:19:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:19:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8599999999999998 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.0836 minutes 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 198: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:19:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:20:04 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:20:04 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.2861 minutes 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 199: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:20:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:20:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:20:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Type_3_no']. 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.959327731092437 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.877310924369748 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.0811 minutes 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 200: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:20:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:20:27 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:20:27 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9416806722689076 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - Total executed 0.3133 minutes 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 201: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:20:30 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:20:32 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:20:32 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - Total executed 0.0792 minutes 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 202: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:20:35 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:20:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:20:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean']. 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.2473 minutes 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 203: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:20:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:20:52 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:20:52 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - Total executed 0.078 minutes 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 204: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:20:54 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:21:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:21:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252101 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5321008403361344 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.456 / Precision: 0.446 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.2789 minutes 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 205: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:21:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:21:13 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:21:13 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.0792 minutes 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 206: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:21:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:21:30 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:21:30 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - Total executed 0.2735 minutes 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 207: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:21:32 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:21:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:21:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5']. 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9126050420168067 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.0781 minutes 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 208: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:21:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:21:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:21:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9242016806722688 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - Total executed 0.2605 minutes 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 209: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:21:52 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:21:55 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:21:55 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - Total executed 0.0763 minutes 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 210: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:21:57 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:22:12 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:22:12 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean']. 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9648739495798321 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - Total executed 0.2869 minutes 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 211: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:22:14 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:22:17 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:22:17 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 1.0s 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - Total executed 0.0773 minutes 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 212: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:22:19 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:22:32 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:22:32 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9416806722689076 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - Total executed 0.2568 minutes 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 213: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:22:34 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:22:37 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:22:37 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - Total executed 0.0739 minutes 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 214: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:22:39 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:22:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:22:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:22:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - Total executed 0.2456 minutes 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 215: 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:22:54 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:22:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:22:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8831932773109245 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.0719 minutes 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 216: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:22:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:23:13 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:23:13 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.2996 minutes 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 217: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:23:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:23:19 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:23:19 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.86 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.0836 minutes 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 218: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:23:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:23:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:23:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.2689 minutes 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 219: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:23:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:23:40 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:23:40 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8715966386554623 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - Total executed 0.0832 minutes 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 220: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:23:42 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:24:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:24:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - Total executed 0.3599 minutes 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 221: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:24:04 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:24:07 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:24:07 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events']. 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9536134453781513 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8657142857142859 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.825 / Precision: 0.941 / Recall: 0.64 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - Total executed 0.0843 minutes 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 222: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:24:09 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:24:23 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:24:23 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:24:25 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:24:26 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:24:26 - INFO - Total executed 0.2783 minutes 07/08 19:24:26 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:24:26 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 223: 07/08 19:24:26 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:24:26 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:24:28 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:24:28 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Type_3', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.959327731092437 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9127731092436975 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - Total executed 0.0783 minutes 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 224: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:24:30 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:24:46 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:24:46 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - Total executed 0.2945 minutes 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 225: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:24:48 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:24:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:24:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8774789915966388 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0862 minutes 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 226: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:24:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:25:05 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:25:05 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - Total executed 0.2311 minutes 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 227: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:25:07 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:25:10 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:25:10 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - Total executed 0.0807 minutes 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 228: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:25:12 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:25:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:25:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - Total executed 0.2396 minutes 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 229: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:25:26 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:25:29 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:25:29 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9707563025210083 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9648739495798319 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - Total executed 0.0777 minutes 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 230: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:25:31 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:25:48 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:25:48 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.3214 minutes 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 231: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:25:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:25:53 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:25:53 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno']. 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.941344537815126 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.5s 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - Total executed 0.0841 minutes 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 232: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:25:55 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:26:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:26:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.2598 minutes 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 233: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:26:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:26:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:26:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8423529411764706 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.0829 minutes 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 234: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:26:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:26:34 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:26:34 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9003361344537815 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - Total executed 0.3372 minutes 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 235: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:26:36 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:26:39 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:26:39 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.815 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - Total executed 0.0816 minutes 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 236: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:26:41 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:26:55 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:26:55 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277309 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - Total executed 0.2709 minutes 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 237: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:26:57 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:27:00 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:27:00 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - Total executed 0.0791 minutes 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 238: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:27:02 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:27:17 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:27:17 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - Total executed 0.2806 minutes 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 239: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:27:19 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:27:21 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:27:21 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8484033613445379 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - Total executed 0.0793 minutes 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 240: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:27:24 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:27:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:27:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - Total executed 0.2369 minutes 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 241: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:27:38 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:27:41 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:27:41 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9245378151260505 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - Total executed 0.0805 minutes 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 242: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:27:43 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:27:59 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:27:59 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Type_3_no']. 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9184873949579831 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9126050420168067 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - Total executed 0.3076 minutes 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 243: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:28:01 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:28:04 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:28:04 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Type_3_yes']. 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9010084033613446 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.0758 minutes 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 244: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:28:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:28:18 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:28:18 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277309 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.2476 minutes 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 245: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:28:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:28:23 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:28:23 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9707563025210083 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9648739495798319 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8598319327731092 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - Total executed 0.0744 minutes 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 246: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:28:25 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:28:41 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:28:41 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - Total executed 0.3 minutes 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 247: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:28:43 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:28:45 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:28:45 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40']. 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8423529411764704 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - Total executed 0.0765 minutes 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 248: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:28:48 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:29:04 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:29:04 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.3056 minutes 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 249: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:29:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:29:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:29:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9183193277310924 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.0757 minutes 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 250: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:29:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:29:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:29:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252101 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - Total executed 0.25 minutes 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 251: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:29:26 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'onehot_Position_1_left', 'onehot_Position_1_right', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:29:28 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:29:28 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8774789915966388 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - Total executed 0.07 minutes 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 252: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:29:30 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:29:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:29:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - Total executed 0.2601 minutes 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 253: 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:29:46 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:29:48 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:29:48 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40']. 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8482352941176469 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.941344537815126 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - Total executed 0.0846 minutes 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 254: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:29:51 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:30:04 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:30:04 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9416806722689076 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.9s 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.2586 minutes 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 255: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:30:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:30:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:30:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8657142857142857 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.0849 minutes 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 256: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:30:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:30:27 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:30:27 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'perimeter_mean']. 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - Total executed 0.2942 minutes 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 257: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:30:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:30:32 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:30:32 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9536134453781513 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8478991596638655 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.947 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - Total executed 0.081 minutes 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 258: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:30:34 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:30:48 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:30:48 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.2724 minutes 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 259: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:30:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:30:53 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:30:53 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.953109243697479 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - Total executed 0.0784 minutes 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 260: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:30:55 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:31:07 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:31:07 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - Total executed 0.2405 minutes 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 261: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:31:09 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:31:12 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:31:12 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8717647058823529 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - Total executed 0.0819 minutes 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 262: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:31:14 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:31:30 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:31:30 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - Total executed 0.2975 minutes 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 263: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:31:32 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:31:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:31:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8778151260504201 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.079 minutes 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 264: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:31:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:31:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:31:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.2661 minutes 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 265: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:31:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:31:55 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:31:55 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11']. 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.0796 minutes 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 266: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:31:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:32:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:32:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008402 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8594957983193277 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9126050420168067 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 19.9s 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - Total executed 0.2344 minutes 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 267: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:32:12 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:32:15 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:32:15 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5']. 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9126050420168067 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.0856 minutes 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 268: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:32:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:32:32 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:32:32 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252101 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.6321008403361345 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.833 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.667 / Precision: 0.607 / Recall: 0.68 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:34 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:32:35 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:32:35 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:35 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:32:35 - INFO - Total executed 0.2927 minutes 07/08 19:32:35 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:32:35 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 269: 07/08 19:32:35 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:32:35 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:32:37 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:32:37 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8894117647058823 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.0861 minutes 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 270: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:32:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:32:55 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:32:55 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.3018 minutes 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 271: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:32:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:33:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:33:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8368067226890756 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.0851 minutes 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 272: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:33:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:33:17 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:33:17 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - Total executed 0.2809 minutes 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 273: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:33:20 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:33:22 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:33:22 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - Total executed 0.0809 minutes 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 274: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:33:25 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:33:38 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:33:38 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.833 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - Total executed 0.2669 minutes 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 275: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:33:41 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:33:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:33:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:33:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - Total executed 0.08 minutes 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 276: 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:33:46 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:33:57 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:33:57 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'Label_Treatment']. 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - Total executed 0.2389 minutes 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 277: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:34:00 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:34:03 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:34:03 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8480672268907563 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.864 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.793 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - Total executed 0.0828 minutes 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 278: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:34:05 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:34:18 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:34:18 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - Total executed 0.2645 minutes 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 279: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:34:21 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:34:23 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:34:23 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8601680672268908 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.864 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.9s 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - Total executed 0.0809 minutes 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 280: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:34:26 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:34:38 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:34:38 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5']. 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008402 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9183193277310924 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.2412 minutes 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 281: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:34:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:34:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:34:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8776470588235294 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.0775 minutes 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 282: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:34:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:34:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:34:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean']. 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.833 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.2248 minutes 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 283: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:34:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:35:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:35:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9650420168067226 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.953109243697479 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.0787 minutes 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 284: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:35:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:35:20 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:35:20 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'area_mean']. 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - Total executed 0.3304 minutes 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 285: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:35:23 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:35:25 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:35:25 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9184873949579831 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - Total executed 0.101 minutes 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 286: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:35:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:35:46 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:35:46 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.833 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.3273 minutes 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 287: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:35:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:35:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:35:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9243697478991596 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.825 / Precision: 0.826 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 13.0s 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0736 minutes 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 288: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:35:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:36:06 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:36:06 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - Total executed 0.2559 minutes 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 289: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:36:08 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:36:11 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:36:11 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9127731092436976 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.5s 07/08 19:36:13 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:36:14 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:36:14 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:36:14 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 38.9s 07/08 19:36:14 - INFO - Total executed 0.0854 minutes 07/08 19:36:14 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:36:14 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 290: 07/08 19:36:14 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:36:14 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:36:28 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:36:28 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9416806722689076 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:30 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:36:31 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:36:31 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:31 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:36:31 - INFO - Total executed 0.2801 minutes 07/08 19:36:31 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:36:31 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 291: 07/08 19:36:31 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:36:31 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:36:33 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:36:33 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.825 / Precision: 0.857 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - Total executed 0.0761 minutes 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 292: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:36:35 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:36:46 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:36:46 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.2266 minutes 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 293: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:36:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:36:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:36:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8482352941176471 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0712 minutes 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 294: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:36:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:37:04 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:37:04 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.22 minutes 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 295: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:37:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:37:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:37:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.073 minutes 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 296: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:37:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:37:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:37:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - Total executed 0.2578 minutes 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 297: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:37:26 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:37:28 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:37:28 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'Label_Size_2', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:30 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.905 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - Total executed 0.0739 minutes 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 298: 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:37:31 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:37:45 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:37:45 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - Total executed 0.2872 minutes 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 299: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:37:48 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:37:51 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:37:51 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8830252100840337 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.941344537815126 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0879 minutes 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 300: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:37:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:38:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:38:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.5s 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.303 minutes 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 301: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:38:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:38:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:38:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8539495798319328 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.0831 minutes 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 302: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:38:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:38:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:38:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277309 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.28 minutes 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 303: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:38:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:38:36 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:38:36 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.953109243697479 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - Total executed 0.0843 minutes 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 304: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:38:38 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:38:53 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:38:53 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - Total executed 0.2805 minutes 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 305: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:38:55 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:38:58 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:38:58 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 22.9s 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - Total executed 0.0879 minutes 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 306: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:39:00 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:39:15 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:39:15 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - Total executed 0.2822 minutes 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 307: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:39:17 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:39:20 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:39:20 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'Label_Type_1']. 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.941344537815126 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 18.5s 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - Total executed 0.0847 minutes 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 308: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:39:22 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:39:36 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:39:36 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - Total executed 0.2655 minutes 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 309: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:39:38 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:39:41 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:39:41 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events']. 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8188235294117646 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042018 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - Total executed 0.0829 minutes 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 310: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:39:43 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:39:56 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:39:56 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - Total executed 0.2494 minutes 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 311: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:39:58 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:40:01 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:40:01 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.0811 minutes 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 312: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:40:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:40:15 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:40:15 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:40:17 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:18 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:18 - INFO - Total executed 0.2378 minutes 07/08 19:40:18 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:40:18 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 313: 07/08 19:40:18 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:40:18 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:40:20 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:40:20 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8658823529411764 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - Total executed 0.0792 minutes 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 314: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:40:22 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:40:37 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:40:37 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN']. 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.2901 minutes 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 315: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:40:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:40:42 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:40:42 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40']. 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.941344537815126 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.0843 minutes 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 316: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:40:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:41:00 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:41:00 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:41:02 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:41:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:41:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.2955 minutes 07/08 19:41:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:41:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 317: 07/08 19:41:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:41:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:41:05 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:41:05 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40']. 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.86 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.941344537815126 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.864 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - Total executed 0.0847 minutes 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 318: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:41:08 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:41:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:41:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40']. 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - Total executed 0.3181 minutes 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 319: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:41:27 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:41:29 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:41:29 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.953109243697479 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8714285714285713 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.1055 minutes 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 320: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:41:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:41:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:41:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 10, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - Total executed 0.266 minutes 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 321: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:41:49 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:41:52 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:41:52 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'Label_Treatment', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9536134453781513 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9127731092436975 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184875 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - Total executed 0.0808 minutes 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 322: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:41:54 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:42:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:42:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'Mean_Size_1']. 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8890756302521009 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - Total executed 0.2746 minutes 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 323: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:42:10 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:42:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:42:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'Label_Type_1']. 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.941344537815126 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.0924 minutes 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 324: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:42:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:42:30 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:42:30 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252101 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5025210084033613 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9178151260504203 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.596 / Precision: 0.533 / Recall: 0.64 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 5.0s 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - Total executed 0.2696 minutes 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 325: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:42:32 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:42:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:42:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.0793 minutes 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 326: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:42:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:42:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:42:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9003361344537815 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.2613 minutes 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 327: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:42:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:42:55 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:42:55 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8658823529411764 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - Total executed 0.0786 minutes 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 328: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:42:57 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:43:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:43:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - Total executed 0.2407 minutes 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 329: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:43:12 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:43:14 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:43:14 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8833613445378152 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - Total executed 0.0768 minutes 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 330: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:43:16 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:43:30 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:43:30 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865547 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.2721 minutes 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 331: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:43:33 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:43:35 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:43:35 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8894117647058823 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - Total executed 0.076 minutes 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 332: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:43:37 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:43:48 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:43:48 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8944537815126049 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 18.0s 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - Total executed 0.2255 minutes 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 333: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:43:51 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'onehot_Treatment_no-recurrence-events', 'onehot_Treatment_recurrence-events', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:43:53 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:43:53 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Position_1']. 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8892436974789917 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008402 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739496 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - Total executed 0.0744 minutes 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 334: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:43:55 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:44:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:44:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9240336134453783 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - Total executed 0.246 minutes 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 335: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:44:10 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:44:12 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:44:12 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.900672268907563 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - Total executed 0.0734 minutes 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 336: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:44:15 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:44:27 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:44:27 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'area_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - Total executed 0.2392 minutes 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 337: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:44:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:44:31 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:44:31 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'Label_Size_2']. 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9532773109243697 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420166 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:33 - INFO - Total executed 0.0749 minutes 07/08 19:44:34 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:44:34 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 338: 07/08 19:44:34 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:44:34 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:44:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:44:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Size_2', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'Mean_Size_1']. 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9179831932773108 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9181512605042016 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.2699 minutes 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 339: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:44:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'Label_Type_2', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:44:52 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:44:52 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.906890756302521 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - Total executed 0.0733 minutes 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 340: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:44:54 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:45:04 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:45:04 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'Mean_Size_1']. 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - Total executed 0.2086 minutes 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 341: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:45:07 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'onehot_Type_3_no', 'onehot_Type_3_yes'] 07/08 19:45:09 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:45:09 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8541176470588235 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.87 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - Total executed 0.0738 minutes 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 342: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:45:11 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:45:22 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:45:22 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9473949579831933 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - Total executed 0.2201 minutes 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 343: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:45:24 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'Label_Size_2', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:45:26 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:45:26 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8830252100840337 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9472268907563025 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:28 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.957 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - Total executed 0.0699 minutes 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 344: 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:45:29 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:45:46 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:45:46 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'area_mean']. 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 15.0s 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - Total executed 0.3239 minutes 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 345: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:45:48 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:45:50 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:45:50 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.953109243697479 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8889075630252099 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:45:52 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.5s 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - Total executed 0.0763 minutes 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 346: 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:45:53 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:46:03 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:46:03 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'radius_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - Total executed 0.2174 minutes 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 347: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:46:06 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:46:08 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:46:08 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Treatment']. 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9536134453781513 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9126050420168067 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9354621848739495 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - Total executed 0.0753 minutes 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 348: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:46:10 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:46:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:46:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8']. 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596639 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.92 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:26 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:46:27 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:46:27 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:27 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:46:27 - INFO - Total executed 0.272 minutes 07/08 19:46:27 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:46:27 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 349: 07/08 19:46:27 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:46:27 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:46:29 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:46:29 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9008403361344538 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - Total executed 0.0764 minutes 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 350: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:46:31 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:46:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:46:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'Mean_Size_1']. 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8890756302521009 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.93 / Precision: 0.889 / Recall: 0.96 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - Total executed 0.2365 minutes 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 351: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:46:45 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Age_20-29', 'onehot_Age_30-39', 'onehot_Age_40-49', 'onehot_Age_50-59', 'onehot_Age_60-69', 'onehot_Age_70-79', 'Label_Position_1', 'Label_Position_2', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:46:47 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:46:47 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2']. 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.953109243697479 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8657142857142859 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9413445378151261 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.95 / Recall: 0.76 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.0722 minutes 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 352: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:46:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:47:02 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:47:02 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low']. 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.929579831932773 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9238655462184873 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - Total executed 0.238 minutes 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 353: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:47:04 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:47:06 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:47:06 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8946218487394958 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.842 / Precision: 0.9 / Recall: 0.72 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - Total executed 0.0778 minutes 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 354: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:47:09 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:47:20 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:47:20 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 100, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.8949579831932774 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9356302521008404 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9295798319327732 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.917 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.86 / Precision: 0.84 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.5s 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - Total executed 0.2266 minutes 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 355: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:47:22 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Frequency_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:47:24 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:47:24 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'Label_Type_1', 'compactness_mean']. 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9067226890756303 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630251 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9299159663865545 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9121008403361344 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 1.0 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 16.0s 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - Total executed 0.0737 minutes 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 356: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:47:27 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:47:38 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:47:38 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concavity_mean', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9122689075630254 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - Total executed 0.2253 minutes 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 357: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:47:40 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'onehot_Type_1_ge40', 'onehot_Type_1_lt40', 'onehot_Type_1_premeno', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:47:43 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:47:43 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['area_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26']. 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9534453781512605 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9591596638655462 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9184873949579831 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.875 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.909 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.852 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 11.0s 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - Total executed 0.1586 minutes 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 358: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:47:50 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:48:00 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:48:00 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['radius_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'texture_mean', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean']. 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 1000, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9357983193277312 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9005042016806722 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.5205042016806722 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9124369747899159 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9063865546218487 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9297478991596637 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9415126050420168 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.885 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 5.0s 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.439 / Precision: 0.439 / Recall: 1.0 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 12.0s 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 19.9s 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.846 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.952 / Recall: 0.8 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - Total executed 0.2156 minutes 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - Current Running Preprocessed Dataset No. 359: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - [Features Before autoFS]: 07/08 19:48:03 - INFO - ['Size_3', 'area_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'texture_mean', 'Label_Age', 'Label_Position_1', 'onehot_Position_2_NaN', 'onehot_Position_2_central', 'onehot_Position_2_left_low', 'onehot_Position_2_left_up', 'onehot_Position_2_right_low', 'onehot_Position_2_right_up', 'Mean_Size_1', 'onehot_Size_2_0-2', 'onehot_Size_2_12-14', 'onehot_Size_2_15-17', 'onehot_Size_2_24-26', 'onehot_Size_2_3-5', 'onehot_Size_2_6-8', 'onehot_Size_2_9-11', 'Label_Treatment', 'Label_Type_1', 'onehot_Type_2_NaN', 'onehot_Type_2_no', 'onehot_Type_2_yes', 'Label_Type_3'] 07/08 19:48:05 - INFO - [Results Report]: 07/08 19:48:05 - INFO - >>> autoFS summary - This dataset has the top 10 important features: ['concave points_mean', 'concavity_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'texture_mean', 'area_mean', 'perimeter_mean', 'radius_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean']. 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - lgr model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9475630252100841 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'} 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9589915966386554 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'sgd'} 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9127731092436975 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9065546218487395 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.924033613445378 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.9236974789915966 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> autoCV summary - xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds: 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best Paramaters: {'learning_rate': 1, 'max_depth': 2, 'n_estimators': 50, 'random_state': 13} 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - - Best CV Score: 0.917983193277311 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> lgr Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> svm Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> mlp Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.912 / Precision: 0.955 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 3.0s 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> rf Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.877 / Precision: 0.821 / Recall: 0.92 / Latency: 14.0s 07/08 19:48:07 - INFO - >>> ada Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 17.0s 07/08 19:48:08 - INFO - >>> gb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.88 / Recall: 0.88 / Latency: 4.0s 07/08 19:48:08 - INFO - >>> xgb Modle Validation Results -- Accuracy: 0.895 / Precision: 0.913 / Recall: 0.84 / Latency: 2.0s 07/08 19:48:08 - INFO - Total executed 0.0792 minutes 07/08 19:48:08 - INFO - ################################################################################################################################################################################################################## 07/08 19:48:08 - INFO - The top 5 Models with Best Performance Metrics: 07/08 19:48:08 - INFO - Dataset Model_Name \ 653 Dataset_93 mlp 1703 Dataset_243 mlp 1983 Dataset_283 mlp 2193 Dataset_313 mlp 1168 Dataset_166 xgb Best_Parameters \ 653 [('activation', 'relu'), ('hidden_layer_sizes', (10,)), ('learning_rate', 'constant'), ('random_state', 13), ('solver', 'sgd')] 1703 [('activation', 'relu'), ('hidden_layer_sizes', (10,)), ('learning_rate', 'constant'), ('random_state', 13), ('solver', 'sgd')] 1983 [('activation', 'relu'), ('hidden_layer_sizes', (10,)), ('learning_rate', 'constant'), ('random_state', 13), ('solver', 'sgd')] 2193 [('activation', 'relu'), ('hidden_layer_sizes', (10,)), ('learning_rate', 'constant'), ('random_state', 13), ('solver', 'sgd')] 1168 [('learning_rate', 1), ('max_depth', 2), ('n_estimators', 50), ('random_state', 13)] Accuracy Precision Recall Latency 653 0.93 1.000 0.84 3.0 1703 0.93 1.000 0.84 3.0 1983 0.93 1.000 0.84 3.0 2193 0.93 1.000 0.84 3.0 1168 0.93 0.957 0.88 2.0