#!/usr/bin/env bash ###################################################################### # Complete install: # Install all dependencies for Torch7, then Torch7 itself. ###################################################################### { set -e function TPUT() { #check for TTY and tput and redefine our existence based upon the results if [[ -t 1 && -t 2 ]] && command -v "tput" >& /dev/null \ && tput setaf 1 >& /dev/null ; then function TPUT() { tput "$@" } else function TPUT() { : ; } fi #now call thy self TPUT "$@" } function ERROR() { TPUT setaf 1 >&2 while read; do echo "ERROR: $REPLY" done <<< "$@" >&2 TPUT sgr0 >&2 } function WARN() { TPUT setaf 3 while read; do echo "WARN: $REPLY" done <<< "$@" TPUT sgr0 } function INFO() { TPUT setaf 2 while read; do echo "INFO: $REPLY" done <<< "$@" TPUT sgr0 } DEPS_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${_GITHUB_USER:-torch}/ezinstall/${_GITHUB_BRANCH:-master}/install-deps" TORCH_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${_GITHUB_USER:-torch}/ezinstall/${_GITHUB_BRANCH:-master}/install-luajit+torch" INFO "Preparing to install dependencies..." # Pull in dependencies if ! DEPS_SCRIPT="$( curl -s "$DEPS_URL" )" || \ [[ -z "$DEPS_SCRIPT" || "$DEPS_SCRIPT" = "Not Found" ]]; then ERROR "Failed to curl $DEPS_URL. Exitting." exit 1 fi # Install dependencies if ! echo "$DEPS_SCRIPT" | bash ; then WARN "At least one of the dependencies failed to install. Continuing anyway." else INFO "Dependencies installed successfully." fi INFO "Preparing to install torch..." # Pull in torch if ! TORCH_SCRIPT="$( curl -s "$TORCH_URL" )" || \ [[ -z "$TORCH_SCRIPT" || "$TORCH_SCRIPT" = "Not Found" ]]; then ERROR "Failed to curl $TORCH_URL. Exitting." fi # Install torch if ! echo "$TORCH_SCRIPT" | bash ; then ERROR "Torch install returned an error. Installation may be incomplete." exit 1 else INFO "Torch installed successfully." fi }