package = "dp" version = "scm-1" source = { url = "git://", tag = "master" } description = { summary = "A deep learning library for the Torch7 distribution", detailed = [[ With an emphasis on flexibility through the elegant use of object-oriented design patterns, dp is a deep learning library inspired by pylearn2 designed for streamlining research and development using the Torch7 distribution. ]], homepage = "" } dependencies = { "torch >= 7.0", "optim >= 1.0.5", "moses >= 1.3.1", "nnx >= 0.1", "dpnn >= 1.0", "xlua >= 1.0", "image >= 1.0", "luafilesystem >= 1.6.2", "sys >= 1.1", "torchx >= 1.0" } build = { type = "command", build_command = [[ cmake -E make_directory build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(LUA_BINDIR)/.." -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(PREFIX)" && $(MAKE) ]], install_command = "cd build && $(MAKE) install" }