local log version = '##__TRIMHANDLER_VERSION__##' haveDepCtrl, DependencyControl = pcall require, 'l0.DependencyControl' if haveDepCtrl version = DependencyControl { name: 'TrimHandler' :version description: 'A class for encoding video clips.' author: 'torque' url: 'https://github.com/TypesettingTools/Aegisub-Motion' moduleName: 'a-mo.TrimHandler' feed: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TypesettingTools/Aegisub-Motion/DepCtrl/DependencyControl.json' { { 'a-mo.Log', version: '##__LOG_VERSION__##' } } } log = version\requireModules! else log = require 'a-mo.Log' windows = jit.os == "Windows" class TrimHandler @version: version @windows: windows existingPresets: { "x264", "ffmpeg" } -- Set up encoder presets. defaults: { x264: '"#{encbin}" --crf 16 --tune fastdecode -i 250 --fps 24000/1001 --sar 1:1 --index "#{prefix}/#{index}.index" --seek #{startf} --frames #{lenf} --output-depth 8 -o "#{prefix}/#{output}[#{startf}-#{endf}].mp4" "#{inpath}/#{input}"' ffmpeg: '"#{encbin}" -ss #{startt} -an -sn -i "#{inpath}/#{input}" -q:v 1 -vsync passthrough -frames:v #{lenf} "#{prefix}/#{output}[#{startf}-#{endf}]-%05d.jpg"' -- avs2pipe: 'echo FFVideoSource("#{inpath}#{input}",cachefile="#{prefix}#{index}.index").trim(#{startf},#{endf}).ConvertToRGB.ImageWriter("#{prefix}/#{output}-[#{startf}-#{endf}]\\",type="png").ConvertToYV12 > "#{temp}/a-mo.encode.avs"\nmkdir "#{prefix}#{output}-[#{startf}-#{endf}]"\n"#{encbin}" video "#{temp}/a-mo.encode.avs"\ndel "#{temp}/a-mo.encode.avs"' -- vapoursynth: } -- Example trimConfig: -- trimConfig = { -- -- The prefix is the directory the output will be written to. It -- -- is passed through aegisub.decode_path. -- prefix: "?video" -- -- The name of the built in encoding preset to use. Overridden by -- -- command if that is neither nil nor an empty string. -- preset: "x264" -- -- The path of the executable used to actually do the encoding. -- -- Full path is recommended as the shell environment may be -- -- different than expected on non-windows systems. -- encBin: "C:\x264.exe" -- -- A custom encoding command that can be used to override the -- -- built-in defaults. Usable token documentation to come. -- -- Overrides preset if that is set. -- command: nil -- -- Script should attempt to create prefix directory. -- makePfix: nil -- -- Script should attempt to log output of the encoding command. -- writeLog: true -- } new: ( trimConfig ) => @tokens = { } if trimConfig.command != nil trimConfig.command = trimConfig.command\gsub "[\t \r\n]*$", "" if trimConfig.command != "" @command = trimConfig.command else @command = @defaults[trimConfig.preset] else @command = @defaults[trimConfig.preset] @makePrefix = trimConfig.makePfix @writeLog = trimConfig.writeLog with @tokens .temp = aegisub.decode_path "?temp" -- For some reason, aegisub appends / to the end of ?temp but not -- other tokens. finalTemp = .temp\sub -1, -1 if finalTemp == '\\' or finalTemp == '/' .temp = .temp\sub 1, -2 .encbin = trimConfig.encBin .prefix = aegisub.decode_path trimConfig.prefix .inpath = aegisub.decode_path "?video" .log = aegisub.decode_path "#{.temp}/a-mo.encode.log" getVideoName @ getVideoName = => with @tokens video = aegisub.project_properties!.video_file if video\len! == 0 log.windowError "Aegisub thinks you have no attached video file, yet this script somehow passed the validation macro.\nTheoretically it should be impossible to get this error." if video\match "^?dummy" log.windowError "I can't encode that dummy video for you." .input = video\gsub( "^[A-Z]:\\", "", 1 )\gsub ".+[^\\/]-[\\/]", "", 1 .index = .input\match "(.+)%.[^%.]+$" .output = .index calculateTrimLength: ( lineCollection ) => with @tokens .startt = lineCollection.startTime / 1000 .endt = lineCollection.endTime / 1000 .lent = .endt - .startt .startf = lineCollection.startFrame .endf = lineCollection.endFrame - 1 .lenf = lineCollection.totalFrames performTrim: => with platform = ({ [true]: { pre: @tokens.temp ext: ".ps1" -- This needs to be run from cmd or it will not work. exec: 'powershell -c iex "$(gc "%s" -en UTF8)"' preCom: (@makePrefix and "mkdir -Force \"#{@tokens.prefix}\"; & " or "& ") postCom: (@writeLog and " 2>&1 | Out-File #{@tokens.log} -en UTF8; if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {echo \"If there is no log before this, your encoder is not a working executable or your encoding command is invalid.\" | ac -en utf8 #{@tokens.log}; exit 1}" or "") .. "; exit 0" execFunc: ( encodeScript ) -> -- clear out old logfile because it doesn't get overwritten -- when certain errors occur. if @writeLog logFile = io.open @tokens.log, 'wb' logFile\close! if logFile success = os.execute encodeScript if @writeLog and not success logFile = io.open @tokens.log, 'r' unless logFile log.windowError "Could not read log file #{@tokens.log}.\nSomething has gone horribly wrong." encodeLog = logFile\read '*a' logFile\close! log.warn "\nEncoding error:" log.warn encodeLog log.windowError "Encoding failed. Log has been printed to progress window." elseif not success log.windowError "Encoding seems to have failed but you didn't write a log file." } [false]: { pre: @tokens.temp ext: ".sh" exec: 'sh "%s"' preCom: @makePrefix and "mkdir -p \"#{@tokens.prefix}\"\n" or "" postCom: " 2>&1; if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo \"If there is no log before this, your encoder is not a working executable or your encoding command is invalid.\"; false; fi" execFunc: ( encodeScript ) -> logFile = io.popen encodeScript, 'r' encodeLog = logFile\read '*a' -- When closing a file handle created with io.popen, -- file:close returns the same values returned by -- os.execute. success = logFile\close! unless success log.warn "\nEncoding error:" log.warn encodeLog log.windowError "Encoding failed. Log has been printed to progress window." } })[windows] -- check encoder binary exists encoder = io.open @tokens.encbin, "rb" unless encoder log.windowError "Encoding binary (#{@tokens.encbin}) does not appear to exist." encoder\close! encodeScript = aegisub.decode_path "#{.pre}/a-mo.encode#{.ext}" encodeScriptFile = io.open encodeScript, "w+" unless encodeScriptFile log.windowError "Encoding script could not be written.\nSomething is wrong with your temp dir (#{.pre})." encodeString = .preCom .. @command\gsub( "#{(.-)}", ( token ) -> @tokens[token] ) .. .postCom if windows encodeString = encodeString\gsub "`", "``" log.debug encodeString encodeScriptFile\write encodeString encodeScriptFile\close! .execFunc .exec\format encodeScript if haveDepCtrl return version\register TrimHandler else return TrimHandler