local msg = require('mp.msg') local log = { debug = function(format, ...) return msg.debug(format:format(...)) end, info = function(format, ...) return msg.info(format:format(...)) end, warn = function(format, ...) return msg.warn(format:format(...)) end, dump = function(item, ignore) if "table" ~= type(item) then msg.info(tostring(item)) return end local count = 1 local tablecount = 1 local result = { "{ @" .. tostring(tablecount) } local seen = { [item] = tablecount } local recurse recurse = function(item, space) for key, value in pairs(item) do if not (key == ignore) then if "table" == type(value) then if not (seen[value]) then tablecount = tablecount + 1 seen[value] = tablecount count = count + 1 result[count] = space .. tostring(key) .. ": { @" .. tostring(tablecount) recurse(value, space .. " ") count = count + 1 result[count] = space .. "}" else count = count + 1 result[count] = space .. tostring(key) .. ": @" .. tostring(seen[value]) end else if "string" == type(value) then value = ("%q"):format(value) end count = count + 1 result[count] = space .. tostring(key) .. ": " .. tostring(value) end end end end recurse(item, " ") count = count + 1 result[count] = "}" return msg.info(table.concat(result, "\n")) end } local _mathmin = math.min local _mathmax = math.max local clamp clamp = function(value, min, max) return _mathmin(max, _mathmax(value, min)) end local options = require('mp.options') local utils = require('mp.utils') local script_name = 'torque-progressbar' mp.get_osd_size = mp.get_osd_size or mp.get_screen_size local settings = { _defaults = { } } local settingsMeta = { _reload = function(self) for key, value in pairs(self._defaults) do settings[key] = value end options.read_options(self, script_name .. '/main') if self['bar-height-inactive'] <= 0 then self['bar-hide-inactive'] = true self['bar-height-inactive'] = 1 end end, _migrate = function(self) local pathSep = package.config:sub(1, 1) local onWindows = pathSep == '\\' local mv mv = function(oldFile, newFile) local cmd = { args = { 'mv', oldConfig, newConfig } } if onWindows then local oldfile = oldFile:gsub('/', pathSep) newFile = newFile:gsub('/', pathSep) cmd = { args = { 'cmd', '/Q', '/C', 'move', '/Y', oldfile, newFile } } end return utils.subprocess(cmd) end local mkdir mkdir = function(directory) local cmd = { args = { 'mkdir', '-p', directory } } if onWindows then directory = directory:gsub('/', pathSep) cmd = { args = { 'cmd', '/Q', '/C', 'mkdir', directory } } end return utils.subprocess(cmd) end local settingsDirectories = { 'script-opts', 'lua-settings' } local oldConfigFiles do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _index_0 = 1, #settingsDirectories do local dir = settingsDirectories[_index_0] _accum_0[_len_0] = ('%s/%s.conf'):format(dir, script_name) _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end oldConfigFiles = _accum_0 end local newConfigFiles do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _index_0 = 1, #settingsDirectories do local dir = settingsDirectories[_index_0] _accum_0[_len_0] = ('%s/%s/main.conf'):format(dir, script_name) _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end newConfigFiles = _accum_0 end local oldConfig = nil local oldConfigIndex = 1 local newConfigFile = nil local newConfig = nil for idx, file in ipairs(oldConfigFiles) do log.debug(('checking for old config "%s"'):format(file)) oldConfig = mp.find_config_file(file) if oldConfig then log.debug(('found "%s"'):format(oldConfig)) oldConfigIndex = idx break end end if not (oldConfig) then log.debug('No old config file found. Migration finished.') return end for _index_0 = 1, #newConfigFiles do local file = newConfigFiles[_index_0] log.debug(('checking for new config "%s"'):format(file)) newConfig = mp.find_config_file(file) if newConfig then log.debug(('found "%s"'):format(newConfig)) newConfigFile = file break end end if oldConfig and not newConfig then log.debug(('Found "%s". Processing migration.'):format(oldConfig)) newConfigFile = newConfigFiles[oldConfigIndex] local baseConfigFolder, _ = utils.split_path(oldConfig) local configDir = utils.join_path(baseConfigFolder, script_name) newConfig = utils.join_path(configDir, 'main.conf') log.info(('Old configuration detected. Attempting to migrate "%s" -> "%s"'):format(oldConfig, newConfig)) local dirExists = mp.find_config_file(configDir) if dirExists and not utils.readdir(configDir) then log.warn(('Configuration migration failed. "%s" exists and does not appear to be a folder'):format(configDir)) return else if not dirExists then log.debug(('Attempting to create directory "%s"'):format(configDir)) local res = mkdir(configDir) if res.error or res.status ~= 0 then log.warn(('Making directory "%s" failed.'):format(configDir)) return end log.debug('successfully created directory.') else log.debug(('Directory "%s" already exists. Continuing.'):format(configDir)) end end log.debug(('Attempting to move "%s" -> "%s"'):format(oldConfig, newConfig)) local res = mv(oldConfig, newConfig) if res.error or res.status ~= 0 then log.warn(('Moving file "%s" -> "%s" failed.'):format(oldConfig, newConfig)) return end if mp.find_config_file(newConfigFile) then return log.info('Configuration successfully migrated.') else return log.warn(('Cannot find "%s". Migration mysteriously failed?'):format(newConfigFile)) end end end, __newindex = function(self, key, value) self._defaults[key] = value return rawset(self, key, value) end } settingsMeta.__index = settingsMeta setmetatable(settings, settingsMeta) settings:_migrate() local helpText = { } settings['hover-zone-height'] = 40 helpText['hover-zone-height'] = [[Sets the height of the rectangular area at the bottom of the screen that expands the progress bar and shows playback time information when the mouse is hovered over it. ]] settings['top-hover-zone-height'] = 40 helpText['top-hover-zone-height'] = [[Sets the height of the rectangular area at the top of the screen that shows the file name and system time when the mouse is hovered over it. ]] settings['default-style'] = [[\fnSource Sans Pro\b1\bord2\shad0\fs30\c&HFC799E&\3c&H2D2D2D&]] helpText['default-style'] = [[Default style that is applied to all UI elements. A string of ASS override tags. Individual elements have their own style settings which override the tags here. Changing the font will likely require changing the hover-time margin settings and the offscreen-pos settings. Here are some useful ASS override tags (omit square brackets): \fn[Font Name]: sets the font to the named font. \fs[number]: sets the font size to the given number. \b[1/0]: sets the text bold or not (\b1 is bold, \b0 is regular weight). \i[1/0]: sets the text italic or not (same semantics as bold). \bord[number]: sets the outline width to the given number (in pixels). \shad[number]: sets the shadow size to the given number (pixels). \c&H[BBGGRR]&: sets the fill color for the text to the given color (hex pairs in the order, blue, green, red). \3c&H[BBGGRR]&: sets the outline color of the text to the given color. \4c&H[BBGGRR]&: sets the shadow color of the text to the given color. \alpha&H[AA]&: sets the line's transparency as a hex pair. 00 is fully opaque and FF is fully transparent. Some UI elements are composed of multiple layered lines, so adding transparency may not look good. For further granularity, \1a&H[AA]& controls the fill opacity, \3a&H[AA]& controls the outline opacity, and \4a&H[AA]& controls the shadow opacity. ]] settings['enable-bar'] = true helpText['enable-bar'] = [[Controls whether or not the progress bar is drawn at all. If this is disabled, it also (naturally) disables the click-to-seek functionality. ]] settings['bar-hide-inactive'] = false helpText['bar-hide-inactive'] = [[Causes the bar to not be drawn unless the mouse is hovering over it or a request-display call is active. This is somewhat redundant with setting bar- height-inactive=0, except that it can allow for very rudimentary context- sensitive behavior because it can be toggled at runtime. For example, by using the binding `f cycle pause; script-binding progressbar/toggle-inactive-bar`, it is possible to have the bar be persistently present only in windowed or fullscreen contexts, depending on the default setting. ]] settings['bar-height-inactive'] = 3 helpText['bar-height-inactive'] = [[Sets the height of the bar display when the mouse is not in the active zone and there is no request-display active. A value of 0 or less will cause bar-hide- inactive to be set to true and the bar height to be set to 1. This should result in the desired behavior while avoiding annoying debug logging in mpv (libass does not like zero-height objects). ]] settings['bar-height-active'] = 8 helpText['bar-height-active'] = [[Sets the height of the bar display when the mouse is in the active zone or request-display is active. There is no logic attached to this, so 0 or negative values may have unexpected results. ]] settings['progress-bar-width'] = 0 helpText['progress-bar-width'] = [[If greater than zero, changes the progress bar style to be a small segment rather than a continuous bar and sets its width. ]] settings['seek-precision'] = 'exact' helpText['seek-precision'] = [[Affects precision of seeks due to clicks on the progress bar. Should be 'exact' or 'keyframes'. Exact is slightly slower, but won't jump around between two different times when clicking in the same place. Actually, this gets passed directly into the `seek` command, so the value can be any of the arguments supported by mpv, though the ones above are the only ones that really make sense. ]] settings['bar-background-adaptive'] = true helpText['bar-background-adaptive'] = [[Causes the progress bar background layer to automatically size itself to the tallest of the cache or progress bars. Useful for improving contrast but can make the bar take up more screen space. Has no effect if the cache bar height is less than the bar height. ]] settings['bar-cache-position'] = 'overlay' helpText['bar-cache-position'] = [[Placement of the cache bar. Valid values are 'overlay' and 'underlay'. 'overlay' causes the cache bar to be drawn on top of the foreground layer of the bar, allowing the display of seek ranges that have already been encountered. 'underlay' draws the cache bar between the foreground and background layers. Any demuxer cache ranges that are prior to the current playback point will not be shown. This matches the previous behavior. ]] settings['bar-cache-height-inactive'] = 1.5 helpText['bar-cache-height-inactive'] = [[Sets the height of the cache bar display when the mouse is not in the active zone and there is no request-display active. Useful in combination with bar- cache-position to control whether or not the cache bar is occluded by (or occludes) the progress bar. ]] settings['bar-cache-height-active'] = 4 helpText['bar-cache-height-active'] = [[Sets the height of the cache bar display when the mouse is in the active zone or request-display is active. Useful in combination with bar-cache- position to control whether or not the cache bar is occluded by (or occludes) the progress bar. ]] settings['bar-default-style'] = [[\bord0\shad0]] helpText['bar-default-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied to all three layers of the bar: progress, cache, and background. You probably don't want to remove \bord0 unless your default-style includes it. ]] settings['bar-foreground-style'] = '' helpText['bar-foreground-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the progress layer of the bar. ]] settings['bar-cache-style'] = [[\c&H515151&]] helpText['bar-cache-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the cache layer of the bar, particularly the part of the cache bar that is behind the current playback position. The default sets only the color. ]] settings['bar-cache-background-style'] = [[]] helpText['bar-cache-background-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the cache layer of the bar, particularly the part of the cache bar that is after the current playback position. The tags specified here are applied after bar-cache-style and override them. Leaving this blank will leave the style the same as specified by bar- cache-style. The split does not account for a nonzero progress-bar-width and may look odd when used in tandem with that setting. ]] settings['bar-background-style'] = [[\c&H2D2D2D&]] helpText['bar-background-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the background layer of the bar. The default sets only the color. ]] settings['enable-elapsed-time'] = true helpText['enable-elapsed-time'] = [[Sets whether or not the elapsed time is displayed at all. ]] settings['elapsed-style'] = '' helpText['elapsed-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the elapsed time display. ]] settings['elapsed-left-margin'] = 4 helpText['elapsed-left-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the left edge of the window the elapsed time display is positioned. ]] settings['elapsed-bottom-margin'] = 0 helpText['elapsed-bottom-margin'] = [[Controls how far above the expanded progress bar the elapsed time display is positioned. ]] settings['enable-remaining-time'] = true helpText['enable-remaining-time'] = [[Sets whether or not the remaining time is displayed at all. ]] settings['remaining-style'] = '' helpText['remaining-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the remaining time display. ]] settings['remaining-right-margin'] = 4 helpText['remaining-right-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the right edge of the window the remaining time display is positioned. ]] settings['remaining-bottom-margin'] = 0 helpText['remaining-bottom-margin'] = [[Controls how far above the expanded progress bar the remaining time display is positioned. ]] settings['enable-hover-time'] = true helpText['enable-hover-time'] = [[Sets whether or not the calculated time corresponding to the mouse position is displayed when the mouse hovers over the progress bar. ]] settings['hover-time-style'] = [[\fs26]] helpText['hover-time-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the hover time display. Unfortunately, due to the way the hover time display is animated, alpha values set here will be overridden. This is subject to change in future versions. ]] settings['hover-time-left-margin'] = 120 helpText['hover-time-left-margin'] = [[Controls how close to the left edge of the window the hover time display can get. If this value is too small, it will end up overlapping the elapsed time display. ]] settings['hover-time-right-margin'] = 130 helpText['hover-time-right-margin'] = [[Controls how close to the right edge of the window the hover time display can get. If this value is too small, it will end up overlapping the remaining time display. ]] settings['hover-time-bottom-margin'] = 0 helpText['hover-time-bottom-margin'] = [[Controls how far above the expanded progress bar the remaining time display is positioned. ]] settings['enable-thumbnail'] = true helpText['enable-thumbnail'] = [[Sets whether or not thumbnails are displayed at all. Note: thumbnail display requires use of the thumbfast script (See: https://github.com/po5/thumbfast). ]] settings['thumbnail-left-margin'] = 10 helpText['thumbnail-left-margin'] = [[Controls how close to the left edge of the window the thumbnail display can get. ]] settings['thumbnail-right-margin'] = 10 helpText['thumbnail-right-margin'] = [[Controls how close to the right edge of the window the thumbnail display can get. ]] settings['thumbnail-bottom-margin'] = 40 helpText['thumbnail-bottom-margin'] = [[Controls how far above the expanded progress bar the thumbnail display is positioned. ]] settings['enable-title'] = true helpText['enable-title'] = [[Sets whether or not the video title is displayed at all. ]] settings['title-style'] = '' helpText['title-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the video title display. ]] settings['title-left-margin'] = 4 helpText['title-left-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the left edge of the window the video title display is positioned. ]] settings['title-top-margin'] = 0 helpText['title-top-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the top edge of the window the video title display is positioned. ]] settings['title-print-to-cli'] = true helpText['title-print-to-cli'] = [[Controls whether or not the script logs the video title and playlist position to the console every time a new video starts. ]] settings['enable-system-time'] = true helpText['enable-system-time'] = [[Sets whether or not the system time is displayed at all. ]] settings['system-time-style'] = '' helpText['system-time-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the system time display. ]] settings['system-time-format'] = '%H:%M' helpText['system-time-format'] = [[Sets the format used for the system time display. This must be a strftime- compatible format string. ]] settings['system-time-right-margin'] = 4 helpText['system-time-right-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the right edge of the window the system time display is positioned. ]] settings['system-time-top-margin'] = 0 helpText['system-time-top-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the top edge of the window the system time display is positioned. ]] settings['pause-indicator'] = true helpText['pause-indicator'] = [[Sets whether or not the pause indicator is displayed. The pause indicator is a momentary icon that flashes in the middle of the screen, similar to youtube. ]] settings['pause-indicator-foreground-style'] = [[\c&HFC799E&]] helpText['pause-indicator-foreground-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the foreground of the pause indicator. ]] settings['pause-indicator-background-style'] = [[\c&H2D2D2D&]] helpText['pause-indicator-background-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the background of the pause indicator. ]] settings['enable-chapter-markers'] = true helpText['enable-chapter-markers'] = [[Sets whether or not the progress bar is decorated with chapter markers. Due to the way the chapter markers are currently implemented, videos with a large number of chapters may slow down the script somewhat, but I have yet to run into this being a problem. ]] settings['chapter-marker-width'] = 2 helpText['chapter-marker-width'] = [[Controls the width of each chapter marker when the progress bar is inactive. ]] settings['chapter-marker-width-active'] = 4 helpText['chapter-marker-width-active'] = [[Controls the width of each chapter marker when the progress bar is active. ]] settings['chapter-marker-active-height-fraction'] = 1 helpText['chapter-marker-active-height-fraction'] = [[Modifies the height of the chapter markers when the progress bar is active. Acts as a multiplier on the height of the active progress bar. A value greater than 1 will cause the markers to be taller than the expanded progress bar, whereas a value less than 1 will cause them to be shorter. ]] settings['chapter-marker-before-style'] = [[\c&HFC799E&]] helpText['chapter-marker-before-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to chapter markers that have not yet been passed. ]] settings['chapter-marker-after-style'] = [[\c&H2D2D2D&]] helpText['chapter-marker-after-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to chapter markers that have already been passed. ]] settings['request-display-duration'] = 1 helpText['request-display-duration'] = [[Sets the amount of time in seconds that the UI stays on the screen after it receives a request-display signal. A value of 0 will keep the display on screen only as long as the key bound to it is held down. ]] settings['redraw-period'] = 0.03 helpText['redraw-period'] = [[Controls how often the display is redrawn, in seconds. This does not seem to significantly affect the smoothness of animations, and it is subject to the accuracy limits imposed by the scheduler mpv uses. Probably not worth changing unless you have major performance problems. ]] settings['animation-duration'] = 0.25 helpText['animation-duration'] = [[Controls how long the UI animations take. A value of 0 disables all animations (which breaks the pause indicator). ]] settings['elapsed-offscreen-pos'] = -100 helpText['elapsed-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the left side of the window the elapsed time display tries to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed display will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values will cause the display to animate the wrong direction. ]] settings['remaining-offscreen-pos'] = -100 helpText['remaining-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the left side of the window the remaining time display tries to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed display will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values will cause the display to animate the wrong direction. ]] settings['hover-time-offscreen-pos'] = -50 helpText['hover-time-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the bottom of the window the mouse hover time display tries to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed display will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values will cause the display to animate the wrong direction. ]] settings['system-time-offscreen-pos'] = -100 helpText['system-time-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the left side of the window the system time display tries to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed display will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values will cause the display to animate the wrong direction. ]] settings['title-offscreen-pos'] = -40 helpText['title-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the left side of the window the video title display tries to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed display will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values will cause the display to animate the wrong direction. ]] settings:_reload() local Stack do local _class_0 local removeElementMetadata, reindex local _base_0 = { insert = function(self, element, index) if index then table.insert(self, index, element) element[self] = index else table.insert(self, element) element[self] = #self end if self.containmentKey then element[self.containmentKey] = true end end, remove = function(self, element) if element[self] == nil then error("Trying to remove an element that doesn't exist in this stack.") end table.remove(self, element[self]) reindex(self, element[self]) return removeElementMetadata(self, element) end, clear = function(self) local element = table.remove(self) while element do removeElementMetadata(self, element) element = table.remove(self) end end, removeSortedList = function(self, elementList) if #elementList < 1 then return end for i = 1, #elementList - 1 do local element = table.remove(elementList) table.remove(self, element[self]) removeElementMetadata(self, element) end local lastElement = table.remove(elementList) table.remove(self, lastElement[self]) reindex(self, lastElement[self]) return removeElementMetadata(self, lastElement) end, removeList = function(self, elementList) table.sort(elementList, function(a, b) return a[self] < b[self] end) return self:removeSortedList(elementList) end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, containmentKey) self.containmentKey = containmentKey end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Stack" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 removeElementMetadata = function(self, element) element[self] = nil if self.containmentKey then element[self.containmentKey] = false end end reindex = function(self, start) if start == nil then start = 1 end for i = start, #self do (self[i])[self] = i end end Stack = _class_0 end local Window do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function() end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Window" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 self.__class.osdScale = mp.get_property_number("display-hidpi-scale", 1) self.__class.w, self.__class.h = 0, 0 self.__class._rawW, self.__class._rawH = 0, 0 self.update = function(self) local w, h = mp.get_osd_size() local osdScale = mp.get_property_number("display-hidpi-scale", 1) self._rawW, self._rawH = w, h w, h = math.floor(w / osdScale), math.floor(h / osdScale) if w ~= self.w or h ~= self.h or osdScale ~= self.osdScale then self.w, self.h, self.osdScale = w, h, osdScale return true else return false end end Window = _class_0 end local Mouse do local _class_0 local scaledPosition local _base_0 = { } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function() end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Mouse" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 self.__class.x, self.__class.y = -1, -1 self.__class._rawX, self.__class._rawY = -1, -1 self.__class.inWindow, self.__class.dead = false, true self.__class.clickX, self.__class.clickY = -1, -1 self.__class.clickPending = false scaledPosition = function(self) local x, y = mp.get_mouse_pos() self._rawX, self._rawY = x, y return math.floor(x / Window.osdScale), math.floor(y / Window.osdScale) end self.update = function(self) local oldX, oldY = self.x, self.y self.x, self.y = scaledPosition(self) if self.dead and (oldX ~= self.x or oldY ~= self.y) then self.dead = false end if not self.dead and self.clickPending then self.clickPending = false return true end return false end self.cacheClick = function(self) if not self.dead then self.clickX, self.clickY = scaledPosition(self) self.clickPending = true else self.dead = false end end Mouse = _class_0 end mp.add_key_binding("mouse_btn0", "left-click", function() return Mouse:cacheClick() end) mp.observe_property('fullscreen', 'bool', function() Mouse:update() Mouse.dead = true end) mp.add_forced_key_binding("mouse_leave", "mouse-leave", function() Mouse.inWindow = false end) mp.add_forced_key_binding("mouse_enter", "mouse-enter", function() Mouse.inWindow = true end) local Rect do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { cacheMaxBounds = function(self) self.xMax = self.x + self.w self.yMax = self.y + self.h end, setPosition = function(self, x, y) self.x = x or self.x self.y = y or self.y return self:cacheMaxBounds() end, setSize = function(self, w, h) self.w = w or self.w self.h = h or self.h return self:cacheMaxBounds() end, reset = function(self, x, y, w, h) self.x = x or self.x self.y = y or self.y self.w = w or self.w self.h = h or self.h return self:cacheMaxBounds() end, move = function(self, x, y) self.x = self.x + (x or self.x) self.y = self.y + (y or self.y) return self:cacheMaxBounds() end, stretch = function(self, w, h) self.w = self.w + (w or self.w) self.h = self.h + (h or self.h) return self:cacheMaxBounds() end, containsPoint = function(self, x, y) return (x >= self.x) and (x < self.xMax) and (y >= self.y) and (y < self.yMax) end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, x, y, w, h) if x == nil then x = -1 end if y == nil then y = -1 end if w == nil then w = -1 end if h == nil then h = -1 end self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x, y, w, h return self:cacheMaxBounds() end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Rect" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 Rect = _class_0 end local ActivityZone do local _class_0 local _parent_0 = Rect local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) self.active = false end, addUIElement = function(self, element) self.elements:insert(element) return element:activate(self.active) end, removeUIElement = function(self, element) return self.elements:remove(element) end, clickHandler = function(self) if not (self:containsPoint(Mouse.clickX, Mouse.clickY)) then return end for _, element in ipairs(self.elements) do if element.clickHandler and not element:clickHandler() then break end end end, activityCheck = function(self, displayRequested) if displayRequested == true then return true end if not (Mouse.inWindow) then return false end if Mouse.dead then return false end return self:containsPoint(Mouse.x, Mouse.y) end, update = function(self, displayRequested, clickPending) local nowActive = self:activityCheck(displayRequested) if self.active ~= nowActive then self.active = nowActive for id, element in ipairs(self.elements) do element:activate(nowActive) end end if clickPending then self:clickHandler() end return nowActive end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, resize, activityCheck) self.resize, self.activityCheck = resize, activityCheck _class_0.__parent.__init(self) self.active = false self.elements = Stack() end, __base = _base_0, __name = "ActivityZone", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end ActivityZone = _class_0 end local AnimationQueue do local _class_0 local animationList, deletionQueue local _base_0 = { } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function() end, __base = _base_0, __name = "AnimationQueue" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 animationList = Stack('active') deletionQueue = { } self.addAnimation = function(animation) if not (animation.active) then return animationList:insert(animation) end end self.removeAnimation = function(animation) if animation.active then return animationList:remove(animation) end end self.destroyAnimationStack = function() return animationList:clear() end self.animate = function() if #animationList == 0 then return end local currentTime = mp.get_time() for _, animation in ipairs(animationList) do if animation:update(currentTime) then table.insert(deletionQueue, animation) end end if #deletionQueue > 0 then return animationList:removeSortedList(deletionQueue) end end self.active = function() return #animationList > 0 end AnimationQueue = _class_0 end local EventLoop do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) settings:_reload() AnimationQueue.destroyAnimationStack() for _, zone in ipairs(self.activityZones) do zone:reconfigure() end for _, element in ipairs(self.uiElements) do element:reconfigure() end end, addZone = function(self, zone) if zone == nil then return end return self.activityZones:insert(zone) end, removeZone = function(self, zone) if zone == nil then return end return self.activityZones:remove(zone) end, generateUIFromZones = function(self) local seenUIElements = { } self.script = { } self.uiElements:clear() AnimationQueue.destroyAnimationStack() for _, zone in ipairs(self.activityZones) do for _, uiElement in ipairs(zone.elements) do if not (seenUIElements[uiElement]) then self:addUIElement(uiElement) seenUIElements[uiElement] = true end end end return self.updateTimer:resume() end, addUIElement = function(self, uiElement) if uiElement == nil then error('nil UIElement added.') end self.uiElements:insert(uiElement) return table.insert(self.script, '') end, removeUIElement = function(self, uiElement) if uiElement == nil then error('nil UIElement removed.') end table.remove(self.script, uiElement[self.uiElements]) self.uiElements:remove(uiElement) self.needsRedraw = true end, resize = function(self) for _, zone in ipairs(self.activityZones) do zone:resize() end for _, uiElement in ipairs(self.uiElements) do uiElement:resize() end end, redraw = function(self, forceRedraw) local clickPending = Mouse:update() if Window:update() then self.canvas.res_x = Window.w self.canvas.res_y = Window.h self:resize() end for index, zone in ipairs(self.activityZones) do zone:update(self.displayRequested, clickPending) end AnimationQueue.animate() for index, uiElement in ipairs(self.uiElements) do if uiElement:redraw() then self.script[index] = uiElement:stringify() self.needsRedraw = true end end if self.needsRedraw then self.canvas.data = table.concat(self.script, '\n') self.canvas:update() self.needsRedraw = false end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) self.script = { } self.uiElements = Stack() self.activityZones = Stack() self.displayRequested = false self.needsRedraw = false self.canvas = mp.create_osd_overlay("ass-events") self.updateTimer = mp.add_periodic_timer(settings['redraw-period'], (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.redraw return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)()) self.updateTimer:stop() mp.register_event('shutdown', function() return self.updateTimer:kill() end) local displayRequestTimer local displayDuration = settings['request-display-duration'] mp.add_key_binding("tab", "request-display", function(event) if event.event == "repeat" then return end if event.event == "down" or event.event == "press" then if displayRequestTimer then displayRequestTimer:kill() end self.displayRequested = true end if event.event == "up" or event.event == "press" then if displayDuration == 0 then self.displayRequested = false else displayRequestTimer = mp.add_timeout(displayDuration, function() self.displayRequested = false end) end end end, { complex = true }) return mp.add_key_binding('ctrl+r', 'reconfigure', (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.reconfigure return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), { repeatable = false }) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "EventLoop" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 EventLoop = _class_0 end local Animation do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { update = function(self, now) if self.isReversed then self.linearProgress = clamp(self.linearProgress + (self.lastUpdate - now) * self.durationR, 0, 1) if self.linearProgress == 0 then self.isFinished = true end else self.linearProgress = clamp(self.linearProgress + (now - self.lastUpdate) * self.durationR, 0, 1) if self.linearProgress == 1 then self.isFinished = true end end self.lastUpdate = now local progress = math.pow(self.linearProgress, self.accel) self.value = (1 - progress) * self.initialValue + progress * self.endValue self.updateCb(self.value) if self.isFinished and self.finishedCb then self:finishedCb() end return self.isFinished end, interrupt = function(self, reverse) self.finishedCb = nil self.lastUpdate = mp.get_time() self.isReversed = reverse if not (self.active) then self.isFinished = false return AnimationQueue.addAnimation(self) end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, initialValue, endValue, duration, updateCb, finishedCb, accel) if accel == nil then accel = 1 end self.initialValue, self.endValue, self.duration, self.updateCb, self.finishedCb, self.accel = initialValue, endValue, duration, updateCb, finishedCb, accel self.value = self.initialValue self.linearProgress = 0 self.lastUpdate = mp.get_time() self.durationR = 1 / self.duration self.isFinished = (self.duration <= 0) self.active = false self.isReversed = false end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Animation" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 Animation = _class_0 end local UIElement do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { stringify = function(self) self.needsUpdate = false if not self.active then return '' else return table.concat(self.line) end end, activate = function(self, activate) if activate == true then if self.animation then self.animation:interrupt(false) end self.active = true else if self.animation then self.animation:interrupt(true) self.animation.finishedCb = function() self.active = false end else self.active = false end end end, reconfigure = function(self) self.needsUpdate = true self.animationDuration = settings['animation-duration'] end, resize = function(self) return error('UIElement updateSize called') end, redraw = function(self) return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) self.needsUpdate = false self.active = false self.animationDuration = settings['animation-duration'] end, __base = _base_0, __name = "UIElement" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 UIElement = _class_0 end local BarAccent do local _class_0 local barSize local _parent_0 = UIElement local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) barSize = settings['bar-height-active'] end, resize = function(self) self.yPos = Window.h - barSize self.needsUpdate = true end, redraw = function(self) if self.barSize ~= barSize then self.barSize = barSize return self:resize() end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) self.yPos = Window.h - barSize end, __base = _base_0, __name = "BarAccent", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 barSize = settings['bar-height-active'] self.changeBarSize = function(size) barSize = size end if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end BarAccent = _class_0 end local BarBase do local _class_0 local hideInactive, lineBaseTemplate local _parent_0 = UIElement local _base_0 = { _updateBarVisibility = function(self) if hideInactive then self.animationMinHeight = 0 else self.animationMinHeight = self.minHeight end end, reconfigure = function(self, prefix) if prefix == nil then prefix = 'bar-' end _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) self.minHeight = settings[prefix .. 'height-inactive'] * 100 self.maxHeight = settings[prefix .. 'height-active'] * 100 hideInactive = settings['bar-hide-inactive'] self:_updateBarVisibility() self.line[4] = self.minHeight self.line[8] = lineBaseTemplate:format(settings['default-style'], settings['bar-default-style'], '%s') self.animation = Animation(0, 1, self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)()) end, stringify = function(self) self.needsUpdate = false if hideInactive and not self.active then return "" else return table.concat(self.line) end end, resize = function(self) self.line[2] = ([[%d,%d]]):format(0, Window.h) self.line[9] = ([[m 0 0 l %d 0 %d 1 0 1]]):format(Window.w, Window.w) self.needsUpdate = true end, animate = function(self, value) self.line[4] = ([[%g]]):format((self.maxHeight - self.animationMinHeight) * value + self.animationMinHeight) self.needsUpdate = true end, redraw = function(self) if self.hideInactive ~= hideInactive then self.hideInactive = hideInactive if not (self.active) then self:animate(0) end end return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) self.minHeight = settings['bar-height-inactive'] * 100 self.animationMinHeight = minHeight self.maxHeight = settings['bar-height-active'] * 100 self.line = { [[{\pos(]], 0, [[)\fscy]], minHeight, [[\fscx]], 0.001, [[]], lineBaseTemplate, 0 } _class_0.__parent.__init(self) table.insert(self.__class.instantiatedBars, self) return self:reconfigure() end, __base = _base_0, __name = "BarBase", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 hideInactive = settings['bar-hide-inactive'] self.instantiatedBars = { } self.toggleInactiveVisibility = function(self) hideInactive = not hideInactive local _list_0 = self.instantiatedBars for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local bar = _list_0[_index_0] bar:_updateBarVisibility() end end lineBaseTemplate = [[\an1%s%s%s\p1}]] if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end BarBase = _class_0 end local ProgressBar do local _class_0 local seekString local _parent_0 = BarBase local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) seekString = ('absolute-percent+%s'):format(settings['seek-precision']) self.barShift = settings['progress-bar-width'] / 2.0 self:resize() self.line[7] = [[]] self.line[8] = self.line[8]:format(settings['bar-foreground-style']) end, clickHandler = function(self) return mp.commandv("seek", Mouse.clickX * 100 / Window.w, seekString) end, resize = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self) if self.barShift > 0 then self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.barShift, Window.h) end end, redraw = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self) if self.hideInactive and not self.active then return self.needsUpdate end local position = mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', 0) if position ~= self.lastPosition or self.needsUpdate then self.line[6] = position if self.barShift > 0 then local followingEdge = Window.w * position * 1e-2 - self.barShift self.line[7] = ([[\clip(m %g 0 l %g 0 %g %g %g %g)]]):format(followingEdge, Window.w, Window.w, Window.h, followingEdge, Window.h) end self.lastPosition = position self.needsUpdate = true end return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) self.lastPosition = 0 end, __base = _base_0, __name = "ProgressBar", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 seekString = ('absolute-percent+%s'):format(settings['seek-precision']) if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end ProgressBar = _class_0 end local ProgressBarCache do local _class_0 local timestamp local _parent_0 = BarBase local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self, 'bar-cache-') self.line[6] = 100 self.line[9] = '' self.line[10] = '\n' for idx = 1, 9 do self.line[idx + 10] = self.line[idx] end self.line[8] = self.line[8]:format(settings['bar-cache-style']) self.line[18] = self.line[18]:format(settings['bar-cache-background-style']) self.fileDuration = mp.get_property_number('duration', nil) end, resize = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self) if self.fileDuration then self.coordinateRemap = Window.w / self.fileDuration end self.line[12] = self.line[2] return self:clobber() end, animate = function(self, value) _class_0.__parent.__base.animate(self, value) self.line[14] = self.line[4] end, clobber = function(self) self.line[9] = "" self.line[19] = "" end, redraw = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self) if self.hideInactive and not self.active then return self.needsUpdate end if self.fileDuration and (self.fileDuration > 0) then local barDrawing = { past = { }, future = { } } local ranges ranges = mp.get_property_native('demuxer-cache-state', { })['seekable-ranges'] if ranges and (#ranges > 0) then local position = mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', 0) local cacheKeyAggregator = { Window.w, position } for _index_0 = 1, #ranges do local _des_0 = ranges[_index_0] local rangeStart, rangeEnd rangeStart, rangeEnd = _des_0.start, _des_0["end"] table.insert(cacheKeyAggregator, rangeStart) table.insert(cacheKeyAggregator, rangeEnd) end local cacheKey = table.concat(cacheKeyAggregator, '_') if cacheKey == self.cacheKey then return self.needsUpdate end local progressPosition = mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', 0) * Window.w * 0.01 for _index_0 = 1, #ranges do local _des_0 = ranges[_index_0] local rangeStart, rangeEnd rangeStart, rangeEnd = _des_0.start, _des_0["end"] rangeStart = rangeStart * self.coordinateRemap rangeEnd = rangeEnd * self.coordinateRemap if rangeEnd < progressPosition then local rect = ('m %g 0 l %g 1 %g 1 %g 0'):format(rangeStart, rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeEnd) table.insert(barDrawing.past, rect) elseif rangeStart > progressPosition then local rect = ('m %g 0 l %g 1 %g 1 %g 0'):format(rangeStart, rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeEnd) table.insert(barDrawing.future, rect) else local rectPast = ('m %g 0 l %g 1 %g 1 %g 0'):format(rangeStart, rangeStart, progressPosition, progressPosition) local rectFuture = ('m %g 0 l %g 1 %g 1 %g 0'):format(progressPosition, progressPosition, rangeEnd, rangeEnd) table.insert(barDrawing.past, rectPast) table.insert(barDrawing.future, rectFuture) end end self.line[9] = table.concat(barDrawing.past, ' ') self.line[19] = table.concat(barDrawing.future, ' ') self.cacheKey = cacheKey self.needsUpdate = true else self:clobber() end end return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) self.cacheKey = nil self.coordinateRemap = 0 return mp.observe_property('duration', 'number', function(name, value) if value and (value > 0) then self.fileDuration = value self.coordinateRemap = Window.w / value end end) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "ProgressBarCache", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 timestamp = os.time() if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end ProgressBarCache = _class_0 end local ProgressBarBackground do local _class_0 local _parent_0 = BarBase local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) if settings['bar-background-adaptive'] then local _list_0 = self.__class.instantiatedBars for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local bar = _list_0[_index_0] self.minHeight = math.max(self.minHeight, bar.minHeight) self.maxHeight = math.max(self.maxHeight, bar.maxHeight) end self:_updateBarVisibility() end self.line[6] = 100 self.line[8] = self.line[8]:format(settings['bar-background-style']) end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, ...) return _class_0.__parent.__init(self, ...) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "ProgressBarBackground", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end ProgressBarBackground = _class_0 end local ChapterMarker do local _class_0 local beforeStyle, afterStyle local _base_0 = { stringify = function(self) return table.concat(self.line) end, resize = function(self) self.line[2] = ('%d,%d'):format(math.floor(self.position * Window.w), Window.h) end, animate = function(self, width, height) self.line[4] = ('%g'):format(width) self.line[6] = ('%g'):format(height) end, redraw = function(self, position, update) if update == nil then update = false end if not self.passed and (position > self.position) then self.line[7] = afterStyle self.passed = true update = true elseif self.passed and (position < self.position) then self.line[7] = beforeStyle self.passed = false update = true end return update end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, position, minWidth, minHeight) self.position = position self.line = { [[{\an2\bord0\p1\pos(]], ([[%g,%g]]):format(self.position * Window.w, Window.h), [[)\fscx]], minWidth, [[\fscy]], minHeight, beforeStyle, '}m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1\n' } self.passed = false end, __base = _base_0, __name = "ChapterMarker" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 beforeStyle = settings['chapter-marker-before-style'] afterStyle = settings['chapter-marker-after-style'] self.reconfigure = function(self) beforeStyle = settings['chapter-marker-before-style'] afterStyle = settings['chapter-marker-after-style'] end ChapterMarker = _class_0 end local Chapters do local _class_0 local minWidth, maxWidth, maxHeight, maxHeightFrac local _parent_0 = BarBase local _base_0 = { createMarkers = function(self) self.line = { } self.markers = { } local totalTime = mp.get_property_number('duration', 0.01) local chapters = mp.get_property_native('chapter-list', { }) local markerHeight = self.active and maxHeight * maxHeightFrac or BarBase.instantiatedBars[1].animationMinHeight local markerWidth = self.active and maxWidth or minWidth for _index_0 = 1, #chapters do local chapter = chapters[_index_0] local marker = ChapterMarker(chapter.time / totalTime, markerWidth, markerHeight) table.insert(self.markers, marker) table.insert(self.line, marker:stringify()) end self.needsUpdate = true end, reconfigure = function(self) UIElement.reconfigure(self) minWidth = settings['chapter-marker-width'] * 100 maxWidth = settings['chapter-marker-width-active'] * 100 maxHeight = settings['bar-height-active'] * 100 maxHeightFrac = settings['chapter-marker-active-height-fraction'] ChapterMarker:reconfigure() self:createMarkers() self.animation = Animation(0, 1, self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)()) end, resize = function(self) for i, marker in ipairs(self.markers) do marker:resize() self.line[i] = marker:stringify() end self.needsUpdate = true end, animate = function(self, value) local width = (maxWidth - minWidth) * value + minWidth local height = (maxHeight * maxHeightFrac - BarBase.instantiatedBars[1].animationMinHeight) * value + BarBase.instantiatedBars[1].animationMinHeight for i, marker in ipairs(self.markers) do marker:animate(width, height) self.line[i] = marker:stringify() end self.needsUpdate = true end, redraw = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self) local currentPosition = mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', 0) * 0.01 local update = false for i, marker in ipairs(self.markers) do if marker:redraw(currentPosition) then self.line[i] = marker:stringify() update = true end end return self.needsUpdate or update end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) self.line = { } self.markers = { } self.animation = Animation(0, 1, self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)()) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Chapters", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 minWidth = settings['chapter-marker-width'] * 100 maxWidth = settings['chapter-marker-width-active'] * 100 maxHeight = settings['bar-height-active'] * 100 maxHeightFrac = settings['chapter-marker-active-height-fraction'] if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end Chapters = _class_0 end local TimeElapsed do local _class_0 local bottomMargin local _parent_0 = BarAccent local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) bottomMargin = settings['elapsed-bottom-margin'] local offscreenPos = settings['elapsed-offscreen-pos'] self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin) self.line[3] = ([[)\an1%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['elapsed-style']) self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['elapsed-left-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, resize = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self) self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin) end, animate = function(self, value) self.position = value self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(value, self.yPos - bottomMargin) self.needsUpdate = true end, redraw = function(self) if self.active then _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self) local timeElapsed = math.floor(mp.get_property_number('time-pos', 0)) if timeElapsed ~= self.lastTime then local update = true self.line[4] = ('%d:%02d:%02d'):format(math.floor(timeElapsed / 3600), math.floor((timeElapsed / 60) % 60), math.floor(timeElapsed % 60)) self.lastTime = timeElapsed self.needsUpdate = true end end return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) local offscreenPos = settings['elapsed-offscreen-pos'] self.line = { [[{\pos(]], ([[%g,0]]):format(offscreenPos), ([[)\an1%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['elapsed-style']), [[????]] } self.lastTime = -1 self.position = offscreenPos self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['elapsed-left-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "TimeElapsed", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 bottomMargin = settings['elapsed-bottom-margin'] if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end TimeElapsed = _class_0 end local TimeRemaining do local _class_0 local bottomMargin local _parent_0 = BarAccent local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) bottomMargin = settings['remaining-bottom-margin'] local offscreenPos = settings['remaining-offscreen-pos'] self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin) self.line[3] = ([[)\an3%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['remaining-style']) self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['remaining-right-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, resize = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self) self.position = Window.w - self.animation.value self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin) end, animate = function(self, value) self.position = Window.w - value self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin) self.needsUpdate = true end, redraw = function(self) if self.active then _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self) local timeRemaining = math.floor(mp.get_property_number('playtime-remaining', 0)) if timeRemaining ~= self.lastTime then local update = true self.line[4] = ('–%d:%02d:%02d'):format(math.floor(timeRemaining / 3600), math.floor((timeRemaining / 60) % 60), math.floor(timeRemaining % 60)) self.lastTime = timeRemaining self.needsUpdate = true end end return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) local offscreenPos = settings['remaining-offscreen-pos'] self.line = { [[{\pos(]], ([[%g,0]]):format(offscreenPos), ([[)\an3%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['remaining-style']), [[????]] } self.lastTime = -1 self.position = offscreenPos self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['remaining-right-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "TimeRemaining", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 bottomMargin = settings['remaining-bottom-margin'] if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end TimeRemaining = _class_0 end local HoverTime do local _class_0 local rightMargin, leftMargin, bottomMargin, offScreenPos local _parent_0 = BarAccent local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) rightMargin = settings['hover-time-right-margin'] leftMargin = settings['hover-time-left-margin'] bottomMargin = settings['hover-time-bottom-margin'] offScreenPos = settings['hover-time-offscreen-pos'] self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(clamp(Mouse.x, leftMargin, Window.w - rightMargin), self.position) self.line[1] = ([[{%s%s\pos(]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['hover-time-style']) self.animation = Animation(offScreenPos, bottomMargin, self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, resize = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self) self.line[2] = ("%g,%g"):format(clamp(Mouse.x, leftMargin, Window.w - rightMargin), self.yPos - self.animation.value) end, animate = function(self, value) self.position = self.yPos - value self.line[2] = ("%g,%g"):format(clamp(Mouse.x, leftMargin, Window.w - rightMargin), self.position) self.needsUpdate = true end, _setXPosition = function(self, x) self.line[2] = ("%g,%g"):format(clamp(x, leftMargin, Window.w - rightMargin), self.position) self.needsUpdate = true end, _setUnknownDuration = function(self) self.line[4] = "????" self.needsUpdate = true end, _setTime = function(self, hoverTime) self.line[4] = ([[%d:%02d:%02d]]):format(math.floor(hoverTime / 3600), math.floor((hoverTime / 60) % 60), math.floor(hoverTime % 60)) self.needsUpdate = true end, redraw = function(self) if self.active then _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self) local duration = mp.get_property_number('duration', 0) local hoverTime = duration * Mouse.x / Window.w if Mouse.x ~= self.lastX then self.lastX = Mouse.x self:_setXPosition(Mouse.x) end if duration ~= self.lastDuration or hoverTime ~= self.lastTime then self.lastDuration = duration self.lastTime = hoverTime if duration == 0 then self:_setUnknownDuration() else self:_setTime(hoverTime) end end end return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) self.line = { ([[{%s%s\pos(]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['hover-time-style']), [[-100,0]], [[)\an2}]], [[????]] } self.lastDuration = 0 self.lastTime = 0 self.lastX = -1 self.position = offScreenPos self.animation = Animation(offScreenPos, bottomMargin, self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "HoverTime", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 rightMargin = settings['hover-time-right-margin'] leftMargin = settings['hover-time-left-margin'] bottomMargin = settings['hover-time-bottom-margin'] offScreenPos = settings['hover-time-offscreen-pos'] if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end HoverTime = _class_0 end local Thumbnail do local _class_0 local rightMargin, leftMargin, bottomMargin local _parent_0 = BarAccent local _base_0 = { updateInfo = function(self, thumbfastInfo) self.thumbfast = thumbfastInfo self.lastX = -1 self.needsUpdate = true end, reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) rightMargin = settings['thumbnail-right-margin'] leftMargin = settings['thumbnail-left-margin'] bottomMargin = settings['thumbnail-bottom-margin'] end, activate = function(self, activate) _class_0.__parent.__base.activate(self, activate) if not activate then mp.commandv('script-message-to', 'thumbfast', 'clear') self.needsUpdate = true end end, redraw = function(self) if self.active then _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self) if Mouse.x ~= self.lastX and not self.thumbfast.disabled then self.lastX = Mouse.x local hoverTime = mp.get_property_number('duration', 0) * Mouse.x / Window.w mp.commandv('script-message-to', 'thumbfast', 'thumb', hoverTime, clamp(Mouse._rawX - self.thumbfast.width / 2, leftMargin, Window._rawW - self.thumbfast.width - rightMargin), Window._rawH - bottomMargin * Window.osdScale - self.thumbfast.height) end self.needsUpdate = true end return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, thumbfastInfo) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) self.line = { } self.lastX = -1 return self:updateInfo(thumbfastInfo) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Thumbnail", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 rightMargin = settings['thumbnail-right-margin'] leftMargin = settings['thumbnail-left-margin'] bottomMargin = settings['thumbnail-bottom-margin'] if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end Thumbnail = _class_0 end local PauseIndicator do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { stringify = function(self) return table.concat(self.line) end, resize = function(self) local w, h = 0.5 * Window.w, 0.5 * Window.h self.line[5] = ([[%g,%g]]):format(w, h) self.line[12] = ([[%g,%g]]):format(w, h) end, redraw = function() return true end, animate = function(self, value) local scale = value * 50 + 100 local scaleStr = ([[{\fscx%g\fscy%g]]):format(scale, scale) local alphaStr = ('%02X'):format(value * value * 255) self.line[1] = scaleStr self.line[8] = scaleStr self.line[3] = alphaStr self.line[10] = alphaStr end, destroy = function(self, animation) return self.eventLoop:removeUIElement(self) end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, eventLoop, paused) self.eventLoop = eventLoop local w, h = 0.5 * Window.w, 0.5 * Window.h self.line = { [[{\fscx0\fscy0]], [[\alpha&H]], 0, [[&\pos(]], ([[%g,%g]]):format(w, h), ([[)\an5\bord0%s\p1}]]):format(settings['pause-indicator-background-style']), 0, [[{\fscx0\fscy0]], [[\alpha&H]], 0, [[&\pos(]], ([[%g,%g]]):format(w, h), ([[)\an5\bord0%s\p1}]]):format(settings['pause-indicator-foreground-style']), 0 } if paused then self.line[7] = 'm 75 37.5 b 75 58.21 58.21 75 37.5 75 16.79 75 0 58.21 0 37.5 0 16.79 16.79 0 37.5 0 58.21 0 75 16.79 75 37.5 m 23 20 l 23 55 33 55 33 20 m 42 20 l 42 55 52 55 52 20\n' self.line[14] = 'm 0 0 m 75 75 m 23 20 l 23 55 33 55 33 20 m 42 20 l 42 55 52 55 52 20' else self.line[7] = 'm 75 37.5 b 75 58.21 58.21 75 37.5 75 16.79 75 0 58.21 0 37.5 0 16.79 16.79 0 37.5 0 58.21 0 75 16.79 75 37.5 m 25.8333 17.18 l 25.8333 57.6 60.8333 37.39\n' self.line[14] = 'm 0 0 m 75 75 m 25.8333 17.18 l 25.8333 57.6 60.8333 37.39' end AnimationQueue.addAnimation(Animation(0, 1, settings['animation-duration'], (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.destroy return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)())) return self.eventLoop:addUIElement(self) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "PauseIndicator" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 PauseIndicator = _class_0 end local Title do local _class_0 local _parent_0 = UIElement local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) local offscreenPos = settings['title-offscreen-pos'] self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(settings['title-left-margin'], self.animation.value) self.line[3] = ([[)\an7%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['title-style']) self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['title-top-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, resize = function(self) end, animate = function(self, value) self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(settings['title-left-margin'], value) self.needsUpdate = true end, _forceUpdatePlaylistInfo = function(self) self.playlistInfo = { ['media-title'] = mp.get_property('media-title', '????'), ['playlist-pos-1'] = mp.get_property_number('playlist-pos-1', 1), ['playlist-count'] = mp.get_property_number('playlist-count', 1) } self.needsUpdate = true end, generateTitleString = function(self, quote) if quote == nil then quote = false end local title, position, total do local _obj_0 = self.playlistInfo title, position, total = _obj_0['media-title'], _obj_0['playlist-pos-1'], _obj_0['playlist-count'] end local prefix = (total > 1) and ('%d/%d - '):format(position, total) or '' if quote then return prefix .. ('%q'):format(title) else return prefix .. title end end, updatePlaylistInfo = function(self, changedProp, newValue) if newValue then self.playlistInfo[changedProp] = newValue self.line[4] = self:generateTitleString() self.needsUpdate = true end end, print = function(self) if settings['title-print-to-cli'] then return log.warn("Playing: %s", self:generateTitleString(true)) end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) local offscreenPos = settings['title-offscreen-pos'] self.line = { [[{\pos(]], ([[%g,%g]]):format(settings['title-left-margin'], offscreenPos), ([[)\an7%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['title-style']), [[????]] } self.position = offscreenPos self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['title-top-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) self:_forceUpdatePlaylistInfo() local updatePlaylistInfo do local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.updatePlaylistInfo updatePlaylistInfo = function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end mp.observe_property('media-title', 'string', updatePlaylistInfo) mp.observe_property('playlist-pos-1', 'number', updatePlaylistInfo) return mp.observe_property('playlist-count', 'number', updatePlaylistInfo) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Title", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end Title = _class_0 end local SystemTime do local _class_0 local offscreenPosition, topMargin, timeFormat local _parent_0 = UIElement local _base_0 = { reconfigure = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self) offscreenPosition = settings['system-time-offscreen-pos'] topMargin = settings['system-time-top-margin'] timeFormat = settings['system-time-format'] self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, topMargin) self.line[3] = ([[)\an9%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['system-time-style']) self.animation = Animation(offscreenPosition, settings['system-time-right-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, resize = function(self) self.position = Window.w - self.animation.value self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, topMargin) end, animate = function(self, value) self.position = Window.w - value self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, topMargin) self.needsUpdate = true end, redraw = function(self) if self.active then local systemTime = os.time() if systemTime ~= self.lastTime then local update = true self.line[4] = os.date(timeFormat, systemTime) self.lastTime = systemTime self.needsUpdate = true end end return self.needsUpdate end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base) _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) _class_0.__parent.__init(self) self.line = { [[{\pos(]], [[-100,0]], ([[)\an9%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['system-time-style']), [[????]] } self.lastTime = -1 self.position = offscreenPosition self.animation = Animation(offscreenPosition, settings['system-time-right-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function() local _base_1 = self local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate return function(...) return _fn_0(_base_1, ...) end end)(), nil, 0.5) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "SystemTime", __parent = _parent_0 }, { __index = function(cls, name) local val = rawget(_base_0, name) if val == nil then local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent") if parent then return parent[name] end else return val end end, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 offscreenPosition = settings['system-time-offscreen-pos'] topMargin = settings['system-time-top-margin'] timeFormat = settings['system-time-format'] if _parent_0.__inherited then _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0) end SystemTime = _class_0 end local eventLoop = EventLoop() local activeHeight = settings['hover-zone-height'] local ignoreRequestDisplay ignoreRequestDisplay = function(self) if not (Mouse.inWindow) then return false end if Mouse.dead then return false end return self:containsPoint(Mouse.x, Mouse.y) end local bottomZone = ActivityZone(function(self) return self:reset(0, Window.h - activeHeight, Window.w, activeHeight) end) local hoverTimeZone = ActivityZone(function(self) return self:reset(0, Window.h - activeHeight, Window.w, activeHeight) end, ignoreRequestDisplay) local topZone = ActivityZone(function(self) return self:reset(0, 0, Window.w, activeHeight) end, ignoreRequestDisplay) local chapters, progressBar, barCache, barBackground, elapsedTime, remainingTime, hoverTime, thumbnail if settings['enable-bar'] then progressBar = ProgressBar() barCache = ProgressBarCache() barBackground = ProgressBarBackground() bottomZone:addUIElement(barBackground) if settings['bar-cache-position'] == 'overlay' then bottomZone:addUIElement(progressBar) bottomZone:addUIElement(barCache) else bottomZone:addUIElement(barCache) bottomZone:addUIElement(progressBar) end mp.add_key_binding("c", "toggle-inactive-bar", function() return BarBase:toggleInactiveVisibility() end) end if settings['enable-chapter-markers'] then chapters = Chapters() bottomZone:addUIElement(chapters) end if settings['enable-elapsed-time'] then elapsedTime = TimeElapsed() bottomZone:addUIElement(elapsedTime) end if settings['enable-remaining-time'] then remainingTime = TimeRemaining() bottomZone:addUIElement(remainingTime) end if settings['enable-hover-time'] then hoverTime = HoverTime() hoverTimeZone:addUIElement(hoverTime) end if settings['enable-thumbnail'] then mp.register_script_message('thumbfast-info', function(json) local data = utils.parse_json(json) if type(data) ~= 'table' or not data.width or not data.height then return log.warn('thumbfast did not respond with proper thumbnail information. Thumbnails are disabled.') else if thumbnail then return thumbnail:updateInfo(data) else thumbnail = Thumbnail(data) hoverTimeZone:addUIElement(thumbnail) return eventLoop:generateUIFromZones() end end end) end local title = nil if settings['enable-title'] then title = Title() bottomZone:addUIElement(title) topZone:addUIElement(title) end if settings['enable-system-time'] then local systemTime = SystemTime() bottomZone:addUIElement(systemTime) topZone:addUIElement(systemTime) end eventLoop:addZone(hoverTimeZone) eventLoop:addZone(bottomZone) eventLoop:addZone(topZone) local notFrameStepping = false if settings['pause-indicator'] then local PauseIndicatorWrapper PauseIndicatorWrapper = function(event, paused) if notFrameStepping then return PauseIndicator(eventLoop, paused) elseif paused then notFrameStepping = true end end mp.add_key_binding('.', 'step-forward', function() notFrameStepping = false return mp.commandv('frame_step') end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding(',', 'step-backward', function() notFrameStepping = false return mp.commandv('frame_back_step') end, { repeatable = true }) mp.observe_property('pause', 'bool', PauseIndicatorWrapper) end local streamMode = false local initDraw initDraw = function() if chapters then chapters:createMarkers() end if title then title:_forceUpdatePlaylistInfo() title:print() end notFrameStepping = true local duration = mp.get_property('duration') if not (streamMode or duration) then BarAccent.changeBarSize(0) if progressBar then bottomZone:removeUIElement(progressBar) bottomZone:removeUIElement(barCache) bottomZone:removeUIElement(barBackground) end if chapters then bottomZone:removeUIElement(chapters) end if hoverTime then hoverTimeZone:removeUIElement(hoverTime) end if remainingTime then bottomZone:removeUIElement(remainingTime) end streamMode = true elseif streamMode and duration then BarAccent.changeBarSize(settings['bar-height-active']) if progressBar then bottomZone:addUIElement(barBackground) bottomZone:addUIElement(barCache) bottomZone:addUIElement(progressBar) end if chapters then bottomZone:addUIElement(chapters) end if hoverTime then hoverTimeZone:addUIElement(hoverTime) end if remainingTime then bottomZone:addUIElement(remainingTime) end streamMode = false end mp.command('script-message-to osc disable-osc') eventLoop:generateUIFromZones() eventLoop:resize() return eventLoop:redraw() end return mp.register_event('file-loaded', initDraw)