{ "@context": { "@language": "en-us", "CIP100": "https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/master/CIP-0100/README.md#", "CIP119": "https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/blob/master/CIP-0119/README.md#", "hashAlgorithm": "CIP100:hashAlgorithm", "body": { "@id": "CIP119:body", "@context": { "references": { "@id": "CIP119:references", "@container": "@set", "@context": { "GovernanceMetadata": "CIP100:GovernanceMetadataReference", "Identity": "CIP119:IdentityReference", "Link": "CIP119:LinkReference", "Other": "CIP100:OtherReference", "label": "CIP100:reference-label", "uri": "CIP100:reference-uri", "referenceHash": { "@id": "CIP119:referenceHash", "@context": { "hashDigest": "CIP119:hashDigest", "hashAlgorithm": "CIP100:hashAlgorithm" } } } }, "paymentAddress": "CIP119:paymentAddress", "givenName": "CIP119:givenName", "image": "CIP119:image", "objectives": "CIP119:objectives", "motivations": "CIP119:motivations", "qualifications": "CIP119:qualifications", "doNotList": "CIP119:doNotList" } }, "authors": { "@id": "CIP100:authors", "@container": "@set", "@context": { "name": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "witness": { "@id": "CIP100:witness", "@context": { "witnessAlgorithm": "CIP100:witnessAlgorithm", "publicKey": "CIP100:publicKey", "signature": "CIP100:signature" } } } } }, "authors": [], "hashAlgorithm": { "@value": "blake2b-256" }, "body": { "doNotList": false, "givenName": { "@value": "MiyatakeJapan" }, "motivations": { "@value": "I joined the Cardano Foundation in 2016 and founded the Japan community. I had also been a member of Emurgo and IOG and have been part of Cardano's growth.\nThis is where it gets really important for Cardano. I believe there is more I can do and I will be involved as a DRep.\n\n私は2016年にCardano財団に入り、日本コミュニティを創立しました。そして、日本各地を回るサポートツアーやミートアップを計4回実施して多くのコミュニティメンバー達と交流してきました。EmurgoやIOGにも所属し、Cardanoの成長共に歩んできました。\nここからがカルダノにとって本当に重要なところです。私にできることはまだまだあると信じて、DRepとして関わっていきたいと思います。" }, "objectives": { "@value": "I believe that Cardano will be the best blockchain in the world.\nFor this to happen, the Cardano community must become the best community in the world.\nI want to work for a better community, so that more and more people will participate with faith and hope in the future of Cardano.\n\n私はCardanoは世界一のブロックチェーンになると信じています。\nそのためにはCardanoコミュニティが世界一のコミュニティになる必要があります。\n私は、Cardanoの未来を信じかつ希望をもって参加する人が増えるように、よりよいコミュニティを目指して活動したいと考えています。" }, "paymentAddress": { "@value": "addr1q8lu5e5cm574zmp9tm5u9fvjt65r9gzh4mas9padqsr40xk4p3k3a266e4awm6kak3t0a782myggxt4y0547lkwkwshsm3f05y" }, "qualifications": { "@value": "Founder of the Cardano Japanese Community\nCardno Foundation -> Emurgo -> Cardano ambassador -> IOG -> freelance\n\nCardano日本コミュニティ創立者\nカルダノ財団->Emurgo->カルダノアンバサダー->IOG->フリーランス\n" }, "references": [ { "@type": "Link", "label": { "@value": "Facebook" }, "uri": { "@value": "https://www.facebook.com/MiyatakeCardano/" } }, { "@type": "Link", "label": { "@value": "Linkedin" }, "uri": { "@value": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/toshiaki-miyatake/" } }, { "@type": "Link", "label": { "@value": "Cardano Forum" }, "uri": { "@value": "https://forum.cardano.org/u/toshi_miyatake_japan/activity" } }, { "@type": "Identity", "label": { "@value": "Twitter/X" }, "uri": { "@value": "https://x.com/CardanoMiyatake" } } ] } }