# set the value for the parameters resourceGroupName="rg-wan" location="westeurope" wanName="tosokr-wan" virtualHubName="tosokr-westEurope-hub" virtulHubAddressPrefix="" sharedServicesVnetName="vnet-sharedServices" sharedServicesVnetAddressPrefix="" sharedServicesVnetSubnet1Name="default" sharedServicesVnetSubnet1AddressPrefix="" spokeVnetName="vnet-spoke" spokeVnetAddressPrefix="" spokeVnetSubnet1Name="default" spokeVnetSubnet1AddressPrefix="" spokeVMName="nginxServer" spokeVMUserName="tosokr" spokeVMPassword="MyP@ssw0rd637!" spokeVMIPAddress="" # add the virtual-wan and azure-firewall cli extensions az extension add --name virtual-wan az extension add --name azure-firewall # create the resource group az group create --name $resourceGroupName --location $location # create Azure WAN network az network vwan create --name $wanName \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName --type Standard \ --location $location --vnet-to-vnet-traffic --branch-to-branch-traffic # create virtual hub az network vhub create --name $virtualHubName \ --address-prefix $virtulHubAddressPrefix \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --vwan $wanName --location $location \ --sku Standard # convert the virtual hub into secured virtual hub az network firewall create --name virtulHubFirewall \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --location $location --sku AZFW_Hub \ --vhub $virtualHubName # create vnet for hosting shared services az network vnet create --name $sharedServicesVnetName \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --address-prefixes $sharedServicesVnetAddressPrefix \ --location $location \ --subnet-name $sharedServicesVnetSubnet1Name \ --subnet-prefixes $sharedServicesVnetSubnet1AddressPrefix # crete a spoke vnet az network vnet create --name $spokeVnetName \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --address-prefixes $spokeVnetAddressPrefix \ --location $location \ --subnet-name $spokeVnetSubnet1Name \ --subnet-prefixes $spokeVnetSubnet1AddressPrefix # get shared services vnet id sharedServicesVnetId=$(az network vnet show --name $sharedServicesVnetName \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName --query id -o tsv ) # get the spoke vnet id spokeVnetId=$(az network vnet show --name $spokeVnetName \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName --query id -o tsv) # get default subnet id from the spoke vnet spokeSubnet1Id=$(az network vnet subnet show --name $spokeVnetSubnet1Name \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName --vnet-name $spokeVnetName \ --query id -o tsv) # peer the shared services vnet with the secured hub az network vhub connection create \ --name sharedServicesConnectionPeer \ --remote-vnet $sharedServicesVnetId \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --internet-security true \ --vhub-name $virtualHubName # peer the spoke vnet with the secured hub az network vhub connection create \ --name spokeConnectionPeer \ --remote-vnet $spokeVnetId \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --internet-security true \ --vhub-name $virtualHubName # send traffic from vnets and branches through Azure Firewall az network vhub route-table create \ --connections All_Branches All_Vnets \ --destination-type CIDR \ --destinations $sharedServicesVnetAddressPrefix $spokeVnetAddressPrefix \ --name VirtualNetworkAndBranchRouteTable \ --next-hop-type IPAddress \ --next-hops \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --vhub-name $virtualHubName \ --location $location # create a cloud-init script for the Linux VM that will install nginx on provisioning cat < cloud-init.yaml #cloud-config package_upgrade: true packages: - nginx EOF # deploy Linux VM in spoke vnet and install nginx az vm create --name $spokeVMName \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --image UbuntuLTS --authentication-type password \ --admin-username $spokeVMUserName \ --admin-password $spokeVMPassword \ --location $location \ --private-ip-address $spokeVMIPAddress \ --public-ip-address "" \ --size Standard_A1_v2 \ --subnet $spokeSubnet1Id \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --custom-data cloud-init.yaml # Create public IP address for Application Gateway az network public-ip create \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --name myAGPublicIPAddress \ --allocation-method Static \ --sku Standard # Create the ApplicationGateway az network application-gateway create \ --name aksAppGateway \ --location $location \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --capacity 1 \ --sku Standard_v2 \ --public-ip-address myAGPublicIPAddress \ --vnet-name $sharedServicesVnetName \ --subnet $sharedServicesVnetSubnet1Name \ --http-settings-port 80 \ --http-settings-protocol Http \ --servers $spokeVMIPAddress # create a firewall policy az network firewall policy create \ --name WanBasePolicy \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --location $location # create a rule collection group az network firewall policy rule-collection-group create \ --name spokeRules --policy-name WanBasePolicy \ --priority 201 --resource-group $resourceGroupName # add filter collection az network firewall policy rule-collection-group collection add-filter-collection \ --collection-priority 201 \ --name spokeCollection \ --policy-name WanBasePolicy \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --rule-collection-group-name spokeRules \ --action Allow \ --rule-type NetworkRule \ --destination-addresses $spokeVMIPAddress \ --destination-ports 80 \ --ip-protocols TCP \ --source-addresses $sharedServicesVnetSubnet1AddressPrefix # assing the policy to the firewall az network firewall update \ --name virtulHubFirewall \ --resource-group $resourceGroupName \ --firewall-policy WanBasePolicy # access the Application Gateway listener curl http://$(az network public-ip show --name myAGPublicIPAddress --resource-group $resourceGroupName --query ipAddress -o tsv)