Filing System Utilities: File Lister

What does this node do?

This node searches a folder (and optionally sub-folders) for files. optionally may filter on a specific file and/or folder pattern.

The folder and files come from the computer and operating system that is running Node-Red. AKA, the "host".


By default, returns one message for each file found. The filename will be in the msg.payload. unless the Output Single Message option is chosen.

If the Output Single Message option is chosen, the msg.payload will contain an array of filenames.

Output filenames will contain the full file path if the Full Path option is selected.

If the "Return file details" option is selected, each file output will be an object. {"name":[filename], "stat": {"size":[fsize], ...}}


To override the configured options, pass in a msg with msg.payload like: {"start":"/my/folder","pattern":"*.json"} Any missing options will be picked up from the configured node.