<# ================================== WordPress =================================== #> # Set temporary variables to be used during the WordPress installation $IIS_PATH = "C:\inetpub" $WORDPRESS_PATH = "$IIS_PATH\wordpress" $WORDPRESS_URL = "https://wordpress.org/latest.zip" $WORDPRESS_ZIP = "wordpress.zip" # Download and install WordPress "`r`nWordPress ..." " - Downloading" Invoke-WebRequest "$WORDPRESS_URL" -OutFile "$WORDPRESS_ZIP" " - Expanding" Expand-Archive "$WORDPRESS_ZIP" "$IIS_PATH" # Grant the IIS_IUSRS and IUSR accounts Modify rights to the WordPress directory " - Appying NTFS Permissions (IIS_IUSRS)" Add-NTFSAccess "$WORDPRESS_PATH" IIS_IUSRS Modify " - Appying NTFS Permissions (IUSR)" Add-NTFSAccess "$WORDPRESS_PATH" IUSR Modify # Create a new Internet Information Services application pool for WordPress " - Creating Application Pool" $WebAppPool = New-WebAppPool "WordPress" $WebAppPool.managedPipelineMode = "Classic" $WebAppPool.managedRuntimeVersion = "" $WebAppPool | Set-Item # Create a new Internet Information Services website for WordPress " - Creating WebSite" New-Website "WordPress" -ApplicationPool "WordPress" -PhysicalPath "$WORDPRESS_PATH" | Out-Null # Remove the “Default Web Site” and start the new “WordPress” website " - Activating WebSite" Remove-Website "Default Web Site" Start-Website "WordPress" "Done." <# ================================================================================ #> "`r`nInstallation Complete!`r`n" $IPADDRESS = (Get-NetIPAddress | ? {($_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4") -and ($_.IPAddress -ne "")}).IPAddress "`r`nConnect your web browser to http://$IPADDRESS/ to complete this WordPress`r`ninstallation.`r`n"