# Integrating with Existing iOS Projects There are two primary ways to add a KMP library to your existing iOS project: with or without Cocoapods. Cocoapods is the much simpler method of adding your library. By generating a file in gradle you can easily insert your library into your iOS project without worrying about build phases or targets. It's simple and ease-of-use, and we recommend that you use Cocoapods. If you don't want to use Cocoapods to add a KMP library to your iOS project, then you can follow the steps in [this guide](https://play.kotlinlang.org/hands-on/Targeting%20iOS%20and%20Android%20with%20Kotlin%20Multiplatform/01_Introduction) from Jetbrains about how to add the library to your iOS project manually. If you don't have Cocoapods installed, then follow the instructions in their [official installation guide](https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html). ## Cocoapods Overview Explaining all of cocoapods is not within the scope of this document, however a basic introduction could be helpful in understanding how to integrate Kotlin Native into your iOS Project. In short, cocoapods is a dependency manager which uses a `Podfile` to reference a list of dependencies, or `pods`, that are to be injected. Each `pod` has a reference spec document, or a `podspec`, which details the pods name, version, source, and other information. By using cocoapods, we can reference our shared library and have it directly injected into the iOS Project. ## Cocoapods gradle Integration Starting with 1.3.30, Kotlin has provided a gradle plugin which allows the Kotlin Native library to be referenced as a Cocoapods dependency (As of [#76](https://github.com/touchlab/KaMPKit/pull/76), KampKit uses a Touchlab fork of this plugin to expand it's capabilities). The integration adds a gradle task that generates a `podspec` that includes everything needed to be referenced by cocoapods. We are using an extension of the available cocoapods code block to customize our podspec, which is located in the `shared/build.gradle`. ``` cocoapodsext { summary = "Common library for the KaMP starter kit" homepage = "https://github.com/touchlab/KaMPKit" framework { isStatic = false export(Deps.kermit) transitiveExport = true } } ``` Note that you need to apply the `co.touchlab.native.cocoapods` plugin for the forked plugin. The `framework` block is used to configure the framework generated by cocoapods. In this case we use `isStatic = false` to build a dynamic framework (Debugging has issues in static frameworks). The export settings allow configuring and logging with Kermit in swift. Normally dependencies of your shared module aren't included in the export. To generate the podspec, run the `podspec` command, or `./gradlew podspec`. This wil generate the podspec in the root library folder. For more detailed information about the integration, [see more here](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/native/cocoapods.html) ## Create Podfile If your iOS project doesn't have a `Podfile` yet, you'll need one. If your project is already using Cocoapods, then skip ahead to the next section. In the command line, run `touch Podfile` in your iOS project's root directory. Then paste the following into your new `Podfile`: ``` use_frameworks! platform :ios, '9.0' install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false target 'YourIosAppTargetName' do // Pods go here end ``` Now, replace `YourIosAppTargetName` with, you guessed it, your iOS app's target name. In the KaMPKit iOS sample app, that would be `KaMPKitIos`. ## Add KMP Pod Add the following line in your `target` block (replace `// Pods go here` in our example above): ``` pod 'shared', :path => '~/[PATH_TO_KaMPKit/shared/]' ``` Next, replace `~/[PATH_TO_KaMPKit/shared/]` with the path to your `KaMPKit/shared/` directory. For example: ``` pod 'shared', :path => '~/Desktop/KaMPKit/shared/' ``` This path can be either absolute or relative, but we realize that your KaMPKit project and your existing iOS project might be in very different places, so we're using an absolute path as an example for simplicity's sake. ## Install and Run Save the changes to your `Podfile`. Go back to the command line, and in your iOS project's root directory, run `pod install`. This command will create a `Pods/` folder and a `.xcworkspace` file in your iOS project's root directory. Open the `.xcworkspace` file. Remember that if your project was already using Cocoapods, and you had your `.xcworkspace ` file open in Xcode, you need to close and reopen it. From now on, you will work out of the `.xcworkspace` file instead of the `.xcodeproj` file (which is part of your `.xcworkspace`). To use code from your `shared` KMP library, at the top of the `.swift` file where you want to use it, add: ``` import shared ```