# Troubleshooting **Q:** When I tried to build the library, why did I get the following error? "SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable or by setting up the sdk.dir path in your project's local properties file... " **A:** This error occurs when the project does not know the location of your local Android SDK. It should be located at `/Users/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/Library/Android/sdk`, which is where Android Studio recommends you put it during initial setup/installation. Opening this project in Android Studio will automatically create and configure a `local.properties` file for you. If you want to do that yourself, create a file called `local.properties` in the root directory of this project. Paste in the following line, replacing [YOUR_USER_NAME] with, you guessed it, the username you're using on your local machine: ``` sdk.dir=/Users/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/Library/Android/sdk ``` >**Note**: The `local.properties` file should not be committed to version control, as the path will be different for anyone >else working on the project. **Q:** When I tried to run the project in Xcode, why did I get the following error? "Framework not found shared_umbrella". **A:** You probably opened the `.xcodeproj` file instead of the `.xcworkspace`. Close out the `.xcodeproj` and open the `.xcworkspace` and run again. To learn more about Cocoapods and how to use them, check out [their official guide](https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/index.html). **Q:** The Xcode project won't compile. On the `import shared` line in Swift, I'm getting a compilation error "no such module: 'shared'". **A:** Try closing Xcode and deleting the `Pods/` folder located in the root directory of the iOS project. Then run the command `pod install` in that same iOS root directory (which is `/KaMPKit/ios/` to be specific). This command will generate a new `Pods` folder. Reopen the `.xcworkspace` file and try to build again. > Note: We're still not quite sure as to the cause of this error. Possible factors include differing versions of Cocoapods or >Xcode. ## More to Come! [Let us know](../CONTACT_US.md) what issues you run into