Release History =============== v1.6.1 - (2023-08-29) --------------------- - Fix :meth:`pyproject_api.Frontend.metadata_from_built` only extracts one of the dist info files. v1.6.0 - (2023-08-29) --------------------- - Remove ``build_`` from ``prepare_metadata_for_build_`` to allow separate config parametrization and instead add :meth:`pyproject_api.Frontend.metadata_from_built` the user can call when the prepare fails. Pass ``None`` for ``metadata_directory`` for such temporary wheel builds. v1.5.4 - (2023-08-17) --------------------- - Make sure that the order of Requires-Dist does not matter v1.5.3 - (2023-07-06) --------------------- - Fix ``read_line`` to raise ``EOFError`` if nothing was read v1.5.2 - (2023-06-14) --------------------- - Use ruff for linting. - Drop 2.7 test run. v1.5.1 - (2023-03-12) --------------------- - docs: set html_last_updated_fmt to format string v1.5.0 - (2023-01-17) --------------------- - When getting metadata from a built wheel, do not pass ``metadata_directory`` to ``build_wheel``, which forces the backend to generate the metadata - by :user:`masenf`. (`#47 `_) v1.4.0 - (2022-01-04) --------------------- - Add minimal CLI for debugging v1.3.0 - (2022-01-03) --------------------- - Do not allow exceptions to propagate in backend v1.2.1 - (2022-12-04) --------------------- - Fix Python 2 incompatibility on the backend - Allow skipping prepare metadata for the full build by returning None as basename v1.2.0 - (2022-12-04) --------------------- - Expose which optional hooks are present or missing via :meth:`pyproject_api.Frontend.optional_hooks` v1.1.2 - (2022-10-30) --------------------- - Fix editable classes not exported at root level v1.1.1 - (2022-09-10) --------------------- - Add missed ``wheel`` as test dependency v1.1.0 - (2022-09-10) --------------------- - PEP-660 support v1.0.0 - (2022-09-10) --------------------- - Use hatchling as build backend - 3.11 support v0.0.1 - (2021-12-30) --------------------- - Drop Python 3.6 support v0.1.0 - (2021-10-21) --------------------- - first version