--- title: "216: 2022-01-21" date: 2022-01-21T13:15:00.000-08:00 tags: - backfill words: - eight - drain - prick state: boardState: - eight - drain - prick - "" - "" - "" evaluations: - - absent - present - absent - absent - absent - - absent - correct - absent - present - absent - - correct - correct - correct - correct - correct - null - null - null rowIndex: 3 solution: prick gameStatus: WIN lastPlayedTs: null lastCompletedTs: null restoringFromLocalStorage: null hardMode: true stats: {} puzzles: - 216 aliases: - /w/216/ --- missing my guesses and feedback. I'm sure i solved in three guesses though. no other evidence. erring on conservative side to give the worst possible puzzle score with what i know. didn't play yesterday 1/20/2022. Edit 2022-03-17: I'm tired of this puzzle showing up as exceptional. It was tagged as a [No Yellow Tiles]({{< relref "/no-yellow-tiles" >}}) puzzle, an [Opener Double Miss]({{< relref "/opener-double-misses" >}}), and containing the only -10 point [guess]({{< relref "/guesses" >}}) to date. One option would be to delete this and pretend I didn't play it. But I decided I know enough for it to be valuable to keep. I was opening with [Eight]({{< relref "/words/eight">}}) every day during this time so I'm going to assume I started that way here too. I made up my [second guess]({{< relref "/words/drain" >}}). The goal is for this puzzle to be unremarkable.