--- title: "344: 2022-05-29" date: 2022-05-29T22:23:52-07:00 tags: [] words: ["humor","pluot","undos","bayou"] puzzles: [344] state: { "boardState": [ "humor", "pluot", "undos", "bayou", "", "" ], "evaluations": [ [ "absent", "present", "absent", "correct", "absent" ], [ "absent", "absent", "present", "correct", "absent" ], [ "present", "absent", "absent", "correct", "absent" ], [ "correct", "correct", "correct", "correct", "correct" ], null, null ], "rowIndex": 4, "solution": "bayou", "gameStatus": "WIN", "lastPlayedTs": 1653888232988, "lastCompletedTs": 1653888232987, "restoringFromLocalStorage": null, "hardMode": true } stats: { "currentStreak": 21, "maxStreak": 35, "guesses": { "1": 0, "2": 5, "3": 11, "4": 21, "5": 14, "6": 5, "fail": 0 }, "winPercentage": 100, "gamesPlayed": 56, "gamesWon": 56, "averageGuesses": 4 } --- I had a very tough time with guess 3. I was throwing guesses out to see what would hit. I'm guessing it is the plural form that was accepted, which seems generous. This was a hard puzzle for me