--- title: "539: 2022-12-10" date: 2022-12-10T09:21:32-08:00 tags: [] contests: ["2022-12-ratio"] words: ["ratio","mouse","clown","knock"] puzzles: [539] hashes: ["AAAAPAPAAAPACAPCCCCCXXXXXXXXXX"] shifts: ["quwlu"] state: { "boardState": [ "ratio", "mouse", "clown", "knock", "", "" ], "evaluations": [ [ "absent", "absent", "absent", "absent", "present" ], [ "absent", "present", "absent", "absent", "absent" ], [ "present", "absent", "correct", "absent", "present" ], [ "correct", "correct", "correct", "correct", "correct" ], null, null ], "rowIndex": 4, "solution": "knock", "gameStatus": "WIN", "lastPlayedTs": 1670692892134, "lastCompletedTs": 1670692892134, "hardMode": true, "settings": { "hardMode": true, "darkMode": true, "colorblindMode": false }, "gameId": 2256, "dayOffset": 539, "timestamp": 1670692892 } stats: { "currentStreak": 5, "maxStreak": 69, "guesses": { "1": 0, "2": 14, "3": 63, "4": 88, "5": 54, "6": 12, "fail": 7 }, "winPercentage": 97, "gamesPlayed": 238, "gamesWon": 231, "averageGuesses": 4, "isOnStreak": true, "hasPlayed": true } --- Took a few hour break between guess three and guess four. It came to me almost instantly once I reopened it. Neat. WordleBot Skill 95/99 Luck 36/99